Information and Communication Technology in Education

2007, Prophet Publishers

INFORMATIONAND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGYINEDUCATION 101001010 0010101000 0 BT0010 JM, Aral Sekar K. Thiyagu INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION (For Students J.M. Arul Sekar M.Sc. (Maths), M.Phil, M.Ed., M.Phil. (Edu.,. Lecturer Bon Secours College of Education Thanjavur of Education) K. Thiyagu M.St.(Maths), M.Sc. (Pay), M.Ed, M.Phil, PGDCSA. Lecturer Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Education Tiruchendur H PROPHET PUBLISHERS 11401, Anna Street, South Kattur, Tiruchirappalli 620 019 Mobile: 98420 63569 I 99420 03660 E-mailk: [email protected] All rights reserved with the publishers First Edition: September, 2007 Price: Rs. 95/ Contact : J.M. Arul Sekar 98420 63569 K. Thiyagu 99420 03660 Typeset by: Quality Computers, North Kattur Tiruchirappalli 620 019 Printed by: Companion Tiruchirappalli - 620 001. Ph: 0431 - 2411539 CONTENTS Unit 1 Content Page No Educational Technology Aims of Education, The revolution in Education, Origin of Educational Technology, Definition, Meaning, Scope Need, Objectives, Concept of Educational Technology, Components of Educational Technology: Hardware, Software and System Arnalysis, Application of Educational Technology. 2 Information and Communication Technology 10 Definitions, Meanings, Aims, Objectives, Features, Dimension of ICT, Educational Implication of ICT, Use of ICT from academic point of view, ICT Revolution, Different Trends in ICT with a special focus on Indian ICT Scenario, New Trends in Indian Scenario. 3 17 Systems Approach Definition and Meaning of the Word System, Types of System, Components of System: Input, Process, Output; System Development: Analysis, Design, Implement, Feedback and Improvement, Advantages, System of System in Education and Classroom Instruction. Approach in Education, Application Approach Modern Methods and Approaches to Teaching 24 Personalized System of Instruction (P.S.I): Origin, Concept, Characteristics, Uses; Programmed Learning: Definition, Growth and Development, Principles, Concept, Types of Programming: Linear, Branching Programming and Mathetics, Steps Involved in Preparing Programmed Learning Material, Advantages and Limitations. 5 39 Communication and Mass media of Communication, Definition, Process of Barriers in Communication, Types of Communication, Print Communication, Mass Media, Traditional Media, Concept Media, Educational Educational Radio, Educational Television, Suitable Satellites, Criteria for the Choice of Media for Teaching-learning. Unit 6 Page No Content Computers in Education Characteristics of Computer, Classification of Computer, 60 Components of Computer: Input, CPU and Output Devices, Secondary Memory, Hardware and Software, Uses of Computer in Education for Educational Management: As a Teaching Aid, Computer Assisted Instruction, Multi Media Approach, Power Point Presentations and Their Advantages and LCD Projector. 7 Advances in Information and Telecommunication 89 Technologies Network, Types of Network, Advantages of Networking9 Internet, Origin and Development, World Wide Web Website, Web Language, Web Pages, Home Page and Web Browser, General Applications of Internet In Education. 8 Internet and Education Internet Service Provider, Logging on The Net Work, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Web Browser, Internet Explorer, Search Engines, Website, Web E- mail, Chatting, Teleconferencing, their Role in Teaching Virtual University. Video Education Steps to Integrate, Ways Educational Browsing, Conferencing Learning Process, E-learning Integrating Educational Technology Technology in to 98 in and and Secondary 121 Integrating, Integrating School Education, ICT Inputs for Teachers; In-service Programme: NeedTraining for Inservice Training for Teachers, Teacher Education Models, Cyber Values in ICT Bibliography Objectives, In-service Computer Crimes, Ethics and Applications, Future Trends. 135 10100101101010010100101010101001011010100010010111001110011001010100100101D11C Companion. Ph: 0431-2411539