2020, Découvrir le taoïsme

PRESS RELEASE (2020-11-29) NEW BOOK : Découvrir le Taoïsme : Histoire Courants, Fondations et Pratiques Born in China two millennia ago, Taoism is undoubtedly one of the most great Asian spiritual and religious traditions unknown to the Western public. While it is spreading in the West, this work aims to present the history of its formation in the Chinese historical and socio-cultural context, the influences that have shaped its evolutions and currents up to the present, as well as the beliefs and practices that structure the lives of its followers, By addressing the received representations, Christian, secularist and New Age, it highlights the Western (re) inventions and the neo-orientalist interpretations of which it was, and often still is, the object. Based on the most recent research and a long relationship with Taoist masters, Discovering Taoism aims to offer readers a synthetic access to this still living and evolving tradition. Eyrolles Pratique, Religions, 184 pages, 12 €. TOC Partie 1 Les racines du taoïsme Chapitre 1 Le socle religieux chinois (XXVe-IVe s.) Chapitre 2 Les penseurs du dao (Ve-IIIe s.) Chapitre 3 La Voie, sa vertu, sa pratique Partie 2 La naissance du taoïsme organisé Chapitre 4 Les Han, période charnière (206-220) Chapitre 5 L’établissement de la tradition (IIe-Ve s.) Chapitre 6 La codification du taoïsme (Ve-Xe s.) Partie 3 Les mutations du taoïsme Chapitre 7 Transformations sous les Song (960-1279) Chapitre 8 Nouvelles lignées, nouvelles pratiques (XIVe-XVIIIe s.) Chapitre 9 Le taoïsme contemporain -o0o-