Parasitology Today, vol. 7, no. 5, 1991
Biological Control for
Freshwater Snails
With respect to Madsen's recent review ~on
the potential of biological methods for the
control of freshwater snails,we feel that
some additional information should be
provided. Although it is indisputable that, as
Madsen concludes, "the most promising
results have been obtained from
experimental introductions of competitive
snail species", the author drew exclusively on
examples of competition between
Biomphalaria and other genera of aquatic
snails such as Thiara, Marisa, Helisoma and
Melanoides. As was pointed out, this
approach to biological control is prone to a
series of drawbacks, especially when the
introduced snail also attacks cultivated crops
such as in the case ofMarisa sp. and rice.
Surprisingly, nothing is said in the review
about some alternative biological control
experiments also reported in the literature.
Such experiments are based upon
competition between intrageneric taxa,
particularly between B. glabrata and
B. straminea.
Under natural conditions, the first report
of competitive displacement ofB. glabrata by
another species of Biomphalaria was
published by Barbosa2, based upon
fieldwork conducted in northeastern Brazil.
In this study, Barbosa noted the gradual
substitution ofB. glabrata by B. straminea in
major breeding places, a process that took
three years. Later, this author confirmed his
early observations in other sites of the same
region3. A malacological survey conducted in
the southeastern Brazilian state of S~o Paulo
also revealed that the introduction of
B. straminea into B. glabrata breeding places
led to the exclusion of the latter species4.
Also in this state, other researchers observed
the substitution ofB. glabrata by
B. tenagophila s. Outside Brazil, studies
conducted in the island of Martinique
concluded that B. glabrata is becoming a rare
species while B. straminea is rapidly spreading
throughout the major breeding sites in the
region6-8 (A. Guyard andJ.P. Pointier, pers.
Laboratory experiments further
confirmed previous field observations on the
competitive displacement ofB. glabrata by
B. straminea 9,~o. In one particular study ~°,the
author simulated semi-natural conditions and
obtained impressive results, with B. straminea
managing to totally exclude B. glabrata in a
period of 100 weeks. More recently, the
results from the largest controlled and longterm field experiment so far conducted on
congeneric competition in Biomphalaria
(C.C.S. Barbosa-de-Figueiredo, MSc thesis,
Universidade Federal da Paraiba, 1989)were
made available. In this study, the author
introduced schistosome-resistant
B. straminea (R-3 strain)in nine natural
breeding places in northeast Brazil, where
B. glabrata was the sole species represented
in this genus. In seven of these sites,
B. glabrata was completely displaced by the
introduced B. straminea strain, a
phenomenon that did not revert after seven
years of continuous fieldwork.
The examples from Brazil and Martinique
constitute innovative approaches to the issue
of schistosomiasis control. In Martinique, the
schistosome-resistant strain ofB. straminea is
very efficient in displacing the autochthonous
B. glabrata. According to recent reports, the
elimination of the latter species from most
breeding places is probably the single major
factor in the curtailment of schistosomiasis
transmission on the island7 (A. Guyard and
J.P. Pointier, pers. commun.). The Brazilian
experience also provides promising results in
controlling B. glabrata and consequently the
transmission of schistosomiasis in highly
endemic areas where this species is the major
intermediate host2'3,10(C.C.S. Barbosa-deFigueiredo, MSc thesis, Universidade Federal
da Paraiba, 1989). In both countries,
biological methods based on the principle of
competitive displacement between close
species hold important potential in the
control of schistosomiasis.
I Madsen,H. (1990) Parasitology Today 6,
237 24 I
2 Barbosa,F.S.(1973) Malacologia 14,401-408
3 Barbosa,F.S.( 1981) Mere. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz
76, 361-366
4 Teles,H.M.S.(1988) Ci6n. Cult. 40, 374-379
5 Kawazoe,U. et al. (1980) Rev.SaddeP(~bL 14,
6 Pointier, J.P.(1982)Malacologia22, 395-398
7 Pointier,J.P.(1983) Symbiosis I 5, 85-9 I
8 Guyard, A. and Pointier,J.P.(1979)Ann.
ParasitoL Hum. Comp. 54, 193-205
9 Michelson,E.H.and Dubois, L. (1979) Rev. Inst.
Meal. Trop. SSoPaulo 2 I, 277-286
10 Barbosa,F.S.and Arruda-da-Silva,F.T.(I 984)
Mere. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 79, 163-167
Carlos E.A. Coimbra, Jr
Departmento de Epidemiologia
EscolaNacionalde SaudeP~blica
RuaLeopoldo Bufh6es 1480
21041 - Rio deJaneiro,Brazil
I agree that there is convincing evidence that
Biomphalaria straminea is replacing B. glabrata
in some areas and therefore should have
been mentioned in the review. However, my
main concern about B. straminea is that a
potential intermediate host is introduced and
that it may achieve very high population
densities and thereby make up for its
relatively low susceptibility to Schistosoma
mansoni infection. Even if insusceptible strains
are used, there is no guarantee that they stay
resistant to new strains ofS. mansoni that
might be introduced into the area.
Although B. straminea is relatively poorly
susceptible or insusceptible to S. mansoni, it is
nevertheless the only or even an important
intermediate host in some areas of Brazil ~'2.
Malek and Rouquayrol2 give a review of
reported natural infection rates with
S. mansoni in B. straminea. Generally, these
infection rates were low, but one was
reported of up to 27.2%. Experimental
infection of field-collected B. straminea and
B. tenagophila showed that 70% of the
populations were susceptible to S. mansoni
with infection rates of up to 21% in
B. straminea and up to 28% in B. tenagophila 3.
Also, B. tenagophila has been found naturally
infected4 and may under certain
circumstances be an effective host5.
Also, the W H O Special Programme for
Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
(TDR) informal consultation on the biological
control of snail intermediate hosts 6 did not
recommend that research on this approach
be supported, for both practical and
theoretical reasons, except in very special
situations. The latter presumably applies to
Martinique, where B. straminea has not been
incriminated as an intermediate host of
S. mansoni.
As for B. tenagophila, little evidence of its
effectiveness as a competitor of B. glabrata
exists7. Therefore, if this species was to be
included, I should also have mentioned most
of the other species that have been
mentioned at one stage or another as
potential biocontrol agents (eg. Potarnopyrgus
jenkinsi, Pomacea haustrum, Saulea vitrea and
Melanopsis pr aemorsa ).
I Paraense,W.L. ( 1983)Mere.Inst. Oswaldo
Cruz 78, 343-36 I
2 Malek,E.A.and Rouquayrol,M.Z. (I 986)Rev.
Inst. Med. Trop. S~oPaulo 28, 160-165
3 de Souza,C.P.(1986) Rev.Inst. Meal Trap. $8o
Paulo 28,287-292
4 de Melo,J.L.and Pereira,L.H.(I 985)Rev.Inst.
Med. Trop. S~oPaulo 27, 99-101
5 de Souza, al. (I 987)Mem Inst. Oswaldo
Cruz, 82, 67-70
6 World HealthOrganization(1984) TDR/BCVSCH/SIH/84.3
7 Kawazoe,U. et al. (1980) Rev.SaddeP(~bl.$8o
Paulo 14,65-87
Henry Madsen
JaegersborgAlle I D
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