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Pine bark over this is just considered waste that pollutes the environment, pine bark is biomass which can be processed into alternative energy. Through the method of catalytic pyrolisis using the CoMo/NZA expected to convert pine bark as biomass into bio-oil. On the study of biomass pine skin 50 gram with a size of -60+80 mesh, silinap 500 ml, and catalyst CoMo/NZA 1,5 grams are incorporated into the slurry reactors, then pyrolysis process carried out on operating conditions, namely temperature and stirring speed 300 3200C rpm for 120 minutes with a flowing nitrogen gas (N2) as protective gas. The results obtained indicate that the yield obtained at optimum catalyst 1% CoMo/NZA i.e. amounting to 51,7%. Physical properties of test results obtained indicate the density (0,919 gr/ml), the viscosity (8.02 pm cSt), numbers of acidity (17, 78a), flash point (50 0 c) and the heat (44, 04MJ/Kg).Analysis of chemical content of results with GC-MS, the predominant chemical components found in bio-oil is 1-Pentene 13.90%, 2-Pentene 10.65%, 1-Propene, 1-Pentene 9,46% 6,38%, Hexane 6,23%.
Sepak takraw is one kind of sports which is developed in Bali and has been contested both on regional and international levels. The design of a sports training center is considered as a concrete manifestation in order to support the development of sepak takraw toward professional level. On constructing facilities of a building, it is a fundamental matter to make it certain that it will bring good impacts on both the activity function and the environment. On designing the Sepak Takraw Training Center, the ecology concept was used because it is suitable with the situation and the condition of the chosen site location. Moreover, it is also aimed to increase the awareness on using energy resources, especially the excessive usage of electricity. The result was a design of building mass which is environmentally friendly without reducing its space quality in accommodating the activity of sepak takraw itself. Therefore, the building mass becomes potential and balanced between the human and the architecture, as well as between the architecture and the environment. In order to achieve an ecological design of building mass, an analysis was conducted on the selected site location. The method used was the study of literature in order to determine the building standards for sepak takraw. It also included survey and direct observations. Therefore, the required data was obtained precisely. The building mass design of Sepak Takraw Training Center using ecology concepts can overcome the excessive usage of electricity and create a building mass design which characteristics include: is able to protect from the rain and direct sunlight, has a wide aperture and porous for the building mass to be able to control humidity which is also closely related to natural lighting and air circulation. Moreover, it brings good impacts on the human and the environment.
Disusun untuk memenuhi sebagian persyaratan guna mencapai derajat sarjana strata-1 kedokteran umum Inne Pratiwi Farissa G2A008097 PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN SARJANA KEDOKTERAN FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO 2012 ii LEMBAR PENGESAHAN LAPORAN HASIL KTI KOMPLIKASI PADA PASIEN INFARK MIOKARD AKUT ST-ELEVASI (STEMI) YANG MENDAPAT MAUPUN TIDAK MENDAPAT TERAPI REPERFUSI (Studi di RSUP Dr.Kariadi Semarang) Disusun oleh : INNE PRATIWI FARISSA G2A008097 Telah disetujui : Semarang, Juli 2012 PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN PENELITIAN Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, Nama mahasiswa : Inne Pratiwi Farissa NIM : G2A008097 Program Studi : Program Pendidikan Sarjana Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa : 1) Karya tulis ilmiah saya ini adalah asli dan belum pernah dipublikasi atau diajukan untuk mendapatkan gelar akademik di Universitas Diponegoro maupun di perguruan tinggi lain. 2) Karya tulis ini adalah murni gagasan, rumusan, dan penelitian saya sendiri, tanpa bantuan orang lain, kecuali pembimbing dan pihak lain sepengetahuan pembimbing. 3) Dalam karya tulis ini tidak terdapat karya atau pendapat yang telah ditulis atau dipublikasikan orang lain, kecuali secara tertulis dengan jelas dicantumkan sebagai acuan dalam naskah dengan disebutkan nama pengarang dan judul buku aslinya dalam daftar pustaka. Semarang, Juli 2012 Yang membuat pernyataan, Inne Pratiwi Farissa iv KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur penulis panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, karena atas karuniaNya, laporan akhir hasil penelitian karya tulis ilmiah yang berjudul Komplikasi pada Pasien Infark Miokard Akut ST-Elevasi (STEMI) yang Mendapat maupun Tidak Mendapat Terapi Reperfusi (studi di RSUP Dr.Kariadi Semarang) ini dapat diselesaikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memenuhi sebagian persyaratan guna mencapai derajat strata-1 kedokteran umum di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini tidak mungkin dapat diselesaikan tanpa bantuan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin menyampaikan ucapan terimakasih kepada : 1. Rektor Universitas Diponegoro yang telah memberi kesempatan kepada penulis untuk belajar, meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan, dan keahlian di Universitas Diponegoro. 2. Dekan fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada penulis untuk mengikuti pendidikan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro. 3. Direktur utama RSUP Dr.Kariadi Semarang yang telah memberi kesempatan kepada penulis untuk melaksanakan penelitian di RSUP Dr.Kariadi Semarang. 4. dr. Sodiqur Rifqi, Sp.JP (K), FIHA, FAsCC selaku dosen pembimbing yang telah berkenan meluangkan waktu dan memberikan bimbingan, arahan, serta motivasi dalam menyelesaikan penelitian. 5. dr. Nani Maharani, MSi.Med. selaku pembimbing dalam metodologi penelitian dan statistik atas waktu, bimbingan, serta arahan dalam menyelesaikan penelitian. 6. dr.Niken Puruhita, M.Med.Sc, Sp.GK dan dr.Ilham Uddin, Sp.JP, FIHA, selaku ketua penguji dan penguji yang telah memberikan kritik dan saran yang bermanfaat dalam penelitian ini.
Archaeologia Adriatica, 2023
The paper presents finds discovered in the the area of Goveja in the town of Vis on the island of the same name. The characteristics and the context of the finds suggest that they might have belonged to a Roman incineration grave. Prominent among the finds is a unique ceramic vessel, in the described context used as an urn. Its typical morphological model – a skyphos with a barbotine decoration – suggests that the vessel was manufactured in a Pontic sigillata workshop, that is in one of the Black Sea or Eastern Mediterranean production centres. Its uniqueness is reflected in the elaborate relief added to it, very reminiscent of decorative details found in other objects – appliqués from a fulcrum of a cline – that have been interpreted as a depiction of Artemis/Diana. The detailed analysis and contextualisation of grave finds presented in this paper shed further light on the manufacture of and demand for late 1st century and 2nd century tableware, and open new questions as to the appearance and distribution of Issaean burial landscapes, as well as the specific features of the Issaean funerary rite.
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