Review Paper
A glimpse of Semantic Web trust
Sam Rahimzadeh Holagh1
· Keyvan Mohebbi2
Received: 20 May 2019 / Accepted: 31 October 2019
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Trust management plays a significant role in the Semantic Web for combining authoritative information, fitting the
services and increasing data security and user privacy. It helps people to overcome mistrust and fear of risk (for selecting the services) as well as providing reliability for the user to use the Semantic Web services. This paper tries to give an
insight regarding different dimensions of Semantic Web trust layer. It will look at trust from four different perspectives,
namely policies which can be applied, contents that should be proven, in addition to origins of acquired information
or services. Finally, due to emergence of Semantic Web of things, the trust model and management within distributed
systems will be reviewed.
Keywords Semantic Web · Trust · Policy · Reputation · Content · Semantic Web of things
1 Introduction
In the era of Information, by transformation of Internet
into Internet of things and Semantic Web, cooperation of
human and computers is the prime solution for social challenges. The main purpose of Semantic Web creation was
to assist not only the human interactions with machines
but also to help the machines interactions with each other.
In fact, the Semantic Web can be viewed as a network of
linked information, which facilitates machine processing
globally. Semantic Web also can be considered as sets of
relationships between entities on the Web, these connections can also be seen as graphs where the predicates are
taken as edges and classes as nodes [1].
From the beginning, it was clear that the reliability and
security of information in an immense and open information space such as Web would become a challenge. Almost
unsupervised and uncontrolled, it is the nature of Web that
allows one to say anything over a certain subject on the
Web, and this makes the Web a unique source of information. However, it is the user’s responsibility to distinguish
right from wrong. On the other hand, in an agent based
environment, where computers have to make choice
over multiple and alternative sources to the requested
queries, this would be achieved through harder and computationally intense processes [2]. Therefore, necessity of
a mechanism to provide secure data interaction, identify
the trueness of content and trustworthiness of the origin
is obvious.
Getting information from Web become common every
day, and users acquire their information through various
sources ranging from personal Web pages, governmental institutions to scientific portals, human users tend to
make decision regarding to trust a source using different
methods, such as relying on their previous experiences or
other user’s opinions, but as we know the Semantic Web
seek different goal and that is to give computer agents the
ability to interact with the Web content and other agents,
make decisions over choosing the right service or information provider. In this case, how will be a computer agent
able to trust an information source? How can it identify
the correctness of acquired information? And how it can
achieve a secure communication?
* Keyvan Mohebbi,
[email protected] | 1Department of Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan,
Iran. 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran.
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Review Paper
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This paper provides an overview on the research works
related to the Semantic Web security and trust layers of the
Semantic Web stack. Section 2 studies various definitions
of trust and reputation. Section 3 categorizes trust from
different perspectives. Section 4 reviews the prominent
approaches in the distributed trust. Section 5 presents different trust and reputation test beds. Section 6 introduces
open challenges. Section 7 concludes the paper.
2 Definitions
This section reviews the definitions two preliminary concepts, namely trust and reputation.
2.1 Trust
Trust carries different meaning depending on the context
and the area it is used. In computer network it refers to
mechanisms that insure the security and access control.
In distributed systems and agent based systems it is considered as a tool to measure reliability. In game theory and
policies, it is viewed as the rate of correct decisions made
by system under uncertain condition [3]. Trust can be clustered in two main categories, namely reliability trust and
decision trust, each with different descriptions. When person A asks person B to perform a certain task, the reliability
(probability) of trusted person B as seen by trusting person
A depends on the performance of expected tasks [1].
Trust in decisions is the degree that trusting party is
willing to depend on trusted party under certain circumstances to acquire sense of security, even against the possibility of odds. Decisions made under this class, depends
on the degree of risk accepted by trusting party and the
previous negative or positive experiences it had toward
trusted party [2]. Trust is also defined as the firm belief in
the competence of an entity to act dependably, securely,
and reliably within a specified context [3].
Trust is not a new topic in computer systems, but it is
among the vital issues within the computer science scope.
Figure 1 shows the amount of published articles related
to trust topics in Semantic Web as reported by the Google
2.2 Reputation
General thoughts regarding a person or thing are called
reputation. Reputation can be based on accumulated ratings or scores given by community members to a person.
Different approaches can be implemented in order to calculate rating of an entity, such as average; for example, it
is possible to calculate the average of reputation scores
given by community members toward the attitude of an
Number of publicaons
Fig. 1 The number of publications regarding semantic web trust
entity. Usually members of certain group receive almost
the same rating from other users, when a group is well
known in certain subject, all the members of that group
usually receive the same credit as their group [4].
In addition, reputation can be considered as the personal beliefs or experiences of an entity regarding to performance of other entity over certain subjects. In this case,
reputation ratings should be based on firsthand experiences or based on a weighted measure divided by the
total amount of references provided by single individual
such as the approach used by Google’s page rank. A reputation approach can be either centralized and be given by
an authority, or it can be distributed and based on knowledge of crowd [5].
3 Categorization of the trust
This section categorizes the trust and the providing
approaches, based on three perspectives.
3.1 Policy-based trust
The only vertical layer of Semantic Web stack, which is
called digital signature, utilizes the XML digital signature
ability such as signed references, info’s and digestion values to mark any Web content. Along with proof, logic and
trust layer itself; these layers are responsible for trustworthiness of Semantic Web processes [3]. As the structure of
XML Documents are like graphs, the main challenge is to
designate which parts of the documents be accessible by
which users through enforcing policies on users and documents. In other words, Semantic Web agents are required
to ensure the safety of information and Web services from
unauthorized access. To satisfy this need, there are broad
range of security policies, such as authentication, data
integrity and privacy, access control, authorization and
confidentiality existing.
XML nature of Semantic Web gives it the advantage
of using meta data instead of data itself. There are many
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advantages in using information regarding data instead
of whole data itself. One is the relatively small size of
meta data, in addition to the ability to make data more
discoverable. Besides many benefits of meta data, it has
disadvantages. It can be created by number of resources,
such as automated tools, data owner itself and other
users on the Web, therefore because of non-uniform
trustworthiness of meta data generators on the Web, it
is imperative for each user to understand the trustworthiness level of each Meta data in order to get the full
advantage of it [2].
Currently, our Web is equipped with variety of tools to
ensure security of information exchange. Tools such as
digital signature, public key, Web certificate and encryption. Several security standards have been introduced
to guarantee safety of contents exchanging in Web of
trust between business partners. For example, WS-security policy introduced by W3C for XML-based Web services, which describes ways of attaching signatures and
encryption headers or security tokens to a SOAP message, or SAML policy provided by OASIS security services
which is providing a means to authorize and authenticate, but it is unable to give any suggestion regarding
trust [6].
Kerberos ticket issuing system, which is originally
created by MIT for project Athena, is one of the widely
used trusted third-party authentication technologies.
WS-trust as an extension to previously mentioned WSsecurity, designates the ways of acquiring trust through
authorization, identity proof and entity performance [7].
Another challenge in establishing trust is to provide
a means to reveal credential but prevent loss of privacy
and control over information. To deal with this issue,
different mechanisms and policies are introduced, such
as TrustBuilder which was designed to provide mechanism for credential tradeoffs in a way that would not be
causing loss of privacy [8]. As trust decisions are type of
actions that require acceptance of certain amount of risk
of revealing credentials in return to getting advantage
of earning trust. Other system suggested to facilitate
Table 1 Prominent trust
policies and systems
Review Paper
negotiation of credential exchange is called PeerTrust,
which is a more recent policy and trust negotiation language [9, 10].
The prominent standards and technologies to implement policies are depicted in Table 1.
3.2 Reputation-based trust
The purpose of reputation-based trust is to make trust
decisions through personal- or others-experiences or in
some cases through combination of personal and global
experiences. In reputation-based trust, members in the
community judge about other members in their network
based on their transactions, quality of product and service consistency [17, 18]. In other words, members of community would implement a collaborative sanctioning in a
team effort to give incentive to poor quality service providers in the network to provide better services. A trustbased network can be considered as a graph in which the
members are nodes with weighted edges according to
amount of trust performance perceived from other users
by members. Through trust network, users will be able to
trust the resources directly by personal experiences or
indirectly by other trusted users using trust propagation
methods [19, 20].
Reputation network can be viewed from different viewpoints. It can be divided into centralized and distributed
architectures. In centralized reputation system, information related to quality and performance of any member is
collected from other users who had direct experience with
that particular node in network. Then a central authority
usually called reputation center collect all the ratings
and calculates a score for every member of the node and
publicize the scores. Members of community can use the
distributed reputation score in their decisions of making
transactions with other members in network. The idea
behind this system is that, transactions with members
with higher reputation score usually yields better results
[2]. Figure 2, shows the schema of a centralized model.
Subject area
Suggested method
Credential exchange
Trust negotiation
Kerberos system
Kohl and Neuman [7]
Winslett et al. [8]
Li et al. [11]
Leithead et al. [9]; Nejdl et al. [10]
Bonatti et al. [12]
OASIS [13]
IBM [14]
Blaze et al. [15]
Blaze et al. [16]
Access control
Distributed trust management
Review Paper
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Fig. 2 The schema of a centralized model
Fig. 3 The schema of a distributed model
In a distributed system, there is no reputation center,
instead there are multiple reputation bases where each
member can submit its experience regarding other
members, or even members can get information they
need related to a certain member of community from
different user who had previous experience regarding
that particular member. A peer-to-peer system is an
example of distributed system [21].
In some of the research works, the distributed architecture is divided into two subcategories, namely global
and local. Within global model, reputation is based on
degree of popularity of members of society. Each member of society creates a profile for every other member of network after the first interaction and saves the
experiences regarding each transaction. One may make
decision about trusting a source using other neighbor’s
experience profile. However, because of the nature of
Web, distinguishing between right information from
wrong is rather a sophisticated process. Therefore, as
calculation of reputation based on total score given by
users of network might not be completely correct, one
might try to trust to scores calculated by certain nodes in
the network, those nodes that may also act as authority
nodes on society, may get their competencies through
their high social network scores. The more links a node
has, the better it can be trusted. The EigenTrust algorithm is an example for global trust performance ranking
[22]. Figure 3, shows the schema of a distributed model.
In a local model, the idea is based on transitivity
nature of reputation, although under conditions in this
model trust is personal and varies from node to node,
but in any case a node didn’t have any information
regarding a new trustee, it can rely on closed trusted
nodes experience. If someone doesn’t have any information regarding someone else usually his/her trusts
to his friends and relatives more than unknown people
or sources. According to small world hypothesis, there
would be a path from trustor to trustee through chain
of trusted close friends [3, 23].
In the following, some of the reputation calculation
models are reviewed:
Subtraction or ratings average One of the simplest
ways of reputation calculation is the subtraction of
aggregation of positive and negative ratings given by
users. These methods are also known as simple summation and average methods. The advantage of this
method is its simplicity, but it also suffers from imperfect reflection of user’s opinion regarding a particular
member or information resource due to its primitive
mathematics [19]. An advanced version of this method
is calculation of average of ratings or weighted average
of ratings based on certain factors each with a weight
assigned to them [1].
Bayesian model This model gets positive and negative
ratings and using probability density function (PDF) tries
to update the trust scores. New scores are calculated
using previous scores and new ratings. This method can
be advantageous because of its theoretical bases, but
also has the disadvantage of being so complex for to
understand it [1]. Formula utilized to calculate interaction based trust during exploratory stage is:
Tinter(A, B) =
number of correct replies
total number of replies
Opinion model In this method, it is suggested to use
belief as a representative for reputation. Here, there are
only two possible conditions: If agents are trustworthy
or not (A,Ac), and the trustworthiness of an agent T(A)
would be calculated through subtraction of accumulation of beliefs (M(A), M(Ac)).
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( )
T(A) = M(A) − M Ac
where M(A) & M(Ac) ∈ [0, 1] and T(A) ∈ [− 1, 1].
Because opinions can also be mapped into Beta
PDFs and hence the opratores are the same as bayesian
method, therefore this model can be named both opinion- and bayesian-based [3].
Fuzzy logic based model In this method, using linguistically fuzzy concepts repution of members of network
is indicated, meaning that the amount of membership
function illustrates almost how much agents are fit into
concepts of trustworthiness. Reasoning in this method is
done through fuzzy logic and fuzzy measures [2].
Flow model In flow method, reputation is calculated
using the transitive itraton through chain of members in
the network. Some of models assume a constant reputaton weight for how trust network which can be distributed between members of network, even or unevenly.
Each member reputation can only be increased at the
cost of other members, since the total weight of network is constant. Therefore, the degree of increase and
decrease of each node reputation is a function of input
and output flow of the reputation score within the network [2]. Table 2, summarizes the reputation calculation
models and their prominent examples.
Multi context models Since Trust and reputation are
multi-context in nature, therefore creation of multidimensional models to calculate trust and reputation
has importance. Multi-dimensional models have modular structure, agents created in such an architecture are
capable of utilizing several logics in a way that increases
its representational power to maximum [21]. Some of
well-known multi-dimensional models are REGRET, SPORAS and HISTOS.
REGRET model Within REGRET model it is possible to calculate multi-dimensional reputation systems, it is possible
to take into account dimensions such as social, ontological
hierarchy and individual dimensions. This model is actually
the natural extension of previous widely used models and
is flexible enough to be implemented on societies with
Table 2 Prominent examples
of reputation calculation
Review Paper
different social structure, and agents that belong to more
than one group at a time [21].
SPORAS and HISTOS models As an evolved version of
online reputation models in which are utilizing simple
summation and average methods, within SPORAS only the
most recent rating between users is considered and also
users with higher reputation values receive very smaller
rating changes in compare to the users with low reputation values after each update iteration. Although SPORAS
have the same characteristics of simple summation and
average models but still has more robustness to user
behavior changes and hence is more reliable. HISTOS was
introduced as a response to lack of personalization within
SPORAS model. HISTOS can deal with direct information
as well as witness information [24].
AFRAS model The main Idea behind this model is to utilize fuzzy values for designation of reputation values. This
method aggregates the old satisfaction value and new
reputation values using weighted aggregation method.
This calculation is done once the new fuzzy set in which
shows the degree of satisfaction of the latest interaction
between two nodes is created [24].
3.3 Content-based trust
Web contents are represented as axioms and ontologies
within the Semantic Web. In the following, the possibilities of using content of Web transactions to gain trust are
explored. Content of information exchanged on the Web
was never considered in Semantic Web trust layer. This
issue is solved by authentication, identification and proof
checking. However, Semantic Web makes it possible to
interact and utilize Web content directly. Thus, it provides a
unique opportunity to use the content of Web resources as
a means to judge regarding the identity of their creators.
While all other types of trust assessment methods
are concerned with information provider’s legitimacy
based on their reputation, behavior and implemented
policies, content-based trust is more involved with the
nature of the contents given on the Web. In real life, one
Calculation model
Subtraction or ratings
Ebay reputaion forum
Institutionalized trust
Google’s PageRank
Appleseed algorithm
Advogato’s reputation scheme
Resnick and Zeckhauser [5]
Schneider et al. [4]
Sabater and Sierra [21]; Carbo et al. [24]
Esfandiari and Chandrasekharan [25]
Shekarpour and Katebi [3]
Carbo et al. [24]
Page et al. [26]
Ziegler and Lausen [27]
Levien [28]
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may choose to trust information provided by a trusted
resource, however if the information that is provided by
many low trusted resources are the same and it conflicts
with the information given by the trusted resource, then
people might choose to believe the information comes
from the many, even if they may not look legit. Therefore,
it can be said that each of the reputation and certification is just one of the dimensions that would create a
phenomenon called trust.
Various factors are suggested that affect user’s decision in choosing trusted resources, as follows:
Authority Trusted information providers for particular
subject may not be trusted on other subject areas. People may trust information provided by world health
organization about diseases, but economical information is provided by the same organization will not be
trusted by the users [29].
Transitivity of legitimation Having relation with highly
trusted and authorized entities on the network can
transfer some of trust to other entities in relation with
them. For example, certificates provided by universities
to medical students [29].
Pedigree Contents generated by entities may receive
credit and trust from their creators. Information provided by a scientific web site is more likely to be
accepted by user in compare to anonymous resources
Bias Sometimes information provided by resources may
be incomplete or insufficient under certain condition,
for example a drug production factory may ignore side
effects related to certain treatment condition and focus
on trial outcomes. Designation of bias requires expertise and profession [16].
Motivation in providing accurate information If there is
motivation and interest in information provider to provide more accurate information, then it is more likely
that users believe to that information [29].
Deceptive behavior Encountering with information
resource with sinister goals is natural event on the Web,
therefore users should be alerted about the fact that
Fig. 4 Trust phases within
distributed systems
resources and their associates may not be what they
appear to be [31].
Based on what mentioned regarding content-based
trust, this method tries to introduce new metrics for trust,
using the content of information provided by the trusted
suppliers. In a Semantic-enabled Web, not only humans
will need to make decisions, but also agents should be
able to choose to trust certain resources while facing with
many other alternatives. This process is happening by
human users on everyday life. People choose resources
and information in their everyday Web activities but the
rationale behind their decision is unknown due to complexity of human behavior, therefore it would be advantageous for automated systems and agents to utilize the
capabilities of Semantic Web and make trust judgments
based on content of information provided by resources
4 Trust in Semantic Web of things
Another environment in which trust bares importance is
the distributed systems and to be more accurate Semantic web of things. While speaking about security solutions
in the area of distributed systems, the terms trust model
and trust management plays a key role. The difference
between trust management and trust model is that the
trust management can be considered as potential solution
for a distributed system security concerns, while the trust
model is a special perception from the trust management
which explains the techniques and approaches. It is possible to explain the trust model of distributed systems in
6 phases, as depicted in Fig. 4.
In the literature, Li et al. [11] introduced a new language for management of trust based on behavior and
constructed a hypothetical meaning for them. In addition,
they illustrated that utilization of graphs in credentials are
functioning accurately [11]. Ghorbanimoghaddam [33]
highlighted the advantages of using trust in distributed
systems and explored weaknesses of different related
introduced trust methods. According to research works
I: Initial communication in the
II: Request service to the
III: Trust calculation of the
network to discover neighbor
VI: Updating Trust
V: Evaluating of recommendation
IV: Sending Trust table to the
of the neighbors
Performance/trust evaluation
Bao and Chen [36]
Social trust and QOS metrics
Update trust value using
direct observations and Indirect recommendations
SOA-based service oriented
Incentive function and active
Network interaction quality, adaptability, malicious
node identification, attack
Lesser attack effects on introduced model in compare to
TSF2 and CFStrust
Based on fuzzy approach
Delay-tolerant MANET
Using social network theory
(social hierarchy is structured
using balanced connectivity
criteria and a K-mean clustering algorithm)
Ben Saied et al. [38]
Assigns dynamic trust scores
to cooperating nodes
according to different contexts and different functions
Direct user satisfaction experiences of past interaction
experiences and recommendations from others.
Direct trust, recommendation
trust, incentive function and
active degree
Netlogo Simulator
Both direct observations and
indirect recommendations in
NS-3.17 network simulator
Trust values updated by
events and time
Based on fuzzy reputation
model (TRM)
A context-aware and multiservice approach
Review Paper
(1) End-to-end packet forwarding ratio (EPFR)
(2) AEC: the energy consumption
(3) The package delivery ratio
Direct observations and
indirect reputation-NS-3
Based on a service model
(2019) 1:1732
Social relationships: friendship, social contact, and
community of interest
Dong Chen et al. [17]
Yinan [39]
Trust management model
Community-based social environment
Quality of service (Qos)
Hui Xia [19]
Honesty, cooperativeness, and Effectiveness of our trust
Protocol by a service composition application in comparison with Ideal service
composition (upper bound)
and Random service composition (lower bound)
Providing a service of self(1) Extracting trust informaorganizing a set of items
based on their trust status to
(2) Decision-making based on
take an informed decision
trust (two types of decisionmaking based on trust:
Control policy, based on trust
and self-organized decision)
Confidentiality integrity, avail- (PDR) Package Delivery Ratio
(DP) Detection Probability
(CS) Convergence speed
Better performance In comparison with two reputation model DRBTS [26] and
Deter a class of common
attacks designed to target
trust management systems
Jingpei Wang et al. [37] Fuzzy set theory and formal
semantics-based language
Ray Chen et al. [30]
Trust property
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Table 3 Prominent works in distributed trust
Social Internet of Things (SIoT)
paradigm basis of the behavior of the objects
Isolation of almost any malicious node in the network
Nitti and Atzori [40]
Past direct (direct interactions) Credibility and centrality
or indirect (through intermediate nodes) Experiences
Trust management model
Table 3 (continued)
Performance/trust evaluation
Trust property
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around On and OFF attacks, using an adaptive oblivious
pattern instead of using oblivious factors themselves is
more effective [33]. Nitti et al. [34] introduced a protocol
for dynamic management of trust, a solution to deal with
nodes that acting wrong and functioning dynamically. This
protocol also was able to designate the suitable parameters for each conditions of network in which dynamically
changing [34]. Liu et al. [35] first explored failure reasons
of traditional security mechanisms in managing trust, and
then introduced a holistic model to manage trust within
distributed system such as the one used in distributed
systems [35].
Table 3 summarizes the prominent works in the distributed environment for trust management within distributed systems.
5 Trust and reputation test beds
In order to observe the performance and behavior of introduced trust and reputation models, it is required to test
them within certain environment called testbed. Since
each model tries to cover certain aspects of reputation and
trust, therefore there is no test bed that offers an environment to compare all of presented models with each other
hence making comparison process more twisted and complicated. Each proposed model is presented by particular
testing environment exclusively designed to that model.
There are test beds created based on prisoner’s Dilemma
such as the playground designed by Marsh [41]. In this test
bed agent have freedom of movement and interactions
are saved using prisoner’s dilemma whenever agent make
a move. Schillo et al. [42] suggested a disclosed iterated
prisoner’s dilemma using partner selection and standard
payoff matrix [42]. Castelfranchi et al. [43] in their research
presented a test bed designed to observe the effects of
interactions between artificial agent populations following different criterions for aggregation control purposes.
ART test bed presented by Fullam et al. [44], as a respond
to existing shortcomings among previously introduced
test beds, within ART test bed researchers are capable of
comparing different subjective metrics and conduct their
research using flexible parameters [44].
6 Open challenges and issues
After reviewing the literature, we have recognized many
open challenges and issues in the scope of this research.
In summary, there are still the need for:
1. Performance improvement for Semantic Web trust
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2. Seamless integration and cooperation of various trust
management models for achieving holistic trust management in Semantic Web.
3. Power efficient trust management models, as well as
faster and less energy consuming mechanisms to support semantic enabled devices within IoT.
4. Approaches to overcome difficulties of transmission
and computation of trust among different networks.
5. Privacy of the human and confidentiality of the business processes.
6. Autonomic trust management algorithms.
7. Trustworthy data fusion.
7 Conclusion
This paper tried to give an insight regarding different
dimensions of Semantic Web trust layer. How intelligent
agents should trust different resources on the Web when
more than one choice is available depends on reputation metrics and calculation methods that mentioned
here. How to decide whether the content supplied is relevant using the nature of Semantic Web is explored in
this research. In addition, different policies that can be
imposed on network to facilitate and secure information
exchange has been reviewed. As for the distributed systems, in order to achieve robust trust management, trust
properties should be improved. Valid ratings for comments
provided by nodes, honesty of the provided recommendation by each node within semantic networks and evaluation of the past experience with a particular node that is
intended to communicate with, could be solved utilizing
fuzzy logic approaches, also the context aware approaches
are good to deter malicious information within Semantic
Web space. As a result, it seems that the combination of
the context aware and fuzzy approaches could be useful
in designing an effective trust management model in this
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.
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