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1987, Polymer
5 pages
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Elastic moduli of poly(vinyl acetate) networks swollen in toluene and acetone (good solvents) and in isopropyl alcohol (theta solvent) were studied. The influences of crosslinking density and activity of diluent, as well as the interactions between polymer and swelling agent, were investigated. To describe these three different effects, a phenomenological equation was proposed and checked by experiments.
MRS advances, 2024
The effect of temperature (T) is studied on the swelling of model poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) gels in isopropyl alcohol. The theta temperature Θ of these gels, at which the second osmotic virial coefficient A 2 vanishes, is close to that of the corresponding high molecular mass polymer solution without cross-links so that solvent quality may be defined in the same way as the corresponding precursor polymer solution. We quantified the swelling and deswelling of PVAc gels relative to their size at the theta temperature, and also determined the effect of T on the shear modulus of these gels. It was found that both swelling and deswelling data could be reduced to a universal scaling equation of the same general form as derived from renormalization group (RG) theory for flexible linear polymer chains in solutions.
Polymer Journal, 2001
Networks of statistical copolymers of 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone and N-vinylcaprolactam (molar ratios of VPNCL= 1/0, 0.8/0.2, 0.6/0.4, and 0.5/0.5) with ionic comonomer, N,N-dimethyl-N,N-diallylammonium chloride (mole fractions x8 =0, 0.03, and 0.05) and crosslinker, 1-1'-divinyl-3,3'-(ethane-1,1-diy])di(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone), were prepared by radiation polymerization in a water/ethanol mixture (H20/EtOH = 0.5/0.5 by vol.). Swelling and mechanical behavior was investigated in water/acetone (w/a) mixtures. For charged copolymers, a first-order phase transition (collapse) was found. The extent of collapse (stepwise change in the gel volume), 1' >, and critical acetone concentration in the mixture at collapse, a" slightly increase with content ofVCL and ammonium salt in gels. Shift of transition to higher a, is caused by increasing hydrophobicity of network chains with VCL content. Decrease in swelling with increasing acetone concentration in w/a mixtures is accompanied by increase in equilibrium modulus, so that mechanical behavior is predominantly determined by swelling. The theory of swelling equilibria of polyelectrolyte networks, in which the effects of electrostatic interactions of the charges on the chain and finite chain extensibility are included, semiquantitatively describes the swelling data provided an effective concentration of charges (lower than x,) was introduced.
Polymer, 2013
We show that the equilibrium Poisson ratio of electrically neutral gels depends on their shear modulus. When immersed in a good solvent, gels increase their volume on imposed external deformation, but stiffer gels swell less and exhibit a larger Poisson ratio, closer to 0.5, while the gels with a higher solvent content (and correspondingly lower shear modulus) approach a Poisson ratio of 0.25. We monitor the full process of stress and shape relaxation after an instantaneous deformation by using the technique of digital image correlation (DIC), and show that the amount of stress relaxation in uniaxially strained gels is proportional to the shear modulus of the free swollen state and a change in effective strain. Experiments were conducted on polyacrylamide (PAAm) gels in a custom built setup to give the Poisson ratio to high accuracy and time resolution, as well as verification of homogeneous deformation in equilibrium. In addition to water, hydrophilic gels were stretched in three poor solvents: silicone oil, mineral oil, and in air. All three exhibited water loss on imposed deformation and a resulting increase in stress, with mineral oil presenting the smallest change due to its lower permeability to water. Mineral oil and silicone oil are of particular interest as they are often used in mechanical testing to prevent solvent loss.
Macromolecules, 1996
We present a scaling theory for the modulus G of polyelectrolyte gels as a function of strand length between cross-links, monomer concentration c, salt concentration cs, and preparation conditions (monomer concentration c0 and salt concentration cs°). The theory assumes affine displacement of the junction points when the concentration is changed. With no added salt (cs ) cs°) 0), we predict a new concentration dependence of the modulus G ∼ c 5/6 . In the high-salt limit, we predict the usual concentration dependence for uncharged polymers but a novel dependence on salt concentration, G ∼ c 7/12 cs 1/4 . We also predict the modulus to decrease as charge is added to the gel strands. The predicted effects of added salt and charge on modulus have recently been observed by Candau and co-workers. At low concentrations, we discuss the strong stretching of network strands and its effect on modulus and equilibrium swelling.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1997
The equilibrium swelling degree of poly͑N,N-dimethylacrylamide͒ ͑polyDMAAm͒-based gels in water was systematically studied with various initial monomer (c m) and cross-linker (c xl) concentrations, and as a function of initial concentration of fully ionized co-monomer, 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid ͑AMPS͒. Proportionality of the length of a subchain (N) in the gels to [c xl (c m ϩc xl)] Ϫ1 was revealed, both theoretically and experimentally. Equilibrium swelling data indicate non-Gaussian elasticity of the gel network.
European Polymer Journal, 2005
Samples of Poly(N-ethylacrylamide) (PEA) have been synthesized by free radical polymerization in water using N,N 0 -methylene bis-acrylamide (BIS) as crosslinker. Hydrogels obtained by swelling them in water, 15 wt% KCl and 1 wt% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) were examined by gravimetric, dimensional and compression-strain measurements to afford values of swelling ratio, polymer-solvent interaction parameters, elastic moduli and effective crosslinking density m e . Crosslinking inefficiency is evidenced by the low value (0.23) of m e relative to the theoretical crosslinking density m t based on the content of BIS in the synthesis. A small but finite extrapolated value of m e at m t = 0 is indicative of hydrophobic physical interactions. In water at 298 K increasing the content of BIS leads to a decrease in swelling and increases in values of elastic moduli and polymer-water interaction parameter. At a fixed content of BIS the values of m e and the elastic moduli exhibit an unusual increase with temperature, the crosslinking thus being thermally reversible. It is proposed that this results from a balance between hydrophobic interaction and breakage of hydrophilic hydrogen bonding. Although KCl in the medium decreases the swelling compared with that in water, the opposite effect occurs on incorporation of SDS, which is assumed to confer some polyelectrolyte character to the PEA chains. The finding, that these two swelling media reduce the values of m e and elastic moduli cf the value in water, has not been resolved satisfactorily.
Macromolecules, 1995
Ionized poly(acry1ic acid) gels were studied both at concentrations close to the concentration of preparation and at swelling equilibrium. In the first experimental condition, the introduction of electrostatic interactions decreases the shear modulus. The addition of salt screens these interactions and allows one to recover the shear modulus of unneutralized gels. The correlation of these effects with light scattering results suggests that they are related to a change of the gel microstructure with electrostatic interactions. The swelling equilibrium of these gels if found to scale like the ratio of the ionization degree to the Debye-Huckel screening parameter with an exponent 6 6. The shear modulus at swelling equilibrium is given by the simple affine deformation law for not too high swelling degrees (<200). For larger swelling ratios, the shear modulus increases with swelling ratio due to deviations from Gaussian elasticity. These results can be partly explained by a recently proposed model. Finally, the cooperative diffusion coefficient can be measured by kinetics of swelling experiments and its behavior does not follow the predictions of the same model, possibly due to the coupling of cooperative diffusion with the establishment of a Donnan equilibrium.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009
Macromolecules, 2011
The swelling properties of a new class of biohybrid gels made of heparin and 4-arm starpoly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) were studied using mean-field concepts. Heparin acts as a multifunctional crosslinker and is highly charged in aqueous environments allowing for the functionalization of the gels with a plethora of biologically active molecules. The elasticity of the gels is provided by the flexible arms of the PEG. Varying the mole fraction of the heparin at preparation changes both the elasticity and the charge of the gel. We combine the classical Flory-Rehner model with a free energy contribution due to trapped counterions and derive a general equation for the equilibrium swelling of the gel as a function of the heparin-content at preparation, size of PEG molecules and salt concentration of the solvent. Varying the heparin content in the state of preparation results in opposite tendencies of the swelling behavior in the limit of low and high salt concentrations. At intermediate salt concentrations we find a regime where the heparin concentration at equilibrium swelling is almost independent of the heparin concentration at preparation. This provides access to novel gel-based biomaterials where physical stimuli (modulus) and biomolecular signals (modulated by the heparin concentration) can be varied independently. Our results are in good agreement with experimental data obtained at various gel compositions and salt concentrations of the aqueous environments.
Polymer Bulletin, 1981
The scope of the present paper is to discuss the mechanical properties of poly/vinyl acetate/ /~Ac/ gels on the basis of scaling laws. The effect of different factors-the initial polymer concentration, the relative average molecular mass of the primary chains and the ratio of the pendent chains-has been studied.
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