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The Room Where It Happened A White House Memoir
3 pages
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The Room Where It Happened A White House Memoir
not published, 2010
Paper created for and delivered at the 2010 Archaeological Seminar in Britain
Business, Accounting and Management Journal (BAMJ), 2024
In recent years, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into marketing strategies has revolutionized the industry, providing businesses with unprecedented tools to analyze consumer behavior, personalize customer experiences, and optimize campaign performance. This paper explores the multifaceted impact of AI on modern marketing, highlighting key strategies businesses employ, the benefits realized through enhanced data analytics, automation, and customer engagement, as well as the challenges and ethical considerations accompanying AI adoption. By examining current trends and case studies, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how AI shapes the future of marketing, offering insights into best practices and potential pitfalls for marketers navigating this rapidly evolving landscape.
Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume 1: Sense Perception, 2022
Introduction to "Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume 1: Sense Perception", edited by Juhana Toivanen (Leiden: Brill).
Ecocritike Journal, Apeiron Editoria e Comunicazione, 2024
The European colonizers treated the natural environment, the wild lives, and the plant lives in the Global South as insurmountable, wild and redundant. Ample of literary, historical and anthropological records from the colonial era reveal how the naturescapes in Africa, Asia, and other parts of the Global South have been perceived as 'wild, dark and uncivilized' because the Europeans encountered a lot of challenges in taming, pruning, shaping, and reconfiguring the natural environment according to their whims and fancies. With the passage of time, such problematic narratives have systemically, epistemically, ontologically, and ideologically trickled down from one generation to another in the forms of folk tales, children's tales, poetries, short stories, novels and various other forms of narratives. This article uses Russian poet Kornei Chukovsky's poem Doctor Powderpill as a reference point. Through attempting a postcolonial critique of the poem, the article unfolds the possible 'ecological postcolonialscapes,' which can be implemented to re-read and reinterpret the existing histories, cultures, literatures, and societies around us in a 'trans-habitual' existential way.
Information & Management, 2019
There is a growing body of research about the influence of users’ perceived stress on their social networking site (SNS) usage behaviors. In general, stress negatively leads to a reduction in SNS usage (e.g., discontinuous use and self-disclosure). However, very little research has examined how SNS users strive to resolve stress problems from a positive perspective. To fill this gap, we conducted a research study among users of Moments, a large SNS in China. Based on the conservation of resources (COR) theory, we hypothesized that SNS users’ response to role stress, a subtype of stress, might be positive, leading to investments in social resources (e.g., motivation for relationship maintenance and self-presentation) and generating an increased level of self-disclosure on SNS. The survey results revealed the mediating effect of motivation for relationship maintenance and self-presentation on the SNS stress–disclosure relationship. We found that SNS users conserve their resources by maintaining relationships and presenting themselves positively in response to role stress, as predicted. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of the study are discussed, as are its limitations and directions for future research.
Anthropos, 2023
Original version of the paper on dark buddhism, depression and violence I wrote for Anthropos journal. Published version had to be severely mutilated due to peer reviewer's demands. To read, you can use this version; to quote/cite/mention please use the published version:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2010
Wykorzystanie metod statystycznych w analizach rynku nieruchomości umożliwia uzyskanie cennych informacji o zachowaniach tego rynku. Informacje te są obiektywne i mogą zostać wykorzystane zarówno do wycen indywidualnych, jak i masowych. W pracy omówiono zastosowanie metod regresyjnych w wycenie nieruchomości, pokazano metody wyznaczania trendu cen nieruchomości, przedstawiono metodę ustalania zależności ceny od pola powierzchni nieruchomości gruntowych, określono postać funkcyjną rozkładu cen jednostkowych nieruchomości gruntowych. Analizę przeprowadzono dla kilkutysięcznej bazy danych obejmującej transakcje dotyczące nieruchomości gruntowych niezabudowanych dokonane w Krakowie. W artykule dyskutowane są również wybrane problemy związane z zastosowaniem metod regresji wielorakiej w szacowaniu nieruchomości. Są nimi postać funkcyjna modelu, liczba atrybutów uwzględnionych w modelu, trend rynku, skala wartości atrybutów oraz wagi cech. Przedstawione zostały argumenty przemawiające za wyłączeniem daty transakcji z listy cech nieruchomości oraz powody, dla których model powinien zawiera wyraz wolny, a skale atrybutów powinny zaczynać się od zera.
Religions MDPI, 2024
This article conducts an analytical overview of the controversies and acts that resulted in the formation of a native clergy in Portuguese America. The analysis is limited to the secular clergy and the ways by which descendants of Africans and Indians were incorporated into this segment of the Church. The author addresses the way parts of these groups developed strategies to access the priesthood, seeking to escape subaltern positions and consolidating processes of social mobility.
Anais do XVIII ENANPUR, 2019
Council of Europe eBooks, 2009
Open Cultural Studies, 2022
Memoria visual y (re)construcción de identidades. Retrato y representación en los albores de la Edad Moderna (1350-1650)
Transplantation Journal, 2012
Research Square (Research Square), 2024
Nature Communications
International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change, 2015