arXiv:0801.3958v2 [math.LO] 15 Nov 2008
Introduction. Zilber’s original trichotomy conjecture proposed an explicit
classification of all one-dimensional objects arising in model theory. At one point,
classifying the simple groups of finite Morley rank was viewed as a subproblem
whose affirmative answer would justify this conjecture. Zilber’s conjecture was
eventually refuted by Hrushovski [9], and the classification of simple groups of
finite Morley rank remains open today. However, these conjectures hold in two
significant cases. First, Hrushovski and Zilber prove the full trichotomy conjecture holds under very strong geometric assumptions [10], and this suffices for
various diophantine applications. Second, the Even & Mixed Type Theorem [1]
shows that simple groups of finite Morley rank containing an infinite elementary abelian 2-subgroup are Chevellay groups over an algebraically closed field
of characteristic two.
In this paper, we clarify some middle ground between these two results by
eliminating involutions from simple groups which are definably embedded in a
linear group over an algebraically closed field in a structure of finite Morley rank,
and which are not Zariski closed themselves. One may simplify terminology by
saying that G is a definably linear group over a field k of finite Morley rank,
implicitly using some expansion of the field language, or just a definably linear
group of finite Morley rank.
Theorem. Let G be a definable infinite simple subgroup of GLn (k) over a
field k of finite Morley rank and characteristic zero, which is not Zariski closed.
Then G has no involutions, and its Borel subgroups are self-normalizing.
Poizat has shown that simple groups with such a definable linear embedding
are Chevellay groups when the field has characteristic p > 0 [13]. Much geometric
information is available about such groups in characteristic zero but not as much
as [10] assumes. For our purposes, the most important geometric fact is that
every element of a counterexample is semisimple in the ambient linear group.
We note that such groups include those groups interpretable in bad fields,
which have been recently shown to exist [3].
A major feature of our proof is the elimination of 2-tori of outer automorphisms
of simple groups via the Delehan-Nesin argument [5, Prop. 13.4] (see Lemma 3.3).
Such an application is a hopeful sign for the current “L∗ ” project of classifying
simple groups of finite Morley rank which have an involution. On the other hand,
our proof is driven primarily by one unreasonably strong fact about these linear
Supported by NSF postdoctoral fellowship DMS-0503036, a Bourse Chateaubriand postdoctoral fellowship, and DFG grant Te 242/3-1.
groups: all strongly real elements, i.e. all inverted elements, have a nontrivial
power inside a unique conjugacy class of Borel subgroups which are pairwise
In this vein, we leave the proof of the following consequence as an exercise to
the reader (see also [2, 4.19]).
Corollary. A definably linear group of finite Morley rank is an L-groups.
In the first section, we reduce the problem first to characteristic zero using
a result of Poizat, and then to the hypotheses used later by our inductive argument. In the second section, we recall various facts about groups without
unipotent torsion. In the third section, we prove our main result using the
earlier reductions.
The authors thank Oliver Frécon for helpful comments and corrections.
§1. Definably linear groups. In this section, we strengthen our hypotheses
by recalling some past work on definably linear groups of finite Morley rank.
Poizat has already shown that simple linear groups over fields of characteristic
p > 0 are isomorphic to algebraic groups.
Fact 1.1 (Poizat [13, Theorem 1]). Let k be a field of finite Morley rank and
characteristic p > 0. Then any simple definable subgroup of GLn (k) is isomorphic to an algebraic group over some field of characteristic p, but not necessarily
As such, our theorem considers only fields of characteristic zero.
Hypothesis 1.2. Let G be a definable connected subgroup of GLn (k) over a
field k of finite Morley rank and characteristic zero.
We now show that all definable subgroups satisfy conjugacy of Borel subgroups, i.e. maximal connected definable solvable subgroups, with the following
two facts.
Fact 1.3 (Poizat [13, Theorem 3]). If such a group G is simple, but is not
Zariski closed, then all elements of G are semisimple.
Lemma 1.4 (Mustafin [12, Proposition 2.10]). If our group G consists entirely
of semisimple elements, then all Borel subgroups of G are abelian and conjugate,
and this conjugacy class is generic.
Proof. Let B be a Borel subgroup of G. The Zarisk closure B̂ of B is
a connected solvable group. So its derived subgroup B̂ ′ consists entirely of
unipotent elements. As B consists entirely of semisimple elements, we have
B ′ ≤ B ∩ B̂ ′ = 1, and B is abelian. It follows that B̂ is an algebraic torus.
Let T be a maximal algebraic torus of GLn (k) which contains B. There are
only finitely many distinct intersections T ∩ T g for g ∈ GLn (k), by [7, Rigidity
II]. As any distinct conjugates of B lie in distinct conjugates of T , there are only
finitely many distinct intersections B ∩B g for g ∈ G too, and so the union of such
intersections is not generic in B. By the genericity argument [4, Lemma 4.1],
B G is generic in G. Now G has only one conjugacy class of Borel subgroups,
by [11].
Proposition 1.5. If G is simple, but not Zariski closed, then Borel subgroups
of G are abelian and hereditarily conjugate.
Proof. By Fact 1.3, all elements of G are semisimple. As this property passes
to subgroups, the result follows from Lemma 1.4.
It follows that our G satisfies Hypothesis 3.1 below. So then Theorem 3.8 will
show that G has no involutions.
We recall that a Carter subgroup of G is an almost self-normalizing definable
nilpotent subgroup of G In our case, these are merely our Borel subgroups. As
the Borel subgroups are conjugate, the Borel subgroups of G will then be selfnormalizing too, by Lemma 2.3.
So these two results will complete the proof.
§2. No unipotent torsion. We now recall several convenient results from
[6] concerning groups without unipotent torsion, i.e. which contains no definable
connected nilpotent subgroup of bounded exponent.
Lemma 2.1. Let G be a connected group of finite Morley rank without unipotent torsion. Then every element has a nontrivial power which lies inside a Borel
This is a corollary of the following fact.
Fact 2.2 ([6, Theorem 3]). Let G be a connected group of finite Morley rank
of π ⊥ -type, i.e. without unipotent p-torsion for p ∈ π. Then all π-elements of G
are toral, i.e. lie inside π-tori.
We recall that, in this setting, divisible torsion groups are referred to as tori
and their elements may be referred to as toral. As usual, H ◦ denotes the connected component of H, so a Sylow◦ 2-subgroup is just a maximal 2-torus.
Proof of Lemma 2.1. Consider an element a ∈ G. If d(a) is infinite, we
choose n = |d(a)/d(a)◦ |. If d(a) is finite, a lies inside some torus by Fact 2.2. ⊣
We observe that, if one assumes that Borel subgroups are conjugate, one may
instead prove that all elements lie inside Borel subgroups. For this, we require
that the group has degenerate type, meaning a finite Sylow 2-subgroup or equivalently no involutions [4, Theorem 1].
Lemma 2.3. Let G be a connected degenerate type group of finite Morley rank
without unipotent torsion. Then G has some self-normalizing Carter subgroup.
This is a corollary of the following.
Definition 2.4. Let G be a group of finite Morley rank, and T a maximal
divisible abelian torsion subgroup of G. The Weyl group of G is the finite group
N (T )/C ◦ (T ), which can be viewed as a group of automorphisms of T .
Fact 2.5 ([6, Thm. 5]). Let G be a connected group of finite Morley rank.
Suppose the Weyl group is nontrivial and has odd order, with r the smallest
prime divisor of its order. Then G contains a unipotent r-subgroup.
Fact 2.6 ([6, Lemma 1.2]). Let G be a connected group of finite Morley rank,
T a maximal p-torus in G, and suppose that T is central in G. If G has p⊥ -type,
then any p-element a ∈ G belongs to T .
Proof of Lemma 2.3. We may assume that G contains torsion. Let T be a
maximal divisible abelian torsion subgroup of G. By [8], G has a Carter subgroup
Q containing T . By Fact 2.5, NG (T ) = CG
(T ). So NG (Q) ≤ CG
(T ). By Fact
2.6, CG (T )/d(T ) is torsion free. So NG (Q) ≤ Q, as desired.
§3. Bad-like groups. Here we analyze groups satisfying the following hypotheses.
Hypothesis 3.1. Let G be a connected group of finite Morley rank without
unipotent torsion whose Borel subgroups are nilpotent and hereditarily conjugate, i.e. any subgroup H of G satisfies H-conjugacy of Borel subgroups of H.
These hypotheses clearly pass to subgroups. We observe that they also pass
to sections by nilpotent kernels.
Lemma 3.2. Let K be a nilpotent normal subgroup of G. Then G/K satisfies
Hypothesis 3.1 too, and images and inverse images preserve Borel subgroups.
Proof. Quotients and extensions of solvable groups are solvable, so images
and inverse images preserve maximal solvable subgroups. As images also preserve connectivity, they preserve Borel subgroups, and Borel subgroups of G/K
are nilpotent. If K is connected, inverse images are connected too, and hence
preserve Borel subgroups too. We may now assume that K is finite, and even
cyclic of order pn . As H is connected, K is central in G. So, by Fact 2.2, K is
contained in every maximal p-torus of G. By conjugacy, K is contained in every
Borel subgroup of G too. So all inverse images are connected, and hence preserve
Borel subgroups. Our first part now follows easily by applying the second inside
all definable connected subgroups of G
A variation on the Delehan-Nesin argument [5, Prop. 13.4] shows that 2-tori
have no interesting actions inside such a group.
Proposition 3.3. Let H be a definable normal subgroup of G which has no
involutions. Then every 2-torus in G centralizes H.
For this, we note several facts about such a degenerate type group H normalized by an involution.
Fact 3.4. No element a ∈ H is H-conjugate to it’s inverse a−1 .
Proof. Suppose that ah = a−1 for some a, h ∈ H. As a is not an involution,
we have h ∈ NH (d(a)) \ CH (a). But clearly h has order two modulo CH (a). So
H contains an involution by [5, Ex. 11 p. 93; Ex. 13c p. 72], a contradiction. ⊣
Lemma 3.5. No element of CH (i) is inverted by any involution in hiiH.
Proof. Any involution of hiiH is conjugate to i under H. So otherwise there
is an x ∈ X − such that xh ∈ C(i). We may assume that h ∈ X − too because
[5, Ex. 14 p. 73] says H = XCH (i) where X := {g ∈ H | g i = g −1 }. So
xh = (xh )i = hx−1 h−1 = (x−1 )h , then xh = x−1 , contradicting Fact 3.4. ⊣
Proof of Proposition 3.3. Consider a 2-torus T of G. We may take G :=
Hd(T ). We may assume G is centerless, by Lemma 3.2. So there is a nontrivial
strongly real element ij inside H. It follows, by Lemma 2.1, that some nontrivial
power x of ij lies inside some Borel subgroup B of H. As all Borel subgroups
of G are conjugate, some conjugate T h of T lies inside the Borel subgroup of
G containing B. But now T h centralizes B by [5, Theorem 6.16], contradicting
Lemma 3.5.
We say a subgroup K of a group H is subnormal if there is a finite chain
K ✁ K1 ✁ · · · ✁ Kk ✁ H.
A quasisimple subnormal subgroup of a group H is referred to as a component of
H. If H is connected, then its components are definable, connected, and normal
in H, by [5, Lemma 7.10]. They also centralize one another by [5, Lemma 7.12].
We let E(H) denote the central product of the components in H, which happen
to be connected, and set F ∗ (H) := F ◦ (H)E(H). According to the following,
Aut(F ∗ (Ḡ)) controls the structure of Ḡ.
Fact 3.6 ([5, Thm. 7.13 & Cor. 7.14]). Any group H of finite Morley rank
CH (F ∗ (H)) = Z(F ∗ (H)) ≤ F ∗ (H)
H/Z(F ∗ (H)) ≤ Aut(F ∗ (H)).
Lemma 3.7. If all simple sections of G with nilpotent kernels have degenerate
type, then G has a unique Sylow 2-subgroup, which is connected and central.
Proof. A connected degenerate type group of finite Morley rank has no involutions by [4, Theorem 1]. So, as E(G)/Z(E(G)) is 2⊥ by hypothesis, we find
that E(G) is 2⊥ too. By Lemma 3.3, the Sylow◦ 2-subgroup S ◦ of G centralizes
E(G). But G ֒→ Aut(E(G)) by Fact 3.6. So any 2-torsion in G is lies inside
the solvable radical σ(G), which lies inside F (G) because Borel subgroups are
nilpotent. It follows that the Sylow 2-subgroup is connected by Fact 2.2 and
[5, Theorem 9.29], and central by [5, Theorem 6.16].
We now prove our main result.
Theorem 3.8. Suppose that G is simple. Then G has no involutions.
Proof. We consider a counterexample G of minimal Morley rank. So, by
Lemma 3.2, all proper simple section with nilpotent kernels have degenerate
type. By Lemma 3.7, any proper connected subgroup H centralizes its Sylow
2-subgroup, which is a 2-torus. As G is simple, it follows that
(⋆1 )
the centralizers of distinct Sylow◦ 2-subgroups are disjoint.
Also, any Sylow◦ 2-subgroup is central in a Borel subgroup. By conjugacy, all
Borel subgroups have a central Sylow◦ 2-subgroup. So
two Borel subgroups meet iff they both contain the same Sylow◦
(⋆2 )
2-subgroup of G.
Claim 3.9. Any two distinct involutions i and j normalize a common Sylow◦
2-subgroup T of G, and CG
(T ).
Verification. By Lemma 2.1, there is a nontrivial power x of ij inside a
Borel subgroup Q of G. As i inverts x, Qi also contains x. By ⋆2 , Q and Qi
contain the same Sylow◦ 2-subgroup T of G. So i normalizes T . Similarly, j
normalizes T too.
Every involution is contained in a Sylow◦ 2-subgroup, by Fact 2.2, which is
unique by ⋆1 . Let Ti denote the Sylow◦ 2-subgroup containing i ∈ I(G). Now
(i) = CG
(Ti ) since Ti is the unique Sylow◦ 2-subgroup of CG
(i), by ⋆1 .
Claim 3.10. Let T be a Sylow◦ 2-subgroup of G, and let j be an involution
normalizing T . Then either j ∈ T or j inverts CG (T ). In particular, CG
(T ) is
an abelian Borel subgroup of G.
Verification. Suppose that j ∈
/ T . Then CG (T, j) = CG (Tj ) ∩ CG (T ) = 1.
So, by [5, Ex. 13 & 15, p. 79], CG
(T ) is abelian and inverted by j. Now CG
(T )
is a Borel subgroup of G, as it containes a Borel subgroup of G.
As a consequence, if involutions i and j do not commute, then neither i nor
j lie inside a Sylow◦ 2-subgroup which they both normalize, and both invert its
Borel subgroup.
Claim 3.11. G has Prüfer rank one. So a Sylow 2-subgroup of G is isomorphic
to that of PSL2 .
Verification. Suppose towards a contradiction that pr(G) > 1. Choose a
pair of non-commuting involutions i and j, and fix a Sylow◦ 2-subgroup T which
is normalized by them both. As i inverts CG
(T ) by Claim 3.10, Ω1 (T ) normalizes
CG (Ti ). By generation [6, Theorem 1], CG
(Ti ) = hCG
(Ti , u) | u ∈ I(T )i. So
CG (Ti , u) 6= 1 for some u ∈ I(T ), which yields the contradiction T = Ti . Thus
pr(G) = 1.
Let S be a Sylow 2-subgroup of G. By Fact 2.2, CS (S ◦ ) = S ◦ , and [S, S ◦ ] ≤ 2.
There are involutions in S \ S ◦ by Claims 3.9 and 3.10. So S has the desired
Consider the set I of all involutions in G. We define the set L of lines on I to
be the collection of cosets jQ where Q is a Borel subgroup of G and j inverts Q.
We now prove that I and L form a projective plane.
PP2. Any two points lie on a unique line.
Any two involutions i, j ∈ I normalize some Sylow◦ 2-subgroup T , by Claim
3.9. By Claim 3.10, Q := CG
(T ) is a Borel subgroup inverted by i and j. So i
and j lie on the line jQ. Let x denote the power of ij lies inside some Qg . By
⋆1 , T g is the unique Sylow◦ 2-subgroup of CG
(x). So the line jQ is unique.
PP3. Any two lines intersect at a unique point.
For any two lines i1 Q1 and i2 Q2 , we consider the involutions j1 ∈ I(Q1 ) and
j2 ∈ I(Q2 ), which are unique by Claim 3.11. Again, there is a Borel subgroup
R inverted by both, by Claims 3.9 and 3.10. As j1 and j2 both centralize the
involution t ∈ I(R), t inverts both Q1 and Q2 , by Claims 3.10 and 3.11. Thus
the lines i1 Q1 and i2 Q2 meet at t. Such a point is unique by PP2.
PP4. There are four points, no three of which are colinear.
Consider a Borel subgroup Q of G, and the unique involution i ∈ I(Q). Let
x, y, and z be three involutions inverting Q, and let j be a third point on the
line through i and z. The original points i, x, y are obviously not colinear. The
pair i, j is not colinear with either x or y by PP3. Also j, x, y is not colinear by
PP2. So i, j, x, y are the four desired involutions.
We prove one additional property of this projective plane.
PP+. Any three involutions x, y, z ∈ I(G) are colinear iff their product xyz
is an involution.
The product of three colinear involutions is an involution by Claim 3.11. Consider three involutions x, y, z ∈ I(G) whose product xyz is an involution i. Let
Q be the Borel subgroup such that y and z invert Q. As xyz is an involution,
(yz)x = (yz)−1 . So x normalizes Q by ⋆1 . But x ∈
/ Q as Q has only one
involution. So x inverts Q, and x lies on the line with y and z.
These four conditions contradict the following theorem.
Bachmann’s Theorem ([5, Theorems 8.15 & 8.18]). Let G be a group whose
set of involutions I posses the structure of a projective plane, and three involutions are colinear iff their product is an involution. Then hIi ∼
= SO3 (k, f ) for
some interpretable field k and some non-isotropic quadratic form f . In particular, G does not have finite Morley rank.
This concludes the proof of Theorem 3.8.
We conclude by conjecturing a a stronger variation the above style of argument
exploiting Bachmann’s Theorem.
Conjecture 1. There is no simple group of finite Morley rank in which every
strongly real elements lies inside some C ◦ (T ) for T is a Sylow◦ 2-subgroup.
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