ISO 9000: 2000
An A–Z Guide
ISO 9000: 2000
An A–Z Guide
David Hoyle
An imprint of Elsevier Science
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First published 2003
Copyright © 2003, David Hoyle. All rights reserved
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A .....................................................................
Acceptance criteria .........................................
Accreditation ...................................................
Accreditation body ..........................................
Adequacy ........................................................
Analysis of data...............................................
Applicable .......................................................
Appropriate .....................................................
Assessment ....................................................
Assessor .........................................................
Assurance .......................................................
Audit ................................................................
Audit criteria ....................................................
Audit programme ............................................
Audit results ....................................................
Audit scope .....................................................
Auditors ...........................................................
Authority ..........................................................
Authorized .......................................................
Awareness ......................................................
B .....................................................................
Benchmarking .................................................
Best practice ...................................................
Breakthrough ..................................................
Business management process ......................
Business management system .......................
Business process ............................................
C .....................................................................
Calibration .......................................................
Certification .....................................................
Certification body ............................................
Codes of practice ............................................
Collection of data ............................................
Common cause variation ................................
Concession .....................................................
Continual improvement ...................................
Continuous improvement ................................
Contract ..........................................................
Control ............................................................
Control before, during and after an event .......
Control charts..................................................
Controlled conditions ......................................
Controlled distribution .....................................
Controlled documents .....................................
Corrective action .............................................
Corrective maintenance ..................................
Critical success factors ...................................
Cross-functional team .....................................
Culture and climate .........................................
Customer ........................................................
Customer communication ...............................
Customer complaints ......................................
Customer expectations ...................................
Customer feedback .........................................
Customer focus ...............................................
Customer needs..............................................
Customer property ..........................................
Customer requirements ..................................
Customer satisfaction .....................................
Customer surveys ...........................................
D .....................................................................
Data ................................................................
Demonstrate ...................................................
Department .....................................................
Design .............................................................
Design and development ................................
Design changes ..............................................
Design inputs ..................................................
Design outputs ................................................
Design planning ..............................................
Design review .................................................
Design validation.............................................
Design verification...........................................
Determining requirements...............................
Document approval .........................................
Document change request..............................
Document control ............................................
Document identification...................................
Document review ............................................
Document revision ..........................................
Document security ..........................................
Documented procedures.................................
E .....................................................................
Effectiveness of the system ............................
Environmental factors of the work
environment ....................................................
Establish and maintain....................................
Establishing a management system ...............
Evaluation .......................................................
Evidence of conformity....................................
Exclusions .......................................................
External documents, control of .......................
F .....................................................................
Factual approach ............................................
Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) ............
First-party audit ...............................................
Follow-up audit................................................
Functions ........................................................
I ......................................................................
Identification of records ...................................
Identifying document changes ........................
Identifying processes ......................................
Implementation audit.......................................
Inspection authority .........................................
Intellectual property.........................................
Interested party ...............................................
Internal audit ...................................................
Internal communication ...................................
Internal customer ............................................
Invitation to tender ..........................................
Involvement of people .....................................
ISO 9000.........................................................
ISO 9000 family ..............................................
ISO 9001.........................................................
ISO 9004.........................................................
L .....................................................................
Leadership ......................................................
M ....................................................................
Maintenance ...................................................
Management commitment ..............................
Management representative ...........................
Management review........................................
Marketing process...........................................
Measurement ..................................................
Measurement capability ..................................
Measurement process ....................................
Measurement uncertainty ...............................
Modifications ...................................................
Monitoring .......................................................
Monitoring and measuring devices .................
Mutual beneficial supplier relationships ..........
N .....................................................................
Naming processes ..........................................
Nonconforming product...................................
Objective .........................................................
Objective evidence..........................................
Obsolete documents .......................................
Order fulfilment process ..................................
Organizational goals .......................................
P .....................................................................
Physical factors of the work environment .......
Plan .................................................................
Planned arrangements....................................
Policy ..............................................................
Policy audit......................................................
Potential nonconformity ..................................
Predictive maintenance...................................
Pre-qualification of suppliers...........................
Preservation of product ...................................
Preventive action ............................................
Preventive maintenance .................................
Procedure .......................................................
Process ...........................................................
Process approach ...........................................
Process audit ..................................................
Process capability ...........................................
Process control ...............................................
Process description.........................................
Process management .....................................
Process model ................................................
Process parameters ........................................
Product audit...................................................
Product identification.......................................
Product realization ..........................................
Production .......................................................
Project audit ....................................................
Proprietary designs .........................................
Psychological factors of the work
environment ....................................................
Purpose of an organization .............................
Q..................................................................... 120
Quality .............................................................
Quality assurance ...........................................
Quality control .................................................
Quality improvement .......................................
Quality management principles.......................
Quality management system ..........................
Quality manual ................................................
Quality objectives ............................................
Quality planning ..............................................
Quality plans ...................................................
Quality policy...................................................
Quality requirements.......................................
R ..................................................................... 129
Registrar .........................................................
Registration .....................................................
Regulator ........................................................
Regulatory requirements.................................
Relevant authorities ........................................
Remedial action ..............................................
Requirement of the standard ..........................
Resource management...................................
Responsibility and authority ............................
Review ............................................................
Revision status................................................
S .....................................................................
Second-party audit..........................................
Self-assessment .............................................
Six sigma ........................................................
Social factors of the work environment ...........
Special cause variation ...................................
Stakeholder .....................................................
Statistical control.............................................
Status and importance in auditing...................
Strategic audit .................................................
Subcontract requirements ...............................
Supplier assessment.......................................
System ............................................................
System approach ............................................
System audit ...................................................
System effectiveness ......................................
System integrity ..............................................
T .....................................................................
Third-party audit ..............................................
V .....................................................................
Validation ........................................................
Validation and verification ...............................
Values .............................................................
Variation ..........................................................
Verification ......................................................
Vision ..............................................................
W .................................................................... 154
Work affecting product quality.........................
Work environment ...........................................
Work instructions ............................................
About the author
David Hoyle has over 30 years experience in quality management. He is currently a Director
of Transition Support Ltd, a company that provides consulting, training and publications on
business improvement. He has held managerial positions with British Aerospace and Ferranti
International and as a management consultant, firstly with Neville-Clarke Ltd and latterly as
an independent, he has guided such companies as National Semiconductors, General Motors,
Civil Aviation Authority and Bell Atlantic through their ISO 9000 programmes. He has
delivered quality management and auditor training courses throughout the world and
published several books through Butterworth-Heinemann. His books have been translated
into Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian and Korean. He is involved with various
committees of the Institute of Quality Assurance and has been engaged in the year 2000
revision of ISO 9000. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institute of Quality
Assurance and Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society. He lives in South Wales with his
wife Angela and when not at his computer or with clients, likes to spend his spare time at the
piano, or studying history and exploring the countryside near his home.
The changes to ISO 9000 family of International Standards reflected in the 2000 version were
so significant that the approach taken with The ISO 9000 Pocket Guide, published in 1998,
seemed no longer appropriate. The Pocket Guide was in five parts and provided both an
interpretation of the requirements, and examples of how to develop and audit a quality
management system. However, it resulted in a book that was too big for a pocket and was
bulky in a briefcase. It also appeared to support the clause approach to the implementation of
ISO 9000 when what was now needed was a more holistic approach that used ISO 9000 as
a validation tool, not an implementation tool. I found that I could easily condense the
requirements into one page and describe how these requirements could be met in five pages
(see ‘ISO 9000 in a nutshell’ section), but it was difficult to find a middle way between five
pages and the 600 or so pages of my ISO 9000:2000 Quality Systems Handbook.
The solution seemed to be an A–Z of ISO 9000:2000 that provided the flexibility to add
or omit topics without the constraint of addressing all requirements. Even though the Quality
System Handbook set out to address all requirements, I received correspondence from people
pointing out that some requirements had been omitted. Grateful for the observations, I posted
the missing text on our web site
I searched the family of standards and chose terms that I felt warranted explanation. Where
the term is used within a requirement or recommendation, I have quoted the relevant clause.
This also consolidates most references in one place, thereby providing the reader with the
ability to answer the question ‘Where does it say that?’. Sometimes a requirement or
recommendation occurs many times and, in such cases, I have been selective to avoid
repetition. By way of examples showing how specific requirements can be implemented, I
have included in most cases a subsection that provides application guidance.
Not all terms included in this book are used in the family of standards but they do relate
to the solutions that meet the requirements. This results in there being no subsection on
clauses of the standard or application guidance in some cases. In order to avoid duplication,
I have cross-referenced terms using bold type to indicate terms that are explained elsewhere
in the book. The CD-ROM provided with this book provides the added benefit of being able
to click a term, read the explanation and return using the back button of the browser. You will
require Acrobat Reader to use the CD-ROM, this is available to download free from
I have attempted to provide a companion that will help the manager or quality professional
on the move. I hope it fulfils this need.
David Hoyle
March 2002
[email protected]
ISO 9000 in a nutshell
ISO 9000:2000 is fundamentally different to ISO 9000:1994. ISO 9000:1994 focuses on
specific requirements born out of situations that experience had shown led to poor product
quality. ISO 9000:2000 focuses on eight quality management principles, which, if applied
effectively, lead to the satisfaction of all interested parties. This is a fundamental change from
preventing failure to causing success.
ISO 9000:2000 explains the concepts and principles, and defines the terms.
ISO 9001:2000 specifies requirements for assessing the capability of organizations to meet
customer requirements and applicable regulatory requirements – it is not a design
specification for a quality management system. Also ISO 9001 is applied – it is not
implemented simply because it contains assessment criteria and not design criteria. It is for
this reason that systems designed around ISO 9001:1994 were not effective.
ISO 9004:2000 contains guidance on performance improvement – it is not a guide to ISO
9001, neither is it a design specification, although it comes much closer than ISO 9001.
It is essential that users read all three standards – for without an understanding of the concepts
and the terms, ISO 9001 could easily be misinterpreted. It is also important that the
requirements of ISO 9001 are not taken in isolation. It is not a task list. It is intended to be
applied to an operating system in which there is an infrastructure that causes the right things
to happen. Many requirements are duplicated in different clauses and this is illustrated in this
The 250 or so requirements of ISO 9001 can be condensed into five linked requirements.
ISO 9001 basically requires the organization to:
1 Determine the needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties.
2 Establish policies, objectives and a work environment necessary to motivate the
organization to satisfy these needs.
3 Design, resource and manage a system of interconnected processes necessary to implement
the policy and attain the objectives.
4 Measure and analyse the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of each process in
fulfilling its purpose and objectives.
5 Pursue the continual improvement of the system from an objective evaluation of its
The focus is, therefore, on results and the processes that produce these results. This means
that there needs to be a linkage between the needs of the interested parties, the organization’s
objectives, the processes for achieving these objectives and the results being produced.
The old method of documenting what you do and doing what you document will not cause
the right things to happen. The old method of auditing for conformity to requirements or
procedures will not verify that processes are being managed effectively and, therefore, both
have to change.
Also the idea that an effective system can be created simply by addressing the requirements
of ISO 9001 through documented procedures is flawed. It creates a bolt-on system that sits
outside the business, whereas to deliver customer satisfaction, it requires the processes to be
an integral part of the organization.
xii ISO 9000 in a nutshell
So how might such a system be developed and do we have to throw away our existing
system of documentation? To begin with, a number of perceptions need to change. It requires
the system to be perceived as shown in Figure 1 and not as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1 Business management cycle
Figure 2 Conformity
Organizations have only one system. It is a dynamic system, not simply a set of procedures
– it comprises all the processes needed to achieve the organization’s objectives.
ISO 9001 simply focuses on those aspects of this business management system that serve
to deliver customer satisfaction. Other standards focus on environmental, security, or health
and safety aspects of this system. It is not intended that the organization somehow create
ISO 9000 in a nutshell
entirely separate systems. People do not do a job then apply quality, environmental, security
and safety measures. They do all these things when doing the job so that the job is done in
a way that results in satisfying customers, protecting the environment, securing information,
and preserving health and safety of individuals.
Quality manuals based on the elements of the standard are no longer appropriate. What
is needed is a system description showing how the needs and expectations of the
organization’s interested parties are satisfied – how objectives are established, how processes
are developed and managed, and how performance is measured and improved.
Processes convert inputs into outputs but what is required are managed processes, and
these consolidate the resources, activities and behaviours needed to achieve specified
objectives – objectives derived from the needs of interested parties, not the requirements of
the standard.
Procedures will still be required but are task-focused, not results-focused. Not only is each
organization different, the knowledge, skills and perceptions of those whose task it is to create
or convert an effective management system are also different. It is, therefore, difficult to lay
out a simple solution. What follows is a sequence of events that will be typical of an
organization that wishes to embrace the intent of ISO 9000:2000.
1 Determine how the quality management system is perceived within the organization, why
it exists, what it does, what it doesn’t do, what it should do.
2 Develop a clear understanding of the intent of the standard – what it sets out to do and
the principles than underpin the requirements.
3 Use facilitated sessions to produce and test understanding of the terminology used in the
standard and how perceptions differ – e.g. system, process, process management,
procedure, policies, objectives, audit, system effectiveness and continual
4 Cause management to separate in their mind ISO 9000, ISO 9000 certification and the
quality management system such that they are no longer inseparable but three
independent concepts.
5 Cause management to perceive the organization as a system that enables achievement of
their goals and to think of this system as the Business Management System.
6 Determine the size of the gap between where the organization thinks it is and where it
needs to be to have an effective business management system.
7 Establish whether there is a customer specific requirement for ISO 9000 certification.
8 Debate at top management level the merits of ISO 9000 certification and agree that
independent of whether or not certification is a customer requirement it does not change
their resolve to develop an effective business management system.
9 Get agreement to commencing the conversion.
10 Determine or clarify the mission of the organization.
11 Identify the factors that affect the ability of the organization to fulfil its mission.
12 For each factor define the objectives that need to be achieved, the measures of success and
performance targets.
13 For the objectives, identify the processes needed for their achievement.
14 Train managers in the process approach to the management of work.
15 For each process define the inputs required.
16 For each process define the key stages that convert the inputs into outputs.
17 For each stage in each process define the resources, information and competencies
required to deliver the required outputs.
18 For each stage in each process define the stage outputs and the means by which the
outputs will be verified.
ISO 9000 in a nutshell
19 For each stage in each process identify the risks and their impacts. Put in place measures
that eliminate, reduce or control these risks.
20 For each process determine how performance will be measured against the objectives and
variation reduced.
21 For each process establish how process efficiency will be determined and improved.
22 For each process establish how process effectiveness will be determined and policies and
objectives changed.
23 Communicate the changes to and involve all those affected.
24 Implement the process approach.
25 Measure the performance of each process.
26 Establish a timetable for the review of performance.
27 Evaluate organizational performance against the declared objectives.
28 Undertake improvements in performance to meet targets.
29 Review targets and objectives periodically and initiate changes to ensure the organization’s objectives are aligned to the needs and expectations of all the interested parties.
It was stated previously that requirements should not taken in isolation. It is through linking
requirements that a clear picture emerges of what the standard is about. The figure puts this
in perspective, showing how the important requirements are linked together.
Figure 3 V diagram
Acceptance criteria
Acceptance criteria are the standards against which a comparison is made to judge
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.3 of ISO 9001 – design and development outputs are required to contain or
reference product acceptance criteria.
Clause 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 – requires evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria
to be maintained.
Acceptance criteria are often expressed in documents such as standards, specifications and
drawings, in pictures or in the form of samples showing acceptable and unacceptable
characteristics. The documents, pictures and samples should be controlled so as to prevent
unauthorized change once they have been approved for use.
Accreditation is a process by which organizations are authorized to conduct certification of
conformity to prescribed standards. Organizations may be accredited for certifying product,
personnel or management systems. The standards used in Europe that organizations need to
meet in order to become accredited are as follows:
EN 45011: General criteria for certification bodies operating product certification.
EN 45012: General criteria for certification bodies operating quality management system
EN 45013: General criteria for certification bodies operating certification of personnel.
The term ‘accreditation’ is sometimes used when in fact what is meant is ‘certification’.
Organizations seek certification to ISO 9001, for instance, whereas the bodies that certify
them would seek accreditation to EN 45012.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no requirements or recommendations in ISO 9000 for accreditation.
Accreditation body
If you require confidence that the products, personnel or systems you are using conform to
specified standards, you can verify the products, personnel or system yourself, or engage the
services of a third party to provide independent certification. Self-certified products, personnel
and systems may be satisfactory, but have the disadvantage that the certification is not
recognized by other organizations or nations (they cannot be certain of its integrity). In order to
provide confidence that the results reported by third parties are of the highest integrity, you
would select those that have been accredited by an organization with international recognition
to certify the types of products, personnel and systems that you intend to use.
Accreditation body
An accreditation body is an organization that accredits other organizations to conduct
certification of conformity.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
ISO 9000 does not address accreditation bodies.
Accreditation is granted by accreditation bodies (ABs), such as the United Kingdom
Accreditation Service (UKAS), the Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB), the Raad voor
Accreditatie (RvA) and the Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment
(SWEDAC), and is normally recognized by the national government. These ABs have formed
an alliance in the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), where they have signed
agreements giving mutual recognition to each other’s accreditation standards. For example,
UKAS-accredited organizations are accepted by RAB as being of equal integrity as those
accredited by RAB. This negates certification bodies having to gain multiple accreditations
for the same products, personnel or systems. Other ABs exist that are not formally recognized
but which nevertheless provide a bone fide accreditation service.
You would use accredited calibration laboratories as an acceptable means of demonstrating
the integrity of measuring devices, or accredited certification bodies as an acceptable means
of demonstrating the capability of a supplier’s management system. If your products are
designed to meet certain standards, you would use accredited test laboratories to certify that
the products meet these standards, thus testifying their integrity to your customers.
Adequacy means suitable or sufficient for the intended purpose or need.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 – a documented procedure is required to be established to define
the controls needed to approve documents for adequacy prior to issue.
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 – top management is required to review the organization’s
quality management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability,
adequacy and effectiveness.
Analysis of data 3
Clause 7.3.2 of ISO 9001 – design inputs are required to be reviewed for adequacy.
Clause 7.4.2 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to ensure the adequacy of specified
purchase requirements prior to their communication to the supplier.
In all the above, the subject is required to be adequate and, therefore, fit for its intended
purpose. Clearly there should be nothing that is unfit for its intended purpose but these topics
(documents, the system, design inputs and purchasing data) have been selected as of
particular importance.
Ensuring the adequacy of something can be accomplished by competent personnel using
acceptance criteria. These criteria would define the intended purpose and the factors that are
critical to fulfilling this purpose. For example, a competent designer would review the design
inputs against a checklist or other criteria, to ensure nothing was missing and that which was
present was satisfactory.
Analysis of data
Analysis of data means extracting factual information from data for use in decision-making.
This is expressed by the factual approach principle of quality management.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to plan and implement the analysis
processes to:
(a) demonstrate conformity of the product;
(b) ensure conformity of the quality management system;
(c) continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to:
(a) determine, collect and analyse appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and
effectiveness of the quality management system;
(b) determine, collect and analyse appropriate data to evaluate where continual
improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system can be made.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 – the analysis of data is required to provide information relating
(a) customer satisfaction;
(b) conformance to product requirements;
(c) characteristics and trends of processes and products, including opportunities for
preventive action;
(d) suppliers.
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually through the use of the analysis of data.
In order to analyse data, you must first of all make arrangements for the right kind of data to
be collected. Your analysis will only be as good as the data with which you are provided. You
also need to take care to avoid the garbage in/garbage out syndrome.
There are three important rules you need to observe:
1 Analyse data for a purpose that is relevant to the organization’s performance.
2 Provide solutions to real problems – in other words confirm the existence of a problem or
potential problem before action.
3 Implement those solutions that will improve performance.
Data analysis may involve any or all of the following actions:
Devise a method for synthesizing the data for analysis.
Use suitable presentation techniques to draw attention to the results.
Establish the records to be created and maintained.
Identify the reports to be issued and to whom they should be issued.
Determine the actions and decisions to be taken and those responsible for the actions and
In the context of documents, applicable means capable of being applied to the activities to be
undertaken. In the context of activities, applicable means where it applies.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 1.1 of ISO 9001 states that the Standard specifies requirements for a quality
management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide
product that consistently meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements.
Clause 1.2 of ISO 9001 states that all requirements of the Standard are generic and are
intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size and product
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires relevant versions of applicable documents to be
available at points of use.
Clause 7.3.2 of ISO 9001 requires design inputs to include applicable statutory and
regulatory requirements.
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the planning of monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes to include the determination of applicable methods.
Clause 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 prohibits product release and service delivery proceeding until
all the planned arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise
approved by a relevant authority, and where applicable by the customer.
The onus is on the organization to establish what is and what is not applicable. In the context
of documents, it is not simply the document but the content. Only the content addresses the
issue in question. The version of the document may be relevant to determining
Regarding regulations, the organization needs to research the relevant database or library
to discover which regulations apply. Clearly, regulations produced for organic material are
not applicable to inorganic materials and, therefore, when searching the data, the stated
Approved 5
purpose and applicability is important in determining what applies in your situation. For the
same reason it is important that your own documents clearly state their applicability. Reliance
on titles alone can be misleading.
When scanning regulations and laws, it is important to detect the applicability clause. It
may not be under a heading but buried in the preamble or introduction. Applicability
statements impose boundary conditions: they define the context.
Appropriate means suitable for a particular situation, person, product, location, organization,
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are many uses of the word appropriate in the standard. Here are just a few to illustrate
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 – top management is required to ensure that the quality policy is
appropriate to the purpose of the organization.
Clause 5.5.3 of ISO 9001 – top management is required to ensure that appropriate
communication processes are established within the organization.
Clause 6.2.1 of ISO 9001 – personnel performing work affecting product quality are
required to be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and
Clause 7.3.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the review, verification
and validation that are appropriate to each design and development stage during design and
development planning.
Clause 7.3.3 of ISO 9001 – design and development outputs are required to provide
appropriate information for purchasing, production and for service provision.
The onus is on the organization to determine what is and what is not appropriate. However,
unlike the word ‘applicable’ when the question of applicability is a technical one, determining
appropriateness can be subjective. An obvious case is where something might be
inappropriate, such as insisting that every action and decision is documented when it has not
been proven that this is essential for the organization to meet its objectives. If the organization
were a police force, for instance, such a requirement might be prudent because of the legal
If what has been provided does not fulfil the intended purpose, it is unsuitable for the
situation and, therefore, not appropriate. The key to determining appropriateness is, therefore,
to define the purpose, then select the activity, policy, requirement, etc. that fulfils that
Approved means that something has been confirmed as meeting prescribed requirements.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.3 of ISO 9001 requires design and development input to be approved prior to
Clause 7.3.7 of ISO 9001 requires design and development changes to be approved before
Clause 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 – uncompleted product and service delivery may not proceed
unless approved by a relevant authority.
Clause 7.4.1 of ISO 9001 – purchasing information is required to describe requirements for
approval of product, procedures, processes and equipment.
Clause 7.5.2 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to define criteria for review and
approval of special processes and equipment.
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 – a documented procedure is required to be established to define
the controls needed to approve documents for adequacy prior to issue and re-approve
documents following updating.
Anyone can approve something but, for the approval to have any validity, the person granting
approval should be recognized as capable of exercising sound judgement within the field of
knowledge concerned. Approval by someone who knows nothing about what he/she is
approving is worthless. ‘Approved’ is not the same as ‘authorized’: a person may approve
a document but not be authorized to do so. Likewise, a person may authorize the use of a
document but may not have approved it (because the document may have been approved by
someone else).
In the context of quality management, assessment means the act of determining the extent of
compliance with requirements together with the specification of actions necessary to fulfil
requirements for compliance.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 0.1 of ISO 9001 – the Standard can be used by internal and external parties,
including certification bodies, to assess the organization’s ability to meet customer,
regulatory and the organization’s own requirements.
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 – the management review is required to include assessing
opportunities for improvement.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to assess and record the validity of
the previous measuring results when the equipment is found not to conform to
There is no requirement for an organization to carry out an assessment of their suppliers.
However, they are required to evaluate their suppliers, which is a little different.
Clause 2.8.2 of ISO 9000 – it is recommended that audit findings be used to assess the
effectiveness of the quality management system and to identify opportunities for
improvement. (This implies that audits produce data for use in assessments.)
Assurance 7
Assessment goes further than verification as it involves the determination of actions
necessary to make the assessed entity compliant. Therefore, in assessing opportunities for
improvement, you would not only identify such opportunities but also make some judgement
on the benefits to be gained and the actions to be taken to realize the improvements. In
assessing previous measurement results you would determine the impact of invalid
measurements and identify the actions to be taken.
An assessor is a person who makes a judgement on the basis of the findings of an audit.
Auditors make recommendations not judgements. An analogy is the difference between a tax
inspector and a tax assessor. A tax assessor will determine the amount of tax you should pay
and a tax auditor will verify the accuracy of the accounts submitted.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no requirements or recommendations in ISO 9000 for assessors.
When the ISO 9000 certification schemes were launched, the personnel performing the audits
were known as assessors and continue to be called assessors in many cases. If the auditor
determines conformity and then makes a judgement of the system’s effectiveness, the auditor
is in fact performing an assessment. However, auditors often leave judgement of effectiveness
to others.
What you call the personnel performing assessments is up to you. You may call them
auditors, inspectors, or analysts, or it may be a role performed by anyone in the organization
rather than a specific job. (See also roles.)
Assurance is evidence (verbal or written) that gives confidence that something will/will not
happen or has/has not happened. (See also quality assurance.)
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization
aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the assurance of conformity to customer and
applicable regulatory requirements.
Assurance gives confidence; therefore, you can set up processes that assess operations and
gather evidence that the operations are functioning as intended. Assurance activities cannot
operate without the operations they serve being planned or executed. Operations may
function without assurance activities being present. The assurance activities are, therefore, not
essential for the operations to function as intended. However, some operational activities
generate evidence that can be used for control and assurance purposes. If the evidence is
inadequate for assurance purposes, additional measures need to be taken to install the
appropriate provisions that will generate the necessary evidence. For example, in a small
organization, there is trust between its members and, therefore, they do not have to prove to
others that what they are doing is acceptable. If an external body requires assurance of what
they are doing, some additional measures will need to be taken to provide the necessary
confidence to this body. This is why ISO 9000 became a burden on the small businesses.
These additional activities only existed to satisfy a third party.
An audit is an examination of results to verify their accuracy by someone other than the
person responsible for producing them. Audits are a means of verification and, as such,
involve monitoring and measurement.
The ISO definition is a ‘systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining
audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria
are fulfilled’.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to:
Conduct internal audits at planned intervals.
Define in a documented procedure the responsibilities and requirements for planning and
conducting audits.
There are several types of audit, all of which serve a similar purpose but differ in their
context: process audit, product audit, project audit, strategic audit, implementation
audit, internal audit, policy audit, second-party audit, system audit and third-party
Audits follow a common sequence:
Preparation of audit programme.
Selection of auditors and a team leader, if necessary.
Planning the audit.
Conducting the audit consisting of:
(a) opening the meeting, where the criteria, scope and programme of the audit are
(b) interviews (inspections or tests in the case of product audits) to gather evidence of
compliance with prescribed requirements;
(c) recording observations;
(d) analysis of audit results;
(e) preparation of a preliminary audit report;
(f) closing the meeting, where results are reported and agreement to actions are
Audit programme
Determining corrective actions.
Implementing corrective actions.
Confirming the effectiveness of corrective actions.
Finalizing the audit report.
Audit criteria
The ISO definition is a ‘set of policies, procedures or other requirements against which
collected audit evidence is compared’.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires that the audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods are
Audit criteria are not the same as audit objectives. The audit criteria are the requirements used
to measure achievement of the objectives. When planning an audit, you need to identify the
documents that contain the criteria against which performance will be judged. In an external
audit, this may be ISO 9001, QS-9000, AS 9001, ISO/TS 16949 or other quality management
system standard. It could be a product specification if you are conducting a product audit or
a process specification if you are auditing a process.
Audit programme
The ISO definition of an audit programme is a ‘set of one or more audits planned for a
specific time frame and directed toward a specific purpose’. You may, therefore, maintain
several different audit programmes as the purpose of each audit may vary.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires an audit programme to be planned, taking into
consideration the status and importance of the processes and areas to be audited.
Audit programmes may be needed for auditing systems, processes, products, services,
contracts or projects. Each will be on a different timeframe.
The audit programme should include:
The activity, function, department, process, etc. to be audited.
The objective of the audit.
Who has been selected to conduct/lead the audit.
When the audit is to be conducted.
The resources required to conduct the audit, when appropriate.
Audit results
Audit results
The results of the audit are all the findings of the audit.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.6.2 of ISO 9001 – the input to management review is required to include
information on results of audits.
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001 – the organization is required to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually through the use of audit results.
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 – an audit programme is required to be planned, taking into
consideration the results of previous audits.
When reporting the results, report and record:
that were checked.
that were not checked.
that were compliant.
that did not comply.
where there were opportunities for improvement.
Audit scope
The ISO definition of audit scope is ‘a description of the extent and boundaries of an audit,
in terms of physical locations, organization units, activities and processes as well as the time
period covered’.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 – the audit scope is required to be defined.
The scope of the audit is one issue upon which there is most debate. It all comes down to
expectations. If you are clear and precise in your definition of scope to begin with, there will
be no problems later on. If the organization declares the scope of the management system and
seeks certification to ISO 9001, the auditor will judge what should be within the scope of the
audit. It could be that the organization has excluded certain parts of the organization when
such parts cannot be excluded. For example, product design may be excluded from the scope
but the organization designs its own products and, therefore, it should be within the scope.
A simple test of scope is to ask of the organization ‘Is there any process or function within
this organization that does not contribute directly or indirectly to satisfying customers?’. The
answer you receive depends on the person’s perception of the role of various functions in the
organization. In a service organization:
Customer satisfaction depends upon service availability.
Service availability depends upon staff availability.
Staff availability depends upon staff motivation.
Staff motivation depends upon employee satisfaction.
Employee satisfaction depends upon pay and conditions.
Therefore, if the management were to sour their relationship with the employees when
negotiating pay and conditions, and the staff were to walk out on strike, customer satisfaction
would be affected immediately (see system).
All functions ultimately contribute to customer satisfaction. The reception area,
switchboard, transport, accounts, public relations and other support functions, although not
producing deliverable product or service, often interface with customers and have the
potential to dissatisfy them, or impact those that do interface with customers or produce
product for customers.
The ISO definition of an auditor is ‘a person qualified and appointed to conduct audits’.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 states that auditors cannot audit their own work.
Anyone can perform an audit. If a person audits his or her own work, it is classed as a selfaudit. However, self-audits cannot be offered in response to the requirements of ISO 9001:
audits have to be independent. If someone has personally produced a piece of work, they are
more likely to be biased and oblivious to any deficiencies than someone totally unconnected
with the work.
Auditors, like any other personnel, should be competent and, therefore, should possess the
required skills and knowledge. However, a person who has only undertaken auditor training
is more likely to be a novice. Only after repeated practice under supervision can an auditor
be considered trained. An auditor may be classed as competent when he/she has demonstrated
a capability to achieve certain defined results with consistency.
Authority is the right to take actions and make decisions.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the authorities (of
personnel and functions) are defined and communicated within the organization.
Clause 5.6 of ISO 9001 requires the management representative to have authority that
(a) ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are established,
implemented and maintained;
(b) reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system
and any need for improvement, and
(c) ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the
The term ‘responsibility’ is commonly used informally to imply an obligation that a person
has to others. However, the term ‘authority’ has increasingly become associated with power
and public bodies, but in principle one cannot have responsibility without authority and vice
versa. Problems arise when these two are not matched, where one is greater or less than the
In the management context, it constitutes a form of influence and a right to take action, to
direct and co-ordinate the actions of others and to use discretion in the position occupied by
an individual, rather than in the individuals themselves. Authority is passed downwards in the
organization by a process of delegation. All authority rests with the person at the head of the
organization until it is delegated. As authority is a right to do something, once delegated,
the manager loses the right to take those actions and decisions that have been delegated. The
delegation of authority permits decisions to be made more rapidly by those who are in more
direct contact with the problem. There is simply no point in employing a dog and barking
yourself. If the dog doesn’t bark when it is supposed to, either train the dog to bark or replace
the dog with one that does!
Authority should be defined in terms of the actions and decisions a person is permitted to
take. Such definitions can be included in policies, job descriptions, procedures or terms of
Authorized means a permit to do something, enter somewhere or use something.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no requirement in ISO 9001 for anything to be authorized as such, but there are
several requirements for approval by a relevant authority.
It is prudent when signing documents to indicate whether the signature denotes approval or
authorization, as they are not one and the same. Anything can be authorized. Authorized does
not imply something or someone has been approved. For example, items may be authorized
for use that are incomplete, nonconforming or otherwise substandard. Prevailing circumstances may dictate such a course of action. Personnel may be authorized to do things that are
outside their terms of reference but, equally, when someone is given approved terms of
reference, they will be authorized to carry out the duties that are prescribed therein.
Authorization is usually given in writing so as to protect the person taking the action.
Authorization is denoted by a signature or stamp of the relevant authority on a document.
Awareness 13
In the context of ISO 9000, awareness is a condition in which a person is informed and
knowledgeable about the relevance, importance and consequences of what they do, and the
contribution they make to the organization’s objectives.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires the management representative to ensure the promotion
of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization.
Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure that its personnel are aware
of the relevance and importance of their activities, and how they contribute to the
achievement of the quality objectives.
Clause 5.1.2 of ISO 9004 states that top management should demonstrate leadership in
and commitment to promoting policies and objectives to increase awareness, motivation
and involvement of people in the organization.
Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that education and training should include
awareness of the consequences to the organization and its people of failing to meet the
Clause 7.4.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that the organization ensures supplier awareness of
and compliance with relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
All activities impact the organization in some way and the quality of results depends
on how they are perceived by the person performing them. In the absence of
clear direction, personnel use intuition, instinct, knowledge and experience to the
select activities they perform and how they should behave. Awareness of the relevance of
an activity means that individuals are more able to select the right activities to perform
in a given context. Awareness of the importance of an activity means that individuals are
able to approach the activity with the appropriate behaviour. Awareness of the contribution personnel make to the organization means that individuals are able to
apportion their efforts accordingly. Awareness of the consequences of what people do
means they become more sensitive to failure and its impact upon the organization’s
Ways of building awareness include:
Advising staff before an event of the type of actions and behaviours that are considered
Advising staff during or immediately after an event that their action or behaviour is
Explaining the purpose of controls and their relationship with performance.
Explaining preventive action techniques and how to use them.
Providing induction to a new job.
Providing training for a new or changed job.
Providing product briefings.
Chart displays and warning notices.
Informing staff of the organization’s performance results.
Providing videos showing activities in context, where components are used, safety
incidents, etc.
Coaching of personnel by demonstrating appropriate behaviour that they may follow.
It is also a responsibility of designers to convey (through the product specifications) critical
features and special customer characteristics. Also production planners or service delivery
planners should denote special requirements in planning documents so that staff are alerted
to requirements that are critical to customers.
Benchmarking is a technique for measuring an organization’s products, services and
operations against those of its competitors, resulting in a search for best practice that will
lead to superior performance.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no requirement for benchmarking in ISO 9001.
Clause 5.1.1 of ISO 9004 recommends external measurement of the organization’s
performance, using such methods as benchmarking and third-party evaluation.
Clause 5.4.1 of ISO 9004 recommends using benchmarking, competitor analysis, and
opportunities for improvement when setting quality objectives.
Clause 5.6.2 of ISO 9004 recommends using results from benchmarking activities as
inputs to the management review.
Clause 7.2 of ISO 9004 recommends the use of benchmarking information when defining
processes for communication with customers and other interested parties.
Clause 8.1.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that benchmarking of individual processes should
be used as a tool for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of processes.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9004 recommends that the results of data analysis should be used for
benchmarking the organization’s performance.
Clause 8.5.4 of ISO 9004 recommends that the involvement of people can be achieved by
benchmarking competitor performance.
With benchmarking you analyse your current position, find an organization that is performing
measurably better and learn from them what they are doing that gives them the competitive
edge. You then change your processes as a result of what you learn and then implement the
Caution should be taken not to participate in benchmarking activity that is nothing more
than industrial tourism and/or copying. The first step in benchmarking, if undertaken, should
be to understand the ‘what and why’ of current performance of your own system or process.
That work usually exposes substantial scope for action for improvement.
Best practice
The organization selected need not to be one in the same line of business because you
are benchmarking processes not the whole business. You may find organizations in totally
different sectors using similar processes. For example, order processing is common to
many organizations. What you need to find is an organization with a similar
Best practice
Best practice is a practice that is both efficient and effective. Best practice is not the best
that you can do but the practice that results in people doing the right things right first
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no requirement for best practice in ISO 9001.
Clause 8.5.4 of ISO 9004 recommends that involvement of people can be achieved through
employing best practice.
Best practice results from an evaluation of different ways of doing something and a search for
a better way. The search may be internal or may extend outside the business. The organization
using the best practice of all those evaluated becomes the benchmark against which all
others are measured.
A breakthrough is a decisive movement towards new higher levels of performance.
Breakthrough is one of two ways to conduct continual process improvement.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.1.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that, in addition to small-step or ongoing continual
improvement, top management should also consider breakthrough changes to processes as
a way to improve the organization’s performance.
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that measurements should be used for evaluation
of the processes that may be suitable for breakthrough projects.
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9004 suggests that improvements can range from small-step ongoing
continual improvement to strategic breakthrough improvement projects.
Clause 8.5.4 of ISO 9000 recommends that management should support improvements in
the form of small-step ongoing activities integral to existing processes as well as
breakthrough opportunities, in order to gain maximum benefit for the organization and
interested parties.
Business management process
Annex B of ISO 9004 recommends that breakthrough projects should be conducted in an
effective and efficient way using project management methods.
A breakthrough in performance is achieved through a universal series of steps:
1 Determine the objective to be achieved, e.g. new markets, products or technologies, or
new levels of organizational efficiency or managerial effectiveness, new national
standards or government legislation. These provide the reasons for needing change.
2 Determine the policies needed for improvement, i.e. the broad guidelines to enable
management to cause or stimulate the improvement.
3 Conduct a feasibility study. This should discover whether accomplishment of the
objective is feasible and propose several strategies or conceptual solutions for
consideration. If feasible, approval to proceed should be secured.
4 Produce plans for the improvement that specifies the means by which the objective will
be achieved.
5 Organize the resources to implement the plan.
6 Carry out research, analysis and design to define a possible solution and credible
7 Model and develop the best solution and carry out tests to prove it fulfils the
8 Identify and overcome any resistance to the change in standards.
9 Implement the change, i.e. put new products into production and new services into
10 Put in place the controls to hold the new level of performance.
Business management process
Business management is one of the core business processes. It creates the mission, vision
and overall strategy for the organization, and develops the processes needed to fulfil the
goals. It is within the business management process that the business management system
is conceived, developed and improved.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no requirements or recommendations in ISO 9000 for a business management
process. However, there are requirements governing organization purpose, objectives,
policies, process identification and development, management review, customer-satisfaction
monitoring and continual improvement – all of which come within the scope of a business
management process.
It was stated in ‘ISO 9000 in a nutshell’ that requirements should not be taken in isolation.
There are linkages to be made and, by making these linkages, a business management process
is defined. A model business management process is illustrated in the figure.
Business management system
Figure 4 Business management process
Business management system
The business management system is the collection of interconnected business processes that
enable the organization to achieve its objectives. The terms business management system and
quality management system are synonymous.
Business process
As quality is defined in ISO 9000 as ‘the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics
fulfils a need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory’, it follows that all
business outputs have characteristics that are intended to fulfil needs and, therefore, the
system which delivers these outputs must be a business management system.
ISO 9004 focuses on all interested parties. It is a business management system that will
deliver outputs that satisfy these interested parties. ISO 9001 focuses on one of these
interested parties, the customer, and, therefore, when assessing a BMS against ISO 9001, not
all of the system will be examined.
Business process
A business process is a process that delivers business outputs (see also functions). They are
the means by which an organization serves its stakeholders. Everything that the organization
does should fit into one or more of these processes so that they cover the organization’s entire
scope of work both operationally and administratively.
Business processes often comprise subprocesses and work processes that interact to deliver
business outputs.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no requirements or recommendations in ISO 9000 for business processes simply
because the standard is generic and applicable to all types of organizations, not just
Figure 5 Generic system model
Business process
For processes to be classed as business processes they need to be in a chain of processes
having the same stakeholder at each end of the chain. The input is an input to the business
and the output is an output from the business, so that the outputs can be measured in terms
of the inputs. Normally, organizations have few business processes because there are few
types of output that require different processes. However, organizations that provide a range
of different services may indeed have several business processes. A system model showing
the core business processes is illustrated in the figure.
Business processes are defined through process descriptions. Marketing, order
fulfilment, business management and resource management processes are defined
elsewhere in this book.
Calibrate means to standardize the quantities of a measuring instrument. Calibration is a
process that establishes under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated
by a measuring instrument and the corresponding values of a quantity realized by a reference
standard. When the values of both measuring instrument and reference standard are
normalized or recorded, the instrument is said to be calibrated.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires measuring equipment to be calibrated or verified at specified
intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national
measurement standards.
In order to establish whether a device requires calibration you need to ask ‘What is it used
for?’. It is not necessary to calibrate all measuring and monitoring devices. Some devices may
be used solely as an indicator, such as a thermometer, a clock or a tachometer. Other
equipment may be used for diagnostic purposes, to indicate whether or not a fault exists. If
such devices are not used for determining the acceptability of products and services or
process parameters, their calibration is not essential. Devices such as steel rules only require
inspection for damage – their accuracy does not deteriorate with age.
Some devices, if well treated and retained in a controlled environment, will retain their
accuracy for very long periods. Others, if poorly treated and subjected to environmental
extremes, will lose their accuracy very quickly. Ideally, you should calibrate measuring
devices subject to drift before use (in order to prevent an inaccurate device being used in the
first place) and afterwards (to confirm that no changes have occurred during use).
Certification is a process by which a product, process, person or organization is deemed to
meet specified requirements.
Certification body
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 0.3 of ISO 9001 states that the standard specified requirements can be used for
certification purposes.
Clause 1 of ISO 9004 states that ISO 9004 is not intended for certification use.
There are no requirements for certification in ISO 9001.
Following a verification, audit or assessment, if the entity verified, audited or assessed were
found to meet the specified requirements, you would declare this on a certificate in the
following form:
We hereby declare that the (item, organization) has been (assessed, audited, verified)
and unless otherwise specified hereon has been found to conform to the requirements
of (acceptance criteria – issue and date).
Certification body
A certification body is an organization that conducts certification of conformity. Organizations that have demonstrated conformity with prescribed standards are deemed to be
certificated. They are not accredited; this is the status of certification bodies that demonstrate
conformity with prescribed standards.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 0.1 of ISO 9001 states that the standard can be used by certification bodies to assess
the organization’s ability to meet customer, regulatory and the organization’s own
There are no requirements or recommendations in ISO 9000 addressing certification
Should you choose to obtain certification for your organization, you will need to select an
appropriate certification body. There are dozens of bodies to choose from, but not all may be
accredited in the sector in which your organization operates. Certification bodies are
accredited by standard industry classification codes (SIC codes) or NACE code. The SIC is
a coding system which classifies businesses by their main type of economic activity. The
codes can be found at: The European
equivalent is NACE. NACE codes can be found at:
DE_DONNEES/Nomenclatures/CITI_ISIC/ISIC Rev3.html.
Not all certification bodies are accredited and, of those that are accredited, not all are
accredited by a national accreditation body. There are general certification bodies such as
Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) that possess accreditation to a wide range of SIC
codes and industry-specific certification bodies, such as the Ceramic Industry Certification
Scheme (CICS), which serves the ceramics industry.
The majority are commercial in that they are funded from certification fees. In some
respects this means they are less independent than an organization that is funded by
Collection of data
government. There can, therefore, be a conflict when failing a client might mean losing a
customer and, therefore, revenue. To overcome this problem, certification bodies provide
improvement services to their clients in the form of training courses, seminars, publications
and help desks, which must be impartial, otherwise they will lose their right to practise. The
conditions of accreditation are that a certification body is not permitted to provide consulting
services. However, many overcome this obstacle by setting up a separate consulting business
with no financial links between the two operations. This is a little like the school inspector
being employed by the school governors. If you want genuine independent advice, it might
be prudent to choose a provider that is not in the certification business.
Codes of practice
Codes of practice are a systematically arranged and comprehensive collection of rules,
regulations or principles.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that industry codes of practice be used in defining
design inputs.
Codes of practice tend to be expressed as instructions on what to do and what not to do in
certain situations. They are not procedures in that they do not, in general, tell you how to do
something unless there is a standard method for a task. The order in which the instructions
are presented is by topic rather than a sequence in which the instructions would be
implemented in practice. They are, therefore, suitable for imparting knowledge, alerting
people to dangers and ensuring the factors critical to success are addressed. To be effective,
codes of practice need to be learnt or built into designs, processes and procedures. They
cannot function effectively without some intermediate mechanism that translates the rules
into action.
Collection of data
Data are generated during the operation of every process. Some data may be recorded and
transmitted to subsequent process stages for process control purposes. Other data may not be
essential for process control but are needed for process improvement. In both cases, provision
needs to be made for these data to be collected.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to:
collect appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the QMS;
collect appropriate data to evaluate where continual improvement of the effectiveness of
the QMS can be made.
In order to analyse data, you must first of all make arrangements for the right kind of data
to be collected. Therefore, only collect data on events that you intend to analyse. Your
analysis will only be as good as the data with which you are provided. You also need to take
care to avoid the garbage in/garbage out syndrome.
Data collection may involve any or all of the following actions:
Identifying the key parameters to be measured.
Determining the processes from which information is to be gathered.
Locating where in the process the data are generated.
Determining the method of data collection – the instruments, forms, questionnaires,
interview check lists to be used, etc.
Determining the frequency of data collection.
Identifying the personnel or the instrumentation that will collect the data.
Establishing communication channels to route the data to those responsible for the data
analysis, or setting up the equipment to receive the data and perform the analysis.
Describing the data collection methods in the process descriptions.
Gathering the data.
Routing the data to those responsible for its analysis.
A commitment is an obligation that a person (or a company) takes on in order to do
something. A commitment exists if a person agrees to do something and informs others of
their intentions. A commitment that is not communicated is merely a personal commitment
with no obligation, except to one’s own conscience.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to provide evidence of their commitment
to the development and implementation of the quality management system and continually
improving its effectiveness.
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the quality policy includes
a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of
the quality management system.
Clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to conduct a review of the requirements
related to the product prior to a commitment to supply a product to the customer.
In practice commitment means:
Doing what you need to do to meet the organization’s objectives.
Doing what you say you will do.
Not accepting work that is below standard.
Not shipping product that is below standard.
Not walking by problems, and not overlooking mistakes.
Honouring plans, procedures, policies and promises.
Listening to the interested parties.
Common cause variation 25
I do not know anything about it.
I know what it is and why I should do it.
I know what I have to do and what I need to do it.
I have the resources to do it and I know how to deploy
This is what I am going to do and how I am going to do
I have completed the first few actions and it has been
I am now doing everything I said I would do.
Before giving a commitment to anything, people need to be aware of:
The resources (time, effort, equipment, etc.) required to fulfil that commitment.
The behaviours that may need to change to cause the right things to happen.
The priorities that may need to change to meet the commitment.
The dedication and vigilance required to initiate action, maintain progress and prevent
The impact on others.
The consequences of pulling out, deviating from or compromising intentions.
Commitments are expressed by the words ‘we will’, ‘we are’, ‘we do’, ‘we don’t’, and ‘we
There are seven stages towards commitment (see table).
Common cause variation
The random variation present in a process that is due to factors that are inherent in the
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no requirements in ISO 9000 addressing common cause variation but there are
requirements for corrective action. Corrective action is concerned with removal of variation
due to special causes and common causes that cause variation beyond the specification
Variation is present in all systems. Nothing is absolutely stable. Conditions may appear stable
but, if the sensitivity of the measuring device is increased, variation will be detected. If you
monitor the difference between the measured value and the required value of a characteristic
and plot it on a horizontal timescale in the order the products were produced, you would
notice that there is variation over time. There does not have to be a required value to spot
Common cause variation is random and, therefore, adjusting a process on detection of a
common cause will destabilize the process.
The random variation is caused by factors that are inherent in the system. The operator has
done all he or she can to remove the special causes, the rest are left to the management. This
variation could be caused by poor design, working environment, equipment maintenance or
inadequacy of information. Some of these events may be common to all processes, all
machines, all materials of a particular type, all work performed in a particular location or
environment, or all work performed using a particular method.
If a person has the appropriate education, training and skills to perform a job, the person can
be considered qualified. If a person demonstrates the ability to achieve the desired results, the
person can be considered competent. Competence is, therefore, the ability to demonstrate
use of education, skills and behaviours to achieve the results required for a job.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.1 of ISO 9001 states that the extent of the quality management system
documentation can differ from one organization to another, owing to the competence of
Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the necessary competence
for personnel performing work affecting product quality.
Clause 6.1.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that consideration should be given to resources to
improve the performance of the organization, such as enhancement of competence via
focused training, education and learning.
Clause ISO 9004 recommends that management should:
(a) ensure that the necessary competence is available for the effective and efficient
operation of the organization;
(b) consider analysis of both the present and expected competence needs as compared to
the competence already existing in the organization; and
(c) evaluate the competence of individual people to perform defined activities.
Clause of ISO 9004 recommends that the objective of planning for education and
training needs is to provide people with knowledge and skills, which, together with
experience, improve their competence.
Clause of ISO 9004 recommends that the competence of people is a factor in
developing an effective and efficient plan for controlling and monitoring the activities
within the organization’s processes.
Clause 8.3.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that people carrying out the review of
nonconformities should have the competence to evaluate the total effects of the
In any organization, there are positions that people occupy, jobs they carry out and roles they
perform in these positions. For each of these, certain outcomes are required from the
occupants. There are, therefore, a number of steps to take in ensuring personnel are
Concession 27
1 Define the outcomes required from a job (the tangible issues, such as product quality and
throughput, as well as the soft issues, such as behaviours, influence and stamina). This
answers the question ‘What must be achieved?’.
2 Define what makes those performing it successful and agree these with the role/job
holder. This answers the question ‘What must be done for this to be achieved?’.
3 Define the performance criteria, This answers the question ‘How well must this be
4 Define the method of assessment. This answers the questions ‘How will we measure
competence?’, ‘When will we measure it?’ and ‘Where will we measure it?’.
5 Define the evidence required to demonstrate competence. This answers the question
‘What should we measure and what will we record?’.
6 Define the responsibilities. This answers the question ‘Who will perform the
7 Perform competence assessment.
8 Collect the evidence.
9 Match evidence to performance criteria.
10 Record and report the findings.
11 Provide the education and training consistent with enabling the individual concerned to
achieve the agreed standards.
In the context of quality management, a concession is permission granted by an acceptance
authority to supply product or service that does not meet the prescribed requirements.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to deal with nonconforming product by
authorizing acceptance under concession by a relevant authority when appropriate.
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires records of concessions obtained to be maintained.
You would only apply for a concession to deliver nonconforming product if you really
believed that the nonconformity did not affect fit, form or function. If these parameters are
affected, you run the risk of interchangeability or interface problems through the supply
chain. Concessions are generally limited to specified time periods and quantities. They are not
authority to deviate from the specification for anything other than the items and quantities
The concession is normally submitted to the acceptance authority for the items concerned.
If the variation is from internal specification, the acceptance authority will be internal
personnel. If the variation also departs from customer or regulatory requirement, the
acceptance authority will be an external body, such as the customer’s design or QA authority
or the government-appointed regulator for the industry sector concerned. External
concessions should not occur, but there may be circumstances with certain contracts and
projects where some flexibility is needed.
When delivering the product that is the subject of a concession, it is prudent to quote the
concession on the accompanying documentation otherwise the item may be rejected on
Continual improvement
Continual improvement
In ISO 9000:2000, continual improvement is defined as ‘a recurring activity to increase the
ability to fulfil requirements’. This implies that any beneficial change is improvement: that
resolving problems which should not have arisen is improvement! Juran and Deming say that
putting out fires is not improvement of the process, neither is discovery and removal of a
special cause detected by a point out of control. This only puts the process back to where it
should have been in the first place. If there is no status quo (no normal level), action needs
to be taken to establish a normal level, i.e. bring operations under control. You can only
improve what is already under control. Bringing operations under control is not
Process control and continual improvement are two distinct concepts. Continual
improvement is about improving the efficiency and effectiveness of products, processes and
systems that are already under control. Process control is about maintaining variation in a
process at a level where the only variation present is random and the process is stable and,
therefore, predictable.
Continual improvement is one of the eight quality management principles and is explained
as follows: ‘Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a
permanent objective of the organization’.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Continual improvement appears in many places in both ISO 9001 and ISO 9004; therefore,
only a selection of references is given here.
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to continually improve the effectiveness
of its quality management system.
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the quality policy includes
a commitment to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management
Clause 6.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and provide the resources
needed to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and implement the monitoring,
measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed to continually improve the
effectiveness of the quality management system.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to evaluate where continual improvement
of the quality management system can be made.
Clause 5.1.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that top management establish continual
improvement as an objective for processes of the organization and consider breakthrough
changes to processes as a way to improve the organization’s performance.
Clause 6.6 of ISO 9004 recommends encouraging suppliers to implement programmes for
continual improvement of performance and to participate in other joint improvement
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9004 recommends that improvements can range from small-step
ongoing continual improvement to strategic breakthrough improvement projects.
An organization applying the continual improvement principles would be one in which
people are:
Continuous improvement
Making continual improvement of products, processes and systems an objective for every
individual in the organization.
Applying the basic improvement concepts of incremental improvement and breakthrough
Using periodic assessments against established criteria of excellence to identify areas for
potential improvement.
Continually improving the efficiency and effectiveness of all processes.
Promoting prevention-based activities.
Providing every member of the organization with appropriate education and training, on
the methods and tools of continual improvement.
Establishing measures and goals to guide and track improvements.
Recognizing improvements.
To undertake continual improvement, the process must be under control to start with. The
special cause variation must have been removed. Elimination of special causes requires the
corrective action process.
The process output must meet the objectives. So if you planned to achieve 75 per cent ontime delivery, you must be achieving an average of 75 per cent on-time delivery before
continual improvement is initiated. If the process only achieved 50 per cent on-time delivery,
the objectives are not aligned with the process for achieving them and, therefore, you need
to go back and redesign the process. It is futile to set a target that a process cannot meet on
the premise that everyone will work harder to achieve the new target. If the process average
is 50 per cent after you have removed the special causes, 50 per cent it is. A good place to
start, therefore, is to measure the performance of each process and set the targets at the
process average.
If you have a 5 per cent defect rate (5 in 100 products are found defective on receipt by
the customer), the place to start is to examine the special causes. When these have been
eliminated and the process averages a 2 per cent defect rate, you will not improve its
performance unless you focus on the common causes – the errors due to inherent weaknesses
in the system.
Once you have a stable process that is meeting the target, you can focus your achievements
on reducing the resources to achieve the target. When resource utilization is at an optimum
for the process, improvements can be made by raising the target, e.g. going from 2 per cent
defective to 0.2 per cent defective or achieving three sigma. When you have achieved three
sigma, you can pursue more improvement to reach six sigma. Going from three sigma to six
sigma often requires a breakthrough process.
Continuous improvement
In the context of ISO 9000 there is no difference between continuous improvement and
continual improvement. Improvement that is continuous has no periods of stability, it is
applied all the time. Although the rate of change may vary, improvement does not stop. In
reality, there are periods of stability between periods of change and, therefore, ‘continual
improvement’ is a better term to describe the phenomenon.
The word ‘continuous’ can be used legitimately in connection with processes or materials.
Processes that supply energy from fossil fuel are continuous. We are certainly aware when
they stop! Most chemical and food processes are ‘continuous’ and only stop when demand
ceases. Materials that are cut to length on demand, such as paper, wire and carpets, can be
classed as ‘continuous’.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
The term is not used in ISO 9000.
In the field of quality management the term ‘continual improvement’ should be used in
preference to ‘continuous improvement’.
A contract is an agreement formally executed by both customer and supplier (enforceable by
law), which requires performance of services or delivery of products at a cost to the customer
in accordance with stated terms and conditions.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to review requirements related to the
product prior to its commitment to supply a product to the customer (e.g. submission of
tenders, acceptance of contracts or orders, acceptance of changes to contracts or
Clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure that contract or order
requirements differing from those previously expressed are resolved.
Clause 7.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and implement effective
arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to contracts.
The primary benefit of a written contract is that it provides a basis for reference. People forget
what they agreed months or years afterwards. Sometimes their version of the facts is
somewhat different. With a written contract, it outlives the parties shaking hands because it
is usually in the name of the corporate bodies. If a representative of one party moves on, the
contract still stands. Written contracts are often more appropriate when the terms are complex
and where human memory cannot be relied upon. However, if the two parties did not have
the same perception of what was being agreed when both parties signed the written contract,
the parties may have to do battle in the law courts.
Verbal contracts made on a handshake work when the parties shaking hands outlive the
duration of the contract. If one party moves on and a new party succeeds to the position, none
of the understanding that made the agreement work is carried over. A new contract has to be
made with the new party.
Whether written or verbal, it is wise to enter a contract carefully:
Do not promise what you or your organization cannot deliver, for you will be caught
Seek definitions for any terms or phrases that might have more than one meaning, e.g.
acceptance, delivery, completion, product and specification.
Establish the boundaries affecting what you and the customer are responsible for.
Ensure it is clear what each party does, provides, submits, relinquishes, hands over and
agrees, and when they do it.
Control 31
Establish the conditions for acceptance.
Define what payment is to be made on completion and when completion is required.
Read the small print and any reference documents before you accept the contract.
Declare any areas where your offer differs from that required and state the reasons in terms
advantageous to the customer.
Check that your sources of data, prices, technical specification, etc., are current and
applicable to the specific terms of the contract.
Issue contract amendments on the same distribution list as the original contract.
Do not imply acceptance of a change to contract in any communication other than a
formal contract amendment. There could be hidden costs or other implications about which
you are unaware.
Control is the act of preventing or regulating change in parameters, situations or conditions.
Controls prevent change and, when applied to quality, they regulate quality performance and
prevent undesirable changes being present in the quality of the product or service being
supplied. When operations are under control, they are predictable and predictability is a factor
that is vital for any organization to be successful. If you cannot predict what might happen
when a process is initiated, you are relying on chance. The quality of products and services
cannot be left to chance.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Control appears in many places in ISO 9000, ISO 9001 and ISO 9004; therefore, only a
selection of references is given here.
Clause 0.2 of ISO 9000 recommends that, in order to lead and operate an organization
successfully, it is necessary to direct and control it in a systematic and transparent
Clause 2.1 of ISO 9000 recommends the organization to analyse customer requirements,
define the processes that contribute to the achievement of a product that is acceptable to
the customer, and keep these processes under control.
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine criteria and methods needed
to ensure that control of the processes needed for the quality management system processes
are effective.
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the quality management system documentation to include
documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective control of its processes.
Clause 7.3.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to control the design and development
of product.
Clause 7.4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the type and extent of control applied to the supplier and
the purchased product to be dependent upon the effect of the purchased product on
subsequent product realization or the final product.
Clause 7.5.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to exercise care with customer property
while it is under the organization’s control.
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure that product that does not
conform to product requirements is identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use
or delivery.
Control before, during and after an event
For an action to control a situation, the action has to act upon the factors that cause the results.
It is for this reason that inspection, test or other methods of verification do not in fact control
output – they simply measure it. It is the subsequent action that controls the results. Whether
it is to stop delivery, return an item for reprocessing or correct the error, it is these actions that
control the output.
To control anything, you need to execute a universal sequence of actions:
1 Determine what parameter is to be controlled.
2 Establish its criticality and whether you need to control it before, during or after results
are produced.
3 Establish a specification for the parameter to be controlled, which provides limits of
acceptability and units of measure.
4 Produce plans for controls that specify the means by which the characteristics will be
achieved, and variation detected and removed.
5 Organize resources to implement the plans for control.
6 Install a sensor at an appropriate point in the process to sense variance from
7 Collect and transmit data to a place for analysis.
8 Verify the results and establish whether the variance is within the range expected for a
stable process (the status quo).
9 Diagnose the cause of any variance beyond the expected range.
10 Propose remedies and decide on the action needed to restore the status quo.
11 Take the agreed action and check that process stability has been restored.
Control before, during and after an event
Control before an event is action taken to detect and prevent the occurrence of failure.
Control during the event is action taken to detect and correct failure as it occurs.
Control after the event is action taken to detect and correct failure after it has
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
These concepts are not explicit in ISO 9000 but are embodied in such requirements
Planning product realization – control before the event.
Requirement review – control before the event.
Control of measuring devices – control before and after the event.
Document control – control during the event.
Design review – control during and after the event.
Measurement of product – control during the event.
Measurement of process – control during the event.
Verification of purchased product – control during the event.
Management review – control before and after the event.
Management of work environment – control before, during and after the event.
Controlled conditions
Control before the event is accomplished by predicting failure and taking action to eliminate,
reduce or minimize the effects. A tool often used for this is failure mode and effects analysis
Control during the event is accomplished by installing sensors in the process that warn of
variations outside the limits. The process stops while action is taken to restore the status quo.
Several tools are used for this, some are automated and others are manual. Automated tools
alert process operators by means of alarms or signals on display panels. Automated controls
take action to restore the process to stable conditions. Semi-automated controls require the
process operator to take action on being alerted. Manual controls include traditional
inspection and test, whether performed by the producer or other personnel, such as a separate
inspection and test department. Design reviews, test reviews and document reviews are other
examples of control during the event. They all act in-line and the process does not continue
until released from the hold point.
Control after the event is accomplished by data collection and analysis. The process
continues in an unstable state until the data are analysed and the unacceptable variation
detected. Processes in which control relies upon periodic review are typical of this type of
control. Management processes fall into this category. The actions do not stop current
operations but may well be used to stop further operations when limits are exceeded. Such
controls are used where the consequences of failure are less severe or where failure cannot
be measured without observing trends over longer periods such as market share, customer
satisfaction, sales and overall quality performance.
Control charts
A control chart is a graphical comparison of process performance data to computed control
limits drawn as limit lines on the chart.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
The term is not used in ISO 9000. However, requirements for the analysis of data imply the
use of control charts.
A chart that presents performance data alone is not a control chart. Control limits need to be
identified on the chart, and performance following a breach of these limits needs to be shown
to have changed so as to fall within the limits. A chart with limits and erratic performance is
not a control chart – it is simply a performance chart.
Controlled conditions
Controlled conditions are arrangements that provide control over all factors that influence the
Controlled conditions
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and carry out production and
service provision under controlled conditions. Controlled conditions are required to include,
as applicable:
availability of information that describes the characteristics of the product.
availability of work instructions.
use of suitable equipment.
availability and use of monitoring and measuring devices.
implementation of monitoring and measurement.
implementation of release, delivery and post-delivery activities.
Controlled conditions should prevent undesirable change and, therefore, focus on those
factors that might cause change or deviation from what you are trying to do. This is why this
clause in ISO 9001 only includes those factors that might impede success.
There are usually eight factors that affect the control of any process:
1 The quality of the people – their competence to do the job with the required proficiency
when required. If you cannot identify the competency of personnel required and choose
those with the required competence should you need to, you are not in control of the
process unless you can compensate by changing other parameters (ISO 9001 Clause
2 The quality of the physical resources – the capability of plant, machinery, equipment and
tools. If you cannot identify the physical resources required and choose or change them
should you need to, so that capability is improved, you are not in control of the process
(ISO 9001 Clause 7.5.1c).
3 The quality of the physical environment – the level of temperature, cleanliness and
vibration. If you cannot identify the physical environment required or change it should you
need to, you are not in control of the process (ISO 9001 Clause 6.4).
4 The quality of the human environment – the degree of physical stress, physiological stress
and motivation. If you cannot identify the human factors required in the work environment
required and alter their effect should you need to, you are not in control of the process (ISO
9001 Clause 6.4).
5 The quality of the information – the degree of accuracy, currency, completeness, usability,
validity. If you cannot identify the information required and improve its dependability
should you need to, you are not in control of the process (ISO 9001 Clause 7.5.1a &
6 The quality of materials – the adequacy of physical properties, their consistency and purity.
If you cannot identify the materials required and change their properties should you need
to, you are not in control of the process (ISO 9001 Clause 7.4).
7 The quantity of resources – time, money, information, people, materials, components,
equipment, etc. If you cannot identify the quantities required and adjust them to suit the
demand should you need to, you are not in control of the process (ISO 9001 Clause
8 The quality of measurement – units, values, timing and integrity. If you cannot identify the
measurements to be taken, the units of measure, the target values and when to take them
and control the integrity of measurement should you need to, you are not in control of the
process (ISO 9001 Clauses 7.5.1d & e and 7.6).
Corrective action 35
Controlled distribution
A controlled distribution is a means of regulating the release of information so that it is
received by those who need it. (Ensuring information is received only by those who need it
is a document security.)
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established that defines
the controls needed to ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their
distribution controlled.
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established that defines
the controls needed to ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available
at points of use (implying that information distribution needs to be controlled).
Some measure of control can be accomplished with hard copy documents by using copy
numbers against named copyholders. This enables documents and any changes to reach
nominated personnel. If the positions of these copyholders is stated rather than the named
individual, it may ensure continuity when people leave. However, this is no guarantee, as
often positions also change when people leave.
With electronically stored information, the nominated personnel either access information
from their workstation when they need it or information is released on a prescribed
distribution. The difficulty here is that names are often used rather than positions. When the
person leaves, the distribution lists need to be changed. This makes maintenance tedious
unless the e-mail addresses are organized by position rather than the jobholder’s name. The
solution is to send short-life information to individuals and long-life information into a server
directory, where it can be accessed when needed.
Controlled documents
Controlled documents are documents for which the development, approval, issue, change,
distribution, maintenance, use, storage, security, obsolescence or disposal is regulated.
Corrective action
Corrective action is action planned or taken to stop something from recurring. It could be a
one-off event (special cause variation), a recurring event or an inherent condition (common
cause variation). Corrective action can, therefore, be considered to be an instrument of both
process control and process improvement.
Corrective action is the pattern of activities that traces the symptoms of a problem to its
cause, produces solutions for preventing the recurrence of the problem, implements the
change and monitors that the change has been successful.
A problem has to exist for you to take corrective action. When actual problems do not exist
but there is a possibility of a problem occurring, the action of preventing the occurrence of
the problem is a preventive action.
Corrective action
Corrective action forms part of every process rather than being a separate process.
Traceability is required in order to find the root cause of a problem and take corrective action
to prevent its recurrence.
Product recall is a remedial action and not a corrective action because it does not prevent
a recurrence of the initial problem. Resolving a customer complaint is a remedial action and
not a corrective action because it does not prevent a recurrence of the initial problem.
The concept of corrective action is often misunderstood. Corrective action is sometimes
believed to be about fixing problems and preventive action about preventing recurrence of
problems. This is understandable because synonyms for correction are fix, remedy, rectify
and alter. However, corrective action in ISO 9000 has always been about preventing
recurrence because nonconforming product addressed the correction of problems.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.6.2 of ISO 9001 requires the input to management review to include information
on the status of corrective actions.
Clause 8.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires correction and corrective action to be taken, as
appropriate, when planned results are not achieved to ensure conformity of the product.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires corrective actions to be appropriate to the effects of the
nonconformities encountered.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires a documented corrective action procedure to be
Clause of ISO 9004 recommends that any changes in the process affecting product
characteristics should be recorded and communicated in order to maintain the conformity
of the product and provide information for corrective action.
Clause 8.3.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that people carrying out nonconformity review
should have the authority and resources to disposition the nonconformity and to define
appropriate corrective action.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that top management should ensure that corrective
action is used as a tool for improvement.
Clause of ISO 9004 recommends that process outputs should be evaluated against
input requirements and acceptance criteria to identify necessary corrective actions.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that corrective action planning includes an
evaluation of the significance of problems in terms of the potential impact on such aspects
as operating costs, nonconformity costs, product performance, dependability, and the
safety and satisfaction of customers and other interested parties.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9004 advises that there are many ways to determine the causes of
nonconformity, including analysis by an individual or the assignment of a corrective-action
project team.
Steps in the corrective action process are as follows:
Collect the nonconformity data and classify.
Conduct a Pareto analysis to identify the vital few and trivial many.
Organize a diagnostic team.
Postulate causes and test theories.
Determine the root cause of nonconformity.
Determine the effects of nonconformity and the need for action.
Corrective maintenance 37
Record the criteria for determining severity or priority.
Determine the action needed to prevent nonconformity recurring.
Organize an implementation team.
Create or choose the conditions that will ensure effective implementation.
Implement the agreed action.
Assess and record the actions taken and record the results.
Determine whether the actions were those required to be taken.
Determine whether the actions were performed in the best possible way.
Determine whether the nonconformity has recurred.
If nonconformity has recurred repeat steps 1–15.
Corrective maintenance
Corrective maintenance is maintenance carried out after a failure has occurred and is
intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform its required function. Corrective
maintenance is a remedial action not a corrective action. This may appear illogical but, in the
context of ISO 9000, this is the way the terms are defined.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no specific requirements in ISO 9001 for corrective maintenance. However, there
are requirements for the maintenance of infrastructure.
The primary objective of corrective maintenance is to minimize down time – the time that
equipment is unavailable owing to a malfunction or failure.
Downtime is a function of:
response time;
diagnostic time;
availability of spare parts and consumables; and
correction time.
Corrective maintenance needs to be resourced. There are several options from which to
choose an appropriate strategy for your organization:
complete in-house maintenance capability;
first-line maintenance capability in-house, the rest outsourced;
consumables replenishment in-house, the rest outsourced; and
all corrective maintenance outsourced.
Response times will vary depending on your maintenance strategy. Diagnostic and correction
time will depend upon the level of in-built diagnostics, the competence of your maintenance
personnel and the availability of spares. It is, therefore, necessary to determine your
maintenance requirements relative to the impact of down time on your capability to meet
customer requirements and design a corrective maintenance process that meets these
Critical success factors
Some of the documentation you may need includes:
a list of the equipment upon which process capability depends;
procedures dealing with the actions required in the event of equipment malfunction;
procedures defining how specific maintenance tasks are to be conducted; and
maintenance logs, which record corrective maintenance work carried out.
Critical success factors
Critical success factors are those factors upon which the achievement of specified objectives
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
The term is not used in the ISO 9000 family of standards, but there are requirements for
objective to be established consistent with the quality policy. Critical success factors need to
be known to do this.
Having established the purpose and mission of the organization, the next step is to determine
the critical success factors (CSFs) as these will identify the areas where objectives need to be
set. CSFs are often determined by asking the question ‘What factors affect our ability to fulfil
our mission?’.
If our success depends upon the safety of our products, then we need safety objectives.
If our success depends upon securing the integrity of information entrusted to us by our
customers, then we need security objectives.
If our success depends upon the impact our operations have on the environment, we need
environmental objectives.
If our success depends upon maintaining good relations with the unions, we need industrial
relations objectives.
If something is critical to our success, we should set objectives and design processes for
their achievement.
CSFs can be determined at any level, not only when planning the strategic intent of an
organization. Whatever the goal, there are factors that affect our ability to achieve it. Often
such factors relate to:
the availability and competence of certain people;
the availability, quantity and integrity of certain resources;
the availability and integrity of certain information or knowledge;
the capability of certain processes;
the probability that certain events that are outside our control will or will not happen
(weather conditions, traffic congestion, mood of the people, etc.).
See also quality objectives.
Culture and climate 39
Cross-functional team
A cross-functional team is a team of people from different functions. A cross-functional team
might comprise people from sales, design, quality assurance and customer service
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Annex A of ISO 9004, in the context of self-assessment, suggests that an approach would
be to have a cross-functional group of people perform self-assessment on all or part of the
quality management system.
Annex B of ISO 9004 advises that breakthrough projects are usually carried out by crossfunctional teams outside routine operations.
Where a problem requires for its resolution, the combined inputs from personnel with
different skills and competences, the team may be classed as a cross-functional team or a
multidisciplinary team. ‘Cross-functional’ implies people from different functions regardless
of competence. ‘Multidisciplinary’ implies people of different disciplines regardless of
functions. For example, you could form a multidisciplinary team from one department simply
by bringing together a manager, a personal assistant, an engineer and a technician.
Conversely, a cross-functional team could bring together all the administrative staff from all
functions – a single discipline team that is multifunctional.
The labels can, therefore, be misleading. Calling a team ‘cross-functional’ or ‘multidisciplinary’ does not convey what is required when one needs a team that is both crossfunctional and multidisciplinary.
One of the problems with such teams is that the people come together for a meeting to work
on a problem but then return to their offices and get on with what they were doing before they
left. Locating people in offices appropriate to their function or discipline does have these
disadvantages, which is why it is often more effective to locate people according to the
primary process or the project they work in or on. Locating planners, administrators,
engineers, technicians, operators and inspectors whose work is dedicated to the production of
a particular product is more likely to result in building an effective process team that actually
implements decisions made in a team meeting. This is not always practical, as people often
work on several products/projects where the centre of operations is in different locations.
Culture and climate
If we ask people to describe what it is like to work for a particular organization, they often
reply in terms of their feelings and emotions, which are their perceptions of the essential
atmosphere in the organization. This atmosphere is encompassed by two concepts – culture
and climate.
Culture evolves and can usually be traced back to the organization’s founder. The founder
gathers around people of like mind and values, and these become the role models for new
entrants. Culture has a strong influence on people’s behaviour but is not easily changed. It is
an invisible force that consists of deeply held beliefs, values and assumptions that are so
ingrained in the fabric of the organization that many people might not be conscious that they
hold them.
Climate is allied to culture and, although people experience both, climate tends to be
something of which there is more awareness. Culture provides a code of conduct that defines
acceptable behaviour, whereas climate tends to result in a set of conditions to which people
react. Culture is more permanent, whereas climate is temporary and is thought of as a phase
the organization passes through. In this context, therefore, the work environment will be
affected by a change in the organizational climate. Several external forces cause changes in
the climate, such as economic factors, political factors and market factors. These can result
in feelings of optimism or pessimism, security or insecurity, complacency or anxiety.
Cultural and climatic factors influence the behaviour of people in the work environment.
It is, therefore, important to be aware of those factors that lead to poor performance and
employee dissatisfaction and, wherever possible, change them.
ISO 9000 defines a customer as an organization or person that receives a product or service
and includes purchaser, consumer, client, end user, retailer or beneficiary.
Customers are stakeholders: they have entered into a commitment in return for some
benefits that possession of a product or experience of a service may bring. Customers
demand, request or otherwise place an organization under a commitment, implying that there
is no such thing as an internal customer.
The customer is often thought of as the person who buys a product or service but, in the
above definition, this is a customer who is a purchaser. The end user may not buy the product
but is the person for whom the product or service is produced.
ISO 9000 is primarily produced for business-to-business relationships rather than businessto-consumer relationships. In manufacturing this is more the case as it is with services. Often
in a service delivery transaction, the party receiving the service is a consumer.
Customer communication
Customer communication is the means used to enable customers to interact with the
organization on any matters about which they need to be informed.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and implement effective
arrangements for communication with the customer in relation to product information,
enquiries, contracts or order handling, contracts or order amendments and customer
feedback, including customer complaints.
Clause 7.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that management should ensure that the organization
has defined mutually acceptable processes for communicating effectively and efficiently
with its customers and other interested parties.
The customer communication process should include the following subprocesses:
A product and service promotion process that ensures information accuracy and
An enquiry conversion process that converts enquiries into sales with the result that both
parties are completely satisfied with the transaction.
Customer expectations
An order-processing process that ensures both parties are in no doubt as to the expectations
before work commences.
An order amendment process that honours the commitment and maintains the expectations
expressed with the original order.
A customer feedback process that captures opportunities for improvement and encouragement, honours commitments and preserves customer relationships.
Customer complaints
A customer complaint is any adverse report (verbal or written) received by an organization
from a customer.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and implement effective
arrangements for communication with the customer in relation to customer feedback
including customer complaints.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define
requirements for reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints).
Clause 3.1.4 of ISO 9000 advises that customer complaints are a common indicator of low
customer satisfaction but their absence does not necessarily imply high customer
Clause of ISO 9004 suggests that sources of information on customer satisfaction
include customer complaints.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9004 suggests that sources of information for corrective action
consideration include customer complaints.
The complaint-handling process should cover the following aspects to be effective:
1 A definition of when a message from a customer can be classified as a complaint.
2 The method of capturing the customer complaints from all interface channels with the
3 The behaviour expected from those on the receiving end of the complaint.
4 The registration of complaints in order that you can account for them and monitor
5 A form on which to record details of the complaint, the date, customer name, etc.
6 A method for acknowledging the complaint in order that the customer knows you care.
7 A method for investigating the nature and cause of the complaint.
8 A method for replacing product, repeating the service or compensating the customer.
9 A link with other processes to trigger improvements that will prevent a recurrence of the
Customer expectations
Customer expectations are implied needs or requirements. They have not been requested
because we take them for granted – we regard them to be understood within our particular
Customer feedback
society as the accepted norm. They may be things to which we are accustomed, based on
fashion, style, trends or previous experience. One, therefore, expects sales staff to be polite
and courteous, electronic products to be safe and reliable, policemen to be honest, coffee to
be hot, etc.
Customer feedback
Customer feedback is any comment on the organization’s performance provided by a
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.6.2 of ISO 9001 requires the input to management review to include information
on customer feedback.
Clause 7.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and implement effective
arrangements for communication with the customer in relation to customer feedback.
Customer feedback should be used to establish whether customer needs are being satisfied.
You can determine this by providing the evidence of customer complaints, market share
statistics, competitor statistics, warranty claims, customer satisfaction surveys, etc. Current
performance from customer feedback should compare the results with the quality objectives
you have set for customer needs and expectations.
Improvement opportunities relative to customer feedback may cover:
extent to which products and services satisfy customer needs and expectations.
adequacy of the means used to assess customer satisfaction and collect data.
need to develop new or enhanced products or services.
need to explore new markets or obtain more accurate data of current markets.
The compliment handling process should cover the following:
A definition of when a message from a customer can be classified as a compliment.
A method of capturing the compliments from all interface channels with the customer.
The behaviour expected from those on the receiving end of the compliment.
The registration of compliments in order that you can account for those you can use in your
promotional literature.
A method for keeping staff informed of the compliments made by customers.
A method of rewarding staff when compliments result in further business.
Customer focus
Customer focus is one of the eight quality management principles used as a basis for
developing ISO 9000. The principle is expressed as ‘Organizations depend on their customers
and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer
requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations’.
All organizations have customers. They exist to create and retain satisfied customers.
Those that do not do so, fail to survive. It is, therefore, essential for the survival of an
organization that it determines and meets customer requirements.
Customer property 43
An organization applying the customer focus principle would be one in which people:
understood customer needs and expectations;
balanced the needs and expectations of all interested parties;
communicated these needs and expectations throughout the organization;
had the knowledge, skills and resources required to satisfy the organization’s customers;
measured customer satisfaction and acted on results;
managed customer relationships;
could relate their goals and targets directly to customer needs and expectations; and
acted upon the results of customer satisfaction measurements.
Customer needs
Customer needs are essential for survival, to maintain certain standards, or essential for
products and services to fulfil the purpose for which they have been acquired.
By focusing on benefits resulting from products and services, needs can be converted into
wants such that a need for food may be converted into a want for a particular brand of
chocolate. This is the role of marketing – converting needs into wants so that customers want
your products in preference to your competitors’ products.
Sometimes the want is not essential but, the higher up the hierarchy of needs we go, the
more a want becomes essential to maintain our social standing, esteem or to realize our
personal goals. Our requirements may, therefore, include such wants – what we would like
to have but which are not essential for survival.
Customer property
Customer property is any property owned or provided by the customer. The product being
supplied may have been produced by a competitor, by the customer or even by your own firm
under a different contract or sales agreement.
Customer property may be supplied:
For use in a sales transaction, such as credit card details and personal information.
For use on a contract, in order to design or produce the product, such as design
information, software or test equipment.
For use in order to ship the product, such as packaging and labels.
For incorporation into a product to be supplied, such as a gyroscope that is to be fitted into
a missile.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.5.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to:
Exercise care with customer property while it is under the organization’s control or being
used by the organization.
Identify, verify, protect and safeguard customer property provided for use or incorporation
into the product.
Report to the customer if any customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be
unsuitable for use.
Customer requirements
For customer property that is in the form of hardware and software product, which is used on
your own premises, you should maintain a register containing details of customer property
that will enable it to be located on request by the customer.
For customer property that is in the form of credit card details and other personal
information, you should provide secure storage that will protect the information against
unauthorized use and inadvertent loss. If the data are stored electronically, you will need to
comply with any relevant data protection laws.
Customer requirements
In the context of ISO 9000, a customer requirement is a need or expectation of a customer
that is stated, customarily implied or obligatory.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.2 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that customer requirements are
determined and are met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.
Clause 5.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires the appointed member of management to have
responsibility and authority for ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer
In order to determine customer needs and expectations you need to know:
Who your customers are – they may not be simply those that purchase your products (see
Where your customers are located – geography affects needs.
What your customers buy – do they buy luxury, comfort, security, health, happiness, status
or simply utility?
What the customers value – which characteristic is more important than others: safety,
reliability, integrity, personal attention, speed, durability, etc.?
Which of the customer’s wants are not adequately satisfied – ‘It’s a status symbol but very
unreliable’, ‘It’s reliable but old-fashioned’.
The answers to the above questions will enable marketing objectives to be established for:
existing products and services in present markets;
abandonment of obsolete products, services and markets;
new products and services for existing markets/new markets;
service standards and service performance;
product standards and product performance.
The results of market research will be a mixture of things. It will identify:
new potential customers for existing products and services;
new potential markets;
opportunities for which no technology exists;
Customer satisfaction
opportunities for which no product or service solution exists;
enhancements to existing products and services.
The organization needs to decide which of these to pursue and this requires a marketing
process that involves all the interested parties. It is also not sufficient to simply capture what
customers say they want.
Customer satisfaction
By combining definitions of the terms ‘customer satisfaction’ and ‘requirement’, ISO 9000
defines customer satisfaction as ‘the customer’s perception of the degree to which the
customer’s stated or implied needs or expectations have been fulfilled’.
Information relating to customer perception is any meaningful data from which a
judgement can be made about customer satisfaction and would include compliments,
complaints, sales statistics, survey results, etc.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 1.1 of ISO 9001 states that the Standard specifies requirements for a quality
management system where an organization aims to enhance customer satisfaction.
Clause 5.2 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that customer requirements are
determined and are met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.
Clause 6.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and provide the resources
needed to enhance customer satisfaction.
Clause 8.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to monitor information relating to
customer satisfaction as one of the measurements of the performance of the quality
management system.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 requires the analysis of data to provide information relating to
customer satisfaction.
In order to satisfy customers, you have to go beyond the stated requirements. Customers are
people and people differ in their perceptions as to whether the transaction has been
satisfactory. The term ‘perception’ is used because ‘satisfaction’ is a subjective and human
condition (unlike ‘acceptance’, which is based on objective evidence). Customers may accept
a product but not be wholly satisfied with it or the service they have received. Whether or not
you have done your utmost to please the customer, if the customer’s perception is that you
have not met their expectations, he or she will not be satisfied.
There are several ways of monitoring information relating to customer perceptions, ranging
from unsolicited information to customer focus meetings.
Repeat orders. The number of repeat orders or the period over which customers remain
Competition. Monitoring what the competition is up to is an indicator of your success or
Referrals. When you win a new customer, find out why they chose your organization in
preference to others.
Demand. Monitoring the demand for your products and services relative to the predicted
demand is also an indicator of success or failure to satisfy customers.
Customer surveys
Effects of product transition. When you launch a new product or service, do you retain
your customers or do they take the opportunity to go elsewhere?
Customer surveys – there is the impersonal form and the personal form. The impersonal
form relies on responses to questionnaires and seeks to establish customer opinion on a
number of topics. The personal form of survey is conducted through interview.
Focus meetings. A personal form of obtaining information on customer satisfaction is to
arrange to meet with your customer and seek opinions from the people within the
customer’s organization.
Customer complaints. Look at the overall number of complaints, the upward or
downward trends, and the distribution of complaints by type of customer, location and
nature of complaint.
Compliments. Compliments are harder to monitor because they can vary from a passing
remark during a sales transaction to a formal letter.
Customer surveys
A customer survey is a means of obtaining information from customers about how they
perceive your products and services.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no requirement in ISO 9000 for customer surveys or questionnaires, but these are
tools that can be used to determine customer satisfaction levels.
When designing a survey or questionnaire:
Do not ask more than 50 questions.
Probe low satisfaction scores rather than high satisfaction scores, unless there are no low
Spread the questions over four pages (four sides), as it looks more balanced and gets a
higher response rate.
Provide instructions on the first page.
Do not use complex questions that require two or more answers.
Always seek relative measures of importance/unimportance, as it reflects what is of value
to customers, e.g. on a scale of 1–10.
Low satisfaction with a characteristic of low importance is not as critical as low
satisfaction with a characteristic of high importance.
Separate questions on satisfaction from questions of importance and position questions on
satisfaction before questions on importance.
Always place questions concerning the interviewee on the last page.
Avoid jargon and acronyms.
Ratings such as ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘average’ and ‘poor’ tend to bias the answers.
Numerical scales of 1–10 are more discriminating and are better for data analysis.
The term ‘data’ means information that is organized in a form suitable for manual or
computer analysis.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine, collect and analyse
appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the quality management
system and to evaluate where continual improvement of the quality management system
can be made.
Clause 6.5 of ISO 9004 recommends that management should treat data as a fundamental
resource for conversion to information and the continual development of an organization’s
knowledge, which is essential for making factual decisions and can stimulate
The management system generates a lot of data and processes need to be put in place that
govern data generation, collection, transmission, analysis and security.
In some cases the data may be confidential or governed by data protection laws. Data
transmission by electronic means may require encryption to prevent unauthorized use. Data
may need to be protected from unauthorized access by electronic means by providing
firewalls or by manual means by providing passwords.
Demonstrate means to prove by reasoning, objective evidence, experiment or practical
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 1.1 of ISO 9001 states that the Standard specifies requirements for a quality
management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently
provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements.
Clause 7.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires process validation to demonstrate the ability of
processes to achieve planned results.
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and implement the monitoring,
measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed to demonstrate conformity of
the product.
Clause 8.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to apply suitable methods, which
demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve planned results.
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires nonconforming product to be subject to re-verification to
demonstrate conformity to the requirements when it is corrected.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine, collect and analyse
appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the quality management
The need to demonstrate anything arises from the market in which the organization
operates. ISO 9000 was primarily produced for a business-to-business (B2B)
relationship rather than a business-to-consumer (B2C) relationship. In a B2B situation,
the customer is another business and may require suppliers to demonstrate their
ability to meet customer requirements. In a B2C relationship, the consumer does
not require demonstration but expects the supplier to honour its commitments.
Therefore, meeting requirements and demonstrating that requirements have been met have
the same intent but may require a different type of management system. Where
demonstration is required, the supplier may have a choice of how compliance is
If compliance can be demonstrated by observation, no documentary evidence may be
needed. However, if the customer or regulator cannot witness the activities (which is more
often the case), some documentary evidence is necessary. The evidence may be in the form
of paper records, computer records, video, film or audio records.
You need to draw a distinction between evidence needed for control, improvement and
demonstration purposes. Often the three are the same but there are occasions when they are
different. Records needed for improvement purposes may not be necessary for control
purposes, e.g. charts of last week’s production are no longer needed for controlling next
week’s production, but are needed to analyse trends and identify opportunities for
improvement. No records may be needed for control purposes but records may be needed to
demonstrate continued compliance with regulations.
This distinction has brought about a plethora of documentation that only serves one
purpose – that of demonstrating compliance with ISO 9000 or other standards. Some of the
documentation does not have any other purpose. However, the danger lies in the statement in
ISO 9001 clause 4.2.1 where it requires documents needed by the organization to ensure the
effective planning, operation and control of its processes. This implies that, if the
documentation is not needed for effective planning, operation and control of its processes,
there is necessity to produce it. If an operation could be closed down by a regulator through
a lack of documentary evidence, such documentation would be needed for legal operation of
the process concerned.
If this is an issue, you should assess all your documentation and classify it as essential (E),
mandatory (M), or both essential and mandatory (E&M). In this way, you will be able to
compare how much documentation is maintained simply to comply with standards and
regulations as opposed to that which is necessary to run the business!
Design and development 49
A department is a unit of an organization that may perform one or more functions. Units of
organization regardless of their names are also referred to as functions but this can be an
incorrect use of the term because a particular department may not perform all the activities
encompassed by a function. It equally may perform activities that serve other functions.
Functions may also be executed by more than one department. For example, the design
function may be executed by a systems engineering department, an electronic design
department and a mechanical engineering department. Tooling design and plant design may
also be executed by different departments. Similarly the marketing function may be executed
by several departments, each performing a role in the marketing process.
Design is a process of originating a conceptual solution to a requirement and expressing it in
a form from which a product may be produced or a service delivered.
Design and development
Design and development is a process or two processes depending on the objective. Design
creates the conceptual solution and development transforms the solution into a fully working
model that performs exactly as intended.
Development can also mean taking an existing design or concept and making it better,
enhancing it, modifying it so as to produce something new. Ideas are not designed but are
developed from basic concepts. Similarly, a capability is not designed but is developed. The
difference is one of originality. Although one might say that laser printers have developed
over the years, each one is designed to fulfil a unique requirement and then developed so as
to meet the changing needs of the market. Architects and civil engineers design structures
rather than develop them, whereas automotive engineers design a motor car and develop its
capability. Development nearly always involves trials, learning from observations and
improving the design as a result.
Control of design and development does not mean controlling the creativity of the
designers – it means controlling the process through which new or modified designs are
produced so that the resultant design is one that truly reflects customer needs.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and control the design and
development of product.
To control any design activity, there are ten primary steps you need to take in the design and
development process:
Establish the customer needs.
Convert the customer needs into a definitive specification of the requirements.
Plan for meeting the requirements.
Organize resources and materials for meeting the requirements.
Design changes
5 Conduct a feasibility study to discover whether accomplishment of the requirements is
6 Conduct a project definition study to discover which of the many possible solutions will
be the most suitable.
7 Develop a specification that details all the features and characteristics of the product or
8 Produce a prototype or model of the proposed design.
9 Conduct extensive trials to discover whether the product or service that has been
developed meets the design requirements and customer needs.
10 Feed data back into the design and repeat the process until the product or service is proven
to be fit for the task.
Design changes
Design changes are simply changes to the design and can occur at any stage in the design
process from the stage at which the requirement is agreed to the final certification that the
design is proven and, subsequently, at any time in the life cycle of the design. Following
design certification, i.e. when all design verification has been completed and the product
launched into production, changes to the product to incorporate design changes are generally
classed as ‘modifications’.
Changes to design documents are not design changes unless the characteristics of the
product are altered. Changes in the presentation of design information or to the system of
measurement (Imperial units to metric units) are not design or development changes.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.7 of ISO 9001 requires design and development changes to be identified,
reviewed, verified and validated, as appropriate, and approved before implementation and
records maintained.
You need to control design changes to permit desirable changes to be made and to prohibit
undesirable changes from being made. Change control during the design process is a good
method of controlling costs and timescales because, once the design process has commenced,
every change will cost time and effort to implement, not only to the areas of the design
directly affected but any interfacing areas on which design may also have commenced.
The design change control process consists of a number of elements:
A mechanism for establishing the design baseline.
A design authority to whom all requests of changes are to be submitted.
A means of requesting a design change and the reason for it.
A means of transmitting the request for change to the design authority for evaluation.
A means of evaluating the proposed design change for need, importance and impact.
A change proposal approval/rejection stage.
Conventions to be used in identifying the issue status of design documents during
development and following design certification.
Design outputs 51
8 A stage for approval or rejection of the new design.
9 A mechanism for notifying those concerned of the approved design change, the point of
embodiment, how to deal with existing product or service and how to deal with new
product or service.
10 A means of recording the actions taken at each stage in the process so that the integrity
of the change can be verified.
Design inputs
The design inputs are the requirements governing the design of the intended product. They
include all the requirements determined from an analysis of customer and regulatory
requirements and the organization’s requirements.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.2 of ISO 9001 requires inputs relating to product requirements to be determined
and records maintained.
To identify design input requirements you need to identify:
The purpose of the product or service.
The conditions under which it will be used, stored and transported.
The skills and category of those who will use and maintain the product or service.
The countries to which it will be sold and the related regulations governing sale and use
of products.
The special features and performance characteristics which the customer requires the
product or service to exhibit.
The constraints in terms of timescale, operating environment, cost, size, weight or other
The standards with which the product or service needs to comply.
The products or service with which it will directly and indirectly interface, and their
features and characteristics.
The documentation required of the design output necessary to manufacture, procure,
inspect, test, install, operate and maintain a product or service.
Design outputs
Design output is the product of the design process and hence will comprise information and/
or models and specimens that describe the design in all its detail, the calculations,
assumptions and the rationale for the chosen solution. It is not simply the specifications or
drawings because should the design need to be changed, the designer may need to revisit the
design data to modify parameters and assumptions.
Design planning
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.3 of ISO 9001 requires the outputs of design and development to be provided in
a form that enables verification against the design and development input and shall be
approved prior to release.
The design input requirements should have been expressed in a way that would allow a
number of possible solutions. The design output requirements should, therefore, be expressed
as all the inherent features and characteristics of the design that reflect a product that will
satisfy these requirements. Hence, it should fulfil the stated or implied needs, i.e. be fit for
In order to accomplish this a number of actions are required:
Determine the design output requirements before commencing design.
Identify who will produce the design output information.
Ensure design output requirements are conveyed to those concerned.
Establish standards and procedures to govern the format and content of design output
Establish a process for producing, reviewing and approving design output information.
Determine the types of documents that will comprise the total design output
Determine the calculations and analyses that are needed to verify that the design output
information reflects a product that meets the input requirements.
Determine the checks to be performed to verify that the design information reflects a
product that can be manufactured, inspected, tested, installed and serviced.
Decide when design output checks will be performed.
Indicate in the design information the characteristics that are critical to success.
Determine how release of design information is to be denoted following its approval.
Design planning
Planning the design and development of a product means determining the design objectives
and the design strategy, the design stages, timescales, costs, resources and responsibilities
needed to accomplish them. Sometimes the activity of design itself is considered to be a
planning activity, but what is being planned is not the design but the product.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and control the design and
development of the product.
Design and development plans should include:
1 The design requirements.
2 The design and development programme showing activities against time.
3 The work packages and names of those who will execute them.
Design review
4 The work breakdown structure showing the relationship between all the parcels of
5 The reviews to be held for authorizing work to proceed from stage to stage.
6 The resources in terms of finance, manpower and facilities.
7 The risks to success and the plans to minimize them.
8 The controls that will be exercised to keep the design on course.
Design review
A design review is a formal documented and systematic critical study of a design by people
other than the designer. The purpose of the review is to determine whether the proposed
design solution is compliant with the design requirement and whether design should continue
or should be changed before proceeding to the next phase.
ISO 9000 defines a review as an activity undertaken to determine the suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness of the subject matter to achieve established objectives. This is the way the
term should be interpreted in the context of ISO 9000. When the term ‘review’ is used in
another context, it simply means to have another look at something.
Suitability means ‘Has an appropriate design solution been developed?’. Adequacy means
‘Does the design solution meet all the design requirements?’. Effectiveness means ‘Have we
got the right design objective?’. Design reviews are, therefore, not document reviews.
Systematic reviews are those that cover the complete design from the high level down to
the smallest component and all the associated requirements in a logical manner.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to perform systematic reviews of design
and development in accordance with planned arrangements at suitable stages to evaluate the
ability of the results of the design and development to meet requirements.
The review has to be stage by stage, methodical with purpose. Systematic reviews probe the
design solution and the interfaces between all components for design weaknesses and delve
into the detail to explore how requirements are fulfilled.
Typical stages when design reviews are undertaken include the following.
Design requirement review. A review performed prior to commencing design to establish
that the design requirements can be met and reflect the needs of the customer before
commencement of design.
Conceptual design review. A review performed after sketching out a conceptual solution to
establish that the design concept fulfils the requirements before project definition
Preliminary design review. A review performed after completing the functional design to
establish that all risks have been resolved and development specifications have been
produced for each sub-element of the product/service before detail design commences.
Critical design review. A review performed after detailing all components to establish that
the detail design for each sub-element of the product/service complies with its
development specification, and that product specifications have been produced before
manufacture of the prototypes.
Design validation
Qualification readiness review. A review performed after design verification to establish
the configuration of the baseline design and readiness for qualification before
commencement of design validation.
Final design review. A review performed after design verification and validation to
establish that the design fulfils the requirements of its development specification before
preparation for its production.
To conduct an effective design review process you should:
Distribute input data to the review team well in advance of the time when a decision on
the design has to be made.
Not assume you can review a complete design at a meeting. A design review is not a
meeting, it is a critical review of a design and requires concentration, analysis,
investigation, research and other techniques to produce a valid result.
Find flaws in the design before they become too costly to correct.
Utilize experiences of previous designs.
Use checklists developed from experience and research to aid the evaluation of designs.
Ensure the review team has a collective competency greater than that of the designer of the
design being reviewed.
Ensure representation at each review is appropriate to the design stage being reviewed.
Appoint a leader of the review team who is responsible for placing the development
Ensure the review leader makes the decision as to whether the design should proceed to the
next phase based on the evidence substantiated by the review team.
Ensure the review report has the agreement of the full review team.
Design validation
ISO 9000 defines validation as confirmation through the provision of objective evidence
that requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled.
Specified requirements are often an imperfect definition of needs and expectations and,
therefore, to overcome inadequacies in the manner in which requirements can be specified,
the resultant design needs to be validated against intended use or application.
Design validation is a process of evaluating a design to establish that it fulfils the intended
use requirements. It goes further than design verification in that validation tests and trials may
stress the product of such a design beyond operating conditions in order to establish design
margins of safety and performance. Design validation can also be performed on mature
designs in order to establish whether they will fulfil different user requirements to the original
design input requirements. (See also validation and verification.)
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.6 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to perform design and development
validation in accordance with planned arrangements.
The design validation process consists of a number of elements. (The term ‘trials’ is used for
validation activities in contrast to tests for verification activities.)
Design verification
1 Plan for validation as part of your product development planning.
2 Establish how user characteristics are to be demonstrated (which models of what standard
will be used for validating which requirements).
3 Establish the model philosophy for carrying out validation trials.
4 Prepare detailed plans for specific trials that define the sequence of trials, the
responsibilities for their conduct, the location of the trials and trials procedures to be
5 Produce specifications that define the features and characteristics that are to be verified
for design qualification and acceptance.
6 Produce procedures that describe how the validation trials specified in the validation
specification are to be conducted, together with the tools and test equipment to be used
and the data to be recorded.
7 Provide demonstration models that are fully representative of those that will be supplied
to customers for the features being validated.
8 Organize the resources necessary to carry out the trials.
9 Acquire the equipment, facilities, sites, etc., for carrying out the trials.
10 Ensure all measuring equipment is within calibration during the trials.
11 Ensure the trial sample has successfully passed all planned in-process and assembly
inspections and tests prior to commencing validation trials.
12 Record the configuration of the product prior to and subsequent to the trials in terms of
its design standard, deviations, nonconformances and design changes.
13 Do not permit modifications without prior authorization.
14 Conduct pre-trial reviews to establish the validation baseline and confirm operational
readiness for validation.
15 Conduct the trials in accordance with the approved documentation.
16 Record all the results, including any on-site changes to parameters, nonconformities and
conditions under which the test were performed.
17 Deviations should be recorded, remedial action taken and the product subject to reverification prior to continuing with the trials.
18 Conduct post-trial reviews to establish that the objectives have been met and that
sufficient objective evidence has been obtained to demonstrate that the product fulfils the
product requirements.
19 Do not use previous models unless you know their history and you are in possession of
the records.
20 Feedback all modifications into the design process so that future models can be built to
the same standard.
Design verification
ISO 9000 defines verification as confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence
that specified requirements have been fulfilled.
There are two types of verification: those verification activities performed during design
and on the component parts to verify conformance to specification; and those verification
activities performed on the completed design to verify performance against the design
input. When designing a system, there should be design requirements for each subsystem,
each item of equipment and each unit, and so on down to the component and raw-material
level. Each of these design requirements represents acceptance criteria for verifying the
Design verification
design output of each stage. Verification may take the form of a document review,
laboratory tests, alternative calculations, similarity analyses or tests and demonstrations on
representative samples, prototypes, etc. that the design stage output meets the design stage
input requirements. In all these cases, the purpose is to prove that the design is right, i.e.
it meets the requirements.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.5 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to perform design and development
verification in accordance with planned arrangements to ensure that design and development
outputs meet the design and development input requirements.
The design verification process consists of a number of elements. Many of the elements
addressed under design validation also apply.
1 Identify the requirements for which verification is required.
2 Establish the method of verification of each requirement (test, inspection, analysis,
simulation, demonstration or simply verification of records).
3 Establish the objectives of verification. You may need several plans covering different
aspects of the requirements.
4 Define the specifications and procedures to be employed for determining that each
requirement has been achieved.
5 Define the stages in the development phase at which verification can most economically
be carried out.
6 Identify the various models that will be used to demonstrate achievement of design
requirements. Some models may be simple space models, and others may be of laboratory
standard or production standard, depending on the need.
7 Do not start making prototypes until the interface dimensions have been confirmed.
8 Define the product design standard that is being verified.
9 Record the design documentation status used in the performance of calculations and
10 Define the verification activities that are to be performed to verify the design and those
which need to be performed on every product in production as a means of ensuring that
the qualified design standard has been maintained.
11 Define the test equipment, support equipment and facilities needed to carry out the
verification activities.
12 Define the timescales for the verification activities in the sequence in which the activities
are to be carried out.
13 Identify the venue for the verification activities.
14 Identify the organization responsible for conducting each of the verification activities.
15 Identify the controls to be exercised over the verification process. Provision should also
be included for dealing with failures, their remedy, investigation and action on design
16 Do not start pre-production until the design has been functionally proven.
17 Decide on the methods to be employed to make the transition from development to preproduction, and from pre-production to production.
Determining requirements 57
Determining requirements
A requirement is a need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory. The
determination of requirements is, therefore, not simply looking at what the customer has
stated, but involves the exploration of needs, expectations and regulations to discover every
condition that may impact the inherent characteristics of the outcome.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.2.1a of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine requirements specified
by the customer including requirements for delivery and post-delivery.
Clause 7.2.1b of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine requirements not stated
by the customer but necessary for specified or intended use, where known.
Clause 7.2.1c of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine statutory and regulatory
requirements related to the product.
Clause 7.2.1a of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine any additional
requirements related to the product.
The determination of requirements relating to the product should be approached from two
perspectives: from the viewpoint of an identified market need; and from the viewpoint of a
specific contract or order. Before you decide what design, production or service delivery
capability you need, you should establish what customers in your segment of the market are
looking for: what unsatisfied needs they have, and what the competition provides. This will
enable you to develop a capability that responds to the needs of the market. On receipt of
specific enquiries, orders or contracts, you should determine exactly what the customer
requires, needs, expects or wants. This will enable you to match your capability to customer
The organization, and not the customer, is responsible for determining requirements. The
customer may not know what you need to know to design or produce the product or supply
the service and, therefore, you have to find out by asking pertinent questions.
You need to ensure that:
There is a clear definition of the purpose of the product or service you are being contracted
to supply.
The conditions of use are clearly specified.
The national and international regulations, laws and standards are determined that apply to
the product, its production, and its export and use.
The requirements are specified in terms of the features and characteristics that will make
the product or service fit for its intended purpose.
The interface requirements are specified in terms that will ensure compatibility and
The quantity, price and delivery are specified.
The contractual requirements are specified including: warranty, payment conditions,
acceptance conditions, customer supplied material, financial liability, legal matters,
penalties, subcontracting, licences and design rights.
The management requirements are specified, such as points of contact, programme plans,
work breakdown structure, progress reporting, meetings, reviews and interfaces.
Document approval
The quality assurance requirements are specified, such as quality system standards, quality
plans, reports, customer surveillance and concessions.
Document approval
By subjecting documentation to an approval process prior to release, you can ensure that the
documents in use have been judged by authorized personnel and found fit for purpose. Such
a practice will also ensure that no unapproved documents are in circulation, thereby
preventing errors from the use of invalid documents.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define the
controls needed to approve documents for adequacy prior to issue.
The document approval process should address the following aspects:
Each document should have a specific purpose or objective (the reason for which it has
been produced).
Acceptance criteria should be defined to enable approval authorities to make decisions on
the basis of fact.
Approval authorities should be defined.
Provide a means by which controlled documents are submitted to the nominated approval
authorities prior to release for use.
Provide a means for the approval authorities to denote approval or rejection of the
document that is visible to users.
Document approval can be denoted by signatures but, if the document is released through a
controlled process in which only approved documents are accessible for use, signatures are
Document change request
A document change request is a vehicle for transmitting a request for change to the authority
responsible for maintaining a document.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
ISO 9000 does not address document change requests.
Change requests need to specify:
The document title, issue and date.
The originator of the change request (who is proposing the change, his/her location or
Document control
The reason for change (why the change is necessary).
What needs to be changed (which paragraph, section, etc. is affected and what text should
be deleted).
The changes in text required, where known (the text which is to be inserted or deleted).
Document control
Documents are information carriers – document control means control of the information and
the medium by which it is conveyed (paper, film or computer disk).
Controlling information means regulating the development, approval, issue, change,
distribution, maintenance, use, storage, security, obsolescence or disposal of information. You
do not need to exercise control over each of these elements for a document to be designated
as a controlled document. Controlling documents may be limited to controlling their revision.
On the other hand, you cannot control the revision of national standards but you can control
their use, storage, obsolescence, etc. Even memoranda can become controlled documents, if
you impose a security classification upon them.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires documents required by the quality management system to
be controlled.
The aspects you should cover in your document control process are as follows:
Planning new documents – funding, prior authorization, establishing need, etc.
Preparation of documents – who prepares them, how they are drafted, conventions for text,
diagrams, forms, etc.
Standards for the format and content of documents, forms and diagrams.
Document identification conventions.
Issue notation, draft issues, post-approval issues.
Dating conventions – date of issue, date of approval or date of distribution.
Document review – who reviews them and what evidence is retained.
Document approval – who approves them and how approval is denoted.
Document proving prior to use.
Printing and publication – who does it and who checks it.
Distribution of documents – who decides, who does it and who checks it.
Use of documents – limitations, unauthorized copying and marking.
Revision of issued documents – requests for revision, who approves the request and who
implements the change.
Denoting changes – revision marks, re-issues, sidelining and underlining.
Amending copies of issued documents – amendment instructions and amendment status.
Indexing documents and listing documents by issue status.
Document maintenance – keeping them current and periodic review.
Document accessibility inside and outside normal working hours.
Document security – unauthorized changes, copying, disposal, computer viruses, fire and
Document filing – masters, copies, drafts, and custom binders.
Document identification
Document storage, libraries and archives – who controls the location and loan
Document retention and obsolescence.
Document identification
Document identification (see identifying document changes) is assigning a characteristic to
a document that renders it unique and retrievable.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure that:
Changes and the current revision status of documents are identified.
Documents remain legible and readily identifiable.
Documents of external origin are identified.
Suitable identification is applied to obsolete documents, if they are retained for any
Three primary means are used for document identification: classification, titles, and
identification numbers. Classification divides documents into groups based on their purpose:
policies, procedures, records, plans, etc. Titles are acceptable providing there are no two
documents with the same title in the same class.
Identification numbers can contain the class of document as well as a serial number to
assign a unique identity. Unique identities are more easily achieved with alpha-numeric codes
than with titles.
Document review
Document review is a review that is carried out at any time following the issue of a
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to define the controls needed to review
Reviews may be random or periodic. Random reviews are reactive and arise from an error or
a change that is either planned or unplanned. Periodic reviews are proactive and could be
scheduled once each year to review the policies, processes, products, procedures,
specification, etc. for continued suitability. In this way, obsolete documents are removed from
the system. However, if the system is being properly maintained, there should be no outdated
Document security 61
information available in the user domain. Whenever a new process or a modified process is
installed, redundant elements should be disposed of, including documentation and
Document revision
Document revision is a change made to information contained within a document.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to define the controls needed to:
Update documents as necessary following review.
Ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified.
It should be possible to establish what has been changed in a document following its revision.
When a document is revised, its status changes to signify that it is no longer identical to the
original version.
The document change process consists of a number of key stages:
identification of need;
request for change;
permission to change;
revision of document;
identifying the change;
recording the change;
review of the change;
approval of the change;
issue of change instructions;
issue of revised document.
Document security
Document security is concerned with safeguarding documents and the information they
contain against loss and unauthorized access, change and transmission.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.5 of ISO 9004 recommends that the organization manages information to ensure
appropriate security and confidentiality.
It is not easy to control the distribution of information using physical controls alone. It needs
a culture of integrity to prevent information from getting into the hands of those who do not
have the right to it.
Documented procedures
Security measures may include:
Computer virus controls that prevent incoming viruses entering the information network
from telephone lines, radio signals, floppy disks and CDs.
Password controls for accessing, changing, storing, copying and transmitting
Disaster recovery plans for restoring information lost as a result of computer crash, natural
or manmade disaster.
Some organizations prohibit the use of all personal floppy disks and CDs as a means of
limiting the sources of attack. A balance has to be attained between security of the
information and its accessibility. You may need to consider those who work outside normal
working hours and those rare occasions when the troubleshooters are working late, perhaps
away from base with their only contact via a computer link.
Controls should ensure that records are not destroyed without prior authorization.
Depending on the medium on which data are recorded and the security classification of the
data, you may also need to specify the method of disposal.
Documented procedures
Documented procedures are procedures that are formally laid down in a reproducible
medium, such as paper or magnetic disk.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires the quality management system documentation to
include documented procedures required by this International Standard.
Clause 4.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to establish and maintain a quality
manual that includes the documented procedures established for the quality management
system, or reference to them.
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define the
controls needed to control documents required by the quality management system.
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define the
controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and
disposition of records.
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the responsibilities and requirements for planning and
conducting audits, and for reporting results and maintaining records to be defined in a
documented procedure.
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires the controls and related responsibilities and authorities for
dealing with nonconforming product to be defined in a documented procedure.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define
requirements for corrective action.
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define
requirements for preventive action.
Although there are requirements in ISO 9001 for six documented procedures, it is not
intended that six separate documents be produced. A procedure can be a single statement, a
Documented procedures
paragraph or a list of actions. It depends on what is being described and the complexity of the
actions required for executing it.
There may be many types of documents, records, nonconformities, audits, corrective
actions and preventive actions, each requiring different controls. The procedures needed will
vary depending on the nature and complexity of the task, the competence of the personnel and
the risks likely to be encountered.
In response to the requirement for processes, do not simply insert a flow chart in your
procedures and call them processes. This is not what is meant by process.
Effectiveness of the system
The effectiveness of a system is the extent to which a system fulfils its purpose.
As the purpose of the quality management system is to enable the organization to achieve
its mission, goals and objectives, continually improving the effectiveness of the management
system means continually increasing the ability of the organization to fulfil its mission, goals
and objectives. (See also system effectiveness.)
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually.
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to provide evidence of its commitment
to improving the effectiveness of the quality management system continually.
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the quality policy includes
a commitment to improve the effectiveness of the quality management system
Clause 5.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that communication takes
place regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to review the organization’s quality
management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing effectiveness.
Clause 5.6.3 of ISO 9001 requires the output from the management review to include any
decisions and actions related to improvement of the effectiveness of the quality
management system and its processes.
Clause 6.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and provide the resources
needed to improve the effectiveness of the quality management system continually.
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and implement the monitoring,
measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed to improve the effectiveness of
the quality management system continually.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine, collect and analyse
appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the quality
management system.
Clause 8.5 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually through the use of the quality policy, quality
objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions, and
management review.
Environmental factors of the work environment 65
One can demonstrate the effectiveness of the system simply by producing and examining
results against the organization’s mission. This does not mean that all the documented policies
and procedures are being followed – it means that the system of processes produces results
that meet the objectives and that the objectives are relevant to the organization’s mission. The
processes comprise the activities, resources and behaviours that cause results. The
documented policies and procedures are only one part of this; therefore, collecting data on
compliance with policies and procedures alone is insufficient to demonstrate effectiveness.
Effectiveness is about doing the right things and unless the objectives, policies and
procedures are regularly reviewed for relevance, they may be inadvertently driving the
organization in the wrong direction.
To make certain that something will happen.
Environmental factors of the work environment
Environmental factors of the work environment are the factors that impact the product or
service being produced or delivered. These are different from the factors that affect the
personnel, such as the physical, social and psychological factors.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and manage the work
environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. ISO 9000 defines the
work environment as a set of conditions under which work is performed and explains that
these conditions include physical, social, psychological and environmental factors.
The environmental factors might include:
Temperature, humidity, light and vibration.
Particle cleanliness, biological cleanliness and hygiene.
Magnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation and static electricity.
In dealing with the physical factors there is a series of steps that can be taken to identify and
manage these factors:
1 Use scientific research, FMEA or hazards analysis to identify the vulnerability of the
product or service to environmental factors.
2 Determine the standard for each factor that needs to be maintained to provide the
appropriate environment.
3 Use measurement to discover the prevailing conditions where product is handled or
services delivered.
4 Establish whether the standard can be achieved by work space design, by worker control
or by management control, or whether protection from the environmental impact is
5 Determine the provisions necessary to eliminate, reduce or control the impact.
Establish and maintain
6 Put in place the measures that have been determined.
7 Measure and monitor the environment for compliance with the standards and implementation of the provisions defined.
8 Periodically repeat the previous steps to identify any changes that would affect the
standards or the provisions currently in place.
Establish and maintain
To set up an entity on a permanent basis, and retain or restore it in a state in which it can fulfil
its purpose or required function.
Establishing a management system
To ‘establish’ means to set up on a permanent basis, install or create and, therefore, in
establishing a management system, it has to be designed, constructed, resourced, installed and
integrated into the organization, signifying that a management system on paper is not a
management system. Establishing a system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001
means that the characteristics of the system have to meet the requirements of ISO 9001.
The life cycle of the management system has five components:
establishing the system;
operating the system;
evaluating the system;
maintaining the system; and
improving the system.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to establish a quality management system
in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001.
Some organizations regard the management system as the way they do things. Merely
documenting what you do does not equate with establishing a system that meets the
requirements of ISO 9001. Neither does documenting what you do mean that the system will
be effective in enabling the organization to achieve its objectives.
There are two primary processes involved in establishing a system once there is agreement
on the need: system design and system construction, each of which consists of the following
System design:
Process identification – determining what processes are required to achieve the
organization’s objectives.
Process definition – mapping the processes to a level where tasks and competencies are
identified, but methods and procedures are still to be determined.
System construction:
Process development – determining and defining methods, procedures and techniques,
performing prototyping, where necessary, and testing validity.
Process resourcing – equipping the process with competent people, dependable
information and capable equipment.
Process installation – putting in place the people, methods, controls, linkages, equipment,
information, etc.
Process commissioning – getting everything to work.
Process integration – stabilizing routines, habits, operating without the help of the process
Process qualification – testing the capability of the process, verifying conformity and
validating performance.
System integration – validating the linkages between processes and creating seamless
System qualification – verifying achievement of objectives.
The division between design and construction is not important, but often the detail required
for process development is not apparent until parts of the process are working. System design
can be performed in isolation of the current management system, but in reality, system
construction may not require each subprocess, as many processes may already exist and be
adequately defined.
‘Installation’ is not a term that is often used with respect to a management system. One
generally refers to management system ‘implementation’, but this implies that the
management system is a set of rules, not a dynamic system. (You do not implement a product
– you implement product design.) As stated previously, in order to establish a management
system, one needs to design, resource and install it; therefore, installation is concerned with
implementing the design.
To ascertain the relative goodness, quality or usefulness of an entity with respect to a specific
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.7 of ISO 9001 requires the review of design and development changes to
include evaluation of the effect of the changes on constituent parts and delivered
Clause 7.4.1 of ISO 9001 requires criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation of
suppliers to be established and for records of the results of evaluations to be
Evaluations, whether they are of design changes or of suppliers, need to be performed using
agreed criteria. An evaluation without agreed criteria is simply an examination.
In the case of design changes, proposals need to be evaluated:
To validate the reason for change.
To determine whether the proposed change is feasible.
Evidence of conformity
To judge whether the change is desirable.
To determine the effects on performance, costs and timescales.
To determine the impact of the change on other designs with which it interfaces and in
which it is used.
To examine the documentation affected by the change and, consequently, programme their
To determine the stage at which the change should be embodied.
In the case of supplier selection, information concerning suppliers needs to be evaluated at
several stages in the selection process:
Preliminary supplier assessment performed to select credible suppliers.
Pre-qualification of suppliers performed to select capable bidders.
Qualification of suppliers performed to qualify capable bidders.
Tender/quote evaluation performed to select a supplier.
Evidence of conformity
Documents which testify that an entity conforms with certain prescribed requirements.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires records to be established and maintained to provide
evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality
management system.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the monitoring and
measurement to be undertaken, and the monitoring and measuring devices needed to
provide evidence of conformity of product to determined requirements.
Clause 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria to
be maintained.
Evidence of conformity is only valid if produced under controlled conditions – conditions in
which the results are the product of planned actions. The evidence should declare the
achieved results, the acceptance criteria and the authority that makes the declaration. The
achieved results should either meet the acceptance criteria or be subject to concession
approved by the acceptance authority.
In the context of ISO 9001, exclusions are the requirements that are deemed outside the scope
of the declared quality management system.
External documents, control of
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 1.2 of ISO 9001 states that:
(a) Where any requirement(s) of this International Standard cannot be applied due to the
nature of an organization and its product, this can be considered for exclusion.
(b) Where exclusions are made, claims of conformity to this International Standard are not
acceptable unless these exclusions are limited to requirements within clause 7, and
such exclusions do not affect the organization’s ability, or responsibility, to provide
product that fulfils customer and applicable regulatory requirements.
The idea that requirements are included or excluded appears to treat the Standard as a design
tool, when in fact it is a measurement tool. As a design tool, it suggests that a system is
designed to meet the Standard, when in reality, the system is designed to meet business needs.
As a measurement tool, if characteristics were missing from the system, they would not be
measured and the requirements deemed not applicable. There is a belief that the system is
only that which is addressed by the Standard when in reality the system is the means by which
the organization’s objectives are achieved and, therefore, the question of exclusions does not
arise. Exclusion is, therefore, an issue only in connection with certification, not with system
If you are seeking certification against ISO 9001, clauses 4, 5 and 8 are mandatory, and any
exclusions in clause 7 are only acceptable if they do not affect the organization’s ability or
responsibility to provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements.
You cannot exclude requirements of clause 7 simply because you do not want to meet
The only clause where exclusion is wholly possible is clause 7.5.4 concerning customer
property because some organizations may not be handed customer property. In all other
cases, exclusion is either highly unlikely or partial on the grounds that some requirements of
a clause are not applicable.
External documents, control of
An external document is one produced externally to the organization’s management
There are two types of external documents: those in the public domain, and those produced
by specific customers and/or suppliers.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to define the controls needed to approve
documents for adequacy prior to issue to ensure that documents of external origin are
identified and their distribution controlled.
External documents are likely to carry their own identification, which is unique to the issuing
authority. If they do not carry a reference number, the issuing authority is normally indicated,
which serves to distinguish them from internal documents.
External documents, control of
The controls established for external documents should be similar to those established for
internal documents, except that the change controls will be different. The organization will be
unable to process a change request for public documents and will be limited to transmitting
change requests to the issuing authority (such as customers and suppliers) for other external
documents. External documents should be reviewed for relevance and approved for use.
Mechanisms will be needed to alert users of changes to external documents, and means
provided for their withdrawal when obsolete or no longer relevant.
Factual approach
The factual approach is one of the eight quality management principles used as a basis for
developing ISO 9000. The principle is expressed as follows. Effective decisions are based on
the analysis of data and information. An organization applying the factual approach principle
would be one in which people are:
Taking measurements and collecting data and information relevant to the objective.
Ensuring the data and information are sufficiently accurate, reliable and accessible.
Analysing the data and information using valid methods.
Understanding the value of appropriate statistical techniques.
Making decisions and taking action based on the results of logical analysis balance with
experience and intuition.
Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA)
A technique for identifying potential failure modes and assessing existing and planned
provisions to detect, contain or eliminate the occurrence of failure. It is essentially a risk
assessment technique.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.5.3 of ISO 9004 recommends that, in planning for loss prevention, data can be
generated from use of risk analysis tools such as fault mode and effects analysis.
FMEA is a tool that can be used in a variety of situations within an organization. The most
common usage is in product and process design as a means of detecting design
weaknesses. However, it can equally be used in organization design, management system
design or, in fact, any situation where work is performed to achieve a given objective. You
can use the FMEA when planning a meeting, a training event, a re-organization or a
computer installation. All you need to do is firstly to identify the factors that affect success
and ask:
How might this part or process fail to meet the requirements?
What could happen that would adversely affect performance?
What would an interested party consider to be unacceptable?
First-party audit
Then you proceed to analyse the symptoms as follows:
1 Identify the potential effects of failure in terms of what the customer of the output might
notice or experience.
2 Determine the severity of the effect. A numerical range of 1–10 can be used to grade
severity, with 10 being hazardous without warning and 1 having no effect.
3 Classify the effect in terms of whether it is critical, key, major or significant.
4 Identify the potential cause(s)/mechanism(s) of failure.
5 Determine the occurrence. The likelihood that a specific cause/mechanism will occur – a
numerical range of 1–10 can be used for probability of occurrence, with 10 being almost
inevitable and 1 being unlikely.
6 Identify current design/process controls in terms of the prevention, verification or other
activities to assure process adequacy.
7 Estimate the probability of detection. A numerical range of 1–10 can be used for detection
probability, with 10 meaning that the control will not detect the potential failure and 1
meaning that the control will almost certainly detect the potential cause of failure.
8 Calculate the risk priority number. This is the number 1–1000 generated from multiplying
the severity, occurrence and detection factors. This element is not essential but does make
the result numerical and hence comparable. The higher the result the higher priority needs
to be given to it.
First-party audit
Audits of a company or parts thereof by personnel engaged by the company. These audits are
also called internal audits.
Follow-up audit
An audit carried out following and as a direct consequence of a previous audit to determine
whether agreed actions have been taken and are effective.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires that follow-up activities (audits) include the verification of
the actions taken and the reporting of verification results.
Follow-up action is necessary to verify that the agreed action has been taken and that the
original nonconformity has been eliminated.
Do perform follow-up audits immediately after the planned completion date for the actions
or relatively close to the agreed completion date.
Don’t be too concerned that the auditor who carries out the follow-up audit is not the same
person who carried out the initial audit. In fact, there is some merit in using different
auditors in order to calibrate the auditors.
Remember the audit remains incomplete until all actions have been verified as being
Should any action not be carried out by the agreed date, the auditor needs to make a
judgement as to whether it is reasonable to set a new date or to escalate the slippage to
higher management.
For minor problems, when there are more urgent priorities facing the managers, setting a
new date may be prudent. However, you should not do this more than once.
Not meeting the agreed completion date is indicative either of a lack of commitment or
poor estimation of time. Both indicate that there may well be a more deep-rooted problem
to be resolved.
Much confusion exists over the use of the word ‘function’. In the organizational sense, a
function is a special or major activity (often unique in the organization), which is needed in
order for the organization to fulfil its purpose and mission. In this context, an alternative term
would be business process. The usage of the term ‘function’ is much older than the term
‘business process’ and, in some respects, the latter emerged to overcome the misconceptions
surrounding the term ‘function’. Examples of functions are design, procurement, personnel,
manufacture, marketing, maintenance. etc.
A business function is a collection of activities that make a common and unique
contribution to the purpose and mission of the business. Contribution rather than skill or
discipline determines function. Function, therefore, is not another word for department.
Functions are divided by contribution. For example, the design function comprises analytical,
problem solving, leadership and drawing skills to name but a few. It may also comprise the
disciplines of electrical and mechanical engineering and test engineering.
Departments can be grouped by market, product, location or activity. Several departments
can, therefore, serve a single function. One department may perform product design with
others performing plant design, tooling design, service design, etc.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.4.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that quality objectives,
including those needed to meet requirements for product, are established at relevant
functions and levels within the organization.
Clause 7.3.4 of ISO 9001 requires participants in design and development reviews to
include representatives of functions concerned with the design and development stage(s)
being reviewed.
Structuring an organization on a functional basis is a way of organizing a business. There is
no requirement in ISO 9000 for organizations to be structured as a series of functions. A true
functional structure would place people according to the function they served not the
discipline or skill they have.
Human resources
Human resources are the people that are available to perform specific work and include all
types of labour, such as employees, contractors, consultants, agency staff and part-time
Identification of records
Record identification is assigning a characteristic to a record that renders it unique and
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define the
controls needed for the identification of records.
Records should carry some identification in order that you can determine what they are, what
kind of information they record and what they relate to. A simple way of doing this is to give
each record a reference number and a name or title in a prominent location on the record.
Where forms are used to collect data, they should carry a form number and name as their
identification. When completed they should carry a serial number to give each a separate
identity. Records should also be traceable to the product or service they represent, and this can
be achieved either within the reference number or separately, provided that the chance of
mistaken identity is eliminated.
Identifying document changes
It should be possible to establish what has been changed in a document following its revision
without laboriously comparing the current and previous versions.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to define the controls needed to ensure
that changes to documents are identified.
Implementation audit 75
There are several ways in which you can identify changes to documents:
sidelining, underlining, emboldening or similar technique.
a change record within the document (front or back) denoting the nature of change.
a separate change note that details what has changed and why.
appending the change details to the initiating change request.
Identifying processes
Process identification has two dimensions:
1 Revealing through examination the inherent processes in an organization that deliver
business results.
2 Assigning a characteristic to a process description that renders it unique and retrievable.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to identify the processes needed for the
quality management system.
From the organization’s mission statement determine the factors upon which accomplishment of the mission depend. These are the critical success factors (CSF). The CSFs indicate
the capabilities needed and, consequently, identify the processes required to deliver these
In order to fulfil the mission, an organization might need a design capability, a production
capability and a distribution capability. This results in a need for a design process, a
production process and a distribution process. These processes depend upon an available
supply of capital, competent staff, equipment and materials, and well-equipped facilities.
Delivery of this capability requires a capable resource management process that manages
human, physical and financial resources.
Another CSF would be the ability of the organization to identify customer needs and
expectations in its chosen markets and, consequently, a need for an effective marketing
process is identified. A further CSF would be the rate at which customer enquiries were
converted into sales and, consequently, a need for an effective sales process is identified. By
identifying CSFs and the associated processes, a list of core processes will emerge.
The processes identified from the CSFs are the business processes. Each stage of a business
process may represent a subprocess and each subprocess may identify work processes and so
on until all that is left to identify are the activities required to perform a single task.
Implementation audit
An implementation audit is an audit carried out to establish whether work is done in the way
it is required to be done, as defined by the documented procedures and instructions. N.B. It
is also referred to as a conformance audit or compliance audit.
Infrastructure is the permanent facilities and equipment of an organization. It includes basic
facilities, equipment, services and installations needed for functioning and growth of the
organization. Such basics would include the buildings and utilities, such as electricity, gas,
water and telecommunications. Within the buildings, it would include the office accommodation, furniture, fixtures and fittings, computers, networks, dining areas, medical facilities,
laboratories, plant, machinery and, on the site, it would include the access roads and transport.
In fact, everything an organization needs to operate other than the financial, human and
consumable resources.
ISO 9001 requirement clause 6.3
Clause 6.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine, provide and maintain the
infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to product requirements.
Maintaining the infrastructure implies maintaining the capability the infrastructure provides
and, therefore, it is necessary to:
Identify those assets, including plant, machinery, facilities, networks, etc. upon which the
organization depends for its success and which represent its capability.
Establish a process for reviewing the organization’s capability when planning new
products, services and processes, and planning the acquisition and deployment of new
Establish a process that will deliver the new capability in line with the commitments made
for the supply of products and services that will use this new capability.
If there are delays in commissioning new facilities, plant, etc., adjust any corresponding
commitments for supply of products and services.
Establish processes for maintaining buildings, plant and facilities, and making, moving and
measuring equipment.
Establish processes for maintaining services, such as transport, computer networks and
Make provision for planned and corrective maintenance.
Perform a risk assessment and identify those things on which continuity of business
depends – power, water, labour, materials, components, services, etc.
Determine what could cause a termination of supply and estimate the probability of
Take action to reduce, control or eliminate the probability of failure.
Prepare contingency plans that will enable the organization to maintain a prescribed level
of capability in the event of an emergency, such as utility interruptions, labour shortages,
computer failure and equipment breakdown.
Test the effectiveness of disaster recovery plans periodically.
The examination of an entity to determine whether it conforms to prescribed requirements.
Intellectual property
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the required inspection
activities specific to the product and the criteria for product acceptance.
Clause 7.4.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to establish and implement the
inspection activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product meets specified
purchase requirements.
In determining inspection activities, you need to determine the probability of an error being
detected. If the process is really capable, inspection may not be necessary at all if output can
be assured through process controls. If you can be confident that, were you to inspect a
characteristic, it would be right, inspection is unnecessary unless regulations apply that
require it to be inspected.
Inspection is one means of verification and should be performed as close as possible to the
operation that produced the results. The sooner the inspection the sooner any errors are
detected. However, inspection can also be left until the stage before the characteristics to be
examined are no longer accessible for examination. There is, therefore, a balance to be
achieved which should take into account the impact of delaying inspection until the
characteristic becomes inaccessible for examination.
Inspection authority
The person or organization that has been given the right to perform inspections. Such
personnel may be those producing the product or independent of those producing the product,
depending on the risks. Where there is potential for error and the errors are significant to
customer satisfaction, independent inspection may be necessary. Error potential can be
significantly reduced by employing personnel whose competence is under continual
Intellectual property
Creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images
and designs used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: industrial
property and copyright.
Industrial property is any product of an organization that is original to the organization that
created it and may include specifications, designs, processes and techniques, which is why
certain organizations are extremely careful about allowing people on to their premises. A
competitor that uses the intellectual property of another organization without written
permission is in breach of the law.
Copyright property is an original work of an author whereby authors obtain, for a limited
time, certain exclusive rights to their works.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.1.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that consideration should be given to intangible
resources to improve the performance of the organization, such as intellectual property.
Interested party
Clause 7.5.3 of ISO 9004 suggests that customer property may include intellectual
All organizations require knowledge to achieve their objectives. Some knowledge is created
within but most comes from outside the organization.
Knowledge and its management is key to survival and external knowledge is a valuable
resource that waits to be tapped. The ideas, inventions, designs and other intellectual property
that are readily available in the market place should be assessed for their potential to improve
the organization’s understanding, its management techniques and its products and
When using intellectual property, you have to acknowledge the creator. The Berne
Convention of 1988 applies and defines the laws relating to copyright. Copyright protects
only an author’s original expression. It does not extend to any ideas, system or factual
information that is conveyed in a copyrighted work, and it does not extend to any pre-existing
material that the author has incorporated into a work.
There is a lot of information on the internet that appears freely available, but you should
be careful to check that it is not copyright. Even the graphics may carry a copyright notice.
Depending on what you stand to gain by using the intellectual property, you may find yourself
or your company being sued for breach of copyright.
Interested party
Person or group having an interest in the performance or success of an organization. This
includes customers, owners, employees, contractors, suppliers, investors, unions, partners or
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 0.1 of ISO 9004 states that the purpose of an organization is to identify and meet
the needs and expectations of its customers and other interested parties.
Clause 0.2 of ISO 9004 states that the Standard promotes the adoption of a process
approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness and efficiency
of a quality management system to enhance interested party satisfaction by meeting
interested party requirements.
Although ISO 9001 only addresses customers and not the other interested parties, any
organization should be clearly focused on satisfying all interested parties if it is to sustain
profitability and respect in the community.
The organization’s management should, therefore, address all interested parties not simply
the needs of customers. While customers may be important, without the support of the other
interested parties, the organization is unlikely to survive.
Internal audit
The influence of customers
A product that possesses features that satisfy customer needs is a quality product. Likewise,
one that possesses features that dissatisfy customers is not a quality product. So the final
arbiter on quality is the customer. The customer acquires a product for the benefits that
possession will bring. Therefore, if the product fails to deliver the expected benefits, it will
be considered by the customer to be of poor quality.
The influence of suppliers
Suppliers are interested in the success of the organization because it may, in turn, lead to their
success. However, suppliers are also stakeholders because they can withdraw their patronage.
They can choose their customers. If you treat your suppliers badly, such as delaying payment
of invoices, you may find they terminate the supply at the first opportunity, putting your
organization at risk relative to its customer commitments.
The influence of investors
Often the most common type of stakeholder (owners, investors including banks and
shareholders) are interested in protecting their stake in the business. They will withdraw their
stake if the organization fails to perform. Poorly conceived products and poorly managed
processes and resources will not yield the expected return, and the action of investors can
directly affect the supply chain. Although they are not customers, they are feeding the supply
chain with much needed resources.
The influence of employees
Employees may not be interested in the products and services, but are interested in the
conditions in which they are required to work. Employees can withdraw their labour and put
the organization at risk relative to its commitment to its customers.
Internal audit
Internal audits are audits of a company or parts thereof by personnel engaged by the
company. These audits are also called first-party audits.
An internal audit need not be limited to any aspect of the organization’s operations but,
when it is, it may be qualified by an adjective such as internal quality audits, internal safety
audits, internal financial audits, etc.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires internal audits to be conducted at planned intervals to
determine whether the quality management system:
conforms to the planned arrangements;
conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001;
conforms to the quality management system requirements established by the
is effectively implemented and maintained.
Internal communication
Audits performed to determine whether the quality management system conforms to planned
arrangements should be designed to verify that the system is capable of:
implementing the agreed policies (a policy audit);
enabling the organization to achieve the agreed objectives (a strategic audit); and
enabling the organization to meet specific product or project requirements (a project audit
or product audit), and process objectives (a process audit).
Audits performed to determine whether the quality management system conforms to ISO
9001 can be conducted in one of two ways:
1 by performing a full internal system audit against ISO 9001; and
2 by analysing the results of policy, strategic, project and process audits, and determining
conformity by correlation.
Audits performed to determine whether the quality management system is being effectively
implemented and maintained can be conducted in one of three ways:
1 by system implementation audits;
2 by process audits conducted by personnel external to the process;
3 by process audits conducted by personnel operating the process.
Internal communication
Communication processes are those processes that convey information and impart
understanding upwards, downwards and laterally within the organization. They form an
essential part of other processes to enable them to function effectively.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that appropriate communication
processes are established within the organization and that communication takes place
regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Effective communication consists of four steps: attention, understanding, acceptance and
action. It is not just the sending of messages from one source to another. Communication has
not taken place until action has been accomplished as intended. However, action may be
delayed due to the availability of resources or the motivation of the personnel involved,
which is why it is important to establish that resources and motivation for action (if any) are
adequate before initiating communication.
Information needs to be communicated to people for them to perform their role as well as
possible. These processes need to be effective otherwise:
wrong information will be transmitted.
right information will fail to be transmitted.
right information will go to the wrong people.
right information will reach the right people before they have been prepared for it.
right information will reach the right people too late to be effective.
Invitation to tender
The communication will not achieve understanding.
The communication will cause entirely the wrong result.
Within each process take account of:
The audience as it influences the language, style and approach to be used – ‘What are
The location as it influences the method – ‘Where are they?’.
Urgency as it influences the method and timing when the information should be
transmitted – ‘When is it needed?’.
Sensitivity as it influences the distribution of the information – ‘Who needs to know?’.
Impact as it influences the method of transmission and the competency of the sender –
‘How should they be told and who should tell them?’.
Permanency as it influences the medium used – ‘Is it for the moment or the future?’.
To encourage reporting of system effectiveness, there needs to be an environment in which
staff feel free to report problems, even if their perception of the problems may not be shared
by management. An environment in which management filter suggestions in the belief that
the suggestions are misguided demonstrates that the communication process is ineffective.
Such situations should be used as opportunities for education.
Internal customer
We tend to think of products and services being supplied to customers and also think of
internal and external customers but, in reality, there is no such thing as an internal customer.
Customers are stakeholders; they have entered into a commitment in return for some benefits
that possession of a product or experience of a service may bring. The internal receivers of
products are stakeholders in the organization, not in the product, and therefore are not
customers. ISO 9000:2000 defines the customer as an organization or person that receives a
product. It is implied that the organization and person referred to is external to the
organization supplying the product. Also the product that is referred to in ISO 9001 is product
intended for, or required by, a customer. To interpret the term ‘customer’ as either internal or
external would make nonsense of the requirements in ISO 9001 where the term ‘customer’
is used. There is no contract between a person who passes output to another person in the
same organization. There is or should be a mutually beneficial relationship whereby the
receiver should expect any inputs to be complete and correct.
Invitation to tender
An invitation to tender (ITT) is an opportunity to offer products and/or services in response
to an identified need.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to review the requirements related to
the product prior to the organization’s commitment to supply a product to the customer
(e.g. submission of tenders, acceptance of contracts or orders, and acceptance of changes
to contracts or orders).
Involvement of people
Clause 7.4.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure the adequacy of specified
purchase requirements prior to their communication to the supplier. (This could include
invitations to tender, request for quotation, contracts, subcontracts, etc.)
Organizations issue ITTs to bidders they believe are capable of offering the kind of product
or service they require. ITTs are not generally issued to suppliers in the hope that one may
come forward with the right capability. The ITT is preceded by a qualification process that
selects capable bidders. If you are on the receiving end, they should be treated as required by
clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001. If you are on the issuing end, they should be treated as required by
clause 7.4.2 of ISO 9001.
ITTs are normally used to seek a line-by-line response to technical, commercial and
managerial requirements. At this stage, you may select a number of potential suppliers and
require each to demonstrate its capability. You know what they do but you need to know if
they have the capability of producing a product with specific characteristics and can control
its quality.
Involvement of people
Involvement of people is one of the eight quality management principles used as a basis for
developing ISO 9000. The principle is expressed as follows: ‘People at all levels are the
essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the
organization’s benefit’.
An organization applying the ‘involvement of people’ principle would be one in which
people are:
Accepting ownership and responsibility to solve problems.
Actively seeking opportunities to make improvements.
Actively seeking opportunities to enhance their competencies, knowledge and
Freely sharing knowledge and experience in teams and groups.
Focusing on the creation of value for customers.
Being innovative and creative in furthering the organization’s objectives.
Better representing the organization to customers, local communities and society at
Deriving satisfaction from their work.
Enthusiastic and proud to be part of the organization.
ISO 9000
ISO 9000 is an international standard that specifies the fundamental concepts and vocabulary
associated with quality management systems.
The purpose of ISO 9000 is to facilitate common understanding of the concepts and language
used in the ISO 9000 family of standards.
ISO 9001
The intent of ISO 9000 is that it be used in conjunction with ISO 9001 and ISO 9004.
ISO 9000 defines the principles, the fundamental concepts and the terms used in the family
of standards. It contains 81 definitions and no requirements.
Applies only to the concepts and terms used in the ISO 9000 family of standards. They are
not the only concepts and definitions in the field of quality management.
ISO 9000 family
The purpose of the ISO 9000 family of international standards is to assist organizations
implement and operate effective quality management systems.
The intent of the ISO 9000 family of international standards is to facilitate mutual
understanding in national and international trade, and help organizations achieve sustained
The scope of the ISO 9000 family of international standards is limited to quality management
There are four standards in the family:
9000: Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary.
9001: Quality management systems – Requirements.
9004: Quality management systems – Guidelines for performance improvements.
19011: Guidelines on quality and/or environmental management systems auditing.
The ISO 9000 family of standards apply to all organizations regardless of type, size and
product provided.
ISO 9001
The purpose of ISO 9001 is to provide an equitable basis for assessing the capability of
organizations to meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements. It is, therefore, a
test specification for a quality management system.
ISO 9004
The intent of ISO 9001 is that it can be used for contractual, certification or assessment
purposes. The standard is not intended to be used to design or develop a quality management
ISO 9001 defines the requirements for a quality management system, the purpose of which
is to enable organizations to satisfy their customers’ needs and expectations continually.
The criteria relate to organizations and not products. There are no product acceptance
criteria in ISO 9000. The Standard contains eight sections, 51 clauses and over 250
ISO 9001 applies where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide product
that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements and aims to enhance customer
satisfaction. Where the interested parties do not require an organization to demonstrate
capability, ISO 9001 does not apply but it can be used as a basis for assessing the capability
of an organization. It is not intended to be used as a design specification for a quality
management system.
ISO 9004
To assist organizations satisfy the needs and expectations of all interested parties.
It is intended for organizations whose top management wishes to move beyond the
requirements of ISO 9001 in pursuit of continual improvement. It is not intended as a guide
to meeting the requirements of ISO 9001.
ISO 9004 provides guidelines for improving the performance of the organization and the
satisfaction of all interested parties. It has a similar structure to ISO 9001 to assist in their
application as a consistent pair. The Standard contains eight sections and 64 clauses, but no
ISO 9004 applies to organizations seeking guidance on developing quality management
systems and improving their performance. It may be used to assist the design and
development of a quality management system.
ISO 9004
Issue status
The ‘issue status’ of a document is a term used to describe the maturity of a document. A
document may be:
In draft form, in which case its issue status is draft.
In its approved form, in which case its issue status could be issue 1, issue 2, issue 3,
Withdrawn from use, in which case its issue status is obsolete.
N.B. Another term used is revision status.
Leadership is one of the eight quality management principles used as a basis for developing
ISO 9000. The principle is expressed as follows: ‘Leaders establish unity of purpose and
direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in
which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives’.
An organization applying the leadership principle would be one in which leaders are:
Being proactive and leading by example.
Understanding and responding to changes in the external environment.
Considering the needs of all interested parties.
Establishing a clear vision of the organization’s future.
Establishing shared values and ethical role models at all levels of the organization.
Building trust and eliminating fear.
Providing people with the required resources and freedom to act with responsibility and
Promoting open and honest communication.
Educating, training and coaching people.
Setting challenging goals and targets.
Implementing strategy to achieve these goals and targets.
Maintenance is the action of retaining something in a serviceable or proper condition. There
are several types of maintenance:
Corrective maintenance – maintenance taken in response to a failure.
Preventive maintenance – maintenance taken to prevent failure.
Predictive maintenance – maintenance taken in response to signals from sensors that
indicate degradation.
Planned maintenance – maintenance carried out with forethought as to what is to be
checked, adjusted, replaced, etc. Planned maintenance includes preventive and predictive
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are 23 references to maintenance in ISO 9001 – only the principal ones are mentioned
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to maintain a quality management
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires records to be maintained to provide evidence of
conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality management
Clause 5.4.2 of ISO 9001 requires the integrity of the quality management system to be
maintained when changes to the quality management system are planned and
Clause 5.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires a member of management to have responsibility and
authority for ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are
Clause 6.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and provide the resources
needed to maintain the quality management system.
Clause 6.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine, provide and maintain the
infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to product.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to conduct internal audits to determine
whether the quality management system is effectively implemented and maintained.
Management commitment
All but two of the 23 requirements on maintenance address documentation. This illustrates
the degree of duplication in ISO 9001 but it should not be assumed that in order to meet other
requirements you do not have to maintain things. In the context of the management system,
maintenance involves:
Maintaining knowledge, including intelligence about competitors, markets, technologies,
Maintaining the capability of processes.
Maintaining the capability of physical resources, including tools, equipment and
Maintaining accessibility to material resources.
Maintaining the availability of financial resources.
Maintaining the competence of personnel, their skills and knowledge.
Maintaining information, including the vehicles used for storing it such as paper, film,
magnetic disks and tape.
In maintaining processes, you need to keep:
Reducing variation.
Physical resources operational.
Human resources competent.
Financial resources available for replenishment of consumables, and replacement of worn
out or obsolete equipment.
Process documentation up to date as changes in the organization, technology, resources
Space available to accommodate input and output.
Buildings, land and office areas clean and tidy – remove the waste.
Benchmarking processes against best in the field.
In maintaining capability, you need to keep:
Replenishing human resources as staff retire, leave the business or are promoted.
Renewing technologies to retain market position and performance.
Surplus resources available for unforeseen circumstances.
Knowledge up to date with the latest industry practices.
Refreshing awareness of the vision, values and mission.
Management commitment
In the context of ISO 9000 requirements management commitment means:
A belief that the quality management system is the means by which the organization’s
objectives are achieved.
A belief that the reason the organization exists is to create and retain satisfied customers,
and that this will only be achieved if everyone in the organization is customer focused.
A belief that the organization has many stakeholders whose requirements need to be met
in addition to those of customers.
A belief that the manner in which the organization pursues its objectives, i.e. its policies,
has a direct bearing on its survivability.
Management representative
A belief that without measurable objectives and the commensurate resources, goals will
remain dreams.
A belief that continual monitoring and improvement is required to steer the organization
towards its goals.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to provide evidence of its commitment
to the development and implementation of the quality management system and continually
improving its effectiveness.
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the quality policy includes
a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of
the quality management system.
In 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to conduct a review of requirements related
to the product prior to the organization’s commitment to supply a product to the
There is no doubt that actions speak louder than words and it is only when the words are
tested that it is revealed whether the writers were serious. It is not about whether management
can be trusted but whether they understand the implications of what they have committed
themselves to.
The quality policy is the corporate policy of the organization and can, therefore, be
considered as the values, beliefs and rules that guide actions, decisions and behaviours.
Commitment begins with a desire to learn, which turns into an awareness once the
fundamental principles involved are acknowledged – transmission of information is,
therefore, the starting point.
Awareness turns into understanding when those concerned appreciate what they need to do,
why they need to do it and what resources they need to do it. A dialogue between transmitter and
receiver using the right language coupled with examples, case studies and past experience leads
to better understanding. Without the resources to make it happen and knowledge of how they
will be deployed and utilized, understanding will not turn into action.
Only when actions are being taken and these actions match the intent is there
In securing management commitment:
Do not develop a quality management system simply to obtain certification.
Drop the word ‘quality’, if necessary, and call it the business management system.
Do not refer to the management system as the set of procedures – this is only a partial
description of the system.
Use the system to enable the organization to achieve its objectives.
Management representative
The management representative is a person with delegated authority and responsibility to
plan, organize and control the quality management system. This manager should act as a coordinator, a facilitator, a change agent and should induce change through others.
Management review
The appointed person carries the wishes of management (i.e. the policies) to the workforce
so that the workforce makes decisions that take into account the wishes (policies) of
This person also interfaces with external bodies on matters pertaining to the management
system and its capability.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires top management to appoint a member of management who
ensures that processes needed for the quality management system are established,
implemented and maintained, and reports on the need for continual improvement and
promotes awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization.
The objective in this instance is to establish and maintain a coherent and effective
management system that enables the organization to achieve its strategic objectives. This will
not happen by chance or by collective responsibility – someone has to lead; hence the purpose
of this requirement. This role does not usurp that of other managers. Managers produce
results using a system that is managed by another manager working cooperatively to achieve
a common goal. Someone has to lead the effort required, to direct resources and priorities, and
judge the resultant effectiveness.
It is not simply a question of choosing someone to do a job. A number of actions and
decisions are needed:
Define the role of the management representative within the organization.
Define the competency needed to fulfil the role.
Select a member of top management who is respected by the other managers and who has
the necessary abilities.
Assign to this person the responsibility for establishing, maintaining and improving the
management system.
Delegate the necessary authority for this person to discharge the responsibilities, i.e. to
acquire the necessary resources, evaluate performance and require action to improve
system effectiveness.
Ensure that responsibility for using the system and the outputs from individual processes
remains with the other managers.
Evaluate and develop his/her competency to perform the role effectively.
Ensure each process has provision for data collection on process performance that can be
accessed by the management representative.
Management review
The management review is top management looking again at the quality management system
to establish how well it enables the organization to fulfil its objectives.
It is not a meeting but a review of information on the organization’s performance by
those responsible for that performance. A meeting might be necessary simply to agree
Management review
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually by conducting management reviews.
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to review the organization’s quality
management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness. (This is duplicated in clause 8.5.1.)
Clause 5.6.2 of ISO 9001 requires inputs to management review to include information on
audits, customer feedback, process performance and product conformity, the status of
preventive and corrective actions, follow-up actions from previous management reviews,
changes that could affect the quality management system, and recommendations for
Clause 5.6.3 of ISO 9001 requires outputs from the management review to include any
decisions and actions related to resource needs, and improvement of the effectiveness of
the quality management system and its products and processes.
The management review is simply part of the business management process. It does not
need to be a single review. Management reviews can be carried out on each process as part
of the management of that process. Management reviews can be carried out on each division,
on each site of an organization. The notion that it has to be only a high level event is
unfounded. How many reviews are needed to assess the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the management system is a matter for the organization to consider.
Suitability in this context means establishing that the results are being achieved in the best
way. If the quality management system is inefficient, the organization may not be able to
continue to feed a resource hungry system.
Adequacy in this context means establishing that the outputs meet requirements. If the
system delivers product or service that fails to meet customer requirements, then it can hardly
be considered adequate.
Effectiveness in this context means establishing that the system fulfils its purpose. The
system may deliver satisfied customers and minimize use of resources but, if it is not
responding to the changing needs of society, of customers, of regulators and of other
interested parties, it is not an effective system.
There are a number to actions that are necessary before, during and after the review.
Identify the organization’s objectives at strategic, process and product levels.
Determine how performance will be measured against each objective.
Collect the data.
Analyse the data.
Review the data and identifying opportunities for improvement.
Meet with senior managers to discuss and agree the results.
Decide the course of action to improve performance.
Define new performance baselines.
Notify staff of the results of the review.
Marketing process
Execute the agreed actions before the date required.
Track progress of actions and update the action log.
Marketing process
The marketing process is one of the core business processes. It delivers new opportunities
into the order fulfilment process, so that new or modified products or services can be created
to satisfy market needs. The process also predicts customer future needs, which are fed into
the business management process, where the organizational strategy is formed and
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no specific requirements in ISO 9001 for a marketing process. However, there are
requirements for the determination of customer needs and expectations as well as regulatory
requirements, for awareness of customer requirements. ISO 9004 recommends competitor
analysis, benchmarking and other marketing techniques. The customer focus principle
emphasizes the importance of understanding both current and future customer needs.
Whether or not you have a marketing department, you have a marketing process. No
organization can survive without understanding the needs and expectation of its customers –
and this is what marketing is all about. In some organizations, the term ‘marketing’ relates to
selling but this is a separate process with different objectives. The objectives of the marketing
process are to understand the environment in which the organization operates and identify
opportunities for fulfilling unsatisfied needs. This will result in requirements for new
products and services, abandoning existing products and services, seeking new markets,
withdrawing from exhausted markets. A model marketing process is illustrated in the
Measurement is the assignment of numbers to the characteristics of an entity.
Measurement capability
Measurement capability is the ability of a measuring system to measure true values to the
accuracy and precision required.
Measurement process
A measurement process consists of the measurement objective (what is to be measured),
operations (the measurement tasks and the environment in which they are carried out), the
procedures (how the measurement tasks are performed), devices (gauges, instruments,
software, techniques, etc. used to make the measurements) and the personnel designated to
assign a quantity to the characteristics being measured.
Measurement process
Figure 6 Marketing process
Measurement uncertainty
This is also referred to as a measurement system, which is not the same as a system of
measurement. A system of measurement refers to the conventions used for the units of
measurement, e.g. metric system, CGS system or Imperial system.
In a measurement system, the physical signal is compared with a reference signal of known
quantity. The reference signal is derived from measures of known quantity by a process called
calibration. The known quantities are based on standards that in the majority of cases are
agreed internationally. Measurement processes must be in statistical control so that all
variation is due to common cause and not special cause. Variation in measurement processes
arises due to bias, repeatability, reproducibility, stability and linearity.
Bias is the difference between the observed average of the measurements and the reference
Repeatability is the variation in measurements obtained by one appraiser using one
measuring device to measure an identical characteristic on the same part.
Reproducibility is the variation in the average of the measurements made by different
appraisers using the same measuring instrument when measuring an identical characteristic
on the same part.
Stability is the total variation in the measurements obtained with a measurement system on
the same part when measuring a single characteristic over a period of time.
Linearity is the difference in the bias values through the expected operating range of the
measuring device. It is only possible to supply parts with identical characteristics if the
measurement processes as well as the production processes are under statistical control.
Measurement uncertainty
The variation observed when repeated measurements of the same parameter on the same
specimen are taken with the same device.
In the context of management, a mission is a quest, a journey to a destination in which the
whole organization is engaged. The mission statement tells us what our goal is – where are
we going. It provides the compass setting for the organization. It is the foundation of effective
leadership. It is how the organization is going to achieve its vision.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
The term is not used in the ISO 9000 family of standards.
Without customers there is no business, therefore, the basic purpose of a business is to satisfy
a particular want in society and so create a customer. Its mission is related to these wants and
is expressed in specific terms.
The mission statement should:
Give clear and unambiguous direction to all who serve the organization.
Relate to the organizations current and future customers/markets.
Express the benefits the organization’s products or services are to bring to the targeted
Monitoring 95
Always look outside the business not inside. For example a mission that is focused on
increasing market share is an inwardly seeking mission whereas a mission that is focused
on bringing cheap digital communication to the community is an outwardly seeking
mission statement.
Express a shared belief. There is no point in publishing a mission statement when people
have not been involved in its development.
Remain constant despite changes in top management. Too many changes to the mission
cause people to pull in different directions.
Take into account all stakeholders.
Take the medium-term view (objectives take the short-term view and vision the long-term
Only a clear definition of the business purpose and mission makes possible clear and realistic
business objectives. It is the starting point for strategies, structures and processes. Processes
will not cause the right results unless the process objectives have been derived from the
Entities altered or reworked to incorporate design changes.
Monitoring means checking periodically and systematically. It does not imply that action will
be taken. It is looking for unusual occurrences or indicators of a potential change in
performance so that action can be taken to prevent nonconformity.
It differs from measurement in that measurement implies that standards have been set and
performance against those standards is being verified.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure the availability of resources and
information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of the quality management
system processes.
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure monitor, measure and analyse
the quality management system processes.
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the required verification,
validation, monitoring, inspection and test activities specific to the product.
Clause 7.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires controlled conditions to include the availability and use
of monitoring and measuring devices, and the implementation of monitoring and
Clause 7.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to identify the product status with
respect to monitoring and measurement requirements.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the monitoring and
measurement to be undertaken to provide evidence of conformity of product to determined
Monitoring and measuring devices
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to establish processes to ensure that
monitoring and measurement can be carried out and are carried out in a manner that is
consistent with the monitoring and measurement requirements.
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and implement the monitoring,
measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed.
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to monitor information relating to
customer perception as to whether the organization has fulfilled customer requirements.
Clause 8.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to apply suitable methods for
monitoring of the quality management system processes.
Clause 8.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to monitor and measure the
characteristics of the product to verify that product requirements are fulfilled.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine, collect and analyse
appropriate data, including data generated as a result of monitoring and measurement.
For process monitoring to be effective, the staff involved need to understand the process
objectives and how they are measured. They need to be vigilant to potential and actual
variations from the norm.
When designing the process for producing product or delivering service, you should have
provided stages at which product/service features are verified and/or installed monitoring
devices that indicate when the standard operating conditions have been achieved and whether
they are being maintained.
The monitoring devices need to be accessible to process operators for information on the
performance of the process to be obtained. The monitoring devices may be located in
inaccessible places providing the signals are transmitted to the operators controlling the
Monitoring and measuring devices
Monitoring and measurement devices are gauges, instruments, sensors, tools and techniques
used for monitoring and measuring characteristics.
Mechanical and electronic equipment are the most common monitoring and measurement
devices. However, sensors, surveys and assessment of customer satisfaction, competition,
supplier performance, personnel competency are also monitoring and measuring devices.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the monitoring and measuring
devices needed to provide evidence of conformity of product to determined requirements.
When identifying measuring and monitoring devices, you need to identify the characteristic,
the unit of measure and the target value, and then choose an appropriate measuring or
monitoring device. It is relatively easy to identify measuring and monitoring devices for
hardware product and processes material, but less easy for services, software and
Mutual beneficial supplier relationships
When designing a process for producing product or delivering service, you should have
provided stages at which product/service features are verified and/or installed monitoring
devices that indicate when the standard operating conditions have been achieved and whether
they are being maintained. The devices used to perform measurements need to be available
where the measurements are to be performed. The monitoring devices need to be accessible
to process operators without abnormal movement for information on the performance of the
process to be obtained. The monitoring devices may be located in inaccessible places
providing the signals are transmitted to the operators controlling the process.
It is not necessary to calibrate all monitoring devices. Some devices may be used solely as
an indicator, such as a thermometer, a clock or a tachometer – other equipment may be used
for diagnostic purposes, to indicate if a fault exists. If such devices are not used for
determining the acceptability of products and services or process parameters, their
calibration is not essential.
Motivation is an inner mental state that prompts a direction, intensity and persistence in
Everything achieved in or by an organization ultimately depends upon the activities of its
workforce. It is, therefore, imperative that the organization is staffed by people who are
motivated to achieve its goals. All personnel are motivated but not all are motivated to
achieve their organization’s goals. Many may be more interested in achieving their personal
Motivation is key to performance. The performance of a task is almost always a function
of three factors: environment, ability and motivation. To maximize performance of a task,
personnel have not only to have the necessary ability or competence to perform it, but also
need to be in the right surroundings and have the motivation to perform it.
Mutual beneficial supplier relationships
Mutual beneficial supplier relationships is one of the eight quality management principles
used as a basis for developing ISO 9000. The principle is expressed as follows: ‘An
organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship
enhances the ability of both to create value’.
An organization applying the supplier relationship principle would be one in which people
Identifying and selecting key suppliers.
Establishing supplier relationships that balance short-term gains with long-term considerations for the organization and society at large.
Creating clear and open communications with customers and suppliers.
Initiating joint development and improvement of products and processes.
Jointly establishing a clear understanding of customers’ needs.
Sharing information and future plans.
Recognizing supplier improvements and achievements.
The principle applies to the organization both as a customer and as a supplier.
Naming processes
There are two conventions used for naming processes: one is verb-focused and the other is
noun-focused. The verb-focused construction of a process name commences with a verb, such
as produce, define or acquire. The noun-focused construction may simply be one word, such
as marketing, design or production.
The noun-focused convention can give the impression that the chain of processes is a chain
of departmental functions having these titles, when in reality several departmental functions
might contribute to each process. In order to avoid the confusion, it may be more appropriate
to use the verb-focused convention or choose names that are different from the functions or
In order to avoid using departmental names, organizations are being more descriptive in the
naming of processes and identifying the purpose of the process within its name, such as the
order to cash process or the understanding customer needs process.
Nonconforming product
Nonconforming product is product or service that does not conform to specified requirements
for the product or service under examination.
A product that does not conform to requirements specified for a product different to the one
being examined is not nonconforming – it is simply different.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure that product which does not
conform to product requirements is identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use or
In order to control a nonconforming product or service, there are a number of actions you
need to take before, during and after the nonconformity is detected.
1 Decide on who the acceptance authority is to be for each product, project or contract for
each class of nonconformity.
Nonconforming product
2 Develop a means of classifying nonconformities.
3 Prepare procedures, labels and forms for processing nonconforming articles and
controlling quarantine areas.
1 Identify the product that is suspected of being nonconforming.
2 Confirm the nonconformity.
3 Check other articles if the nonconformity appears to be symptomatic of the producing
4 Record the nature of the nonconformity in terms of the required and actual condition.
5 Segregate the nonconforming product from conforming products.
6 Submit the nonconformity record to the acceptance authority for a decision.
7 Confirm that any previous remedial actions for this type of nonconformity were
8 Consider the cost of replacement against the cost of rework or repair.
9 Do not change the design by means of a nonconformity report or concession.
10 Record the decision of the acceptance authority.
11 Take the action that has been authorized.
12 Verify reworked or repaired product against the original specification.
13 Record the results of the verification.
14 Release conforming product or dispose of product that cannot be re-graded or re-used.
1 Keep the records of the nature of nonconformity, the disposition and the result of postremedial action verification together.
2 Analyse nonconformity data for trends and conditions that indicate that the process is out
of control.
An objective is a result that is to be achieved usually by a given time. It is what you are trying
to do or what the organization is trying to do, or what the process is intended to
SMART is a technique to test the robustness of objectives, meaning that objectives should
be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.
Specific: Objectives should be specific actions completed in executing a strategy. They
should be derived from the mission and relevant to the process or task to which they are being
applied. They should be specified to a level of detail that those involved in their
implementation fully understand what is required for their completion.
Measurable: Objectives should be measurable actions having a specific end condition.
They should be expressed in terms that can be measured using available technology. When
setting objectives, you need to know how achievement will be indicated, and the conditions
or performance levels that will indicate success.
Achievable: Objectives should be achievable with resources that can be made available and
achievable by average people applying average effort.
Realistic: Objectives should be realistic in the context of the current climate, and the
current and projected workload. Account needs to be taken of the demands from elsewhere
that could jeopardize achievement of the objective.
Timely: Objectives should be time-phased actions that have a specific start and completion
date. Time-phased objectives facilitate periodic review of progress and tracking of revisions.
(See also quality objectives.)
Objective evidence
Objective evidence is information that can be proven true, based on facts obtained through
observation, measurement, test or other means.
Obsolete documents
An obsolete document is one that is no longer required for operational purposes.
Order fulfilment process
The order fulfilment process converts customer enquiries into satisfied customers. It is one of
the core business processes of any organization and consolidates the sales, product
realization and product distribution processes.
Organizational goals
Figure 7 Order fulfilment process
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There are no specific requirements in ISO 9001 or recommendations in ISO 9004 for an order
fulfilment process. However, there are requirements for handling enquiries and orders and for
product realization including delivery and, therefore, all the constituents of order fulfilment
are addressed.
Order fulfilment is a convenient label for all the processes that generate a product or deliver
a service. In a pure manufacturing environment, it might be termed production, but this term
is often the name of a department and, therefore, the term order fulfilment enables us to avoid
misunderstanding. The label is convenient also because there is an external stakeholder at
each end for which objectives can be defined. A typical order fulfilment process is illustrated
in the figure.
Organizational goals
Organizational goals are where the organization desires to be, in markets, in innovation, in
social and environmental matters, in competition and in financial health.
Physical factors of the work environment
Physical factors of the work environment include space, temperature, noise, light, humidity,
hazards, cleanliness, vibration, pollution, accessibility, physical stress and airflow. In addition
to visible light, other types of radiation across the whole spectrum impact the physical
environment. These are the factors that affect the people in the workplace.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and manage the work
environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. ISO 9000 defines the
work environment as a set of conditions under which work is performed and explains that
these conditions include physical, social, psychological and environmental factors.
To manage the physical factors they firstly need to be identified and this requires a study of
the work environment to be made relative to its influence on the worker. We are not
necessarily dealing only with safety issues, although these are very important. The noise
levels do not need to cause harm for them to be a factor that adversely affects worker
performance. Libraries are places of silence simply to provide the best environment in which
people can concentrate on reading. No harm arises if the silence is broken!
In dealing with physical factors, there is a series of steps you can take to identify and
manage these factors:
1 Use an intuitive method, such as brainstorming, to discover the safety-related and nonsafety-related factors of the environment.
2 Research legislation and associated guidance literature to identify those factors that could
exist in the work environment due to the operation of certain processes, use of certain
products or equipment.
3 Determine the standard for each factor that needs to be maintained to provide the
appropriate environment.
4 Establish whether the standard can be achieved by work space design, by worker control
or management control, or whether protection from the environmental impact is needed.
5 Establish what could fail that would breach the agreed standard using FMEA or hazards
analysis, and identify the cause and the effect on worker performance.
Policy 103
6 Determine the provisions necessary to eliminate, reduce or control the impact.
7 Put in place the measures that have been determined.
8 Measure and monitor the working environment for compliance with the standards and
implementation of the provisions defined.
9 Periodically repeat the previous steps to identify any changes that would affect the
standards or the provisions currently in place.
A plan is the provision made to achieve an objective.
Planned arrangements
Planned arrangements are all the arrangements made by the organization to achieve the
requirements of the interested parties. They include agreements, contracts, proposals,
tenders, specifications policies, strategies, objectives, plans and processes, and the
prescriptive and descriptive documents derived from them.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.3.4 of ISO 9001 requires systematic reviews of design and development to be
conducted in accordance with planned arrangements at suitable stages.
Clause 7.3.4 of ISO 9001 requires design and development verification to be performed in
accordance with planned arrangements.
Clause 7.3.5 of ISO 9001 requires design and development validation to be performed in
accordance with planned arrangements.
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to conduct internal audits at planned
intervals to determine whether the quality management system conforms to the planned
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to monitor and measure the
characteristics of the product at appropriate stages of the product realization process in
accordance with the planned arrangements.
This means that, whatever arrangements have been made for conducting design reviews,
design verification, audits and monitoring and measuring product, these activities should be
carried out as intended.
A policy is a guide to thinking, action and decision. A policy can, therefore, be anything that
constrains actions and decisions.
Policies are essential in ensuring the effective planning of processes because they lay down
the rules to be followed to ensure that actions and decisions taken in the design and operation
of processes serve the business objectives.
Policy audit
There are different types of policy as listed below.
Government policy, which when translated into statutes applies to any commercial
Corporate policy, which applies to the business as a whole, and may cover, for
(a) Environmental policy – our intentions with respect to the conservation of the natural
(b) Financial policy – how the business is to be financed.
(c) Marketing policy – to what markets the business is to supply its products.
(d) Investment policy – how the organization will secure the future.
(e) Expansion policy – the way in which the organization will grow, both nationally and
(f) Personnel policy – how the organization will treat its employees and the labour
(g) Safety policy – the organization’s intentions with respect to hazards in the workplace
and to users of its products or services.
(h) Social policy – how the organization will interface with society.
Operational policy, which applies to the operations of the business, such as design,
procurement, manufacture and servicing. This may cover, for example:
(a) Pricing policy – how the pricing of products is to be determined.
(b) Procurement policy – how the organization will obtain the components and services
(c) Product policy – what range of products the business is to produce.
(d) Inventory policy – how the organization will maintain economic order quantities to
meet its production schedules.
(e) Production policy – how the organization will determine what it makes or buys, and
how the production resources are to be organized.
(f) Servicing policy – how the organization will service the products its customers have
Department policy, which applies solely to one department, such as the particular rules a
department manager may impose to allocate work, review output, monitor progress, etc.
Industry policy, which applies to a particular industry, such as the codes of practice set by
trade associations for a certain trade.
Policy audit
A policy audit is an examination of written and practised policies to determine the extent to
which they align with the mission of the organization.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no specific requirement for a policy audit in ISO 9001 but there is a requirement for
audits to determine whether the quality management system conforms to planned
arrangements. The mission and objectives of an organization are planned arrangements.
The guiding principles that condition the actions and decisions people take to accomplish the
mission and achieve the objectives are policies that are part of the quality management system
and, therefore, should be audited.
Pre-qualification of suppliers
The policy audit should establish that:
The corporate policies are derived from an analysis of the factors critical to
accomplishment of the organization’s purpose – ‘Are they soundly based?’.
The corporate policies are communicated throughout the organization – ‘Does everyone
understand them?’.
Measures have been established for determining whether the corporate policies are being
implemented – ‘How will we know if they are not being implemented?’.
The operational policies do not conflict with the corporate policies – ‘How do
departmental policies relate to corporate policies?’.
Potential nonconformity
A potential nonconformity is a situation that, if left alone, will in time result in
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine action to eliminate the causes
of potential nonconformities in order to prevent their occurrence.
See preventive action.
Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance is work scheduled to monitor machine condition, predict pending
failure and make repairs on an as-needed basis as part of preventive maintenance. In order to
determine the frequency of checks, you need to predict when failure may occur.
In order to determine the frequency of checks, you need to predict when failure may occur.
Will failure occur at some future time, after a certain number of operating hours, when being
operated under certain conditions or some other time?
An example of predictive maintenance is vibration analysis. Sensors can be installed to
monitor vibration and thus give a signal when normal vibration levels have been exceeded.
This can signal tool wear and tear in other parts of the machine in advance of the stage where
nonconforming product will be generated.
Pre-qualification of suppliers
Pre-qualification of suppliers is the action taken to select suppliers for known future work. It
is undertaken to select those suppliers that can demonstrate they have the capability to meet
your specific requirements on quality, quantity, price and delivery. A supplier may have the
capability to meet quality, quantity and price requirements, but not have the capacity available
when you need the product or service. One that has the capacity may not offer the best price
and one that meets the other criteria may not be able to supply product in the quantity you
Preservation of product
Once the list is generated, a request for quotation (RFQ) or invitation to tender (ITT) can
be issued depending on what is required. RFQs are normally used where price only is
required. This enables you to disqualify bidders offering a price well outside your budget.
ITTs are normally used to seek a line-by-line response to technical, commercial and
managerial requirements. At this stage, you may select a number of potential suppliers and
require each to demonstrate its capability. You know what they do but you need to know if
they have the capability of producing a product with specific characteristics and can control
its quality.
Preservation of product
Preservation of product means the action of preventing product from deterioration, damage,
degradation, loss of identity, loss of accuracy and loss of integrity.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.5.5 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to preserve the conformity of product
during internal processing and delivery to the intended destination, including identification,
handling, packaging, storage and protection.
In order to preserve product following processing operations, it is necessary to take several
actions before, during and after processing:
Determine preservation requirements during the design phase or the manufacturing or
service planning phase by assessing the risks to product quality during its manufacture,
storage, movement, transportation and installation.
Control packaging design as you would product design.
Design preservation processes to prolong the life of the product by inhibiting the effect of
natural elements.
Use FMEA or hazard analysis to identify risks.
Where risks are identified, prepare instructions for the handling, storage, packing,
preservation and delivery of particular items.
Reference instructions in the appropriate work instructions in order that they are
implemented when necessary.
Provide traceability from the identification of need to implementation of the provisions
and from there to the records of achievement.
Identify packaging so that it complies with the requirements of home and overseas
Apply markings to both primary and secondary packaging as well as to the product
Mark packaging using materials that will survive the conditions of storage and
Use marking materials that are resistant to cleaning processes both in the factory and in
Apply markings on packaging to warn handlers of any dangers or precautions they must
Preventive action 107
Identify limited-life items so as to indicate their shelf life, ensuring that the expiry date is
visible on the container.
Make provision for limited-life items to be removed from stock when their indicated life
has expired.
For products that start to deteriorate when the packaging seal is broken, apply markings to
the containers to warn consumers of the risks.
To prevent is to stop something from occurring by a deliberately planned action.
Preventive action
Preventive action is action proposed or taken to stop something from occurring. When actual
problems do not exist but there is a possibility of failure, however unlikely, the action of
preventing the occurrence of this failure (or any problem for that matter) is a preventive
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.6.2 of ISO 9001 requires the input to management review to include information
on status of preventive actions.
Clause 8.4 of ISO 9001 requires the analysis of data to provide information relating to
opportunities for preventive action.
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually through the use of preventive actions.
Clause 8.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires preventive actions to be appropriate to the effects of the
potential problems.
Clause 8.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to establish, implement and maintain
documented procedures for preventive actions.
The most cost-effective action one can take in any organization is an action designed to
prevent problems from occurring. Preventive action, therefore, saves money even though
there is a price to pay for the discovery of potential nonconformities.
The action necessary to eliminate, reduce or control the effects of a potential
nonconformity may be as simple as applying existing techniques or methods to a new product
or process. In other cases it might involve designing new techniques and methods –
something that may require additional resources and a development team.
Steps in the preventive action process are as follows:
1 Determine the objectives of the product, process, task or activity.
2 Organize a diagnostic team.
3 Perform an analysis to determine the factors critical to the achievement of these
4 Determine how the factors might act to affect the product, process, task or activity
adversely (the mode of failure).
Preventive maintenance
Determine the potential effect of such condition on the achievement of the objectives.
Record the criteria for determining severity or priority.
Determine the severity of the effect on meeting the objective.
Assess the probability of this condition occurring.
Postulate causes and test theories.
Determine the root cause of potential nonconformity.
Identify the provisions currently in place that will prevent this adverse condition
occurring or detect it before it has a detrimental effect on performance.
Assess the probability that these provisions will prevent this condition occurring or detect
it before it has a detrimental effect on performance.
Determine any additional action needed to prevent the potential nonconformity
Organize an implementation team.
Create or choose the conditions which will ensure effective implementation.
Implement the agreed action.
Determine whether the actions were those that were required to be taken.
Determine whether the actions were performed in the best possible way.
Determine whether the nonconformity has occurred.
If nonconformity has occurred, undertake corrective action and review the preventive
action methods.
It is necessary when considering the requirements for preventive action to avoid limiting your
imagination to products. There is likely to be a greater potential for failure in the organization
and its processes as in its products.
Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance is maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals to reduce the
probability of failure or performance degradation, e.g. replacing oil filters at defined
An effective maintenance system should be one that achieves its objectives in minimizing
down time, i.e. the period of time in which the equipment is not in a condition to perform its
A procedure is a sequence of steps to execute a routine activity. Procedures do not have to
be documented to be considered procedures (see also documented procedures).
In contrast, a procedure executes a task or activity, whereas a process achieves an
ISO 9000 defines a procedure as a specified way to carry out an activity or a process. The
ambiguity in this definition is that it implies that processes are implemented through
procedures. This is not correct. A process is activated by competent people and/or machines
executing specific activities with adequate resources to produce required outputs. The order
in which the activities are carried out to produce the output may be defined by a
The characteristics of a procedure are as follows:
A defined purpose.
A defined scope and applicability.
Process approach 109
A statement of responsibilities.
Reference documents containing information to be used.
Instructions as a sequence of tasks to be performed and decisions to be made.
Documents generated as a result of performing the tasks.
A process in its simplest form converts inputs into outputs. The conversion is caused by a
series of interrelated tasks, behaviours and resources acting on the inputs. Every result is
achieved by a process but it does not mean that the result is one that is required: pollution is
caused by a process; nonconforming product is caused by a process. An effective process is
one that achieves the results that are intended, i.e. the objectives.
Flow charts may describe the process flow but they are not in themselves processes
because they simply define transactions. A series of transactions can represent a chain from
input to output but it does not cause things to happen. Add the resources, the behaviours, the
constraints and make the necessary connections, and you might have a process that will cause
things to happen. Managed processes are processes that cause the right things to happen.
The characteristics of a process are as follows:
A defined purpose – a reason for existence.
A defined objective – what results it aims to achieve.
Inputs in the form of product, people, information, equipment, materials and money.
Constraints in the form of rules, regulations, laws and policies.
Resources in the form of tools, equipment, plant, machinery, money, people and
Activities in a sequence from start to finish or entry to exit.
Controls in the form of standards, measurements and feedback loops.
Interfaces with other processes feeding inputs or taking outputs.
Outputs in the form of product, information, people and decisions.
Outcomes in the form of effects on people, environment, business performance, society
and investors.
Results as a measure of adequacy of outputs.
Results as a measure of efficiency and effectiveness.
Process approach
The process approach is one of the eight quality management principles used as a basis for
developing ISO 9000. The principle is expressed as follows: ‘A desired result is achieved
more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process’.
An organization applying the process approach principle would be one in which people
Defining the objectives of the organization’s processes.
Defining a process that will achieve specific objectives.
Establishing clear responsibility, authority and accountability for managing the process.
Determining the stages in the process necessary to achieve the results.
Determining the activities required to accomplish each process stage.
Determining the competence required of the people performing these activities.
Process audit
Identifying the inputs and outputs of the process.
Determining the measurements required to verify process inputs and outputs meet
Determining the information and resource requirements needed to achieve the process
Determining the sequence and interaction of activities within the process.
Taking action to prevent use or delivery of nonconforming inputs or outputs until remedial
action has been effected.
Taking action to eliminate the cause of nonconforming inputs or outputs.
Evaluating possible risks, consequences and impacts of processes on customers, suppliers
and other stakeholders of the process.
Identifying the interfaces between the processes within the organization.
Identifying the customers, suppliers and other stakeholders of the process.
Determining the measurements required to establish process efficiency and
Measuring process outputs, efficiency and effectiveness.
Aware of the results the process is achieving.
Process audit
A process audit is an examination of process plans, controls and operations to determine the
extent to which the process is capable of achieving the process objectives efficiently and
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no specific requirement for a process audit in ISO 9001 but there is a requirement
for audits to determine whether the quality management system (QMS) conforms to the
planned arrangements. The objectives for a particular process are planned arrangements
and, hence, the plans made for achieving process objectives are part of the QMS and,
therefore, should be audited. There is also a requirement for audits to determine whether the
QMS is being effectively implemented and maintained. As the QMS comprises the
organization’s processes, audits of the extent to which processes achieve their objectives
should, therefore, be performed.
The process audit should not simply examine conformity with prescribed requirements, such
as specifications, plans and procedures. It should examine process effectiveness and answer
the questions:
Is the process achieving its objectives?
Are the objectives being achieved in the best way?
Are the objectives relevant to the organization’s objectives?
In answering the first question, the auditor should establish what the process objectives are
and what measures have been defined for determining success. Once this is known the auditor
can then ascertain how the process is performing relative to these objectives. If the objectives
Process capability
are not being achieved, then clearly the process is not capable, and the deficiencies may lie
in the way the process has been designed or is being managed.
If the process is achieving the objectives, the auditor should proceed to the second question
and ascertain whether there is a continual improvement programme in place to improve the
way operations are conducted and resources utilized.
If the process is achieving the required results in the best way, the auditor should then
proceed to the third question and establish whether the results are, in fact, those needed by
the organization to achieve its goals.
If the process is achieving the required results in the best way and the results being
achieved are those required by the organization, then the process is being managed
Process capability
Process capability is the inherent ability of a process to reproduce its results consistently
during multiple cycles of operation.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
The term ‘process capability’ is not used in ISO 9001. However, clause 8.2.3 of the standard
does require the monitoring and measurement methods to demonstrate the ability of the
processes to achieve planned results – which, in other words, is process capability.
In an ideal world, a capable process is one in which all outputs meet the specified
requirements. However, there is variation present in every process. A process can be
classified into one of four cases:
1 A process is under control and produces product that is acceptable. There is no special
cause variation and common cause variation is minimal (process yield is acceptable and
2 A process is under control and produces product that is acceptable, but there is excessive
common cause variation (process yield is unacceptable but predictable).
3 A process can be out of control and produce some product that is acceptable, but also
product that is unacceptable due to special cause variation (process yield is
4 A process is out of control and produces no product that is acceptable (process yield is
When the spread of variation is centred on the nominal value of a parameter and the location
of the centre does not vary over time, the process is said to be under statistical control
regardless of the spread of variation. The spread of variation may be so wide and the
specification limits so narrow that process yield is very low. In such situations, the process
is not capable of producing conforming product consistently. By reducing common cause
variation, the spread may be reduced to a level where 99.73 per cent of product meets
requirements. This is the three-sigma limit. If variation is reduced even further, so that
99.9999998 per cent of product meets requirements, this is six-sigma performance. A process
is, therefore, capable if it produces product within agreed limits. For non-manufacturing
Process control
processes, a level of two sigma (95.45 per cent) may be perfectly acceptable but one sigma
(68.26 per cent) is totally unacceptable.
If you operate a ten-stage process and each stage only yields 80 per cent correct output, the
total yield would be only 10.7 per cent of the input quantity. So there is significant benefit in
increasing the capability of each stage in a process in order to produce more usable output and
hence increase process efficiency.
Process control
A process is under control when actions induced cause variation in the results. When
variations in the results occur by chance, the process is not under control. Therefore, a process
that produces unpredictable results is out of control. The spread of variation in results may
exceed the limits or the requirements but, if this is predictable, the process is under control.
Process control is, therefore, about understanding variation.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
The term ‘process control’ does not appear in ISO 9000, ISO 9001 or ISO 9004. In its place
is the term ‘process management’, which includes process control.
To bring a process under control, it is necessary to:
1 Determine what parameter is to be controlled.
2 Establish its criticality and whether you need to control before, during or after results are
3 Establish a specification for the parameter to be controlled, which provides limits of
acceptability and units of measure.
4 Produce plans for controls that specify the means by which the characteristics will be
achieved, and variation detected and removed.
5 Organize resources to implement the plans for quality control.
6 Install a sensor at an appropriate point in the process to sense variance from
7 Collect and transmit data to a place for analysis.
8 Verify the results and establish whether the variance is within the range expected for a
stable process, where all variation is due to common causes (see common cause
9 Diagnose the cause of any variance beyond the expected range – the variation due to
special causes (see special cause variation).
10 Propose remedies and decide on the action needed to restore the status quo.
11 Take the agreed action and check that process stability has been restored.
Process description
A process description is a set of information that describes the characteristics of a process to
a level necessary to enable its effective management.
Process management 113
Process descriptions would include:
Process objectives.
Key performance indicators – the indicators by which the achievement of the process
objectives will be measured.
Process owner.
Process inputs in terms of the materials and information to be processed.
Process outputs in terms of the products, services and information delivered.
Set-up and shut down conditions.
Process flow charts indicating the sequence of actions and decisions identifying those
responsible and the interacting processes, actions and references to supporting
Resources – physical and human resources required to deliver process outputs.
Dependencies – the known factors upon which the quality of the process output depends
(skills, competencies, behaviours and capabilities).
Performance measurement methods – measures to detect variation in product and process
Preventive measures – measures in place to prevent process and product error or
Process management
Process management is about managing the activities, resources and behaviours required to
achieve a specified objective. An objective will not be achieved by chance – the work
required needs to be managed as a process.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4 of ISO 9001 requires the processes needed for the quality management system to be
managed by the organization in accordance with the requirements of this International
There is a big difference between operating a process and managing a process. To operate a
process, you simply convert inputs into outputs. The inputs may not be adequate, or the
outputs may not be what is required or may be inadequate in some way. The equipment,
materials and facilities may not be capable, the information and technology may not be
dependable, and the people may not be competent. Therefore, to manage a process, one has
to manage all the activities, resources and behaviours needed to deliver process objectives.
In order to manage a process, there are a number of factors to be determined:
The process objective.
How success will be measured.
The factors affecting success, i.e. what is important.
The targets for monitoring – whether the success factors are being managed.
What can jeopardize success – the result of failure modes analysis.
The key stages in the process to deliver process outputs:
(a) planning activities – forecasting and acquisition of resources;
Process model
(b) preparatory activities on receipt of inputs;
(c) creative activities – innovation, producing, transforming, delivering, etc.;
(d) measurement activities; and
(e) completion activities.
Provisions put in place to ensure success:
(a) information management – ensure dependability;
(b) equipment management – ensure capability;
(c) people management – ensure competence; and
(d) measurement management – ensure capability.
Provisions put in place to prevent failure:
(a) error proofing;
(b) automation; and
(c) supervisor controls.
Measurement of process outputs.
Measurement of process efficiency.
Measurement of process effectiveness.
Process model
A process model is illustrated in ISO 9000, ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 but each model is
different. The model in ISO 9000 shows the inputs coming from and going to customers and
other interested parties. The model in ISO 9001 shows the inputs coming from and going to
customers only. The model in ISO 9004 shows the inputs coming from and going to interested
Customers are interested parties but not all interested parties are customers, therefore, ISO
9000 and ISO 9004 virtually show the same model. It is only from an assessment or
Figure 8 Alternative model of a process based QMS
Product audit
contractual viewpoint that customer requirements are the focus of the assessment or contract
and, therefore, it is this aspect of the quality management system that is being specified and
These process models of a quality management system are not, in fact, process models at
all. They show clauses of the Standard, some of which are not processes. Management
responsibility is not a process – it is a collection of requirements. Measurement, analysis and
improvement is not a process – these are part of every managed process. An alternative model
is illustrated in the figure.
Process parameters
Process parameters are those variables, boundaries or constraints of a process that restrict or
determine the results.
A product is anything produced by human effort, natural or man-made processes. In the
context of ISO 9000, it is the result of activities or processes.
Product audit
A product audit is an examination of a process output to determine the extent to which it
meets specified requirements.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no specific requirement for a product audit in ISO 9001 but there is a requirement
for audits to determine whether the quality management system (QMS) conforms to planned
arrangements. The requirements for particular products are planned arrangements and,
therefore, the plans made for enabling the organization to satisfy product requirements are
part of the QMS and should be audited.
The product audit should establish that:
1 The product requirements have been defined and measures of success established.
2 The provisions needed to accomplish these requirements have been defined.
3 Any changes to the management system processes that are needed to achieve specific
product requirements have been identified and effectively communicated.
4 The processes have been modified or new processes designed.
5 The information, resources, criteria and methods for effective operation and control of
these processes have been identified, developed and provided.
6 The necessary monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes have been
designed and installed.
7 The product plans have been communicated to those concerned.
8 The plans are being implemented as intended.
9 The results being achieved meet the defined requirements.
Product identification
Product identification
Product identification is the act of identifying an entity, i.e. giving it a set of characteristics
by which it is recognizable as a member of a group.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to:
(a) identify the product by suitable means throughout product realization;
(b) identify the product status with respect to monitoring and measurement requirements;
(c) record the unique identification of the product.
Clause 7.5.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to identify customer property provided
for use or incorporation into the product.
Clause 7.5.5 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to identify product as a means of
preserving the conformity of product during internal processing and delivery to the
intended destination.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires measuring equipment to be identified to enable the
calibration status to be determined.
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires product that does not conform to product requirements to
be identified.
The identification assigned to products or services should enable products and services with
one set of characteristics to be distinguishable from products or services with another set of
characteristics. Separate product identity is necessary where it is not inherently obvious. If
verification is on a go/no go basis, product does not need to be serialized.
If measurements are recorded, some means has to be found of relating the measurements to the product measured. Serial numbers, batch numbers and date codes are
suitable means for achieving this. This identity should be carried on all records related to
the product.
Product realization
All those processes and resources necessary to transform a set of requirements into a product
or service that fulfils the requirements.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and develop the processes needed
for product realization, and planning of product realization be consistent with the
requirements of the other processes of the quality management system.
Clause 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to monitor and measure the
characteristics of the product at appropriate stages of the product realization.
Figure 9 Product realization process
In simple terms the product realization processes are those in the chain from customer order
to cash or order fulfilment. Throughout this chain of processes, the product or service is
conceived, designed, developed, produced and supplied, and the requirements of the order
Processes that do not act upon or transform the product are not considered product
realization processes. A typical product realization process showing the primary subprocesses
is illustrated in the figure.
Production is the creation of products. It is one of two principal functions of business – the
other is marketing. Marketing is concerned with the determination of customer needs and
Project audit
production is concerned with the satisfaction of those needs. In this sense, production is not
a department but a collective term for all the processes that supply the products and services
that satisfy customers.
Project audit
A project audit is an examination of a project, and the associated operations and outputs to
determine whether it is being effectively managed.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no specific requirement for a project audit in ISO 9001 but there is a requirement for
audits to determine whether the quality management system (QMS) conforms to the planned
arrangements. The objectives of particular projects are planned arrangements and, therefore,
the plans made for enabling the organization to accomplish project objectives are part of the
QMS and, therefore, should be audited.
The project audit should establish that:
1 The project objectives have been defined and measures of success established.
2 The provisions needed to accomplish these objectives have been defined.
3 Any changes to the management system processes that are needed to achieve specific
project requirements have been identified and effectively communicated.
4 The processes have been modified or new processes designed.
5 The information, resources, criteria and methods for effective operation and control of
these processes have been identified, developed and provided.
6 The necessary monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes have been
designed and installed.
7 The project plans have been communicated to those concerned.
8 The plans are being implemented as intended.
9 The results being achieved meet the defined objectives.
Proprietary designs
Proprietary designs are designs exclusively owned by the organization and not sponsored by
an external customer.
A prototype is a model of a design that is both physically and functionally representative of
the design standard for production, and used to verify and validate the design.
Psychological factors of the work environment
Psychological factors of the work environment are those that arise from an individual’s inner
needs and external influences, and include recognition, responsibility, achievement,
Purpose of an organization 119
advancement, reward, job security, interpersonal relations, leadership, affiliation, self-esteem
and occupational stress. They tend to affect or shape the emotions, feelings, personality,
loyalty and attitudes of people and, therefore, the motivation of people towards the job to
which they have been assigned.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and manage the work
environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. ISO 9000 defines the
work environment as a set of conditions under which work is performed and explains that
these conditions include physical, social, psychological and environmental factors.
Managers are often accused of ignoring the human factors, but such factors are not easily
identified or managed. With physical factors, you can measure the light level and adjust it if
it is too bright or too dim. You cannot measure ethics, culture, climate or occupational stress
– all you see are its effects and the primary effect is employee motivation.
Managers need to understand and analyse human behaviour, and provide conditions in
which employees are motivated to achieve the organization’s objectives. To do this they need
1 Identify and remove job-related barriers – something about the job itself prevents the
person performing it from being motivated, e.g. ergonomics, physical conditions,
monotony or tedium.
2 Identify and remove goal-related barriers – attainment of the goals is thwarted in some
way, e.g. insufficient time, unattainable goals, insufficient physical resources or
insufficient competence.
3 Empower employees to achieve objectives by developing their competence, delegating the
necessary authority and providing the resources to control the outputs.
4 Measure employee satisfaction in an unbiased manner.
A purchaser is a person or organization that buys from another person or organization.
Customers may be purchasers and neither may, in fact, be the users of the product or service
being supplied.
Purpose of an organization
Clause 0.1 of ISO 9004 states that the purpose of an organization is to:
Identify and meet the needs and expectations of its customers and other interested parties
(people in the organization, suppliers, owners and society).
Achieve competitive advantage, and do this in an effective and efficient manner.
Achieve, maintain and improve overall organizational performance and capabilities.
The purpose statement comprises three elements, the Vision, the Mission and the Values.
In ISO 9000, quality is defined as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils
requirements. Requirements are defined in ISO 9000 as a need or expectation that is stated,
generally implied or obligatory, therefore, the definition of quality becomes: ‘The degree to
which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils a need or expectation that is stated, generally
implied or obligatory’. Quality is, therefore, a result. It is a noun not an adjective.
In supplying products or services, there are three fundamental parameters that determine
their saleability: price, quality and delivery. In producing products and services, there is only
one parameter that determines the effectiveness of the processes concerned – it is quality
judged by the degree to which the processes achieve their objectives. Response, timeliness,
economy, productivity and capability are all quality characteristics of a process.
Quality assurance
Quality assurance, according to ISO 9000, is part of quality management, focused on
providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled. There is a view that quality
assurance is about preventing nonconformity, whereas quality control is about detecting it.
This may have been how the terms were used in the 1970s but it is no longer valid. Quality
assurance is simply about gaining confidence.
Quality control
Quality control is a process for maintaining standards of quality that prevents and corrects
change in such standards so that the resultant output meets customer needs and
The activities for controlling quality are no different from controlling anything – the only
difference is the subject matter (see control).
Quality improvement
Quality improvement, according to ISO 9000, is part of quality management focused on
increasing the ability to fulfil quality requirements.
There are two types of quality improvement:
Improvement by better control – this is also called continual improvement.
Improvement by raising standards – this is also called breakthrough.
If we want to reduce the common cause variation, we have to act upon the system. If we
want to improve efficiency and effectiveness, we also have to act upon the system and both
Quality management system 121
are not concerned with correcting errors, but concerned with doing things better and doing
different things.
There is a second dimension to improvement – it is the rate of change. We could improve
gradually or by a step change. Gradual change is also referred to as incremental improvement,
continual improvement or kaizen. Step change is also referred to as breakthrough or a
quantum leap. Gradual change arises out of refining the existing methods, modifying
processes to yield more and more by consuming less and less. Breakthroughs often require
innovation, new methods, techniques, technologies and new processes.
Quality management principles
A quality management principle is a comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief for
assisting an organization in defining, identifying, guiding and validating organizational
behaviours. Principles provide guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have
enduring, permanent value.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 0.1 of ISO 9001 states that the quality management principles have been taken into
consideration when developing the standard.
Clause 0.2 of ISO 9000 states that eight quality management principles have been
identified that can be used by top management in order to lead the organization towards
improved performance.
Clause 0.1 of ISO 9004 recommends that the application of quality management principles
not only provides direct benefits but also makes an important contribution to managing costs
and risks.
Clause 4.3 of ISO 9004 stated that these principles have been developed for use by top
management in order to lead the organization toward improved performance.
An organization applies principles. Unlike values they are not adopted but if the
organization’s adopted values do not align with principles, they may prevent it from
producing the desired results. The eight quality management principles are identified below
and explained further under the respective headings.
Customer focus
Involvement of people
Process approach
System approach to management
Continual improvement
Factual approach to decision making
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Quality management system
ISO 9000 defines a QMS as a management system to direct and control an organization with
regard to quality. If we insert the ISO 9000 definitions for the words in italics we produce the
following unintelligible definition: ‘A QMS is a set of interrelated or interacting elements that
Quality manual
establishes and achieves policy and objectives that direct and control an organization with
regard to the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements’.
A much simpler definition is a set of interconnected processes that enable the organization
to achieve its objectives. The word ‘quality’ is superfluous. A better term for this system
would be a business management system and it is the business management process that
develops and improves it.
For many years a quality management system has been perceived as a passive set of
documents. Documents alone do not achieve results and, therefore, cannot be regarded as a
system. For a system to achieve results, it has to comprise dynamic processes that bring
resources, activities and behaviours together in the right relationship, and focus effort on the
achievement of objectives.
Quality manual
ISO 9000 defines a quality manual as a document specifying the quality management system
of an organization. It is not intended that the manual be a response to the requirements of ISO
9001. The manual has several uses as:
A means to communicate the vision, values, mission, policies and objectives of the
A means of showing how the system has been designed.
A means of showing linkages between processes.
A means of showing who does what.
An aid to training new people.
A tool in the analysis of potential improvements.
A means of demonstrating compliance with external standards and regulations.
For the document to be a manual it needs to be useful. A document that contains no more than
a few flow charts will not help people understand how the system operates. If a car
maintenance manual contained no more than a diagram of the car, it would not help people
maintain the car. Manuals are, as the word implies, documents that provide information for
people to do things, such as install, operate, modify and troubleshoot.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to establish and maintain a quality
manual that includes:
The scope of the quality management system, including details of and justification for any
The documented procedures established for the quality management system, or reference
to them.
A description of the interaction between the processes of the quality management system.
The content of a typical quality manual would include the following.
1 Introduction:
(a) purpose (of the manual);
(b) scope (of the manual);
Quality manual
(c) applicability (of the manual); and
(d) definitions (of terms used in the manual).
Business overview:
(a) nature of the business/organization – its scope of activity, its products and services;
(b) the organization’s interested parties (customers, employees, regulators, shareholders,
suppliers, owners, etc.);
(c) the context diagram showing the organization relative to its external environment;
(d) vision and values;
(e) mission;
(f) critical success factors;
(g) organization;
(h) function descriptions;
(i) organization chart; and
(j) locations with scope of activity.
Business processes:
(a) the system model showing the key business processes and how they are
(b) system performance indicators and method of measurement;
(c) business management process description;
(d) resource management process description;
(i) physical resources;
(ii) human resources;
(iii) financial resources;
(e) marketing process description;
(f) order fulfilment process description;
(i) sales process;
(ii) product design process;
(iii) service design process;
(iv) production process;
(v) service delivery;
(vi) installation process; and
(vii) distribution process.
Function matrix (relationship of functions to processes).
Location matrix (relationship of locations to processes).
Requirement deployment matrices.
ISO 9001 compliance matrix.
ISO 14001 compliance matrix.
Regulation compliance matrices (Food and Drug Administration (FDA), environment,
health, safety, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), etc.).
Approvals (list of current product, process and system approvals and their scope).
Each process would be described in terms of its:
(a) purpose;
(b) objectives;
(c) flow of activities;
(d) interfaces between other processes;
(e) competencies and resources required;
(f) performance measures;
(g) list of supporting information; and
(h) list of records indicating activities performed and results of measurements conducted.
Quality objectives
Quality objectives
Quality objectives are those results that the organization needs to achieve in order to improve
its ability to meet needs and expectations of all the interested parties.
Objectives are not policies because objectives, once set, remain until they are achieved,
whereas policies, once set, remain until changed.
If you do not know where you are going, any destination will do!
To meet customer needs and expectations is a policy not an objective because it is not
something that you achieve then move on to do something else.
Improving our ability to meet customer needs and expectations is an objective not a
policy because, after setting targets for the level of improvement required, it can be
achieved. Policy in this area may dictate the manner in which this ability is
Quality is defined in ISO 9000 as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils
requirements. Quality is, therefore, a term that describes the condition of business outcomes.
Everything a business does must directly or indirectly affect the condition of its outcomes
and, therefore, all business objectives are quality objectives and all quality objectives are
business objectives.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires the quality management system documentation to
include documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives.
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to provide evidence of its commitment
to the development and implementation of the quality management system and
continually improve its effectiveness by ensuring that quality objectives are
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the quality policy provides
a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.
Clause 5.4.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that quality objectives,
including those needed to meet requirements for product, are established at relevant
functions and levels within the organization, and that the quality objectives are measurable
and consistent with the quality policy.
Clause 5.4.2 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the planning of the
quality management system is carried out in order to meet the requirements given in 4.1,
as well as the quality objectives.
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to review the organization’s quality
management system, at planned intervals, to assess opportunities for improvement and the
need for changes to quality objectives.
Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure that its personnel are aware
of the relevance and importance of their activities, and how they contribute to the
achievement of the quality objectives.
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the quality objectives and
requirements for the product.
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually through the use of the quality objectives.
Quality planning
To establish any objective:
Define the purpose or mission of the entity to which the objective is related – the
organization, a process, a task, a product or a service.
Assemble a group of people who have a vested interest in fulfilling this purpose.
Ask the question ‘What affects our ability to fulfil this purpose/mission?’.
Collect the answers, group under categories and simplify. The result is a set of critical
success factors and hence subjects for which objectives are necessary.
Use SMART to help write the objective.
Objectives may be set at different levels addressing different factors, for example:
Corporate level, which addresses image, profitability and growth.
Process level, which addresses process capability, efficiency and effectiveness, use of
resources, and controllability.
Product level, which addresses the identified needs and expectations of customers, in both
the elimination of errors and provision of product features that satisfy needs.
Departmental level, which addresses the capability, efficiency and effectiveness of the
organization, its responsiveness to change, the environment in which people work, etc.
Personnel level, which addresses the skills, knowledge, ability, competency, motivation
and development of people.
The objective setting process consists of the following stages:
Identify the need.
Draft preliminary objectives.
Define the measures that will indicate the objective has been achieved.
Prove the need to the appropriate level of management in terms of:
(a) whether the climate for change is favourable;
(b) the urgency of the improvement or controls;
(c) the size of the losses or potential losses;
(d) the priorities.
Identify or set up the forum where the question of change or control is discussed.
Conduct a feasibility study to establish whether the objective can be achieved with the
resources that can be applied.
Validate the objectives using SMART.
Communicate the objectives.
Quality planning
Quality planning involves the provisions made to achieve the needs and expectations of an
organization’s interested parties and prevent failure.
ISO 9000 defines quality planning as part of quality management focused on setting quality
objectives and specifying necessary operational processes and related resources to fulfil the
quality objectives.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.4.2 of ISO 9004 recommends that management should take responsibility for the
quality planning of the organization. This planning should focus on defining the processes
Quality policy
needed to meet the organization’s quality objectives and requirements effectively and
efficiently, consistent with the strategy of the organization.
As quality is defined as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils
requirements, it follows that all planning is quality planning. One plans only to achieve an
objective – a requirement that can be of one’s own making or imposed by interested parties.
In this context there would be plans at corporate, departmental, process, project, product,
service and personnel levels.
Quality plans
Quality plans define how specified quality requirements will be achieved, controlled,
assured and managed for specific contracts, projects or products. They specify the processes
of the quality management system (including the product realization processes) and the
resources to be applied to a specific product, project or contract.
Sometimes the project is so complex that separate plans may be needed simply to separate
the subject matter into digestible chunks. The disadvantage in giving any document a label
with the word quality in the title is that it can sometimes be thought of as a document that
serves only the quality department rather than a document that defines the provisions for
managing the various processes that will be utilized on the project. The content of the plans
depend upon the work that is required and, therefore, may include:
project plans;
product development plans;
production plans;
procurement plans;
reliability and maintainability programme plans;
control plans or verification plans;
installation plans;
commissioning plans; and
performance evaluation plans.
Quality policy
ISO 9000 defines quality policy as the overall intentions and direction of an organization
related to quality as formally expressed by top management. The quality policy exists to
shape behaviour and establishes the core values in an organization and, therefore, equates
with the corporate policy.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires the quality management system documentation to
include documented statements of a quality policy.
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to provide evidence of its commitment
to the development and implementation of the quality management system, and continually
improve its effectiveness by establishing the quality policy.
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires that top management ensure that the quality policy:
Quality requirements 127
(a) is appropriate to the purpose of the organization;
(b) includes a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the
effectiveness of the quality management system;
(c) provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives;
(d) is communicated and understood within the organization; and
(e) is reviewed for continuing suitability.
Clause 5.4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the quality objectives to be measurable and consistent
with the quality policy.
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 requires the management review to assess the need for changes
to the quality management system, including the quality policy.
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually through the use of the quality policy.
Policies are not expressed as vague statements or emphatic statements using the words may,
should or shall. They express clear intentions by using the words we will, expressing a
commitment, or by the words we are, we do, we don’t, we have, expressing shared beliefs. In
the ISO 9000:2000 definition of quality policy, it is suggested that the eight quality
management principles be used as a basis for establishing the policy. Examples of corporate
policies using these principles are as follows.
On customers: ‘We will listen to our customers, understand and balance their needs and
expectations with those of our suppliers, employees, investors and society and endeavour
to give full satisfaction to all parties’.
On leadership: ‘We will establish and communicate our vision for the organization and
through our leadership exemplify core values to guide the behaviour of all to achieve our
On people: ‘We will involve our people in the organization’s development, utilize their
knowledge and experience, recognize their contribution and provide an environment in
which they are motivated to realize their full potential’.
On processes and systems: ‘We will take a process approach towards the management of
work and manage our processes as a single system of interconnected processes that
delivers all the organization’s objectives’.
On continual improvement: ‘We will provide an environment in which every person is
motivated continually to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our products,
processes and our management system’.
On decisions: ‘We will base our decisions on the logical and intuitive analysis of data
collected where possible from accurate measurements of product, process and system
On supplier relationships: ‘We will develop alliances with our suppliers and work with
them jointly to improve performance’.
Quality requirements
Quality requirements are those requirements that pertain to the features and characteristics of
a product or service that are required to be fulfilled in order to satisfy a given need.
ISO 9000 is often perceived as a quality requirement. It is, but only in so far that it is a
requirement that applies to a management system. Other standards, specifications or
regulations are also quality requirements. Therefore, if one were to list all the quality
requirements that applied to a product, one would list all the documents that specified
requirements that related to the product, not simply ISO 9000.
ISO 9000 defines a record as a document stating results achieved or providing evidence of
activities performed.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires the quality management system documentation to
include records required by this International Standard.
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires records to be controlled according to the requirements
given in clause 4.2.4.
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires records to be established and maintained to provide
evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality
management system.
Clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires records to remain legible, readily identifiable and
retrievable, and that a documented procedure be established to define the controls needed
for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 requires records from management reviews to be maintained.
Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires appropriate records of education, training, skills and
experience to be maintained.
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the records needed to provide evidence that the realization
processes and resulting product fulfil requirements to be determined.
Clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires records of the results of the review of requirements
relating to product and actions arising from the review to be maintained.
Clause 7.3.2 of ISO 9001 requires records of design inputs to be maintained.
Clause 7.3.2 of ISO 9001 requires records of the results of design and development
reviews to be maintained.
Clause 7.3.5 of ISO 9001 requires records of the results of design and development
verification and any necessary actions to be maintained.
Clause 7.3.6 of ISO 9001 requires records of the results of design and development
validation and any necessary actions to be maintained.
Clause 7.3.7 of ISO 9001 requires records of the review of design and development
changes and any necessary actions to be maintained.
Clause 7.4.1 of ISO 9001 requires records of the results of supplier evaluations and any
necessary actions arising from the evaluation to be maintained.
Clause 7.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to establish requirements for process
records to be maintained.
Clause 7.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to record the unique identification of
the product where traceability is a requirement.
Clause 7.5.4 of ISO 9001 requires records maintained of any customer property that is
lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires the basis used for calibration or verification to be recorded
where no such standards exist.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to assess and record the validity of the
previous measuring results when the equipment is found not to conform to
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires records of the results of calibration and verification to be
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the responsibilities and requirements for maintaining
records of internal audits shall be defined in a documented procedure.
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires records to indicate the person(s) authorizing release of
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires records of the nature of nonconformities and any
subsequent actions taken, including concessions obtained, to be maintained.
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define
requirements for records of the results of corrective action taken.
Clause 8.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define
requirements for records of the results of preventive action taken.
Records have a life cycle. Once they are generated, they acquire an identity and are then
assigned for storage for a prescribed period. During use and storage they need to be protected
from inadvertent or malicious destruction. They need to be brought out of storage quickly to
support current activities or investigations. When their usefulness has lapsed, a decision is
made as to whether to retain them further or to destroy them.
You need to carry out the following actions.
Identify the records that specify results achieved and activities performed:
(a) where results are needed or make acceptance decisions – you need to know what you
achieved so that you can decide if it meets the requirement;
(b) where results are needed to evaluate performance – you need to know what you
achieved so that you can determine if your objectives are being achieved;
(c) where knowledge of activities is necessary to perform subsequent activities – you need
to know what you did so that you can determine what else you should do;
(d) where knowledge of activities is necessary to investigate performance – you need to
know what you did so that you can discover what went wrong and find the root
Indicate the records to be produced and maintained in the procedures that address the
related activities.
Keep records up to date.
Keep the information in the records up to date.
Keep the records in good condition.
Give each record a reference number and a name or title in a prominent location on the
record in order to determine what it is, what kind of information it records and what it
relates to.
Enable authorized retrieval of records and prohibit unauthorized retrieval.
Do not store company records in personal files.
Index records to ensure that you have all the records that have been produced and that none
are missing.
Protect records as appropriate against loss by fire, theft, unauthorized removal, loss
through computer viruses and unauthorized access, deletion or their corruption.
Do not destroy records before their useful life is over. Factors to consider are:
(a) the duration of the contract;
(b) the life of the product; and
(c) the period between management system assessments.
A registrar is an organization that is authorized to certify organizations. The body may be
accredited or non-accredited.
Registration is a process of recording details of organizations of assessed capability that have
satisfied prescribed standards. (See also certification body.)
A regulator is a legal body authorized to enforce compliance with the laws and statutes of a
national government.
Regulatory requirements
Regulatory requirements are requirements established by law pertaining to organizations,
products or services.
Relevant authorities
A relevant authority is a person or organization that is recognized by the community in which
they operate as authorized to make certain decisions and has a vested interest in the
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to deal with nonconforming product,
when appropriate, by authorizing its use, release or acceptance under concession by a
relevant authority.
Clause 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 requires uncompleted product or service delivery not to proceed
to release unless approved by a relevant authority.
Resource management
The relevant authority to which you would offer a nonconforming or uncompleted product for
acceptance might be the customer, the designer, the regulator or an internal acceptance
authority. You would not seek acceptance from someone or some organization that had no
interest in the outcome, whether or not they were competent to make such decisions.
Remedial action
Remedial action is action proposed or taken to remove a nonconformity. (See also corrective
action and preventive action.)
Requirement of the standard
A sentence containing the word ‘shall’. N.B. Some sentences contain multiple requirements,
such as to ‘establish’, ‘document’ and ‘maintain’. This is, in fact, three requirements.
Resource management
Resource management is one of the core business processes. It is a series of processes that
determine, acquire, deploy and maintain the resources needed to meet the organization’s
objectives and dispose of those resources that are no longer required.
Resources include anything of which there is an available supply, such as physical,
financial and human assets, and, therefore, include equipment, plant, machinery, buildings,
land, space, energy, materials, money and people. They can also include knowledge, as
specialist knowledge may exist in the outside world that needs to be acquired for use in the
organization. Time is also a resource when allocated or wasted in connection with the
execution of work. Human resources include management, professional and operational
personnel as well as contractors and temporary staff.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to ensure the availability of resources.
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to provide evidence of its commitment
to the development and implementation of the quality management system and continually
improve its effectiveness by ensuring the availability of resources.
Clause 5.6.3 of ISO 9001 requires the output from the management review to include any
decisions and actions related to resource needs.
Clause 6.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and provide the resources
needed to implement and maintain the quality management system, continually improve its
effectiveness, and to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the need to provide
resources specific to the product.
There are departments that are perceived to manage resources, such as the finance
department, the calibration department, the purchasing department and the maintenance
department, but each only performs part of the process necessary to manage these
Responsibility and authority
Figure 10
Resource management process
Although resources are required to market, design, sell, produce, deliver and install
product, the processes concerned with these activities simply utilize a resource that is
provided by another process. The human resource management process delivers competent
personnel to the production process even though staff in this process may select and train the
personnel. The equipment maintenance process delivers serviceable equipment to the
production process even though staff in the production department may perform equipment
There are five separate processes within resource management as illustrated in the figure.
Each of the five processes may be subdivided into one or more subprocesses depending on
whether they are physical, financial or human resources.
Responsibility and authority
Responsibility is, in simple terms, an area in which one is entitled to act on one’s own accord
and is commonly used informally to imply an obligation. Authority is, in simple terms, the
right to take actions and make decisions.
Review 133
It is necessary for management to define who should do what in order that the designated
work is assigned to competent personnel to be carried out and that the effort to perform it is
optimized appropriately.
In the absence of the delegation of authority and assignment of responsibilities:
Individuals assume duties that may duplicate those duties assumed by others.
Jobs that are necessary but unattractive would be left undone.
Work may be performed by personnel who are not competent, thus jeopardizing the ability
of the organization to meet its objectives.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the responsibilities and
authorities are defined and communicated within the organization.
When it has been decided what is to be done, the next task is to decide who shall do it. Work
should be performed only by those competent to execute it. Responsibility should not be
assigned without the authority to control the results also being delegated.
Use organization structure diagrams to define and communicate positions and
Use function descriptions to define and communicate the purpose and role of each function
in the organization.
Use job or role descriptions to define and communicate the responsibilities and authority
of individuals.
Use procedures to define and communicate where, when and what actions and decisions
the functions, roles or positions are to perform.
Ensure that staff account for their actions and decisions, so as to confirm they are
exercising their duties responsibly.
Remember that authority is passed downward within the organization and divided among
subordinate personnel, whereas responsibility passes upwards, hence managers remain
responsible for the subordinates’ use of delegated authority.
Responsibility for results rests with those who stipulate the course of action.
It is better to give personnel an objective to achieve, provide them with the training to
perform the job competently and then let them decide how they will achieve the
To review means to take another look at something. However, ISO 9000 defines a review as
an activity undertaken to determine the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the subject
matter to achieve established objectives. A review in the context of ISO 9000 is, therefore,
a lot more than another look at something but a planned event designed to establish whether
something remains fit for its purpose.
Revision status
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define the
controls needed to review documents.
Clause 5.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to provide evidence of its commitment
to the development and implementation of the quality management system, and continually
improve its effectiveness by conducting management reviews.
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the quality policy provides
a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires the quality policy to be reviewed for continuing
Clause 5.6.1 of ISO 9001 requires top management to review the organization’s quality
management system, at planned intervals.
Clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to review the requirements related to
the product.
Clause 7.3.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the reviews appropriate to
each design and development stage during the design and development planning.
Clause 7.3.2 of ISO 9001 requires design and development inputs to be reviewed for
Clause 7.3.4 of ISO 9001 requires systematic reviews of design and development to be
conducted in accordance with planned arrangements at suitable stages.
Clause 7.3.7 of ISO 9001 requires design and development changes to be reviewed, before
Clause 7.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires defined criteria for review and approval of
Clause 8.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define
requirements for reviewing nonconformities and corrective action taken.
Clause 8.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires a documented procedure to be established to define
requirements for reviewing preventive action taken.
Reviews should be planned and be conducted against defined criteria so as to provide a basis
for objectivity. It is not necessary that the reviews be conducted by personnel different to
those who produced the results being reviewed, but often independence does provide for
greater objectivity. If operations continue without periodic review, there is a tendency for
them to become less relevant, for errors to escape detection and for actions to be overlooked.
Periodic reviews in all operations keep the organization alert to changes that may jeopardize
its success.
Revision status
When a document is revised its status changes to signify that it is no longer identical to the
original version.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to define the controls needed to ensure
that the current revision status of documents is identified.
Revision status may be indicated by date, by letter or by number, or may be a combination
of issue and revision. Every change to a document should revise the revision index. Issue 1
may denote the original version. Upon changing the document, an incremental change to the
revision index is made so that the new version is now issue 2 or issue 1.1 depending on the
convention adopted.
A role is a set of expectations and obligations to act in a specific way in certain contexts.
The term ‘role’ can be ascribed to an individual or a group of individuals. It is also used
to ascribe a purpose to inanimate objects, such as the role of statistical techniques (clause
2.10 of ISO 9000). In general, ‘role’ is one of several terms used to describe what people
do at any given time. For example, a quality manager in an engineering company, chairing
a meeting on quality improvement has a profession, an occupation, a job, a position and a
profession is engineering, for which there are numerous occupations.
occupation is quality management, for which there are several positions.
position is quality manager, which comprises several jobs.
job is change management, which embraces a number of roles.
role is leader at this point in time.
An illustration of how the roles change is given in the following. The quality manager collects
data to reveal facts. The role changes from leader to analyst. Later the quality manager takes
the facts and searches for causes. The role changes from analyst to investigator. After finding
the causes, the quality manager encourages others to produce solutions – the role is now
facilitator. If the quality manager produced the solutions, the role undertaken would be
designer or innovator. Once the problems are solved, the quality manager goes to see the
customer to show how performance has improved. The role changes again – this time to
In another context this quality manager may be a mother of three children, a director of a
local drama group and a freedom fighter for justice in the local community. All are roles.
All these roles for some people are jobs because they perform them continuously. For
others, they are transitory.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 2.6 of ISO 9004 recommends that the role of top management is to create an
environment where people are fully involved and in which a quality management system
can operate effectively.
Clause 2.8.3 of ISO 9004 recommends that one role of top management is to carry out
regular systematic evaluations of the suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of
the quality management system with respect to the quality policy and quality
The term ‘role’ is not used in ISO 9001.
Clause 5.2.3 of ISO 9004 recommends that consideration should also be given to the role
of the organization in the protection of community interests.
People should undertake roles commensurate with their skills and competencies. This is why
a person in the position of quality manager may not be the right person to undertake the role
of change agent, ambassador or project leader.
Whatever the positions and jobs people occupy, it is their roles that are important. The key
is to define what roles are required to achieve an objective. If the object is to put on the play,
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, there are several roles to fill. Those selected for
each role are chosen for their ability to play the part as the bard intended. Simply because they
are actors does not mean they can play every part effectively!
Second-party audit
A second-party audit is an audit performed by a customer upon its suppliers.
Self-assessment is a process of determining the degree to which an organization meets certain
criteria. It is performed by the organization upon itself to identify opportunities for
ISO 9004 defines self-assessment as a carefully considered evaluation resulting in an
opinion or judgement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, and the maturity
of the quality management system.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no requirement for self-assessment in ISO 9001, but ISO 9004 recommends that selfassessment can provide an overall view of the performance of the organization and the degree
of maturity of the quality management system, thus assisting in the identification of areas
requiring improvement.
Self-assessment may be performed against any set of criteria but to have value to the interested
parties, the criteria needs to be accepted by them as being of a recognized standard. Thus an
organization examining its operations against ISO 9001, ISO 9004 or the European Foundation
for Quality Management (EFQM) Business Excellence criteria is a self-assessment.
Six sigma
The Greek letter called ‘sigma’ is the symbol used to represent standard deviation – a
measure of the spread of frequency distributions. It is the root mean square deviation of the
readings in a series from their average value. Six sigma is, therefore, six standard
In a perfect world, we would like the range of variation to be well within the upper and
lower specification limits for the characteristics being measured but invariably we produce
defectives. If there were an 80 per cent yield from each stage in a ten-stage process, the
resultant output would be less than 11 per cent and as indicated in the first table.
Social factors of the work environment
Total percentage yield
Initial population: one million
We would obtain only four good products from an initial batch of one million. Even if the
process stage yield was 99 per cent, we would still only obtain half of the products we started
with. It is, therefore, essential that multiple stage processes have a process stage yield well
in excess of 99 per cent and it is from this perspective that the concept of six sigma emerges.
The process yield at various sigma values is given in the second table.
Percentage of
product meeting
Number of
nonconformities per
million products
99.993 7
99.999 943
99.999 999 8
317 400
45 500
2 700
(assuming 1·5
sigma drift)
Social factors of the work environment
Social factors of the work environment are those that arise from interactions between people
and include the impact of an individual’s family, education, religion and peer pressure as well
as the impact of the organization’s ethics, culture and climate.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.4 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine and manage the work
environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. ISO 9000 defines the
work environment as a set of conditions under which work is performed and explains that
these conditions include physical, social, psychological and environmental factors.
Social interaction between people is vital for many people to enjoy their work. People require
affection, affiliation, acknowledgement, recognition and the opportunity to exchange ideas.
Isolation is only suitable for a few. Social interaction can be a motivating force in an
organization but can also lead to friction that affects worker performance. In managing the
social factors of the work environment, the manager needs to understand the need for people
to communicate with others and understand the social factors that can impede performance.
For example:
Being aware of a person’s social needs and being sensitive to meeting these needs.
Identifying the behavioural profile of a person, i.e. whether they are analyticals, drivers,
amiables or expressives:
(a) Analyticals focus on facts, on detail, on the past and are cautious. They make good
troubleshooters but dislike involvement with others.
(b) Amiables focus on relationships, seek opinions and consensus. They make good coordinators and counsellors, but dislike interpersonal conflict.
(c) Drivers focus on action and results. They make good leaders but dislike inaction.
(d) Expressives focus on the future, the big picture. They make good innovators but dislike
being alone.
Being aware of the social environment into which a person is to be placed before
Providing training in teambuilding so that personnel become more confident when
working with their colleagues.
Choosing as the leader someone who exhibits the characteristics of leadership – not
someone who is more comfortable working alone.
Taking prompt action on finding adverse social interaction in the workplace.
Operating an ‘open door’ policy that encourages personnel to air their grievances without
fear of being ridiculed.
Special cause variation
Special cause variation is a cause of variation that can be assigned to a specific or special
condition that does not apply to other events.
A stable process is one with no indication of a special cause of variation and can be said
to be in statistical control. Special cause variation is not random – it is unpredictable. It
occurs because something has happened that should not have happened, so you should search
for the cause immediately and eliminate it. They are causes that are not always present. The
wrong material, an inaccurate measuring device, a worn-out tool, a sick employee, the
weather conditions, an accident, a stage omitted – these are all one-off events that cannot be
predicted. Eliminating the special causes is part of quality control – taking corrective action
to prevent the recurrence of a problem.
A stakeholder is a person or organization that has the freedom to provide something to or
withdraw something from an enterprise. For example:
Customers are stakeholders because they can withdraw their custom, i.e. take their
business elsewhere.
Statistical control
Employees are stakeholders because they can withdraw their labour, i.e. leave the
organization for a job elsewhere.
Suppliers are stakeholders because they can refuse or terminate the supply of products or
Investors are stakeholders because they can withdraw their investment.
Society is a stakeholder because it can cause laws to be changed or enforced that make
organizations cease the practices that offend society.
Statistical control
Statistical control is a condition of a process in which there is no indication of a special cause
of variation. All variation is due to common cause. A process may be under statistical control
and continue to produce nonconforming product. The difference between a process that is
under statistical control and one that is not is that its performance is predictable and
Status and importance in auditing
Status has three meanings in the context of ISO 9000:
1 The relative position of the process or area in the scheme of things.
2 The maturity of the process.
3 The performance of the process.
The importance of a process is its significance relative to the needs of interested parties and
the relative influence of these interested parties.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 8.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the audit programme to be planned, taking into
consideration the status and importance of the processes and areas to be audited.
Select processes firstly on the basis of importance and secondly on the basis of status. The
status and importance of the activities will determine whether the audit is scheduled once a
month, once a year or left for three years – any longer and the activity might be considered
to have no value in the organization.
Customers are the most influential and, therefore, the processes in the chain from
identification of needs to satisfaction of those needs are the most important. Processes that
serve the protection of the environment may be considered more important in some industries
where the environmental impacts are more significant. For instance, in the chemical industry,
giving greater priority to customer facing processes than environmental facing processes
might result in there being no customers at all if the plant is closed down due to breach of
environmental legislation.
Important processes that exhibit poor performance relative to their achievement of
objectives should be targeted more often than important processes that perform as
Subcontractor 141
Strategic audit
A strategic audit is an examination of the arrangements made to accomplish the mission of
the organization.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
There is no specific requirement for a strategic audit in ISO 9001 but there is a requirement
for audits to determine that the quality management system conforms to the planned
arrangements. The organization’s purpose and mission are planned arrangements. The
strategic objectives and plans made for enabling the organization to accomplish its mission
are part of the quality management system and, therefore, should be audited.
The strategic audit should establish that:
1 There is a defined process for establishing the organization’s goals and objectives.
2 An analysis of current and future needs of customers and other interested parties has been
carried out.
3 The requirements that the organization needs to meet to fulfil its mission have been
4 Objectives have been established for achieving these requirements.
5 Priorities for action have been set.
6 The products, services and projects that need to be developed or abandoned to achieve
these objectives have been identified.
7 The risks to success have been quantified.
8 The processes for achieving the objectives have been designed and constructed.
9 The information, resources, criteria and methods for effective operation of these processes
have been identified, developed and provided.
10 The necessary monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes have been
designed and installed.
11 The strategic plans have been deployed to those concerned.
12 The plans are being implemented as intended.
13 The results being achieved meet the strategic objectives.
Subcontract requirements
Subcontract requirements are requirements placed on a subcontractor that are derived from
the requirements of a main contract.
A subcontractor is a person or organization that enters into a contract in which some of the
obligations of the prime contractor are stipulated. Subcontractors extend the capability of a
prime contractor. They differ from suppliers in that they provide products and services to
customer specifications, whereas suppliers provide products and services to their own
Supplier assessment
Supplier assessment
Supplier assessment is an activity performed to determine the capability of a supplier to meet
certain criteria. Supplier assessments are performed for a number of reasons:
To select a credible supplier for a future purchase.
To select a supplier for a specific purchase.
To verify continued capability of an existing supplier.
There are several parts to supplier assessments, each focusing on some aspect of required
Technical assessment – for checking the products, processes or services to establish they
are what the supplier claims them to be.
Quality system assessment – for checking the certification status of the quality system,
verifying that any certification was properly accredited.
Financial assessment – for checking the credit rating, insurance risk, stability, etc.
Ethical assessment – for checking probity, conformance with professional standards and
A system is a chain of interconnected components or processes that produce strategic results.
All the components or processes work in harmony to achieve the stated goals. A system has
many components or processes, each of which has a unique purpose within the system but
without which the system cannot function.
Systems break down when one or more of these components or processes fail to fulfil their
purpose. For example, a transport system provides a capability for users to move goods and
people quickly and safely to their chosen destination. If the trains break down, the system
breaks down because the buses have not been designed to carry the load of road and rail
travellers. If a process is designed or changed so that its objectives are not aligned with those
of the system, the system will also fail. For example, the finance department decides to delay
paying suppliers in order to meet financial targets. Suppliers get annoyed and terminate
supply of product. Production stops and the customer becomes dissatisfied. This leads to the
formation of a system approach to management. Another example is shown in audit
System approach
The system approach to management is one of the eight quality management principles used
as a basis for developing ISO 9000. The principle is expressed as follows: ‘Identifying,
understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the
organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives’.
An organization applying the system approach principle would be one in which people
Defining the organization as a system that is established to achieve organizational
Defining the system by identifying or developing the processes that affect a given
Structuring the system to achieve the objective in the most efficient and effective way.
System effectiveness
Understanding the interdependencies among the processes of the system.
Continually improving the system through measurement and evaluation.
Establishing resource constraints prior to action so that system integrity is maintained
when changes are made.
System audit
A system audit is an audit carried out to establish whether a management system conforms
to a prescribed standard or meets defined objectives in both its design and its
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
The term ‘system audit’ is not used in ISO 9001 or ISO 9004. In ISO 9000, audits of the
organization’s management system against the organization’s management system requirements or the requirements of International Standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001:1996,
are referred to as management system audits.
System audits should be designed to verify that the system is capable of:
Implementing the agreed policies (a policy audit).
Enabling the organization to achieve the agreed objectives (a strategic audit).
Enabling the organization to meet specific product requirements (a project audit or
product audit).
System effectiveness
System effectiveness is the ability of a system to achieve its stated purpose and objectives.
(See also Effectiveness of the system.)
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the quality policy includes
a commitment to improve the effectiveness of the quality management system
Clause 5.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that communication takes
place regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Clause 5.6.3 of ISO 9001 requires the output from the management review to include any
decisions and actions related to improvement of the effectiveness of the quality
management system.
Clause 8.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and implement the monitoring,
measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed to improve the effectiveness of
the quality management system continually.
Clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to improve the effectiveness of the
quality management system continually.
System integrity
In the past it has been assumed that, if people were found to be following the procedures as
documented, the system was effective. But this was not the reason for the system, i.e. it was
not the purpose of the system to force people to follow procedures. The purpose was to ensure
results. A system is, therefore, effective only if it can be demonstrated that the desired results
are being achieved. But what are the desired results? Is the desired result simply conformity
with ISO 9001 or is this just a by-product? It is suggested that conformity with ISO 9001 is
not a desired result but a desirable outcome. System effectiveness is, therefore, not measured
on whether conformity with ISO 9001 could be demonstrated but on whether the system
causes the needs and expectations of the interested parties to be satisfied – the real reason why
the system exists.
In order to determine system effectiveness, it is, therefore, necessary to:
1 Identify the needs and expectations of the interested parties.
2 Determine the quantifiable targets for these needs and expectations so as to enable their
3 Identify the data that need to be collected to measure achievement of the targets.
4 Install in the relevant process the means to collect the data.
5 Collect and analyse the data.
6 Determine whether the predefined targets have been achieved – the gap is the measure of
System integrity
The system can be described in four different ways.
1 The manifest condition – the system as formally described and displayed. This condition
may be expressed in manuals, procedures, policies, charts, etc.
2 The assumed condition – the system as it is assumed to be by the individual concerned.
This condition may be revealed by observation of individuals in action, the decisions they
take or listening to how they talk about the system.
3 The extant condition – the system as revealed by systematic exploration and analysis. This
condition may be revealed by internal or external audit.
4 The requisite condition – the system as it would have to be to accord with the real
properties of the field in which it exists.
The integrity of the quality management system is the degree to which the manifest, assumed,
extant and requisite systems are in harmony.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.4.2 of ISO 9001 requires top management to ensure that the integrity of the quality
management system is maintained when changes to the quality management system are
planned and implemented.
To maintain the integrity of the management system, you need to do the following:
Make sure the descriptions, perceptions, assumptions, realities and needs are in harmony
when the system is established.
System integrity 145
Keep testing perceptions and assumptions and use a range of communication tools to
harmonize them.
Keep checking that the process objectives align with the organization’s goals.
Use the agreed change processes to plan and execute any change.
Determine the impact of the change on the existing processes and identify what else needs
to change to maintain system integrity.
Plan and execute the change concurrently with associated changes to documentation.
If possible, do not remove the old routines until the new routines have been proven
Measure performance before, during and after the change.
Do not revert to routine management until the changes have been integrated into the
culture, i.e. people perform the new tasks without having to be told.
A tender is a written offer to supply products or services at a stated cost.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to review the requirements related to the
product prior to the organization’s commitment to supply a product to the customer, e.g.
submission of tenders, acceptance of contracts or orders, acceptance of changes to contracts
or orders.
When you receive an invitation to tender (ITT), you should have already been selected as
a capable and qualified bidder. The reason for the ITT is to establish what your organization
has to offer. The customer already knows a lot about your organization, therefore, the decision
that follows evaluation of a tender is to select a supplier. The fact that you receive an ITT
means you are in competition with organizations that stand an equal chance of winning the
contract. You may lose if your tender is not compliant, is too costly or you are unable to meet
the programme requirements. However, customers are not always so methodical in their
tendering process and will send ITTs, which have not been qualified, to organizations simply
to obtain sufficient submissions on which to make a comparison.
Tenders are submitted only in response to a request. Other submissions are speculative and
have less chance of success.
Here are ten simple rules to follow in tendering:
1 Read and understand what the customer defines as the requirements to be satisfied.
2 Clarify any requirements that may appear ambiguous, incomplete or conflicting.
3 Research the environment in which the customer operates – the constraints, politics,
critical success factors, competition and history of the endeavour in which the customer
is engaged. Ignorance of the conditions of use, what has gone before and what is critical
to the customer may lead to rejection.
4 Prepare a tender that responds exactly to what the customer requires both in the structure
and layout of the tender, and in technical and commercial content.
5 State the features, advantages and benefits of the chosen solution, the reasons why you
consider it the best solution and what you consider is the unique selling proposition for
the product or service you are offering.
6 Only promise what you can deliver. Do not overcomplicate the tender – keep it simple but
do not patronize your reader. The customer has approached your organization because it
believes you have the capability.
7 Cost what the customer requires, then add options for the customer to consider. Thinking
that you know better is arrogant.
8 State all assumptions so that the customer can see the basis for your decisions. The
customer will not be pleased to learn after selecting your bid and rejecting the others that
you based your decisions on inaccurate information.
9 Add information that will give your tender credibility even if the customer does not ask
for it.
10 Deliver the tender on time – late arrivals may be rejected no matter how good they
Third-party audit
A third-party audit is an audit performed on an organization by a person or organization that
has no direct interest in its products and services – it is neither a customer nor another part
of the same organization. Third-party audits are external audits.
Traceability is the ability to trace the history, application, use and location of an item or its
characteristics through recorded identification data.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.5.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to control and record the unique
identification of the product where traceability is a requirement.
The requirement in ISO 9001 implies that traceability applies when it is a requirement of a
customer or regulator, but there are many other instances when traceability is needed:
To isolate the root cause of a problem, remove the offending item and take corrective
To determine whether all planned events have taken place.
To locate information, product, material or equipment in order to remove, modify or
update it.
To locate organizations and personnel in order to alert them to matters of importance to
To determine when and under what circumstances equipment, product, material or
information was used.
With material, product and equipment, traceability is achieved by coding items and their
records such that you can trace an item back to the records at any time in its life. The chain
can be easily lost if an item goes outside your control. With personnel and organizations,
traceability is achieved by maintaining records of their movement and contact data.
The system of traceability that you maintain should be carefully thought out so that it is
economic. There is little point in maintaining an elaborate traceability system for the once in
a lifetime event when you need it, unless your very survival or society’s survival depends
upon it.
Validation is a process for establishing whether an entity will fulfil the purpose for which it
has been selected or designed.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the required validation
specific to the product.
Clause 7.3.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine validation appropriate to
each design and development stage during design and development planning.
Clause 7.3.6 of ISO 9001 requires design and development validation to be performed in
accordance with planned arrangements to ensure that the resulting product is capable of
fulfilling the requirements for the specified or known intended use or application.
Clause 7.3.6 of ISO 9001 requires validation to be completed prior to the delivery or
implementation of the product wherever practicable.
Clause 7.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to validate any processes for production
and service provision where the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent
monitoring or measurement.
Clause 7.5.2 of ISO 9001 requires validation of processes to demonstrate the ability of
these processes to achieve planned results.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires measuring equipment to be calibrated or verified at
specified intervals, or prior to use where necessary to ensure valid results.
Validation is all about testing the validity of something: ‘Will it perform the function for
which it is required regardless of it meeting some pre-defined requirements?’. Validation is
almost always performed on the finished article but there are occasions when validation on
representative parts is more economic. Validation is normally performed once on an article
and confers validity on all other articles meeting the same specification. On long production
runs, verification of validation (VOV) or verification of qualification (VOQ) is performed to
confirm that no changes have crept into the product that may invalidate the validation
When performing validation, there are three conditions that need to be met:
1 The conditions of use need to be specified in terms of function, environment, duration and
user characteristics – what is it to be used for, what physical stress it will be subjected to
and for how long, and what skills the people using it will need to have.
Validation and verification
2 The article subject to validation needs to be correct itself, with no known defects, and with
the right configuration meeting all requirements of its specification.
3 The validation tests need to replicate as near as possible the conditions of use.
If all the conditions are not known, the result will place a limitation on the article. If the article
is substandard, the results may not be valid for other articles of the same specification.
Validation and verification
There is often confusion about the terms ‘validation’ and ‘verification’. Validation has to do
with the subject in question being the right subject, whereas verification has to do with the
subject being right.
The relationship between verification and validation is illustrated in the figure.
Figure 11
Verification versus validation
Some examples explain the difference (see table).
Product has been verified as compliant with a particular
specification but not validated for this application.
The information has been verified but is not valid for this task.
These results have been verified as accurate but are not valid
because we need results over a different timescale.
Credit card
This card is not valid because the date has expired but the card
number is verified.
In the context of management, values are the principles or beliefs that will guide the
organization in fulfilling its purpose (achieving its objectives, accomplishing its mission and
realizing its vision). Values are the things that are important to the organization.
Verification 151
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.1.1 of ISO 9004 suggests that top management should consider actions such as
communicating organizational direction and values regarding quality and the quality
management system.
An organization adopts certain values and not others depending on its vision. Values are the
key to effective management. They are at the core of every decision, every action and channel
the thought processes in making decisions and taking actions – they condition the behaviour
of the people in the organization and the way internal and external relationships are handled.
Values characterize the culture of an organization. Values may be expressed as principles,
beliefs or policies, but not all principles and policies are value statements. For an organization
to be successful it needs a common set of shared values. Values should not be sacrificed to
achieve an objective or accomplish a mission. Such action sends out the signal that it is OK
to bend the rules. In the long term, such action becomes endemic and acts like a disease
throughout the organization and leads ultimately to its downfall.
The quality management principles in ISO 9000 can be viewed as a set of values. Other
values might include:
Honesty, integrity, trust, responsibility, respect and loyalty.
Relationships, privacy, openness, individual contribution.
Freedom, confidentiality and financial security, life, environment and equality.
Diversity, innovation, growth and competitiveness.
These are all positive values but there are equally negative values depending on one’s point
of view. Fear, tension, pressure, duplicity, uniformity, exploitation, secrecy and discrimination may be appropriate values for some organizations to fulfil their vision!
Variation is present in all systems. Nothing is absolutely stable. If you monitor the difference
between the measured value and the required value of a characteristic and plot it on a
horizontal timescale in the order products are produced, you would notice that there is
variation over time. If you plot the values as a histogram, you would observe that there is a
distribution of results around the average. As you repeat the plot for a new set of
measurements of the same characteristic, you would notice that there is variation between this
second set and the first. In studying the results you would observe:
Variation in the location of the average for each plot.
Variation in the spread of the values.
Variation in the shape of the distribution.
There are two types of variation present: special cause variation and common cause
variation. Common cause variation does not show up until all special cause variation has
been eliminated.
Verification is the act of establishing the truth or correctness of a fact, theory, statement or
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the required verification
specific to the product.
Clause 7.3.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine verification appropriate
to each design and development stage during design and development planning.
Clause 7.3.3 of ISO 9001 requires the outputs of design and development to be provided
in a form that enables verification against the design and development input.
Clause 7.3.5 of ISO 9001 requires design and development verification to be performed in
accordance with planned arrangements to ensure that the design and development outputs
have satisfied the design and development input requirements.
Clause 7.4.3 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to state the intended verification
arrangements and method of product release in the purchasing information where the
organization or its customer intends to perform verification at the supplier’s premises.
Clause 7.6 of ISO 9001 requires measuring equipment to be calibrated or verified at
specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to
international or national measurement standards.
Clause 8.3 of ISO 9001 requires nonconforming product to be subject to re-verification to
demonstrate conformity to requirements when the nonconformity is corrected.
Verification is about testing the correctness of something: ‘Is it what it claims to be?’ ‘Does
it meet the specification for which it has been produced?’. Unlike validation, which is
performed once on a design (unless the design is changed), verification should be performed
on every product that is produced to confirm that it meets the requirements. This is because
there will be variation in materials, processes, equipment and personnel involved in its
There are several types of verification:
Verification by analysis – confirming correctness of a characteristic by calculation or
Verification by similarity – confirming correctness of a characteristic by comparison with
those of other products that have been verified by other means.
Verification by inspection – confirming correctness of a characteristic by examination
through measurement, gauging or observation.
Verification by test – confirming correctness of a characteristic by causing the product to
Verification by demonstration – confirming correctness of a characteristic by observing its
behaviour under operational conditions.
Verification by simulation – confirming correctness of a characteristic by observing its
behaviour under simulated conditions.
When performing verification, there are four conditions that need to be met:
1 The acceptance criteria for the article being verified needs to be specified unambiguously in
terms of the physical and functional characteristics that the article is required to exhibit.
2 The specification containing these acceptance criteria needs to have been used in producing
the article subject to verification.
3 The verification methods should have no effect on the characteristics being measured or
any effect present should be measurable and taken into account when recording the
4 The measurement uncertainty should be known and any variation in the measurement
process limited to common causes.
If all the conditions are not known, the result will place a limitation on the article. If the article
is substandard, the results may not be valid for other articles of the same specification.
In the context of management, a vision is an expression of what the organization wants to
become, what it wants to be, to be known as or to be known for. It is the long-term view of
the organization.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 5.1.1 of ISO 9004 recommends that top management should consider actions such as
establishing a vision, policies and strategic objectives consistent with the purpose of the
Clause 5.3 of ISO 9004 suggests that the quality policy can be used for improvement
provided that it is consistent with top management's vision and strategy for the organization's
Clause of ISO 9004 suggests that to facilitate the involvement of people, education
and training also include the vision for the future of the organization.
The vision comes from the leaders – it is how they express the future for the organization.
However, it must be practical and feasible while representing a challenge for the organization.
The vision must also be shared by the members of the organization so that everyone clearly
understands what the organization is striving to become. To create a vision for the
organization top management should identify the key potential influences on the organization
over the next ten years in terms of the economic, political, social and technological
The vision and mission statements are often merged into one statement.
Work affecting product quality
Quality is defined in ISO 9000 as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils
requirements. It follows, therefore, that work affecting product quality is any direct or indirect
action or decision that specifies, generates, maintains, changes or verifies product
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.2.1 of ISO 9001 requires personnel performing work affecting product quality shall
be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience.
Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to determine the necessary competence
for personnel performing work affecting product quality.
There is a note in clause 1.1 of ISO 9001 that states: ‘NOTE In this International Standard,
the term “product” applies only to the product intended for, or required by, a customer’. The
intention of this note is to somehow limit the requirement for competence to those who
impact product supplied to customers. However, there is unlikely to be any person in an
organization that does not impact product quality to some degree. Leaders set the direction,
and create and maintain the internal environment, which motivate those who specify,
generate, maintain, change or verify product characteristics and thus impact product quality.
Fail to motivate personnel and product quality will suffer.
Hence, by inserting the phrase ‘work affecting product quality’ in the above requirements,
the authors have not placed a limitation on those who need to be competent – all personnel
in an organization need to be competent if it is to satisfy its customers repeatedly.
Work environment
The work environment is a set of conditions under which people operate. It includes physical,
social and psychological, and environmental factors.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 6.4: The organization is required to determine and manage the work environment
needed to achieve conformity to product requirements.
Work instructions
The work environment has two effects: an effect on the product, and an effect on the person.
The factors of the work environment that affect the product include temperature, humidity,
cleanliness, vibration and radiation. In planning the production of the product, such factors
need to be taken into account. In some cases, such as in the production of food and drugs,
microbiology and contamination is very important – the hygiene factors. In the production of
electronic components and paint finishes, moisture and particulate cleanliness are very
The factors of the work environment that affect the person are physical, social and
psychological. The physical factors affecting the product may have little or no effect on the
person, but there are other physical factors that affect motivation and ability and hence the
performance of the worker. (See also physical, social and psychological factors.)
Work instructions
Work instructions define the work required in terms of who is to perform it, when it is to
commence and when it is to be completed. They may also specify the standard the work has
to meet and any other instructions that constrain the quality, quantity, delivery and cost of the
work required.
ISO 9000 requirements and recommendations
Clause 7.5.1 of ISO 9001 requires the organization to plan and carry out production and
service provision under controlled conditions that include the availability of work
The term ‘work instructions’ is not defined in ISO 9000.
In simple terms, instructions command work to be done, procedures define the sequence of
steps to execute the work to be done. Instructions may or may not refer to procedures that
define how an activity is performed. In some cases an instruction might be a single command
such as ‘pack the goods’. Procedures, on the other hand, define how one should proceed to
execute a task.
For example, you may issue an instruction for certain goods to be packed in a particular
way on a specified date, and the package to be marked with the contents and the address to
which it is to be delivered. So that the task is carried out properly you may also specify the
methods of packing in a procedure. The procedure would not contain specific details of a
particular package – this is the purpose of the instruction. The procedure is dormant until the
instruction to use it is initiated or until personnel are motivated to refer to it.
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ISO: Quality Systems Handbook
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