Journal of Services Marketing
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Lloyd C. Harris Mark M.H. Goode
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Lloyd C. Harris Mark M.H. Goode, (2010),"Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions", Journal of Services Marketing,
Vol. 24 Iss 3 pp. 230 - 243
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Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase
Lloyd C. Harris
Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK, and
Mark M.H. Goode
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
Swansea School of Business and Economics, Swansea, UK
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss a conceptual model of purchase intentions, trust, and e-servicescape that presents online
physical environments as comprising three dimensions. It aims to develop and extend existing research into physical service environments through
proposing, operationalizing, and testing a model of online servicescape.
Design/methodology/approach – The study utilizes a survey approach to gather data regarding consumers’ perceptions of online servicescape.
Surveys were administered to 257 respondents regarding a broad range of web sites.
Findings – A measure of e-servicescape is evaluated that comprises three dimensions and 52 items while relationships between the dimensions of
e-servicescape, trust, and purchase intentions are described.
Research limitations/implications – The first contribution of this study stems from the successful operationalization of a comprehensive multi-item
(in total 52 items), multi-scale (nine scales), multi-dimensional (three) measure of e-servicescape. Second, a contribution is made through the finding
that trust constitutes a key variable during online exchange. Third, we contribute insights into the antecedents of consumers’ purchase intentions.
Finally, the study reveals that consumers’ interpretations of online environments exert a powerful influence over trust and purchase intentions.
Originality/value – The findings of this study also have numerous implications for both services managers and internet developers. The findings
supply valuable insights into which factors practitioners should focus their attention to better tailor their approaches. This study strongly endorses the
view that the loyalty intentions of online customers are linked to the extent to which they trust the service provider.
Keywords Internet, Service levels, Trust, Purchasing, Retailing
Paper type Research paper
Srinivasan et al., 2002). Such insights have prompted leading
commentators to argue that generating e-loyalty is dependent
on first developing consumer trust in the supplier (e.g.
Stewart, 2003; Yen and Gwinner, 2003; Goode and Harris,
In ongoing efforts to elucidate the motivations, intentions,
and behaviors of e-customers, researchers use a wide variety
of concepts and constructs (such as “satisfaction”, “value,”
and “loyalty”) originally conceived and developed in offline
contexts (see Szymanski and Hise, 2000; Lynch et al., 2001;
Harris and Goode, 2004). Following this tradition, the
physical environment of online retailers, that have variously
been labeled “cybermarketscapes” (Venkatesh, 1998),
“e-scapes” (Koernig, 2003), or “online atmospherics”
(Eroglu et al., 2003), has been theorized to constitute a
significant factor in online exchange. However, despite
insightful conceptualizations of offline servicescapes (e.g.
Bitner, 1992), to date, online measures of servicescape that
incorporate the idiosyncrasies of online exchange and
dynamics have been lacking (Ezeh and Harris, 2007; Harris
and Ezeh, 2008). Consequently, commentators from a diverse
range of academies have noted that further research is needed
into the nature and effects of online physical environments
(e.g. Fiore and Jin, 2003; Schiffman et al., 2003), or what we
An executive summary for managers and executive
readers can be found at the end of this article.
Studies indicate that e-commerce is expanding at a
tremendous rate, fueled by the unparalleled growth in the
numbers of online retailers at the start of the millennium and
concurrent with the continuing exponential growth in the
volume of online shopping with sales predicted to grow by 27
percent in 2004 from 2003 to reach $144 billion for online
US retailers (see and Forrester Research, 2004).
Nevertheless, commentators have observed that most e-tailers
fail to make profits, that the vast majority of online shoppers
are extraordinarily fickle, and that many consumers distrust
e-tailing and in particular online payments systems (Hoffman
et al., 1999; Harris and Goode, 2004). Given the widespread
nature of such views, it is perhaps not surprising to find a
growing body of research that is identifying and exploring the
myriad of factors that may account for the attitudes and
behaviors of online shoppers (e.g. Szymanski and Hise, 2000;
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Journal of Services Marketing
24/3 (2010) 230– 243
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 0887-6045]
[DOI 10.1108/08876041011040631]
Received: November 2007
Revised: April 2008
Accepted: July 2008
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
term “e-servicescape”[1], denoting the online environment
factors that exist during service delivery.
We aim to develop and extend existing research into
physical service environments through proposing,
operationalizing, and testing a model of online servicescape.
This process should also supply insights into the idiosyncratic
nature of online retailing. As such, this study aims to provide
insights into how consumers’ interpretations of e-servicescape
affect their subsequent evaluations of web site trustworthiness
and ultimately their intentions to repurchase. In this regard,
our objectives are designed to contribute to theory through
conceptualizing and operationalizing e-servicescape, and its
relationships with trust and purchase intentions while
generating useful implications for online practice
(particularly in relation to the development and
management of online physical environments).
First, we forward a conceptual model of purchase
intentions, trust, and e-servicescape that presents online
physical environments as comprising three multi-faceted
dimensions. Thereafter, we describe the research design,
methodology, and the approach adopted. After presenting our
results and evaluating our model, we conclude our study with
a discussion of the implications of our findings and the
forwarding of potentially interesting directions for future
studies. In this way, scholars have failed to focus directly on
the e-servicescape construct.
Given the lack of an existing conceptualization of
e-servicescape, this paper presents a framework of online
servicescape as comprising three dimensions (aesthetic
appeal, online layout and functionality, and financial
security). This three dimension view of e-servicescape is
forwarded for three main reasons. First, this view of
e-servicescape draws on the original work of Bitner (1992) in
that two of the dimensions can be broadly equated, whilst
Bitner’s (1992) third dimension (signs, symbols, and artifacts)
is replaced by financial security (an issue widely accepted as
more critical during online exchange). In this way, we replace
Bitner’s (1992) third dimension that largely focuses on
tangible factors in a brick-and-mortar context, with the
dimension of financial security that various commentators
have argued to be more important in the online environment
(e.g. Szymanski and Hise, 2000; Zeithaml et al., 2002). In this
way, the conceptualization of e-servicescape presented can be
viewed as an incremental development of offline conceptions.
Second, in addition to building on such offline conceptions,
the three dimensions forwarded constitute a critical synthesis
of context-specific studies in that the three dimensions are
sufficiently broad to encompass the wide range of online
environmental factors presented in earlier studies (e.g.
Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001; Szymanski and Hise, 2000;
Srinivasan et al., 2002; Zeithaml et al., 2002). In this way, the
three-dimensional view of e-servicescape can be claimed to be
grounded in context-specific studies. Third, through
conceptualizing e-servicescape as a three dimension
construct, each of which comprising multiple dimensions, a
view of e-servicescape is presented that is not only “broad”
but also “deep” in the sense that each individual dimension is
conceived as comprising multiple sub-dimensions.
As indicated earlier, we define “e-servicescape” as the
online environment factors that exist during service delivery.
In order to steer the subsequent review and discussion, a
figure depicting the key concepts included in the study is
provided in Figure 1. Our rationale for linkages between
individual concepts and further details of theory, on which we
rely, is outlined below.
Before reviewing literature regarding linkages between
individual dimensions of e-servicescape and trust, it is
worthwhile to clarify why trust is presented as the
“outcome” of online physical environments and
fundamental to e-shopping. First, recent theory has argued
that not only is trust pivotal to online exchange (e.g. Yen and
Gwinner, 2003) but also that trust is central to online service
dynamics (see Harris and Goode, 2004). Second, consistent
with the general consensus of theorists, practitioners have also
positioned trust as highly important; a fact evidenced by the
wide range of programs designed to build trust – TRUSTe
and BBBOn-Line being especially well known – see Luo,
2002). Finally, studies of consumers find that the most
important issue that consumers evaluate when contemplating
online exchange is trustworthiness (see Fusaro et al., 2002).
Thus, while recognizing that online exchange is affected by a
wide range of factors, theorists, practitioners, and consumers
appear consistently to present perceived trust as essential to
online shopping intentions.
Online aesthetic appeal refers to online ambient conditions
and to the extent to which consumers interpret the
servicescape as attractive or alluring. In this way, the
E-servicescape, trust, and purchase intentions: a
conceptual model
Baker (1987) proposes that the physical environment of
services are gauged by consumers in relation to ambient,
design, and social factors (a conceptualization empirically
evaluated subsequently in a number of studies, see for
example Baker et al., 2002). In contrast, Bitner (1992) coins
the term “servicescape” and presents a conception of
servicescape as comprising ambient conditions, layout and
functionality, and signs, symbols, and artifacts. Later studies
have adapted this conceptualization to various offline
contexts, an interesting example being the work of
Wakefield and Blodgett (1996) that focuses on the
servicescape of leisure service settings.
Nevertheless, while advances have been made in
conceptualizing and understanding offline servicescapes, the
online context has been comparatively neglected (see
Koernig, 2003). Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2001) use focus
groups to uncover four dimensions along which consumers
evaluate web sites (convenience, selection, informativeness,
and lack of sociality). In contrast, Szymanski and Hise (2000)
find significant links between convenience, merchandising,
site design, financial security, and e-satisfaction. Similarly,
Zeithaml et al. (2002) argue that online service quality
includes efficiency, fulfillment, and privacy dimensions.
Further, Srinivasan et al. (2002) forward a framework of the
antecedents to e-loyalty comprising customization, contact
interactivity, cultivation, care, community, choice,
convenience, and character dimensions. However, while
such studies of online service have contributed useful
insights into the aspects of online service that are linked
with performance outcomes (such as satisfaction, service
quality, and loyalty), insights into the nature and dynamics of
online service settings (e-servicescape) are typically
indirect and often secondary to the central focus of the
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
Figure 1 The hypothesized model linking e-servicescape, web site trust, and purchase intentions
dimension of “online aesthetic appeal”, in part, mirrors
Bitner’s (1992) servicescape dimension of (offline) “ambient
conditions”. A review of existing research reveals a range of
studies that suggest that aspects of web site aesthetic appeal
and design are important components of online servicescapes
(e.g. Zeithaml et al., 2002; Grewal et al., 2003; MontoyaWeiss et al., 2003). In this regard, Evans and King (1999)
stress that while online audio-videos could be viewed as
important auditory and visual cues, differences in consumers’
computer hardware complicates and often negates potential
effects. Thus, in an online context, site and page graphics
constitute a pervasive and powerful force (e.g. Dreze and
Zufryden, 1997). This view is concordant with a range of
studies that suggest that the nature, size, overall presentation,
and number of online images are important considerations
(e.g. Ekhaml, 1996). Similarly, a number of web site designers
have observed that the appropriate use of suitable
backgrounds (e.g. Callahan, 2001) and consistent
typography (e.g. Ekhaml, 1996) are significant factors in the
overall visual appeal and perceived originality of pages and
sites. Commentators have also argued that color is an
important factor, often suggesting that the use of colors be
prescribed (e.g. Flanders, 1996) with varying colors used for
different functions (e.g. Nicotera, 1999). Thus, Fusaro et al.
(2002) contend that the perceived modernity of design is a
crucial component of online environments and particularly so
for more experienced online shoppers. These and other
observations lead both Chen and Chang (2003) and
Mathwick et al. (2002) to argue that e-consumers appraise,
reflexively evaluate, and subsequently value highly (trust) the
level of entertainment of online environments. These and
other insights lead D’Angelo and Little (1998) to conclude
that a wide range of web page visual characteristics affect the
user of a page and argue that online organizations should
consider how such aesthetic factors affect the communication
and exchange process.
This is strongly supported by recent empirical results that
link aspects of aesthetic appeal to both service quality
perceptions (Montoya-Weiss et al., 2003) and e-satisfaction
(see Szymanski and Hise, 2000), both of which Harris and
Goode (2004) find are strongly linked to e-trust. Indeed,
Mandel and Johnson (2002) find that the visual primes of web
pages exert a powerful influence on the evaluations of web
users, while Fink and Laupase (2000) argue that positive
evaluations of web sites by consumers are dependent on the
prominent use of original designs such as logos that are often
animated to increase effectiveness and impact. These and
other findings have led theorists to argue that online shopping
experiences and the development of trust is highly linked to
the aesthetic appeal of the online service environment (e.g.
Chen and Chang, 2003). Indeed, Fusaro et al. (2002)
conclude that consumers’ level of online trust is dependent on
the cues or reference points presented on web sites. Thus:
Evaluations of online visual appeal are positively
related to consumers’ trust of a web site.
In contrast to online visual appeal (that focuses on the online
ambient conditions and the extent to which consumers
interpret the servicescape as attractive or alluring), online
layout refers to the arrangement, organization, structure, and
adaptability of web sites while functionality refers to the
extent to which such items facilitate service goals (a view of
layout and functionality consistent with Bitner (1992)). In
this sense, whereas online visual appeal focuses on aesthetics,
online layout concentrates on organization and functionality.
Existing studies argue that the functionality and usability of
web sites are key criteria used by consumers to evaluate online
environments (e.g., Donnelly, 2001; Zeithaml et al., 2002).
Conceptual and empirical studies have also forwarded diverse
treatise and prescriptions on design effectiveness (often
focusing on perceived “usability”) and user evaluations (e.g.
Nielsen, 2001; Kim et al., 2003). Such research leads
Donnelly (2001) to contend that usability is the most
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
important way in which consumers evaluate web sites; an
argument supported, in part, by the findings of Srinivasan
et al. (2002). Similarly, evidence highlights the centrality of
information relevance to web site evaluations (e.g. Bauer et al.,
2002; Zeithaml et al., 2002). Indeed, Montoya-Weiss et al.
(2003) find that information content constitutes a key factor
in consumers” appraisals of web sites, while Donnelly (2001)
claims that users evaluate web sites according to
individualized information needs.
A range of commentators observe that the extent, to which
online buyers perceive that they are able to interact with
sellers, constitutes a key aspect of the online servicescape (e.g.
Bauer et al., 2002; Srinivasan et al., 2002). Recently, theorists
have highlighted the potential risks of inaccurate
personalization (Frels and Kannan, 2001) and suggested
that to avoid negative interpretations and behaviors, a
cautious approach to personalization is prudent (see Rust
and Kannan, 2002). However, Parsons et al. (1998) argue
that through the customization of web sites, organizations are
able to demonstrate their customer focus but also create
switching costs and thus increase repatronage. Similarly,
Shapiro and Varian (1999) comment that web-based
customization is inexpensive and highly appropriate for
some sectors. In this regard, online customization features
allow consumers to tailor the site to their own needs (see
Grewal et al., 2003). Such conclusions are concordant with
studies of online interactivity, that position “interactivity” as
core to online exchange in both business (see Bauer et al.,
2002) and consumer (see Srinivasan et al., 2002) contexts. In
this regard, Chen and Chang (2003), and Srinivasan et al.
(2002) each find that perceptions of interactivity form an
important variable in the online shopping experience of
Thus, studies of online interactivity position perceived
interactivity as a central driver of consumers’ interpretations
and behavior (e.g. Li et al., 2001; Fiore and Jin, 2003).
Similarly, a range of prominent commentators conclude that
the functionality of web site design is fundamental to reflexive
consumer evaluations and behaviors (e.g. Menon and Kahn,
2002; Mandel and Johnson, 2002). Moreover, research into
the internet suggests that consumer opinions are strongly
linked to the navigability and usability of the site (Evans and
King, 1999; Hoque and Lohse, 1999). Indeed, studies of
internet users are unequivocal in concluding that the extent of
web site customization and personalization is central to
consumers’ evaluations (e.g. Huizingh, 2002; Menon and
Kahn, 2002). Thus, researchers have emphasized the
importance of the customization of web sites in retailing
contexts (see Menon and Kahn, 2002). Therefore:
e-satisfaction, Szymanski and Hise (2000) find that the
perceived security of a site is the (joint) second most powerful
driver of online satisfaction. This finding is supported in the
later work of Montoya-Weiss et al. (2003) who find links
between security perceptions and both satisfaction and usage.
These findings lead a range of commentators to observe that
perceived security is a crucial aspect of online service
environments (e.g. Fusaro et al., 2002; Zeithaml et al.,
2002). In this sense, reflecting the centrality of trust to online
exchange (see Lynch et al., 2001; Stewart, 2003), theorists
have stressed the importance of perceived security (see
Szymanski and Hise, 2000; Schiffman et al., 2003). Hence:
Evaluations of online financial security are positively
related to consumers’ trust of a web site.
While a range of studies has found strong linkages between
trust and behavioral intentions in offline contexts (e.g.
Sirdeshmukh et al., 2002), Sultan and Mooraj (2001, p. 42)
suggest that trust is pivotal “whether the business is offline or
online”. However, Grewal et al. (2003, p. 18) observe that
online customers are expected “to trust internet firms more
than their bricks and mortar counterparts” (emphasis added)
while Reichheld and Schefter (2000, p. 107) conclude that,
while in all contexts loyalty is driven by trust, “on the Web . . .
it’s truer than ever”. This leads Fusaro et al. (2002, p. 148) to
argue that without trust “e-commerce is doomed to
stagnation at best, and extinction at worst” while Luo
(2002) contends that the development of trust should be the
raison d’être of internet firms. The significance of online trust
is, in part, driven by empirical findings that find links between
consumers’ trust and their purchase intentions (see Harris
and Goode, 2004). Consistent evidence has been forwarded
that online shoppers are worried about payment security and
opportunities for credit card fraud (e.g. Ratnasingham, 1998;
Hoffman et al., 1999). Further, recently empirical evidence
has emerged in support of a strong association between
consumers’ online trust and intentions to purchase (see
Stewart, 2003; Yen and Gwinner, 2003; Harris and Goode,
2004) in a variety of national contexts (see Lynch et al.,
2001). This leads to:
Online trust of a web site is positively related to the
purchase intentions of consumers.
Rather than focusing on a single industry or company, we
gathered data to evaluate our hypotheses via a cross-sectional
survey of online shoppers. Although an experimental
approach was considered, given the nature of the issues
under investigation, a survey-based approach was employed,
since it was considered prudent to focus on consumers’
interpretations and intentions in their “natural” setting
(rather than a potentially “artificial” experimental context.
However, we recognize that such methods can generate
fascinating insights into such issues – see Biswas and Biswas
(2004) for a particularly noteworthy study). Respondents
were required who have broad online experience and a
familiarity with a broad range of online shopping outlets.
Consequently, a randomly selected sample of 1,000 suitable
respondents was purchased from a data brokerage agency.
Potential respondents were initially contacted through a short
personalized e-mail that outlined the nature of the project.
Evaluations of online layout and functionality are
positively related to consumers’ trust of a web site.
Online financial security refers to the extent to which
consumers perceive the payment processes and general
policies of a web site as secure or safe. These exchangefacilitating aspects of online servicescape are also frequently
discussed in existing studies (e.g. Zeithaml et al., 2002;
Montoya-Weiss et al., 2003). Chen and Chang (2003) find
that the ease with which payments are made and processed,
forms a key dimension used by consumers to evaluate web
sites. Similarly, theorists have also emphasized the importance
of perceived security in online exchange (see Szymanski
and Hise, 2000; Schiffman et al., 2003). In a seminal study of
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
To improve response rates, participation was encouraged
with a small financial incentive ($10.00). In total, 425
respondents replied expressing an interest in participating in
the study. Each of the 425 potential respondents was then
contacted by telephone to arrange a mutually convenient
time for a researcher to administer the survey instrument.
This process eventually led to 257 appointments with
potential respondents. At each appointment, the researcher
first required the respondent to list five web sites with which
they were familiar and that they had visited within the last
three months with the intention of purchasing or from
which they had purchased goods. To ensure variation,
respondents were asked to include both sites that they
viewed as “favorites” as well as less-favored sites. The
researcher selected one of these five sites at random
(throwing a die). Thereafter, the researcher and potential
respondent visited the randomly selected web site and the
respondents were asked to explore the site for ten minutes.
After this process and while still online, the respondents
were supplied with the survey instrument and asked to
complete the questionnaire. Briefly, data were gathered
regarding 96 different sites; the main sites being sites selling
audio/visual goods (32 percent), computer-related products
(12 percent), garments (9 percent), groceries (9 percent),
and flights or holidays (5 percent) with the remaining sites
as varied as online antique furniture-sellers to sites selling
adult toys. In total, data collection yielded 257 fully
completed questionnaires. This return represents a response
rate of over 39 percent (using the method recommended by
CASRO (1982)). This compares favorably to response rates
of mailed surveys conducted on similar issues and is
consistent with other studies adopting an administered
survey approach (e.g. Harris and Goode, 2004).
The responses of early and late respondents were compared
to gauge non-response bias and no significant differences were
found among any of the factors used in later analyses. To
evaluate the authenticity of respondents, a randomly selected
sample of useable questionnaires was taken from the sample
and independently assessed. This process involved recontacting respondents by telephone and requesting
confirmation of socio-demographic data. This evaluation
found no significant discrepancies.
Analysis of responses indicates that the gender split was
fairly equally divided between males and females (52 percent
male). Just under half of the sample were currently married
(45 percent), the average age was 39, and average family
income of just over $94,000 per year. Over 18 percent used
their workplace computer to purchases online goods
(compared to 81 percent at home and under 1 percent at
an internet café). Purchasing online was almost exclusively
through credit cards (98 percent) while average weekly online
hours were six hours per week (measured by the median).
founded on scale development work conducted during pretesting. In summary, our scale development procedure
involved the development of survey instruments containing
various measures of facets of servicescape, trust, and purchase
intentions; derived largely from measures of offline
perceptions and behavior (see below). Following a review of
the issues involved in this study, utilizing a panel of senior
managers within the internet industry and a number of
leading academician subject experts, the amended survey
instrument was pre-tested on 50 consumers. Detailed notes
were taken regarding difficulties, criticisms, and suggestions
and the instrument accordingly amended. The instrument
was deemed suitable for data collection after a final review by
three senior faculty members (see Appendix 1).
A range of studies have explored consumers’ behavioral
intentions in offline retailing contexts (e.g. Cronin et al.,
2000), while studies of shoppers’ online conative loyalty are
less common (see Harris and Goode, 2004). However, studies
in both contexts tend to rely on the scale developed by
Zeithaml et al. (1996). Similarly, our study focuses on
purchase intentions and is also adapted from the scale of
Zeithaml et al. (1996).
In the current study, the scale of web site trustworthiness
employed is based on the trust measure recently employed by
Harris and Goode (2004) that was originally based on the
scale of Hess (1995) which, in turn, was first conceived to
determine customers’ trust in car sales. Harris and Goode
(2004) argue that the Hess (1995) measure of perceived
brand trust is the most easily transferable and adaptable
measure of trust to an online context.
As indicted in Figure 1, e-servicescape was gauged along
three dimensions (online aesthetic appeal, layout and
functionality, and financial security) building on existing
conceptualizations of offline servicescape as well as insights
regarding the online environment (e.g. Szymanski and Hise,
2000; Zeithaml et al., 2002). Consumers’ interpretations of
web site aesthetic appeal were gauged using three scales
designed to measure perceived visual appeal, originality of
design, and entertainment value. The measure of visual
appeal was an extended (by two items), adaptation of the
three-item measure of Mathwick et al. (2002). Originality of
design was gauged via a four-item scale inspired by the
comments of Grewal et al. (2003) while entertainment value
was assessed using an adaptation of the three-item measure of
Mathwick et al. (2002).
The functionality and layout of sites was evaluated via
measures of usability, information relevance, the extent of
customization, and interactivity. The 11-item scale gauging
usability was adapted from the three-item scales of Srinivasan
et al. (2002) and Hasan and Tibbits (2000), a single item
drawn and adapted from Srinivasan et al. (2002) with the
remaining four items inspired by Abels et al. (1997). The
extent to which relevant information was available was
measured via a five-item scale reliant on the theory of Eroglu
et al. (2003). The measure of customization was designed to
encompass consumer personalization and firm-led
customization and included one item drawn from Srinivasan
et al. (2002), five items developed from Abels et al. (1997) and
a single item developed during pretesting. Finally, the extent
of contact interactivity was adapted from the five-item scale of
Srinivasan et al. (2002).
The third dimension of e-servicescape, financial security,
was measured via gauges of ease of payment and perceived
Although there is a considerable body of research into
shopping intentions and trust, there is limited work on
servicescape and especially so within an e-commerce
environment (see Koernig, 2003). Therefore, in order to
gauge these variables in an online environment, considerable
scale development and adaptation was required. The scales
used were developed using conventional psychometric
procedures and were based on existing scales as well as
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
security. Ease of payment was assessed via a five-item scale, in
part reliant on the comments of Bitner (1992) while perceived
security was tapped via a five-item scale derived from
Swaminathan et al. (1999).
related to its underlying factor (t-value . 5:15) (see Fornell
and Larcker, 1981).
Discriminant validity was gauged using a two-stage
procedure. First, discriminant validity was gauged through
the analysis of chi-squared difference tests, in which the
correlations between all possible pairs of constructs are once
freely estimated and once set to unity (Gerbing and
Anderson, 1988). This analysis revealed that all the chisquared differences were significant at the five percent level,
suggesting that the measures employed were not collinear.
The lowest differences were between the measures of
interactivity and customization (Dx2ð1Þ ¼ 27:43). However,
the most robust evidence of discriminant validity was found
through the application of the procedure recommended by
Fornell and Larcker (1981). This procedure recommends
comparing the average variance extracted to the variance
shared (that is the squared phi-correlation) between the
construct and other constructs in the model. The application
of this method revealed that in each case, the square of the
parameter estimates between two constructs was less than the
AVE, supporting discriminant validity.
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Measurement properties
To explore the data, preliminary analysis involved the use of
exploratory factor analysis to evaluate the extent to which
items loaded on the expected factor. Following this
exploratory analysis, all of the constructs studied were
formed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) utilizing
LISREL 8.0. To evaluate the robustness of the measures
employed, factors were generated for each of the 15 central
constructs. As theorized, in the case of purchase intentions,
trust of a web site, and each of the nine e-servicescape
components, factors emerged as predicted as all items loaded
positively and statistically significantly onto single (respective)
In order to obtain a sample size-to-estimated parameter
ratio greater than five and reliable parameter estimates
(Bentler and Chou, 1987), the psychometric properties of the
measures were examined by estimating three measurement
models. The first confirmatory factor analysis included the
measures of layout and functionality (usability, relevance of
information, customization, and interactivity). The second
measurement model included measures relating to aesthetic
appeal (originality of design, visual appeal, and entertainment
value) as well as the extent of trust in the web site). The final
model included measures financial security (perceived
security and ease of payment) as well as the measure of
purchase intentions.
Shook et al. (2004) argue that there is no consensus
regarding which measures of overall model fit should be
employed but concur with a number of commentators that no
single measure should be relied on but rather multiple indices
from different families of measures should be used (e.g.
Marsh et al., 1988). Following the recommendations of Hair
et al. (2005) absolute (Root Mean Squared Error of
Approximation (RSMEA)) and incremental (Comparative
Fit Index (CFI)) fit measures were employed.
All three models yielded a satisfactory incremental fit
statistics with comparative fit indices above the 0.92
recommended by Hair et al. (2005). Similarly, absolute fit
statistics were all lower than the 0.08 suggested in Hair et al.
Reliability was also gauged via the examination of Cronbach
alpha coefficients that Nunnally (1978) suggests should be
over 0.7 for a scale to be considered reliable (see Appendix 1).
With the exception of two factors, all the Cronbach alpha
coefficients exceed the threshold of 0.7. The exception to this
were the measures of perceived security (a ¼ 0:6861) and
interactivity (a ¼ 0:6922) both of which are higher than the
minimum level of 0.6 suggested by Peterson (1994) and
considerably higher than the 0.50 threshold originally
advocated by Nunnally (1967).
The validity of each scale was first explored through
plotting item-total correlations (Nunnally, 1967). In all cases,
the coefficients were significantly high and in the expected
direction. Further evidence for convergent validity was also
found on inspection of the average variances extracted, all of
which had a loading in excess of 0.5 and was significantly
To examine potential links between constructs, data were
first explored via the study of bivariate zero-order correlation
coefficients. The results of this analysis provided tentative
support for H1-H3, in that each of the nine first-order
factors were monotonically, positively and significantly
(p , 0:01) associated with trust of a web site. However,
consistent with the theory of Bitner (1992), who argued that
such factors should be examined simultaneously, the
correlation matrix indicated strong interrelations between
the nine exogenous factors. Consequently, consistent with
our conceptualization presented in Figure 1, three secondorder factors were estimated and labeled “Aesthetic Appeal”,
“Layout and Functionality”, and “Financial Security”. Zeroorder correlation analysis provides further support for H1-H3
through uncovering monotonically, positive, and statistically
significant associations with trust for each second-order
factor (p , 0:001). This finding provides additional support
for the contention of Bitner (1992, p. 67) that the
dimensions of servicescape should be examined
simultaneously since “rather than a single element, it is
ultimately the total configuration of environmental
dimensions that defines the servicescape”. To facilitate
subsequent analyses, a variance-covariance matrix was
calculated, prior to structural equation modeling.
The results of structural equation modeling are presented in
tabular form (see Table I) as well as modeled
diagrammatically (see Figure 2). Shook et al. (2004) argue
that there is no consensus regarding which measures of overall
model fit should be employed but concur with a number of
commentators that multiple indices from different families of
measures should be used. Accordingly, absolute (e.g.
RMSEA), incremental (e.g. CFI), and parsimonious (e.g.
Normed Chi-Square) fit measures were employed to evaluate
the proposed model (see Table I). The parsimonious fit
measure employed was the Marsh and Hocevar (1985) test of
dividing chi-squared by the degrees of freedom (x2/df) and
was calculated generating a ratio of 3.65. Although this ratio
is slightly above the ideal ratios suggested by Byrne (1989), it
is likely that the large sample size (257) of the current study
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
was concluded that the model was sufficiently valid to be
deemed acceptable.
H1 argued that positive evaluations of online aesthetic
appeal are positively associated with consumers” levels of
trust of a web site. Structural equation modeling (see Table I
and Figure 2) provides strong support for this hypothesized
association in that online aesthetic appeal was found to be
positively (g ¼ 0:749) and strongly significantly (p , 0:001)
linked with trust of a web site. In this regard, it can be argued
that these results suggest that the aesthetic appeal of online
outlets plays an important role in generating consumer trust.
The finding of a significant link between web site aesthetic
appeal and trust of a web site is also noteworthy in that this
association is the strongest link with trust of all of the three
e-servicescape dimensions. While such differences should be
interpreted with an element of caution, it is possible to argue
that aesthetic appeal constitutes the most influential
dimension of e-servicescape. Given these results H1 is
accepted as fully supported.
H2 contends that positive evaluations of the second
dimension of e-servicescape, online layout and functionality,
is also positively linked to consumers” evaluations of web site
trust. Analysis reveals a positive (g ¼ 0:625) and strongly
significant (p , 0:001) link between consumers’ evaluations
of the layout and functionality of web sites and their
evaluations of trust. This lends strong support to claims
that factors such as consumers’ interpretations of usability,
information relevance, customization/personalization, and
interactivity are pivotal features of online service settings. In
this way, it seems that the arrangement, organization,
structure, and adaptability of web sites and the extent to
which such items facilitate service goals are strongly linked to
consumers’ assessments of web site trustworthiness.
Consequently, H2 is accepted in full.
H3 focuses on the hypothesized link between positive
evaluations of online financial security and trust of a web site.
In this sense, it is argued that a core dimension along which
Table I Standardized LISREL results
parameters t-values
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
Structural links
Aesthetic appeal to web site trust
Layout and functionality to web site trust
Financial security to web site trust
Trust to purchase intentions
Diagnostic statistics
Chi-squared (x2)
Degrees of freedom (df)
Probability level ( p)
Number of observations
Incremental Fit Index (IFI)
Comparative Fit Index (CFI)
Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation
0.749 *
0.625 *
0.519 *
0.498 *
þ 8.569
þ 9.952
Note: * Statistically significant at p , 0:01
has generated a distorted chi-squared statistic that Marsh et al.
(1988) suggest is sensitive to sample size and note that this
bias starts at n ¼ 200. Nevertheless, notwithstanding the
effects of this bias, the x2/df ratio of 3.65 conforms to the
recommendation of Wheaton et al. (1977) who suggest a
minimum acceptable x2/df ratio of 5 (see Byrne, 1989).
Incremental fit was evaluated via Bollen’s (1989) Incremental
Fit Index (IFI) and Bentler’s (1990) CFI both of which
represent comparisons between the estimated model and a
null model. The CFI of 0.94 and IFI of 0.94 indicate strong
support for the estimated model. Finally, absolute fit was
evaluated via the RMSEA, recommended for larger samples
(Rigdon, 1996), which further supported the acceptance of
the model. Consequently, based on these diagnostic tests, it
Figure 2 E-servicescape, trust, and purchase intentions
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Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
online service settings are evaluated, centers on consumers’
interpretations and perceptions of web site and payment
security systems. Structural equation modeling supports H3
and validates the hypothesized link between assessments of
online financial security and web site trust (g ¼ 0:519).
Although this link is marginally the weakest association with
online trust of the three e-servicescape dimensions, the
standardized parameter estimated is nevertheless very strongly
statistically significant (p , 0:001). This finding supports the
argument of a number of commentators who have argued that
consumers are more concerned with security issues in the
online service environment than in offline contexts (e.g.
Szymanski and Hise, 2000; Schiffman et al., 2003).
Therefore, formally, H3 is accepted.
Finally, H4 argues that trust of a web site is positively
associated with shoppers’ purchase intentions. Thus, this
hypothesis suggests that the purchase intentions of online
shoppers are significantly influenced by consumers’
evaluations and interpretations of web site trustworthiness.
Robust evidence in support of H4 emerges during structural
equation modeling (see Table I and Figure 2), producing a
highly significant estimated structural parameter between
trust of a web site and purchase intentions (g ¼ 0:498,
p , 0:001). This provides some empirical support for scholars
who have argued that trust is pivotal to generating e-loyalty
(e.g. Grewal et al., 2003; Harris and Goode, 2004). Thus, H4
is accepted.
The conceptualization of e-servicescape successfully
operationalized and tested in our study, generates some
support for the generalizeability of the offline servicescape
framework of Bitner (1992) in that two of Bitner’s (1992)
dimensions (ambient conditions and layout and functionality)
can be equated to the dimensions of e-servicescape (aesthetic
appeal and layout and functionality). Moreover, the finding
that security issues are heavily linked to web site trust
and thus purchase intentions also supports the comments of
e-commerce scholars who have argued that the idiosyncrasies
of online settings require a tailored approach.
Our second contribution centers on our finding that trust
constitutes a key variable during online exchange. In this
regard, our study is consistent with a range of recent
contributions that have positioned trust as pivotal to online
service dynamics (e.g. Harris and Goode, 2004) and e-loyalty
(e.g. Stewart, 2003). The results of the current study indicate
strong links between online consumers’ evaluations of
servicescape, trust of a web site, and purchase intentions
(see Figure 2 and Table I). In this respect, not only do these
findings support growing evidence of a trust-loyalty link (e.g.
Yen and Gwinner, 2003; Harris and Goode, 2004), but also
supports the arguments of internet scholars who have
suggested that the very nature of online exchange increases
the importance of online environmental features and their
impact on consumers’ interpretations and intentions (e.g.
Grewal et al., 2003). In this sense, our findings support the
theories of leading commentators who argue that the
development of buyer-seller trust in online contexts is the
most important challenge facing contemporary e-tailers (e.g.
Hoffman et al., 1999).
Third, we contribute insights into the antecedents of
consumers’ purchase intentions. While it is acknowledged
that our research design and LISREL methodology precludes
causal claims, the results accord with a priori theory and
provide support for the argument that the online environment
influences are linked to trust that directly drives consumers’
intentions and behaviors. The results of the current study
strongly support the contentions of e-tailing researchers
who suggest that “cybermarketscapes” (Venkatesh, 1998),
“e-scapes” (Koernig, 2003), or “online atmospherics”
(Eroglu et al., 2003), and what we call “e-servicescape”, is
not only an important factor in the dynamics of online
exchange, but also (ultimately) a strong determinant of
online shoppers’ purchase intentions. Although a number of
leading commentators have argued that e-loyalty is of
critical importance (e.g. Reichheld and Schefter, 2000),
researchers have berated the lack of empirical research into
online loyalty (e.g. Harris and Goode, 2004). In this regard,
the current study provides empirical evidence that
contributes preliminary insights into the linkages between
e-servicescape, web site trust, and consumers’ purchase
Our fourth contribution centers on the context of the study
and the insights generated into e-tailing service dynamics.
Our study reveals that consumers’ perceptions and
interpretations of online service environments exert a
powerful, direct influence over trust that, in turn, is
associated with consumers’ purchase intentions. These
results are analogous to the findings of a number of studies
in offline retailing (e.g. Baker et al., 1992) and other more
diverse contexts (e.g. Wakefield and Blodgett, 1996).
However, although parallels are evident between the facets
The earlier review of existing literature indicated that while a
range of studies had explored servicescapes in offline retail
contexts, the concept of e-servicescape had been comparatively
ignored but recently highlighted as important (see Eroglu et al.,
2003; Koernig, 2003). Consequently, a conceptual model of
e-servicescape was developed that presents online
environments as comprising three dimensions. Thereafter, to
evaluate the robustness of the hypothesized model, a survey of
online shoppers was undertaken. Analyses found support for
our theoretical framework and uncovered strong links between
e-servicescape, trust of a web site, and purchase intentions.
The remainder of the text is dedicated to a brief review of the
main implications of these findings as well as a series of
suggestions for future study.
The first contribution of this study stems from the
successful operationalization of a comprehensive multi-item
(in total 52 items), multi-scale (nine scales), multidimensional (three) measure of e-servicescape (Appendix 1
also presents a 24-item shortened version). Although
servicescape has been measured in offline contexts
previously (e.g. Wakefield and Blodgett, 1996), such
measures tend to utilize very limited, one-dimensional,
simple measures, while studies of online atmospherics are
in their infancy (see Eroglu et al., 2003). In the current study,
e-servicescape is conceptualized, operationalized, and
evaluated as a three-dimensional construct, measured
through nine factors (see Appendix 1). This conception of
e-servicescape draws on extant conceptualizations of offline
service settings (notably the work of Bitner, 1992) but also
draws heavily on existing insights in the online environment
(in particular Szymanski and Hise, 2000; Fusaro et al., 2002;
Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001; Srinivasan et al., 2002;
Zeithaml et al., 2002; Chen and Chang, 2003).
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
or components of online and offline servicescape, grounded in
earlier studies of e-commerce (e.g. Menon and Kahn, 2002),
during the operationalization of the measurement instrument,
factors of e-servicescape emerged as important that were
idiosyncratic to the context. For example, payment security,
interactivity and usability emerged as important aspects of
online environments. Thus, while some support emerges for
the generalizeability of the offline servicescape framework to
the online context, it would appear that such generalization
should be tentative and responsive to the peculiarities of
online retailing.
systematic approach must include and incorporate the views
of customers. While firms and designers are often proud of
their online provision, it is crucial to remember that
servicescape is perceptual and subjective. Whatever, the
firm’s views of, for example, their security procedures and
records, there is considerable evidence to suggest that
consumers’ interpretations can be vastly different.
Therefore, anything which can reduce customers’
perceptions of ID theft or reduce security problems must be
implemented (i.e. the use of 32 bit encryption systems).
While the preceding managerial implications have focused
on existing servicescapes, this study also has implications
during the design stage of online services (especially as online
services are commonly re-designed every two or three years).
During the design of online services the findings of our study
highlight the importance of generating trust through careful
attention to the design of the servicescape. As each dimension
of servicescape is important to consumers’ interpretations,
careful attention should be paid to each dimension during
each stage of design. Customer interpretations of aesthetic
appeal, layout and functionality, and financial security must
be gained and their views incorporated into the design
process. While this is undoubtedly a painful process as
designer-favored innovations are balanced against customer
needs, the resulting e-servicescape is likely to be one that
engenders trust and thus loyalty.
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Managerial implications
The findings of this study also have numerous implications for
both services managers and internet developers. The tested
model confirms the hypotheses that e-servicescape is linked
with trust which in turn is associated with loyalty intentions.
As such, the findings supply valuable insights into which
factors practitioners should focus their attention to better
tailor their approaches and content. This study strongly
endorses the view that the loyalty intentions of online
customers are strongly linked to the extent to which they trust
the service provider. Moreover, we find that customers’
perceptions of the online servicescape are associated with
trust. In this regard, a key implication for practitioners is that
for online customers, repeat patronage pivots on the extent to
which they perceive the firm as trustworthy, which in turn is
linked with the e-servicescape. Thus, online service providers
should critically evaluate their own service provision to
ascertain factors which erode or enhance customers’
perceptions of firm trustworthiness. One easy way service
managers can increase trust on their web site is by putting a
contact telephone number on every web page, this means
customers can easily and quickly contact the site to discuss
any special requirements or ask for additional advice, this is
particularly important for highly priced items or were there is
a high level of choice.
The findings of our research provide a clear framework for
this process. In our study, we provide a framework of
servicescape comprising three main components (aesthetic
appeal, layout and functionality, and financial security) which
respectively incorporate three, four, and two sub-dimensions.
These nine sub-dimensions provide a useful checklist of the
most important characteristics of the online servicescape
against which practitioners can evaluate the online service
provision of their firm. While global analyses may be useful,
our experience is that their worth is limited as key aspects of
the servicescape are often neglected. We suggest that
managers undertake a systematic appraisal of their online
servicescape across each of the nine sub-dimensions
individually. This process almost inevitably leads to the
identification of a dimension or (more commonly) a subdimension of the online servicescape that is neglected or
insufficiently considered. The multi-item scale (see
Appendices 1-3) could be used regularly to survey
customers of either your own web site or competitors web
sites, which in turn could reveal important e-servicescape
gaps or advantages. For example, designers often pay great
attention to design originality and assume that their own love
of design constitutes entertainment value for users. Similarly,
while many web sites provide security guarantees, few
consider issues of ease of payment. The recommended
Limitations and directions for future research
The limitations of the present study form the basis for the
following suggestions for future study and stem from our
desire to explore further the nature and dynamics of online
and offline servicescapes:
A key limitation of the current study emanates from the
conceptualization developed. While we argue that this
framework is robust, the theoretical foundations of our
conceptualization are heavily reliant on extant studies of
offline servicescapes. To evaluate further the
generalizeability of our findings, future research is required
to apply and evaluate the developed constructs and
framework. Future studies may find it beneficial to develop
and test alternative conceptualization of e-servicescape that
are less grounded in conceptualizations that were originally
developed for offline contexts.
The findings and contributions of this study are also limited
by the restricted range of service variables included in the
research. A productive research avenue could focus on
modeling the dynamics between servicescape and other key
service variables. In particular, an investigation of
servicescape that incorporates a wider range of service
constructs (such as satisfaction, perceived value, and service
quality) should prove illuminating and will improve the
nomological validity of the e-servicescape measure.
Linked to the previous limitation are issues regarding the
broadness of the tested framework. In particular, the model
we test assumes direct associations that are unmoderated,
future studies should explore potential mediators and
moderators of this link. For example, a particularly
interesting approach would be to explore the characteristics
of web sites as “signals” and the extent to which factors
influence the credibility of such signals. Similarly,
potential moderating factors (such as brick-and-mortar
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
presence and product characteristics) are also potentially
interesting avenues of research.
Finally, the research design and methods used constitute
limitations of the study. The using a cross-sectional survey
design we are able to gauge associations but not causality.
Thus future studies could benefit from employing an
experimental methodology. Such an approach would allow
for the testing of causal effects and would permit the
manipulation of different factors (such as online layout
and visual appeal).
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1 We use the terms “e-servicescape”, “online servicescape”
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Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
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I enjoy shopping from this web site for its own sake, not
just for the items I may have purchased.
I shop from this web site for the pure enjoyment of it.
Layout and functionality
Usability (11 items), (Cronbach alpha ¼ 0:8340) First six
items[3] Last five items[2]
1 There are useful navigational aids.
2 The links are obvious in their intent and destination.
3 It is not easily navigatedw *.
4 There are convenient ways to maneuver among related
pages and between different sections *.
5 Navigation through this web site is intuitively logical *.
6 A first-time buyer can make a purchase from this web
site without much help.
7 I use this web site because it has a good keyword search
8 In general, this is an easy web site to use.
9 The functions on this web site are easy to operate.
10 This web site is difficult to use w *.
11 This web site is user-friendly *.
Relevance of information (five items), (Cronbach
alpha ¼ 0:7809)[3]
1 Each page clearly indicates what one can expect to find or
2 Visual information about products is easily accessed.
3 All relevant information is easily available.
4 There is a great deal of irrelevant information w *.
5 Technical details about products can be easily accessed *.
Customization/personalization (seven items), (Cronbach
alpha ¼ 0:7263)[2]
1 This web site is tailored toward me *.
2 If I wanted to, I could customize this web site to what I
like (e.g. changing colors, layout, fonts etc.) *.
3 I feel that this web site is designed for me.
4 The services of this web site are often personalized to me.
5 That this web site treats me as an individual.
6 When communicating with this web site I am rarely
addressed using my correct name w *.
7 This web site makes purchase recommendations that
match my needs *.
Appendix 1. Exogenous variables – e-servicescape
Interactivity (five items), (Cronbach alpha ¼ 0:6922)[3]
1 This web site enables me to view the merchandise in
different ways.
2 This web site has a search tool which helps me find what I
3 This web site helps me to compare products and prices *.
4 I feel that this is not a very engaging web site w *.
5 I believe that this web site is not a very dynamic one w.
Aesthetic appeal
Visual appeal (five items), (Cronbach alpha ¼ 0:8524)[2]
1 It is visually attractive.
2 It does not use visually appealing graphics w.
3 The way it displays its products is attractive *.
4 It is aesthetically appealing.
5 I like the way this web site looks *.
Originality of design (four items), (Cronbach
alpha ¼ 0:7276)[3]
1 Is fresh and original.
2 Is conservative w *.
3 Is unadventurous w *.
4 Is innovative and creative.
Financial security
Ease of payment (five items), (Cronbach alpha ¼ 0:7696)[3]
1 It has efficient payment procedures.
2 Payment procedures seem to take a long time w *.
3 The payment facilities of this web site are easy to use.
4 Paying for goods is straightforward *.
5 Paying for goods involves entering a lot of details w *.
Entertainment value (five items), (Cronbach
alpha ¼ 0:8941)[3]
1 I think that this web site is very entertaining *.
2 The enthusiasm of this web site is catching, it picks me up *.
3 This web site doesn’t just sell products-it entertains me.
Perceived security (five items), (Cronbach alpha ¼ 0:6861)[3]
1 It seems very secure.
2 I have no concerns about buying things from this web site.
3 The security systems of this web site seem rigorous.
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
mortar stores have had to consider the nature of what is now
commonly called their “servicescape”, the rapidly-growing
number of e-commerce retailers have to consider the
appearance and usage of their e-servicescape – and,
importantly, ensure a feeling of “trust” in the site. Walking
into a well-known, long-established and reputable store can
engender a feeling of trust. Clicking onto a web site,
especially one that you do not know and maybe one which
does not have a phone number where you can (if necessary)
contact a “real” person, may not feel like being somewhere
you can trust.
In “Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions”
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode provide insights into
how customers’ interpretations of the e-servicescape affect
their subsequent evaluations of web site trustworthiness and
ultimately their intentions to repurchase. Interestingly, they
also talk of three dimensions – but not quite in the same way
as the movie moguls. They put forward a conceptual model of
purchase intentions, trust, and e-servicescape that presents
online physical environments as comprising three multifaceted dimensions (aesthetic appeal, layout and functionality,
and financial security) which respectively incorporate three,
four, and two sub-dimensions. These nine sub-dimensions
provide a useful checklist of the most important
characteristics of the online servicescape against which
practitioners can evaluate the online service provision of
their firm. The dimensions, with their sub-dimensions are:
1 Aesthetic appeal:
Visual appeal. For instance it is visually attractive?
Does it use visually appealing graphics?
Originality of design. Is it fresh and original or
conservative and unadventurous? Is innovative and
Entertainment value. Comments such as: “I think that
this web site is very entertaining” and “The
enthusiasm of this web site is catching.”
2 Layout and functionality:
Usability. Useful navigational aids, links are obvious in
their intent and destination, navigation intuitively
logical, A first-time buyer can make a purchase from
this web site without much help.
Relevance of information. For instance, each page
clearly indicates what one can expect to find or do, All
relevant information easily available. Is there a lot of
irrelevant information? Technical details about
products can be easily accessed.
Customization/personalization. I could customize this
web site to what I like. I feel that this web site is
designed for me. When communicating with this web
site I am rarely addressed using my correct name.
This web site makes purchase recommendations that
match my needs.
Interactivity. This web site enables me to view the
merchandise in different ways. It has a search tool
which helps me find what I want. This web site helps
me compare products and prices. I feel that this is not
a very engaging or dynamic web site.
3 Financial security:
Ease of payment. It has efficient payment procedures.
Payment procedures seem to take a long time.
Payment facilities are easy to use. Paying for goods
involves entering a lot of details.
When buying from this web site I am not reassured by the
security procedures w *.
Overall, this web site seems security conscious *.
The size of the measure of e-servicescape presented above
(52-items) can be viewed as restricting the utility of the
developed measure. Consequently, while the application of
the full 52-item measure is recommended where possible (and
is used in the current study), to increase the usefulness of the
measure, a shortened 24-item version of the scale was
developed through further rounds of analysis. The items in
the shortened version are denoted with an asterisk.
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
Appendix 2. Intermediate variable
Trust (eight items), (Cronbach alpha ¼ 0:7722)[2]
1 This web site is interested in more than just selling me
goods and making a profit.
2 There are no limits to how far this web site will go to solve
a service problem I may have.
3 This web site is genuinely committed to my satisfaction.
4 Most of what this web site says about its products is not
true w.
5 I think some of this web site’s claims about its service are
exaggerated w.
6 If this web site makes a claim or promise about its
product, it is probably true.
7 I feel I know what to expect from this web site.
8 Overall, I feel that I can trust this web site.
Appendix 3. Endogenous variable
Purchase intentions (three items), (Cronbach
alpha ¼ 0:7667)[3]
1 I intend to purchase fewer goods from this web site in the
next few yearsw.
2 I consider this web site as my first choice.
3 I expect to do more business with this web site in the next
few years.
All scales used a seven point scale from strongly disagree (1)
to strongly agree (7). w Reversed coded questions.
Corresponding author
Lloyd C. Harris can be contacted at:
[email protected]
Executive summary and implications for
managers and executives
This summary has been provided to allow managers and executives
a rapid appreciation of the content of the article. Those with a
particular interest in the topic covered may then read the article in
toto to take advantage of the more comprehensive description of the
research undertaken and its results to get the full benefit of the
material present.
Alice in Wonderland, Shrek, Avatar – the future of cinema,
some say, is three-dimensional. What the movie makers are
trying to do is make the experience of their sights and sounds
more appealing, attractive, enticing and noticed. Back in the
more mundane world of shopping web sites, web designers
are also doing their level best to make the sights and sounds
we get online as appealing as possible. Just as bricks-and242
Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase intentions
Journal of Services Marketing
Lloyd C. Harris and Mark M.H. Goode
Volume 24 · Number 3 · 2010 · 230 –243
Perceived security. I have no concerns about buying
things from this web site. The security systems seem
rigorous. I am not reassured by the security
While global analyses may be useful, their worth is limited
as key aspects of the servicescape are often neglected.
Managers should undertake a systematic appraisal of their
online servicescape across each of the nine sub-dimensions
individually. This process almost inevitably leads to the
identification of a dimension or (more commonly) a subdimension of the online servicescape that is neglected.
While firms and designers are often proud of their online
provision, it is crucial to remember that e-servicescape is
perceptual and subjective. Whatever, the firm’s views of, for
example, their security procedures and records, there is
considerable evidence to suggest that consumers’
interpretations can be vastly different. Therefore, anything
which can reduce customers’ perceptions of ID theft or
reduce security problems must be implemented.
Loyalty intentions of online customers are strongly linked to
the extent to which they trust the service provider. Repeat
patronage pivots on the extent to which they perceive the firm
as trustworthy, which in turn is linked with the e-servicescape.
Consequently, online service providers should critically
evaluate their own service provision to ascertain factors
which erode or enhance customers’ perceptions of firm
trustworthiness. One easy way is by putting a contact
telephone number on every web page. This means
customers can easily and quickly contact the site to discuss
any special requirements or ask for additional advice. This is
particularly important for highly-priced items or where there
is a high level of choice.
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK At 05:51 15 January 2015 (PT)
(A précis of the article “Online servicescapes, trust, and purchase
intentions”. Supplied by Marketing Consultants for Emerald.)
To purchase reprints of this article please e-mail:
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