Prof. Omar Hanafy H . Abdalla
Professor Omar Hanafy Abdalla (Fellow of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Life Senior Member IEEE) was born in Cairo, Egypt on 11 May, 1945. He received the Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Liverpool, England, in 1979. Since B. Sc. graduation in 1967, he has been appointed in various positions in university teaching and research as follows: Engineer 1967, Demonstrator 1970, Lecturer 1976, Associate Professor 1983, Professor 1987, Head of Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering 1987, Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research 1997, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering 2002-2005, and Professor 2005-Now. He has published over 180 papers, supervised 30 M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, and appointed as a Reviewer for many national and international periodicals and conferences: (e.g. Proceedings IET, IEEE Transactions, IJEEPS, PEJ, MEPCON, etc.). He has been a leader of many research and consulting activities with industry including electrical power systems, economical lighting, electricity distribution networks, urban village planning, modern control systems, etc. He was the Chairman of Board of Directors of the Consulting Service Unit (2002-2005), Faculty of Engineering, University of Helwan. He was a Member of Board of Directors of the South Cairo Electricity Company (2004-2007). He has been engaged in many activities with professional and social societies including IEEE PES, EIEE, and others. As a Vice-President of the Society of Electrical Engineers, and member of the Continuing Education Center, Prof. Abdalla has provided many fruitful seminars, meetings and conferences of industrial and professional groups for constructive and productive discussions. As a Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, he has introduced new programs in the faculty departments and led the promotion of essential administration and students' activities. He organized, supervised and participated in teaching training courses for engineers and technicians. He was the Dean’s Consultant, and Head of Automatic Control Department at the Technical College, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1988-1993.From January 2007 to February 2014, he was on leave from the University of Helwan
Phone: +201121001030
Address: Faculty of Engineering
1 Sherief Street
Phone: +201121001030
Address: Faculty of Engineering
1 Sherief Street
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Papers by Prof. Omar Hanafy H . Abdalla
• سياسات إستعادة تشغيل خطوط نقل الكهرباء في الحالات الطارئة بعد تعرضها للتلف نتيجة الأحوال الجوية السيئة
• عرض لبعض الأعطال الجسيمة للخطوط والأبراج في بعض الدول
• مناقشة الأضرار والخسائر الإقتصادية لتعطل خطوط النقل وإنقطاع الكهرباء
• مقترحات الحلول البديلة للتعامل مع حالات الطوارئ
• أبراج الطوارئ سابقة التجهيز التي يمكن تركيبها في المواقع في وقت قصير
This paper presents a proposed strategy for optimal reconfiguration of distribution networks with photovoltaic (PV) systems using signals from smart meters and earth fault indicator to identify the faulty cable. Simulation studies are performed to investigate all possible scenarios for system restoration using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory software and its DPL programming language. The objective is to determine the lowest cost reconfiguration scenario, considering active power losses for the new reconfiguration, load-loss during reconfiguration, PV disconnection during reconfiguration and reconfiguration switching. The Mixed Integer Linear Programing (MILP) algorithm available in MATLAB is employed for determining the minimum cost reconfiguration scenario. The latest collected load measurements from smart meters are used, and the optimal reconfiguration scenario considering load variation is proposed. If the methodology cannot find a scenario that maintains technical constraints, load reduction is suggested. The proposed strategy is simulated on the IEEE 37-node test feeder and a part of the specific district in south Cairo region consisting of 158 nodes.
• سياسات إستعادة تشغيل خطوط نقل الكهرباء في الحالات الطارئة بعد تعرضها للتلف نتيجة الأحوال الجوية السيئة
• عرض لبعض الأعطال الجسيمة للخطوط والأبراج في بعض الدول
• مناقشة الأضرار والخسائر الإقتصادية لتعطل خطوط النقل وإنقطاع الكهرباء
• مقترحات الحلول البديلة للتعامل مع حالات الطوارئ
• أبراج الطوارئ سابقة التجهيز التي يمكن تركيبها في المواقع في وقت قصير
This paper presents a proposed strategy for optimal reconfiguration of distribution networks with photovoltaic (PV) systems using signals from smart meters and earth fault indicator to identify the faulty cable. Simulation studies are performed to investigate all possible scenarios for system restoration using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory software and its DPL programming language. The objective is to determine the lowest cost reconfiguration scenario, considering active power losses for the new reconfiguration, load-loss during reconfiguration, PV disconnection during reconfiguration and reconfiguration switching. The Mixed Integer Linear Programing (MILP) algorithm available in MATLAB is employed for determining the minimum cost reconfiguration scenario. The latest collected load measurements from smart meters are used, and the optimal reconfiguration scenario considering load variation is proposed. If the methodology cannot find a scenario that maintains technical constraints, load reduction is suggested. The proposed strategy is simulated on the IEEE 37-node test feeder and a part of the specific district in south Cairo region consisting of 158 nodes.