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2013, Horizons; The Institute for Outdoor Learning
6 pages
1 file
This research aims to analyse the relationship between the embedding of bushcraft skills into formal countryside management qualifications and the performance of students. It shows through the testing of two cohorts of students one of which received no bushcraft tuition and one which did that the results differ significantly between the two groups. The group which received bushcraft tuition demonstrated much greater skills in the tested topic of plant identification and the potential reasons for this improved performance will be discussed here.
Constructivism: The Construction of What? In this article, we discuss constructivism as a theory of learning, hence, we debate on howpeople construct meaning and knowledge. It is important to distinguish this from epistemology of scientific knowledge, that is, the growth, development, and status of scientific knowledge about the world. We may ask what is constructed? Is it: 1. our individual knowledge about the world? (e.g., children construct their own knowledge) 2. the shared and accepted scientific knowledge about the world as it exists in established science? (e.g., scientific knowledge is socially constructed) or 3. the world itself ? (e.g., the world is socially constructed)
Constructivism is a broad term used by philosophers, curriculum designers, psychologists, educators, and others to emphasize the active role of the learner in making sense of information through individual and social activity. Constructivism focuses on different aspects such as construction of knowledge, processing of existing structures, connecting new ideas sometimes through their own thinking and sometimes in collaboration with others. Constructivism can also be conceived as a revolt against the traditional objectivism. Educationists and researchers have focused on various types of constructivism such as - - (1) Cognitive constructivism, (2) Social constructivism, (3) Radical constructivism, (4) Critical constructivism, (5) Personal constructivism and (6) Emancipatory constructivism. This paper details the pedagogical aspects of cognitive and social constructivism and the elements such as theory of knowledge, learning process, learner, teacher and classroom transaction.
Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 2020
Introduction. The relevance of the research is underpinned by the lack of conceptual and methodological framework for the upgrade of educational practices against the background of common transition to new educational technologies associated with e-learning and distance learning technologies. The purpose of this article is to identify the key features of constructivist pedagogy to build the educational design understood as a set of teaching practices to create a series of educational events that allow a teacher to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the most effective way. Materials and methods. We used methods of critical analysis of modern constructivist epistemology approaches; we applied methods of ideal type differentiation and content analysis; we used principles of definition of concepts reflecting the substance of constructivist pedagogical paradigm. Results. The analysis of modern forms of the constructivist pedagogical paradigm revealed its capabilities for overcoming crisis points in modern processes of common transition to e-learning formats and distance learning technologies. Increasing information competence of teachers will make it possible to leverage constructivist methods and stimulate the students’ abilities to create their own sense of learning. Among the innovative educational technologies of constructivist pedagogy, there is a great potential for education related to the performance of creative artistic tasks in non-artistic professional education. Conclusion. The constructivist pedagogical paradigm is a new philosophy of education that is likely to systematically restructure the educational process at the undergraduate level and form an active position of student as the main subject of educational process.
This article discusses briefly constructivism in education. It shall be emphasized on exploring teaching and learning practices, and reviewing problems. Finally it is tried in the article to answer one question in this regard
Tella, S. (ed.) Two Cultures Coming Together. Part 3. Theory and Practice in Communicative Foreign Language Methodology. University of Helsinki Department of Teacher Education & University of Helsinki Vantaa Continuing Education Centre. Studia Paedagogica 10., 1996
In Finland, the discussion of a new concept of knowledge and learning started in 1989 when the National Board of General Education commissioned a few learning psychologists to write a booklet about the latest developments (e.g., Lehtinen et al. 1989). What is the situation now, seven years later? I feel tempted to say that very many teachers know about the modern concept, most teacher educators deal with it in their teaching, but yet we are still very far from understanding properly what it is all about. I feel we should continue to figure out new sorts of didactic solutions. A couple of side remarks before I continue. Six years ago, researchers talked about a “new” concept of knowledge. Soon everybody realised that there is nothing new under the sun — an eternal truth — so we started talking about a modern concept, an emerging concept or, quite simply, about a current concept. These adjectives correctly remind us of the fact that these kinds of concepts are temporary and should be analysed in more detail. One cynic even said that considering the global recession we were suffering at the beginning of the 1990s, we could not even afford to talk about a new concept of knowledge. As time will not allow me to go into detail in all three domains of concepts (man, knowledge, and learning), let me share with you some ideas concerning one of the main polarities dealt with in the research literature, i.e., the shift from behaviourism to constructivism. It seems to me that we cannot afford not to talk about constructivism when dealing with modern concepts of knowledge and learning.
Teachers and Teaching, 2009
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Both are the welcome moves, even though they have come late, the first one is CBSE has implemented long waited reformations in the evaluation system of CBSE affiliated schools and the other NCTE is taking initiative to make the existing one year B.Ed program to two year program with some intensive training inputs. Both are undoubtedly encourage the concept of Life Long Education in its truest liberal form and substance. We should not be living in illusion by thinking that lifelong education is a discovery of our time. There is nothing new in the idea of the continuity of the educational process and educating oneself. Whether they do so consciously or not, human beings keep on learning and training themselves throughout their lives. The essence of quality school education lies within educating the adults and hone their responsible parenthood. Constructivists like Dewey, Montessori, Piaget, Bruner and Vygotsky enriched the philosophy of constructivism with some common objectives, i,e knowledge is actively created or invented by the child- not passively received from the environment, both physical and mental actions are required for creating new knowledge by associating them with previous experience, construction of ideas for a single concept are dynamic as per the concept processing mechanism of an individual and learning is basically a social process which influence intellectual growth of a child. There is enormous pedagogy that a teacher can invent to liberate learning and process it with joyful experiences. Active learning involves with direct involvement of both learner and teacher actively in the learning process by sharing their emotion, sympathy and antipathy for releasing resulting tensions. The optimal learning for characteristically active teacher and learner starts with initial training process and continue till the end of life. Every Pedagogue has to facilitate reflective thinking in students, create an atmosphere for collaborative learning, fasten learning with real life situation, give problem solving and encourage leadership behavior within each and every child beyond their interest and attitude towards schooling. Therefore in the preparatory stage of teachers training program emphasis should be given on technical pedagogy and socio economic studies of school education. This will help them to work actively to improve the system’s internal efficiency and yield by reducing the number of dropouts and repeaters. The awareness and attitude on the ‘integration of technology’ will make them more open by introducing more and more networks for distributing information and providing guidance to their students. The trainee exchange program, organize more meetings with the school management and the management of the teachers training institutes and availing opportunities to the teachers to work in other countries are need to be emphasized.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2015
In this overview study, we would like to present the basic constructivist approaches that have affected or influenced the current concept of education. The teacher-student interaction is reflected by personality, psychological traits, attitudes and cultural capital of the participants of the educational process as well as the teacher's effort to mediate the didactic content to the students. Concerning the changing roles of the teacher and the student, which is followed by a concept based on pedagogical constructivism, it is also important to accept the need for adequate training of undergraduate teachers and further education of teachers in practice. The present discourse analysis will focus on the implementation of constructivist theory in educational theory and didactics.
Orígenes y desarrollo de la guerra santa en la Península Ibérica. Palabras e imágenes para una legitimación (siglos X-XIV). Carlos de Ayala Martínez / Santiago Palacios Ontalva (eds.), Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 2016
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