Nina Afrida, M.Pd
Nadia Syafira Purba, Sriwahyu Ningsih, Dela Septianda, Yovi monika, Siska Nanda
English Education Department, State Institute of Islamic Studies Langsa
[email protected]
.The goal of this research was to find out if the use of the Quizlet application affects IAIN
Langsa's English Department's vocabulary mastery for students. The research was
carried out in the academic year 2016/2017 at the Department of English Education at
IAINLangs. The research sample was taken from 34 students in Unit 1 and Unit 2 in the
8th semester of the IAINLangsa English Education School. A quantitative approach was
the method used in this study and the template used in this study was ex post facto. The
researcher administered a test consisting of 32 questions to assess the vocabulary
mastery of students while gathering the results. After administering the test to the study
sample, the researcher determined that it used a t-test in SPSS 22.0. The outcome of this
study showed that Quizlet had a major effect on the vocabulary mastery of students of
the English Department of IAIN Langsa. Based on the result of the t-test calculation, the
gain of tobtained is 2,503, which is greater than table 2,064 or (2,503 > 2,064). Then,
group B's mean is 13, 2222, which is smaller than group A's mean of 18,6250 (13, 2222 <
18,6250).It can be inferred from this outcome that Ha is approved and Ho is refused. It
suggests that the application of Quizlet determines the vocabulary mastery of students.
The result of this study was that students who use Quizlet as a tool for mastery of
vocabulary have greater mastery of vocabulary than those who do not.
Keywords: Quizlet application, and vocabulary mastery
To help students learn and memorize vocabulary so that it is not boring for them,
they need a media that uses technology. Quizlet application is a form of flashcard in
the form of an online application that can help students remember and guide
vocabulary. Flashcard is one of the media that can be used by English teachers to
teach their students about vocabulary. According to Arsyad in Christiani, “a flashcard
is a small card that contains a picture, text, or symbolic sign that reminds or guides
students on something related to an image.”1
Even though this flashcard is online, this application can still display the original
flashcard, which contains images, text, and even symbols. Quizlet is a mobile and webbased study application that allows students to study information via learning tools
and games. The game-like tools comprise two main categories: Study and Play. In
Study, five modes are entailing Learn, Flashcards, Write, Spell, and Test. In the
meantime, three choices are available in Play, encompassing Match, Gravity, and Live.2
Various studies have been conducted on several aspects of the use of Quizlet in
education. Andarab studying the effect of using Quizlet cards on the learning of EFL
learners' vocabulary,3 Lander explored the opinions of 830 low-level students about
Quizlet after using it for 9 months inside and outside the classroom. Similarly,4 Dizon
Elisabeth Jeny Christanti, “The Use Of Quizlet As A Learning Medium To Improve English
Vocabulary Mastery For Eleventh Grade In Sman 4 Yogyakarta,”Program Studi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris. JPSB.FKIP. (Yogyakarta: Sanata DharmaUniversity,2018), 10.
Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra and Vina Aini Salsabila, “The Merits of Quizlet for Vocabulary Learning
at Tertiary Level,,” Indonesian EFL Journal, vol 4(2), 2018, 2. .
M. S. Andarab, "The effect of using Quizlet flashcards on learning English Vocabulary," in
Proceedings of 113th The IIER International Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 2017.
Bruce Lander, "Quizlet: what the students think – a qualitative data analysis," in CALL
communities and culture – short papers from EUROCALL 2016, S. Papadima-Sophocleous, L. Bradley and
S. Thouësny, Eds., 2016, 254-259.
examined the efficacy of Quizlet in developing L2 English vocabulary by 9 students.5
However, this type of vocabulary learning system is very rarely used, especially in the
context of English teaching in IAIN Langsa. Merely a few English students use this
application as vocabulary learning independently without reference from the lecturer
concerned. To fill in the gap, the primary aims of this study are to investigate whether
using Quizlet application influences students' vocabulary mastery. The results of this
study are expected to give teachers and students insight into adopting this learning
method for mastering the vocabulary of the foreign language they are learning.
Literature Review
EFL University level vocabulary Application to build Vocabulary mastered words or
vocabulary much, it can help students in increasing speaking, writing, listening, and
reading skills.6 Besides Anthony, there are many experts defining vocabulary. According
to Hiebert and Kamil state that vocabulary is not a developmental skill or one that can
ever be seen as fully mastered. Moreover, Kamil and Hiebert indicate that vocabulary is
the knowledge of the meanings of words. What complicates this definition is the fact
that words come in at least from two forms: oral and print. Knowledge of words also
comes in at least two forms. There are receptive that can be understood or recognized,
and productive the vocabulary that is used when writing or speaking.7
There are two kinds of vocabulary. According to Haycraft, they are receptive
vocabulary and productive vocabulary. The receptive vocabulary is words that the
students recognize and understand when they happen. In other words, this vocabulary
depends on the context. The productive vocabulary is the words that students
Gilbert Dizon, "Quizlet in the EFL classroom: Enhancing academic vocabulary acquisition of
Japanese university students," Teaching English with Technology, vol. 16, no. 2, 2016, 40-56.
H.R. Anthony, Mastering Basic English and Practice Theory. (Surabaya: Study Group, 1978), 5.
E. H. Hiebert and , M. L. Kamil,Teaching and Learning vocabulary, (New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associate, inc, 2005), 3.
understand, pronounce correctly, and use constructively in speaking and writing ability.8
Moreover, Kamil and Hiebert state that productive vocabulary is the words that are
familiar or easy to recognize. These are often used by an individual, particularly in
writing and speaking. In contrast, receptive vocabulary is the words that are less
familiar to students as well as are considered to be less to be used. In other words, the
students may not use these spontaneously for they may not recognize the
words‘ meaning as they are reading and listening.9
Students use vocabulary to make a sentence or to express opinions, thinking, or
ideas in their social communication. Therefore, Gower states that“Vocabulary is
significant for students. It is more significant than grammar for communication
purposes. Particularly, in the early stages when students are motivated to learn the
basic words, they need to get it in the language. Moreover, as the lexical system is
‘Open‘, there is always something new to learn when students have ‘done‘ the grammar.
So more advanced students are motivated to add their vocabulary stock, to understand
nuances of meaning, and to become more proficient in their own choice of words and
Media comes from Latin medius and is the plural form of the word medium which
P. Nation, Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2001), 24.
E. H. Hiebert and , M. L. Kamil,Teaching and Learning vocabulary, 3.
Roger Gower, and others, eds. Teaching Practice a Handbook for Teacher in Training,
(Thailand: Macmilan, 1995), 142.
means intermediary or introduction. Whereas in Arabic, the media is an intermediary
( )ﻭﺳﺎﺋﻞor an introduction to a message from the sender to the recipient of the message.
But more specifically, the notions of media in the learning process are interpreted as
graphic, photographic, or electronic tools for capturing, processing and reconstructing
visual or verbal information. Media can also be interpreted as everything that can be
used to channel messages, stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention, and willingness of
students so that they can be encouraged to involve in the learning process.11
Quizlet is an online learning tool developed by a high school student in California
named Andrew Sutherland. The idea of developing this device came from his personal
experience when asked to remember animal names by a French language teacher. The
presence of Quizlet is not counted as new because this device was originally designed
in 2005, but was later released to the public in January 2007 in the form of a website.
Furthermore, in August 2012 it was released in the form of a mobile application for iOS
which was then followed the following year by an application for Android in August
Research Method
The research method used in this research was quantitative research. This
research was aimed to know whether the use of Quizlet Application assists students’
Acep Hermawan, Metodologi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya,
2014), 223.
Eric Kunto Wibowo, “Quizlet2: Penggunaan Aplikasi Smartphone untuk Siswa dalam Mendukung
Mobile Learning,” Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten: 2015, 35.
vocabulary mastery in the eighth semester of the English Department of IAIN Langsa.
Here the dependent variable was students’ vocabulary mastery while the independent
variable was Quizlet Application.
Based on the problem existing, to conduct the research, the researcher used a
causal-comparative design of ex-post-facto designs. Ex-post facto is Non-experimental
designs which according to Kerlinger in Cohen, Manion, and Morrison,ex-post-facto
research more formerly as that in which the independent variables have already
occurred and in which the researcher starts with the observation of the dependent
variable.13Similarly, based on Sukardi, ex-post-facto research is only revealing data
existing without giving treatment to the subjects studied or done after Independent
variables have occurred.14 Briefly, in this research, there is no active manipulation of the
independent variable because it has already occurred.15
Meanwhile, causal-comparative is a type of research used to compare between
two or more groups of certain variables.16 This comparative study aims to see the
difference between two or more situations, events, activities, or programs that are
similar or almost the same that involve all elements or components. According to
Donald Ary, et al. stated that causal-comparative research purpose is to investigate
Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education 8thEdition,
(New York: Routledge, 2018), 419.
Sukardi, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Kompetensi dan Praktiknya. (Jakarta : Bumi Aksara,
2013), 165.
James H. McMilan, Educational Reasearch: fundamentals for the consumer, (Boston: Pearson
Education, inc. 2008), p. 202.
Zainal Arifin, Analisis Data Penelitian Dengan Statistik, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2012), 46.
cause-and-effect relationships between independent and dependent variables.17 “The
purpose is to investigating the relationship between one variable and another variable
by simply examining whether the value of the dependent variable in one group is
different from the value of the dependent variable in other groups.”18 In other words, the
causal-comparative method examines the differences between two or more groups on
a variable and it does not need to control the grouping variable directly, thus it cannot be
Result and Discussion
The analysis used to get a valid and reliable instrument. Try out were conducted
in the English Department of IAIN Langsa consisting of 35 students. The vocabulary
mastery test consists of 40 items number. The subject was given a try out by using the
instrument that would be used to measure students’ vocabulary mastery.
A validity test is used to show the validity level of an instrument. A valid
instrument is characterized by high validity. Conversely, invalid instruments are
characterized by low validity.
The data in this study were in the form of data on students' vocabulary mastery
ability in the English Department of IAIN Langsa in the academic year of 2016/2017.
To obtain these data researcher used the test as a research instrument. Before the
Donald Ary, et.al, Introduction to Research in Education 8th Edition, (Canada: Wadsworth, 2010),
James H.M and Sally Schumacer, Research in Education Evidence-Based Inquiry 6th ed, (Boston:
Pearson Education, 2006), 219
test was distributed to respondents, the researcher first tested the validity of the
items to be tested on respondents. This was done to find out whether the question
is suitable to be used in research.
In the research, the researcher used SPSS 22.0 for windows on obtaining the
Pearson Product Moment. The criteria validity of the test called valid, if r-obtained is
higher than r-table and it is not valid if r-obtained is lower than r-table.
Based on the research finding in the previous chapter, it was found that the
null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It
means that Quizlet influenced students’ vocabulary mastery of the English
Department of IAIN Langsa. It can be seen from the data analysis that to = 2.503 with
the degree of freedom (Df) = 24; in the table of significant of 5% it is obtained tt =
2.064. As a result, to ˃ tt that means there was a significant influence of Quizlet
toward students’ vocabulary mastery of the English Department of IAIN Langsa.
In addition, from this study, the researcher also concluded that Quizlet
Application can be used to help students in learning English to increase their
vocabulary. This can be seen from the comparison of vocabulary mean test for
students who used Quizlet and for students who did not use Quizlet as one of
learning media for learning vocabulary. There were significant differences in the
students 'vocabulary mastery for students who study by using Quizlet Application,
the mean score for students who study by using Quizlet Application showed 18,6250
while the average score of students' vocabulary mastery who studied by not using
Quizlet Application showed 13.2222.
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