Human Evolution (2006) 21:321–335
DOI 10.1007/s11598-006-9032-7
Encephalizations and Cerebral Developments
in Genus Homo
Giandonato Tartarelli
Received: 30 October 2005 / Accepted: 24 November 2006 /
Published online: 2 March 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007
Abstract As Darwin observed in the second chapter of the The Descent of Man, brain size
has the more obvious and direct anatomical correlation with the outstanding cognitive
capabilities of our species in comparison with its closest relatives. If we extend the
comparison to other mammals, we can observe that cognitive capabilities do not seem to
strictly correlate with brain dimension in absolute and in relative terms, and the
encephalization quotient (EQ) is not a universal advice of the cognitive capabilities of a
particular species, too. Why and how the brain size in our lineage increased dramatically in
absolute and in relative way during the last 3 million years? What is the relationship
between our outstanding intellective capability and the brain size? The progressive
encephalization of our ancestors was the origin or the effect for the development of the
intellective capabilities of living humans. Recent advances in the knowledge of intrinsic
organization of cerebral cortex and in the patterns of genetic expression are able to better
outline the trajectories as the metabolic and structural constraints of the qualitative and
quantitative encephalic development. The new scenario led to suggest more accurate
explanations of the selective mechanism acting during the evolution of our species.
Keywords Brain evolution . Human evolution
Brain Size and Intelligence: an Elementary Deduction?
No one, I presume, doubts that the large proportion which the size of man’s brain
bears to his body, compared to the same proportion in the gorilla or orang, is closely
connected with his higher mental powers. Darwin [23].
As Charles Darwin stated in 1879, the brain dimensions are a clear anatomic correlation
of the outstanding cognitive capabilities of our species especially in comparison with its
G. Tartarelli (*)
Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 1, 56100 Pisa, Italy
[email protected]
Human Evolution (2006) 21:321–335
closest relatives. This consideration does not exhaust the several questions that rise when
our brain inquires itself. For instance, we can ask if the differences in cognitive capabilities
between Homo sapiens and its closest relatives are only a mere dimensional outcome or if
the brain growth is itself the cause of this capabilities; finally, we can inquire the time and
mode of the dimensional and cognitive developmental process as a whole.
Perhaps the first logical question to ask is if the absolute dimensions of the brain are a
good indicator of overall intelligence in an animal species, or if it is possible to find other
more significant relationships between qualitative and quantitative features of the nervous
system. To answer this question, we need a more formal definition of intelligence, also
considering several meanings of this word in different scientific fields. As recently stated by
Roth and Dicke [81], a definition of intelligence useful for comparative studies needs, in the
meantime, the description of a method and system to measure it. The risk is just to judge
the cognitive capabilities of other animals using an anthropocentric point of view unaware
of different eco-ethological features typical of a species (or taxon). In the last decade, a
definition of intelligence as the cognitive and ethological flexibility of a species (or in other
words the capacity of a an individual to tackle with innovative strategy new or old problems
during its lifespan) seems to be a compromise between the alternative definition used by
neurobiologists, ethologists and comparative psychologists [15, 40, 81]. The principal
consequence of this kind of definition is that intelligence is evolved repeatedly, at different
levels, in different animal taxa, and so it is not a peculiarity of our lineage. Not only
primates but also cetaceans, corvids and parrots show high intellective capabilities if
analysed following the definition of intelligence described above.
With this definition in mind, we are able to detect what kind of correlation exists
between brain size and intelligence in living animal species.
A direct correlation between absolute brain size and intelligence is not the better way in
comparative studies because brain size is in allometric relationship with overall body size
[33]. For this reason, the encephalization quotient (EQ) defined from Jerison [50] as
EQ=BSr/BSe, where BSr is the brain size recorded for a given species and BSe is the
expected brain size (using a simple regression model) for a species of a given weight, is
sometimes more useful. Different allometric equations can be calculated for all vertebrates
or for groups of different taxonomic ranks (on this topic, see also Tartarelli and Bisconti, in
this volume).
Using EQ, it is simpler to detect if a species or a group shows a particular deviation from
average brain/body ratio and also if this deviation correlates with particular cognitive
capacities. With several cautions, the EQ can be estimated in the extinct species and can be
used to detect the time and mode of encephalization processes in the different taxonomic
lineages. Even if useful, EQ is all but a universal correlate of intelligence at any taxonomic
ranks. It is not too difficult to understand why, on one hand, other variables expressing the
brain size as a whole (e.g. weight, surface area) or of its inner structure at micro- and at
macroscopic level (e.g. numbers of cortical neurons thickness of different layer) can be also
correlated with intelligence, and, on the other, different constraints can affect in different
ways the body weight and form.1
Generally, the comparative analysis of the variation in size of the different regions of the
brain among species is more informative especially when integrated with taxonomic,
phylogenetic and developmental data, but this kind of regional brain morphometry enriched
Furthermore, body weight can be very variable during the life of a species, and this can be a problem in the
collection of reliable comparative data; in fact, Schoenemann [86] found lean body mass as a better correlate
of brain size than total body weight.
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in the last years by more refined technical skills (e.g. magnetic resonance imaging [MRI],
positron-emission tomography [PET]) is, however, of limited utility in the study of fossil
For living mammals, different reports show conflicting results in comparative analysis of
regional brain size and a different role played by development and adaptation in establishing
the relative size variations in the same taxon or among different taxa. For example, the
conclusions of Barton and Harvey [6] seemed to show a mosaic brain evolution involving
size changes concentrated in specific structures and functional systems that exclude an
unyielding role of constraints acting towards a coordinated evolution among the majority
of brain regions. On the contrary, Clark et al. [18] demonstrated how within each major
mammal taxon brain regions are scalable, and fixed proportionality of size among the
different brain regions is recognizable in front of variations in total brain volume. Finally,
de Winter and Oxnard [24], using a great number of brain size variables and a refined
multidimensional statistical analysis, were able to detect separate but eco-ethologically
convergent evolutionary directions in mammal brain organization. In this model, selection
acts as a major mechanism within orders, whereas a complex interaction between selection
and constraints drives the evolution of brain proportions between orders.
In any case, there is no clear evidence of a particular region of the brain that better
correlates with intelligence; this is clearly true with absolute or relative size of the whole
cortex and probably with the relative size of the prefrontal cortex too.
This lack of clear univocal correlation, valid at any taxonomic level, between brain
volume and intelligence is evident for many other brain size parameters, such as cortical
surface area, number of cortical areas, average cortical thickness, cortical neuron density
and number of cortical neurons, and for this reason, other anatomical features, such as the
diameter of the myelinated fibers and the average distance between neurons, which are able
to influence the “information processing capacity,” are probably better correlates of
intelligence [80, 81].
For this and other considerations, the use of a single size parameter in comparative
neurology is no more than a useful descriptive method, and better results are found when
taxonomy and phylogeny are taken into account.
Brain Size Evolution in Our Lineage
Among the different terrestrial mammals, the order Primates shows the largest brain size
relative to body size [65], and in anthropoids, the average brain size surpasses two times the
size expected from allometric scaling (Passingham 1981). Beginning in Miocene, the
tendency toward an increase in brain dimensions over time seems to be higher in primates
than in other terrestrial mammals (e.g. carnivores). Dunbar [30] discerned the following
groups of hypotheses to explain the encephalization in the order: (1) epiphenomenal, (2)
developmental, (3) ecological and (4) social. The first two hypotheses postulate that brain
evolution is the result of a complex interaction of developmental processes instead of an
external selective pressure; on the contrary, the consideration that cerebral tissue is
metabolically expensive suggests the existence of strong selective force acting in the
direction of brain growth. These hypotheses are generally considered not mutually
exclusive, but the relative importance of each one is an object of dispute.
In comparison with other mammalian groups, Primates show a well-defined “cerebrotype” (sensu Clark et al. [18]) consisting in larger isocortex, striatum, cerebellum and
diencephalon volumes relative to medulla [24]. Neocortical expansion is supposed to be
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driven by social challenges among the Primates and appears positively related to group size,
cohesion, grooming [27–30], mating system [85] or to other complex social behaviours as
the use of deceptive tactics for social manipulation [11, 13]. These results are the evidences
adducted in favour of the so-called “social brain hypothesis” or “Machiavellian intelligence
hypothesis [5, 6, 10]. It is important to remark that factors controlling primate neocortical
expansion seem to be not uniform across the order and differ in their strength dealing with
the nature of the animal’s environment (Sawaguchi [84]).
Expansion of visual brain structures in Primates is probably correlated with the degree of
orbital convergence and with associated stereoscopic vision, and seems to be specific to the
parvocellular visual pathway [4].
The higher levels of relative brain size are reached independently in New World
monkeys and in Old World monkeys and apes; the higher EQ in extant Primates species
apart Man (EQ=7.4–7.8) can be found in White-fronted capuchin (EQ=4.8). The EQs
calculated for our closest relative, chimpanzee and gorilla, range from 2.2 to 3 and from 1.2
to 1.8, respectively.
For understanding the tempo and mode of human brain evolution in size and in faculty,
we must refer to two sources of complementary data: neontological and paleontological
ones. The anatomical or physiological comparisons with our extant relatives are useful to
understand “what” and “where” are the differences that make humans so different from
other primates; however, these comparisons fail to tell us “how” and “when” these
differences evolved. For this last purpose, the only feasible way, with all its limits, is the
study of brain endocasts (or virtual reproductions) [95] of our fossil ancestors that, as
stigmatized by Holloway et al. [45], represent the only direct evidence from paleontology.
This sort of study is the focus of “paleoneurology” [38, 45, 51].
The paleoneurological studies of the human fossil records are able to give us precious
information not simply on brain size evolution but at least in part on the morphological
changes that can be considered as evidence of the processes of reorganization at the origin
of our outstanding cognitive capabilities.
The most clear evidence of this kind of analysis is the circumstance that the process
that led to the extreme increase in human brain size has happened in the last 5 million
years and most of that has occurred in the last 2 million years. Changes in body mass
have accompanied at different speeds this trend, and for this, the increase in brain size is
the result of the profound interaction of allometric and non-allometric factors [82].
The older well-established paradigm in paleoanthropology associates the significant
increase in brain size to the emergence of the genus Homo during Plio-Pleistocene and to
the acquired capacity of manufacture and use of stone tools (Tobias [94]). More recently,
the evidence for the possible presence of a trend toward brain enlargement in Paranthropus
boisei s.l. and production and use of stone tools by non-Homo hominins seems to add more
complexity to the background and challenges seriously the traditional view [32].
For Holloway et al. [45], it is possible to identify in the human brain evolution of the
last 3 My five different phases: a minor allometric increase in Australopithecinae; a
major, rapid increase both allometric and non-allometric in Homo habilis s.l.; a small
allometric increase in H. erectus s.l.; a gradual and modest, mainly non-allometric increase
in H. sapiens/H. neanderthalensis; and, finally, a small allometric reduction in brain size
among modern H. sapiens.
Different interpretations of the significance of the pattern of increase of brain size
(absolute and/or relative) during the Plio-Pleistocene have been proposed: brain size
evolution as a reflection of gradualism and continuity (Henneberg [41, 42]; Lee and Wolpoff
[54], Wolpoff [102, 103]); brain size evolution as a reflection of stasis in certain portion of
Human Evolution (2006) 21:321–335
human lineage (i.e. brain size evolved at a different rate and velocity in individual phases of
hominid evolution; Rightmire [77]; D’amore et al. [22]); brain size evolution as a reflection
of speciation event (Rightmire [78]); and, finally, brain size differences as a reflection of
dissimilar evolutionary rates in different geographic regions (Beals et al. [7]; Leigh [55]).
Sometimes different interpretations reflect differences in data sets or differences in the
statistical methods used. It is important to draw attention to the fact that in this kind of
analysis, as in every alternative to assess the allometric variation in brain size, the weak
point can be the estimation of body mass in fossil species, which is surely more
questionable than the calculation of the cranial capacity. In fact, the estimations of body size
in fossil species are inferred by regression equations calculated from extant species, and
consequently, the calculus of allometric variations retains a certain amount of inaccuracy. It
is my personal opinion that the use in our lineage of absolute or relative brain sizes
extrapolated by fossil data alone is unable to infer alfa taxonomy or to support
punctuationism vs gradualism events or vice versa; this is valid at least from the actual
available data set, even if refined and elegant statistical analyses are performed (e.g.
D’Amore et al. [22]).
The study of overall brain size evolution is not the only possible kind of work in
paleoneurological studies. Especially with the aid of CT scan, laser scanner and computer
graphics, it is possible to analyse and compare in fossil skulls the size of anatomically,
ontologically and functionally discrete brain regions, such as the cerebellum [100, 101].
Concerning this important brain region, it is important to draw attention to the fact that its
relative size (with respect to cerebral hemispheres) has not been constant during human
evolution as a result of the differences in growth rates over time.
Australopithecines and the early members of our genus show large cerebral hemispheres
in proportion to the cerebellum in comparison with other hominoids. This difference grows
up in the Middle and Late Pleistocene humans. Neanderthals, perhaps together with Early
Upper Pleistocene “anatomically” modern humans, have the largest cerebral hemispheres
relative to the volume of the cerebellum of any primates. In Holocene humans, the
reciprocal relation between cerebral hemispheres changes with an increase of the
cerebellum size. For an explanation of this evidence, Weaver [101] proposed a three-stage
model where variations in the relative size of cerebellum are largely the outcome of
different cerebellar complementary contributions to cognition over time as a consequence
of increasingly cultural demands. In this view, the cerebellar expansion in Holocene
humans reflects a way to increase cognitive efficiency when further enlargement in
neocortex no longer represented a feasible way.
Morphological Evolution
The more controversial topic of paleoneurology is the inference of the reorganization
processes of the brain over time by morphological evidence seen in fossil endocasts. It is
clear that the resolution power of the study of fossil endocasts is quite different from a PET
or CT scan on living subjects, but an accurate study can give important qualitative and
quantitative information about variation in the brain in an evolutionary and comparative
context. The individual variation in the grade of details imprinted in skull bones
(consequence of the thickness of meninges in higher primates; [43]), unfortunately, restricts
the study of the endocasts of fossil species to support only positive findings.
One of the first convolutional details used as indicative of distinctive trajectory of
hominine lineage is the position of the lunate sulcus (LS), the sulcus which bounds
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anteriorly the primary visual cortex (Brodmann’s area 17) and whose presence can be
sporadically detected in brain endocasts. Considering the relatively reduced volume of the
primary visual cortex in human brain compared to great apes, different scholars agree to use
the position of the lunate sulcus as a guide to infer the relative reduction of the primary
visual cortex and conversely the increase of the posterior parietal association cortex.
Holloway et al. [45] found a clear evidence of a more posterior position of LS in the fossil
specimen Stw 505 assigned to Australopithecus africanus and considered this piece of
evidence symptomatic of reorganizational processes preceding the significant brain
expansion that started with the first representatives of genus Homo. The real meanings of
this evidence are now disputed considering the possible non-homology between human and
ape lunate sulci, as new data from high-resolution MRI, functional image analysis and
histological investigations seemed to show [2]. If confirmed, this datum advocates for a
reappraisal of the extent and importance of occipital reorganizational processes that
occurred in hominid evolution.
Hominid endocasts, if obtained from well-preserved and undistorted fossil skulls, are
able to show also traces of the noticeable hemispheric asymmetry that distinguishes our
species from other Primates for its extent. Brain directional asymmetries, at cortical and
subcortical levels, are not rare in vertebrate brains, but in humans, it is generally referred to
the handness, hemispheric specialization for processing different kinds of information and
especially to language capabilities [83]. The marked functional lateralisation of our brain is
supported by more than one century of impressive electrophysiological and clinical research
and is generally interpreted as a way to prevent overload of competitive interferences
between equivalent functions on opposite sides [16]. Different forms (e.g. anatomical,
physiological, functional) and levels (e.g. cortical, subcortical, macroscopic, microscopic)
of asymmetry can be described in the human brain, but the more visible in endocasts are
petalias [46, 56], as to say, the asymmetrical projection (into the internal table of cranial
bone) of occipital and frontal cortex anteriorly, posteriorly as well as laterally [44, 45].
Contrary to Pongids, the modern human brain seems to show both occipital and frontal
petalias (the most frequent is a left occipital–right frontal bias) in a rather distinctive pattern
([44, 46]; but see [56, 57] and [58]). The application of MRI to comparative
neuroanatomical analysis was able to confirm width asymmetry at frontal, parietal and
temporal levels in great apes. Generally, in Pongids, the right frontal lobe is wider than the
left one, and the left occipital lobe is wider than the right one [47], and a noticeable
directional asymmetry in the planum temporale is also present [48].
Besides petalia, which represents the overall brain directional asymmetry, it is possible
to find several side differences in the peri-sylvian area of hominin fossil records.
This asymmetry is often interpreted as a very indirect evidence of some behavioural
capabilities (especially language and tool use), and if this assertion can be only speculative,
it is important to remark how petalia and marked asymmetry in Broca’s, orbital or frontal
cap region (third inferior frontal convolution in lateral prefrontal cortex, Brodmann’s areas
44, 45 and 47) can be already detected in a fossil, KMN ER 1470, dating back to about 2.0 My.
Comparative analysis of brain shape variations in fossil endocasts by means of
morphometry can be a valuable source of information to recognize the evolutionary
trajectories in brain evolution. The comparison of this information with neuroanatomical
and neurophysiological evidence in living primates permits to speculate about the time and
mode of development of the modern human’s cognitive capabilities. Bruner et al. [12]
found two major patterns of variation: an archaic structural trajectory shared by non-modern
taxa (H. erectus s.l.) and characterised by an allometric vertical development, frontal
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enlargement and parietal relative shortening opposed to a modern human pattern consisting
in “neomorphic hypertrophy of the parietal volumes leading to a dorsal growth and ventral
flexion (convolution) and consequent globularity of the whole structure” [31]. It is difficult
to interpret univocally these variations in a functional way, but this parietal enlargement can
reflect improvements in spatial discrimination and visuospatial analysis and consequently in
toolmaking. However, the complex reciprocal interactions acting among different brain
regions during morphogenesis put some uncertainties to this interpretation.
The high frontal angle and the distinctive vault profiles (in lateral and in frontal view) of
H. sapiens skull seem to indicate that frontal lobes developed more than other brain areas
[62]. However, recent findings [87, 88, 90, 91] using three-dimensional reconstructions of
MR scans of the brain showed that the relative size of the frontal lobe is similar across
hominoids, and that our species does not have a larger frontal lobe than expected from a
primate brain of the human size. Analogous results are found in the analysis of the
prefrontal lobe [89], but not in temporal lobe in which the relative size in humans is about
20–30% larger than expected [79]. A possible interpretation for the relatively constant
relative dimension of the frontal lobe during hominin evolution can be interpreted in light
of a more consistent qualitative, rather than quantitative, reorganization of the cortex
through differences in individual cortical areas (some enlarged and some shrink) and to a
richer interconnectivity [76]. Considering the importance of the frontal area in several
cognitive abilities very complex in our species, these results are anything but waited and
alert to the real efficacy of inference from the shape analysis of the functional
reorganization processes of the brain during hominid evolution, putting forward the strong
influence of intricate ontogenetic factors in the development of relative dimensions among
different brain regions and, consequently, brain shape. The phenomenon of arealization, as
to say, the appearance of new functionally cortical fields instead of mere enlargement of
existing area, must be also taken into account.
Nevertheless, it is important to point out as morphometrical analyses can reveal the
existence of morphological integrations as far as modularity among different skull districts
in extant and fossil taxa [74]. The existence of modularity and integration adds new levels
of analysis and must be taken into account in interpreting functionally the evolution of brain
The indirect line of evidence of comparative neuroanatomy integrated by modern
medical imaging techniques can also supply interesting suggestions on the different brain
trajectories followed by great apes and humans. Using MRI images and morphing
techniques, Karl Zilles and his team [8] were able to recognize in ventro-orbital prefrontal
cortex, in ventral stream of the visual cortex and in the hypothalamic neuroendocrine
regions the brain zones that account for major morphological differences between H.
sapiens and Pan paniscus.
Growth Affair
Alterations in developmental timing and heterochronic processes were supposed to play an
important role in the increase of brain size in human lineage for a long time, and certainly
these processes acted together with the other selective forces in the evolution of human
brain. Particularly significant is the compulsory coevolution between brain size at birth and
pelvis anatomy (towards wider pelvic inlet and outlet of H. sapiens) because early hominid
pelvis was adapted to bipedality but not to the parturition of large-brained infants [63].
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The so-called brain allometry extension theory (Count [20]) recognizes that the
progressive extension of conserved primate brain allometry into postnatal life was a key
role for brain size evolution in the human lineage. According to this theory, primates show
a higher grade of ontogenetic brain allometry (that remains constant during the
development) than other altricial mammals; humans preserve longer after birth the fetal
brain allometry (relatively rapid brain growth in relation to body size), and as a
consequence, humans show a much lower ratio of neonatal-to-adult brain size (about
25%) than other Primates, but the size continues to grow at a pace of fetal development for
at least 12 months after birth (secondary altriciality). The corollary of this theory is the
necessity for our species to develop new ethological or physiological strategies for
sustaining the energetic cost (especially in the first year after birth) of the fast growth of the
brain [72].
Recently, Vinicius [98] challenged systematically the postulates of this theory and
showed that probably human brain size is instead the result of a peculiar mix of changes in
brain growth and body growth. In this alternative view, the major role of postnatal growth is
reappraised and its duration questioned. In the proposed scenario, our species evolved its
own brain allometry and turned towards important reduction in postnatal body growth rates.
At present, few are unfortunately the lines of direct evidence to test these topics
and to understand when and how the secondary altriciality evolved. The only
preserved Asian specimen of H. erectus infant (Perning 1, a.k.a. Mojokerto child), with
age about 1.8 million years old (but see [49]), was indicated as a possible evidence in this
species of the retention of an ape pattern of brain developmental rate and a shorter time of
brain maturation in extrauterine life [14]. However, the comparative data set used can be
questionable (Vinicius [98]), and the interpretations of age at death of the specimen
controversial [3, 14]. A more indirect and perhaps much questionable estimate based on the
African subadult Nariokotome skeleton (KNM-WT-15000, circa 1.8 My ago) [99] does not
support chimpanzee-like prenatal brain-growth pattern in this old representative of our
genus [25].
If the flaws of the brain allometry extension theory will be confirmed, different
evolutionary contexts for the evolution of human brain should be taken into consideration.
Assessment of the change in developmental pattern in our ancestor is of utmost
importance because of the influences, direct or indirect, of brain maturation in shaping
cognitive skills or group social interactions. Building hardware when software is just
running may have been a real vantage for our ancestors.
Metabolic and Dietary Constraints
Proximal and distal causes used to explain brain enlargement in our lineage must
accommodate for the costs to sustain a metabolically very expensive organ. Bearing in
mind how the large brain of our species (about 2% of body mass) account for 20% of
total metabolic (about 40% in newborn) energy and how brain tissue is unable to downregulate the metabolism in case of negative energy balance (i.e. under starvation), the
existence of some kind of metabolic constraint is a particularly compelling argument.
This evidence, together with the consideration that human brain at birth is only about
25–30% of the adult size and this percentage rises at about 60% after only 1 year of
extrauterine life, is the basis of the so-called maternal energy hypothesis [65–69].
According to this theory, the energy indispensable to the growth of large brains is mostly
supported by a mother investment during pregnancy and lactation, and for this reason,
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“mother’s metabolic turnover constrains energy availability for brain development in the
embryo/foetus during intrauterine development and in the offspring during postnatal life up
to the time of weaning” [64]. More generally, the relationship existing between brain size
and gestation/lactation period can be evidenced to explain the variations in the linkage
between basal metabolic rate and brain size in placental mammals [64, 65].
Nutritional habits and body composition are other factors supposed to be changed during
human evolution as a consequence of the high energy demands of the human brain size. It
is probable that these factors were critical especially when the major, rapid increase (both
allometric and non-allometric) of brain size started. Different variations in body
composition have been proposed. In the “expensive tissue hypothesis,” Aiello and Wheeler
[1] proposed a negative relationship existing between relative gut size and brain size to
explain how the metabolic price of relatively large brains can be paid without increasing the
basal metabolic rate.
The relative reduction of gut size with respect to brain dimension and the consequent
improvement in dietary quality (high quality and more digestible foods) could be a
common trend in primates [39] as shown by the positive correlation of diet quality and
brain size. For Leonard et al. [59], dietary quality to sustain the increasing brain size was
improved in our lineage (in H. erectus s.l.) at first by the incorporation of more animal food
into the diet, enhanced tool technology, development of food sharing together with a
hunting and gathering lifestyle, and later by use of fire and cooking.
Other developmental aspect of body size composition can be claimed as an outcome of
brain enlargement, e.g. the reduction of sexual dimorphism and the trade-off between
muscle and fat [92]. Our species looks relatively less muscular and fatter than other primate
species (Leonard et al. [59]). Human infants are born fat and continue to gain fat especially
during the first years of life perhaps to have a good amount of energy stored to use in case
of a need to support brain growth and contemporaneously to replace metabolically more
expensive muscle with adipose tissue.
These considerations and the fact that the human female sustains a great part of this
energetic requirement during lactation and weaning indicate as the progressive diminution
in sexual dimorphism (started with H. erectus s.l.) and the trade-off between muscle and fat
evolved in response to a common underlying process.
Not only the energetic value of food but also its biochemical profile could have acted as a
constrain during brain evolution in our lineage. Mammalian brain is composed principally of
two long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and
arachidonic acid (AA), belonging respectively to omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids series. LC
PUFA was synthesized (primarily in the liver by a process of elongation and desaturation)
from essential (i.e. must be taken in diet) shorter chain precursor (linoleic acid to AA and
alpha-linoleic acid to DHA). However, in humans, this synthesis is rather inefficient
especially when the extremely high encephalization and the peculiarity in developmental
timing are considered. The nutritional shift towards a dietetic habit more abundant in animal
food (meat, marrow, other brains, fish, shellfish) rich in DHA and AA could represent the
necessary substrate to assure brain enlargement during the human evolution [9, 19, 73].
Molecular Suggestions
The molecular bias of brain evolution is a matter of controversy, and at present, there is no
clear evidence showing the involvement of a few or many genes in coding or in regulatory
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In the last few years, specific genes are proposed as linked more or less directly to the
brain evolution of our ancestors. Recently, Dorus et al. [26], comparing an extensive set of
nervous-system-related genes (divided in three subgroups: developmentally biased,
physiologically biased and unclassified) between and within primates and rodents taxa,
found a marked increase in the rates of protein evolution as scaled to neutral divergence
(expressed by higher value in ratio between non-synonymous, Ka, and synonymous, Ks,
substitution rates) [60, 61] in primates than in rodents. Moreover, the rates of protein
evolution, which, in comparison with housekeeping genes, is not widespread in all the
genome, are marked in the subgroup of nervous system genes with developmentally biased
functions. Within primates, these same genes evolved more quickly in lineage leading to
humans. For this and other considerations, this study seems to show a molecular evidence
of strong adaptive evolution.
Greatly investigated but also questioned is the possible role of two genes MCPH1
(microcephalin) and MCPH5, also called ASPM (abnormal spindle-like microcephaly
associated), two of the six known loci for which recessive mutations cause primary
microcephaly disease. This disease causes reductions in brain size, mental retardation but
retention of normal brain structure and no other clinically evident abnormalities outside the
nervous system. The patients recessive for MCPH1 show a cranial capacity of about 400 ml
and a cerebral cortex thinner than normal. Microcephalin acts probably by controlling the
proliferation and/or differentiation of neuroblasts during neurogenesis, while for ASPM, a
role in regulation of neural stem cell proliferation and/or differentiation during brain
development is suggested. For both MCPH1 and ASPM, phylogenetic molecular analyses
had revealed strong positive selection in human lineage, and a possible role in human brain
evolution has been proposed [35, 53, 71]. Intriguingly adaptive evolutionary trend of
MCPH1 and ASPM seemed to postdate the emergence of anatomically modern humans and
coincided approximately with the two important events in human evolution: the
introduction of the modern human in Europe and the diffusion of domestication. In fact,
the haplogroup D of MCPH1 (the more common genetic variance today, ≈70%) has been
supposed to originate from a lineage separate from modern humans around 1.1 My ago and
after being introgressed into humans (≈37,000 years ago) from the admixture between
modern humans and archaic Homo populations (e.g. Neanderthals), whereas for ASPM, a
haplogroup that emerged more recently (just 5,800 years) has been found. Two other genes
of the six known loci implicated in microcephaly, CDK5RAP2 (MCPH3) and CENPJ
(MCPH6) show, to a less extent, suggestions for the existence of positive selection
mechanisms in primate lineage [36, 37].
It is important to point out how these findings are questioned from different viewpoints.
First of all, the importance of the microcephalin and ASPM as brain size determinant in
modern humans seems very subtle [104]. Moreover, both MCPH1 and ASPM are expressed
also outside the brain, and for this reason, selective forces acting at a level other than the
brain can be supposed [53, 96]. Finally, the haplotype frequency data for ASPM and
MCPH1 can be explained by demographic models without invoking necessarily selective
mechanism [21].
A possible role in phenotypic evolution of the human brain has also been proposed for
other genes especially after the comparison between human and chimpanzee genomes.
Particularly intriguing are the role of the gene FOXP2 in acquiring language ability in
human lineage, the role of ADCYAP1, the gene encoding the precursor of pituitary
adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (a polypeptide involved in neurogenesis), and
finally in Sia-binding receptors (Siglecs) involved in the biology of sialic acid in brain
cortex microglia.
Human Evolution (2006) 21:321–335
A potential role in the regulation of the organization of the cortex during early neural
development has been proposed also for HAR1F, a gene coding for a particular RNA,
which is particularly active in human embryo probably as a controller of gene expression
[75]. This recent evidence seems to assign a pivotal role to altered gene activity as an origin
of brain diversity between humans and chimpanzees as stated by Enard et al. [34], which
compared the overall amount of mRNA in different tissues and in different primate species
including humans and chimpanzees, and which was confirmed later in several works (e.g.
[17, 52, 97]).
The possible indirect role on brain evolution of a mutation in MYH16 (the
sarcomeric myosin heavy chain) has also been proposed. In a different way to other
anthropoids in humans, this gene is not active probably because of an incorporated stop
codon in the sequence. For Stedman et al. [93], this inactivation in our ancestor, by the
resulting reduction in masticatory muscle mass and corresponding loss in contractile force,
is the origin of the dramatic gracilization of the skull that permits the braincase expansion in
the first representative of our genus. More recently, McCollum et al. [70] have shown some
weak points in the scenario proposed by Stedman et al. that appear to assign no role to
MYH16 in the evolution of brain in human lineage.
Acknowledgements I wish to thank Michelangelo Bisconti for his continuous encouragement and
invaluable discussion in preparing this review and Prof. Francesco Mallegni for inviting me to write this
I am also grateful to Dario Riccardo Valenzano and Luca Sineo for useful suggestions and help.
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