Social Mechanisms and Explanatory Relevance
Petri Ylikoski
Department of History and Philosophy
University of Tampere
Philosophy of Science Group
University of Helsinki
[email protected]
In this paper I will discuss mechanistic explanation in the social sciences from the point of view
of the philosophical theory of explanation. My aim is to show that the current accounts of mechanistic explanation do not serve the agenda of analytical social science as well as they should. I
will not challenge the idea that causal explanations in the social sciences involves mechanisms or
that social scientists should seek causal explanations and a mechanistic understanding of social
phenomena, but will argue that to improve explanatory practices in the social sciences analytical
social scientists should employ tools more substantial than the metaphor of a mechanism.
I will begin by presenting the basics of the erotetic approach to explanation and the notion of explanatory understanding. Section 2 argues that mechanisms do have many important roles related
to explanation, but that they do not provide a solution to the problem of explanatory relevance.
Section 3 introduces the idea of a contrastive explanandum and argues that paying attention to the
identity of the explanandum is a necessary condition for proper assessment of explanatory claims.
Section 4 argues that explanatory relevance should be understood as counterfactual dependence
and that a manipulationist account of causation provides a fruitful framework for making sense of
causal explanations. Section 5 discusses some of the consequences of these ideas for mechanistic
explanation in the social sciences.
1 The purpose of the theory of explanation
The aim of the theory of explanation is to make sense of explanations. It addresses questions such
as following: What kind of an activity is explanation and how is it related to other epistemic (and
practical) activities? What kinds of explanations are there and what are their relationships to each
other? By which criteria are explanations evaluated by scientists and by which criteria should
they be evaluated? All of these questions circle around the central question: What constitutes an
explanation? A convenient way to approach this question is to think about explanatory relevance.
The problem of explanatory relevance is one of the major challenges for the covering-law account of explanation. The examples of men taking contraceptive pills explaining them not becoming pregnant, and hexing explaining why salt dissolves in water, are counterexamples of the
covering-law account because they involve intuitively explanatorily irrelevant factors while fulfilling all the criteria of a satisfactory covering-law explanation. These counterexamples and
other arguments have led philosophers of science to conclude that the covering-law account is a
failure. It does not solve the central problem for any theory of explanation: the problem of explanatory relevance. This problem is not easy to solve. For example, Wesley Salmon’s causal theory of explanation falls victim to exactly the same counterexamples – it is not enough that we
demand that an explanation only provides some information about the causal process, we want to
have relevant information (Hitchcock 1995).
The problem of explanatory relevance can be understood as a problem of explanatory selection
(Hesslow 1983). Causal explanation provides information about causal history, but not all information about that history is regarded as explanatory. We have to pick the right aspects of the
causal process to be included in the explanation. That is to say, how far in the causal history
should we reach? How do we choose the events to be included in the explanation? How do we
choose the right level of abstraction for describing these events? In how much detail should the
events be described and which of their details should be included in the description? Apparently
we somehow manage to solve these problems intuitively when we are constructing explanations,
but it would be much better if we could make the principles governing these judgments explicit.
This is the main challenge for the theory of explanation.
The theory of explanation should not be a purely theoretical enterprise; the ultimate motive is to
develop conceptual tools for improving explanatory practices in the sciences (and in everyday
life). The theory of explanation should have practical relevance and its success should be judged
by the improvements it makes possible in explanatory practices. Such contributions are especially
important in the social sciences where controversies about explanation are common. The social
mechanisms movement is motivated by similar practical goals. While it has provided philosophical arguments for mechanistic explanation, the aims have been ultimately practical. The improvements in social science explanatory practice are the final evaluation criteria for philosophical arguments about explanation and causation.
In this paper I will outline an account of explanation that in my judgment best advances the aims
of both the philosophical theory of explanation and the social mechanisms movement. I call it the
contrastive counterfactual account of explanation. The first element of this account is the erotetic
approach to explanatory inquiry.
Explanations as answers to questions
Most philosophers of explanation agree that explanations are answers to questions. Some, like
Hempel (1965), have used it as an informal starting point for their discussion, whereas others
(van Fraassen 1980, Achinstein 1983) have built their theories of explanation around it. The latter
approaches are commonly called erotetic approaches to explanation and are often associated with
the broader question-theoretical account of scientific research.
In the erotetic approach, scientific enquiry is regarded as a process of answering and elaborating
questions. Empirical research is oriented towards fact-finding questions: it aims to answer what,
when, where, and how much questions. The relevance of these questions (and the required precision of the answers) is determined by practical how to questions and by explanatory why and how
questions. The insight provided by the erotetic approach is based on the analysis of interrelations
between different questions and its description of the research process as an organized series of
questions. For example, the research process often requires that big explanatory questions be
sliced to a series of smaller ones that can be addressed through empirical inquiry.
Explanation and understanding
In the erotetic approach, explanation is an answer to an explanation-seeking question. The explanation is regarded as complete when it fully answers the given question. This makes the notion of
explanation quite narrow. To capture the broader goal of epistemic activities, we need another
notion. I suggest that this be understanding (Ylikoski 2009). We are interested in finding answers
to explanation-seeking questions because we wish to have knowledge about the dependencies
governing the world. In other words, the goal of explanation is to understand these dependencies.
Wittgenstein argued that understanding should not be understood as a sensation, an experience, or
a state of mind. Understanding is not a special moment or phase, but a more permanent attribute.
It is an ability (Wittgenstein 1953, §§ 143-159, 179-184, 321-324). I agree: when a person understands something, she is able to do certain things, which does not mean that understanding is
some sort of special skill. Understanding consists of knowledge about relations of dependence.
When one understands something, one can make all kinds of correct inferences about it. Many of
these inferences are counterfactual: What would have happened if certain things had been different? What will happen if things were to be changed in a certain manner? Thus the fundamental
criterion according to which understanding is attributed is the ability to make inferences to counterfactual situations, the ability to answer contrastive what-if-things-had-been-different questions
(what if questions, for short) by relating possible values of the explanans variables to possible
values of the explanandum variable (Ylikoski 2009).
The present account ties together theoretical and practical knowledge: they are not completely
different notions. For example, in the case of causal explanation, explanatory understanding is
crucial to our pragmatic interests, since answers to what if questions concerning the effects of
possible interventions enable us to predict the effects of manipulation. Whereas the DN model
and the associated epistemic conception of explanation conceive of the possessor of understanding as a passive observer of external events, the contrastive counterfactual theory links our theoretical practices to our roles as active agents (Woodward 2003). The degree of understanding
conveyed by an explanation can be defined as the number and importance of counterfactual inferences that the explanatory information makes possible.
Why do many people think that understanding is a mental state or an experience? The reason is
that there exists a mental experience that is closely related to understanding: the sense of understanding. It is a feeling that tells us when we have understood or grasped something. This sense
of confidence (and the feeling that often comes with it) can be easily confused with what we
think it indicates: understanding. Ideally these two things would go hand in hand, and assimilating them should not create any trouble. However, real life is different. The sense of understanding
is a highly fallible indicator of understanding. Sometimes one has a false sense of understanding
and sometimes one understands without having any associated feelings or experiences. The sense
of understanding does not give us direct access to knowledge that is the basis of our understanding, so it would be highly surprising if the sense of understanding would turn out to be perfectly
calibrated to our understanding. The fallibility of the sense of understanding can be demonstrated
experimentally. People often overestimate the detail, coherence, and depth of their understanding
(Rozenblit and Keil 2002; Ylikoski 2009).
The existence of the sense of understanding should not be regarded as any kind of oddity. It plays
an important metacognitive role in our cognitive life. It gives us confidence to try things, and
when it is lacking we can sensibly abstain from the activity in question. It also guides the search
for new knowledge, and tells us when to stop the search for new information; it signals when we
know enough. In addition, the sensation associated with the sense of understanding can have a
motivational role. Satisfying curiosity is highly rewarding (Schwitzgebel 1999, Gopnik 2000). It
provides motivation for learning and other cognitive activities, and for this reason has an important role in human cognition. The desire to satisfy one’s curiosity also provides important psychological motivation for conducting scientific research (Ylikoski 2009).
The phenomenology of the sense of understanding can mislead one into thinking that understanding is an on-off phenomenon (‘Now I got it!’). This is not the case. First, the understanding can
be about different aspects of the phenomenon. Second, these aspects may be understood in various degrees. Consider an ordinary object like a personal computer. Different individuals understand to varying degrees how their computer works. Some might know about the software, or
some specific piece of software, and others the hardware. Most people just use the software without any understanding of a computer’s internal workings. Despite these differences, they all understand something about their PC. The crucial question is which aspects of it they understand. A
comparison of their understanding is possible, but strict assessment of overall understanding is
complicated: there are many dimensions to compare. However, the important point is that by asking what has been understood, the extent of understanding can always be specified (Ylikoski
This notion of understanding can be used to make sense of social science explanations. For example, we can ask what kind of what if questions does a certain account of social mechanism answer. Answering this question can be difficult, but this difficulty only emphasizes the contrast
between our confidence that it provides explanatory insight and our inability to articulate (or to
agree about) what it explains. Surely this kind of exercise would benefit the aims of analytical
social science. We can also raise the more general question of whether the social theorist’s sense
of understanding is well calibrated to his abilities to make correct counterfactual inferences about
social phenomena he is studying. I would be highly surprised if it were to turn out that widespread explanatory overconfidence didn’t exist among social theorists.
2 Mechanisms and explanatory relevance
The idea of a mechanism has many uses in the philosophy of science. Most of these ideas also
figure in social science discussions about explanation (Hedström & Ylikoski 2010). Here are four
different ideas about the contribution of mechanisms to explanatory understanding.
The first idea is about heuristics. According to it, existing mechanistic explanations can serve as
templates, schemes or recipes for the search of causes. The knowledge about a possible mechanism tells the researcher what to look for and where. This simplifies the search for causes, especially in situations where one can be confident that the menu of possible explanatory mechanisms
covers all the plausible alternatives.
The second idea is related to justification of causal claims. It posits that the knowledge about
possible mechanisms can provide support for causal claims. Causal claims without an account of
the underlying mechanisms are possible and in principle fully legitimate, but knowledge of a
mechanism makes them much more secure. This idea originates from everyday thinking, but it is
also accepted in scientific contexts. Of course, the idea can sometimes be misleading: an imagined causal mechanism can give false credence to spurious causal claims.
The third idea is about the presentation of explanatory information. A mechanism scheme provides useful means for presenting and organizing explanatory information. A narrative form
makes the explanatory information more digestible for humans, and mechanism schemes can be
regarded as templates for such narratives. They outline the central features of the explanatory narrative and help people to focus on the right pieces of information.
The fourth idea concerns the organization of social scientific knowledge. According to an old
empiricist view, general knowledge in science consists of empirical generalizations and more abstract theoretical principles from which these generalizations can (ideally) be deduced. The
mechanistic account of knowledge challenges this picture on two counts. First, the locus of generality (and explanatory power) in social scientific knowledge is considered to lie in the mechanism schemes. The social sciences do not have that many valid empirical generalizations and
those that they have are not very explanatory. On the contrary, they are among the things that require explanation (Cummins 2000). Explanatory power – and general applicability – comes from
knowledge of possible causal mechanisms. When social scientific knowledge expands, it does not
do so by formulating empirical generalizations that have broader application, but by adding or
improving items in its toolbox of possible causal mechanisms. This brings us to the second challenge to the traditional picture of social science knowledge: the ideal of knowledge in no longer
an axiomatic system, but a much looser idea of an expanding theoretical toolbox. The expectation
is that mature social science would be more like a textbook of modern cell biology than a treatise
in elementary geometry.
These are important ideas – and I subscribe to all of them – but they do not address the issue of
explanatory relevance. They do not tell us what is the explanatory import of mechanisms. Nor do
they tell us how to construct a good or satisfactory mechanistic explanation. Furthermore, they
provide no guidance for the evaluation of suggested mechanistic explanations.
The insufficiency of mechanistic ideas
To see why the idea of mechanisms is not very helpful in dealing with the problem of explanatory
relevance, we have to understand how this notion works. Let us begin by distinguishing two ways
to talk about mechanisms. Examples of both are plentiful in the literature and most of the time
people seem to assume that they incorporate the same notion of mechanism.
The first (let us call it A-mechanism) regards mechanisms as a particular causal chain. The
mechanism is whatever connects the cause and effect. No matter how long or complicated the
causal process is, it can be called a mechanism if its description answers the question how did the
cause bring about the effect? The second way (B-mechanism) to talk about a mechanism regards
it as a theoretical building block. Here the mechanism is an object of theoretical interest, and it
often applies only to simplified and idealized explananda. The above mechanistic idea about the
organization of general knowledge is based on this notion of mechanism.
The differences between these two notions can be seen more easily if we consider their interrelations. The first thing to observe is that a single A-mechanism can involve many B-mechanisms. A
number of different B-mechanisms can work serially or simultaneously in the same causal process. Furthermore, nothing prevents B-mechanisms from working in opposite directions. For example, if we are explaining the rise in the murder rate after the collapse of a corrupt central government, some of the B-mechanisms could work towards a reduction of crime, whereas others
would increase it. The explanandum of an A-mechanism is the total (or net) effect, whereas the
explanandum of a B-mechanism is more like a component effect. Clearly we should not use these
two notions of mechanism interchangeably.
The idea of an A-mechanism builds upon the idea that the knowledge of the details of a causal
process makes the explanation better. This idea feels intuitively correct. People prefer detailed
explanations to mere sketches of explanation. This preference shows that detail is regarded as a
virtue in explanatory contexts. The crucial question here is what do we mean by more detailed?
An explanation is more detailed when it omits less of the relevant information. The key word
here is relevant. The details of the causal process can be quite harmful for the explanation if they
are irrelevant from the point of view of the explanandum. There has been some discussion in the
philosophy of science about whether the addition of irrelevant details makes the explanation
completely nonexplanatory or whether it just makes an explanation worse (see Salmon 1998). We
do not need to take a stance on this partly verbal issue; it is sufficient to point out that irrelevant
details at least decrease the cognitive salience of the explanation. Irrelevant details can mislead:
in such cases we identify wrong factors as explanatory. A more detailed causal story might also
be more difficult to grasp. This is a simple fact of human cognition: our memory and ability to
focus are limited and burdening them restricts our inferential performance. In both cases our ability to answer what if questions decreases. In other words, we will understand less.
Although the notion of an A-mechanism is important, it does not provide much insight into the
nature of explanation. It is a placeholder notion: whatever explains the fact that c caused e is the
mechanism. In this sense it is of limited analytical value: it names the challenge, but does not
provide tools for dealing with the problem of explanatory relevance. Nor does the notion of an Amechanism give any guidance for constructing mechanistic explanations. It does not tell us which
level of organization we should focus on, which elements of the process should be incorporated
in to the mechanism, or how detailed the description of these items should be.
The identity criteria for B-mechanisms are stricter, but this notion faces the opposite problem. Bmechanisms are in many ways analogical to component causes. Just like component causes, they
can be involved in cases of overdetermination, in which more than one mechanism works to
guarantee a certain outcome. (Sometimes they could work simultaneously, sometimes one
mechanism could preempt another.) Similarly, they could be involved in the cases of counteracting causes, in which the mechanisms compete by having opposite causal effects. Finally, as with
an individual component cause, a B-mechanism can be simply explanatorily irrelevant. In the
case of an A-mechanism the connection to the explanandum is guaranteed by definition, but such
a guarantee is lacking in the case of a B-mechanism. Any causal process involves many Bmechanisms at various levels of organization (physical, chemical, etc.); it is an open question
whether they are in any way relevant to the explanandum we are interested in. Here again we find
the problem of explanatory relevance: we need some guidance with B-mechanisms. What is the
appropriate level of organization to focus on? What makes a given B-mechanism relevant to the
explanandum? In how detailed a manner we should describe the mechanism?
When people construct and evaluate mechanistic explanations they are intuitively making judgments about explanatory relevance. Everybody agrees that good mechanistic explanations capture
the relevant aspects of the causal process. However, nothing in the idea of a mechanism helps us
in making and evaluating these judgments – we have to trust our intuitions. The trouble with intuitive assessments of explanations is that they are based on unreliable metacognitive processes.
The sense of understanding is highly unreliable, and this shows in the disagreements people have
in their judgments about explanatory value. Given the intuitive appeal of mechanistic storytelling
in everyday reasoning, the critics of mechanistic theories of explanation might be right in being
skeptical about their value. Especially when we are working with highly abstract sketches of
mechanisms (as is typical in the social sciences), the danger of the illusion of depth of understanding is a real one.
Clearly, the notion of a mechanism is not a sufficient tool for improving explanatory practices in
the social sciences. It needs to be supplemented with additional ideas from the theory of explanation. I will now turn to these ideas and try to show how they can be used to make sense of
mechanistic explanation.
3 The importance of the explanandum
The problem of explanatory relevance in causal explanation is that the causal history of an event
includes a vast number of elements and aspects that are not explanatorily relevant to the
explanation-seeking question we are addressing. A natural way to start sorting out this problem is
to take a closer look at the explanandum.
A contrastive account of explanation is helpful here. According to this view, explanations are answers to questions in the following form: Why the fact rather than the foil happened? We want to
know why things are one way rather than some other way. An anecdote about the famous bank
robber Willie Sutton illustrates the basic idea of contrastive explanation. When Sutton was in
prison, a journalist asked him why he robbed banks. Sutton answered, “Well, that’s where the
money is.” The journalist had in his mind the question: “Why do you rob banks, instead of leading an honest life?,” whereas Sutton answered the question: “Why do you rob banks, rather than
gas stations or grocery stores?” This is the basic insight of the contrastive approach. We do not
explain simply ‘Why f?,’ rather, our explanations are answers to the contrastive question ‘Why f
rather than c?’ (Garfinkel 1981, 21-22). Instead of explaining plain facts, we are explaining contrastive facts (Ylikoski 2007).
Sometimes the contrast is imagined: we ask why an object has a particular property rather than a
different property we expected it to have or our theory predicted it would have. Sometimes the
contrast arises from a comparison: we ask why an object has a certain property rather than being
like an otherwise similar object that has a different property. In both cases we are explaining a
difference: why a fact is the case rather than its exclusive alternative.
I will adopt the convention of expressing the contrast in the following manner: fact [foil], which
should be read as fact rather than foil. The number of foils is not limited; there can be more than
one. The contrastive idea does not put strict limitations on kinds of facts that can serve as the ex-
plananda: they can belong to different ontological categories. They can be properties, events,
quantities or qualities. The crucial thing is that the fact and its foil should be exclusive alternatives to each other. To cover the wide variety of possible ontological categories, I will here simply speak about variables. This terminology does not commit us to any specific ontology, but allows us to make our points more generally and to avoid messy philosophical debates about the
nature of events and other ontological categories. The basic idea is that whatever the real relata of
explanation are, they can be represented as variables.
The idea of contrastive explanandum is a practical tool for analyzing explananda and for making
the intended explanandum more explicit. Although it is not always apparent from the surface appearance of explanations, all explanation-seeking questions can be analyzed and further explicated by articulating the implicit contrastive structure of the explanandum. This explication
makes the aims of explanation-seeking questions more clear and makes the evaluation of the adequacy of the proposed explanations easier. Articulating the contrastive structure forces one to be
specific about the intended object of the explanation and about the respects in which we think the
object could have been different (Ylikoski 2007). Are we explaining a singular event or a more
general phenomenon or regularity? Are we addressing properties of individuals or of populations? What is the appropriate level of description: are we after micro-level details or patterns
found at the macro level?
Quite often the original question turns out to be a whole set of related contrastive questions. This
is a good thing: smaller questions are something that we can realistically hope to answer by
means of empirical enquiry. Contrastive articulation is also useful in controversies over apparently conflicting explanations. Often the apparently competing explanations turn out to be addressing complementary or completely independent questions. This is as it should be: we can be
pluralists about explanation-seeking questions, but whether the answers are correct is still an objective matter.
The contrastive approach does not only help to clarify the explanandum, it can also be used to
evaluate explanations. Rather than asking what the intended explanandum is, we can also ask
what is the contrast that the given explanation (or piece of explanatory information) can explain?
This is very useful approach, particularly, in social science controversies about explanation.
Rather than getting entangled with difficult interpretive problems about what certain theorists are
really attempting to explain, we can take a look at the explanations they provide and consider
what they in fact explain (Ylikoski 2007).
The contrastive idea underlies our preferred form of causal inquiry: the scientific experiment. We
contrast the control group with the experimental group or the process after the intervention with
the process before the intervention. In both of these cases, we are trying to account for the differences between the outcomes. The basic idea is to keep the causal background constant and to
bring about changes in the outcomes by carefully controlled interventions. A similar contrastive
setup motivates comparative research. In general, the idea that explanations are contrastive is
natural if one thinks that the aim of explanation is to trace relations of dependency. Our goal is to
understand how changes in the cause variable bring about changes in the effect variables. We
want to know what makes the difference and then leave out the factors that do not. The contrastive idea is based on a very intuitive feature of our explanatory cognition.
4 Making a difference
The starting point of the contrastive-counterfactual approach to explanation is realistic:
explanations attempt to trace objective relations of dependence. These dependences can either be
causal or constitutive. Dependencies are objective in the sense that they are independent of our
ways of perceiving and theorizing about them. They are also separate from our means of describing them. That is to say, the real relata of explanation are facts, not sentences.
If the explanandum is contrastive, as I have suggested, it is natural to think that the explanans is
also contrastive. Following this idea, philosophers of causation are increasingly thinking that causation is doubly contrastive (Woodward 2003; Schaffer 2005). The same idea applies also to
causal explanation. In the simplest form, causal explanatory claims have the following structure:
c [c*] explains e [e*]
In plain language, the cause variable having the value c rather than c* explains why the explanandum variable has the value e rather than e*. A natural way to understand this relation is to
regard it as a counterfactual dependence: if the cause variable had had the value c*, the value of
the explanandum variable would have been e* rather than e. Note that although the claim is about
counterfactual situation, there is nothing counter to the facts in the relation of dependence itself.
Also of importance is that counterfactual dependence is a modal notion: explanation is not about
subsumption under empirical regularities, but about counterfactual dependence.
The idea of a counterfactual theory of causation is very old. We can avoid some of the historical
problems of counterfactual theories of causation if we do not regard it as a reductive theory of
causation and if we limit its application to causal explanation. The new idea is to combine it with
the idea of contrastive explanandum. Together with a sophisticated manipulation account of causation this idea helps us to solve most of the problems that counterfactual theories of causation
have faced (See Ylikoski 2001).
An important problem for the counterfactual theories has been the specification of the truth conditions for the counterfactuals. A manipulation account of causation is helpful here. In the manipulation account of causation
c [c*] causes e [e*] if we can bring about e* [e] by bringing about c* [c]
This cannot serve as a reductive analysis of causation, as ‘bringing about’ is already a causal notion. However, it can serve as a starting point for an adequate descriptive analysis of the notion of
causation. An advantage of the manipulation account is that it provides a natural way of distinguishing between real causal relations and mere correlations. Real causal relations can be used
as bases for effective interventions, whereas mere correlations do not allow this.
Experiments and other causal interventions in the real world are often quite messy. To make sense
of the meaning of causal claims we need the notion of an ideal intervention, developed by
Woodward (2003, 94-151). An ideal intervention I changes the value of effect variable Y only via
changing the value of cause variable X as shown below. (The formulation and the graph are
adapted from Craver 2007.)
1. I does not change Y directly
2. I does not change the value of any causal inX
termediate S between X and Y except by chang2
ing the value of X
that is a cause of Y
4. I acts as a switch that controls the value of X
3. I is not correlated with some other variable C
causal relation
absence of causal relation
absence of correlation
irrespective of X’s other causes U.
The notion of ideal intervention gives us straightforward semantics for causal counterfactuals. It
also makes it possible to avoid anthropocentric features of earlier manipulation accounts of causation: the definition does not refer to a human agent. Nor must we assume that the intervention
is humanly possible – we are only interested in possible interventions. For us the main advantage
of this account is that it provides us with a natural way of making sense of counterfactuals in
causal explanation, meaning that an explanatory claim is correct if ideal intervention on the explanans variable had brought about the appropriate change in the explanandum variable.
An interesting feature of Woodward’s account is his view of explanatory generalizations about
effects of ideal interventions (Woodward 2003, 239-314). These invariances lack many traditional features of laws of nature. They usually hold only for a limited range of possible interventions (and changes in background factors); they can refer to particular objects, places and times;
and they might contain exceptions. In short, they might hold only in a certain domain and break
up outside of it. However, in contrast to the traditional empiricist accounts of laws of nature, invariance is a modal notion: it makes a claim that the invariant relationship between cause and effect variables will hold under a set of possible interventions. According to Woodward, invariances capture what is essential from the point of view of explanation, whereas most of the traditional attributes are superficial from this angle. Consequently, in his account all explanatory generalizations are not laws. This is good news for the social sciences (and other sciences outside of
fundamental physics): the generalizations satisfying the traditional criteria of lawhood are rare or
It is plausible to think that our contrastive explanatory preferences stem from our nature as active
interveners in natural, psychological, and social processes. We desire to know where to intervene
to produce the changes we want, and this knowledge often presupposes answers to some why and
how questions. Without this knowledge one would not know when the circumstances are suitable
for an intervention and one would not be able to predict the results of the intervention. I do not
wish to claim that the notion of explanation can be reduced to its origins in agency. After all, we
are also interested in explaining things that cannot be humanly manipulated. However, our instrumental orientation might still explain why our explanatory preferences are as they are.
5 The explanatory import of mechanisms
In the contrastive counterfactual account causal claims are based on change-relating invariances,
meaning that no mechanism is needed for making a causal claim. This helps us to avoid the regress problem that an account which assumes that mechanisms are an integral part of all causal
claims would face. However, it does not challenge the legitimacy of the assumption that outside
of fundamental physics there will always be a causal mechanism mediating between the variables. Nor does it imply that we should not try to have knowledge about the mechanisms (Hedström & Ylikoski 2010).
However, there is one important consequence: macro variables are explanatory in the same sense
as micro variables. In other words, the explanatory factors (for explananda at individual or social
levels) might be found at the social level. The crucial issue is whether the right kind of invariance
exits between the explanans and the explanandum variables. If by changing the macro-variable
we can bring about a relevant change in the explanandum variable, we have identified the cause.
The intervention account does not privilege any specific level of description; it is a purely empirical matter which level provides the variables that inform us about the relevant invariances
(Steel 2006). The crucial factor is the contrast on the explanandum side: depending on the contrast, a micro or macro variable might turn out to be more relevant (Ylikoski 2001, 77-100). The
relevance is determined by the nature of invariances that the variables are involved in. This
blocks the simple argument for methodological individualism through causal mechanisms. Causal
claims do not have to incorporate mechanisms and they can refer to macro variables. Clearly, if
we want to stick with methodological individualism, we need some independent arguments.
If causal claims can be made without referring to mechanisms, the question arises what is their
function in causal explanation? Is it a misguided idea that adds nothing to the process of causal
explanation, as some critics have suggested? This would be an overreaction. It is important to
recognize the limited scope of the above claims. These are claims about singular causal state18
ments that answer to simple explanation-seeking questions. However, when we turn our attention
to the broader issue of understanding, the true contribution of mechanisms becomes apparent. A
singular causal claim might be based on a simple claim about counterfactual dependence, but for
theoretical understanding we need more.
In the erotetic approach, explanation-seeking questions are not treated separately as independent
entities. The questions come in clusters of closely related what if questions. The individual questions are related to each other in many ways. When we find that the value of variable Y is dependent on the value of variable X in a manner that allows (at least an ideal) intervention, this
raises a whole series of questions. First, why does the counterfactual dependence hold? Second,
what is the range of interventions that this invariance allows without breaking apart? Third, what
are the background conditions for this invariance and how sensitive is the invariance to changes
in these conditions? Fourth, are there other alternative interventions that can bring about the
same changes in Y? Fifth, is it possible to account for a more precise explanandum? And sixth, is
it possible to find a generalization that stays invariant in a broader range of interventions and
background conditions?
The knowledge of mechanisms is involved in answering all these questions. The questions are
related to each other via chains of presupposition. As we can see from the first question, underlying every why question is a possible how question. Individual claims about causal influence are of
limited interest. We want to know why X can cause changes in Y. Answering this question requires knowledge about causal mechanisms: we have to know how the changes in X are transmitted to changes in Y. The fourth question about alternative interventions is closely related and
knowledge about possible mechanisms greatly facilitates answering it. Answers to both of these
questions expand the range of what if questions we can answer about the phenomenon – they increase our understanding.
An important manner in which knowledge about mechanisms advances our understanding is integration. An answer to the first question integrates the causal claim with other pieces of knowledge. This is a very important consideration from the point of view of understanding. When an
explanation is integrated into a larger theoretical framework, the theoretical connections can expand the range of answers to different what if questions in two ways. First, the integration allows
for inferential connections to an already existing body of knowledge, and this might make it possible to find unforeseen dimensions in which what if questions concerning the explanandum phenomenon can be answered. Second, the explanation itself may bridge previous gaps within the
existing theory and thus enable answers to new what if questions that do not directly concern the
original explanandum phenomenon. (Ylikoski & Kuorikoski 2009.)
The second and third questions arise from the fact that we want to know how broadly our causal
knowledge can be exploited; in other words, we wish to know how many other what if questions
can we answer with the same information. When we know more about the mechanism transmitting the causal influence, we have a better idea of what kinds of factors can disrupt the causal link
and how. With this information, we can answer more what if questions concerning situations in
which the background assumptions or conditions are different, for example in situations where
some parts of the mechanism were altered or when the background factors not included in the
explanatory generalization change. In this way, knowledge of mechanisms contributes to understanding the domain of application of the knowledge about the invariance. Without knowledge
about the mechanisms we would have trouble evaluating the range of what if questions that can
be answered with our piece of causal knowledge. Knowing the limits of one’s knowledge is an
important ingredient of understanding.
Finally, the fifth and sixth questions suggest that knowledge about the mechanisms might help us
to improve the explanatory generalization. A common way to search for more general formula-
tions is to look at the underlying mechanisms and explore the possibility of integrating them into
the explanatory generalization. This might make it possible to formulate the explanatory invariance in such a manner that it allows us to explain either a sharper explananda or a broader range
of explananda than the original (Ylikoski & Kuorikoski 2009). It might also make it possible to
formulate a more general statement of invariance that holds for a broader set of interventions and/
or background conditions. More general invariances are preferable, as they also make it possible
to answer a broader set of what if questions. In both of these cases the road to better explanatory
generalizations goes through mechanisms: they suggest variables that could be incorporated into
the explanatory generalization (Ylikoski & Kuorikoski 2009).
If these observations are correct, the call for mechanisms really makes sense. Knowledge about
mechanisms means an ability to answer more what if questions, i.e. more understanding. When
this explanatory contribution is combined with the four other functions of mechanisms mentioned
earlier, we see that the social mechanisms movement has been motivated by the right kind of intuitions. However, it might be that some of the advocates of social mechanisms have had the
wrong ideas about the source of legitimacy of these intuitions: the necessity of mechanisms does
not derive from ontological arguments for methodological individualism or from semantics of
individual causal claims.
6 Conclusion
In this paper I have suggested that the current mechanistic ideas about explanation are insufficient for the purposes of analytical social science. The aim is to improve explanatory practices,
but the notion of a mechanism is not very helpful. I have also suggested a number of ideas about
explanation that can be used in improving social science explanations. The first is the erotetic approach to explanations combined with the idea that all explanation is contrastive. This idea is use21
ful in making explanations more explicit and by allowing one to be more precise about the intended explanandum, as it permits a much sharper evaluation of explanatory claims. It also makes
it possible to think about interrelations between explanations by considering chains of presupposition. The second idea is the counterfactual criterion of explanatory relevance. When explanatory
claims are understood as claims about possible (ideal) interventions, we get a notion of explanatory relevance that is both intuitive and powerful. Among other things, this approach allows for a
novel way of understanding explanatory generalizations as claims about invariances. Third, I
have suggested that we employ the notion of understanding to make sense of the contribution of
the knowledge about mechanisms to our explanatory enterprise. A singular causal claim does not
require knowledge about the mechanisms, but once we begin to consider the broader set of what
if questions, the importance of mechanisms becomes apparent. The notion of understanding also
helps us to see the unreliability of the intuitive way of evaluating the relevance of explanatory
information. As the sense of understanding can be highly misleading, we have a further motivation for seeking a more explicit theory of explanation. Finally, I have suggested that we should
decouple the idea of mechanistic explanation from the doctrine of methodological individualism.
These two ideas should be argued separately, not as grounds for each other.
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