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2017, 2017 Esri User Conference Aeroterra
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La necesidad de disponer de una línea base para el seguimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a nivel subnacional, y de la Iniciativa de Prosperidad Urbana a nivel local transcacional, orientó el desarrollo de diversas investigaciones para compatibilizar prioridades en las metas de desarrollo y disponibilidad de información, para así proponer un sistema de seguimiento público en el impacto de políticas públicas en el logro de los objetivos. El cartel sintetiza una experiencia piloto que podría sentar las bases para un sistema en línea alojado en una nube geospacial para darle carácter permanente, colaborativo, ubicuo y transparente. Maqueta preparada para la galería de mapas del evento organizado por Aeroterra (colaboración preparada pero no presentada).
Tatiana Delgado Fernándeza, Rafael Cruz Iglesiasb a National Commission of SDI in Cuba (CIDERC), 19 y 84, Playa, La Habana, Cuba. [email protected] b GEOCUBA La Habana, Loma y 39. Plaza, La Habana, Cuba. [email protected] ... New perspectives are ...
I sistemi informativi geografici (GIS) e le nuove applicazioni dell'informazione georeferenziata (di Luciano Stefanini) - ABSTRACT: Starting with the current state of the art in the production of digital geographic information at the different scales of detail (national, regional and urban), the paper illustrates the increasing opportunities related to the adoption of interoperable Geographic Information Systems (GIS) policies both within the public sector (including the public institutions and the administrative organizations) and, with a particular focus, the economic sector. The creation of knowledge-oriented networks of agents and institutions (involving public and private operators) seems to be the most promising approach (and possibly the unique) to gain from the availability of gis-based data both for governments, organizations (profit or nonprofit), services providers, policy makers, operations management at firms level.
Change detection is a common routine by the GIS community, but typically for monitoring deforestation or increased crop productivity. This paper attempts to detect change in spatial data infrastructure development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC) are working with the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) initiative to survey progress in the development of national spatial data infrastructures (NSDI) in Latin America and the Caribbean. A GSDI global survey was translated to Spanish and posted on the web. The survey asks respondents about all aspects of NSDI, including leadership of SDI initiatives, legal and policy frameworks, fundamental data development and main challenges for the future. The survey was first published in March 2000. In early 2003, the survey information was updated for some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The survey results show that countries that have some identifiable problems requiring the integrated use of spatial data across agencies and disciplines, realized the need for NSDI and have made important progress. However, in many countries, the adoption of NSDI has been slow or absent. The most important factors affecting adoption of NSDI in the region are awareness of SDI concepts and technology, level of political will of decision-makers and officials throughout key organizations to implement these systems, and resources that are dedicated to spatial data development and sharing of information.
Habitat International, 2003
The development of a Municipal Information System, or currently better known as a local spatial data infrastructure, is considered complex due to the required inter-institutional relationships. In many developing countries Geographical Information Systems (GISs) are introduced but the benefits are modest as no changes take place in technical and organisational structure of organisations. Digital databases and computer-aided design (CAD) maps are mushrooming in great variety within different private and public institutions, municipal organisations and even within single departments and with structures similar to the paper period and thus operating on a stand-alone basis. Many national mapping agencies are not able to provide large-scale digital urban base maps, while the absence or low quality of cadastres makes those basic core data sets unavailable or inaccessible. The result is that duplication and incompatible data are frequently observed and also donor-driven stand-alone projects have a limited impact through the lack of institutional embedding and are not able to mature from the project to the institutional level. However, a positive sign is that there is an increasing awareness among data producers and consumers that investments in the development of digital data sets should be combined to reduce costs and increase benefits from especially GIS, and information and communication technology (ICT) in general. Within Trujillo a long-term vision was developed to make full use of ICT and GIS to modernise all operations of the Municipality to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its tasks. However, large investments are not feasible due to the very limited municipal budgets. To guarantee the support of the municipal council, short-term results are required. This paper describes three 'products' as part of the vision to develop through a step-by-step approach a local spatial data infrastructure for Trujillo. The three, rather different, products are: 1. fiscal cadastre, to increase municipal revenues through property taxation; 2. an 'environmental atlas' based on a compatible spatial and attribute data sets from a variety of organisations; and
Since the first efforts to build the Colombian Spatial Data Infrastructure -SDI-, several institutions have been concerned about improving spatial information management. As an essential principle to provide access to official information, the National Government has promoted coordinated initiatives focused on reducing barriers to share data and building the political framework that ensures geographic information availability to support decision making and sustainable development.
The paper presents a global model for understanding Land Administration Systems in support of sustainable development. The evolution of these systems is described as a respond to the dynamic relation between humankind and land. The Nordic evolution is described with a focus to understand that any land administration system is embedded in the cultural and judicial setting of the individual country/jurisdiction. The issue of Spatial Information Infrastructures is recognised as an increasingly important component for achieving sustainable development in developed as well as developing countries. The paper discusses the conceptual, political and economic mechanisms, and examples are given with regard to the Danish conceptual approach in this area. Finally, the paper deals with the issue of decentralisation and the impact of central vs local government in land management in support of sustainable development. It is argued that competencies should rest with the lowest possible level of ju...
A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) facilitates and coordinates the exchange and sharing of spatial data between stakeholders in the spatial data community. With this objective in mind, countries throughout the world are developing SDIs to manage and utilise their spatial data assets more effectively. These countries are developing SDIs to assist in various kinds of decision-making at different levels of government jurisdictions that have an important impact within their national boundaries. However, current research shows that SDI is understood and described differently by stakeholders from different disciplines and different jurisdictional levels. Therefore, in many cases SDI initiatives remain very much an innovation even among practitioners. There are still uncertainties regarding the benefits and identities of SDIs, particularly in connection with how they evolve over time to meet user needs. This paper reviews and assesses the development of SDIs throughout the world over the past fifteen years and the leadership role of national governments in SDI creation. This assessment is based on the SDI activities of various jurisdictions including Asia-Pacific, Australia, North America and Europe and research into the worldwide effects of spatial information clearinghouses. This assessment includes a discussion on emerging trends in SDI development, with particular reference to the increasingly important role played by sub-national governments and the private sector within the framework of SDI development. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for future SDI development, including the delivery of a virtual world that has a particular focus on facilitating decision making at a community level within a national context.
Iniciado el siglo XXI la dimensión espacial de la sociedad ha tenido una gran valorización al ser incorporada en gran cantidad de estudios realizados desde diferentes perspectivas disciplinarias. En este sentido la Geografía comienza a ocupar un lugar preponderante en el contexto científico a partir de haber generado los principales aspectos teóricos y procedimientos técnico-metodológicos para el análisis espacial cuantitativo mediante el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica. El libro Geografía y Análisis Espacial. Aplicaciones urbano-regionales con Sistemas de Información Geográfica presenta los avances realizados a partir de los diferentes proyectos de investigación realizados en el Grupo de Estudios sobre Geografía y Análisis Espacial con Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GESIG) del Instituto de Investigaciones Geográficas (INIGEO) de la Universidad Nacional de Luján. Se incluyen aspectos teóricos que ubican a la Geografía como ciencia que presenta las bases conceptuales del Análisis Espacial y aplicaciones técnicas en Sistemas de Información Geográfica en las líneas temáticas de la construcción de mapas sociales urbanos, análisis espacial de la salud y de la educación, arqueología espacial, procedimientos de construcción regional, estudios de la expansión urbana y construcción de mapas mentales. El total de las investigaciones han sido realizadas bajo la dirección de Gustavo D. Buzai y los capítulos comparten autoría con los investigadores del GESIG que han trabajado en cada tema: Claudia A. Baxendale, Graciela Cacace, Hugo Delfino, Luis Humacata, Sonia Lanzelotti y Noelia Principi. El libro presenta de qué manera el análisis espacial cuantitativo con Sistemas de Información Geográfica constituye una herramienta fundamental para comprender la realidad territorial urbana y regional para poder actuar sobre ella a través de las prácticas del ordenamiento territorial en la búsqueda de una mayor justicia espacial para la población.
GIS technology has transformed spatial data handling capabilities and made it necessary for governments to reexamine their roles with respect to the supply and availability of geographical information. This paper reviews the experiences of eleven national initiatives which together constitute the ® rst generation of national spatial data infrastructures and it also considers what lessons might be learnt for the next generation that will come into being over the next ten years. The presentation is divided into three sections. The ® rst of these consists of a short pro® le of each of the eleven strategies and United States. These are evaluated in the second section in relation to the driving forces behind them and their main features in terms of status, scope, access, approach to implementation and resources. The last section considers what lessons might be learnt from this experience and discusses the changing context within which the next generation of national spatial data infrastructures are likely to be formulated. It concludes with some thoughts on which countries are most likely to be candidates for the next generation of national spatial data infrastructures.
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