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2004, Injury-international Journal of The Care of The Injured
5 pages
1 file, 2018
The prospective study aims to evaluate the prevalence of Trauma its pattern, causes, management and outcome of Trauma victims admitted in Trauma centre, BHU, Varanasi. On an average 70-80 Trauma patients were reporting to Emergency Department every day at Trauma centre BHU. In the study detailed history and examination of all patients were done like age, sex, injury type (blunt/ penetrating) and mechanism of injury, prehospital care. Apart from the injury patterns and Trauma scoring, causes and clinical condition were assessed at the time of arrival. Follow up of the in hospital Trauma cases and their definitive management had been assessed. During the study period of six month (1 March 2018 to 31 August 2018) total 10200 patient reported to the Trauma Emergency Department , The incidence of Trauma were found more among male with 76.61% with male: female ratio 2:7, Adult with age group of 11-30yrs reported maximum injuries(43%) , Also only 61.47% of the Trauma cases has received Pre hospital care before arrival and 38.52% of the cases reported directly, 64.91% were stable 34.50% of the cases were unstable at the time of arrival and 0.588% of the patients were brought dead to ED. Road traffic accidents/Motor vehicle accidents (RTA/MVA) is found to be the major cause of Trauma followed by Falls, Miscellaneous (Machinery, others), Physical assault, Fire arms and Animal induced injuries. The Injury severity scoring (ISS) ranges from 1-15 is 57.09% followed by 24.08% (ISS16-24), 14.85% (ISS 25-49), 3.97%(ISS50-75) Out of 10200 casualties only 3031 cases were admitted for definitive management out of which 30.88% of the cases were recovered and perform activity of daily living, 50.68% recovered but disabled,11.36% Expired, 4.77% of patients went DAMA (Discharge against medical advice) and 2.27% of the patients were absconded.
World Journal of Surgery
Background India has one-sixth (16%) of the world’s population but more than one-fifth (21%) of the world’s injury mortality. A trauma registry established by the Australia India Trauma Systems Collaboration (AITSC) Project was utilized to study 30-day in-hospital trauma mortality at high-volume Indian hospitals. Methods The AITSC Project collected data prospectively between April 2016 and March 2018 at four Indian university hospitals in New Delhi, Mumbai, and Ahmedabad. Patients admitted with an injury mechanism of road or rail-related injury, fall, assault, or burns were included. The associations between demographic, physiological on-admission vitals, and process-of-care parameters with early (0–24 h), delayed (1–7 days), and late (8–30 days) in-hospital trauma mortality were analyzed. Results Of 9354 patients in the AITSC registry, 8606 were subjected to analysis. The 30-day mortality was 12.4% among all trauma victims. Early (24-h) mortality was 1.9%, delayed (1–7 days) mortal...
BMC Health Services Research, 2017
Background: A systematic analysis of trauma deaths is a step towards trauma quality improvement in Indian hospitals. This study estimates the magnitude of preventable trauma deaths in five Indian hospitals, and uses a peer-review process to identify opportunities for improvement (OFI) in trauma care delivery. Methods: All trauma deaths that occurred within 30 days of hospitalization in five urban university hospitals in India were retrospectively abstracted for demography, mechanism of injury, transfer status, injury description by clinical, investigation and operative findings. Using mixed methods, they were quantitatively stratified by the standardized Injury Severity Score (ISS) into mild (1-8), moderate (9-15), severe (16-25), profound (26-75) ISS categories, and by time to death within 24 h, 7, or 30 days. Using peer-review and Delphi methods, we defined optimal trauma care within the Indian context and evaluated each death for preventability, using the following categories: Preventable (P), Potentially preventable (PP), Non-preventable (NP) and Non-preventable but care could have been improved (NPI). Results: During the 18 month study period, there were 11,671 trauma admissions and 2523 deaths within 30 days (21.6%). The overall proportion of preventable deaths was 58%, among 2057 eligible deaths. In patients with a mild ISS score, 71% of deaths were preventable. In the moderate category, 56% were preventable, and 60% in the severe group and 44% in the profound group were preventable. Traumatic brain injury and burns accounted for the majority of non-preventable deaths. The important areas for improvement in the preventable deaths subset, inadequacies in airway management (14.3%) and resuscitation with hemorrhage control (16.3%). System-related issues included lack of protocols, lack of adherence to protocols, pre-hospital delays and delays in imaging. Conclusion: Fifty-eight percent of all trauma deaths were classified as preventable. Two-thirds of the deaths with injury severity scores of less than 16 were preventable. This large subgroup of Indian urban trauma patients could possibly be saved by urgent attention and corrective action. Low-cost interventions such as airway management, fluid resuscitation, hemorrhage control and surgical decision-making protocols, were identified as OFI. Establishment of clinical protocols and timely processes of trauma care delivery are the next steps towards improving care.
… University Medical Journal, 2009
Background: the main objective of the present study is to analyse the pattern of death related to trauma/injuries at Manipal in Udupi district, Karnataka state, India. Material and methods: Retrospective data (January 2001 to December 2003) were collected from autopsy reports maintained in the department of forensic medicine, and the inquest reports from the police. Out of the total (n=470) autopsies, 344 victims had traumatic fatality. The demographic data, type of trauma, duration of survival, body areas involved was recorded. Results: 470 autopsies were performed during the period of study. Of these 344 (73%) were traumatic fatalities. Males were preponderant (71%). More than half of the victims were between 1-40 years. The youth age of 21-30 years were affected maximum due to all type of trauma except for falls and assault in this area of the country (India). The leading type of trauma was Road Traf¿ c Accident (RTA) (52%) followed by burn (24%). Females were predominant with 74% in trauma due to burns. In majority of cases where the death was reported in the hospital, among them more than 50% of victims were survived in hospital for more than 24 hours. The victims those expired within 3 hours were in majority from RTA and those who survived for more than 24 hours were in majority from burns. Majority (258) of the victims had head injuries followed by thoracic injuries (169), and abdomen (125). Twenty four percent of the victims died on the spot or before reaching hospital. Conclusion: In this area of the country the trauma due to RTA is a leading cause of death among the traumatic death followed by burns.
The Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences and Applied Toxicology, 2017
Trauma is defined as any harm occurs to the human body due to application of force. Every minute in life we are liable to different forms of trauma. Traumatic injuries are one of the leading causes for death and infirmities. There is increasing rate of exposure to trauma especially in developing countries. This raises the concern for documentation and analysis of the causes to plan preventive strategy to decrease the mortality and morbidity. Aim of the study: to cast light on the pattern of trauma and mortality causes, patients at risk and the value of documentation in medicolegal work and in helping the authorities identifying the changes in causes of trauma pattern helping in building preventive measures Subjects and methods: Descriptive retrograde study done on patients admitted to tertiary trauma center in Assiut University Hospitals (AUH) in the period from 2005-2012. Analysis of the demographic data, cause and site of injury and mortality cases were carried out. Results: 77,380 patients were admitted during the period of the study. Age mean± SD was 29.41± 20.8 years, males were more predominant 75.5% compared to 24.5% females. The improvement was 78.9% in admitted patients and the death rate was 4%. The top causes of injury and mortality were; falling on the ground, road traffic accidents, falling from height, interpersonal violence and blunt injuries. The most affected body site was the lower limbs, upper limbs, head, vertebral column, chest, pelvis followed by abdomen. Conclusion: the road traffic accidents, falling accidents and interpersonal violence were the main causes of mortality. Attention must be paid for the young patients exposed to these injuries especially if head, lower limb, chest or abdomen were affected as they were at increasing risk. Also, Attention must be paid for documentation of injuries in details due to its medicolegal value.
World journal of emergency surgery : WJES, 2006
Preventable trauma deaths are defined as deaths which could be avoided if optimal care has been delivered. Studies on preventable trauma deaths have been accomplished initially with panel reviews of pre-hospital and hospital charts. However, several investigators questioned the reliability and validity of this method because of low reproducibility of implicit judgments when they are made by different experts. Nevertheless, number of studies were published all around the world and ultimately gained some credibility, particularly in regions where comparisons were made before and after trauma system implementation with a resultant fall in mortality. During the last decade of century the method of comparing observed survival with probability of survival calculated from large trauma registries has obtained popularity. Preventable trauma deaths were identified as deaths occurred notwithstanding a high calculated probability of survival. In recent years, preventable trauma deaths studies h...
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2016
This study aims to describe patterns of injury mechanism among patients treated at a tertiary trauma center in Mumbai to identify opportunities for targeted injury prevention strategies. Data were collected from an institutional trauma registry, and all patients presenting with life-or limb-threatening injuries over a 16-month period were included. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed for demographic characteristics, injury mechanisms, and clinical outcomes. A total of 1,115 patients were treated during the study period, and the in-hospital mortality rate was 32% in this severely injured cohort. More than one half of patients were suffered transportation injuries (58%). Of victims of transportation injuries, 45% were victims of railway injuries and 28% were pedestrians struck by motor vehicles. Mortality was highest among victims of railway injuries (42%) and pedestrians struck by automobiles (38%). Although injury prevention is a major public health concern worldwide, it is important to understand local patterns of injury to guide targeted prevention strategies. This study highlights the utility of trauma registries in collecting crucial injury surveillance data. In this context, a focus on pedestrian safety and railway injury prevention is warranted.
World Journal of Surgery, 2014
Background Data on time-based trauma mortality (TTM) patterns in developing countries are lacking. Objective Our objective was to analyze the TTM in a newly established trauma center. Methods A retrospective analysis of all trauma-related mortality between 2010 and 2012 was conducted in Qatar. Based on the time of injury, deceased cases were categorized into immediate (pre-hospital), early (first 24 h), and late ([24 h) groups. TTM was analyzed and compared. Results A total of 4,966 trauma patients were admitted to the trauma center over 3 years; of them, 333 traumarelated deaths (6.8 %) were documented and reviewed. The death pattern peaked immediately post-trauma (n = 142), followed by 96 deaths within the first 24 h, 19 deaths within the time period[24 to 48 h, 50 deaths within the 3rd and 7th day (second peak), and 26 deaths after the 1st week. The majority of the deceased were males, with a mean age of 36 ± 17 years. Motor vehicle crashes (43.5 %) were the commonest mechanism of injury. At presentation, median injury severity score (ISS) was 32 (range 9-75). Bleeding, abdominal, and pelvic injuries were higher in the early group, whereas head injuries were observed more in the late mortality group. Co-morbidities and in-hospital complications were predominantly encountered in the late group. Head injury (odds ratio [OR] 3.760; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.311-10.797) was an independent predictor for late death, whereas the need for blood transfusion was a predictor for early death (OR 3.233; 95 % CI 1.125-9.345). Conclusion The distribution of mortality shows a bimodal pattern. The high rate of death at the scene highlights the importance of pre-hospital care and the need for injury prevention programs.
transformate în mit. în viaţa reală, în schimb, este genul de autoare care lucrează sistematic şi constant în biroul său din propria-i locuinţă, o casă victoriană în apropiere de Boston unde locuieşte împreună cu soţul ei, cei doi fii şi cei trei câini ai săi. Şi-a petrecut întreaga copilărie în Long Island, a studiat la Adelphi University şi a absolvit un curs de creative writing la Universitatea Stanford. La vârsta de 21 de ani a scris primul său roman, Property Of. Până în prezent a publicat peste cincisprezece cărţi, printre care două de proză scurtă şi şase de literatură pentru copii. Romanul Practicai Magic (1995) stă la baza filmului omonim, cu Sandra Bullock şi Nicole Kidman în rolurile principale. At Risk, una dintre cele mai cunoscute cărţi ale ei, este prezentă în bibliografiile marilor universităţi americane. Drepturile de autor pentru best-seller-ul Local Girls au fost donate pentru înfiinţarea unui centru de cercetare a cancerului de sân în Boston. Cele mai recente cărţi semnate de Alice Hoffman sunt Green Angel, un roman pentru adolescenţi, Moondog, o carte ilustrată dedicată unuia dintre fiii ei, şi best-seller-urile The River King şi Blue Diary.
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