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The Romanian Constitution, numerous international and European norms, as well as abundant national legislation, enshrine the principle of equal rights and the prohibition of discrimination. This principle is especially important in the workplace. Indeed, labour relations being power relations, asymmetric relations of subordination, they constitute a special space for the manifestation of discriminatory acts. This paper concerns a specific form of discrimination, namely harassment. This has the particularity that it does not require a comparator. The Romanian legislation includes a detailed regulation of this subject, the usefulness of which can be jeopardized by noncompliance with the rules of legislative technique. The new methodology for preventing and combating harassment based on sex, as well as moral harassment at work, far from shedding light on the controversial issue of workplace harassment, ends up introducing confusion and ambiguities.
Librodot 2 2 PROLOGO Sua passion predominante é la giovin principiante. DON GIOVANNI, aria 1 No puedo ocultármelo a mí mismo: a duras penas domino la ansiedad que me atosiga en este instante, ahora que, empujado por mi interés, decido transcribir, con mucho cuidado, la copia apresurada que, con riesgo y con mucho esfuerzo, conseguí entonces. El episodio, hoy como ayer, se me presenta, a pesar de todo, muy angustioso y lleno de reproches. Contrariamente a su costumbre, él no había cerrado la mesa del escritorio, por lo que su contenido se encontraba a mi disposición, e inútilmente intenté justificar mi actitud recordándome que jamás había abierto un cajón. Había un cajón abierto. Y dentro había muchos papeles desordenados, y encina estaba apoyado un volumen in quarto, muy bien encuadernado. En la página por la que estaba abierto había un trozo de papel blanco, en el que estaba escrito de su puño y letra: Commentarius perpetuas n. 4. Sería, por tanto, completamente inútil justificarse de que, si el libro no hubiera estado abierto en esa página y si el título no fuese tan sugestivo, yo no habría cedido a la tentación, o al menos hubiera intentado resistirla. El título resultaba bastante raro, más que por sí mismo por el lugar en el que se encontraba. Al echar una ojeada a los papeles desordenados entendí que no contenían más que alusiones a episodios eróticos, alguna indicación de relaciones personales y borradores de cartas de naturaleza estrictamente privada, de las que más tarde comprendí la artificiosa, calculada negligencia. Si ahora, después de haber penetrado el interior tenebroso de aquel hombre corrompido, evoco el instante en que, con la mente tensa y los ojos abiertos, me acerqué a aquel cajón, siento una impresión parecida a la que debe sentir un policía cuando entra en la guarida de un falsificador y, curioseando entre sus cosas, encuentra en un cajón un montón de folios desordenados y pruebas de imprenta: en una, un trozo de arabesco; en otra, un monograma, y en una tercera, una filigrana al revés; tiene así la prueba evidente de que se encuentra sobre la pista buena; y dentro de él se mezclan la satisfacción del descubrimiento con un sentido de admiración por el trabajo y la diligencia empleados en las falsificaciones. Para mí, por el contrario, era muy distinto, ya que no estaba acostumbrado a investigar delitos y, en ese caso, no tenía ni siquiera un mandato policial. Habría deseado que se me hubiese manifestado la verdad con todo su peso, ya que me estaba metiendo por un cansino ilegal; pero en ese momento, como sucede normalmente, me sentía no menos pobre de palabras que de pensamientos. Con frecuencia, nos dejamos dominar por una impresión, hasta que la reflexión nos libera, y, rápida y diligente en su acción, consigue penetrar lo imponderable desconocido. Cuanto más desarrollada está la facultad de reflexión, con mayor rapidez se concentra; del mismo modo que un funcionario de aduanas está tan acostumbrado a controlar pasaportes de viajeros extranjeros que no se despista ante las caras más raras. Pero, aunque mi facultad de reflexionar está vigorosamente desarrollada, en el primer instante me quedé consternado. Recuerdo claramente: palidecí, y me faltó 1 "La pasión que domina / la juventud que nace." (Don Juan, "aria") Librodot Diario de un Seductor Sören Kierkegaard Librodot 3 3 poco para caer desmayado. ¡Qué angustia! ¡Si él hubiese regresado a su casa y me hubiera encontrado desmayado, con el cajón en la mano..., pero una mala conciencia es capaz de hacer la vida interesante! El título del libro no me llamó demasiado la atención. Imaginé que se trataba de una recopilación de fragmentos, hipótesis bastante natural, ya que sabía que era muy constante en sus estudios. Sin embargo, el contenido era muy distinto. Se trataba, ni más ni menos, que de un diario, y además muy bien redactado. Aunque yo no considere, por lo que conocía de él anteriormente, que su vida tuviese mucha necesidad de un comentario, sin embargo no puedo negar, después de la ojeada que le he echado ahora, que había escogido el título con mucho gusto y precisión, con gran objetividad y estética en relación con él y sus circunstancias. Aquel título está en perfecta armonía con el contenido del libro, ya que su vida, efectivamente, siempre estuvo inspirada en el sueño de vivir poéticamente. Dotado de una sensibilidad muy desarrollada, él conseguía siempre retratar su propia experiencia. O sea, este diario no es históricamente exacto, pero tampoco es un relato; no está, por así decir, en indicativo, sino en subjuntivo. Aunque la experiencia se anote naturalmente como se ha vivido, y a veces también algo después de haberla vivido, sin embargo está representada como si en ese instante tuviese lugar, y de una forma tan dramática que parece, a veces, que todo sucede ante nuestros ojos. Es muy improbable que, al redactar este diario, él haya tenido ante sí otra finalidad; como es incontestable, por otra parte, que no tiene sólo interés para el autor del mismo. Si consideramos esta obra en su totalidad y simplicidad no se puede suponer que tenga ante mí una obra poética, quizá destinada a ser publicada. Personalmente no tendría que temer que se publicara, ya que la mayoría de los apellidos son tan raros que no hay posibilidad de que sean auténticos. Sin embargo, pienso que los nombres son históricamente exactos, y quizá esto era para que él más tarde pudiese reconocer los personajes reales, donde los profanos se habrían equivocado por el apellido. Al menos esto ha ocurrido con la jovencita, a quien yo conocí y de la que habla particularmente el diario: Cordelia... En efecto, se llamaba Cordelia, pero su apellido no era Wahl.
Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) is probably one of the most versatile and efficient additives used in winemaking due to its antiseptic and antioxidant properties. This compound is also important for minimizing phenolic polymerization rate and color loss during wine aging. However, allergies caused by SO 2 -derived compounds, namely the sulfites, are becoming more frequent, causing symptoms such as headaches, nausea, gastric irritation, and breathing difficulties in asthma patients. Consequently, the legislated maximum concentration of SO 2 allowed in wines has been gradually reduced. For this reason, it is crucial in a competitive global winemaking market strategy, to reduce or even eliminate the use of SO 2 as a preservative and to search for new healthier and safe strategies. This work gives an overview of the main methodologies that have been proposed so far and that have potential to be used in winemaking as an alternative to SO 2 . The addition of compounds such as dimethyl dicarbonate, bacteriocins, phenolic compounds, and lysozyme, and the use of physical methods, namely pulsed electric fields, ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation, and high pressure are discussed and critically evaluated.
Metodologi Ilmiah, 2024
G lass beads and ornaments are ubiquitous at Iron Age period sites across Southeast Asia and recent research has highlighted the diversity of glass types found in both South and Southeast Asia during this period (e.g. Dussubieux et al. 2010; Lankton and Dussubieux 2006; Lankton et al. 2008). Chemical compositional analysis can assist in identifying the different types of glass found at a site, which in turn allows archaeologists to understand how trade networks may have been changing over time or how people at particular sites may have been interacting with one another. This process is analogous to identifying geological sources for stone artifacts, although variables such as the possible use of similar glass recipes in multiple locations, as well as the persistence of particular recipes over hundreds of years, can make the identification of glass source areas more complex.
It is very often argued that Islamophobia does not exist in Portugal. However, Portugal has an old colonial legacy that sets the ground for Islamophobia. Racial discriminatory attacks actually do occur in the country. Due to its colonial past, the authoritarian dictatorship, which lasted almost the entire twentieth century, and the transition period as an aftermath of de-colonialization, a new notion emerged in Portugal: the Portuguese Muslim. The latter emerged as a result of immigration from former colonies; in other words, the “Portuguese Islam” that existed for centuries in overseas colonies began to be transferred to the mainland in order to reconcile the past narrative of the expulsion of Muslims which aimed at the creation a “Catholic Portugal.” The first Portuguese Muslims were mostly black and of Asian origin and their color was the main identifying factor for being Othered and discriminated against. However, during the so-called “democratization process” and the entry requirements for the European Union, some important steps were taken to accommodate these recent arrivals, who even today remain a marginal phenomenon. Some political, legal and sociocultural bodies began to be founded in order to support these immigrants and provide them the necessary assistance for their social inclusion. Despite the arguments of Portugal’s Lusotropicalism (it is claimed that the Portuguese have an inherent adaptability to the tropical climate and are better colonizers as they lack prejudice) and the narrative of “pluri-religious Portu- gal” during the “normalization” of the democratization process, there is a deep-seated Islamophobia that emerges any moment a so-called “Muslim threat” appears on the horizon. The invisibility of Muslims due to their small number (currently some 0,6% of the national population) and their silence in political, social, cultural, and public affairs appear to create an image of a well-integrated community. Since most of the members of the local Muslim society are native speakers, educated, and belong to the relatively well-off segment of larger society, they are accepted and considered “good citizens.” Due to lack of data concerning discriminations Muslims face in their everyday lives - for example, the Muslim associations do not keep statistical data on any kind of violations - it would be easy to claim that Portugal is free of Islamophobia. However, Portugal is far from being a paradise for Muslims: people in public who appear to be Muslim are verbally abused, there are acts of vandalism against places of worship (two incidents against the Lisbon mosque in 2015 and February 12, 2017), and Muslims are portrayed by some as threats to society’s secular base. At a political level, the most significant attack in terms of hatred towards Muslims took place in a small village called Mouraria in the country’s midwest when the local Muslim community tried to construct a mosque in 2016. The residents of the town inhospitably resisted the idea by signing petitions claiming that a mosque would harm the ancient cityscape. As a holiday destination with sea resorts in the south, swimwear becomes a subject of humiliation; last year, two British tourists were denied entry to a holiday resort’s swimming pool in Albuferia because of their “burkinis” (July 21, 2017). To cite this report: Ali Murat Yel: Islamophobia in Portugal: National Report 2017, in: Enes Bayraklı & Farid Hafez, European Islamophobia Report 2017, Istanbul, SETA, 2018.
To date, research directed at the work-life balance (WLB) has focused mainly on the work and family domains. However, the current labor force is heterogeneous, and workers may also value other nonworking domains besides the family. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of other nonworking domains in the WLB with a particular focus on health. Moreover, the importance of the effects of the work-family balance (WFB) and the work-health balance (WHB) on job satisfaction was investigated. Finally, we explored how the effects of the WFB and the WHB on job satisfaction change according to worker characteristics (age, gender, parental status, and work ability). This study involved 318 workers who completed an online questionnaire. The importance of the nonworking domains was compared with a t-test. The effect of the WFB and the WHB on job satisfaction was investigated with multiple and moderated regression analyses. The results show that workers considered health as important as family in the WLB. The WHB explained more of the variance in job satisfaction than the WFB. Age, gender and parental status moderated the effect of the WFB on job satisfaction, and work ability moderated the effect of the WHB on job satisfaction. This study highlights the importance of the health domain in the WLB and stresses that it is crucial to consider the specificity of different groups of workers when considering the WLB.
Theory & Event, 2017
This essay contends that a 1950s-1970s shift from coercion-based to “consent”-based modes of US racial ordering corresponded to a contemporaneous shift from naturalistic to “post-naturalistic” modes of US racial identification. My sketch of these transformations points to the limitations of critical theories that work with naturalistic conceptions of race for understanding post-civil rights era US racial politics. While anti-black racism continues to tend toward naturalistic articulations, other racial exclusions and dominations tend to be enacted on post-naturalistic grounds. I conclude that the United States is a post-naturalistic racial rather than a post-racial society.
; The thermo-tectonic event during the Santonian created the Afikpo Basin. Afikpo Basin is filled with Cretaceous sediments aged Albian to Maastrichtian. This work interprets aeromagnetic data over the basin to define the structural complexity, depth to basement and sedimentary thickness within the Basin, which would serve as an aid to further exploratory work in the basin. Analytic signal, first vertical derivative and source parameter imaging were applied to enhance the data for interpretation. The structures within the basin trend majorly in the NE-SW direction with minor NW-SE and NS trends. Lineament density analysis showed that sediments at the east of Afikpo, east Mpu underwent intense deformation. Sediments of Amasiri, Akaeze, Abiriba, Ohafia, Uduk Usung, Abak and Odoro Ikpe underwent moderate deformation while Arochukwu, Uburu, Amaeke, Amawon and Oko Ita sediments experience the least level of deformation. Source parameter imaging estimated average sediment thicknesses at Ndiobasi, Ohafia, Biakpan, Otampa, Amaeke, Arochukwu, Uyo, Uduk Usung and Ikot Ekpene to be 4.5 km, 2.6 km, 2.1 km, 2.0 km, 3.9 km, 3.0 km, 1.5 km, 2.6 km and 4.2 km respectively. Ndiobasi, Ohafia, Biakpan, Amaeke, Arochukwu, Uduk Usung and Ikot Ekpene were defined to have great potentials for generating and accumulating hydrocarbon, if other conditions necessary for its generation are present. These areas were recommended for further studies on the bases of their sediment structural complexities and sediment thicknesses.
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2019
The results of research into two city gates, Kłodzka and Wodna (Water), and into the rycerska (Knight’s) Tower in bystrzyca Kłodzka are discussed in this paper. The research into the architecture of the three structures helped review the chronology of transformations they were subjected to between the beginning of the fourteenth century and the second half of the twentieth century. The city walls, together with the two gates and the tower, were probably erected by alderman Jakub rücker in the first half of the fourteenth century. all the towers were probably raised and converted in the fifteenth century and in around 1568, they were topped with masonry pyramid cupolas. The work performed in the nineteenth century was aimed at restoring the damaged elements and at introducing bells to the rycerska (Knight’s) Tower. The conservation work conducted in the years 2013–2017 resulted in the restoration of the damaged details and in the enhancement of all of the structures’ features of historical value.
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Castalia - Revista De Psicología De La Academia, 2024
Reformed theology in Africa series, 2022
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval, 2021
Nursing Clinics of North America, 2013
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Revista Virtual de Química, 2018
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1999
Annals of Physics, 2020