Papers by Carmen Wunderlich
Norm Research in International Relations, 2020
This book series offers an outlet for interdisciplinary research on norms in the context of inter... more This book series offers an outlet for interdisciplinary research on norms in the context of international relations and global governance. It features scientific and scholarly studies which examine the way norms are created and recreated through interactions between actors at the international level, taking into account the reflexive nature of governance relationships and their impact on state behaviour through the re-constitution of norms. Norms in international relations are defined as ideas of varying degrees of abstraction and specification that concern fundamental values, organising principles or standardised procedures. They resonate across states and global actors in the form of official policies, laws, treaties and agreements, while their meaning may be stable or contested. Norm Research in International Relations (NRIR) welcomes proposals for research monographs, edited volumes and handbooks from a variety of disciplines that seek to advance theories and applied research in international relations and to arrive at a better understanding of the role and impact of norms. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, issues of international justice, research on contestation, human rights, international treaties in areas such as energy, environment or security, and constructivist norm research in international relations theory, recognition theory and international law.
European Review of International Studies
International Relations (ir) norm studies have long been stuck to a narrow understanding of the c... more International Relations (ir) norm studies have long been stuck to a narrow understanding of the concept of norm entrepreneurship, limiting it to actors from the Global North and their efforts to spread western norms. Building on recent studies that focus on non-western or ‘authoritarian’ norm entrepreneurs, this paper highlights the limitations of academic discourse itself, which seems to be wedded to a particular notion of what ‘ideational commitment’ means and from whom it must emanate. Such a prefabricated understanding risks lauding some forms of norm entrepreneurship as ‘genuine’, while dismissing other cases as strategically motivated. Instead, the paper argues for ‘de-moralising’ the concept. Decoupling it from normative biases does not only reveal the full repertoire of norm entrepreneurial action (from cooperative to confrontational). It also shifts attention to contestation as modus vivendi of norm entrepreneurship, and to the political nature of norm dynamics.
Norm research in international relations, 2020
The concept of the “rogue state” has been introduced into the political and scholarly debate to l... more The concept of the “rogue state” has been introduced into the political and scholarly debate to label—and delegitimize—norm-breaking behavior. The chapter traces the concept’s construction and evolution in the context of US foreign policy with a focus on how it has been linked to (alleged) norm transgressions and it discusses the selective and arbitrary usage of the concept, particularly with regard to policy making. Wunderlich draws attention to the fact that both in the political and scholarly discourse, “rogue states” are typically characterized as outsiders to the international community, who are neither willing nor able to comply with the rules of the prevailing normative order and thus deprived normative agency. As a top-down construction, the concept primarily serves to stabilize a narrative contrasting a Global North following reputable “liberal” norms with a Global South which is increasingly characterized by “rogues” or “failed states” and the promotion of “illiberal” norms. As a consequence, adhering to the stigmatizing label does not seem to be sustainable.
Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 2022
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is a central element of the global nuclear order, the ... more The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is a central element of the global nuclear order, the primary goal of which is to prevent nuclear war. But this understanding is being threatened by a number of developments. Frustration about the lack of nuclear disarmament and concerns about humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons led to the negotiation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The new treaty has further exposed existing fault lines within the NPT and exacerbated unresolved conflicts over the proper approach to disarmament and the weighting of the NPT pillars. Currently, disagreements over the compatibility of the two treaties and the approach to the TPNW in particular divide the membership of the NPT. At the same time, real proliferation cases test the regime’s ability to act, as norm enforcement is regularly hampered by interference from the great powers. These developments—the absence of genuine disarmament, disputes among NPT members, competitio...
International Studies Review, 2022
Constructivist theories of norm dynamics offer a variety of analytical tools to understand the co... more Constructivist theories of norm dynamics offer a variety of analytical tools to understand the complex processes of norm emergence, diffusion, and evolution over time. As the literature has developed, though, it lacks a general framing of the interconnections between norms, norm clusters or configurations, and principles or “normativity.” This article advances a new three-dimensional model of constructivist theories of norms that emphasizes the spatial dimensions of norm meanings, legitimacy, and impact and identifies promising avenues for research progress. First, individual norms represent a primary intersubjective structural component that is both developed and contested. Second, theories of norm interrelations or norm clusters provide additional critical dimensions of structuration that may promote resiliency in the face of contestation. Third, norms exist within a larger constellation of norm structures, representing the broadest dimension in world politics. Collisions can occu...
This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to dynamic norm change in the curren... more This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to dynamic norm change in the current major international arms control regimes related to nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; small arms and light weapons; cluster munitions; and antipersonnel mines. Arms control policies of all of the key established and rising state actors are considered, as well as those of nonaligned countries, nongovernmental organisations, and international governing bodies. Recent studies on multilateral arms control tend to focus mostly on "structure," by which opportunities and constraints for action are created. This volume pays equal attention to "agency," through which opportunities and constraints to produce change or maintain the status quo are handled. In addition-and in greater depth than in recent studies-the volume acknowledges the force of moral and ethical impulses (alongside such factors as political, legal, and technological change) in the evolution of arms ...
The study analyses the relationship between the Nuclear Non-Prolifera- tion Treaty, NPT and vario... more The study analyses the relationship between the Nuclear Non-Prolifera- tion Treaty, NPT and various initiatives and institutions ('clubs') based outside the NPT framework, which aims to improve and strengthen the Treaty. The study identifies conflicts and possible synergies and propo- ses options for developing and improving the interaction between the NPT and 'clubs' in order to increase the overall efficiency. The report describes facts about the various non-proliferation 'clubs', and also analyses and formulates conclusions about the various interna- tional initiatives in non-proliferation. The subject is vast and the report therefore cannot naturally go in depth but provides useful information for those working in the area, but also for those generally interested. The report contains several ideas that can be studied further.
The Nonproliferation Review, 2005
The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) regime currently suffers from a lack of effective complia... more The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) regime currently suffers from a lack of effective compliance procedures. Because a legally binding compliance protocol to the BWC is not available, other measures are needed to stabilize the regime against the risk of violations of its rules. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Chemical Weapons Convention, and the experiences of UN inspection teams show that among the necessary components of effective compliance mechanisms are an intermediary level between bilateral consultations of states parties and involvement of the UN Security Council as well as independent assessment capabilities. This article suggests that the UN Secretary General could assume such an intermediary function and, using the authority contained in Article 99 of the UN Charter, could investigate not only alleged use of biological weapons but also alleged breaches of the BWC. A standing expert unit in the Department for Disarmament Affairs could provide the independent expertise necessary for such investigations. Such a compliance mechanism could provisionally help stabilize the BWC regime until a permanent compliance system can be agreed.
Contemporary Security Policy, 2022
The most inclusive security treaty in the world, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear W... more The most inclusive security treaty in the world, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) turned 50 in 2020. Our special issue takes stock of the NPT’s vitality after these five decades. In this introduction, we emphasize the need to distinguish between the treaty instrument and the larger nuclear nonproliferation regime. Next, we consider a recent development that may represent a serious impending shock which could weaken the NPT: dramatic changes in the treaty’s legal and normative landscape. Then, we assess vitality of the NPT in light of current concerns, arguing that norm contestation can be healthy for international regimes and calls for the death of the NPT are premature. Finally, we review the contributions of our special issue authors, highlighting the significant differences among them, and embedding them in ongoing research on the NPT.
Norm Research in International Relations
The finding that “rogue states” can be norm entrepreneurs has consequences for theorizing about n... more The finding that “rogue states” can be norm entrepreneurs has consequences for theorizing about norms as well as practical implications for dealing with supposed normative deviants. With regard to the further development of norms research, Wunderlich suggests to analytically distinguish between different forms of norm entrepreneurship, depending on the scope of proactivism. She also suggests to differentiate between reformist and revolutionary norm entrepreneurs, depending on how the respective actor and its normative objectives relate to the prevailing normative order (maintenance, overthrow, or subversion). Regarding the policy toward alleged “rogue states,” Wunderlich warns against sticking to the stigmatizing label. Instead, it might be fruitful to recognize norm-promoting activities by these states and seek out possibilities for common normative ground. The chapter concludes by outlining avenues for further research.
Schurkenstaaten als Normunternehmer
Norm Research in International Relations
As outlined in the previous chapter, "rogue states" are seen in large parts of the political and ... more As outlined in the previous chapter, "rogue states" are seen in large parts of the political and academic discourse as transgressors of universally accepted standards of behavior. They are perceived as norm breakers who display their opposing attitude vis-á-vis the current normative order by disregarding and transgressing basic rules and duties. Consequently, empirical studies usually focus on tracing their alleged non-compliance with norms. This perspective is also shared by (liberal-constructivist) norms research, which at the best considers the countries concerned as objects of normative education, the norm-violating behavior of which must be prevented and which-if possibleshould be reintegrated into the overarching normative order. Scholars focusing on the diffusion and enforcement of norms tend to conceptualize norm-violating states as antagonists to liberal-democratic states (e.g. Risse and Sikkink 1999: 9), usually focusing on authoritarian states found guilty of human rights violations. Along these lines, Trine Flockhart considers "rogue states" to be actors that completely reject the social norms of a socializing agent, who know that they have very little to gain from compliance with those norms, and who know they have no chance of gaining group membership anyway, [and thus] have no incentive to follow an agreed code of conduct.
Norm Research in International Relations
Information on decision-making and implementation procedures is scarce (Pirseyedi 2013: 4). The I... more Information on decision-making and implementation procedures is scarce (Pirseyedi 2013: 4). The Iranian Foreign Ministry maintains a number of political research institutes which, inter alia, discuss arms control policy issues (Posch 2013: 9-11) and prepare information for an English-speaking audience. Yet, most arms control guidelines or position papers exist in Farsi only (but see Shababi 1994).
Wahrend die Normenforschung dafur kritisiert werden kann, ihre empirischen Anwendungsfalle auf so... more Wahrend die Normenforschung dafur kritisiert werden kann, ihre empirischen Anwendungsfalle auf solche Normunternehmer zu verengen, die als progressive Verbreiter westlich-liberaler Normen in Erscheinung treten, wird Widerstand gegen die geltende normative Ordnung gewohnlich als Normenfeindschaft stigmatisiert. Paradigmatisch zeigt sich dies am Beispiel des Konzepts sogenannter Schurkenstaaten, das in den 1990er Jahren Eingang in das sicherheitspolitische Vokabular der USA gefunden hat.
Das von Iran in den drei beschriebenen Fallen gezeigte Engagement kann gemas den in Abschnitt 5.4... more Das von Iran in den drei beschriebenen Fallen gezeigte Engagement kann gemas den in Abschnitt 5.4.1 identifizierten Indikatoren als Normunternehmertum gedeutet werden. Diesen zufolge wird das Konzept des Normunternehmers fur solche Akteure verwendet, die sich einer bestimmten Idee oder Norm verpflichtet fuhlen und – unzufrieden mit der existierenden normativen Ordnung – aktiv durch rhetorisches und praktisches Lobbying versuchen, die bestehende normative Struktur so zu verandern, dass die von ihnen propagierte Norm(interpretation) als neuer Angemessenheitsstandard verankert wird.
Norm Research in International Relations, 2019
This book departs from the observation that mainstream research on norms is analytically biased: ... more This book departs from the observation that mainstream research on norms is analytically biased: analyses of “successful” norm diffusion usually focus on the institutionalization of liberal norms and trace these processes back to norm entrepreneurship of liberal Western actors. Taking a critical constructivist stance instead, in this book, Wunderlich pursues a question that is as innovative as it is counterintuitive: She proposes to look at the supposed opponents of the Western liberal world order—so-called “rogue states”—to see whether they are possibly not aiming at the overthrow, but at the further development of the normative order thus acting as norm entrepreneurs. This chapter presents the basic argument, defines central terms and concepts, and introduces the research design that guides the empirical analysis at the heart of the book.
Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine analytische Verengung existierender Normstudien, d... more Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine analytische Verengung existierender Normstudien, die zentrale Analysekonzepte wie das Normunternehmerkonzept bislang uberwiegend auf westlich-liberale Normen und auf Akteure, die diese propagieren, angelegt haben. Verfechter alternativer Ordnungsvisionen werden primar als Adressaten (neuer) Verbotsnormen analysiert oder als blose normzerstorende „Schurkenstaaten“ stigmatisiert. Ihr normunternehmerisches Potential wurde bislang nicht untersucht.
Norm Research in International Relations
The Islamic Republic of Iran has a long history of being perceived as a counter-hegemonic norm br... more The Islamic Republic of Iran has a long history of being perceived as a counter-hegemonic norm breaker. In this chapter, Wunderlich explores the world order conceptions underlying Iran’s behavior in and toward the international system. Departing from the country’s historical and geographical context as well as its institutional setting, Wunderlich draws attention to the ideological foundations of Iran’s foreign and security policy. The chapter concludes that Iran’s behavior toward the normative order is ambivalent: Notwithstanding norm transgressions and discursive as well as practical contestation in some policy fields, the display of an antagonistic attitude and the propagation of a normative alternative aim toward a reform of the Western liberal-shaped normative order rather than its complete overthrow.
Schurkenstaaten als Normunternehmer
Ausgangspunkt diesr Studie ist die Feststellung, dass die gegenwartige Normenforschung einen anal... more Ausgangspunkt diesr Studie ist die Feststellung, dass die gegenwartige Normenforschung einen analytisch begrenzten Blickwinkel auf zentrale Analysekonzepte wirft: Arbeiten zu gelungenen Normdiffusionsprozessen richten ihr Hauptaugenmerk in der Regel auf die Institutionalisierung westlich-liberaler Normen und fuhren diese u. a. auf das Normunternehmertum westlich-liberaler Akteure zuruck.
Papers by Carmen Wunderlich