Icon Design for Landmark Importance in Mobile Maps
Dionisia Lioli
Andreas Komninos
Hellenic Open University
Parodos Aristotelous 18
Patras 26335, Greece
University of Strathclyde / University of Patras
26 Richmond St / Rio, Patras
Glasgow G1 1XH, UK / 26500, Greece
[email protected]
[email protected]
Markers denoting the location of landmarks and search results in
mobile apps are used extensively in many applications. The
presence of large volumes of markers clutters the information
space, making it hard for users to visually differentiate between
highly important or recommended locations, or to browse the
depicted locations in order to identify suitable choices. In this
paper, we present the results of a participatory design process to
improve the utility of marker icons in a tourist application. We
explore three alternative designs derived from this process by
implementing and testing a mobile application that recommends
venues based on their popularity (check-in count) in a well-known
social network (FourSquare). Our lab experiments highlight
aesthetic, utility and performance issues in marker design that
affect the usability of mobile map applications.
CSS Concepts
• Human-centered computing ~ Empirical studies in ubiquitous
and mobile computing • Human-centered computing ~
Information visualization • Human-centered computing ~
Geographic visualization
Mobile maps, Marker icons, Marker scaling, Generative Markers
One of the primary goals of visitors in a city is to discover and
explore venues and landmarks that characterize the area, following
recommendations from experts, locals and other tourists that have
previously visited the same area. Although official guides and
curated advice (e.g. guidebooks) are often available for many urban
destinations, word-of-mouth information is highly influential for
tourists, particularly because sources such as guidebooks are often
biased, static and possibly out of date [12]. Word-of-mouth
information is not restricted to that which is orally communicated
(e.g. discussion between tourists and locals or tourists and friends
who may have previously visited), but extends to written comments
and discussions in online fora, blogs or social networks [11].
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PCI '16, November 10 - 12, 2016, Patras, Greece Copyright is held by
the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM 978-14503-4789-1/16/11...$15.00
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3003733.3003742
Although on-line information is often curated by the management
of venues, the majority of comments are genuine and arise from
other visitors. As such, it is perceived as a trustworthy and reliable
source [11]. Word-of-mouth information is not restricted to verbal
communication. Other items of information are implicit indicators
of a location’s popularity and importance. Such information might
be the number of people who have performed particular actions
relating to a location via social networks, indicating a visit or a
subjective appraisal of its importance (e.g. “checking in”, posting a
picture, “liking”, rating or leaving a tip/comment for others). Such
information is easy to retrieve via the various APIs that modern
social networks provide and can be used to estimate the general
importance of locations. In some cases, there is evidence that such
information is a more impartial indicator of venue popularity
compared to the analysis of written feedback, as users tend to share
negative experiences more often than positive ones [3]. A further
advantage of this type of information is its dynamic nature –
quantitative metrics such as the number of check-ins at a location
exhibit different growth patterns depending on the popularity and
seasonality of locations, hence allowing for up-to-date and
contextualized recommendations. However, with the growing
popularity of social networks, the number of locations that can be
visualised by mining the relevant APIs has grown exponentially.
For example, the popular FourSquare network claims to have over
65 million locations in its database as of December 2015 [14].
Trying thus to depict locations in any urban area via a mobile app
creates a very significant problem due to the small size of the
information space (mobile screen) and large volume of markers that
have to be displayed. The end result is visual clutter, which makes
it difficult for users to locate and view information about important
locations. This issue is mitigated by two predominant strategies:
Marker clustering (i.e. aggregating multiple proximal markers into
a single visual representation, often accompanied by a count and
colourisation to depict density) and marker limitation (maintaining
a consistent marker visual style but limiting the visualised markers
to just a few recommended locations). The latter approach though
still suffers from a major issue, which is the differentiation of
importance between the limited number of markers displayed on
the user’s screen (i.e. all markers look the same, so the user is not
offered clues on where to begin their search). In this paper, we aim
to address this issue by exploring alternative marker designs that
convey location importance as a core visual element.
A significant issue with markers on digital maps, particularly
affecting mobile maps due to the small screen limitation, is the
presence of high volumes of markers in the map view. Several
approaches for limiting the clutter on maps have been proposed,
most of which focus on the heavy context-aware filtering of
visualised POIs, in order to reduce the displayed volume. A visual
approach is to cluster markers and representing these with an
aggregate marker symbol. A further approach is to use heatmaps,
to depict the density of markers in an area. Tiled heatmaps are a
more simplified alternative to traditional heatmaps, using a “tiled”
approach instead of a dynamic ellipsoidal visualization like
standard heatmaps. Finally, another alternative is choropleth maps,
which are akin to tiled heatmaps but differ in that the “regions” are
typically polygonal pre-defined shapes (e.g. political land
boundaries). These approaches are reviewed in [10] and all relate
to solving the problem of marker density, as opposed to marker
importance. Literature on the design of individual marker icons is
extremely limited. Elias & Paelke [7] highlight a lack of literature
in POI marker design in mentioning, having found an extremely
small body of literature in this area. Their work examined a variety
of landmark marker design approaches that adopt various levels of
abstraction (from photos to iconology and words) and propose
design guidelines for marker visualisation, in which icons, symbols
and words for depicting landmark types is found to be the best
approach. The use of photographs of landmarks is recommended as
appropriate for representing visual aspect, a finding supported by
Hile et al. [9] and also Delikostidis et al. [6].
3.1 Criteria for Selecting a Location
Heidmann states that the fundamental aims of visualizing spatial
data points are to allow a user to locate, read, classify, group and
compare [8]. The aforementioned visualisation approaches
however miss out entirely the comparison element. To help with
this dimension, it has previously been shown that a range of visual
marker variables [1] can be used to aid users in differentiating but
also ranking locations (e.g. marker colour and size [2]). Perhaps the
first researcher to have examined the relationship between
understanding a marker’s importance and its graphical elements
was Chittaro [4], who introduced the concept of dynamically drawn
POI markers that incorporate contextual information on the
represented POI, in terms of the degree in which POIs fulfill
filtering criteria. This was accomplished by drawing a green bar on
the side of each icon in a 2D mobile map, whose height represented
the degree in which a POI matched filtering criteria. We are not
aware of any other significant literature in this area, with the
exception of a recent paper by Meier [13], who proposed the
concept of “generative markers”, combining a clustering depiction
varied by with colour, size and iconographic elements. Meier did
not actually test his proposed designs, but conducted evaluations of
various other clustering methods, including single markers that
varied in size and colour (to depict density). The results of these
evaluations highlight that users commonly relate visual variable
manipulation of markers as pertinent to ranking (e.g. restaurant
rankings from a social media platform). He also concluded that size
is a good visual variable for identifying the maximum (although
this is applied to the number of markers clustered into a single one).
We also asked participants to express where they might obtain
reliable information for “must-do” locations. They indicated that
locals (e.g. taxi drivers, receptionists, waiters) are the most reliable
sources. Half of them stated they might look up information on the
web prior to the visit, while the rest would attempt to look up
information using their mobiles while there. Apps such as
TripAdvisor were mentioned as rich sources, but with low
reliability as the information comes mostly from other tourists
rather than locals. In contrast, when we asked them about their
views on information such as check-ins, they viewed this
favourably since they perceived that a large percentage would also
be generated by locals and not only tourists. They also agreed with
the statement that they personally would only check in to locations
that would make them “proud to be seen in”. Our participants
expressed some concern about fake check-ins (i.e. users stating
being at a location while really being somewhere else) but also
check-ins motivated by local businesses (e.g. by offering a
discount). However they felt that fake check-ins were not a
common occurrence. With regard to motivated check-ins,
participants stated a clear awareness that this resulted to advertising
a venue to their friends, so they would not do it for venues they
didn’t feel were worth it, or they would do it in order to take
advantage of an offer at a location, limiting the visibility of their
check-in through privacy settings.
These findings raise the question on whether a process whereby the
automatic manipulation of marker visual variables (size and colour)
can have an impact on the ability of mobile spatial app users to
quickly assess and compare the importance of locations on a mobile
map. This question forms the motivation behind our work. The next
sections describe our investigation in designing such markers and
their evaluation.
We began our design effort with several preliminary focus groups,
aimed at introducing participants to our goal and to determine
attitudes and directions for appropriating visual variables such as
size and colour in markers, in order to convey location importance
in mobile maps.
Our first focus group aimed at assessing the importance of social
network information as a proxy for location importance. We held
two sessions with twelve participants (6 female) aged between 2535 years old, split in two equal size groups. They participated in a
semi-structured discussion concerning criteria for selecting a
location, ways of finding local information and using mobile apps
as an aid for tourism. Our participants were asked to brainstorm for
criteria for selecting locations and then collectively rank these for
locations local to their hometowns and for locations in an
unfamiliar city. They mentioned that for local places, the primary
criterion for them was their current mood and whether a location
matches that. The second most important was whether a location
had been previously visited by friends (hence recommended).
Venue popularity ranked third, followed by other criteria such as
services offered at the location, price or distance. For places in
unfamiliar cities, venue popularity emerged as the most important
criterion, while the rest followed in the same order as for local
places. Participants strongly viewed popularity as reliable indicator
of the “must-do” locations while visiting.
Finally we asked our participants to explore the idea of a tourism
app that would expose information from social networks to users.
They stated that they would appreciate being able to visualize
venue popularity as indicated by check-ins, using ranked lists but
also being able to see this ranking on maps, so as to assess the
spatial relationship amongst venues and their current location. Map
semiology should be such that would allow them to distinguish
location categories using marker colour and importance using
marker size.
3.2 Participatory Design of Location Markers
Our preliminary focus groups provided confirmation that location
importance is a critical element in mobile spatial apps, as well as a
few hints on how marker styles variables could be manipulated to
afford richer understanding of the user’s surroundings. With these
results in mind, we conducted a participatory design session with a
further 5 users (2 female) aged 28-32. Each participant was asked
to individually imagine and draw a low-fidelity set of sketches on
paper, depicting the core elements of a mobile application showing
locations and their importance to tourists. We then shared all
designs between participants and asked them to freely comment on
each. Our first participant came up with a design that presents
venues in a ranked list. A map is shown only when a user selects a
venue from the list, for the purposes of navigation. Other
participants negatively commented on this approach, particularly
because a user had to first select a venue category and then a
location, making it impossible to see the spatial relationship
between the chosen location and others. Our second participant
adopted a map-based approach where venues from all categories
were shown on the map, each marker depicting popularity using a
different colour. She provided the ability to filter categories through
a drop-down menu. This approach was highly rated by other
participants, who noted however that a legend would be required in
order to remind them the relationship between colour and
popularity. Our third participant also adopted a map as the main
information space, using colour to denote venue category in
markers and a clustering of “dots” to show the number of check-ins
at a location. Hence, a location was represented by a multitude of
densely clustered markers (“dots”) resulting in a visualization that
resembles a cross between markers and tile heatmaps. Other
participants liked this idea but were unsure how this would work in
terms of “tapping” on a marker to view more information.
representations with clear additional graphical elements (e.g. liquid
level in coffee cup, number of “bricks”) are good ways of helping
users assess importance. A combination of additional graphical
elements that result in enlarged marker size to highlight important
locations also offers the added advantage that it makes for easier
“tapping” targets.
3.3 Prototype Design
Based on the review of literature, the outcomes of our preliminary
focus groups and also the participatory design sessions, we
developed a mobile app on Android, using three alternative marker
designs, all of which are based on the concept of using colour to
depict location category and size to depict location importance. For
this purpose, we use three 2-D marker designs, inspired by elements
of urban landscapes. Our designs were made to accommodate not
just the results from our exploratory participatory design, but the
aesthetic and functional recommendations of literature as follows:
Trees: Nature-inspired graphics to show the accumulation of
events via continuous scaling [5], Pins: Abstract graphics to show
the accumulation of events via continuous scaling [2] and;
Buildings: Generative graphics to show the accumulation of events
by adding discrete graphical elements (i.e. floors) [13] (Fig.2)
Generative icons
Figure 1. Prototype designs by participants 2-5 (clockwise
from top left)
Our fourth user adopted a generative approach, where marker
visual elements were modified according to venue popularity. In
his example, “coffee shops” were depicted by a coffee cup icon.
The cup was depicted as being more “full” at popular locations,
while being “empty” at locations that were not popular. This was
received as an imaginative and creative approach by others,
however there was uncertainty in how this would be used in other
categories (e.g. food). Finally, our fifth participant adopted a map
based approach where markers were depicted as “stacks of Lego
bricks”, with popularity shown by the number of “bricks” in a
marker. Colour was used to differentiate between categories of
venues. This generative approach is more abstract than that of
Participant 4 and was received as the best overall design.
The results of our exercise provided some good insights relating to
marker design. Overall we participants felt that colour is best used
to help differentiate between venue categories. Abstract
Figure 2. Map UI showing our marker styles
Our first marker type is a “pin”, with a slim body and rounded head.
This type of abstract marker is reminiscent of lamp-posts, a
ubiquitous item of urban furniture, but also of actual pins that are
often placed on real paper maps. Pins are scaled relevant to location
importance. The second type is an abstract building. This marker
type has more “floors” added to it, as venue importance increases.
Finally, the third type is trees, in which case the foliage colour (and
shape) depict venue category and the marker size is scaled in
relation to venue importance. Graphical depictions inspired by
nature have been used in a number of projects in the past to depict
the accumulation of events (e.g. in [5], physical activity events and
their intensity are shown as flowers which increase in height). An
important distinction between the marker types is that while pins
and trees are scaled on a continuous level, buildings have floors
added at specific interval thresholds only. This is necessary for
logical consistency, as it would not make sense in this case to
partially add a floor to the marker icon, from a user perspective.
hence we excluded him from the analysis. Statistical tests shown
below (t-tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests) are made according
to the distribution of variables, which was examined using ShapiroWilk normality tests.
Our application allows users to show one or more categories of
locations on the map by applying filters depicted as checkboxes on
the left of the screen. Tapping on a marker brings up an pop-up
balloon with some details of the venue (category, name, distance
and popularity). A further tap on the balloon takes the user to a
location detail screen, showing photos of the venue. For the
purposes of our experiment, this screen also displays a “back” and
“final choice” button, as will be explained later. Our prototype
fetches venue information from the FourSquare API, based on a
pre-compiled list of discovered venues described in [x]. For our
implementation, we used the Nutiteq 3D maps library for Android,
as it permits the dynamic scaling of markers. The application code
is available as an open-source project at [url blinded for review].
4.2 Performance measures
4.2.1 Task completion times
Overall participants took longer with the tree icon representation
(m=116.97s, sd=54.25s). Pairwise comparisons with t-tests reveal
that this difference compared to time taken with the pin icons
(m=81.21s, sd=33.04s) is statistically significant (t(17)=3.719,
p<0.01). Comparing time with the tree icons to the time taken with
the building icons, which exhibited the shortest time (m=71.36s,
sd=21.33s) is also statistically significant (t(17)=3.949, p<0.01). A
comparison between the time taken with the pin and building icons
was not found to be statistically significant (t(17)=1.804, p=0.09).
As such the two best performing designs are pins and buildings.
4.1 Experiment setup
The participants performed four tasks using each icon design, using
a different order of tasks and icon designs to avoid any learning
effects. The tasks were performed using a choice of 16 scenarios in
random order, which were constructed using combinations of the
following features: (F1) Search range (nearby venues only, or the
whole city), (F2) Venue category (selecting one from Food,
Outdoors, Nightlife, Arts) and, (F3) Venue popularity (selecting the
most or least popular). Each scenario set contained two scenarios
for each value of F1, one scenario for each value of F2, three
scenarios of F3-popular and one scenario of F1-unpopular. An
example of a task set constructed with these constraints follows:
S1. Based on your current location, you would like to find a nearby
beautiful outdoor location to spend some time. Which one would
you choose?
S2. It’s after dark and you and your friends want to have fun at a
nearby bar. Which one would you choose?
S3. You are at your hotel and want to find a good place to eat,
anywhere in town. Which one would you choose?
S4. You are your hotel and it’s your last day in the city. You’d like
to visit an art venue that’s interesting and worth visiting. Which
place would you NOT choose under any circumstances?
For each task, we recorded the overall completion time, number of
icons clicked, number of detail screens opened and time in each
screen, the check-ins for the clicked icons and the check-ins for the
participants’ final choice. Following each task set with each icon
design, we asked our participants to complete a NASA-TLX
questionnaire. At the end of the experiments, we asked participants
to respond to five subjective questions using Likert scales.
Our results are presented excluding the data from one participant
who appeared to be largely distracted during the experiment, and
Time (seconds)
To assess the impact of our designed landmark icons, we performed
a lab-based evaluation with 18 participants (8 female), aged (2836). All participants performed a series of tasks on a Sony Experia
E smartphone to ensure the screen space available to them was
equal. Our experiment took place in Greece. As such we wanted to
use a geographical location that represented a location that none of
our participants had ever visited. We chose the city of Oulu in
Finland, as in a previous experiment we had collected a large
dataset from FourSquare covering this location (>2000 POIs) and
it was also a location that none of the participants knew.
Task completion and detail screen times
Task completion time
Time in Detail Screens
Figure 3. Time data during task completion
We also examined the time taken examining detail screens (which
is included in the overall time taken to complete the task), in order
to examine how much of the task completion time was spent on the
map screen compared to examining venue detail screens. We note
here that the time taken examining the detail screens is very low
compared to the overall task time. On average, participants took the
most time examining detail screens with the tree icon
representation (m=13.39s, sd=5.34s). This was followed by the
time in the building icon representation (m=10.70s, sd=5.40s), with
the difference being statistically significant (t(17)=2.442, p<0.05).
The lowest time in details screens was taken with the pin
representation (m=9.88s, sd=4.33s). The difference with the tree
icon representation is again statistically significant (t(17)=2.884,
p<0.05). The difference between time in detail screens with the pin
and building representation is not statistically significant (t(17)=1.035, p=0.316). Again we find the best two performing designs to
be pins and buildings.
4.2.2 Interaction with the User Interface
Less interaction with the UI is a key goal in mobile application
design, as a user should be able to process the presented
information visually and without needing to access further options
available in the UI. As we noted a difference in the time taken
examining detail screens, we wanted to see whether this arises from
a difference in the number of detail screens viewed. On average
participants opened more detail screens while using the tree icons
(m=4.31, sd=1.42). This was followed by the number of screens
opened while using building icons (m=4.11, sd=1.29) but the
difference is not statistically significant (t(17)=0.373, p=0.714).
The smallest number of detail screens was opened while using the
pin icons (m=3.37, sd=1.55) and this difference is statistically
significant to those while using tree icons (t(17)=2.825, p<0.05) but
not while using building icons (t(17)=-1.472, p=0.160), which
explains the time differences described in the previous sections.
The best performing designs are again pins and buildings.
Further to this, we examined the number of icons clicked in each
map visualization (bringing up the pop-up info balloon for each
landmark), to see if the time differences in completing tasks can be
explained by this. Participants clicked on more landmark icons in
each task using the tree representation (m=5.74, sd=2.39). This was
followed by the pin icons (m=5.01, sd=1.96), but the difference is
not statistically significant (Z=01.613, p=0.107). The least icon
clicks were made with building icons (m=4.25, sd=1.73), which
exhibit a statistically significant difference to the tree icons (Z=2.467, p<0.05), but not pin icons (t(17)=1.607, p=0.128). As such
we can conclude that the time taken to complete tasks was a direct
result of the number of clicks on icons and time taken in detail
screens, resulting in worse performance using the tree icons, and
comparable best performance using building and pin icons.
User interactions with interface
between the two was not statistically significantly different (Z=0.682, p=0.496). The least check-ins at selected venues were found
with the building representation (m=4027.11, sd=3098.69), but
there were no statistically significant differences between buildings
and pins (Z=-0.196, p=0.845) or buildings and trees (Z=-0.517,
p=0.605). Our conclusion thus is that all visualisations were equally
helpful to participants in identifying and selecting popular venues.
Where the task required participants to discover unpopular venues,
we removed data from cases in which participants exhibited clear
outliers. We found that participants examined landmarks with the
least check-ins using the building representation (m=288.61,
sd=928.50). This was followed by pins (m=544.83, sd=837.14), but
the difference between the two was not statistically significantly
different (Z=-1.590, p=0.112). The tree visualization seemed the
least helpful in examining the truly unpopular locations (m=767.44,
sd=1141.86) but the difference is not statistically significantly
different compared to pins (Z=-0.683, p=0.496) or to buildings
(Z=-0.517, p=0.605). Hence all visualizations were equally helpful
for identifying unpopular venues.
Unpopular place search check-ins
Icons clicked
Detail screens opened
Figure 4. Number of interactions with the UI during tasks
Check-ins (cliked icons)
Check-ins (selected landmarks)
4.2.3 Task success
Given the above, one final issue to investigate was to examine the
extent to which icon representations helped participants spot the
best candidate landmarks for their selection and to differentiate
between popular venues and unpopular ones. For this, we looked at
the cases where the task required a popular place to be found and
those where the task required the opposite.
Popular place search check-ins
Figure 6. Average check-ins at clicked icons and selected
landmarks (searching for a “quiet” place)
Finally, we compared the ability of participants to distinguish
between popular and unpopular venues using the three
visualisations. As can be seen from the results of statistical
significance tests in Table 1, in all cases, participants were able to
distinguish between popular and unpopular venues during the
exploration of the map and also in their final choices.
Table 1. Statistical significance test results for comparisons
between tasks searching for “busy” and “quiet” landmarks.
Check-ins (cliked icons)
Check-ins (selected landmarks)
Figure 5. Average check-ins at clicked icons and selected
landmarks (searching for a “busy” place)
Where the participants looked for popular venues, on average the
venues they examined showed the most check-ins with the building
icons (m=3492.49, sd=1321.56). This was followed by the pin icon
representation (m=3297.04, sd=821.43) but the difference between
the two was not statistically significant (Z=-0.893, p=0.372). The
tree icon representation showed the least average check-ins on
clicked icons (m=3173.50, sd=878.95), but again this difference
was not statistically significantly different to either pins (Z=-0.682,
p=0.496) or buildings (t(17)=-0.989, p=0.382). When examining
the participants’ final choice for each task, we found that when
using tree icons, participants selected the venues with the most
check-ins (m=4390.94, sd=3135.46). This was followed by pin
representation (m=4049.67, sd=3090.34) but the difference
4.3 Self-reported measures
As mentioned, we asked participants to complete a NASA-TLX
questionnaire at the end of each session (Fig. 7). From this we
excluded the physical effort scale as it doesn’t apply to our
experiment. The results are thus presented for all other scales of the
We found statistically significant differences in the mental axis
between pins and trees (Z=-2.184, p<0.05), meaning that the mental
workload was easiest with pins. In terms of temporal demand, we
didn’t find any statistically significant differences, meaning that
our participants, despite our quantitative result findings, did not feel
that the time taken to complete the tasks was different with any of
the icons used. In terms of performance (i.e. their ability to find
suitable landmarks for the tasks), our participants felt equally able
to do so with all icons used, confirming our quantitative results.
However, they reported that they expended the least effort in
achieving this performance using the pin icons, whereby a
statistically significant difference was found when comparing to
both trees (Z=-2.456, p<0.05) and buildings (Z=-2.039, p<0.05).
Finally, in terms of frustration, our participants showed the least
frustration with pins compared to trees with a statistically
significant difference (Z=-2.274, p<0.05) but the difference to
frustration with buildings was not statistically significant.
NASA-TLX results
are considered by designers in mobile map applications. The
generative design performed closely with the pins but given the
width, it often resulted in significant marker overlap which
hindered users in our application, which contained a large volume
of landmarks. This was an issue also with the tree icons, which
additionally offered greater visual complexity. Hence we can
recommend that generative markers are possibly a good choice
where only a few markers have to be displayed on a mobile map.
In the future, we would like to extend our work by testing the
designs with mobile maps of different landmark density.
[1] Jacques Bertin. 2011. General Theory, from Semiology of
Graphics. In The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice
and Cartographic Representation, Martin Dodge, Rob
Kitchin and Chris Perkins (eds.). John Wiley & Sons, 8–16.
[2] Sheelagh Carpendale. 2003. Considering Visual Variables as
a Basis for Information Visualisation. University of Calgary.
Retrieved from http://goo.gl/Kc05EO
Mental demand
Temporal demand
Figure 7. Responses to NASA-TLX questionnaire
Finally, we asked participants a range of questions at the end of our
experiment, recorded in Likert scales. In terms of their ability to
distinguish between individual landmarks on the map, the pin icons
were better received, due to their slim size which limits icon
overlap. In terms of being able to understand the popularity of
landmarks, participants strongly preferred the building icons. The
tree icons were found to be the most aesthetically pleasing but
overall the most useful version was reported as the one with the pin
icons. This was also verified by the response to a final question
regarding which visualization participants would choose if the
application was available to them, in which 59% elected the pins
visualization, followed by buildings (23%) and trees (18%).
Subjective question response distribution
Distinguish landmarks
Understand popularity
Strong negative
Aesthetically pleasing
Strong positive
Figure 8. Responses to subjective questions
In this paper, we examined three different mobile map icon designs
for their efficacy in conveying landmark importance to users. We
created three designs based on previous literature, which indicate
importance by altering the icon size in three ways: using an abstract
design and continuous scaling (pins) [2], using a nature-inspired
design and continuous scaling (trees) [5] and using a generative
design with discrete scaling (buildings) [13]. Although we found
that all three designs were successful in helping participants
identify and select the best landmarks (popular or not) according to
the tasks, our results indicate that the participants were best aided
by abstract designs and continuous scaling, as this technique offers
the most advantages in cognitive effort, task completion speed and
minimization of interaction with the user interface, as indicated by
both quantitative and qualitative results. The slim design and lack
of visual complexity are the distinguishing characteristics of our
pin icons and we should thus recommend that these characteristics
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