Select Bibliography of Pavel Oliva

2013, Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina

in: Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 49, 2013, pp. 11-15

rEI RENE XLI X, 2013, PRAESI S' UT PR0SI S: PAI / EL OLI VÁ NONAGENARI US 11_15 regarded the synthetic treatise Řecko mezi Makedonií a Ří mem (Greece between Macedonia and Rome, 1995). Throughout his professional career, professor Oliva held higher academic positions (corresponding member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and head of its historical section in the sixties) which enabled him to promote ideas and projects favourable to the classical studies. Many a crucial conference owes its realization to him; let us mention at least the large-scale conferences 'Antiquitas Graeco-Romana ac tempora nostra" in 1966 and the 16th Eirene conference in 1982. At the international level, he was appointed Czechoslovak delegate to the Union Acadé mique I nternationale to take active part in the organization and evaluation of international research projects in the humanities. Subsequently, he was elected member of the standing committee and then vice-president of this respected association. As visiting professor to Oxford and other prominent universities, Pavel Oliva became a true ambassador of the Czech classical philology. Last but not least, Pavel Oliva has presided for many years the Association of Classical Philologists, one of the learned societies affiliated to and supported by the Academy of Sciences. Macte igitur virtute, vir doctissime ac praeses noster! Ji 10 Professor's Pavel Oliva first published work dates back to 1951. Since then, his complete bibliography comprises more than 1300 items. For the convenience of foreign scholars, the following survey offers a selection of Pavel Oliva's books, papers and studies written in the so-called "world languages".l í Beneš (Prague) Tabula gratulatoria Antoní n Bartoněk, Brno JanBaž ant, Prague Ji í Beneš , Prague Jan Bouzek, Prague t Carl Joachim Classen, Berlin Lucio Del Corso, Cassino Jakub Č echvala, Prague Jaroslav Daneš , Hradec Králové Alexandr Demandt, Berlin Marie Dufková, Prague Jana Kepartová, Prague Konrad H. Kinzl, Trent Petr Kitzler, Prague I vana Koucká, olomouc SELECT BI BLI OGRAPHY OF PAVEL OLI VA Walter Lapini, Genova Hartmut Leppin, Frankfurt am Main Václav Marek, Prague Mischa Meier, Ttibingen GyÓrgy Né meth, Budapest Pavel Nlivlt, Prague I va ond ejová, Prague Annalisa Paradiso, Matera Rosario Pintaudi, Firenze Peter J. Rhodes, Durham Helena Svobodová' Prague Eva Stehlí ková, Brno Vladimí r F. Š tolba, Aarhus a) books 1) The Origin of Hellenic Nationality and I ts Characteristic Features, Praha 1955, 2l pp. 2) Pannonia and the Onset of Crisis in the Roman Empire, Praha 1962,420 pp. 3) Historia de los Griegos, Buenos Aires 1966' 187 pp. (with B. BonecrÝ; reprint Mexico 1983). 4) Sparta and Her Social Problems, Praha - Amsterdam 797I ,347 pp. 5) The Birth of Greek Civilization, London 1981, 200 pp. 6) Espartay sus problemas sociales, Madrid 1983,343 pp. 7) Le origini della civiltd greca, Milano 1983, 168 pp. 8) The Birth of Greek Civilization, Edmonton 1985,200 pp. 9) Tabula imperii romani. Castra regina - Vindobona - Carnuntum, Praha 1986, 219 pp. (with J. BuzuaN nr art). I 0) Solon * Legende und Wirklichkeit,Konstanz 1988,96 pp. I l) opera minora,I , (ed) I . LlsovÝ, ostrava - Praha 2007,329 pp. 12) opera minora,I l, (ed) I . LrsovÝ, ostrava - Praha 2008,369 pp. I A bookJength bibliography of Pavel Oliva's works was published ln Czech as Profesor PhDr. Pavel Oliva, DrSc.: Bibliografie / Bibliographia professoris PhDr. Pavel Oliva, DrSc., (ed.) I . Lrsovi Praha 2008, and is being continuosly updated by the same editor. I have used this book as primary source for compiling this survey. 11 TPETR KI TZLER SELECT BI BLI OGRAPHY OF PAVEL OLI VA b) papers, chaPters in books, etc. 13) "K voprosu o vozniknovenii i razvitii ellinskoj narodnosti v drevnej Gre- drevnej istorii, 1954, pp.40-51' 14) "Die Chronologie der peisistratischen Tyrannis", in: L. Vencl (ed), Studia c77", Vestnik antiqua Antonio Salač septuagenario oblata,Praha 1955, pp. 97-104' 75) "Latyrannie, premiěre forme de l'é tat en Grěce, et son r le historique", Pensé e,66, 1956, pp. 102-113. 16) La "Ztr Problematik der friihen griechischen Tyrannis", Zeitschrift fiir Ge- schichtswissenschaft,T,I g5g, pp. 869-874 (reprinted in: K. H. KrNzr' [ ed.] , Die tiltere Tyrannis bis zu den Perserkriegen, Darmstaďt | 979 | Wege der Fors chung, 5101, pp. 226235). 17) "Pannonien in det Zeitder Anfánge der Krise des romischenReiches", Acta antiqua Academiae scientiarum Hungaricae, T, 1959, pp. 177-18118) "Die Bedeutung der frtihgriechischen Tyrannis", Klio,38, 1960, pp. 8l-86 (reprinted in: K. H. KrNzr, led.l, Die dltere Tyrannis bis zu den Perserkrie19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) gen,Darmstadt 1979 [ Wege der Forschung, 510f, pp' 236-241. "Zur Bedeutung der Markomannenkriege", Das Altertum,6,1960, pp. 5361 (reprinted in: R. KI -BI N fedf,, Marc Aurel, Darmstadt 1979 lWege der Forschung, 5501, pp. I I 9-132. "Die Bedeutung der antiken Sklaverei. Kritische Bemerkungerl', Acta antiqua Academiae scientiarum Hungaricae, S, 1960, pp. 309-319. "Einige Probleme der Markomannenkriege'" in: R. GÚNrHBn - G. Scgnor (eds), SozialÓkonomische Verhriltnisse im Alten orient und im klassischen Altertum, Berlin 1961, pp. 217227. "Onthe Problem of the Helots. Critical Study", Historica,3,1961,pp.5-34. "Some Remarks on the Pannonian Historiography", Studii clasice,3,796I , pp.127-130. "Zum Problem der Finanzkrise im 2.Ulnd 3. Jahrhundert un. z. imromischen Reich", Das Áltertum,8, 1962, pp.39-46. ,'Det 'Kolonialismus' und das rÓmische Reich"' Das Altertum, 8, 1962, pp.149-154. 26) "I I ATPI KH BA'I AEI ť ', in: L. Vancl - R. F. WtlI -Brs (eds), | EPA> . Studies Presented to George Thomson on the occasion of his 60'h Birthday, Prague 1963, pp. 171-181. 27) "Die unentwickelte Form der Sklaverei im antiken Griechenland", Acta antiqua Philippopolitana. Studia his torica et philologica, 1963, pp. 17 25. 28) "Die charakteristischen Zige der groBen Sklavenaufstánde zw Zeit der rÓmischen Republik'', in: E. CH. WBr,srorr (ed'), Neue Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Alten Welt,I I : Rr)misches Reich,Berlin 1965, pp. 75-88 (reprinted in: H. Scnr.ruorn [ ed.] , Zur Sozial- und I (irtschaftsgeschichte der 12 Republik, Darmstadt 7976 fNeue Wege der Forschung, pp.237253). 4131, 29) "Lycvgan Sparta'', Živa antika, 16, 1966, pp. 123_134. 30) "Das lykurgische Problem", Acta antiqua Academiae scientiarum Hungaricae, 15, 1967, pp. 273-28I . 3I ) "La psychanalyse et I 'histoire", Historica, 14, 1967, pp. 219224. 32) "Die bi.irgerliche Gemeinschaft in Sparta", in: J. BuRreN - L. Vrouar.r (eds.), Antiquitas Graeco-Romana ac tempora nostra,Praha 1968, pp. 45-5L 33) "Die Auslandpolitik Kleomenes I I I .'', Ácta antiqua Academiae scientiarum Hungaricae, 76, 7968, pp. 179-185. 34) "Formen der Arbeit im antiken Griechenland", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, 8, I 97 0, pp. 57 J 0. 35) "Solon und seine Seisachtheiď', Živa antika,21, l97l, pp' 1O3-l22. 36) "Soziale Frage im hellenistischen Griechenland", in: J. BunreN - P. Olrve (eds.), Soziale Probleme im Hellenismus und im r mischen Reich, Praha 1973,pp.63-82. 37) "Solon im Wandel der Jahrhunderte", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina,I I , spciten rÓmischen 1973, pp.31-65. 38) "Solon in der Darstellung der KomÓdie", Graecolatina et orientalia, 5, 1973, pp.25-33. 39) "Die soziale Frage im hellenistischen Griechenland", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, 12, 1914, pp. 47 -61. 40) "Die Helotenfrage in der Geschichte Spartas", in: J. HsnrraaNN - I . Ssr-r-Now (eds), Die Rolle der Volksmassen in der Geschichte der vorkapitalistischen G es ell s chaftsformationen : Zum XI V. I nternat ionalen His toriker-KongrelS in San Francisco 1975,Berlin 1975, pp. 109-116 (reprinted in: K. Cunrsr [ ed] , Sparta, Darmstadt 1986lWege der Forschung,622f, pp.317126). 41) "Die Geschichte von Kroisos und Solon", Das Altertum,2I , 1975, pp. 175181. 42) "Das Projekt der Tabula I mperii Romani", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, 74,1976, pp. 105-108. 43) "Zur politischen Lage im hellenistischen Griechenland", Klio, 60, 1978, pp. 151-161. 44) "Der alten orient und die Anfánge der griechischen Zivilisation''' in: B' B' Ptornovsrrl (ed), Problemy antič noj istorii i kul'tury,I ,Erevan7979, pp.213-220. 45) "Die Helotenverachtung", Acta universitatis Carolinae - Philologica, 2, Graecolatina Pragensia, 7, I 976 (1981), pp. 159-165. 46) "Heloten und Spartaner",I ndex (Napoli), 10, 1981, pp. 43-54. 47) "Kolonisation als Phánomen der friihgriechischen Geschichte'', Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina,19,1982, pp. 5-16. l3 PETRKI TZLER SELECT BI BLI OGRAPHY OF PAVEL OLI VA 48) "The Early Tyran ny", Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, S, 1982, pp. 363-380' 49) "Die Tyrannis und die Kultur'', in: J. Hanyarre (ed)' Actes du VI I " Congrěs de ta Fé dé ration internationale des associations d'é tudes classiques,I ,Budapest 1983, pp. 33-40. 50) "Sparta und die rÓmische Politik in Griechenland'" in: P. oltva, - A. FnolÍ rovÁ (eds), Concilium Eirene XVI . Proceedings of the ] 6. I nternational Eirene Conference, I , Praha 1983, pp. 33-40. 51) "Gesetze Solons und die athenische Polis'', Listy filologické , 106, 1983, pp.65-69. 52) "Der archaische Bund zwischen Makedonien und Spartď', Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina,2l, 1984, PP. 5-16. ,,Class Struggles in classical Antiquity (on the Book by G. E. M. de Ste. 53) croix, The class struggle in the Ancient world, London 1981)", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, 21, 1984, pp. 59J4. 54) "Die 'Lykurgische' Verfassung in der griechischen Geschichtsschreibung der klassischen Zeitperi ode", Kl io, 66, 1984, pp. 533-540. 55) .,Colonization and the Rise of the Polis'" in: J. PunŠ - K. HBnuaN (eds.), History and society. Pubtished on the occasion of the XVI th I nternational Congress of Historical Sciences in Stuttgart 1985, Praha 1985, pp.205-232. 56) "Marcomannia provincia?", Studii clasice,24, 1986, pp. 125-129. 57) "Der Jahwe-Kult, das hellenische Palástina und die Anfánge des Christentums", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina,24,7987, pp. 35-54. 58) "Kolonisation und die Entstehung der Polis", in: W. Wrll - J. HBI NntcHs (eds), Zu Alexander d. Gr. Festschrift G. Wirth zum 60. Geburtstag,I I , Amsterdam 1988, pp. I I 09-I I 2Z. 59) "Die Prager Altertumswissenschaft und soziale Probleme der Ant7ke", Klio, 67) "Sparta, Persien und die kleinasiatischen Griechen", in: M. DnEHnn (ed), Bilrgersinn und staatliche Macht in Antike und Gegenwart. FestschrrÍ t Í r, Wolftang Schuller zum 65. Geburtslag, Konstan z 2000, pp. I I 3 -I 24. 68) "Die friihgriechische Tyrannis", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina,36,2000, pp.2715. 69) 'Alexander der Groí Je und die kleinasiatischen Griechen'', in: I . LlsovÝ _ L. LaNze (eds), Litora vitae honestae. Disputationes de magistro nostro, collega et amico, professore Franco Sartori (1922-2004)' Č eské Budějovice - Venezia2006,pp. 57J2. 70) "Der politische Kampf des Demosthenes", Graecolatina Pragensia, 20, 2004 Q006), pp. 135-142. 71) "Solon in der aristotelischen Athenaion Politeia", Graecolatina Pragensia, 21, 2006 Q007), pp. 231-240. 72) "Athenund Thrakien", Graecolatina Pragensia,22,2007 Q009), pp. 191-198. Petr Kitzler (Prague) !, 1989, pp. 477 -486 (with J. BunI aN). 60) "Panhellenismus und Hegemonie", Graecolatina Pragensia, 13, I 99\ , 7 pp. 119-136. 61) ,.The Polis in Early Greek society", studi italiani di fi.lologia classica, I 0, 7992, pp. 107-122. 62) "Hellenistische Herrscher und die Freiheit der Grichen", Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina,29,1993, PP. 43-60. 63) "Die Wolken im Westen", Gymnasium. 100, 1993, pp. 1-18. 64) "Die Entwicklungstendenzen der fri.ihgriechischen Gesellschaft", Graeco' latina Pragensia,14,1993 (1995), pp. 83-91. 65) "Der letzte gemeinsame Kampf der Athener und der Spartaner", Graecolatina et Orientalia, 2526, 1997, pp. 119-130. 66) "Politische Praxis und Theorie in Spartď', in: W. ScHuLlBn (ed), Politische Theorie und Praxis in der Antike, Darmstadt 1998, pp. 30-42. 14 15