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2005, International journal of offender therapy and …
13 pages
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Journal of Gambling Studies, 2009
This article examines the prevalence of moderate and severe problem gambling in a sample of 254 incarcerated Canadian male federal offenders (completion rate of 39.0%). The prevalence of disordered gambling was measured using the PGSI, DSM-IV-TR, and SOGS that yielded estimates of 9.4%, 6.3%, and 13.0%, respectively. Severe problem gamblers were significantly more likely to have committed income producing offences,
Canadian Journal Of Criminology And Criminal Justice 55, no. 4 (2014): pp. 49-84. Co-authored with Jennifer Arthur & Robert Williams.
One of the main justifications used for the expansion of legal gambling is that gambling provides increased revenue to governments and community groups. However, critics argue that the social costs of legal gambling offset these benefits. One particularly controversial social cost of gambling is the impact that gambling has on crime. The academic literature is split with as many studies showing an increase in crime due to gambling as those that show no impact. The current study investigated how increased legal gambling availability has affected crime in Alberta. Four sources of data were examined: self-reports of gambling-related crime among problem gamblers in population surveys; gambling-related crime in police incident reports; uniform crime statistics from Statistics Canada; and criminal offences as recorded by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC). The most unambiguous findings of this study are that gambling-related crime constitutes a very small percentage of all crime; crime that is gambling related tends to be non-violent property crime; and increased legal gambling availability has significantly decreased rates of illegal gambling. In terms of the impact of legalized gambling on overall crime in Alberta, the evidence would suggest that legalized gambling likely has a minor or negligible impact.
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 2012
This article examines the relationship between problem gambling, mental health, and criminal behavior in a sample of incarcerated Canadian male federal offenders ( N = 254). In particular, the study compared correlates of problem gambling in the offender population with the correlates of problem gambling in a nonoffender population from a previous study. The offenders were assessed using self-report tests, interviews, and a file review. Of these offenders, 106 were interviewed in more depth. Results indicated that problem gambling was significantly correlated with social anxiety, depression, substance abuse, impulsiveness, and current and childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. In addition, the results indicated that the correlates of problem gambling were similar in offender and nonoffender populations. The relationship of gambling problems to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, ADHD, and impulsiveness suggests that any intervention for this population...
Journal of Gambling Studies, 2013
This paper reports on the results of a multi-site survey of gambling behaviour and gambling problems amongst offenders in correctional institutions in Ontario, Canada, conducted between 2008 and 2011. A total of 422 (completion rate 61.5 %) incarcerated offenders (381 male and 41 female) took part in the study including 301 federal offenders and 121 provincial offenders. Based on the Problem Gambling Severity Index of the Canadian Problem Gambling Index (CPGI/PGSI) the prevalence rate of severe problem gambling was 8.9 prior to incarceration and 4.4 % during incarceration. These numbers are substantially higher than rates found among the general public. Thirty-four percent of the sample reported gambling in prison. Half of those who suffered from gambling problems before incarceration continued to have gambling problems during incarceration. People with problems related to slot machines prior to incarceration reported fewer gambling problems during incarceration compared to other problem gamblers.
International Gambling Studies, 2018
Gambling and crime represent two common behaviours that occur, to varying degrees and in myriad forms, across most societies. Keeping gambling free from crime has also emerged to become an important policy objective in many jurisdictions, particularly where commercial gambling has proliferated. Yet research exploring the interconnections between gambling and crime is sporadic, stymied, in part, by the need for a comprehensive, detailed and systematic approach to categorizing the variety of offences that may be linked to wagering activities. In response, this article reviews the extant literature exploring gambling and crime and the ways in which it has been sorted and classified, before outlining a taxonomy through which to examine and better comprehend different types of gambling-related crime. The proposed taxonomy represents a policy oriented framework through which gambling-related crime research and knowledge may be organised in order to aid risk analysis, regulatory review and crime prevention strategies.
provided by the New South Wales Government from the Casino Community Benefit Fund. The views expressed are the responsibility of the author and are not necessarily those of the casino. Gambling appears to be perceived as a legitimate and an acceptable form of social entertainment. Gambling is a popular and growing leisure activity for Australians who spent $13,839 million on gambling in 2000-2001 (ABS 2002:6). Gambling taxation provides a significant and growing proportion of revenue collected by state and territory governments. Revenues from gambling taxes provide approximately 12 % of state generated tax revenue (AIGR 1999: 51). Despite this, some aspects of the perceived negative social impacts of gambling appear to be provoking widespread social concern (Productivity Commission 1999B; AIGR 1999: 206). The Productivity Commission exhaustively reviewed national and international research to comprehensively analyse the Australian gambling industry, and identified the most significa...
Australian Psychologist, 1999
ambling has always held a prominent place in the Australian cultural ethos. However, recent legislative G changes have resulted in the expansion of new and existing forms of gambling within the community. This trend has met with stringent criticism from various community sectors, primarily health, welfare and Church organisations who express concern over the deleterious consequences produced by excessive gambling behaviour. This paper describes the extent of gambling within the Australian community and its social acceptance as a form of recreation. It recognises that, for psychological and sociological reasons, certain groups may be at greater risk for developing gambling problems and that a further proportion may experience impaired control over their behaviour leading to severe personal and familial distress including suicide and family and marital breakdown. Why people persist at gambling and the psychological processes leading to impaired control is poorly understood. Psychologists have a major role to play in research, therapy, and community education, and in guiding social policy development.
A trait measure of psychological risk for problem gambling was submitted to validation in a random sample telephone survey across Queensland, Australia (N= 2,577). The instrument consists of 4 traits that represent motivations for gambling, including: Escape, Esteem, Excitement and Excess. By design, none of the 40 items on the scale explicitly refers to gambling activities. Results from the survey showed that the 4 traits predicted gambling problems as measured by the Canadian Problem Gambling Index (CPGI, Ferris ...
Abstract Coventry and Constable (1999) reported winning was related to arousal in fruit machine players in the UK. However, problem Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) players may learn a different emotional response from continued exposure that is maintained regardless of winning or losing. It was hypothesized that the perceived outcome would be differentially related to anxiety in problem gamblers, and that the perception of winning would change according to the number of years gambling.
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Современные русские говоры : [Сборник статей] / АН СССР. Институт русского языка ; отв. ред. Ю.С. Азарх. - М. : Наука, 1991. - 181, [2] с. : карты ; 1 л. карт.
Clinical Otolaryngology, 2010
Zbornik radova sa skupa 140 godina podučavanja povijesti umjetnosti na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, 2022
. Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade: Espaço de Troca de Saberes Sobre Sexualidade Entre Idosos, Discentes de Graduação e Profissionais da Saúde, 2012
Neues Jahrbuch f??r Mineralogie - Abhandlungen Journal of Mineralogy and Geoche, 2013
Conhecimento e Diversidade em Psicologia: Abordagens Teóricas e Empíricas, 2019
A Teoria Sociologica para Além do Canone, 2023
Biological Reviews, 2014
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2019
Advances in Data and Information Sciences, 2020
Academy of Management Journal, 2016
INTEGRITAS : Jurnal Pengabdian, 2020
Jurnal Pendidikan Tuntas, 2023
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008