International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 4, 2023
is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that has a range of cultures that are very diverse and ... more is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that has a range of cultures that are very diverse and diffused from Sabang to Merauke. East Nusa Tenggara is one Province in central Indonesia that possesses a collection of cultures, traditions, rituals and arts. Culture at a certain point can be a piece of authentic evidence, a culmination of change, and also a development that takes place in a certain time and space (Gregor Neonbasu, 2021:15). It is considered to have seven aspects, namely: • Religious systems, beliefs and religious ceremonies, • Systems and community organizations, • Knowledge systems, • Languages, • Arts, • Livelihood systems, • Technological systems (Koentjaraningrat 1985: 180) By understanding the explanation above, it can be concluded that culture is a manifestation of the unity of the community's sense of culture that is carried out to create values that are inherent in the community. Culture itself is something complex, which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, habits, and values acquired by humans as members of society (Haviland, 1999:332). Culture in East Nusa Tenggara has born and developed for centuries by the indigenous people. It is heavily influenced by the environment, ancestral beliefs, and inculturation that develops in the local community that owns the culture itself. The inherent values can then be defended and enhanced by the owner community through various approaches such as art, rituals, etc. Cultures that are considered positive will be passed on by a group of people from generation to generation, while cultures that are considered conservative, damaging and negatively charged will be rejected. The condition of positive cultural inheritance as well as active art development occurs in many regions in Indonesia and one of them is on the island of East Nusa Tenggara. One of the regions in Java that still holds the existence of Ruwat bumi is in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, where the implementation of this Ruwat bumi tradition is usually carried out in the month of Sura or the Islamic New Year. Ruwat bumi in the Purbalingga area is unique compared to other types in other Javanese regions. The existence of puppet shows in a series of ruwat structures is one form of activity that cannot be separated. Art in the people of Nagekeo is a means to deepen relationships between communities because art is something that can be appreciated by all groups regardless of social status in society. One of the rituals in Indonesia that is derived from the Flores region of East Nusa Tenggara is the Ngagha Mere ritual.
International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 31, 2022
Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, ... more Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, and enter the industry. Aesthetics are no longer free goods that can reflect the thoughts of the perpetrators but have become standardized commodities entering the cultural industry (Adorno, 1997:127). Besides being firmly established in each individual human being, aesthetics has also been transformed into the commercial area. Among them are soap operas, commercials, stage shows, songs to film series. Everything, including aesthetics, which has been transformed into entertainment media, of course, has a larger area of distribution to influence a society's state of mind. One of the entertainment media that contains aesthetics and is most loved by the public is film. Through watching films, there are many meanings that the audience can obtain. The mandate or meaning of cultivating a slick visual film, the development of the social conditions of the people who are appointed, and the aesthetic beauty of the actors are very interesting to understand. Film can also be one of the entertainment media that has a huge place in people's hearts because of its long creative process and a reflection of existing social conditions. Matlin said that creativity is a creative thinking process to get 'the light of a light bulb above his head' (Tomo, 2011: 7). Then Supriadi (1994) (in Rachmawati, 2011: 13) states that creativity is a person's expertise in giving birth to new different forms, whether in the form of ideas, ideas, or real works from previous works. Therefore, creativity in films can always create fresh new ideas. In addition to aesthetics, in order to form an entertainment media that attracts the attention of the community owner, producers tend to use social facts that become massive phenomena. The use of phenomena and facts happening in society is the same as uncovering controversies as a medium of education and entertainment. Stuart Hall in Yuyun asserts that the media is the main cultural and ideological force that stands in a dominant position by paying attention to how social relations and political issues are defined and produced and transformed from popular ideologies that are considered by the audience (Yuyun Surya, Vol. 6 No.1 April 2005). Referring to this idea, it can be concluded that the mass media shows a role in presenting the reality that exists in society. This includes raising sensitive issues such as women's struggles in the domestic sphere. Domestic issues, cases of
International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 31, 2022
Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyon... more Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyone to create music. Songs that are currently popular will be easily found on YouTube, Spotify, Joox, and others with various cover models with different styles and presentation formats. The music that is presented again is known as cover music. By arranging music, musicians can bring back a song in a different form from the original music. The varied parts are in the form of musical presentation, genre or style, the use of many kinds of musical instruments, and even singing songs in different languages. Music covers are produced indiscriminately so that all kinds of songs can be replayed and uploaded on digital platforms. Indonesian songs are no exception, where the songs made by Indonesian musicians are translated into other languages. The trend currently found is Indonesian songs which are re-sung into Japanese versions. This cover music is performed by the audience of the song, both local and foreign audiences, and even by the musicians themselves. The songs that are generally covered are Indonesian songs that are on the rise or occupy the top positions on the playlist. The reasons are various, such as wanting to recreate, go viral, exist and show off their abilities or even increase YouTube channel views. Gradually, singing songs that were originally in Indonesian into Japanese is not a new thing. According to McIver (Soekanto, 2002: 304), culture is an expression of the soul, which is manifested in ways of living and thinking, social life, literary arts, religion, recreation, and entertainment, fulfilling the needs of human life. Finally, the term popular culture emerged. The popular culture here is an element of culture that comes from the people because it relates to everyday problems that everyone enjoys. According to Burton (Chaniago, 2011: 93), popular culture is dominated by producing and consuming material commodities rather than true art that arises from profit motives. It can also be said that popular culture is the result of the creation of an industrial society that is supported by advances in production technology and mass reproduction to make it more accessible to every line of society without the limitations of space and time. Japan is a developed country that preserves traditional and contemporary culture, commonly called popular culture. Japanese popular culture includes anime, manga, J-fashion, Japanese popular music, dramas, games, and more. Japanese popular music, abbreviated as J-Pop, is all modern Japanese music genres famous worldwide and in demand from all walks of life. One way to spread cultural hegemony is through the mass media, which indirectly instills ideologies into society. Mass media is an access for hegemonic groups (rulers/dominant class) to exercise their power. The mass media can influence the mindset, paradigm, and ideology of the community or other groups because the mass media are massive and have a significant influence. According to Gramsci, there are two forms of hegemonic leadership, namely intellectual
International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 31, 2022
Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, ... more Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, and enter the industry. Aesthetics are no longer free goods that can reflect the thoughts of the perpetrators but have become standardized commodities entering the cultural industry (Adorno, 1997:127). Besides being firmly established in each individual human being, aesthetics has also been transformed into the commercial area. Among them are soap operas, commercials, stage shows, songs to film series. Everything, including aesthetics, which has been transformed into entertainment media, of course, has a larger area of distribution to influence a society's state of mind. One of the entertainment media that contains aesthetics and is most loved by the public is film. Through watching films, there are many meanings that the audience can obtain. The mandate or meaning of cultivating a slick visual film, the development of the social conditions of the people who are appointed, and the aesthetic beauty of the actors are very interesting to understand. Film can also be one of the entertainment media that has a huge place in people's hearts because of its long creative process and a reflection of existing social conditions. Matlin said that creativity is a creative thinking process to get 'the light of a light bulb above his head' (Tomo, 2011: 7). Then Supriadi (1994) (in Rachmawati, 2011: 13) states that creativity is a person's expertise in giving birth to new different forms, whether in the form of ideas, ideas, or real works from previous works. Therefore, creativity in films can always create fresh new ideas. In addition to aesthetics, in order to form an entertainment media that attracts the attention of the community owner, producers tend to use social facts that become massive phenomena. The use of phenomena and facts happening in society is the same as uncovering controversies as a medium of education and entertainment. Stuart Hall in Yuyun asserts that the media is the main cultural and ideological force that stands in a dominant position by paying attention to how social relations and political issues are defined and produced and transformed from popular ideologies that are considered by the audience (Yuyun Surya, Vol. 6 No.1 April 2005). Referring to this idea, it can be concluded that the mass media shows a role in presenting the reality that exists in society. This includes raising sensitive issues such as women's struggles in the domestic sphere. Domestic issues, cases of
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies
Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyon... more Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyone to create music. Songs that are currently popular will be easily found on YouTube, Spotify, Joox, and others with various cover models with different styles and presentation formats. The music that is presented again is known as cover music. By arranging music, musicians can bring back a song in a different form from the original music. The varied parts are in the form of musical presentation, genre or style, the use of many kinds of musical instruments, and even singing songs in different languages. Music covers are produced indiscriminately so that all kinds of songs can be replayed and uploaded on digital platforms. Indonesian songs are no exception, where the songs made by Indonesian musicians are translated into other languages. The trend currently found is Indonesian songs which are re-sung into Japanese versions. This cover music is performed by the audience of the song, both local and foreign audiences, and even by the musicians themselves. The songs that are generally covered are Indonesian songs that are on the rise or occupy the top positions on the playlist. The reasons are various, such as wanting to recreate, go viral, exist and show off their abilities or even increase YouTube channel views. Gradually, singing songs that were originally in Indonesian into Japanese is not a new thing. According to McIver (Soekanto, 2002: 304), culture is an expression of the soul, which is manifested in ways of living and thinking, social life, literary arts, religion, recreation, and entertainment, fulfilling the needs of human life. Finally, the term popular culture emerged. The popular culture here is an element of culture that comes from the people because it relates to everyday problems that everyone enjoys. According to Burton (Chaniago, 2011: 93), popular culture is dominated by producing and consuming material commodities rather than true art that arises from profit motives. It can also be said that popular culture is the result of the creation of an industrial society that is supported by advances in production technology and mass reproduction to make it more accessible to every line of society without the limitations of space and time. Japan is a developed country that preserves traditional and contemporary culture, commonly called popular culture. Japanese popular culture includes anime, manga, J-fashion, Japanese popular music, dramas, games, and more. Japanese popular music, abbreviated as J-Pop, is all modern Japanese music genres famous worldwide and in demand from all walks of life. One way to spread cultural hegemony is through the mass media, which indirectly instills ideologies into society. Mass media is an access for hegemonic groups (rulers/dominant class) to exercise their power. The mass media can influence the mindset, paradigm, and ideology of the community or other groups because the mass media are massive and have a significant influence. According to Gramsci, there are two forms of hegemonic leadership, namely intellectual
TONIL: Jurnal Kajian Sastra, Teater dan Sinema, 2019
Penciptaan naskah drama Lolo merupakan sebuah naskah transformasi kehidupan penari sintren Pemala... more Penciptaan naskah drama Lolo merupakan sebuah naskah transformasi kehidupan penari sintren Pemalang. Proses penciptaan naskah drama Lolo dilakukan dengan metode penciptaan menurut Graham Wallas, teori feminisme dilengkapi dengan teori tingkah laku sosial. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penciptaan naskah drama Lolo adalah dengan cara melakukan observasi dan wawancara, membaca tinjauan pustaka serta membaca karya-karya terdahulu. Setelah semua data terkumpul, proses selanjutnya adalah mengolahnya menjadi sebuah naskah drama utuh. Naskah drama Lolo menceritakan tentang perjuangan gadis berusia 14 tahun bernama Kencana yang harus putus sekolah, menjadi penari sintren, mengalami tekanan sosial hingga akhirnya menikah. Kekecewaan demi kekecewaan mengantarkan Kencana pada satu pilihan, untuk melakukan pembunuhan.
International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 4, 2023
is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that has a range of cultures that are very diverse and ... more is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that has a range of cultures that are very diverse and diffused from Sabang to Merauke. East Nusa Tenggara is one Province in central Indonesia that possesses a collection of cultures, traditions, rituals and arts. Culture at a certain point can be a piece of authentic evidence, a culmination of change, and also a development that takes place in a certain time and space (Gregor Neonbasu, 2021:15). It is considered to have seven aspects, namely: • Religious systems, beliefs and religious ceremonies, • Systems and community organizations, • Knowledge systems, • Languages, • Arts, • Livelihood systems, • Technological systems (Koentjaraningrat 1985: 180) By understanding the explanation above, it can be concluded that culture is a manifestation of the unity of the community's sense of culture that is carried out to create values that are inherent in the community. Culture itself is something complex, which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, habits, and values acquired by humans as members of society (Haviland, 1999:332). Culture in East Nusa Tenggara has born and developed for centuries by the indigenous people. It is heavily influenced by the environment, ancestral beliefs, and inculturation that develops in the local community that owns the culture itself. The inherent values can then be defended and enhanced by the owner community through various approaches such as art, rituals, etc. Cultures that are considered positive will be passed on by a group of people from generation to generation, while cultures that are considered conservative, damaging and negatively charged will be rejected. The condition of positive cultural inheritance as well as active art development occurs in many regions in Indonesia and one of them is on the island of East Nusa Tenggara. One of the regions in Java that still holds the existence of Ruwat bumi is in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, where the implementation of this Ruwat bumi tradition is usually carried out in the month of Sura or the Islamic New Year. Ruwat bumi in the Purbalingga area is unique compared to other types in other Javanese regions. The existence of puppet shows in a series of ruwat structures is one form of activity that cannot be separated. Art in the people of Nagekeo is a means to deepen relationships between communities because art is something that can be appreciated by all groups regardless of social status in society. One of the rituals in Indonesia that is derived from the Flores region of East Nusa Tenggara is the Ngagha Mere ritual.
International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 31, 2022
Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, ... more Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, and enter the industry. Aesthetics are no longer free goods that can reflect the thoughts of the perpetrators but have become standardized commodities entering the cultural industry (Adorno, 1997:127). Besides being firmly established in each individual human being, aesthetics has also been transformed into the commercial area. Among them are soap operas, commercials, stage shows, songs to film series. Everything, including aesthetics, which has been transformed into entertainment media, of course, has a larger area of distribution to influence a society's state of mind. One of the entertainment media that contains aesthetics and is most loved by the public is film. Through watching films, there are many meanings that the audience can obtain. The mandate or meaning of cultivating a slick visual film, the development of the social conditions of the people who are appointed, and the aesthetic beauty of the actors are very interesting to understand. Film can also be one of the entertainment media that has a huge place in people's hearts because of its long creative process and a reflection of existing social conditions. Matlin said that creativity is a creative thinking process to get 'the light of a light bulb above his head' (Tomo, 2011: 7). Then Supriadi (1994) (in Rachmawati, 2011: 13) states that creativity is a person's expertise in giving birth to new different forms, whether in the form of ideas, ideas, or real works from previous works. Therefore, creativity in films can always create fresh new ideas. In addition to aesthetics, in order to form an entertainment media that attracts the attention of the community owner, producers tend to use social facts that become massive phenomena. The use of phenomena and facts happening in society is the same as uncovering controversies as a medium of education and entertainment. Stuart Hall in Yuyun asserts that the media is the main cultural and ideological force that stands in a dominant position by paying attention to how social relations and political issues are defined and produced and transformed from popular ideologies that are considered by the audience (Yuyun Surya, Vol. 6 No.1 April 2005). Referring to this idea, it can be concluded that the mass media shows a role in presenting the reality that exists in society. This includes raising sensitive issues such as women's struggles in the domestic sphere. Domestic issues, cases of
International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 31, 2022
Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyon... more Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyone to create music. Songs that are currently popular will be easily found on YouTube, Spotify, Joox, and others with various cover models with different styles and presentation formats. The music that is presented again is known as cover music. By arranging music, musicians can bring back a song in a different form from the original music. The varied parts are in the form of musical presentation, genre or style, the use of many kinds of musical instruments, and even singing songs in different languages. Music covers are produced indiscriminately so that all kinds of songs can be replayed and uploaded on digital platforms. Indonesian songs are no exception, where the songs made by Indonesian musicians are translated into other languages. The trend currently found is Indonesian songs which are re-sung into Japanese versions. This cover music is performed by the audience of the song, both local and foreign audiences, and even by the musicians themselves. The songs that are generally covered are Indonesian songs that are on the rise or occupy the top positions on the playlist. The reasons are various, such as wanting to recreate, go viral, exist and show off their abilities or even increase YouTube channel views. Gradually, singing songs that were originally in Indonesian into Japanese is not a new thing. According to McIver (Soekanto, 2002: 304), culture is an expression of the soul, which is manifested in ways of living and thinking, social life, literary arts, religion, recreation, and entertainment, fulfilling the needs of human life. Finally, the term popular culture emerged. The popular culture here is an element of culture that comes from the people because it relates to everyday problems that everyone enjoys. According to Burton (Chaniago, 2011: 93), popular culture is dominated by producing and consuming material commodities rather than true art that arises from profit motives. It can also be said that popular culture is the result of the creation of an industrial society that is supported by advances in production technology and mass reproduction to make it more accessible to every line of society without the limitations of space and time. Japan is a developed country that preserves traditional and contemporary culture, commonly called popular culture. Japanese popular culture includes anime, manga, J-fashion, Japanese popular music, dramas, games, and more. Japanese popular music, abbreviated as J-Pop, is all modern Japanese music genres famous worldwide and in demand from all walks of life. One way to spread cultural hegemony is through the mass media, which indirectly instills ideologies into society. Mass media is an access for hegemonic groups (rulers/dominant class) to exercise their power. The mass media can influence the mindset, paradigm, and ideology of the community or other groups because the mass media are massive and have a significant influence. According to Gramsci, there are two forms of hegemonic leadership, namely intellectual
International journal of humanities & social studies, Jul 31, 2022
Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, ... more Introduction Art, aesthetics, and culture have become goods that are traded, become commodities, and enter the industry. Aesthetics are no longer free goods that can reflect the thoughts of the perpetrators but have become standardized commodities entering the cultural industry (Adorno, 1997:127). Besides being firmly established in each individual human being, aesthetics has also been transformed into the commercial area. Among them are soap operas, commercials, stage shows, songs to film series. Everything, including aesthetics, which has been transformed into entertainment media, of course, has a larger area of distribution to influence a society's state of mind. One of the entertainment media that contains aesthetics and is most loved by the public is film. Through watching films, there are many meanings that the audience can obtain. The mandate or meaning of cultivating a slick visual film, the development of the social conditions of the people who are appointed, and the aesthetic beauty of the actors are very interesting to understand. Film can also be one of the entertainment media that has a huge place in people's hearts because of its long creative process and a reflection of existing social conditions. Matlin said that creativity is a creative thinking process to get 'the light of a light bulb above his head' (Tomo, 2011: 7). Then Supriadi (1994) (in Rachmawati, 2011: 13) states that creativity is a person's expertise in giving birth to new different forms, whether in the form of ideas, ideas, or real works from previous works. Therefore, creativity in films can always create fresh new ideas. In addition to aesthetics, in order to form an entertainment media that attracts the attention of the community owner, producers tend to use social facts that become massive phenomena. The use of phenomena and facts happening in society is the same as uncovering controversies as a medium of education and entertainment. Stuart Hall in Yuyun asserts that the media is the main cultural and ideological force that stands in a dominant position by paying attention to how social relations and political issues are defined and produced and transformed from popular ideologies that are considered by the audience (Yuyun Surya, Vol. 6 No.1 April 2005). Referring to this idea, it can be concluded that the mass media shows a role in presenting the reality that exists in society. This includes raising sensitive issues such as women's struggles in the domestic sphere. Domestic issues, cases of
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies
Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyon... more Introduction Today, social media platforms provide the widest possible time and place for everyone to create music. Songs that are currently popular will be easily found on YouTube, Spotify, Joox, and others with various cover models with different styles and presentation formats. The music that is presented again is known as cover music. By arranging music, musicians can bring back a song in a different form from the original music. The varied parts are in the form of musical presentation, genre or style, the use of many kinds of musical instruments, and even singing songs in different languages. Music covers are produced indiscriminately so that all kinds of songs can be replayed and uploaded on digital platforms. Indonesian songs are no exception, where the songs made by Indonesian musicians are translated into other languages. The trend currently found is Indonesian songs which are re-sung into Japanese versions. This cover music is performed by the audience of the song, both local and foreign audiences, and even by the musicians themselves. The songs that are generally covered are Indonesian songs that are on the rise or occupy the top positions on the playlist. The reasons are various, such as wanting to recreate, go viral, exist and show off their abilities or even increase YouTube channel views. Gradually, singing songs that were originally in Indonesian into Japanese is not a new thing. According to McIver (Soekanto, 2002: 304), culture is an expression of the soul, which is manifested in ways of living and thinking, social life, literary arts, religion, recreation, and entertainment, fulfilling the needs of human life. Finally, the term popular culture emerged. The popular culture here is an element of culture that comes from the people because it relates to everyday problems that everyone enjoys. According to Burton (Chaniago, 2011: 93), popular culture is dominated by producing and consuming material commodities rather than true art that arises from profit motives. It can also be said that popular culture is the result of the creation of an industrial society that is supported by advances in production technology and mass reproduction to make it more accessible to every line of society without the limitations of space and time. Japan is a developed country that preserves traditional and contemporary culture, commonly called popular culture. Japanese popular culture includes anime, manga, J-fashion, Japanese popular music, dramas, games, and more. Japanese popular music, abbreviated as J-Pop, is all modern Japanese music genres famous worldwide and in demand from all walks of life. One way to spread cultural hegemony is through the mass media, which indirectly instills ideologies into society. Mass media is an access for hegemonic groups (rulers/dominant class) to exercise their power. The mass media can influence the mindset, paradigm, and ideology of the community or other groups because the mass media are massive and have a significant influence. According to Gramsci, there are two forms of hegemonic leadership, namely intellectual
TONIL: Jurnal Kajian Sastra, Teater dan Sinema, 2019
Penciptaan naskah drama Lolo merupakan sebuah naskah transformasi kehidupan penari sintren Pemala... more Penciptaan naskah drama Lolo merupakan sebuah naskah transformasi kehidupan penari sintren Pemalang. Proses penciptaan naskah drama Lolo dilakukan dengan metode penciptaan menurut Graham Wallas, teori feminisme dilengkapi dengan teori tingkah laku sosial. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penciptaan naskah drama Lolo adalah dengan cara melakukan observasi dan wawancara, membaca tinjauan pustaka serta membaca karya-karya terdahulu. Setelah semua data terkumpul, proses selanjutnya adalah mengolahnya menjadi sebuah naskah drama utuh. Naskah drama Lolo menceritakan tentang perjuangan gadis berusia 14 tahun bernama Kencana yang harus putus sekolah, menjadi penari sintren, mengalami tekanan sosial hingga akhirnya menikah. Kekecewaan demi kekecewaan mengantarkan Kencana pada satu pilihan, untuk melakukan pembunuhan.
Papers by Evi Putrianti