Revista Científica General José María Córdova
ISSN 1900-6586 (online), 2500-7645 (print)
Volume 16, Number 24, Octubre-Diciembre 2018, pp. 31-60
Citation: Torrijos, V., & Abella, J. D. (2018, October-December). The FARC’s behavior after the sig0ning of the Peace Agreement. Rev. Cient. Gen. José María Córdova, 16 (24), 31-60. DOI: http://dx.doi.
The FARC’s behavior after the signing
of the Peace Agreement
Section: Military studies
Scientific and technological research article
Vicente Torrijos Riveraa
Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia
Juan David Abella Osoriob
Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia
El comportamiento de las FARC tras la firma de los
acuerdos de La Habana
O comportamento das FARC após a assinatura
do acordo de paz
Le comportement des FARC après la signature de l’accord
de paix
Received: June 15, 2018 • Approved: August 28, 2018
a - Contacto:
[email protected]
b - Contacto:
[email protected]
General José María Córdova
Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
Abstract. The conjuncture produced by the convergence of multiple key events in the Colombian peace
process, such as the signing of the final agreement ending the conflict and building a stable and lasting peace,
the controversial plebiscite on the Colombian peace agreements in 2016, and the transformation of the
insurgent Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) into the Common Alternative Revolutionary
Force arouse the need to review the changes in strategy of the actors of this process. Accordingly, this article
proposes a qualitative analysis of the evolution of the FARC’s strategic behavior, in light of the conceptual
developments of the theory of revolutionary fertility, which is based on the construction of a model with four
study variables. The review from this model reveals that the guerrillas continue their process of adaptation
and strategic insertion.
Keywords: internal armed conflict; non-obvious warfare; peace agreement; revolutionary war; strategic
Resumen. La coyuntura producida con ocasión de la convergencia de múltiples hechos clave en el proceso
de paz colombiano (tales como la firma del Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera, el polémico plebiscito sobre los acuerdos de paz de Colombia en
2016 y la transformación del grupo insurgente Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia en Fuerza
Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común) plantea la necesidad de revisar los cambios en las estrategias de
los actores de dicho proceso. Conforme a esto, el presente artículo propone un análisis cualitativo de la
evolución del comportamiento estratégico de las FARC, a la luz de los desarrollos conceptuales de la teoría
de la fertilidad revolucionaria, en la cual se toma como base la construcción de un modelo con cuatro
variables de estudio. La revisión desde dicho modelo permite observar que la guerrilla continúa su proceso
de adaptación e inserción estratégica.
Palabras clave: acuerdo de paz; comportamiento estratégico; conflicto armado interno; guerra no evidente; guerra revolucionaria.
Resumo. A conjuntura produzida pela convergência de vários eventos-chave no processo de paz na
Colômbia, como a assinatura do acordo final para o término do conflito e a construção de uma paz
estável e duradoura, o plebiscito controversa em acordos de paz na Colômbia em 2016, e a transformação do grupo insurgente Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia (FARC) em Força Alternativa
Revolucionária do Comum desperta a necessidade de rever as mudanças na estratégia dos atores desse
processo. Consequentemente, este artigo propõe uma análise qualitativa da evolução do comportamento
estratégico das FARC, à luz dos desenvolvimentos conceituais da teoria da fertilidade revolucionária, que
se baseia na construção de um modelo com quatro variáveis de estudo. A revisão desse modelo revela que
os guerrilheiros continuam seu processo de adaptação e inserção estratégica.
Palavras-chave: acordo de paz; comportamento estratégico; conflito armado interno; guerra não óbvia; guerra revolucionária.
Résumé. La conjoncture produite par la convergence de plusieurs faits clés du processus de paix en Colombie,
comme la signature de l’accord final d’achèvement du conflit et de la construction d’une paix stable et durable, le plébiscite controversé sur les accords de paix colombien en 2016 et la transformation du groupe d’insurgés Forces armées révolutionnaires de Colombie (FARC) en la Force alternative révolutionnaire commune
soulève le besoin de revoir les changements dans la stratégie des acteurs de ce processus. En conséquence, cet
article propose une analyse qualitative de l’évolution du comportement stratégique des FARC, à la lumière
des développements conceptuels de la théorie de la fertilité révolutionnaire, qui est basé sur la construction
d’un modèle à quatre variables d’études. La révision de ce modèle révèle que la guérilla poursuit son processus
d’adaptation et d’insertion stratégique.
Mots-clés: accord de paix ; comportement stratégique ; conflit armé interne ; guerre non évidente ;
guerre révolutionnaire.
Volumen 16 Número 24 pp. 31-60 octubre-diciembre 2018 Bogotá, Colombia
The FARC’s behavior after the signing of the Peace Agreement
General José María Córdova
This document is the product of a keenness to understand how the prominent
events prompted by the current situation of peace and conflict in Colombia has generated an impact and a change in the strategies of the actors involved. Specifically, the
need surfaces to review the transformation of the strategic behavior of the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (today, Common Alternative Revolutionary Force) in its
pursuit for an effective and sustainable insertion in the different areas of political,
economic, and ideological life of society (Pécaut, 2008; “La reincorporación de las
FARC…”, 2017).
The relevance of analyzing the phenomenon described derives not only from the
objective of achieving greater clarity on the perpetually complex process and dynamics of the Colombian internal armed conflict, but also from the immense need to find
comprehensive and adequate approaches to understand (and, in the best of the cases,
to warn and predict) the behaviors, sometimes enigmatic before the non-informed
point of view, of the FARC.
For these reasons, and with the aim of addressing such issues theoretically and
analytically, this article aims to provide an informed and qualitative reflection on the
evolution of the FARC’s strategic behavior. It considers the conceptual developments
of the theory of revolutionary fertility,1 in which the construction of a model compoosed of four study variables is used as the basis of analysis. The review of the behavior
based on this qualitative model allows us to observe that, despite the multiple challenges and problems, the guerrillas continue their process of adaptation and strategic
insertion in the new dynamics of peace and conflict in Colombia.
To achieve this objective, and to examine and support these assertions, the document proposes a structure of three interconnected parts. The first part explores the
conjuncture of the internal armed conflict that took place between 2016 and 2017,
in which particular emphasis is placed on the milestones that constituted its factual
dynamic while exploring some of its implications regarding the strategic behavior of
the FARC.
In the second part, the self-developed theoretical-practical model, aimed at
studying the strategic behavior of the FARC (inspired by the theory of revolutionary
fertility), is presented, and the corresponding analysis is carried out, using this actor’s
activities and discourses as a reference. Finally, in the third part, an account of the
In general terms, this concept refers to the study of the conditions and probabilities under which it is more or
less feasible to seriously consider (and in terms of scores) the seizure of power by an insurgent group. It should
be noted that such studies take into account variables of context and compositional variables of the armed
groups, their relative position among the population, and the possibilities of solving structural problems endured by particular societies, among other factors (Torrijos, 2006).
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
General José María Córdova
Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
main findings of the analysis is made, in which a series of conclusions of the study
of the FARC’s strategic insertion in key areas of the policy, economy, and ideology of
national life.
The conjuncture of the internal armed conflict
between 2016 and 2017
The conjuncture of the internal armed conflict can be summarized, non-exclusively, by the confluence of three milestones of high relevance for Colombia: a) the
signing of a final peace agreement between the delegations in August 2016 (with
the subsequent rejection of this first agreement at the polls, in October of that same
year); 2) the signing of a second agreement in November 2016, after adjustments by
the delegations after considering the claims and proposals of the spokespersons of the
“no,” after the plebiscite; and 3) the beginning of the formal transition of the FARC
towards legality as a future political party, with the implication –among others– of its
new moniker, Common Alternative Revolutionary Force.
After almost four years of arduous negotiations in Havana (Cuba), the obtaining
of a first final agreement in August 2016 by the delegations of the Colombian government and the FARC, stands out. This momentous event, which marks for some
the end of more than 52 years of war between the Colombian State and the FARC
guerrillas, represents a point of substantial fracture in the history of the country, as
peace has been a longstanding national desire, which has been impossible “due to the
historical confrontation of Colombians, motivated by ideological, political, economic, and social interests, producers of the disintegration of the social fabric.” (Turriago,
2016, p.161)
Never in all its history has Colombia managed to close a bellicose chapter
as far-reaching as the one ending the confrontation between the FARC and the
Colombian State; nor does the scope of the latest agreements show greater precedents. In fact, only the Constitution of 1991 and the peace between Liberals and
Conservatives (1957) set a precedent for a political pact of this caliber. Not since the
Revolución de los Comuneros, at the end of the 18th century, had the populace seen
such an ambitious political pact between the elite and popular sectors (“¿Es esta una
paz sin precedentes?...”, 2016).
However, the result of the plebiscite for popular support of the agreement
to end the armed conflict between the State and the FARC was mostly negative.
Beyond the massive mobilizations called by the youth and promoters of the continuity of the peace agreements, the results in the polls revealed at least three significant implications:
Volumen 16 Número 24 pp. 31-60 octubre-diciembre 2018 Bogotá, Colombia
The FARC’s behavior after the signing of the Peace Agreement
General José María Córdova
The existence of a polarized Colombia, at least, regarding the mechanism
for ending the war with the FARC, manifested in a kind of center-periphery relationship in which the geographical and institutional periphery
voted “yes” massively, while the geographical and institutional center voted
“no” in the same way.
Irrespective of the final result, the historical phenomenon of abstention
persisted, added to the opposite effects of the political climate and indifference to a crucial juncture.
The low statistical difference between the “yes” and the “no,” which resulsted in a sensitive dynamic for the parties in negotiation and a subject of
debate against the viable perspectives of achieving the right of the victims
to the anticipated guarantees and the constitutional right of everyone to
live in peace (Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento
[CODHES], 2016).
Although the voting showed a majority tendency of 50.24% in favor of the “no”
option, the final data revealed that the regions of the country were divided between
the two options. The division was most evident in the way the department capitals
voted given the situations in many of the areas considered the focal points of the
armed conflict. For instance, the results revealed that the “no” won in 15 department
capitals, while the “yes” prevailed in 17. In the coastal and border areas, the “yes” was
predominant, while in the interior, where the largest electoral census is concentrated,
the “no” won (Basset, 2018; “La periferia perdió ante el centro…”, 2016).
From an economic approach to the center-periphery aspect, a sort of relation
was found between the most impoverished areas (measured according to the index of
multidimensional poverty or unsatisfied basic needs [UBN]) and those that predominantly voted “yes.” In the regions with the highest percentage of UBN, the “yes” vote
found solid support. Meanwhile, in a significant number of municipalities where the
UBN was under 50% the vote for “yes” was marginal. An inverse relationship was
found, when the “yes” vote is associated with the active presence of the State; that
is, the fewer the formal institutions, the higher the favorability towards the Havana
agreements (Álvarez & Garzón, 2016).
With the charge of attending to and scrutinizing the requirements of the sectors opposed to the original agreement, the delegations took more than forty days
to adjust the original document, which included changes in almost sixty different
topics. Having maintained its initial structure and deciding that Congress would endorse this second agreement, the parties made four main changes (Oficina del Alto
Comisionado para la Paz [OACP], 2016, “Los 10 cambios fundamentales…”, 2016):
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
General José María Córdova
Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
Block of constitutionality: The peace agreement does not form part of the
constitutional block. The guarantee of compliance is the commitment of
the parties to carry out the agreement in good faith. Concerning the State,
the principles of the agreement will be an interpretation parameter to guide
its normative and practical application.
Writs of protection: it was established that the Constitutional Court would
review the writs of protection against decisions by the Special Jurisdiction
for Peace (Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz [JEP]); this opens up the possibility that by way of exclusion of guardianship, the Constitutional Court
becomes the court of absolute and definitive resolution.
Preciseness on the parameters of restriction of freedom: it was established
that the Court for Peace must establish the territorial spaces where those
punished must carry out their sentence and the schedules and place of residence of the persons carrying out the sentence.
Inventory of FARC assets: it was established that during the term of the
abandonment of arms, the FARC would present an inventory of goods and
assets, which will be used to repair the victims.
Because no other insurgent group has had the power and territorial control accumulated by the FARC, knowing how the armed group framed and developed its
negotiating tactics is compelling, as well as visualizing, ultimately, the favorable and
unfavorable results obtained, and the way in which they articulate transversally with a
logic of strategic behavior coherent with their original objectives.
Therefore, when studying the evolution of this group’s strategic behavior, the
examination of the beginning of the FARC’s formal transition to legality as a future
political party constitutes an exercise of central importance. Its change of name from
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia to Common Alternative Revolutionary
Force, previously referenced as a milestone in the context of the internal armed conflict, evidences only one of many elements in the process of profound strategic adjustment that is well worth exploring.
The stride towards the conversion of the FARC from an illegal armed organization to a political party with legal identity is part of a larger process pertaining to the
reincorporation of the insurgent group into civil life, politically, economically, and
socially. As agreed during the negotiations, the new party would only be recognized
after the end of the process of abandonment of arms and with the fulfillment of the
conditions required by law, save the attainment of a determined number of votes in
the Congressional elections (“Así será la participación política”, 2016; “Timochenko
dice que con transición…”, 2017).
Volumen 16 Número 24 pp. 31-60 octubre-diciembre 2018 Bogotá, Colombia
The FARC’s behavior after the signing of the Peace Agreement
General José María Córdova
However, as a preamble to the FARC’s last constituent congress, the group’s
leader confirmed that once they become a political party, they will not change their
“ideological grounds” or their “society project” for Colombia.2 This statement is coherent with the text, Tesis de abril por un Partido para construir la paz y la perspectiva
democrático-popular (April Thesis; Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia Ejército del Pueblo [FARC-EP], 2017), a document of preparatory principles for the
founding congress of the FARC Party.
In this regard, thesis 47, “The nature and organizational principles of the Party”
states that it must be founded in consonance with the precepts defined during the
Tenth National Guerrilla Conference, which establish a Party modeled “in Marxism,
Leninism, Bolivarian emancipatory thinking and, in general, in the sources of critical and revolutionary thought of the peoples and in particular of the FARC-EP”;
moreover, it must be “a revolutionary and class party, and according to its historical
communist tradition. In this sense, its organizational principles will be inspired by
Leninism and the accumulated experiences of organization and struggle of the popular camp.” (FARC-EP, 2017, p. 36)
In the end, the founding congress, where it had been declared that the FARC
would make important decisions for its political future (such as the new party’s character and statutes or its possible courses of alliance in the face of the 2018 elections),
derived in the following outcomes (also relevant in understanding the FARC’s change
of strategic behavior):
Many of the delegates participating in the Congress to debate the pillars of
the Common Alternative Revolutionary Force were from the Clandestine
Colombian Communist Party, better known as PCCC.
Luciano Marín (Iván Márquez) was elected director of the Party with 888
votes among the votes of almost 1,200 delegates who deliberated for five
days. Pablo Catatumbo attained the second ballot with 866 votes.
It was decided that Party leadership would be collegial and consist of 111
members. This body would be responsible for appointing the executive
management body (National Political Council), the director of the Party
and the ten militants who would occupy the seats in the Senate and House
of Representatives the following year (Moreno, 2017).
In his speech, during the installation of the congress in which they will become a political party, Rodrigo
Londoño explained that the FARC will persist in “taking Colombia to the full exercise of its national sovereignty and making it current,” by seeking the establishment”a democratic political regime that guarantees peace with social justice, respect for human rights, and economic development with well-being for all.”
(“Timochenko dice que con transición…”, 2017)
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
General José María Córdova
Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
Along with the administrative and logistical decisions, and as expected after
Londoño’s opening speech, the group also adopted a series of resolutions of a political
and discursive order, which would constitute the programmatic basis of action of the
administrative apparatus already described.
Concerning this aspect, and using the contents of the Central Report to the
Founding Congress of the new political Party (Estado Mayor Central de las FARCEP, 2017) as a reference, four points stand out, among others.
The first is “reaching the heart of the population.” For the group, this means
overcoming the “social and cultural stigmatization and distortion” to which it has
been subjected to undermine the true purposes of its armed uprising.
The second is the FARC’s reaffirmation of its “full disposition to approach the
Commission for the Clarification of Truth and Special Jurisdiction for Peace” to present the truth and assume responsibilities but demand that the same is done by the
State and of all those involved in the conflict.
The third point is “the construction of a new political strategy.” The FARC
maintains its strategic plan of seizing power and aspires to “shape a new political and
social power of transformation and improvement of the existing social order,” advancing towards the achievement of a true, deep-rooted, advanced, direct, self-managed,
and community-based democracy. This strategy is incorporated into a “dual political
and strategic action.” On the one hand, the FARC will conceive its political action as
a cog in the dispute for the power of the State, including access to positions of representation and government at different levels3. On the other hand, they will conceive
it as an axis in the production of a new “bottom-up” social power within the different
social sectors.
Lastly, the need for a “transitional government” is highlighted, which is understood as an essential element to guarantee favorable conditions to implement the
final Peace Agreement of 2016. To this end, the FARC intends to work “for a transitional government of great democratic coalition, at the same time, for a movement
of movements of great national convergence” (Central Staff of the FARC-EP, 2017;
Gómez, 2017a). Already in their “preparatory thesis of the founding congress,” the
FARC explain that, given that the “scope of a political transition after the signing of
peace agreements cannot be left to the so-called traditional political class,” it becomes
peremptory the formation of a government of transition, which avoids the “closure
of the rebellion consisting of simple systemic absorption” and in the opposite sense
allows the proposal of an alternative vision to the current neoliberal policies for the
2018 elections (Arteta, 2017; FARC -EP, 2017).
For the FARC, access to all levels of the political-administrative organization of the State will solely be a means
to influence the transformation from within, concerning budgets of democratic expansion and enabling better
conditions for development (Estado Mayor Central de las FARC- EP, 2017).
Volumen 16 Número 24 pp. 31-60 octubre-diciembre 2018 Bogotá, Colombia
The FARC’s behavior after the signing of the Peace Agreement
General José María Córdova
The strategic behavior of the FARC: a critical look from the
revolutionary fertility model
Understanding the peace processes in Colombia as a means to resolve the armed
conflict peacefully is a mistake; this was acutely evident during the government of
Andrés Pastrana. Any peace process must also be understood as an opportunity for
the parties in conflict to achieve, through unarmed means, their different political
objectives. In other words, they are instruments of peace that, without the will of all
concerned, can or could have been “used as instruments to advance the war agendas
of the actors.” (Kriger, 2003, p. 14)
In the Colombian case, the FARC has always surmised the negotiation processes
as political alternatives to achieve objectives, unattainable for more than twenty years
with the use of force; this is especially palpable in recent years, given that although,
initially, the insurgent group formed of a capable army with the intention to cause
the Armed Forces rout, with clear and forceful strategic value in the nineties, this
escalation only lasted until 1998. This year, “the guerrillas sustained a strategic defeat
that forced them to abandon the idea of advancing a war of positions and return to
guerrilla warfare.” (Moreno, 2006, p. 606)
In a broad historical sense, all negotiations with the FARC have always transpired within the framework of a clash of perspectives and interests. On the one hand,
the insurgent group has always aimed (indifferent to the deadline) to modify the
Colombian political system, always considering its possible participation in the national government as an alternative. On the other hand, the various democratically
elected governments have always pursued the group’s disarmament, offering schemes
for reinsertion to civilian life, however, subscribing to a restricted agenda of issues
that do not contradict a current and “desirable” status quo. Given the implications of
the issue, the researcher of the Institute of Geostrategic Studies (Instituto de Estudios
Geoestratégicos [IEG]), Edgar Peñuela (2001, p. 28) advises that:
[…] it is necessary, in Colombia, to analyze the peace process, as a strategic game of
the parties to obtain political ends, contrary to the current position of many sectors
that see the process naively, summarized in the demobilization of the armed uprisings
and the end of the armed actions. The peace process, as a strategic-political means, is
another option that the parties have to achieve all or part of the goals proposed by the
armed struggle.
Taking the bilateral ceasefire of 1982, during the administration of President
Belisario Betancur as precedent, the FARC’s innate strategic behavior has evolved
and become so sophisticated that it has always managed to exploit numerous political
advantages from each and every peace effort and dialogue. The roundtable of Havana,
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
General José María Córdova
Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
by its characteristics, scope, dynamics, and time extension, constituted one of the best
alternatives (if not the best opportunity, so far) for the rebel group to advance its agenda
in all fields, especially, in politics and economics (Gonyalons, 2017; Peñuela, 2001).
The prior would be consistent with the FARC’s position of the “combination
of all forms of battle,” which guided its political and military actions. This position
consisted of combining all the possibilities of battle, including from legal to clandestine efforts, and from battles of revindication to the construction of a “revolutionary
people’s army”; this also meant actions aimed at converging the urban and popular
uprisings in the main cities with the armed action of the insurgency in the countryside
and rural areas. For the specific case of rural guerrilla activity, the FARC insisted on
the need to be guided by the tactics of mobile guerrilla warfare.
Although the Government has also displayed a strategic behavior, in pursuit of a
negotiated resolution to the oldest armed conflict in the hemisphere, its goal to convict the FARC by offering them in return all the guarantees necessary to achieve the
successful end of the process –sometimes yielding to central and national issues– has
evidently placed it in an intricate and disadvantageous position (Rodríguez, 2016).
The morphological changes in revolutionary warfare expose how relinquishing its apparatus for violence (through the abandonment of arms) shifts the FARC’s
efforts to new dimensions and new instruments of “non-obvious warfare4.” These
instruments manifestly aim to drive or coordinate their access to the State (both
nationally and subnationally) and, from there, gradually implement the postulates
of its Platform for a Government of National Reconciliation and Reconstruction
(Plataforma de un Gobierno de reconstrucción y reconciliación nacional, 1993)5 and its
“Revolutionary Rebirth of the Masses” (Plan Renacer Revolucionario de las Masas,
The term refers to a method of veiled aggression in which the State or other actors with true capacity and will
manage to attack each other in multiple ways without the victim being clear on exactly (and in a rather simple
way) who did it or even who was responsible for the action (Libicki, 2012, p. 19).
A programmatic proposal based on a document signed in 1993 on the thirtieth anniversary of the former
guerrilla organization. At that time, the project proposed a ten-point agenda to guide the work of a “pluralist,
patriotic, and democratic” national government, namely: 1) a political solution to the serious conflict in the
country; 2) the imposition of a “Bolivarian” military doctrine and national defense of the State; 3) national,
regional, and municipal democratic participation in decisions affecting society’s future; 4) development and
economic modernization with social justice, being the State the primary holder and administrator in the strategic sectors; that is, the energy and communications sector, public services, roads, ports, and natural resources;
5) 50% of the national budget invested in social welfare; 6) higher taxes will be imposed on those with greater
wealth to make the redistribution of income effective; 7) an agrarian policy that democratizes credit, technical
assistance, and marketing (total stimulus to industry and agricultural production); 8) exploitation of natural
resources such as oil, gas, coal, gold, nickel, emeralds, and others to benefit the country and its regions; 9) international relationships with all the countries of the world in compliance with the right to self-determination
of peoples and mutual benefit, as well as the complete revision of the military pacts and the interference of the
powers in Colombian internal affairs; and 10) provide a solution to the issues of production, commercialization, and consumption of narcotics and hallucinogens, understood, above all, as a critical social problem that
cannot be dealt with militarily (Conferencia Nacional de Guerrilleros, 1993).
Volumen 16 Número 24 pp. 31-60 octubre-diciembre 2018 Bogotá, Colombia
The FARC’s behavior after the signing of the Peace Agreement
General José María Córdova
2008)6,” projects that they have not abandoned, merely adjusted strategically because
of their correlation with their persistent ideological discourse.
This study proposes an analytical approach based on the theory of revolutionary
fertility, combined with contributions from other relevant sources and disciplines to
analyze this complex phenomenon of strategic behavior. In keeping with the reflections by Torrijos (2006) and the contributions and ideas of Farah (2016), Sindre
and Söderström (2016), Raymond (2014), De Zeeuw (2008), Dudouet (2007), and
Goldman (1990), the model implemented for this research (Figure 1) is based on four
interdependent analytical variables, designed to examine the nature and extent of the
FARC’s formal transformation into a political party. This transformation is understood here as a product of the evolution and sophistication of its strategic behavior.
Figure 1. Polyhedral model of critical examination of strategic behavior.
Source: Created by the authors based on information by Dudouet (2007), De Zeeuw (2008),
Farah (2016), Goldman (1990), Sindre and Söderström (2016), Söderström (2014), Raymond
(2014), and Torrijos (2006).
This new protocol, outlined by the Secretariat in 2008, is an attempt to prevent a military defeat and recover
lost political leverage, seeking to “resuscitate” the organization before national and international public opinion. It proposes, among other things: 1) a strong effort of infiltration and control of movements and social
organizations; 2) the use of guerrilla warfare in response to Plan Colombia and the Democratic Security Policy;
3) rethinking failing international efforts, after the death of Raúl Reyes and the evidence found on their computers; and 4) strengthen relations with Venezuela and develop joint work with the ELN in some regions of
the country (Castaño, 2008).
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
General José María Córdova
Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
A central component to ending civil wars and, hence, insurgent activity is to find
new political solutions to old political conflicts. One of these solutions has sometimes
been to convert armed groups into political parties. However, convincing long-standing belligerent structures to shift from arms to the formalized democratic political
polls is not an easy task. Even when armed groups are converted into political parties,
the challenges for democracy, peace, and security continue in the long term. Here, an
analysis from each of the four variables that make up the polyhedral model of critical
analysis of the FARC’s strategic behavior is proposed to expose some of the central
challenges in converting this group into a political party.
Development and conversion of military capabilities into political
The majority of internal wars ended since 1989 have included some efforts
to implement or strengthen democracy as part of peace commitments. It is usually
thought that democratic devices are powerful, non-violent strategies implemented to
adjust and resolve social conflicts, allowing the advancement of one of the key transformations in societies that have endured the horrors of war. This implementation or
strengthening –which may well include activities such as the restructuring of the old
constitutions, training, and formation of new political parties, and organization of
elections– is also seen as an effort to normalize politics and transfer the competence
for aggression to the polls7 (Raymond, 2017; Vorrath, 2010).
Although success has been obtained in some sense, formal development is not
enough. In recent years, various scholars have cautioned that processes such as periodic elections and other formal, democratic devices do not necessarily lead to functional
democracy (Diamond, 2002; Levitsky & Way, 2010). In this regard, despite the global reach of democratic ideas and institutes after wars, a significant disparity between
experiences and results persists. Some accomplishments are registered in the promotion of peaceful political competition, but failures persist, including the return of violence or the emergence of highly authoritarian regimes8 (Brancati & Snyder, 2011).
Reflecting on the reasons that explain this fluctuation in the electoral competitiveness of countries exiting conflict by implementing democratic devices, Raymond
This vision of democracy as a peacekeeping force has become a central element of development aid after a
civil war, which can be traced back to the United Nations Peace Agenda of 1992. It is important to note that
this conception of peacebuilding has evolved and other elements have been included, such as institutional
construction, the prioritization of the formation of democratic governance, and the strengthening of the rule
of law (Grasa & Mateos, 2014; Raymond, 2017).
While in Sierra Leone or El Salvador the transition from war to electoral peace actually seemed to lay a formal
foundation for a strong democratic system of competition and political alternation, in cases like Tajikistan,
post-conflict elections quickly became a seal of permanence for the government in office, which left the opposition with little or no chance of success (Raymond, 2017; Sriram, 2011).
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(2015, 2017) maintains that one of the key factors to understand this phenomenon is
the type of skills developed by combatants during the civil war; some prove to be more
useful than others in subsequent elections. In understanding a group’s post- conflict
political behavior, this reflection pivots around the need distinguish the abilities of the
ex-combatants, defined loosely as the resources, skills, and organizational structures
used by the group to achieve their objectives.
Raymond (2017) also proposes a typology of these combat abilities developed
during the conflict and divides them into specific and transferable skills. While the former’s utility is largely restricted to violence (fighting skills, and knowledge of remote
terrain and military hardware), the latter can be arranged for use in various types of
social mobilization (ethnic support networks, a populist ideology, the financing of a
comprehensive diaspora or a highly developed political organization, among others).
Rebel groups with transferable skills can be especially important because they can
eventually challenge the traditional political parties and groups at the polls and in
political contentions more effectively, given their entrenchment in important bases
and support networks among the population (Raymond, 2017).
It is certainly evident that specific skills prove less useful in helping ex-combatants to achieve their ends, after the conflict, through institutionalized political
processes, such as elections. However, in some particular circumstances, and even in a
planned and organized manner, “ex-combatants can force their opponent’s hand with
threats of renewed conflict, but this differs from success in adapting to new forms of
competition.”9 (Raymond, 2017, p. 243)
It is also important to highlight that the success in post-conflict election processes depends, to a large extent, on a combatant organization’s transferable skills (evaluated in comparison to other actors). In this regard, when a single demobilized group has
enough accumulated transferable skills, it could eventually “dominate post-conflict
elections and consolidate political power, even when it has not managed to dominate
the conflict militarily.” (Raymond, 2017, p. 243) Differently, when multiple opposition groups seek individual access to power, traditional elites can maintain political
dominance by buying the support of some of the groups and excluding others.
In the case of the FARC, although their repertoire of specific skills is undeniable,
the evolution of strategic behavior that we are witnessing today indicates their deep
trust in their transferable skills, aimed at achieving their historical, political objectives
“Participation in elections does not necessarily force combatants to renounce the option of renewed violence,
particularly when their skills are transferable between military and electoral competition. While combatants,
and particularly rebel groups, may prefer the resumption of violence to the risk of nearing elections, those with
transferable skills may keep their options open. In fact, a group could organize their ethnic networks to vote
while being warned about a possible return of the war, keeping secret hiding places for weapons, for example.”
(Raymond, 2017, p. 257)
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Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
in the long-term. Small wonder since for years, the FARC has been investing significant human and material resources in mass work, in the political struggle, urban
action, terrorism with great publicity impact, penetration of State structures, justice,
grassroots unions, and the consolidation of so-called popular power and the establishment of loyal political cadres (camouflaged within rural and indigenous communities,
universities, academic centers, the media, and even some NGOs), emphasizing the
strengthening of the “International Front.” (Pataquiva, 2009; Peñuela, 2001)
This reflection on transferable skills should not be taken lightly with groups
such as the FARC that have a vision and a defined and explicit political plan for taking power. The decision and juncture of wagering on disarmament and reintegration
must also be read tactically; it evidently finds its explanation in the insurgent planning
in which FARC ideologists and strategists stressed the need to exploit the war effort
“to put an end to the system of government and continue with a national insurrection
product of well-studied and applied political stratagems in other parts of the world,
yielding excellent results in achieving the consolidation of its objectives.” (Guaquez,
2013, pp. 7-8) By exhausting the armed route, reaching a point of diminishing returns, and suffering a strategic defeat in 1998, it is possible that the FARC considered
a readjustment of its plans to reach the “ideally insurrectional climax 2019,” and
would have preferred a false diplomacy (or of warriors) in the last peace negotiations
in search of substantial political advantages (Guaquez, 2013).
This group’s practical decisions have always been exceptionally realistic and their
discourse on the “political solution of the conflict” has incessantly maintained its
original pretension of making the government yield in a context of “military neutralization of forces” and conditions at the negotiating table. In this way, they intended to end the direct military confrontation, discounting the possibility or desire to
exterminate the institutional Armed Forces militarily. However, unlike the military
component, the political and insurrectional component has never been abandoned,
and since the Ninth National Conference of Guerrillas, the group has insisted on
the occurrence of a popular and urban uprising in the capital, in which the PCCC
would have an essential role. The latter would be supported by the multiple militias
and networks united by a large Bolivarian movement, which would be called upon
to manage and precipitate, at the end of the process, the creation of a “government
of national reconstruction and reconciliation.” (Bronstein, 2017; Peñuela, 2001; “Lo
que la guerrilla quiere…”, 1998)
The probability of a political-ideological shift
Post-conflict political reintegration is typically divided into three areas. The first
is the transformation of the military elite into a political elite, the second is the trans44
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formation of armed groups into political parties, and the third, the transformation of
individual grass root combatants into citizens. Now, besides the legal and logistical
issues, behind each of these interconnected processes is the underlying idea that each
group of actors must operate democratically and adopt democratic norms. Despite its
conceptual simplicity, this “last stretch” often becomes a substantial challenge because
ex-combatants and commanders (and their new political parties) can become politically functional but not necessarily democratically functional (Söderström, 2014).
In recent years, more than forty cases of attempted transformation of armed
groups into political parties have been witnessed worldwide. In many of these cases,
the groups had a partially political past, both in somewhat legal movements during a
period or hidden and clandestine after initiating their armed rebellion. This element
of the past or political profile is relevant because “the degree to which these groups
were institutionalized politically before the armed struggle has important implications
for the ease with which they can enter or re-enter electoral politics.” (Söderström,
2014, p. 2)
Its worth noting that, in an ideal sense, the main argument favoring the transition of armed groups into political parties or movements is that these groups can
become functional channels to approach the central causes of the conflict while allowing for a formalized space for political activity to advance following democratic
practices10. However, the structural and long-term implications for the democratic
system may be more problematic and have been under-examined. In this regard, the
disturbing element is the unfolding of the “likelihood of a political-ideological shift’
of the new movements that –conspired with other variables of context and conjuncture– presents a paradigmatic issue when evaluating the democratic contribution of
reintegration. According to Söderström (2014, p. 3), the issue of this probability is
critical because “although there are some cases of long-term successful activities in
democratic politics, there are many more examples of former armed groups that, having become political parties, have become authoritarian and have, in fact, limited the
political arena to one dominant party.”
Among the variables that influence a strategic behavior towards a moderate
democratic tendency or a hegemonic and authoritarian shift in trend, there are: a)
the persistence of an armed organization’s hierarchical and militant features; b) a set
Finding ways to approach conflicts peacefully is essential to building peace; this has often been the logic behind
the international community’s support for this transformation, beyond the fact that vital local actors can command this political haul to sign a peace treaty. Moving towards peace, the signing of an agreement is an important
step, and offering promising external support or institutional protection and space for armed groups in transition
can be an important incentive for signing the agreement. Interestingly, according to the Uppsala Conflict Data
Program, only 30 of the 216 peace agreements signed between 1975 and 2011 included provisions for the transformation of armed groups into parties or political movements (Söderström, 2014, pp. 2-3).
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Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
of politico-ideological values rooted in anti-democratic, nationalist or religious fundamentalist lines, partially or wholly opposed to the system established; and c) the
patronage and high personalized leadership, even after completing its peaceful transition to the political scene. The combination of these variables, added to elements of
context, increases the probability of affecting the pre-existing democratic system to
the domain of a single party. This type of hegemonic and authoritarian shift was, and
is, particularly evident in the case of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic
Front (ZANU-PF), the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the Eritrean People’s Front
for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ ), and Uganda’s National Resistance Movement
(NRM) (Sindre & Söderström, 2016).
Table 1 is an effort to examine, partially and from the factors described above,
the evolution of the FARC’s strategic behavior, concerning its reincorporation as a
party and the transfer of its revolutionary efforts to the field of electoral competition.
Table 1. Screening of the study factors of the political-ideological shift for armed groups in transition (case: FARC)
Persistence of hierarchical and militant
Elements evidenced in the FARC
- The FARC registers a hierarchical organization and a responsible high
command. In fact, a structure and military hierarchy are easily distinguishable; this has allowed it to advance multiple functions throughout the territory, over an extended period.
- The FARC and its members have shown, throughout the transition
process, a high degree of discipline and political structure.
- Institutionally, the internal hierarchies of the demobilized group have
been taken into account. This has been done given the lessons of
other worldwide processes, which suggest that granting a sort of preferential treatment to the middle cadres and managers “contributes to
temporarily maintain the leadership structures and guide the bulk of
the demobilized during the reincorporation.”
- The nature and relevance of the internal hierarchy in the FARC is
of such magnitude that it has challenged the very process of institutionalized Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR)
proposed by the government and has hampered the performance of
the National Reincorporation Council (CNR)1. The group’s static
discipline has been reflected in its demand for a collective process of
reintegration “with cooperative projects in which the communities
also participate and are rooted in the regions.”
Continúa tabla...
* According to Decree 2012 of 2016, the CNR is the “instance responsible for defining the activities and schedule, as
well monitoring the process of reincorporation of the members into legal life, economically, socially, and politically,
concomitant with their interests, and according to what is established in the Final Agreement for the termination
of the conflict and the construction of stable and lasting peace.”
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Elements evidenced in the FARC
Set of political-ideological
values rooted in anti-democratic, nationalist or
religious fundamentalist
- The 61 “April theses” or the founding principles of the FARC political
party reveal a consistent and strategic insistence on the old political and
ideological visions and schemes of the guerrillas. In fact, the document
reaffirms that the party will be based “on Marxism, Leninism, Bolivarian
emancipatory thinking, and, in general, on the sources of critical and
revolutionary thought of the peoples.”
- As to the above, and by reason of thesis 47, this group establishes that
the developing party construction, while continuing its long trajectory of
struggle and ideology, “must comprehend efforts for new developments
that enable the winning of the heart of the humble, the expropriated,
and the dispossessed.”
- In August 2017, during the first congress of the FARC as a political
party, the supreme guerrilla leader, Rodrigo Londoño, affirmed that, although the FARC would be transformed into a “new exclusively political
organization, which will exercise its activity by legal means,” it does not
mean that they would renounce, in any way, to their ideological foundations or social projects.
- During the same congress, the ex-combatants commended their leader
when he confirmed that they will continue to be “as revolutionary” as
when they were born, more than fifty years ago, and when he insisted
that they will persist in their effort to “bring Colombia to full exercise of
its national sovereignty and make it effective.”
Patronage and highly
personalized leadership
- The former guerrilla group’s high degree of personalized leadership
has not only been a historical identity element, but it has also been
acknowledged as one of its characteristic elements in its transition to
political life. In this regard, it should be noted that, from Havana,
the personalization took two ideological shades: a more open and
wide-platform nuance, led by Londoño, Alape, Catatumbo, Granda,
and Losada, and another, more conservative and dogmatic, headed by
Márquez, Santrich, and Joaquín Gómez.
- Although not an exact model replicating the internal dynamics of an
existing secretariat and military command line (where the commander in
chief had the last word), the revelation of a party that portrays a strongly
static structure that is highly ideological and excluding of the dissidence,
which poses serious risks of reproduction of such schemes in its external
activity is remarkable. Among some of the identifiable elements in this
trend are:
• An internal structure divided into communes made up of five memm
bers, organized according to geographical criteria or by economic and
social activity.
• A high probability of occupying the spaces for institutional presentan
tion based on the secretariat and the media and senior management. It
is affirmed that Márquez and Catatumbo would head the lists of candidates for the Senate and the House of Representatives. Additionally,
the 111 members of the Party leadership elected Rodrigo Londoño as
the president of the Common Revolutionary Alternative Force.
Continúa tabla...
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Patronage and highly
personalized leadership
Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
Elements evidenced in the FARC
• The organization’s exercise of veiled discrimination against dissidents
or possible opponents, who must decide between the two lines raised
by the high command or endure the indifference of the whole (this
issue affects militants, militias, and members of the PCCC) .
Source: Created by the authors based on information by Arias, Herrera and Prieto (2010),
Fundación Las Dos Orillas (2017), González (2016), Gómez (2017), Guaquez (2013), León
(2017), “Farc dicen que seguirán con sus fundamentos…”, (2017), “El proyecto político de las
Farc”, (2017), Robledo and Serrano (1999), and “Las FARC aún no resuelven...” (2017).
We can extract multiple and varied conclusions and reflections from the screening. However, for this analysis, we consider that these are the most prominent: a)
The FARC is still concerned that they will be the “wrong type of political group”;
this means that, in the end, they will be a political party without the ability or determination to sustain democratic lines; b) Several values historically expressed by
the ex-insurgents, both expressly and collectively discussed internally, are generally
located in an undemocratic dimension and, therefore, represent an obstacle to the
parties’ democratic politics and each member’s democratic participation; and c) because of its record of human rights abuses and commission of war crimes –and its
insistence on reproducing an internal political culture dominated by hierarchical and
militant traits– it is natural (and even advisable) to review its proposals and strategic
actions thoroughly, as well as question the feasibility of including this type of groups
in the country’s political and institutional dynamics (Sindre & Söderström, 2016;
Söderström, 2014).
Added to the above is the concern, in the short term, about what would ensue
if the group find the results illegitimate in their first electoral competition and consequently decide to return to the mountains and weapons –as occurred in 1992 with
the National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).
It is worth mentioning that, although these are real issues, they do not dictate the
absolute compulsion to exclude all insurgent groups, a priori, from attempting this
transformation (Leão, 2007; Söderström, 2014). Not only because of the possibility
that peace processes introduce to obtain political benefits as an incentive to stop violence, but also because of the real possibilities that participation in regular politics will
gradually tame and moderate the anti-democratic and authoritarian values of a determined re-integrated structure, re-channeling it in a genuine democratic direction. It
can also be said that excluding all groups from participating in politics can instigate
the radicalization of their followers markedly, providing grounds for a return to war.
Contemporary examples such as the Nicaraguan case can illustrate, to a certain extent,
these intertwined phenomena (Söderström, 2014).
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Development and strengthening of behaviors of interest
As a guerrilla group and political grouping of Marxist-Leninist ideology, the
FARC have had and will always have (in their status and DNA) the objective of establishing a socialist state in Colombia (Farah, 2016). At a conceptual level, this issue
should not be alarming, in the strict sense, especially recognizing that a political party
can be defined as an association of persons whose primary goal is to have or exercise
the power of the State through its leaders. However, given that the function of state
power is creating (and restoring) a model of development, harmony, and social coexistence, which generates visible and lasting effects on the lives of peoples and individuals, it is vital to review the principles, content, and discourses that support the groups
pursuing and holding this power (Gómez, 2017; Rúa, 2013).
This debate is of particular interest in the light of the perennial process of delegitimization of several of the dominant institutions, such as the traditional parties,
which have been deprived of the favor of citizens, among other things “because they
have lost their ability to act as mediators and supporters of the interests of unprotected or persecuted groups, and have tolerated social decomposition, as in Colombia
with the Violencia and current terrorism.” (Fals Borda, 1989, p. 62) This discrediting
process has shifted the attention of voters and politicians to the proposals for change
and transformation carried out by the new “movements, which allude, in addition, to
three specific components: “resistance, insurrection, and constituent power.” (Boron,
2003, p. 5)
Contrary to established models, many activists, including insurgent groups,
have noted that neither armed struggle nor parties, in the classical sense, are the only
viable options to consolidate and obtain state power. However, although a partisan
structure has not been fundamental for alternative groups to gain power (in the case
of Cuba and Nicaragua), some experiences in the Southern Cone and in Africa reveal
how some of these groups (including those of ex-insurgents) result in a “negative
weight for change” by overplaying hierarchy and verticality. This occurs because of the
vested interests (group or social class) to which they are reduced given their recurrent
idealization of force and implementation of violence, as well as the manipulation and
degradation that they often endure, in favor of their revolutionary efforts (Fals Borda,
1989, p. 63; Paramio, 2006).
It is feasible that the political party born of the FARC could experience the sizeable dilemma described above, which, in the model explained, distinguishes between
two scenarios. The first is one of absorption and assimilation, in which it becomes a
grouping with particular “pro status quo” tendencies that concedes its position in the
political arena and develops opposition or coalition work depending on the politi-
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Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
cal-electoral calculation. The second is one of “revolutionary implementation” in
which the nascent structure decides to continue with the exercise of various forms
of struggle (financing, sabotage, penetration, and criminalization of the State) in the
pursuit for the seizure of power to govern and build the “new Colombia.” Thereon,
the FARC’s design to form a “National Transitional Government for 2018” has
generated considerable controversy, as this term ordinarily “applies when a constitutional rupture or a coup is intending to establish a new regime.” (“FARC hablan
de...”, 2016)
Given the current absence of a figure in the Colombian Constitution that considers the eventual existence of a transitional government, the term evokes problematic events such as those that occurred after the release of Hugo Chávez –prosecuted
for the coup of February 4 of 1992– when he promised a “political transition that
implied, among other things, the appointment of a National Constituent Assembly to
draft a new National Constitution, the ‘death’ of the old Adeco-Copeyano oligarchic
model, the birth of the Fifth Republic, and the establishment of a new era called the
Bolivarian Revolution.” (“La promesa con la que Chávez...”, 2015)
In this regard, it is particularly important to observe the evolution of the FARC’s
behavior according to their interests within the formal dimension of electoral competition, and this against the possibilities that their integration into the system manages
to “tame and moderate” their undemocratic and authoritarian values. In fact, several
of the group’s issues and expressions draw attention when reflecting on their eventual reintegration into Colombian democratic politics, before and during the negotiations. In the first place, it is a mistake to say that the FARC knows nothing about the
elections. In the past, the group was denounced for their lengthy violent, extortive,
and covert management over some local democratic processes, which they carried out
as a form of territorial control (Cosoy, 2017).
Secondly, the event occurred in February 2017, when during the visit of six
members of Congress in Havana to talk about political participation and victims, the
guerrillas manifested their unambiguous disinterest in reaching the Congress, perceiving it as a failed and corrupt expression that distorted the popular desires. In fact,
in the past, several FARC leaders have spoken contemptuously about the possibility
of coming to elected office as a way to end hostilities and demobilize (Massé, 2013).
Lastly, because the FARC has never renounced its doctrine of revolutionary
action, some have warned that since its transition they will seek to consolidate their
already accumulated territorial and popular power in some areas of the country
to deepen and exploit discontent and social struggles, taking them to the level of
mobilizations and political struggle to undermine governance. In this regard, their
strategy is to consider themselves as a new actor (outsider) with whom they must
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negotiate and cede necessarily to “prevent” a deepening of the conflict11 (Aguilera,
2013: Calle, 2015).
Application of an adjusted and Bolivarian-type state capture model
Although the most negative predictions (even after the defeat of the agreement
in the plebiscite) have had to be revised, uncertainties persist about the real and total
disposition of the FARC to play according to the rules of participatory democracy.
These concerns are understandable, in part, because the FARC –a Marxist insurgency,
extant after more than fifty years of strife through the development of prosperous,
highly criminalized, and enormously profitable clandestine structures– are not strictly
enforced (given the State’s shortcomings and the impossibility of detailed control)
to dismantle these dynamics, behaviors, and structures, even after a relatively formal
transition from war to politics (Farah, 2016; Samacá, 2017).
It should be noted that some the FARC’s most important advisors during the
negotiations were the highest leaders of other Latin American revolutionary movements that have maintained their clandestine structures intact, such as the Farabundo
Martí Communist Party Front (FMLN) in El Salvador and the Ortega wing of the
Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) in Nicaragua. Not only have some of
these structures become the most powerful organizations in Central America, but
they have also played an important role in the preservation and strengthening of the
parties and ex-insurgent groups’ power in their respective countries (Farah, 2016;
González, 2009; Rogers, 2010).
These advisers, who still define themselves as Leninists in their discourse, affirm
that the Marxist revolution must continue by any means available. The FARC are
not alien to this belief and, having lost the war militarily, now aspire to redirect their
revolutionary efforts from other areas (economy and politics), perhaps, not entirely
playing a constructive democratic role but with the objective to take power and keep
it in perpetuity, following the path outlined by Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez, Daniel
Ortega, and Evo Morales (Cohrs, 2015; Farah, 2016).
That said, if the variables for the case of the FARC take on the values of “hegemonic and authoritarian tendency” and “revolutionary implementation,” it is highly
It is worth remembering that, since 2013, during the complicated peace negotiations, the FARC have defended ironically “the idea that social movements are much more representative of the interests of the people than
political parties (which they perceive as corrupt, with paltry autonomy against the government in power, not
representative of the interests of their represented),” and even demanded at the roundtable in Havana “that
the guarantees of a possible Statute for the Opposition be extended to these social mobilizations.” Then and
now, both the government and observers have opposed these requirements “because they consider that, if it
advances, the political parties would burst open and a path towards authoritarianism will be opened.” (León,
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
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feasible to consider a high risk of attempting to apply a fitted and Bolivarian-type state
capture model. If this is the case, they would be in harmony with the Bolivarian version of the FARC model, which borrows some elements from the experiences of several revolutionary movements that were much more successful in the political field than
the Colombian group and also finds in the co-optation and accumulation of government resources the key to achieving almost total state control (Bulmer-Thomas, 2013;
De la Torre, 2017; Farah, 2016).
In this regard, the FARC can already count on many useful lessons from its
allies in the Bolivarian Revolution, which triumphed in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia,
Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Suriname. Among the most significant teachings is the
recognition that the time of the armed revolution in Latin America had passed and,
in its place, the insurgent groups had to look for realistic and duly elaborated means
towards lasting power. As an adaptable booklet, the described cases reveal the continuation of the following tactics for the achievement of this objective (Åsedotter, 2016;
Corrales, 2010; Farah, 2016; Pestana & Latell, 2017):
De-legitimize corrupt and inefficient democratic governments through mass
civil unrest and selective violence.
Attain the elections with a broad coalition and subsequently demand a “re-founding” of the State based on the rewriting of the Constitution and a dynamic of
alternating power, unsustainable for the opposition.
Oust all moderates from the governing party and label those who resist deviating towards authoritarianism as “traitors” and “counterrevolutionaries.”
Decollate the army and police from their leadership and replace the high command with ideologically compatible officers, by the implementation of a policy
of strict and permanent doctrinal training.
Promote criminal activity, in particular, the trafficking of cocaine, as a way to
generate resources to buy the loyalty of the armed forces, the political base, and
the corruptible members of the corporate elites.
Suppress free media, corrupt and cooperative judicial powers, and weaken state
institutions through media laws, tests of allegiance, and control of all branches
of government, allowing political opponents to be imprisoned without charge
and to replace critical media with government information offers of a national
and permanent nature.
Some points of the previous, added to the contents in several of the known governing documents of the nascent FARC political group, reflect that they are already
taking some concrete actions to follow this model. For example, they have designed
a roadmap with the help of their advisers from the Bolivarian bloc who know first52
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hand the successes and errors of this strategy when it comes to taking and maintaining power for years. It can also be seen how the ex-insurgents, while anticipating to
transfer their considerable economic sums to safe haven in El Salvador, Panama, and
Nicaragua, have helped to finance and support transport strikes and civil unrest, and
have even admitted to other movements that, although not ideologically related, are
disposed to collaborate in certain lines of action (“Fiscal general confirma …”, 2014;
Instituto de Estudios Geoestratégicos y Asuntos Políticos [Iegap], 2012; “De la fortuna oculta de las FARC…”, 2016).
It should also be noted that the FARC has incessantly requested a constituent
assembly to rewrite the Constitution; this is read, from the model described previously, as a strategic effort to obtain a more manipulable, new social contract that
would grant the group the power and impunity that could not possibly be obtained
through the ballot box or a traditional parliamentary activity. More boldly (compared
to the less successful attempt by the FMLN), the FARC has also managed to regain
the “control” of a large part of the territory lost between 2002 and 2013 by negotiating the conservation of some of the designated territories as “concentration zones.”
Undoubtedly, regaining territorial control over large swathes of territory without firing a single shot is a coveted accolade for any political group raised in arms, even in
transition (Farah, 2016; González, 2011)
Despite being originally considered “transitory,” many of these areas are becoming permanent, favoring the FARC’s territorial control, who maintain that “they have
already established neighborhoods near the areas and municipalities where they can
start to do politics,” and also “because, for them, one of the greatest strengths is collective life.” In return, the Government has only demanded “case by case, that is, zone
by zone” reviews as long as the FARC commits to lay down their weapons within the
agreed period (Vélez, 2017). With this, the group has apparently managed to maintain its influence and power in regions that once constituted fortresses and areas of
retreat, obtaining the clout and power unseen before with another pre-existing political party (Castañeda, 2016).
Should the application of the Bolivarian model continue, the future occurrence
of the following complex phenomena is feasible: a) the expulsion of the “moderate”
FARC leaders who may exist and want to nurture a genuine democratic transition; b)
a drastic increase in civil unrest fueled by the FARC, which is executed tactically as the
group advances in its endeavor to delegitimize government and state institutions; and
c) the deliberate filtration of the FARC’s substantial illicit resources into its political
wing, from the criminalized clandestine structures, which provide a constant flow of
resources from drug trafficking, illegal gold mining, and other illicit activities. In this
regard, despite the almost simultaneous announcement of several fronts known for
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
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Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
their links with drug trafficking to not accompany the peace process, it is likely that
this does not reflect a true dissidence within the organization, but rather the execution
of the FARC’s plan of the taking power (Álvarez, 2016; Farah, 2016; Pardo, 2014;
Socratidis, 2017).
This study endeavors to understand how the multiple milestones resulting
from the present conjuncture of peace and conflict in Colombia have impacted and
changed the strategies of the actors involved. With this, we recognize the urgent need
to review the transformation of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia’s (today
the Common Alternative Revolutionary Force) strategic behavior and its implications
for the permanence of democracy in Colombia.
To address these issues in a theoretical and analytical manner, in this article we
strived to offer an informed and qualitative reflection on the evolution of the FARC’s
strategic behavior, in light of the conceptual developments of the theory of revolutionary fertility and using as a basis of examination the construction of a model composed of four study variables.
The use of this qualitative model to review the group’s behavior brought forth
the following: a) That the guerrillas continue their process of adaptation and strategic insertion in the new dynamics of peace and conflict in Colombia. Moreover,
there are some elements of judgment that hint towards their advancement within
the framework of a Bolivarian-type adjusted state capture model; b) Regarding the
likelihood of political-ideological turnaround, the screening of study factors for armed groups in transition reveals that there can and should be a concern that the
FARC is the “wrong type of political group”; that is, that in the end, they constitute
a political party without the capacity or will to sustain genuine democratic lines; and
c) Regarding the development and consolidation of the interested behavior, there are
several problematic issues when considering the possibility that the integration of the
FARC into the formal political system manages to “tame and moderate” its anti-democratic and authoritarian values.
Among these issues are, in the first place, the risks of reproducing violent, extortive, and covert behavior against electoral processes. Secondly, there are the dangers of
seeking, from new positions, a consolidation of their already accumulated territorial
and popular power in some areas of the country, deepening and capitalizing on social
discontent intending toto undermining political governability. The latter would make
them a sort of compulsory actor that must be negotiated with and given in to “prevent” a deepening of the
Volumen 16 Número 24 pp. 31-60 octubre-diciembre 2018 Bogotá, Colombia
The FARC’s behavior after the signing of the Peace Agreement
General José María Córdova
That said, it is necessary to continue with the analytical examination of this evolution, not only because of its changing and dynamic nature but also because of the
limited conclusive elements of judgment that allow its circumstances, information,
and facts. In this regard, the model proposed here can constitute an input of exceptional utility and importance at the time of persisting in this important and necessary
task of reviewing an actor that, due to the characteristics of its identity, has and will
have implications for Colombia’s institutional, democratic, and social development.
The authors thank the Universidad del Rosario for its support in carrying out
this article.
The authors do not declare any potential conflict of interest related to the article.
This text is derived from the research project No. Col 00 25 289, Evolutionary Trends
in Terrorism in Colombia: The FARC 2010-2019, from the Universidad del Rosario.
The authors do not declare a source of funding for the production of the article.
About the authors
Vicente Torrijos Rivera is a tenured professor of Political Science and
International Relations at the Universidad del Rosario. He has been a presidential
commissioner for crisis management with Venezuela and is currently a member of the
National Council for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education (Chamber of Social
Sciences and Humanities). He is the representative in Colombia of the Transcend
Global Peace and Development Network and a consultant at the Elcano Royal
Institute of International and Strategic Studies in Madrid. Professor of Strategic Logic
in the Course of Advanced Military Studies of the Escuela Superior de Guerra. He
is the founder of the Colombian Chapter of graduates of the National University of
Defense, of the United States.
Juan David Abella Osorio is a political scientist and candidate for a Master’s in
Construction of Peace, from the Universidad de los Andes.
Revista Científica General José María Córdova Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos
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Vicente Torrijos Rivera & Juan David Abella Osorio
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