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The Vedic accents considered here are the udātta, anudātta, and the independent svarita. The accent-sandhi rules will be explained for the praśliṣṭa, abhinihita, and the kṣaipra sandhis. The appendix contains the corresponding rules from the Aṣṭādhāyī and the Prātiśākhyas.
1.1 The automated analyzers in clinical laboratories Nowadays, the overwhelming majority of laboratory results in clinical laboratories is being generated by automated analyzers. Modern automated analyzers are highly sophisticated instruments which can produce a tremendous number of laboratory results in a very short time. This is achieved thanks to the integration of technologies from three different scientific fields: analytical chemistry, computer science and robotics. The combination of these technologies substitutes a huge number of glassware equipment and tedious, repetitive laboratory work. As a matter of fact, the laboratory routine work has diminished significantly. Today laboratory personnel’s duties have been shifted from manual work to the maintenance of the equipment, internal and external quality control, instrument calibration and data management of the generated results.
Uma cor, um som, um sabor e uma textura só se traduzem para o indivíduo a partir dos elementos da percepção que os atualizam. Antes disso são apenas forças luminosas, sonoras, gustativas e táteis sem nenhuma forma. O mundo só aparece para o sujeito quando os estímulos são rebatidos por anteparos que produzem as formas sensíveis - um impulso luminoso rebatido na retina e prolongado no cérebro irá se materializar como visão. E são as formas sensíveis que fornecerão o suporte para o ato perceptivo, que através delas, distingue os objetos que passarão a ser percebidos pelo sujeito percipiente. Há de se compreender o que significa ver a partir desse processo de aparição do mundo para o sujeito. Investigar de que maneira o olho é sensibilizado pelo impacto do mundo sobre ele e de como o sujeito que vê forma a sua percepção a partir daí. A pergunta pelo ato de ver e pelas propriedades da visão daquele que vê, a partir de agora, conduzirá nossa abordagem sobre as impressões sensíveis do sujeito e das percepções do mundo em sua aparição. Para fazer esse percurso, escolhemos partir de “O olho e o espírito” (1960) de M. Merleau-Ponty onde fomos descobrir que o olhar pode estar para além da relação mecanicista defendida por Descartes, de um olho que captura impulsos sensíveis que são transmitidos pelos nervos até o cérebro e de um espírito que fornece a unidade necessária para a visão, lendo e decodificando os sinais recebidos pelo corpo. Pretendermos situar a crítica de Merleau Ponty à abordagem cartesiana do visível como um “pensamento de ver” e, em última instância, do sensível como uma representação da alma, fruto de seu "sobrevoo”. A concepção cartesiana é contraposta por uma ontologia que reivindica um estado no qual se interelacionam partes do mundo visto e do sujeito vidente e a partir do qual se formam as percepções do visível, tendo o corpo como uma interface que se liga ao mundo de uma maneira indissociável e que traz juntos, numa dimensão de pertencimento o vidente e o visível.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner concerned. Links to third-party websites are provided in good faith and for information only. The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third-party website referenced in this work. The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators is a UK registered charity No.
Artificial Intelligence and Human Resource Management Background Many studies have attempted to conceptualize the influence of technology on work. The influence on work design and nature has been studied and the altering administrative structures and features. Parker et al. (2017) and Beer & Mulder (2020) emphasize that new technologies and task complexity have increased virtual and mental labor. Put, automation, and robots rapidly replace physical labor (Baldegger et al., 2020). Workload and process are shifting in tandem with worker dynamic and flexibility. Research is needed to understand
Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 2013
Nineteenth-century gagaku (Japanese traditional court music) songs, composed mainly between 1877 and 1884, are almost forgotten today; but they deserve special attention for their function in the development of modern composition in Japan. More than 100 compositions by 28 composers, belonging to two collections, can be counted as gagaku songs in the narrowest sense. Most of them are accompanied by an individually composed ostinato pattern played on the wagon, a six-stringed zither. The songs are strongly shaped by Restoration thought, one of the characteristic aspects of the early modernization period in Japan, although the genre originated in response to the need for music for a modern Western method of education.An analysis of the two collections, of intertextually related pieces and of different versions of single songs shows that the collective process of genre development and the individual process of song composition were closely intertwined. The aim of my analysis was to unco...
, Livestock Research is onderdeel van Wageningen UR (University & Research centre). Livestock Research aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor eventuele schade voortvloeiend uit het gebruik van de resultaten van dit onderzoek of de toepassing van de adviezen. Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt worden door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm of op welke wijze dan ook zonder voorafgaande toestemming van de uitgever of auteur. De certificering volgens ISO 9001 door DNV onderstreept ons kwaliteitsniveau. Op als onze onderzoeksopdrachten zijn de Algemene Voorwaarden van de Animal Sciences Group van toepassing. Deze zijn gedeponeerd bij de Arrondissementsrechtbank Zwolle.
Frontiers, 2022
What makes metaphors good therapeutic tools? In this paper, we provide an answer to this question by analyzing how metaphors work in systemic collaborative therapeutic practices. We look at the recent embodied, enactive and ecological proposals to metaphors, and provide our own, dialogical-enactive account, whereby metaphors are tools for enacting change in therapeutic dialogs. We highlight the role of enacting metaphors in therapy, which is concerned with how one uses the metaphors in shared process of communication. Our answer is that metaphors serve as good tools for connecting to action words, through which the client's embodiment and agency can be explored. To illustrate our view, we analyze two examples of enacting metaphors in therapeutic engagements with adolescents. Our enactive proposal to metaphors is different from others as it does not rely on engaging in explicit performances but stays within a linguistic dialog. We take metaphoric engagement as an act of participatory sense-making, unfolding in the interaction. This insight stems from enactive ways of thinking about language as a process accomplished by embodied agents in interaction, and seeing talking also as a form of doing.
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2004
Antropocene e giustizia climatica l’importanza di un’etica della responsabilità, 2020
Archeologia dell'Architettura, 2005
From Theory to Policy? Keynes’s Distinction between ‘Apparatus of Thought’ and ‘Apparatus of Action’, with an Eye to the European Debt Crisis, 2015
rapport d'activité de l'atelier régional de conservation, Arc NucleArt, 2013
Review of International Economics
Clinical and Translational Science, 2009
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013
VacciMonitor, 2000
Arxiv preprint math-ph/0002005, 2000
Theoretical & Applied Science, 2019