Analysis of Transmission Line using MATLAB software

2020, TCRLS

Power systems is one of the subject studying of power generation, transmission, distribution, utilization. Electrical – power transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from generating power plants to electrical substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric power distribution. Transmission lines, when interconnected with each other, become transmission networks. The combined transmission and distribution network is known as the “National Grid”. Most transmission lines are high voltage three phase alternating current, although single phase AC is sometimes used in railway electrification systems. There are two types of transmission lines they are DC transmission line and AC transmission lines. Long back ago we were used DC transmission, Now the present world using AC transmission lines. In both DC and AC transmission line, AC transmission line calculations are very tough and very important than DC transmission line. In analysis of transmission the important one is to find out efficiency and regulation. It is some difficult to make calculation with hand it takes long period of time. To reduce time, this efficiency and regulation gone on programming using MATLAB software, user interface is very easier to use. Through this analysis of transmission line programming using MATLAB user can obtain length, efficiency, regulation of short, medium, long transmission line.

Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation (Deemed to be University) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINNERING A Project Based Lab Report On Analysis of Transmission Line using MATLAB software SUBMITTED BY: NAME Regd. No. B. Uma Sankar Rao 180060009 E. William Cary 180069011 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Dr. K. P. Prasad Rao KL UNIVERSITY Green fields, Vaddeswaram – 522 502 Guntur Dt., AP, India. 1 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELETRONICS ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project based laboratory report entitled that “Analysis of Transmission line using MATLAB software” submitted by Mr. B. Uma Sankar Rao, Mr. E. William Cary bearing Regd. No. 180060009, 180069011 to the Department of ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS Engineering, KL University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of a project based Laboratory in “Technical skills IV (MATLAB)”course in II B.Tech., II Semester, is a bonafide record of the work carried out by him under my supervision during the academic year 2019 – 2020. PROJECT SUPERVISOR HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is great pleasure for me to express my gratitude to our honorable President Sri. Koneru Satyanarayana, for giving the opportunity and platform with facilities in accomplishing the project based laboratory report. I express the sincere gratitude to our principal Prof Dr. K. SUBBA RAO for his administration towards our academic growth. I express sincere gratitude to HOD-EEE Dr.S.V.N.LALITHA for his leadership and constant motivation provided in successful completion of our academic semester. I record it as my privilege to deeply thank for providing us the efficient faculty and facilities to make our ideas into reality. I express my sincere thanks to our project supervisor DR.M.SAI KRISHNA REDDY for his novel association of ideas, encouragement, appreciation and intellectual zeal which motivated us to venture this project successfully. Finally, it is pleased to acknowledge the indebtedness to all those who devoted themselves directly or indirectly to make this project report success. Name B. Uma Sankar Rao E. William Cary Redg. No. 180060009 180069011 3 INDEX S. No Content Page No. 1. Abstract 5 3. Apparatus 7 2. 4. Aim About syntax used in programming 6 8–9 5. Procedure 10 7. Output 14 – 16 6. 8. 9. 10. Code 11 – 13 Advantages and 17 Conclusion 18 disadvantages References 19 4 ABSTRACT Power systems is one of the subject studying of power generation, transmission, distribution, utilization. Electrical – power transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from generating power plants to electrical substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric power distribution. Transmission lines, when interconnected with each other, become transmission networks. The combined transmission and distribution network is known as the “National Grid”. Most transmission lines are high voltage three phase alternating current, although single phase AC is sometimes used in railway electrification systems. There are two types of transmission lines they are DC transmission line and AC transmission lines. Long back ago we were used DC transmission, Now the present world using AC transmission lines. In both DC and AC transmission line, AC transmission line calculations are very tough and very important than DC transmission line. In analysis of transmission the important one is to find out efficiency and regulation. It is some difficult to make calculation with hand it takes long period of time. To reduce time, this efficiency and regulation gone on programming using MATLAB software, user interface is very easier to use. Through this analysis of transmission line programming using MATLAB user can obtain length, efficiency, regulation of short, medium, long transmission line. 5 AIM It is very difficult to calculate the Efficiency, Regulation, Losses, Length of a transmission line theoretically, it takes so much to obtain the result. That’s why programming make it simpler. There are several programming languages but especially MATLAB software programming compared to other languages, then it is a weakly typed, dynamic, interpreted programming language specialized for numerical computations and data visualization. MATLAB makes it simpler. The main aim of this project is Analysis of Transmission line using MATLAB software. By using this user can get the efficiency, regulation, length of transmission line and ABCD parameters. 6 APPARATUS  A computer system with MATLAB installation with good processor and RAM.  SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Programming skills. Formulas of transmission line Switch syntax. Editor window. Command window. 7 About syntax used in programming input: For example, x = input(prompt) displays the text in prompt and waits for the user to input a value and press the Return key. The user can enter expressions, like pi/4 or rand(3), and can use variables in the workspace.   If the user presses the Return key without entering anything, then input returns an empty matrix. If the user enters an invalid expression at the prompt, then MATLAB display the relevant error message, and then redisplays the prompt. disp: disp(x) displays the value of variable x without printing the variable name. Another way to display a variable is to type its name, which display a leading “x = “ before the value. If a variable contains an empty array, disp returns without displaying anything. fprintf: fprintf ( fileID, formatspec, A1,…An) applies the formatspe to all elements of array A1,…An in column order, and writes the data to a text file. Fprintf uses the encoding scheme specified in the call to fopen. complex: In MATLAB, i and j represent the basic imaginary unit. You can use them to create complex numbers such as 2i+5 . You can also determine the real and imaginary parts of complex numbers and compute other common values such as phase and angle. imag: imag( MATLAB functions ) Y = imag( Z ) returns the imaginary part of the elements of array Z. abs: abs( z ) returns the absolute value (or complex modulus ) of z. Because symbolic variables are assumed to be complex by default, abs return the complex modulus (magnitude ) by default. If z is an array, abs acts element – wise on each element of z. 8 conj: conj( x ) returns the complex conjugate of x. Because symbolic variables are complex by default, unresolved calls, such as conj( x ), can appear in the output of norm, mtimes, and other functions. For details, see use assumptions on symbolic variables. sqrt: sqrt( MATLAB functions)B = sqrt( x ) returns the square root of each element of the array x. For the elements of X that are negative or complex, sqrt ( x ) produces complex results. 9 Procedure Procedure for this project is very simple. Installation must be there in computer device, because it program based project. 1. Open MATLAB. 2. Type command in command window that is edit window. 3. Type the program according to the formula of transmission line and MATLAB syntax in edit window. 4. MATLAB program evaluation is top to bottom and left to right. 5. Completion of whole program, Click on Run option in MATLAB window. 6. Enter values according to the program visible in command window. 7. Results will obtain. 10 Code clc; clear all; disp('********** ANALYSIS OF TRANSMISSION LINE **********') disp(' ') disp('1. Find length of transmission line ') disp('2. Finding Efficiency and Regulation of a transmission line') disp(' ') Op = input('Enter your option:'); disp(' ') switch Op case 1; Pr=input('Enter Power Receiving end: '); Ef=input('Enter Efficiency of transmission line: '); Vr=input('Enter Receiving end voltage: '); a=input('Enter copper conductance: '); Ps=Pr/Ef; ll=Ps-Pr; I=Pr/(Vr*1); R=ll/(2*(I^2)); L=(R*a)/(1.725*10^6); disp('Power sending end: ') disp(Ps) disp('Line losses: ') disp(ll) disp('The length of transmission line: ') disp(L) if L <=60 fprintf('This is a Short transmission line') disp(' ') else if L>60 && L<160 fprintf('This is Medium transmission line') disp(' ') else fprintf('This is Long transmission line') disp(' ') end end 11 case 2; L=input('Length of transmission line in km\n '); Vl=input('receiving end voltage in kv\n '); r=input('Per km resistance in ohm\n '); l=input('Per km inductance in mH\n '); S=input('Receiving power in MVA\n '); Fi=input('Lagging power factor\n '); S=S*(10^6); Vl=Vl*(10^3); l=l*(10^-3); ind=L*(l); R=r*(L); Vr=Vl/sqrt(3); Z=complex(R,2*pi*50*ind); j=sqrt(-1); if L <= 60 disp('------ THIS IS SHORT TRANSMISSION LINE ------') disp(' ') A=1; B=Z; C=0; D=A; elseif L > 60 && L <= 160 disp('------ THIS IS MEDIUM SHORT TRANSMISSION LINE ------') disp(' ') c=input('Per km capacitance in uF\n '); c=c*(10^-6); Y=2*pi*50*c*L*j; A=(Y/2)*Z+1; B=Z*((Y/4)*Z+1); C=Y; D=A; else disp('------ THIS IS LONG TRANSMISSION LINE ------') disp(' ') c=input('Per km capacitance in uF\n '); c=c*(10^-6); Y=2*pi*50*c*L*j; K=sqrt(Y*Z); M=sqrt(Y/Z); A=cosh(K); 12 end B=sinh(K)/M; C=M*sinh(K); D=A; end Ir=S/((sqrt(3)*Vl)); IR =((Ir))*complex(cos(-acos(Fi)),sin(-acos(Fi))); VS=A*Vr+B*IR; IS=C*Vr+D*IR; Ps=3*real(VS*(conj(IS))); VR=abs((((abs(VS)/abs(A))-abs(Vr))/abs(Vr)))*100; Pr=S*0.8; EF=(Pr/Ps)*100; Qs=3*imag(VS*(conj(IS))); F=cos(atan(Qs/Ps)); fprintf('\n') disp('No load receiving end voltage'); disp(abs(Vr)) disp('No load sending end current'); disp(abs(IS)) disp('Sending end p.f.'); disp(F) disp('Voltage Regulation of the line'); disp(VR) disp('Transmission Efficiency of the line'); disp(EF) 13 Output ********** ANALYSIS OF TRANSMISSION LINE ********** 1. Find length of transmission line 2. Finding Efficiency and Regulation of a transmission line Enter your option:2 Length of transmission line in km 50 receiving end voltage in kv 33000 Per km resistance in ohm 0.2 Per km inductance in mH 0.3 Receiving power in MVA 1100000 Lagging power factor 0.8 ------ THIS IS SHORT TRANSMISSION LINE ------ No load receiving end voltage 14 1.9053e+07 No load sending end current 1.9245e+04 Sending end p.f. 0.8013 Voltage Regulation of the line 1.0939 Transmission Efficiency of the line 98.7531 ********** ANALYSIS OF TRANSMISSION LINE ********** 1. Find length of transmission line 2. Finding Efficiency and Regulation of a transmission line Enter your option:1 Enter Power Receiving end: 200000 Enter Efficiency of transmission line: 0.9 Enter Receiving end voltage: 3300 Enter copper conductance: 0.775 Power sending end: 15 2.2222e+05 Line losses: 2.2222e+04 The length of transmission line: 1.3591e-06 This is a Short transmission line 16  Advantages 1. Easy to calculate efficiency, regulation, losses, length of transmission line using programing without theoretically. 2. Time saves. 3. Easy to use 4. User friendly 5. Well developed user interface.  Dis advantages 1. No everyone effort portable computer and desktop computers to calculate efficiency, regulation, losses, length of transmission line. For this programming, hardware must be developed 17 CONCLUSION By carrying out this project, it’s very easy to make calculation of transmission line that is efficiency, regulation, losses and length. By entering the power receiving end, efficiency of transmission line, receiving end voltage, and copper conductance the resultant output user can get line losses, length of transmission line and which type of transmission line it is. By entering length of transmission line, receiving end voltage, resistance per km, inductance per km, receiving power, lagging power factor and user get no load receiving end voltage, no load sending end current, sending end power factor, voltage regulation of the line, transmission efficiency of the line. 18 REFERENCES 1. Principles of power systems and performance of transmission lines. 19