The Dark Age of Cosmology

2021, Ivar Nielsen

When Newton´s assumption of his "Universal Law of Celestial Motion" was contradicted by the discovery of the Galactic Rotation Curve back in 1930-es, Newton´s law wasn´t revised according to the Scientific method. Instead, the concept of "dark matter" was assumed "to prevent the stars to fly away from the galaxies". The gravitational idea of Newton was so collectively hypnotized into the consensus scientist's minds, that they completely failed to consider solutions and explanations from the other fundamental forces, and it´s still not that different today, 335 years after Newton. In fact, just ¼ part of the ¾ part of the fundamental forces constitutes the overall cosmological perception and theories of the Universe. It´s kind of logic that gravitational scientists only know only of 4 % of the Universe when exclusively considering the assumed and ¼ by far weakest part of the fundamental forces.

The Dark Age of Cosmology March 17, 2021 By Ivar Nielsen Natural Philosopher ivar.nielsen(at) Abstract When Newton´s assumption of his “Universal Law of Celestial Motion” was contradicted by the discovery of the Galactic Rotation Curve back in 1930-es, Newton´s law wasn´t revised according to the Scientific method. Instead, the concept of “dark matter” was assumed “to prevent the stars to fly away from the galaxies”. The gravitational idea of Newton was so collectively hypnotized into the consensus scientist’s minds, that they completely failed to consider solutions and explanations from the other fundamental forces, and it´s still not that different today, 335 years after Newton. In fact, just ¼ part of the ¾ part of the fundamental forces constitutes the overall cosmological perception and theories of the Universe. It´s kind of logic that gravitational scientists only know only of 4 % of the Universe when exclusively considering the assumed and ¼ by far weakest part of the fundamental forces. Gravity. In another article, I explained why and how Newton´s “gravity” is confused for velocity pressure on the Earth and on the Earth´s atmosphere. Read more here plained In the following I´m focusing on the E&M (EU) Cosmological Model The Solar System formation revisited. When the Sun was recognized to be the center of our solar system, this later led to the gravitational idea of its formation too, where a cosmic cloud of gas and dust was thought to attract into a center which created the Sun and so on. As if a cosmic cloud can do work on itself without any external force. And as if the weak “gravity” could cause nuclear formation. (Watch this video: - – in where the gravitational idea of formation is analyzed to violate the thermodynamic laws) As the Solar System is an integrated part of the Milky Way, we also must discuss the formation and motion of the Milky Way. In my opinion, all motions and formations in cosmos are made by the general Electro-Magnetism when this works cyclically in all four basic elementary plasma atomic stages. The EM cosmological formative principles work via an attractive motion, which assembles and subsequently repulses everything, that is, as a cycle of formation and motion. It´s my firm conviction that our Solar System is made in the Milky Way center and has mowed out in the galactic bars and out in the galactic arms. The formation and motion go like this: 1) A rotating magnetic field assemble gas and dust from a cosmic cloud into its central electric current. 2) The central electric current is a double helical swirling rotation which assemble gas and dust into central rotating spheres via the squeezing nucleous Bennett Z-Pinch effect - 3) This is the very principle in all formation processes in the Universe. 3) When such a E&M central sphere is “molted together” as a “pre-star” in a galactic center, it leaves the center, and as it leaves, the centrifugal forces of the rotation disperse planetary spheres out from the initial large starry sphere. As the still hot planets also rotates, some of these planets centrifugally disperse moons. 4) The “mechanic motions” in our Solar System mirrors the “flat galactic disk” orbiting plane, but in a 60-degree difference from the galactic plane, and the elliptic motion of the planets even mirrors the once “sudden repulsive motion” from the galactic center. 5) In short: The central electric current provides “mechanical” rotation to everything and the electromagnetic field provides orbital “mechanical” motions to everything. And the orbital velocity motions of planets and moons affect a “spacial” velocity resistance pressure (instead of planetary gravity) on these as the space isn´t empty at all. 6) The formation of heavier elements of course also takes place in the galactic center from where, strong gamma- and x-rays are beaming out as the obvious evidence of such nuclear heavy element formation in galactic centers. Black Holes. This gravitational idea is nonsense. The center in galaxies consists simply of a “transformative funnel of formation”, where cosmic plasma gas and dust is assembled via the attractive EM quality to form stars in the center via the nuclear Bennet Z-pinch effect. This dynamic motion is analog to the eye in a Hurricane Dark Matter. (History) As the Solar System is integrated in the galactic formation and motion, it is illogical to insert “dark matter” “to hold stars inside the galaxies”, as the planetary motions in the Solar System itself has a quite different orbital pattern. We need to have an explanation, which fits both the galactic and solar system at the same time, and this cannot be done by considering gravity to govern both areas. Or not at all. I consider Newton´s gravity to be a huge confusion and this in fact also go for Einstein´s rubber sheet description of his speculative “curved space time”. Curves in space are made by forces which contains and describes cyclical motions and circuits, of course the E&M forces only applies to this. Dark Energy. (History) The very fact that cosmological scientists have the Universe to expand with an increasing velocity per distance, should logically and immediately have stopped all further speculations alone because their initial assumed expansion of course can´t do more work on and by itself. Redshift Analysis Video: The Plausibility of Quantized Redshift Big Bang. (History) This highly speculative idea is a result of misinterpreted measurements of light at distances and not counting on the dispersion of the light value. Tired Light Denies the Big Bang - Video - The Universe is eternal and infinite, and all motions goes eternally between transformations formation, dissolution and re-formation. Even ancient cultures could discern this natural logic. Plasma Cosmology. Quote “Plasma cosmology is a non-standard cosmology whose central postulate is that the dynamics of ionized gases and plasmas play important, if not dominant, roles in the physics of the universe (on and) beyond the Solar System”. It´s outright funny that Plasma Cosmology is stated to be a “non-standard cosmology” by consensus scientist and authors as plasma “cosmology” have been at the stage since 1898. “Neon lighting consists of brightly glowing, electrified glass tubes or bulbs that contain rarefied neon or other gases. Neon lights are a type of cold cathode gasdischarge light. A neon tube is a sealed glass tube with a metal electrode at each end, filled with one of a number of gases at low pressure. A high potential of several thousand volts applied to the electrodes ionizes the gas in the tube, causing it to emit colored light. The Electric Universe. Quote: Electric Universe (EU) is an umbrella term that covers various pseudoscientific cosmological ideas built around the claim that the formation and existence of various features of the Universe can be better explained by electricity and magnetism than by gravity alone. As a rule, EU is usually touted as an aether-based theory with numerous references to tall tales from mythology. However, the exact details and claims are ambiguous, lack mathematical formalism, and often vary from one delusional #crank to the next. #Read below. Of course, the wiki reference here located is under the “rational” wiki department where the EU is judged by a ¼ part believer of all fundamental forces and even more on the basis that these consensus believers only know a 4 % of the entire Universe and even confuse these 4 % cosmological perceptions and observations by a gravity which isn´t at stage at all. Enlightening the Dark Age of Cosmology All these information´s below were at the stage since 1860 and should have been seriously considered when Newton´s “Universal laws of Celestial Motion” was contradicted in galaxies. Maxwell's equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits. The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical, and radio technologies, such as power generation, electric motors, wireless communication, lenses, radar etc. They describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents, and changes of the fields.[note 1] The equations are named after the physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell, who, in 1861 and 1862, published an early form of the equations that included the Lorentz force law. Maxwell first used the equations to propose that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon. Known as electromagnetic radiation, these waves may occur at various wavelengths to produce a spectrum of light from radio waves to gamma rays. Once again: Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon and it´s all over in the observable Universe. The only thing needed is for dogmatic consensus scientist to wake up ad incorporate the E&M attractive and repulsive qualities and forces and ranges in their overall cosmological models – and just to skip Newton´s and Einstein´s assumptive speculations of a force which isn´t there at all. Even the assumed “Cosmological Microwave Background (EM) Radiation” is all over electromagnetically, which is the very cause of telescopes being able to measure it at all. Denying an Electric Universe isn´t wiki “rational” at all but stupid, as all observations in the observable Universe only are measurable via the EM frequencies. # “Cranks” comes in two types: 1) Positive cranks who think independently for themselves and out of the squared boxes to find new explanations and solutions. 2) Negative cranks who are too lazy to criticize; analyze and revise old ideas on the brink of extinction. And too scared to lose their artificial self-induced cosmological identity.