A New Algorithm for Slicing Unstructured Programs

1998, Journal of Software Maintenance: …

Research A New Algorithm for Slicing Unstructured Programs MARK HARMAN1 * and SEBASTIAN DANICIC2 1 Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Lewisham Way, New Cross, London SE14 6NW, UK. 2 School of Informatics, University of North London, Eden Grove, London, N7 8DB. SUMMARY Program slicing is an automatic program abstraction technique whose many applications include software maintenance, re{engineering and comprehension, all of which rely crucially upon the precision of the slicing algorithm used. When slicing is applied to maintenance problems, the programs to be sliced are typically legacy systems, often written in older, `unstructured' programming styles. For slicing to be a useful tool to the software maintainer it is therefore important to have precise algorithms for slicing unstructured programs. Unfortunately the standard algorithms for slicing structured programs do not extend correctly to the unstructured paradigm, and currently proposed modi cations to these standard algorithms produce either unnecessarily large slices or slices which are not true subsets of the original program from which they are constructed. This paper introduces a modi cation of Agrawal's algorithm for slicing unstructured programs, which overcomes these diculties. The new algorithm produces thinner slices than any previously published algorithm while respecting both the semantic and syntactic constraints of slicing. c 1998 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 No. of Figures: 13. No of Tables 0. No of References: 40. KEY WORDS: Slicing; Unstructured Programs; Legacy Systems. *Address for Correspondence: Dr. Mark Harman, Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Goldsmiths College, University of London, New Cross, London SE14 6NW, United Kingdom. Voice telephone: 44{171{919{7860; fax: 44{171{919{7853. Email: [email protected] Mr. Sebastian Danicic, School of Informatics and Multimedia Technology, University of North London, Eden Grove, London, N7 8DB, United Kingdom. Voice telephone: 44{171{753{5751; fax: 44{171{753{7009. Email: [email protected] 1 INTRODUCTION Slicing is a technique for locating the statements of a program which may a ect the value of a chosen set of variables at some point in a program. Weiser introduced slicing in his seminal thesis (Weiser, 1984). According to Weiser, a slice s, of a program p, is constructed with respect to a slicing criterion (V; n), where V is a set of variable identi ers and n is a program point. Statements in p which cannot a ect the values of V when the next statement to be executed is at point n, may be removed from p to form s. Thus a slice preserves the e ect of the original program with respect to the slicing criterion, while simplifying the program. Figure 1 depicts an example program and one of its slices. Weiser's original de nition of a slice has come to be known as the `static backward' slice, distinguishing it from `dynamic', `forward' and `conditioned' slices. The dynamic slicing criterion contains the input sequence supplied to the program, I , in addition to the set of variables and program point of interest. The dynamic slicing criterion is thus an augmented form of the static criterion. There are two forms of dynamic slice, the rst to be introduced (Korel and Laski, 1988), requires that the slice preserve the e ect of the original program on V at n when the program is executed with the input sequence I . Subsequently, (Agrawal and Horgan, 1990), introduced a form of dynamic slice which is not executable. Rather it consists simply of the set of statements and predicates which may a ect at least one variable in V at n for the input I . Conditioned (Canfora et al., 1998), or constrained (Field et al., 1995) slicing is an attractive `bridge' between the polar extremes of dynamic and static slicing. A conditioned slice is constructed with respect to a set of initial states and a static slicing criterion. The set of initial states can be singleton (essentially yielding dynamic slicing) or it can be the set of all states (yielding static slicing). In forward slicing (Horwitz et al., 1990), the slice contains those statements which are a ected by the slicing criterion rather than those which a ect it. Forward slicing thus looks `forward' from the slice point, whereas backward slicing looks `backwards' from the slice point. This paper is concerned solely with the static backward slicing paradigm, though the results may be extended to other paradigms. Hereinafter a static backward slice shall be referred to simply as a `slice'. (Weiser, 1979) has shown that statement minimal slices are neither computable nor unique. The non{ computability of statement{minimal slicing means that the precision of slicing algorithms is of critical importance | the more statements an algorithm can delete, the better the algorithm. Because a slice captures the thread of computation pertinent to a chosen set of variables at some point in the original program, it has many applications, all of which are based upon the fact that a slice is a simpli ed 2 version of the original which maintains a projection of its semantics. Some applications of slicing are listed below:           cohesion measurement (Bieman and Ott, 1994; Ott and Thuss, 1993; Lakhotia, 1993), algorithmic debugging (Shahmehri, 1991; Kamkar, 1993), re-engineering (Liu and Ellis, 1993; Simpson et al., 1993; Lakhotia and Deprez, 1998), component re-use (Beck and Eichmann, 1993; Cimitile et al., 1996), automatic parallelisation (Weiser, 1983), program comprehension (De Lucia et al., 1996; Harman and Danicic, 1997; Jackson and Rollins, 1994), maintenance and debugging (Gallagher and Lyle, 1991; Lyle and Weiser, 1987), testing (Harman and Danicic, 1995; Binkley, 1998; Gupta et al., 1992), program integration (Horwitz et al., 1989) validation and certi cation (Krinke and Snelting, 1998). (Tip, 1995) and (Binkley and Gallagher, 1996) provide detailed surveys of the paradigms, applications and algorithms for program slicing. Gallagher and Lyle (Gallagher and Lyle, 1991) introduced the decomposition slice with the aim of aiding the software maintainer in assessing the impact of system changes. The decomposition slice captures all computation on a single variable and so isolates the `decomposition' of a program with respect to that variable. The decomposition slice with respect to a variable v, consists of the union of the set of static slices constructed with respect to (fvg; ni ), where each ni is a point in the program at which the value of v is output (together with the last line of the program). For many of these applications (and particularly for maintenance problems) the slicing algorithm must be capable of constructing slices from `spaghetti' programs, written before the bene ts of structured programming were fully appreciated. The archetype of this unstructured programming style is the goto statement; all forms of `jump' statement, such as break and continue can be regarded as special cases of the goto statement. Hereinafter the words `goto' and `jump' should be viewed as denoting any of these forms of statement. Several authors have published results concerning the problems associated with slicing programs which contain goto statements in the static (Ball and Horwitz, 1993; Choi and Ferrante, 1994; Agrawal, 1994) and dynamic (Korel, 1995) paradigms. Such programs are said to exhibit `arbitrary control ow' and are considered to be `unstructured'. Unfortunately, the published approaches concerned with the static paradigm either produce unnecessarily large slices or involve the introduction into the slice of new goto statements which are not present in the original program. For example, consider the program in the left hand box of Figure 2. The algorithms for slicing structured programs incorrectly fail to include any goto statements in any slice of this program. The modi ed algorithms of (Agrawal, 1994), (Ball and Horwitz, 1993) and (Choi and Ferrante, 1994) ( rst algorithm) all produce the entire program as the slice on the criterion (fxg; 8). This is unnecessarily large. A thinner slice is depicted in the right hand box of Figure 2 for the same criterion. The algorithm introduced in this paper produces the slice in the right hand box of Figure 2. Based upon Agrawal's approach (Agrawal, 1994), it produces syntactic subsets of the original program and which are thinner than the slices produced by (Agrawal, 1994), (Ball and Horwitz, 1993) and the rst algorithm of (Choi and Ferrante, 1994). The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Sections 2 and 3 review the problem of slicing unstructured programs and the solution proposed by Agrawal and others. Section 4 introduces the new algorithm, based on two propositions concerning CFGs of unstructured programs. In section 4 these propositions are stated informally. A more formal proof can be found in the appendix. The de nition of a Control Flow Graph (CFG), post dominance and control dependence used in this paper are those used by (Ferrante et al., 1987). These standard de nitions are also to be found in the appendix. 3 2 BACKGROUND The rest of this paper depends upon some (mostly standard) de nitions which are reproduced (for convenience) in section 2.1 below. 2.1 Preliminary De nitions and Notation De nitions 2, 3 and 5 are taken from (Ferrante et al., 1987). De nition 4 is taken from (Agrawal, 1994) and de nition 1 is taken from (Hecht, 1977). In what follows, the set of edges and nodes of a graph G shall be denoted E (G) and N (G) respectively. De nition 1 (Path) A path is a nite sequence of two or more nodes, denoted < x1; : : : ; xk >, such that (xi ; xi+1 ) 2 E (G) for 1  i  k 1. De nition 2 (Control Flow Graph (CFG)) A Control Flow Graph (CFG) is a directed graph, G, augmented with a unique entry node START and a unique exit node STOP such that each node in the graph has at most two successors. It is assumed that nodes with two successors have attributes \T " (true) and \F " (false) associated with the outgoing edges in the usual way. It is further assumed that for any node N in G there exists a path from START to N and a path from N to STOP. For slicing applications, edge labellings are not required. De nition 3 (Post Dominance) A Node V is post dominated by a node W in G i W 6= V and every path from V to STOP contains W . Observe that the post dominance relation is transitive and irre exive and therefore is also asymmetric. Thus it will not be possible for two nodes to be post dominated by one another. De nition 4 (Immediate Post Dominance) A post dominator m of a node p is the (unique) immediate post dominator of p, if m is post dominated by every other post dominator of p. De nition 5 (Control Dependence) Let G be a control ow graph. Let x and y be nodes in G. y is control dependent on x i 1. there exists a path P from x to y such that for all z in P , if z 6= x and z 6= y then z is post dominated by y and 2. x is not post dominated by y. Observe that if a node q is control dependent upon a node p then when execution follows one edge of p it will de nitely arrive at q (provided that the program terminates), whereas when execution follows the other edge of p it may avoid q. If a node x is control dependent upon a node y then y is said to control x. The set of controlled nodes of a node n in a CFG, G, will be denoted CG(n), the immediate lexical successor of a node n will be denoted ILS(n), the immediate post dominator of a node n will be denoted IPD(n) and the set of goto nodes in a CFG, G, will be denoted G (G). The additional de nition of a sub CFG is also required and is de ned below. De nition 6 (Sub CFG) From a node p in a CFG G, a sub CFG SG(p) is constructed as follows. The entry node is p and the exit node is IPD(p). Let X be the set of paths in G from p to IPD(p), which contain only one occurrence of IPD(p) (by de nition, the last node on the path). The nodes of SG (p) are those found on any path in X . The edges of SG (p) are those found along any path in X . Observe that, as X consists of paths which only contain one occurrence of IPD(p) (at the end of the path), IPD(p) has no outgoing edges in a sub CFG. Also, observe that a sub CFG is a CFG. That is, since p is post dominated by IPD(p) in G, all paths from p to the exit node in G pass through IPD(p) and therefore all nodes in SG (p) can reach IPD(p). Furthermore, as the nodes in X are taken from paths starting with p, all nodes in X can be reached from p. Finally, as the nodes in SG (p) are drawn from G they must have at most two successors. 4 2.2 The Problem of Slicing Unstructured Programs Both the algorithm introduced here and those previously published, are based upon the Program Dependence Graph (Horwitz et al., 1990; Ottenstein and Ottenstein, 1984), although the results presented here could easily be applied to the iterative data and control ow algorithm rst proposed by (Weiser, 1979) and to the algorithm introduced by (Danicic et al., 1995), which is essentially a `parallelised' version of Weiser's algorithm. The Program Dependence Graph (PDG), when applied to the problem of slice construction, contains two kinds of dependence edge: a data (or ow) dependence edge and a control dependence edge. There is a data dependence edge between x and y if and only if x de nes a variable v which is used at node y and there is a path in the Control Flow Graph from x to y in which no node other than x (and possibly y) de nes the variable v. There is a control dependence edge between x and y if and only if the node x `decides' whether node y is de nitely executed or not (Ferrante et al., 1987). Using the PDG, a slice is constructed with respect to a slightly restricted form of slicing criterion (a node n), in which the set of variables V , mentioned in Weiser's criterion (Weiser, 1984), is the set of referenced variables at node n. The slice consists of all nodes obtained by applying the transitive closure of the inverse of the PDG to the node n. Using the PDG, slicing is thus reduced to a problem of graph reachability. Hereinafter the slice produced by the conventional PDG-based approach shall be referred to as the `PDG slice'. The conventional PDG-based algorithm for program slicing, developed for the structured programming paradigm, behaves incorrectly (Agrawal, 1994; Choi and Ferrante, 1994; Ball and Horwitz, 1993) in the presence of arbitrary control ow, because it fails to include any goto node in a slice. goto nodes are (incorrectly) not included because 1. A goto node is not a predicate and so it cannot be the source of a transitive control dependence in the PDG. 2. A goto node does not a ect any variable and so it cannot be the source of a transitive data dependence in the PDG. Consider for example the program in Figure 3. The slice constructed from the PDG of this program for the slicing criterion (fpg; 9;) will consist of nodes 2, 3, 4 and 7. It should, however, also include the goto statements (denoted by nodes 5 and 8). As (Agrawal, 1994) points out, the PDG{based algorithm can be trivially modi ed to recognise conditional goto statements: \if the predicate in a conditional jump statement is included in a slice because some other statement is control dependent on it, the associated jump must also be included, for the predicate will not serve any purpose in the slice without the accompanying jump." (Agrawal, 1994) According to this simple amendment to the conventional PDG{based algorithm, the slice of the program in Figure 3 would consist of nodes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. The problem is with the inclusion or otherwise of unconditional goto statements (such as node 8 in this example). This problem has been partially addressed by the approaches described in the next section, but as will be shown, each approach is not quite satisfactory. 3 RELATED WORK This section presents related work on slicing unstructured programs. The algorithm introduced in this paper is a modi cation of Agrawal's algorithm, which is described in section 3.1, the other two approaches are due to Ball and Horwitz and Choi and Ferrante. These two approaches are presented in section 3.2. 3.1 Agrawal's Algorithm (Agrawal, 1994) proposes a method for slicing programs with arbitrary control ow, in which a goto statement g from the original program is added to the PDG slice if and only if the immediate lexical successor of g in the slice is di erent to its immediate post-dominator in the slice. The immediate lexical successor of a statement is the point to which control would pass, were the statement to be removed. Agrawal's de nition of immediate lexical succession is reproduced in de nition 7 below. Having included such a goto statement, the algorithm goes on to include any nodes upon which the goto has transitive dependence. Observe that, as a goto statement references no variables, it cannot be directly data dependent upon any node. The inclusion of the transitive dependencies of a goto node thus reduces to the problem of including 5 any predicate upon which the goto is control dependent and consequently including the transitive dependencies (namely the slice) of any such predicate. Agrawal's algorithm is reproduced in Figure 4. De nition 7 (Agrawal's Immediate Lexical Successor) A statement, S , is said to be the immediate lexical successor of a statement, S , in a program if deleting S from the program will cause the control to pass to S whenever it reaches the corresponding location in the new program. If S is a component statement, such as an if or a while statement, deleting it means deleting it along with the statements that constitute its body. 0 0 Agrawal's approach produces correct, but unnecessarily large slices, since it includes predicates and the program components upon which they depend which, as demonstrated formally in Proposition 1, turn out to be unnecessary according to Weiser's de nition of a program slice (Weiser, 1984). The inclusion of such unnecessary predicates may make slices very large due to the transitive dependencies of the unnecessary predicate. To see why the slices produced by Agrawal's algorithm are unnecessarily large, consider the program1 and its CFG given in Figure 5. In Figure 5 control ow edges are represented by solid edges, whilst the dotted edge represents the immediate lexical successor of the goto node. The PDG slice constructed with respect to the slicing criterion (fyg; 5) consists of nodes 1 and 4 alone. In this case this turns out to be a correct and statement-minimal slice. The algorithm introduced by (Agrawal, 1994) will produce the (unnecessary large, but semantically correct) slice containing the entire original program; node 3 will be included because its immediate lexical successor (node 5) di ers from its immediate post dominator (node 4) and node 2 will be included because node 3 is control dependent upon it. As pointed out by (Choi and Ferrante, 1994), the unnecessary inclusion of node 2 can lead to the inclusion of many other nodes, because (using Agrawal's approach) its inclusion requires the inclusion of any nodes upon which node 2 is either transitively control or data dependent. That is, the slice with respect to the predicate (node 2) is also added to the PDG slice to preserve the meaning of the predicate. Observe that the inclusion of such a predicate creates a program (the slice) in which a predicate controls only goto nodes. Clearly, in most `normal' programs, one would not expect to nd such predicates. However, this is not, as one might initially expect, merely a `pathological special case' as slices are not `normal' programs; slicing will remove statements, making the existence of such predicates more likely. For example, consider again the program in Figure 2. The CFG of this program is depicted in Figure 6. In this program, the goto statement at node 5 serves to avoid the execution of node 6 should the predicate at node 4 evaluate to true. The goto node thus plays the role of a continue statement. This is typical in legacy systems written in older languages where the programmer is forced to use goto nodes to de ne control ow. After slicing the program, for example with respect to the slicing criterion (fxg; 8), node 6 may disappear, creating a predicate (at node 4) which controls only goto nodes. (This example will be treated in more detail in section 4.4.) 3.2 Other Algorithms for Slicing Unstructured Programs (Ball and Horwitz, 1993) and (Choi and Ferrante, 1994) introduced two identical algorithms for constructing slices of unstructured programs. The approach involves modifying the CFG of a program, creating an `Augmented Control Flow Graph' (ACFG). The PDG constructed from the ACFG contains the PDG constructed from the CFG. The ACFG is identical to the CFG, except that a goto node contains two outgoing edges, one of which is the `normal' edge, which connects the goto node to its target2 , with the other (dummy) edge, being introduced to model the e ect of deleting the goto. This dummy edge connects a goto statement to what Agrawal terms its `immediate lexical successor' (Agrawal, 1994). As (Ball and Horwitz, 1993) point out, the introduction of such a dummy edge need not alter the semantics of the ACFG with respect to the corresponding CFG3 , because the dummy edge may be labelled `False', and the normal edge `True'. The goto node can then be considered to be a `degenerate' predicate node in which the controlling boolean expression always evaluates to `True'. (Ball and Horwitz, 1993) prove that a PDG constructed from and ACFG will include all the necessary goto statements in a slice in order to make it correct with respect to the slicing criterion. (Choi and Ferrante, 1994) independently discovered the same approach. 1 2 3 This example is the one used by (Choi and Ferrante, 1994). Observe that the target of a goto statement is its immediate post dominator. The CFG corresponding to an ACFG is constructed by removing all dummy edges from the ACFG. 6 (Choi and Ferrante, 1994) report that the ACFG produces identical slices to those constructed using Agrawal's algorithm, and so it su ers from the same weakness; unnecessary control predicates are included along with the nodes upon which they transitively depend. It is less clear, however, how this approach might be modi ed in light of Propositions 1 and 2, and so the approach taken here takes Agrawal's algorithm as a starting point. The dummy edges result in spurious control dependence relations in the PDG, which in turn, can cause the inclusion of unnecessary predicates. For example, consider the program and its CFG encountered earlier in Figure 5. This gure depicts the ACFG of the program fragment; solid edges represent CFG edges, the dotted edge represents the additional ACFG edge. The PDG constructed from this ACFG is depicted in Figure 7. In Figure 7 solid edges represent control dependence, while dotted edges represent data dependence. The PDG in Figure 7 contains two control dependence edges that would not have been found in the PDG constructed from the CFG of the program in Figure 5. Namely 1. The edge from node 3 to node 4. This edge is added to ensure that the goto (node 3) and its controlling predicate (node 2) are included in any slice which includes node 4. 2. The edge from node 2 to node 4. This is what Choi and Ferrante (Choi and Ferrante, 1994) term a `spurious' control dependence, which occurs because the goto in the CFG has become a predicate in the ACFG, with the result that there is a new path from node 2 to the exit which does not contain node 4. The slice constructed from this (arti cially large) PDG for the slicing criterion (fyg; 5) consists of the entire program. As previously observed, this slice is unnecessarily large (nodes 2 and 3 need not be included, and indeed, are not included by the new algorithm). It should be pointed out that it is not only the inclusion of spurious control dependencies which leads to the construction of unnecessarily large slices by the ACFG{based algorithm. The theoretical results presented here demonstrate that there exist goto nodes whose target di ers from their immediate lexical successor, but which, nonetheless, need not be added to the PDG slice in order to construct a correct nal slice. Choi and Ferrante introduce a second algorithm which introduces new goto statements into the conventional PDG slice, so as to make it correct with respect to the slicing criterion. Although Choi and Ferrante prove that this approach does yield a reduced program which respects the slicing criterion, their algorithm does have the drawback that the `slices' so created, are not syntactic subsets of the programs from which they are constructed. The Choi and Ferrante algorithm is de ned for an intraprocedural language with similar (non-block structured) statement constructs as those found in Fortran IV. (Lakhotia and Deprez, 1997) have an algorithm for computing slices which may also add new goto statements (like the Choi and Ferrante algorithm), but which is applicable to a wider class of languages, which allow goto statements to jump into and out of statement blocks in the way that, for example, Fortran 77 allows. 4 THE NEW ALGORITHM This section presents the new algorithm for slicing unstructured programs. The starting point for the new algorithm is the approach adopted by Agrawal. The modi cations to Agrawal's approach do not require a major re-implementation, but they do require formal justi cation. This justi cation is provided by two propositions concerning CFGs in which a predicate controls only goto nodes (and perhaps itself). In such a situation it is shown that: 1. The outcome of the evaluation of the predicate can only serve to cause non-termination. That is, either the program fails to terminate or control reaches the immediate post dominator of the predicate without a change of state. 2. Either the immediate post dominator of the predicate is its immediate lexical successor or there must exist a cycle-free path from the predicate to its immediate post dominator containing at least one goto node. The rst of these observations demonstrates that such a predicate is unnecessary to preserve the semantic requirement of a slice, while the second suggests a method for avoiding such predicates while retaining the syntactic requirement that a slice must be a subset of the program from which it is constructed. More formally 7 1. Let p be a side-e ect free predicate in a CFG G. If CG(p)  fpg [ G (G) then on every path from p to its immediate post dominator no state change will occur. The only observable a ect p could have would therefore be to cause non{termination. 2. Let p be a predicate in a CFG G. If CG (p)  fpg [ G (G) and IPD(p) 6= ILS(p) then there must exist a cycle-free path from p to IPD(p) consisting of a non-empty set of goto nodes in CG (p). These two propositions are formally proved correct in the appendix. Section 4.1 explains how the new algorithm is constructed by appeal to these two propositions. The algorithm itself, is presented in Figure 8. 4.1 Justi cation of the New Algorithm The new algorithm is presented in Figure 8. This section justi es the algorithm by appeal to Propositions 1 and 2. Several collections of nodes will be referred to. The PDG slice and the PDG slice to which several nodes have been added and the nal slice (the result of the algorithm). Strictly speaking, a collection of nodes does not form a CFG. Where a collection of nodes is referred to, there is however, an implied CFG, constructed as a projection (onto this collection of nodes) of the original program's CFG. This projection is formalised in de nition 8 below. De nition 8 (Projected CFG) Let G be a CFG and let N be the set of nodes in G. From G and some set of nodes X , X  N , the projected CFG, G  X , is de ned as follows: (s; t) 2 G  X i fs; tg  X and there exists a path from s to t in G containing no node in X other than s and t Thus G  X is constructed by `connecting up' the nodes in X which become detached when those nodes not in X are removed. G  X forms the basis for Choi and Ferrante's second algorithm (Choi and Ferrante, 1994), in which new goto nodes are added to the CFG to achieve this `connecting up' explicitly. Let Slice denote the set of nodes in the PDG slice, let Org denote the CFG of the program to be sliced and let denote the set of goto nodes in Org. Starting with Agrawal's approach, a predicate p will be considered for inclusion in the nal slice because it controls a goto node whose immediate lexical successor di ers from its immediate target. If p is already in the PDG slice, then all that is required is to add the goto node. If p is not in the PDG slice then it is to be included solely because it controls a goto node, g, in which case Proposition 1 will apply to the the sub CFG constructed from the PDG slice, the predicate p and the goto nodes it controls. More formally, Proposition 1 will apply to the sub-CFG constructed from p and the projected CFG, Org  (Slice [ [ fpg). Proposition 1 establishes that the predicate need not be included in the nal slice to preserve the e ect of the original upon the slicing criterion. Since the predicate is not required in the nal slice, the transitive dependencies of the predicate are also not be required. There remains the problem of constructing a nal slice from the original program, so as to avoid the execution of p. For the nal slice to be correct it must be ensured that control passes from all immediate predecessors of p to its immediate post-dominator. The sub CFG constructed for p and the CFG Org  (Slice [ [ fpg) must take the form of one of the two CFGs pictured in Figure 9, where vectors denote paths consisting of zero or more goto nodes4 . If, in the CFG Org  (Slice [ [ fpg), the immediate post dominator of p is the immediate lexical successor of p then the whole sub CFG need not be included. With neither the predicate nor the goto nodes it controls in the nal slice, control will pass from any immediate predecessor of p to its immediate post dominator (namely, its immediate lexical successor), as required. If the immediate post dominator of p di ers from its immediate lexical successor, then by Proposition 2, there must exist, in the sub CFG constructed from p and the CFG, Org  (Slice [ [ fpg), a cycle-free path, 4 More formally (in terms of the lemmata in the appendix), by lemma 5, there must exist a cycle-free path from p to IPD(p) and, by lemma 2, any path from p to IPD(p) may only contain goto nodes and, by lemma 4, any cycle must contain p. Thus, either both paths are cycle-free (right-hand CFG of Figure 9) or only one is (left-hand CFG of Figure 9). 8 , from p to its immediate post dominator, consisting of a non-empty set of goto nodes. The rst node, after p, along , must either be the consequent or alternative node of p. Suppose it is the consequent node. The nal slice can be constructed by including the consequent node of p and all nodes on . The predicate p itself, and its alternative branch are not required. In the nal slice, control will thus pass from any immediate predecessor of p onto its consequent node, and along  to the immediate post dominator of p. If the rst node along , after p, is not the consequent node of p, then it must be the alternative node of p. Therefore, to form the nal slice, p and its consequent node need not be included. The alternative node and all other nodes along  must be included in the nal slice. Control will thus pass from any immediate predecessor of p to its alternative node, and along  to the immediate post dominator of p. Of course, if could turn out that both paths from p to its immediate post dominator are cycle free. In this case there will be a choice, but should one path be already in Slice then no further action need be taken. Finally, observe that such paths, , may contain goto nodes which target their immediate lexical successor. These need not be included in the nal slice, but for clarity of exposition, their deletion has been relegated to a post{processing optimisation. A slightly more ecient version of the new algorithm would remove such goto nodes as they are encountered along . 4.2 A Note on Side{e ects Proposition 1 is only valid for predicates which are side{e ect free. However, where a predicate contains side{e ects, the algorithm presented in Figure 8 will still produce correct slices. This is because any predicate considered for inclusion by Agrawal's algorithm is not in the PDG slice. Therefore, no node in the PDG slice can be data dependent upon it | the predicate is side{e ect free with respect to the slicing criterion and so, in the special case of slice{construction, predicates not in the PDG slice may be considered to be `side{e ect free', in the sense in which the phrase is used in Proposition 1. For example, suppose that node 2 of Figure 5 had been k == v++, a predicate which tests the boolean k == v, while having the side-e ect of incrementing the value of the variable v by one. Suppose further that the slicing criterion is (fyg; 5), for which the PDG slice consists of nodes 1 and 4 alone. Notice that the variable v can be (in this example) any variable except for x, because if it had been x then the predicate at node 2 would have been included in the PDG slice of the original program. Now, removing node 2 from the program to form the slice will a ect the semantics of the program with respect to the nal value of v, but will not a ect the slicing criterion because node 2 is `side{e ect free' with respect to the slicing criterion. In general, if some predicate is not included in the PDG slice, then there can be no transitive data dependence between it and the slicing criterion, therefore any side e ect of the predicate's evaluation cannot have any e ect with respect to the slicing criterion. If, on the other hand, the predicate is included in the PDG slice, then the problems addressed by the algorithm presented here do not arise. 4.3 Complexity The complexity of the algorithm depends upon the complexity of the algorithms for constructing the conventional PDG slice and for constructing the post dominator tree. If interprocedural slicing is being used, this will require the construction of a System Dependence Graph5. Recently, a linear algorithm for constructing post dominator trees was proposed (Alstrup et al., 1997). The most commonly used algorithm (Horwitz et al., 1990) for (interprocedural) slice construction uses the System Dependence Graph (SDG) | a generalisation of the Program Dependence Graph which caters for interprocedural slicing. The SDG slicing algorithm consists of three phases. 1. The construction of PDGs for each procedure 2. The construction of the summary edges, forming an SDG 3. The construction of a slice from the SDG 5 Throughout this paper it has been assumed that a goto statement may transfer control neither into nor out of a procedure body. However, if interprocedural slicing is used, slices may cross procedure boundaries, including statements from more than one procedure in the `PDG slice'. The algorithm presented here (and those described in section 3) decide upon the inclusion of goto statements for individual procedures. If statements from more than one procedure are included then the algorithm should be executed once for each procedure which contributes to the slice. 9 The algorithm for computing the PDGs is quadratic in N , the number of vertices of the SDG, while the problem of computing the slice itself from the SDG is linear in E , the total number of edges in the SDG. The problem of constructing the summary edges is the most computationally expensive phase of the algorithm. For this phase, (Horwitz et al., 1990) report a time-complexity of O(T  e  F + T  S 2  F 4 ) Where T is the total number of call sites, e is the maximum number of edges of any of the constituent PDGs, F is the largest number of formal input parameters in any of the PDGs and S is the maximum number of call sites in any of the PDGs. More recently, the problem of interprocedural slicing was recast as a context free language reachability problem (Reps et al., 1994), yielding an improvement in time-complexity for the construction of summary edges. For the new algorithm, the authors report a time-complexity for this phase of O(P  e  F + T  F 3 ) where P denotes the number of procedures in the program. Having constructed the PDG slice, the algorithm presented here walks over the program's post dominator tree in a preorder traversal, looking for goto nodes whose target di ers from their lexical successor. In the worst case, every predicate in the program is not in the PDG slice, has an immediate lexical successor which di ers from its immediate post dominator and controls a goto node. In this case the algorithm has to follow the then and else paths of each predicate to nd a cycle free path to the predicate's immediate post dominator. The worst case for this search involves considering all nodes of the program's CFG. The complexity of this phase of the algorithm is thus O(  e) where  is the maximum number of predicates in any PDG. Thus the largest part of the algorithm can be seen to be the construction of the original PDG slice, while the problem of identifying which goto nodes to include is a lesser post processing phase from the point of view of time complexity. Agrawal's algorithm involves re-slicing the program for each non-PDG-Slice predicate which controls a goto. This requires a similar time-complexity to the algorithm presented here because, at this stage, the SDG is already constructed and so slicing only requires linear time (though this time linear in E , not in e) for each predicate node. 4.4 Example Executions of the New Algorithm Consider the program in Figure 5. The PDG slice for the criterion (fyg; 5) consists of nodes 1 and 4. The statement at node 3 is a candidate for inclusion because its immediate lexical successor (node 5) di ers from its target (node 4). The goto is also controlled by a predicate (node 2) which is not in the PDG slice. The immediate lexical successor (node 5) of the predicate is, however, identical to its immediate post dominator and so no further action is taken. The nal slice is thus nodes 1 and 4, which, in this case, is statement minimal. The other algorithms for slicing unstructured programs described earlier would have included the whole program in the slice. The program in Figure 5 is a rather `pathological' example. The program in Figure 6 is more typical. The PDG slice of this program, constructed with respect to the criterion (fxg; 8), consists of nodes 1, 3 and 8. Thus Slice is, initially nodes 1, 3 and 8. The goto nodes of the program must be considered in a preorder traversal of the post dominator tree (which is depicted in Figure 10). Node 2 is considered rst. Its target in Slice [ (node 8) di ers from its immediate lexical successor in Slice [ (node 3), but it is not control dependent upon any node which is not in Slice, so it is simply added to Slice. Next, node 5 is considered. Its target in Slice [ (node 1) di ers from its immediate lexical successor in Slice [ (node 7). Node 5 is control dependent upon node 4, which is not in Slice. There is, however, a cycle free path from node 4 to its immediate post dominator (node 1). The path is < 4; 5; 1 >, so node 5 is added to Slice. goto 10 Finally, node 7 is considered. Its target in Slice [ (node 1) also di ers from its immediate lexical successor in Slice [ (node 8). Node 7 is also controlled by node 4, but, as with node 5, the cycle free path < 4; 5; 1 > is used to avoid the unnecessary inclusion of node 4. Node 5 is added to Slice. As it is already in Slice, the overall result of processing node 7 leaves Slice una ected. The nal slice thus consists of nodes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8. (The original program and the nal slice produced by the new algorithm were depicted in Figure 2.) The slice produced by Agrawal's algorithm would have contained the entire program. Node 7 would have been included because its immediate lexical successor (node 8) di ers from its immediate post dominator (node 1). Node 4 would have been included because it controls nodes 5 and 7 and node 6 would have been included because node 4 is data dependent upon it. Other approaches to the problem (the rst algorithm of (Choi and Ferrante, 1994) and the algorithm introduced by (Ball and Horwitz, 1993)) would also produce the entire program as the slice. As a nal example6 , consider the slightly more complex program in left hand section of Figure 11. The CFG of this program is depicted in Figure 12, and its post dominator tree is depicted in Figure 13. Suppose the slicing criterion is (fxg; 15), so the slice must preserve the e ect of the original on the nal value of the variable x. The PDG slice consists of nodes 1,2,5,11,13 and 14. That is, all the assignments to x and the initial predicate. The goto nodes are considered in a preorder traversal of the post dominator tree. This gives the order of consideration: 12,6,10,9,4. The algorithm starts by considering node 12. The immediate lexical successor of this node is node 13, while its target is node 14. The only predicate which controls node 12 is node 1, which is already in Slice, so node 12 is simply added to Slice. Node 6 is included because its immediate lexical successor in Slice [ is node 9, while its target in Slice [ is node 11. Node 6 is not controlled by any nodes, and so there are no `predicate issues' to worry about. Node 10 is included because its immediate post dominator (node 13) di ers from its immediate lexical successor (node 11), but, like node 12, it is only controlled by node is node 1. Node 9 is more interesting. Its target in Slice [ is node 9, while its immediate lexical successor in Slice [ is node 10. Furthermore it is controlled by node 7, which is not in the PDG slice. The immediate lexical successor of node 7 is node 11, while its immediate post dominator is node 10. Therefore, there must be a cycle free path from node 7 to its immediate post dominator (this is guaranteed by Proposition 1). The path is < 7; 10 >, so node 10 is included in Slice. As node 10 is already in Slice this inclusion has no e ect. Node 4 is less interesting. Its immediate lexical successor (node 5) di ers from its immediate post dominator (node 9), but it is not controlled by any nodes not in the PDG slice, and so it is simply included in Slice. The nal slice therefore includes all the goto nodes except node number 9. It is depicted in the right hand section of Figure 11. Observe that, as with Agrawal's algorithm, labels from the original program are associated with their nearest lexical successor in the slice. 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK The work presented here is based upon previous work by Agrawal on slicing unstructured programs. Agrawal's approach produces correct (but unnecessarily large) slices due to the inclusion of unnecessary control predicates and their transitive dependencies. Other currently published algorithms either produce similar `over-large' slices or include new goto nodes not in the original program. By analysing the nature of control dependence in unstructured programs, the reason for the inclusion of unnecessary predicates has been identi ed, leading to the introduction of a new algorithm for slicing unstructured programs which avoids the problem. The analysis reveals that it is always possible to separate the problem of calculating program dependencies from the problem of deciding how to reconstruct a valid slice from the set of non{goto nodes identi ed during such a dependency analysis. The introduction of a more precise algorithm for slicing unstructured programs improves the applicability of slicing to maintenance problems which are often concerned with programs which exhibit the kind of unstructured control ow considered here. Work is underway to implement a slicing tool for FORTRAN 77, based upon the algorithm presented here. The completion and evaluation of this tool remains a problem for future work. 6 This example was suggested by Arun Lakhotia. 11 Acknowledgements Arun Lakhotia provided invaluable help in testing the algorithm presented here with imaginative examples. He also shared with the authors many extremely helpful insights which greatly improved their understanding of the problem. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous referees for their suggestions and observations which also helped to improve the paper. Any errors which remain are, naturally, the sole responsibility of the authors. A CORRECTNESS PROOF This section presents a formal investigation of the two propositions upon which the correctness of the algorithm is based. A.1 The `No State Change' Proposition Proposition 1 shows that a predicate which controls only goto nodes can a ect, neither directly nor indirectly, the value of any program variable | it can only serve to cause non{termination. The proof of Proposition 1 rests upon lemmas 1 and 2, which are stated and proved below. Lemma 1 Let p be a predicate in a CFG G. IPD(p) is the only post dominator of p in SG (p). Proof Suppose there exists in SG (p) a node n 6= IPD(p) which is a post dominator of p. Since n is in SG (p) it must, by de nition 6 of a sub CFG, occur on a path from p to IPD(p) in which the only occurrence of IPD(p) is the last element of the path. Therefore there cannot be a path from n to the exit node which does not contain IPD(p) because this would mean that there was a path from p to the exit node (via n) which does not contain IPD(p) and therefore IPD(p) would not post dominate p. Since there can be no path from n to the exit node which does not contain IPD(p), n must be post dominated by IPD(p), but as IPD(p) is the immediate post dominator of p, IPD(p) must also be post dominated by n. However this is impossible, because the post dominance relation is asymmetric. Lemma 2 Let p be a predicate in a CFG G. If CG(p)  fpg [ G (G) then any path in SG (p) from p to IPD(p) (excluding IPD(p)), may only contain p and goto nodes controlled by p. Proof Suppose the contrary. Let  be a path from p to IPD(p) (excluding IPD(p)) in SG (p), which contains at least one node not in G (G), and let n be the rst occurrence on  such a node. Now, since n is the rst occurrence of a node not in G (G), any nodes which occur before n on  must be nodes in CG (p), and as CG (p) \ G (G) contains no predicates, control must reach n if execution continues from p along . Since p does not control n this means (by de nition 5 of control dependence) that every path from p to IPD(p) must contain n, thus n is a post dominator of p. However, as n cannot be the immediate post dominator of p it cannot (by lemma 1) be in SG (p), contradicting the initial de nition of  and n. Proposition 1 Let p be a side-e ect free predicate in a CFG G. If CG(p)  fpg [ G (G) then on every path from p to its immediate post dominator no state change will occur. The only observable a ect p could have would therefore be to cause non{termination. Proof No state change can occur on any path from p to IPD(p) since (by lemma 2) only goto nodes and the predicate p can occur on such a path. Thus, the program either fails to terminate (because p evaluates to true and is on a cycle), or control passes from p to IPD(p) without a change of state. A.2 Examples Consider the CFG depicted earlier in Figure 5. The predicate at node 2 controls only the goto node at node 3. Whatever the outcome of the evaluation of the predicate, control will pass to node 4 (the immediate post dominator of the predicate) without a change of state. Consider the CFG depicted earlier in Figure 6. Suppose node 6 is deleted from this program (as may happen when the program is sliced). There would then exist a predicate, node 4, which controls only goto nodes (nodes 12 5 and 7). The evaluation of the predicate merely serves to decide whether control reaches node 1 (the immediate post dominator of the predicate) via node 5 or via node 7. In either case no state change occurs between the execution of a predicate and its immediate post dominator. A.3 The `Cycle-Free Path Existence' Proposition The proof of Proposition 2 rests upon lemmas 3, 4 and 5, which are stated and proved below. It also rests upon an assumption (Assumption 1) concerning the lexical successor of a `structured predicate'. Assumption 1 If all cycle-free paths from p to IPD(p) contain no goto statements, then ILS(p) = IPD(p). Assumption 1 is, in e ect, a requirement upon the programming language. Approaches to slice construction for structured programs (Horwitz et al., 1990; Weiser, 1984; Danicic et al., 1995). all rest upon this assumption. In the structured case, the assumption degenerates to the assumption that the immediate post dominator of a predicate is its immediate lexical successor. When constructing a slice from a structured program and where the slicing criterion is not transitively dependent upon the body of a condition{controlled construct, the predicate and its body are removed. In the resulting program, it is assumed that control will pass from any immediate predecessor of the predicate to its immediate post dominator. However, in the unstructured paradigm, the presence of a goto node on some path from a predicate to its immediate post dominator could mean that the immediate post dominator of the predicate is not its lexical successor. Lemma 3 Let p be a predicate. All controlled nodes of p must occur on some path from p to IPD(p). Proof Suppose the contrary. There must exist a node n, such that p controls n, but n does not occur on any path from p to IPD(p). By de nition 5 of control dependence, there must exists a path, , from p to n such that for all z in , where z 6= p and z 6= n z is post dominated by n. Now since, IPD(p) must also occur on , n must also post dominate IPD(p), and therefore, by transitivity of control dependence, it must post dominate p. However, by de nition 5 of control dependence, p must not be post dominated by n. Lemma 4 Let p be a predicate in a CFG G. If CG(p)  fpg [ G (G) then in SG(p) every cycle in a path from p to IPD(p) must contain p. Proof Suppose there exists a cycle from p to IPD(p) which does not contain p. This would mean (by lemma 2) that only goto nodes occur on the cycle and therefore there would be no path from any of the nodes on the cycle to the exit node, contradicting the de nition of a CFG. Lemma 5 There must exist a cycle free path from any node n to IPD(n). Proof Trivial. Suppose the contrary. If there is no cycle free path from n to IPD(n) then there would be no path from n to IPD(n) and therefore no path from n to the exit node, contradicting the de nition of a CFG. Proposition 2 Let p be a predicate in a CFG G. If CG(p)  fpg [ G (G) and IPD(p) 6= ILS(p) then there must exist a cycle-free path from p to IPD(p) consisting of a non-empty set of goto nodes in CG (p). Proof By lemma 5 there must exist a cycle-free path from p to IPD(p). By lemma 2 such a path may only contain goto nodes. Were all such paths to contain no goto nodes then, by Assumption 1, IPD(p) = ILS(p). A.4 Examples Consider the CFG depicted earlier in Figure 6. Suppose node 6 is removed from the program. This creates a predicate (node 4) which control only goto nodes (nodes 5 and 7), and whose immediate lexical successor (node 7, since node 6 has been removed) di ers from its immediate post dominator (node 1). In this case it 13 turns out that there exist two cycle free paths from the predicate to its immediate post dominator (< 4; 5; 1 > and < 4; 7; 1 >). References Agrawal, H. (1994). On slicing programs with jump statements. 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His interests are slicing, functional programming and programming language semantics. 16 FIGURES Captions at bottom of page 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 scanf("%d",&n); s=0; p=1; while (n>0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f s=s+n; p=p*n; n=n-1; g scanf("%d",&n); s=0; while (n>0) f s=s+n; n=n-1; g Slice w.r.t. (fsg; 9) Original Program Figure 1: A Program and One of its Slices 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L: if (x==MAX) goto end; x=x+1; if (x>y) goto L; y=y-1; goto L; end: Original program 1 2 3 5 8 L: if (x==MAX) goto end; x=x+1; goto L; end: Slice produced by the new conventional algorithm Figure 2: Slicing with respect to the criterion (fxg; 8) 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 s=0; p=1; loop: read(n); if (n<0) goto end; s=s+n; p=p*n; goto loop; end: Figure 3: A Typical `goto' program 20 Slice = the PDG slice; do begin Traverse the postdominator tree using the preorder traversal, and for each jump statement, J , encountered that is (i) not in Slice and (ii) whose nearest postdominator in Slice is di erent from the immediate lexical successor in Slice do begin Add J to Slice; Add the transitive closure of the dependencies of J to Slice; end end For each goto statement, Goto L, in Slice, if the statement labelled L is not in Slice then associate the label L with its nearest postdominator in Slice; return (Slice); Figure 4: Agrawal's Algorithm for Slicing Unstructured Programs 21 x=10 p goto L y=x STOP 1 x = 10; 2 if (p) 3 goto L; 4 L: else y=x; 5 Lexical successor edge CFG edge Figure 5: The Unnecessary Predicate Problem 22 1 x==MAX 2 goto end 3 x=x+1 8 end: 4 x>y 5 Figure 6: goto L goto as 6 y=y-1 7 goto L a continue Statement 23 3 1 x=10 2 p 4 y=x 5 STOP goto L Control dependence edge Data dependence edge Figure 7: The PDG Constructed from the ACFG in Figure 5 24 = the set of goto nodes in the original program; Slice = the set of nodes in the PDG slice; Org = the CFG of the original program; do begin Traverse the postdominator tree using preorder traversal, and for each jump statement, J , encountered that is not in Slice and for which Target(J ) 6= ILS(J ) in Slice. if all nodes which control J are in Slice [ then Add J to Slice; else (J is controlled by a predicate p not in Slice) for each predicate p which controls J and is not in Slice if ILS(p) = IPD(p) in Org  (Slice [ [ fpg) then take no action (i.e. include neither J nor p) else ifa there exists a cycle free path , from the consequent of p to IPD(p) in Org  (Slice [ [ fpg) then begin Include the consequent of p in Slice. Include the goto statements on  in Slice. If p has an alternative branch, do not include it. end else (there must be a cycle free path , from the alternative node of p to IPD(p) in Org  (Slice [ [ fpg)) begin Include the alternative node of p in Slice. Include the goto statements on  in Slice. end end Remove from Slice any goto nodes which target their immediate lexical successor. For each goto statement, Goto L, in Slice, if the statement labelled L is not in Slice then associate the label L with its nearest postdominator in Slice; return (Slice); a If there is a cycle free path from both the consequent and the alternative branch of p, then clearly there is a choice as to which to use. However, if path x is already contained in Slice but path y is not, then path x should be chosen in preference to path y. Figure 8: The New Algorithm for Slicing Unstructured Programs 25 p p IPD(p) IPD(p) Figure 9: The Two Cases (edges denote paths containing zero or more goto nodes) 26 8 2 1 5 7 4 6 3 Figure 10: The post dominator tree for the program in Figure 6 27 1 if (p) 2 f x=x+1; 3 y=10; 4 goto L; g 5 x=x+2; 6 goto s2; 7 s0: if (y>0) 8 f L: y=y-1; 9 goto s0; 10 else goto s3; 11 s2: x=x+1; 12 goto s4; 13 s3: x=x+2; 14 x=x+5; g Original Program 1 2 if (p) f x=x+1; 4 5 6 goto L; x=x+2; goto s2; L: 10 goto s3; 11 s2: x=x+1; 12 goto s4; 13 s3: x=x+2; 14 x=x+5; Slice on (fxg; 15) Figure 11: A More Complex Example 28 g 1 p 5 x=x+2 2 x=x+1 6 goto s2 3 y=10 11 x=x+1 4 goto L 12 goto s4 7 8 y=y-1 9 goto s0 10 13 x=x+2 14 x=x+5 Figure 12: CFG for the program fragment in Figure 11 29 y>0 goto s3 14 13 12 11 1 10 6 7 5 9 8 4 3 2 Figure 13: Post Dominator Tree for the program fragment in Figure 11 30