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DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2024
Caminhando, 2019
We will aim in our article to describe the forms of government in the novel of Joseph (Genesis 37–50); for this, we will present the literary and historical seams that the novelistic text presents to us. Government categorizations will be addressed, namely, reign and dominate, themes characteristic of almost the whole novel, whose Egyptian setting is a rear projection in perspective realized in the sixth century and incorporated into the history of the patriarchs between the fifth and fourth century.
Linked to the objectives of sustainability of the United Nations, the reflection on the historic city promoted by UNESCO has favored the emergence of a new holistic paradigm that focuses on the capacity of culture to improve the quality of life of people and seeks to recover the historical link among culture, development and sustainability. Based on this context, this paper analyzes the main problems that face Spanish World Heritage Cities in terms of sustainability and livability, and the correlation between the new paradigm and the reality of its current management. This study explored sustainability indicators based on the evolution of the population and the number of visitors. The current protection and management model is reviewed based on the four basic tools identified by UNESCO: Regulatory systems, Knowledge and Planning tools, Financial tools and Civic engagement tools. The joint analysis of UNESCO's Periodic Reports allows us to identify the shortcomings that point to a disconnection between heritage city management and citizenship. After analyzing the impact of the new paradigm in the Spanish reality, the need to continue deepening its dissemination and accelerating its implementation is evident. In the same way. it is essential to establish and implement models of citizen participation that favor the fulfillment of the sustainability challenges of historic cities.
They say that one should never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity. And while this is no doubt a sound heuristic, when it comes to navigating the shoals of human affairs, many commentators on the 2008 financial crisis seem to have been making overly generous use of it. My goal in this paper is to contribute to the construction of a somewhat charitable account of the financial crisis, one that acknowledges that genuine errors were made in the run-up to the crisis, but that stops short of attributing obvious or self-evident mistakes – much less outright stupidity – to the major players. In particular, I would like to focus on a widespread error in the understanding of markets – that arises even in some textbook treatments – which I have referred to elsewhere as “catallactic bias.” I will argue that this error played a role in informing some of the poor decisions taken by both bankers and regulators. The bias in question involves a tendency to account for the benefits of all economic transactions on the model of the gain from trade achieved in a classic exchange relation. This gives rise to a fundamental misunderstanding of how insurance systems work, which in turn can lead to a failure to appreciate the full threat that correlation risk poses to the value of certain financial instruments. Such an analysis is able to explain why many people – first and foremost, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan – could have believed, in good faith, that the proliferation of derivative contracts that occurred in the run-up to the crisis was increasing the stability of the financial system, when in fact it was making it more fragile.
Historia Bastarnów, związana z terenami zachodniego Czarnomorza, rozcią-ga się na przestrzeni około siedmiu stuleci – od III wieku p.n.e. po IV wiek n.e. Problematyka związana z tym ludem ma swoje korzenie już w starożytności, po-nieważ źródła pisane podają różne, często sprzeczne informacje na temat tego, kim byli Bastarnowie, skąd pochodzili i jak byli nazywani. Źródła pisane wspo-minają Bastarnów jako Celtów, Germanów, a czasem nawet jako Scytów, poza tym pojawiają się trzy warianty nazwy tego ludu: Bastarnowie, Basternowie oraz Peucynowie. Problem zasadniczy, który najczęściej pojawia się w badaniach nad Bastar-nami, to identykacja tego ludu z kulturami archeologicznymi. Jest to związane z tym, że archeolodzy nie są w stanie jednoznacznie łączyć z Bastarnami występo-wania konkretnego materiału archeologicznego. Powodem tego jest zapewne fakt, że zarówno Półwysep Bałkański, jak i wybrzeża Morza Czarnego to obszar duże-go przemieszania kulturowego, gdzie świat grecko-rzymski stykał się ze światem " barbarzyńców " – Dakami i Trakami, Celtami z Zachodu, Germanami z Północy, oraz Scytami i Sarmatami ze Wschodu. Wzajemne kontakty odbijały się na kul-turze poszczególnych ludów i wpływały na jej rozwój i w rezultacie często to, co nazywamy kulturą archeologiczną, w rzeczywistości nie może być identykowane z jednym tylko etnosem. Warto podkreślić zresztą, że tendencja do łączenia kul-tur archeologicznych z występowaniem konkretnych etnosów jest głęboko zako-rzeniona w teorii kulturowo-historycznej, popularnej w końcu XIX i początku XX wieku, która już w latach 60. i 70. XX wieku została mocno skrytykowana przez archeologów związanych z tak zwaną archeologią procesualną 1. Badacze związani
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Periódico Tchê Química
Engenharias: Pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação 2 (ATENA EDITORA), 2022
Parseh Journal of Archaeological Studies, 2019
Studia Historica Nitriensia 27. Supplementum 3. V hore strom. Mimoriadne číslo časopisu Studia Historica Nitriensia venované životnému jubileu prof. Egona Wiedermanna, 2023
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2016
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 2020
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012
Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Foot & Ankle International, 2019
Via Atlântica, 2018
Cuadernos de Contabilidad, 2021
RSC Advances, 2015
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), 2021