Conveners: John Burroughs and Michael Spies, Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, New
York, New York, USA; Jacqueline Cabasso and Andrew Lichterman, Western States Legal
Foundation Oakland California, USA
A. PART ONE: Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race
Speaker: Jacqueline Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation, Oakland, California, USA
NPT delegates and NGO colleagues:
We will present our assessment of the nuclear weapon states’ compliance with Article VI
of the NPT in three parts, corresponding to the three elements of that article: cessation of
the nuclear arms race, nuclear disarmament, and a treaty on general and complete
The first element and its time qualification are too often overlooked: “negotiation in
good faith of effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early
In 1995, we were told that “the nuclear arms race has ceased,” in a declaration issued at
the Conference on Disarmament by France, Russia, Britain and the United States in
anticipation of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference.1
Unfortunately, this optimistic claim is not true.
It is true that, with the possible exception of China, the quantitative trend is downwards.
But qualitative modernization of nuclear forces continues.
The nuclear weapon states may protest that modernization is the inevitable byproduct of
replacement of existing systems that have reached the end of their service lives.
But if true that defense points to an intention not to fulfill the unequivocal undertaking
of elimination for decades to come.
Moreover, in some cases modernization unmistakably amounts to arms racing.
It must also be noted that both the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Fissile
Materials Cut-Off Treaty have yet to be achieved. Both measures were envisioned at the
time of the NPT’s negotiation as means of capping the arms race. Indeed, they would
have done so if they had been agreed as intended “at an early date.” Still, even today,
they could contribute to preventing arms racing.
CD 1308, April 6, 1995, later issued as a document of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
Nor have the NPT nuclear weapon states undertaken any initiatives to stop
modernization of nuclear forces - no initiatives of any kind, formal or informal,
discussions or negotiations, among themselves or in a wider setting. Nor have there
been efforts to achieve related objectives like increasing transparency and lowering the
readiness of forces. Those are tasks that could and should be taken up by those countries
- Britain, France and China - which tend to shelter behind the argument that global
elimination must await deep reductions in US and Russian forces.
Now for a quick snapshot of modernization programs:
Britain: The submarine-launched Trident missile, equipped with three to four warheads,
is Britain’s remaining operational nuclear weapon system.2 At its Aldermaston complex,
the Atomic Weapons Establishment is continuing its plans for the development of new
facilities to be used for laser-based plasma physics studies, hydrodynamic testing, and
supercomputer simulations.3 The Establishment states that its mission in part is to
“maintain a capability to provide warheads for a successor system” to the Trident
without “recourse to nuclear testing.”4 A decision on whether or not to replace the
Trident system will likely be made in the just elected parliament5. A replacement system
might not be deployed for another two decades.
If in accordance with the unequivocal undertaking, and with the fundamental
illegitimacy and illegality of threat or use of nuclear weapons, Britain should decide not
to replace the Trident system, it would earn a special place in history as the first of the
original declared NPT nuclear weapon states to renounce its arsenal.
France: France continues to design and build new weapon systems, for use through
2040.6 For its submarine fleet, France is developing the M-51 missile, which will
Ministry of Defence, July 1998, Strategic Defence Review: White Paper, Presented to Parliament by The
Secretary of State for Defence. www.mod.uk/issues/sdr/index.htm. The British Navy maintains a fleet of
four Trident submarines, each equipped with 12-16 missiles carrying three to four warheads, which makes
for a total operational nuclear arsenal of less than 200 warheads. The British Navy maintains only one
Trident submarine on patrol at any one time, with its missiles "normally" kept "at several days 'notice to
fire.'" MOD, 1998. By reducing its arsenal to a single nuclear weapon system, the UK views itself as “the
most forward-leaning of the Nuclear Weapon States.”2 Ambassador David Broucher, Statement before the
2004 NPT Preparatory Committee, 3 May 2004, www.fco.gov.uk/ukdis. Reductions included the
withdrawal and dismantling of its maritime tactical nuclear capability, the withdrawal and dismantling of
the WE177 nuclear bomb, the termination of the Lance missile, and most recently the dismantling in 2002 of
the Chevaline warheads formerly deployed on Polaris missiles. However, the dismantled weapons systems
had reached the end of their service lives, and were replaced by the Trident system. In 1994, a government
committee stated that “Trident’s accuracy and sophistication in other respects does, and was always
intended to, represent a significant enhancement of the UK’s nuclear capability.” Defense Select Committee,
HC 297 of Session 1993-94, p.xiv.
3 Atomic Weapons Establishment, 2003, AWE Public Information Leaflet: The AWE Sites Development
Strategic Plan, August 2003 Update.
4 Atomic Weapons Establishment, Enduring Excellence, AWE Annual Report 2003/4.
5 Ambassador David Broucher, 2004.
6 Assemblée Nationale, Au Nom de la Commission de la Défense Nationale et des Forces Armées, sur le
project de loi de finances pour 2005 (no. 1800), Tome II, Défense, ‘Dissuasion Nucléaire’, M. Antoine Carre
(Député), 13 Oct. 2004. The backbone of the French nuclear force now consists of its fleet of four nuclear2
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
eventually be equipped with a new warhead, the Tête nucléaire océanique.7
Modernization also continues for the air-to-surface stocks, with the current cruise
missile set to be replaced with a longer ranged variant, also equipped with a new
warhead, the Tête nucléaire aéroportée.8 France has a highly advanced program to
develop the capability to design and manufacture modified or new nuclear weapons
without explosive nuclear testing. Notably, with the Laser Megajoule now under
construction France and the United States are the only states seeking to induce miniature
thermonuclear explosions in contained vessels in giant laser facilities.
China: China is currently replacing its force of 20 silo-based long-range missiles with a
longer ranged variant.9 China is also developing a new mobile intermediate-ranged
solid-fueled ICBM, which may begin to be deployed by the end of the decade.10 A
longer-ranged variant is also under development.11 For its ballistic missile submarine
force, China is currently working to replace the experimental missile with a more
reliable, medium-range missile, and is developing a new submarine.12 The Chinese
program could be characterized as a slow-motion effort to counterbalance long-standing
and still evolving US and Russian capabilities, but nonetheless is a form of arms racing.
Russia: Top Russian officials have touted development of a new maneuverable warhead
able to avoid missile defenses.13 President Putin described it as a “new hypersoundspeed, high-precision new weapons system that can hit targets at international distance
and can adjust their altitude and course as they travel.”14 Manufacture of single
warhead, silo-based missiles continues.15 The deployment of a road-mobile, multipowered ballistic missile submarines, with three operational. The submarines carry loads of 16 missiles,
each equipped with six warheads. Robert S. Norris, William M. Arkin, Hans M. Kristensen, Joshua Handler,
French Nuclear Forces 2001 from NRDC: Nuclear Notebook, in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, July/August
2001, volume 57(4), pp 70-71. France also maintains a force of about 60 single warhead air-to-surface
supersonic missiles, the Air-Sol-Moyenne Porté (ASMP), which are carried by land and carrier-based
fighter/bomber aircraft. Bruno Tertrais, "Nuclear policy: France stands alone," Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, July/August 2004 pp. 48-55 (vol. 60, no. 04),
www.thebulletin.org/article.php?art_ofn=ja04tertrais. The total of warheads is estimated at about 350. In
five years the size of the arsenal will be same as in the mid 1990s, but France will have completely replaced
every aspect of its force, from delivery systems to warheads.
7 Kristensen, H.M. and Kile, S., ‘World nuclear forces’, SIPRI Yearbook 2003: Armaments, Disarmament and
International Security, (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2003).
8 Assemblée Nationale, 2004. The TNA and TNO are so-called "robust" warheads; they are less sensitive, for
example, to the aging of components. The concept for these warheads was tested during France's 1995-1996
final nuclear testing campaign. Tertrais, 2004.
9 Department of Defense, FY04 Report To Congress On Military Power in the People’s Republic of China.
10 DoD, 2004.
11 Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, "Chinese Nuclear Forces, 2003," NRDC: Nuclear Notebook, in
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November/December 2003, vol. 59(6), pp 77-80. China currently deploys a
variety of nuclear weapon systems, all of which carry a single warhead, with a total arsenal of 400 warheads.
12 Norris and Kristensen, "Chinese Nuclear Forces, 2003."
13 Norris and Kristensen, "Russian Nuclear Forces, 2005."
14 President Vladimir Putin, February 18, 2004, Press statement and answers to questions, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Daily News Bulletin.
15 Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, "Russian nuclear forces, 2005," NRDC: Nuclear Notebook,
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March/April 2005, vol. 61(2), pp. 70-72. NRDC estimates that Russia
currently has about 7,200 operational nuclear warheads, 3,800 strategic and 3,400 tactical. The total arsenal
of intact warheads, according to NRDC, is around 16,000.
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
warhead variant is scheduled to begin in 2006. Russia has announced it will eventually
field several divisions of these missiles, likely totaling about 200 missiles, of which 40
have already been completed and deployed.16 Russia continues to slowly retire multiwarhead, land-based nuclear missiles, but may deploy some number of recent variants
while the numbers of single warhead missiles are slowly built up. Reportedly,
development of a new generation ICBM, able to carry up to 10 warheads, is underway.17
A nuclear variant of a new bomber-carried cruise missile may be deployed in 2005.18
When ready and flight-tested, a new submarine-launched missile will be deployed on
two submarines under construction.19
In part Russia is engaged in restructuring its deployed strategic force as Russia and the
United States reduce toward 2200 deployed strategic warheads in 2012 per the Moscow
Treaty. The partial move from multi-warhead to single-warhead missiles can be viewed
as stabilizing. However, there are also ample signs of innovation. In any case, it is clear
that Russia is engaged in modernization and replacement of existing systems in
accordance with an intention to rely on nuclear forces indefinitely. As President Putin
stated in 2003, “the nuclear deterrence forces remain and will remain for a long time yet
the foundation of the national security of Russia.”20
United States: The United States spends about $40 billion annually on nuclear forces,21
more than the total military budget for almost every other country. We cannot here give
a comprehensive picture of US modernization activities, but rather just highlight some.
Regarding delivery systems:
Existing Minuteman land-based missiles are being modernized, to improve accuracy
and reliability and to extend their service life. Supporting infrastructure also is being
upgraded to allow for more rapid re-targeting.22 The Minuteman refurbishment is so
extensive that the retired commander of US ICBM forces, Major General Thomas H.
Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, "Russian nuclear forces, 2005," NRDC: Nuclear Notebook,
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March/April 2005, vol. 61(2), pp. 70-72.
17 "Russia deploys new missile batch," AP, December 22, 2003; Norris and Kristensen, "Russian nuclear
forces, 2005."
18 Norris and Kristensen, "Russian Nuclear Forces, 2005."
19 Norris and Kristensen, "Russian Nuclear Forces, 2005."
20 President Vladimir Putin, October 3, 2003, Concluding Remarks at a Meeting with Russian Armed Forces
Commanders, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Daily News Bulletin,
21 Robert S. Norris, Hans M. Kristensen, Christopher E. Paine, Natural Resources Defense Council, Nuclear
Insecurity: A Critique of the Bush Administration's Nuclear Weapons Policies, September 2004, p. 10. The current
US nuclear stockpile is estimated at 10,350 warheads. Of these, approximately 5,300 are operational,
including 4,350 strategic and 780 non-strategic warheads. Almost 5,000 additional warheads are retained in
the “responsive reserve force” or on inactive status, with their tritium removed. It is believed that 480
operational US B61 bombs are deployed at eight bases in six NATO countries, for delivery by US and NATO
bombers. When the Moscow Treaty expires in 2012, it is estimated that the US will retain about 6,000 nuclear
warheads. Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, "US nuclear forces, 2005," NRDC: Nuclear Notebook,
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2005, vol. 61(1), pp. 73-75.
22 Amy Wolf, US Nuclear Weapons: Changes in Policy and Force Structure, Congressional Research Service
Report to Congress, Updated January 13, 2005, p.CRS-28.
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Neary, likened the process to “jacking up the radiator cap and driving a new car
under it.”23
Trident submarine launched ballistic missiles are being modernized. Improvements
include guidance system upgrades and changes in the W76 warhead arming, fusing
and firing system to allow ground burst use more effective for preemptive strikes.24
Nuclear-capable long-range bombers are being upgraded,25 and the current budget
proposes over $1.25 billion in spending for “next generation bomber” research
through FY2011.26
Research is underway on new delivery systems. For example, the Air Force has
begun analyzing alternatives for replacement of its land-based intercontinental
ballistic missiles, asking contractors to consider approaches that will provide new
capabilities such as improved reentry vehicle maneuverability, trajectory shaping,
and greater accuracy. The goal of the program is “maintaining US qualitative
superiority in nuclear warfighting capabilities in the 2020-2040 time frame.”27 The
Air Force also is beginning concept studies for a nuclear enhanced cruise missile,
examining potential improved capabilities such as increased range, accuracy, and
survivability in difficult “anti-access” environments.28 Research on ballistic missile
propulsion, guidance and reentry vehicle technologies is ongoing.
Regarding warheads:
The program to extend the lifetime of one warhead (the W-87) by 30 years was
completed in 2004, and lifetime extension is planned for five other warheads and
Air Force Major General Thomas H. Neary, ret., remarks at Air Force Space Command "Guardian
Challenge 2004" competition, quoted in Scott R. Gourley, “ICBM Transformation,” Military Aerospace
Technology Online, Jun 25, 2004, v.3 #2.
24 Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, “US nuclear forces, 2005,” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,
January/February 2005, pp. 73-75; see also Department of the Navy, Fiscal Year (FY) 2006/FY 2007 Budget
Estimates, RDT&E Project Justification, January 2005, Program Eelement 0101221N, Strategic Sub & Wpns
Sys Spt, Technology Applications 2228.
25 See, for example, Department of the Air Force, Fiscal Year (Fy) 2006/2007 Budget Estimates, Research,
Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), Descriptive Summaries, Volume II, February 2005, Program
Element 0604240F, B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber, requesting funds for various electronics upgrades
including a “Secure, survivable communication systems upgrade” that “reserves the critical ability to
guarantee communication through a nuclear event, while providing a dramatic increase in the data flow
into and out of the B-2.” Another example is a “stand-off jammer” in development for the B-52, “for reactive
jamming suppression of enemy integrated air defense systems (IADS) and IADS component radars from
stand-off distance.” Department of the Air Force, Fiscal Year (Fy) 2006/2007 Budget Estimates, Research,
Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), Descriptive Summaries, Volume II, February 2005, Program
Element 0604429F, Airborne Electronic Attack.
26 Department of the Air Force, Fiscal Year (Fy) 2006/2007 Budget Estimates, Research, Development, Test
and Evaluation (RDT&E), Descriptive Summaries, Volume II, February 2005, Program Element 0604015F
Next Generation Bomber.
27 US Air Force Space Command, Final Mission Need Statement, Land Based Strategic Nuclear Deterrent,
AFSPC 001-00, January, 2002, p. 1.
28 Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL, Space Vehicles Directorate, “Concepts
and Technologies Study for Enhance [sic] Cruise Missile (ECM), Sources Sought Notice,
Reference-Number-AFNWCA-002, December 7, 2004 (modified December 9, 2004).
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
bombs (B61-7/-11, W76, W88, B83, and W88). Some of the planned programs are
significant enough to change the warheads’ modification designations.29
Research is funded for 2005 on a “reliable replacement warhead.” This program will
explore ways to design and produce long-lasting nuclear warheads with capabilities
comparable to the current arsenal without underground nuclear testing. 30
Despite a Congressional refusal to fund the program for this year, the Bush
administration is requesting funding for 2006 for research, including design studies
and impact tests, on a Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator intended to be more effective
than the B-61-11 deployed in 1997.31 The administration is also requesting funding
for studies of integration of the penetrator with the B-2 stealth bomber.32
Regarding command and control, work is going forward on a variety of technology
upgrades intended to increase US capabilities to plan and execute nuclear strikes,
ranging from research on nuclear weapons effects on underground bunkers and
chemical and biological warfare facilities to extensive upgrades in the computer
software and hardware used to plan and execute nuclear strikes, including software to
assess likely “collateral damage.”33
Norris and Kristensen, "US nuclear forces, 2005."
US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, FY 2006 Budget Request, Directed
Stockpile Work, “Reliable Replacement Warhead,” p.82; Statement of Ambassador Linton F. Brooks,
Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration US Department of Energy, before The Senate
Services Committee Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, April 4, 2005, pp.5-6; Dwight Jaeger and John
“The Evolving Deterrent,” Los Alamos Science, Number 29, 2005, p.4. If the RRW approach can provide new
warheads approximating the range of sophisticated capabilities in the current US stockpile, it is possible that
it could provide additional capabilities as well. The Defense Science Board, in its 2004 Report of the Defense
Science Board Task Force on Future Strategic Strike Forces, noted that a variety of additional capabilities likely
could be obtained by modifying existing nuclear warhead designs without underground testing, ranging
from reduced yields and improved earth penetrating ability to enhanced radiation with reduced heat and
blast. (At pp.7-10-7-11).
31 US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Budget Request, “Directed
Stockpile Work,” pp.82-83. Regarding the hypothetical use of a penetrator version of a B83 or B61 nuclear
bomb with primary yield only, see Christopher E. Paine, Thomas B. Cochran, Matthew G. McKinzie, and
Robert S. Norris,
Countering Proliferation, or Compounding It? The Bush Administration’s Quest for Earth- Penetrating and
Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons, Natural Resources Defense Council, 2003, p.v. The Defense Science Board
(DSB) noted that “Current warheads could be modified for lower yields with high confidence,” and noted
that one way of doing so would be “replacement of a warhead secondary with inert material.” The DSB
noted that “Further reductions in yield are also possible without nuclear testing.” Report of the Defense
Science Board Task Force on Future Strategic Strike Forces, 2004, p. 7-11.
32 Department of the Air Force, Fiscal Year (Fy) 2006/2007 Budget Estimates, Research, Development, Test
and Evaluation (RDT&E), Descriptive Summaries, Volume II, Program Element 0604222F, Nuclear Weapons
Support, Project 4807 Nuclear Weapons & CP Technologies, “Other program funding summary.”
33 For example, upgrades to the Strategic War Planning System are to “produce preplanned and adaptively
planned options for Theater CINC-nominated Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and Nuclear, Chemical
and Biological (NBC) targets using nuclear and/or conventional weapons.” The objective is to “automate
the current manual processes, required to produce decision documents [Theater Nuclear Planning
Document (TNPD) and Theater Planning Support Document (TPSD)] for the theater Commanders-in-Chief
(CINCs).” One aspect of the project will be “Earth Penetration Weapon Targeting.” [US Air Force, RDT&E
Budget Item Justification Sheet (R-2 Exhibit) February 2002, Program Element 0101313F, Project 5059,
Strategic War Planning System.] A “Tunnel Target Defeat Advanced Concept and Technology
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
Regarding research and production capabilities, according to the 2004 National Nuclear
Security Agency Strategic Plan, the United States intends to maintain indefinitely
sufficient “responsive infrastructure” to “enable timely reconstitution to larger force
levels, if needed; field new or modified nuclear warheads either to respond to a
stockpile ‘surprise’ or to meet new military requirements; and, ensure readiness to
conduct an underground nuclear test, if necessary.”34 Among the programs:
To maintain and expand their ability to maintain existing weapons and design new
ones, the US nuclear weapons laboratories are spending billions of dollars on
sophisticated research facilities. These range from new hydrodynamic facilities for
explosive tests using substitute materials that will not produce a nuclear explosion to
inertial confinement fusion facilities that can create conditions similar to those in a
thermonuclear blast.35
To assure its ability to “augment” its nuclear forces, the United States plans to build
a new factory to produce plutonium pits – the baseball-sized spheres at the core of
hydrogen bombs. Current plans call for a facility that could produce at least 125 pits
per year,36 with the capacity both for a larger “surge” capability and for “modular
expansion” to increase base capacity without costly modifications.37
While dismantlement has effectively ceased for the time being, more than 12,000 pits
from dismantled US nuclear weapons are stored at the Pantex facility in Texas. The
7,000 of them declared by President Clinton as “excess” sit next to 5,000 “strategic
reserve” pits in igloos, ready for use in new nuclear weapons if it were decided to
produce new types.38
Demonstration” is scheduled that “will develop a planning tool that will improve the warfighter’s
confidence in selecting the smallest nuclear yield necessary to destroy underground facilities while
minimizing collateral damage.” [US Defense Threat Reduction Agency, RDT&E Budget Item Justification
Sheet (R-2 Exhibit) February 2005, Project #0603160BR,Project BK- Counterforce.] For an overview of current
US research and development aimed at making nuclear weapons more useable, see Sliding Towards the Brink:
More Useable Nuclear Weapons and the Dangerous Illusions of High-Tech War, WSLF Information Bulletin,
March 2003, www.wslfweb.org/docs/nucpreppdf.pdf.
34 US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Strategic Plan, November 2004, p. 7.
35 See generally, e.g., US Department of Energy, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for
Stockpile Stewardship and Management, 1996; US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security
Administration, Stockpile Stewardship Plan, Fiscal Year 2001 (“Green Book”), 2000.
36 Environmental studies for the pit production facility have considered capacities up to 450 per year in
normal single shift operation, and considerably more if the government chose to operate a second shift. See
generally US Department of Energy, Draft Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on
Stockpile Stewardship and Management for a Modern Pit Facility, 2003. Recent Congressional testimony by
National Nuclear Security Agency Administrator Linton Brooks estimated the MPF would have a capacity
between 125 pits and “the low 200s.” Testimony of Linton F. Brooks, Administrator, National Nuclear
Security Administration, Before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services
Committee, March 2, 2005.
37 US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, “Requirements for a Modern Pit
Facility: Summary,” Report to Congressional Defense Committees Requested by the United States Congress
in Public Law 108-375, Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act, January 2005, p. 4.
38 Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, “Dismantling US nuclear warheads,” NRDC: Nuclear
Notebook in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2004 pp. 72-74 (vol. 60, no. 01)
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Radioactive hydrogen - tritium, the “H” in H-bomb, is being newly produced at the
Watts Bar commercial nuclear power plant in Tennessee, tearing down a historic US
firewall between military and civilian nuclear production.39
US goals include the capability to modify existing weapons within eighteen months, and
to develop and begin production of new designs within three to four years of a decision
to do so.40
Surveying this vast array of activities, it is safe to conclude that led by the United States,
the nuclear weapons states are engaged in nuclear modernization amounting to arms
racing, and in planning for, and building the infrastructure for, the retention of large
nuclear forces for many decades to come.
B. PART TWO: Nuclear Disarmament
Speaker: Michael Spies, Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy
In assessing compliance with the Article VI requirement of good-faith negotiations on
effective measures relating to nuclear disarmament, the practical steps adopted in 2000
are an indispensable guide. The principles animating those steps of verification,
transparency, and irreversibility are essential to states' participation in reduction of
nuclear forces to low levels and undoubtedly to their elimination.
While the 2000 references to the ABM Treaty and to the START process have been
mooted by US actions, on the whole - and certainly with respect to the principles - the
practical steps remain as relevant today as they were five years ago. They should not be
devalued by calling them "only political."
First, states should not go back on their freely given word, whatever the form.
Second, under Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, subsequent
agreements as well as practice have a crucial role in interpretation. Here the practical
steps are a consensus agreement on the application of Article VI. Indeed, the 2000 Final
Document states that "the Conference agrees on the following practical steps for the
systematic and progressive efforts to implement Article VI [and the 1995 Principles and
Objectives]." The practical steps are thus an essential guide to interpretation of Article
VI. They identify criteria and principles that are so tightly connected to the core meaning
of Article VI as to constitute requirements for compliance with the NPT.41
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, “Top Ten Department of Energy Radioactive Pork Projects in the
2005 Budget,” September 2004, p. 13, www.ananuclear.org/topten.html
US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Strategic Plan, November 2004,
See Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, "The Thirteen Practical Steps: Legal or Political?", May 2005,
online at lcnp.org/disarmament/npt/13stepspaper.htm. The paper identifies the following criteria and
principles as among those stating requirements of Article VI:
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
A final point: the practical steps have added weight because they are inextricably bound
up with the 1995 decision to extend the treaty indefinitely, a decision that is both legally
binding and of supreme practical importance. They spell out the "systematic and
progressive efforts" committed to in the Principles and Objectives adopted in connection
with the extension decision.
We do not propose now to do a comprehensive analysis of how the nuclear weapon
states are failing to meet the 2000 commitments. It does bear mention that probably the
most important instance of backsliding is the absence of provisions for transparency,
verification, and irreversibility in the US-Russian Moscow Treaty. While monitoring
mechanisms under START I may provide a means of verification, they would not fulfill
the principle of irreversibility. Also, START I is set to expire in 2009. It also must be
noted that the nuclear weapon states have failed to agree on the establishment of a body
to deal with nuclear disarmament in the Conference on Disarmament. And it is worth
dwelling on two of the commitments whose implementation is essential to progress
towards elimination of nuclear arsenals.
First is the commitment to concrete agreed measures to further reduce the operational status of
nuclear weapons systems: This commitment goes to the core of the nuclear dilemma. In
particular, so long as the United States and Russia maintain many hundreds of nuclear
warheads ready for immediate use and contend that this posture is essential to their
security, implementation of the entire nuclear arms control/disarmament program is
fraught with difficulty.
It is sometimes said that problems are solved when they are no longer problems. In that
vein, massive nuclear arsenals will not be reduced and eliminated until the nuclear
weapons states stop relying on them in an operational sense.
Since 2000 there has been little progress in this area. One could point to the Moscow
Treaty. However, the achievement of levels of less than 2200 deployed strategic
warheads in or before 2012 will not fundamentally alter the preparedness of each state
to initiate immediately a large-scale nuclear attack.
1) The Article VI obligation is to achieve the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, as the "unequivocal
undertaking" in step 6 specifies, without any precondition of comprehensive demilitarization.
2) The reduction and elimination of nuclear arsenals are to be accomplished pursuant to principles of
verification (employed in the START process, and referred to in step 13), transparency, and irreversibility.
3) Cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and nuclear disarmament pursuant to Article VI
require a diminishing role of nuclear weapons in security policies and a reduction of their operational
4) The process of nuclear disarmament must involve all NPT nuclear weapon states (which are to be
engaged as soon as appropriate) and multilateral negotiations involving non-nuclear weapon states (as in
Conference on Disarmament negotiations on a fissile materials treaty and a CD body to deal with nuclear
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
Non-governmental expert analysis of the mechanics of a stand-down of nuclear forces,
often referred to as "dealerting," is ongoing. There are two dimensions: increasing
assurance that no attack is underway; and decreasing the capability to immediately
launch an attack.42 This Review Conference should commit the nuclear weapon states to
planning and implementation of a program to stand down nuclear forces, culminating in
a global stand-down by the 2010 conference.
The second commitment we highlight is a diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security
policies to minimize the risk that these weapons ever be used and to facilitate the process of their
total elimination: The importance of this brilliantly framed and succinctly put
commitment is self-evident. China's long-standing policy of no first use, predating 2000,
is consistent. Unfortunately, China aside, since 2000 the commitment has been
thoroughly ignored, as a brief review of doctrines illustrates all too convincingly:
Britain continues to retain the option of first use to defend "vital interests," as announced
in 1998 and reaffirmed since then.43
France similarly retains the option of first use in defense of vital interests that include the
"free exercise of our sovereignty."44
Russia's stance remains that set forth in its 2000 Security Concept, which states that
nuclear weapons can be used "to repulse armed aggression, if all other means of
resolving the crisis have been exhausted." The 2000 Concept itself regresses from the
1997 policy, which identified as the scenario for possible use of nuclear weapons "a
threat to the very existence of the Russian Federation as an independent sovereign
state." In 1993, Russia had abandoned its policy of renouncing first use.
The United States has enlarged the range of circumstances in which nuclear weapons
might be used. The 2002 National Security Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass
Destruction, carrying the imprimatur of President Bush, removed ambiguity from
previous US policy. It states that the United States will respond with "overwhelming
force" - a phrase invoking a nuclear option - to chemical and biological attacks. The
Defense Department's classified 2001 Nuclear Posture Review states that nuclear
weapons "could be employed against targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack, (for
Possible steps are illustrated by a 2004 Rand Corporation study, Beyond the Nuclear Shadow, supported by
the Nuclear Threat Initiative: assistance to Russia for its early-warning radars or satellites; creation of a USRussian early-warning system using sensors placed outside missile silos; standing down nuclear forces to be
reduced under the Moscow Treaty; restrictions on the operating area of nuclear-armed submarines; removal
of counterforce capable warheads (e.g., Trident W-88 warheads); reduction of launch readiness of ICBMs;
reduction of launch readiness of all nuclear forces; installation of destruct-after-launch mechanisms on
ballistic missiles; and elimination of doctrines of launch on warning and rapid counterforce strikes.
43 Ministry of Defence, July 1998, Strategic Defence Review: White Paper,
www.mod.uk/issues/sdr/index.htm; Ministry of Defence, July 2002, Strategic Defence Review: A New
Chapter, www.mod.uk/issues/sdr/newchapter.htm ("The UK’s nuclear weapons have a continuing use as
a means of deterring major strategic military threats, and they have a continuing role in guaranteeing the
ultimate security of the UK."); Ministry of Defence, December 2003, Delivering Security in a Changing
World: Defence White Paper, www.mod.uk/linked_files/publications/whitepaper2003/volume1.pdf ("The
Government's policy on nuclear weapons remains as set out in the SDR.")
44 Tertrais, 2004.
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
example, deep underground bunkers or bio-weapon facilities)," and refers to use of
nuclear weapons in response to "surprising military developments" and "unexpected
Lest anyone think that the leaked Defense Department document is exceptional in its
identification of a pervasive role for nuclear weapons, whether actually detonated or
not, in US military operations, consider these excerpts from the Defense Department's
February 2004 Strategic Deterrence Joint Operating Concept:
. . . US nuclear forces contribute uniquely and fundamentally to strategic
deterrence--through their ability to impose costs and deny benefits to an
adversary in an exceedingly rapid and devastating manner no adversary
can counter.
Nuclear weapons provide the President with the ultimate means to
terminate conflict promptly on terms favorable to the United States. They
cast a lengthy shadow over a rational adversary’s decision calculus when
considering coercion, aggression, WMD employment, and escalatory
courses of action. Nuclear weapons threaten destruction of an
adversary’s most highly valued assets, including adversary WMD/E
[weapons of mass destruction/effect] capabilities, critical industries, key
resources, and means of political organization and control (including the
adversary leadership itself). This includes destruction of targets
otherwise invulnerable to conventional attack, e.g., hard and deeply
buried facilities, “location uncertainty” targets, etc. Nuclear weapons
reduce an adversary’s confidence in their ability to control wartime
The use (or threatened use) of nuclear weapons can also reestablish
deterrence of further adversary WMD employment. Alternatively,
nuclear weapons can constrain an adversary’s WMD employment
through US counterforce strikes aimed at destroying adversary escalatory
Although advances in conventional kinetic and non-kinetic means [e.g.,
computer network attack (CAN), High Energy Radio Frequency (HERF),
directed energy (DE), etc.] by 2015 will undoubtedly supplement US
nuclear capabilities to achieve these effects, nuclear weapons that are
reliable, accurate, and flexible will retain a qualitative advantage in their
ability to demonstrate US resolve on the world stage. These capabilities
should be further enhanced by improving our capability to integrate
nuclear and non-nuclear strike operations. Providing the President an
"Nuclear Posture Review [Excerpts] Submitted to Congress on 31 December 2001. 8 January 2002, Nuclear
Posture Review Report." Online at www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/policy/dod/npr.htm.
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
enhanced range of options for both limiting collateral damage and
denying adversaries sanctuary from attack will increase the credibility of
US nuclear threats, thus enhancing deterrence and making the actual use
of nuclear weapons less likely. Additionally, nuclear weapons allow the
US to rapidly accomplish the wholesale disruption of an adversary
nation-state with limited US national resources. While the legacy force
was well suited for successful deterrence throughout the Cold War, an
enhanced nuclear arsenal will remain a vital component of strategic
deterrence in the foreseeable security environment.46
A pithier explanation was provided by the commander of the US Air Force Space
Command in October 2004, who stated:
The legacy of our ICBMs is strategic deterrence, but today, they also
provide operational deterrence…Gen Jumper calls it “Top cover for the
AEFs [Air Expeditionary Forces].” Our ICBMs deter our enemies from
unacceptable escalation of combat…providing an “incentive” against
regimes that may consider using weapons of mass destruction…such as
chemical weapons…against US or allied forces. To put a bumper sticker
on it, “our ICBMs make our adversaries think twice!”47
Relying on the history of non-use in war since the US atomic bombings of Japanese
cities, the optimist thinks that the risk is vanishingly small that political leaders, in the
United States or other nuclear-armed states, will act on these doctrines of use of nuclear
weapons. The pessimist thinks that circumstances change, and that, as the stock market
warning says, past performance is no guarantee of future results. But the point of a
"diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security policies," and more largely of the
unequivocal undertaking and Article VI, is that the peoples of the world do not wish to
run the risk, whatever its magnitude. Nor do they wish to live in a world in which
supposed security is made dependent on a morally repugnant nuclear balance of terror.
C. PART THREE: General and Complete Disarmament
Speaker: John Burroughs, Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy
In addition to effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race and to
nuclear disarmament, Article VI requires good-faith negotiations "on a Treaty on general
and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control." What is the
nature of the envisaged treaty?
46 US Department of Defense, Strategic Deterrence Joint Operating Concept, February 2004, pp. 32-33,
www.dtic.mil/jointvision/sd_joc_v1.doc. "Joint Operating Concepts" are part of a set of planning
documents intended "to assist in the development of enhanced joint military capabilities needed to protect
and advance US interests." The goal is "to realize the Chairman's vision of achieving Full Spectrum
Dominance by the Joint Force." Id. at p. 1.
47 "Our people … Generating Combat Effects from and through space," a speech prepared for General Lance
W. Lord, Commander, US Air Force Space Command, Strategic Space Conference, Qwest Center, Omaha,
NE, October 7, 2004, www.peterson.af.mil/hqafspc/50th/speeches.asp?yearlist=20004&speechchoice=81.
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
The preamble would seem to answer this question, referring to "the elimination from
national arsenals of nuclear weapons and the means of their delivery pursuant to a
Treaty on general and complete disarmament." That is, the preamble seems to refer to a
treaty on elimination of nuclear forces as an instance of a type of treaty, the type being
treaties on general and complete disarmament.
Similarly, the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention
each is a treaty on general and complete disarmament. As the preamble to the CWC
says, they represent "effective progress towards general and complete disarmament
under strict and effective international control, including the prohibition and elimination
of all types of weapons of mass destruction." Following this logic, a treaty on the
prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons would be a treaty that would represent
progress towards the achievement of general and complete disarmament.48
This is consistent with how the International Court of Justice read Article VI. The Court
effectively combined the two clauses of the article. Its unanimous holding is that "there
exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations
leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international
control." The reference to "strict and effective international control" comes directly from
the second clause on general and complete disarmament, and the phrase "in all its
aspects" could refer to related matters like the delivery systems referred to in the
The 2000 commitments are to like effect. The unequivocal undertaking to eliminate
nuclear arsenals is separated from the reaffirmation of the "ultimate objective" of
"general and complete disarmament under effective international control."
Nonetheless, certain nuclear weapon states still insist on linking progress towards
nuclear disarmament with progress on other disarmament and security fronts. After the
ICJ opinion and the 2000 commitments, one would have thought this matter to be
settled. But in February of this year, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control
said that the "text and negotiating history of the NPT support the expectation that efforts
toward complete nuclear disarmament would be linked with efforts towards general
and complete disarmament…. It follows that if anyone wishes to argue that the nuclear
weapons states are in default on their obligations relating to nuclear disarmament, they
For analysis of a issues raised by a nuclear weapons convention, and a revised version of a model
convention circulated to UN member states by the Secretary-General, see Merav Datan and Alyn Ware,
Security and Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, International Physicians for the Prevention
of Nuclear War, 1999, online at www.ippnw.org/IPPNWBooks.html#NWC. The 2000 New Agenda
resolution (A/55/33C) acknowledges the logic of a convention or convention-like approach affirming "that
a nuclear-weapon-free world will ultimately require the underpinnings of a universal and multilaterally
negotiated legally binding instrument or a framework encompassing a mutually reinforcing set of
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
will have a difficult time explaining why all NPT states parties are not also in default on
their obligations relating to general and complete disarmament."49
And in May 2004, France referred to the 1995 "action program" as including "the
determination to move forward systematically and progressively in cutting nuclear
weapons as a whole within the framework of general and complete disarmament."50
As we have demonstrated, there is no legal link between elimination of nuclear arsenals
and comprehensive demilitarization. This point must be insisted upon, so as not to allow
nuclear weapon states a rote excuse for failure to comply with Article VI.
It is also the case, however, that in certain respects there may be practical links between
progress towards nuclear abolition and other disarmament measures. A verification
regime for the ban on biological weapons and a regime preventing the weaponization of
outer space both would give the nuclear-armed states greater confidence in proceeding
towards elimination of nuclear arsenals.
Here the United States is in absolutely no position to lecture other states about meeting
obligations of general and complete disarmament.51 In 2001, the United States shattered
seven-year old negotiations on a verification protocol for the BWC. It stands virtually
alone in opposing commencement of negotiations on a PAROS treaty. And its
withdrawal from the ABM Treaty and pursuit of missile defenses makes reduction of
nuclear forces more difficult, as other major states make calculations about what
capabilities they would wish to retain for a second-strike option.
Nor can we overlook trends in high-tech, conventional armament. For example, the US
Navy is converting four ballistic missile submarines to carry conventionally-armed
cruise missiles and Special Forces units.52 Contractors have been asked to submit
concepts for new intermediate-range submarine-launched missiles, capable of carrying
conventional or nuclear payloads.53 Military planners are looking at potential
Stephen G. Rademaker, "US Compliance With Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)," Remarks
at a Panel Discussion of the Arms Control Association, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Washington, D.C., February 3, 2005, armscontrol.org/events/20050203_rademaker_text.asp.
50 Statement by H.E. Mr. François Rivasseau, Permanent Representative of France to the Conference on
Disarmament," April 26, 2004, New York, Third Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2005 Review
Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
51 General and complete disarmament also refers to measures on such weapons as landmines and small
arms, not addressed here because, unlike biological weapons and missiles, they generally are not considered
"strategic weapons."
52 Norris and Kristensen, "US Nuclear Forces, 2005."
53 Norris and Kristensen, "US Nuclear Forces, 2005"; Department of the Navy, Strategic Systems Programs,
Special Notice, Submarine Launched Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile Technical Exchange, ReferenceNumber-08252003-0358, August 25, 2003; Department of the Navy, Strategic Systems Programs, “Request
for Information (RFI) from Industry for a Submarine Launched Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
(SLIRBM) Launcher Subsystem (SLS),” March 7, 2005, solicitation #GPO381249. The latter announcement
solicited concepts and information from contractors for technologies that would allow launch of several
SLIRBM’s from a single launch tube on a converted ballistic missile submarine.
NGO Presentations to the 2005 NPT Review Conference
conventional “global strike” missions for deactivated Peacekeeper missiles.54 The US Air
Force is planning for a new ICBM to be deployed in 2018, some of which could be
conventionally armed.55 In addition to exploring conventional payloads for existing
ICBMs, under the label of non-weapons research the military is pursuing a variety of
technologies that could allow accurate weapons delivery at global distances.56 Further,
upgrades to computer software and hardware used to plan and execute nuclear strikes
and new military communication satellites will improve capabilities for non-nuclear as
well as nuclear war-fighting.
While the United States contends that development of conventional forces demonstrates
decreased reliance on nuclear forces, the effects nonetheless can be counterproductive in
the nuclear sphere. Use of conventionally-armed missiles would run the risk of causing
other states to believe they are under nuclear attack. More generally, other major states
may be reluctant to agree to nuclear arms control/disarmament measures if they view
their nuclear forces as a necessary deterrent to dramatically improved US non-nuclear
capabilities. That is all the more true should the United States eventually execute
schemes for placing weapons in space.
In short, if the United States wishes to insist on the importance of progress towards
general and complete disarmament for the achievement of nuclear abolition, it should
look first of all to itself.
To conclude this three part Article VI compliance assessment: Interpreted in light of the
NPT preamble and the 1995 and 2000 commitments, Article VI provides an excellent
road map for the achievement of nuclear abolition: implementation of effective measures
on cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and toward nuclear disarmament,
and conclusion of a treaty on the elimination of nuclear forces. Over the last five years,
the nuclear weapon states, and especially the United States, have gone way off the map.
This Review Conference should reaffirm the road map and point the nuclear weapon
states back in the right direction.
In 2004, the Defense Science Board recommended that “The Air Force should preserve 50 Peacekeeper
ICBMs currently being deactivated, and redeploy them to Vandenberg and Cape Canaveral for use with
conventional warheads,” noting that “[t]hese weapons would give the United States a 30-minute response
capability for strategic strike worldwide.” Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Future Strategic
Strike Forces, 2004, p.1-8; Norris and Kristensen, "US Nuclear Forces, 2005."
55 Robert S. Norris, Hans M. Kristensen, Christopher E. Paine, Natural Resources Defense Council, Nuclear
Insecurity: A Critique of the Bush Administration's Nuclear Weapons Policies, September 2004, p. 11.
56 See War is Peace, Arms Racing is Disarmament: The Non-Proliferation Treaty and the US Quest for Global
Military Dominance, Western States Legal Foundation Special Report, May 2005, at 14-15, online at
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