Vedic Accents in External Sandhi

The Vedic accents considered here are the udātta, anudātta, and the independent svarita. The accent-sandhi rules will be explained for the praśliṣṭa, abhinihita, and the kṣaipra sandhis. The appendix contains the corresponding rules from the Aṣṭādhāyī and the Prātiśākhyas.

Vedic Accents in External Sandhi The Vedic accents considered here are the udātta, anudātta, and the independent svarita. The accent-sandhi rules will be explained for the praśliṣṭa, abhinihita, and the kṣaipra sandhis. The appendix contains the corresponding rules from the Aṣṭādhāyī and the Prātiśākhyas. 1. Praśliṣṭa Sandhi (a, ā) + (a, ā) => ā (i, ī) + (i, ī) => ī (u, ū) + (u, ū) => ū (a, ā) + (i, ī) => e (a, ā) + (u, ū) => o (a, ā) + (ṛ) => ar (a, ā) + (e, ai) => ai (a, ā) + (o, au) => au 1.1 If both of the 2 vowels are anudātta the combined vowel is anudātta. (anudātta, anudātta) => anudātta; [tvā | agne => tvāgne (RV 1.1.7); uśmási | iṣṭáye => uśmásīṣṭáye (RV 1.30.12); ánu | uṣásaḥ => ánūṣásaḥ (RV 1.44.10)] 1.2 If at least one of the 2 vowels is udātta the accent of the combined vowel is udātta. (Compare with PA 8.2.5, RVPr 3.11, TPr 10.10, VPr 4.132, CA 3.66) (anudātta, udātta) => udātta; [nā́ kasya | ádhi => nā́ kasyā́ dhi (RV 1.19.6); táva | ít => távét (RV 1.1.6); asya | ṛd́ dhiḥ => asyárddhiḥ (TS] (udātta, anudātta) => udātta; [pitā́ | asi => pitā́ si (RV 1.31.10); abhí | īm = abhī́m (RV 1.51.2); ā́ | ihá => éhá (RV 1.1.2); purú | urú => purū́ rú (RV 8.25.16); āgneyyā́ | ṛcā́ => āgneyyáṛcā (TS] (udātta, udātta) => udātta; [ihá | ā́ => ihā́ (RV 1.12.3); ihá | úpa => ihópa (RV 1.16.2); prá | étaśam => praítaśam (RV 1.61.15); evá | ṛṣ́ iḥ => evárṣiḥ (TS] (svarita, udātta) => udātta; [kvà | ávaram => kvā́ varam (RV 1.168.6); kvà | ít => kvét (RV 1.161.4); kvà | ékam => kvaíkam (RV 10.85.19); kāryā̀ | íti => kāryéti (TS ] Exception to rule 1.2 for RV, Śukla YV Saṁhitā, SV and AV: 1.3 Short i (udātta) + short i (anudātta) => ī (svarita); (Compare with PA 8.2.6, RVPr 3.13, VPr 4.133, CA 3.56) 1 [diví-iva => divī̀va (RV 1.22.20); abhí | ihi => abhī̀hi (RV 1.80.3); diśí | itáḥ => diśī̀taḥ (AV 11.2.12) ] Exception to rule 1.2 for Kṛṣṇa YV: 1.4 Short u (udātta) + short u (anudātta) => ū (svarita); (Compare with TPr 10.17) [dikṣú | upa-dádhāti => dikṣū̀ padádhāti (TS; sú-udgātā => sū̀ dgātā (TS] Exception to rule 1.2 for the Śatapatha Brāḥmaṇa of Śukla YV: 1.5 If the first vowel is udātta and the second vowel anudātta the combined vowel is svarita. (udātta, anudātta) => svarita; [sá ná + evá => sá naìvá => sa̱ naiva̱ (MŚB] [aryamā́ + āyúr íti => aryamā̀ yúr íti => arya̱māyuri̱ ti (MŚB] 1.6 If the first vowel is svarita and the second vowel is anudātta the accent of the combined vowel is svarita. (Compare with RVPr 3.12, TPr 10.12, Vpr 4.131) (svarita, anudātta) => svarita; [kanyā̀ -iva => kanyèva (RV 1.123.10); yajyā̀ । eṣā́ => yajyaìṣā́ (TS; kvà | asyā́ ḥ => kvā̀ syā́ ḥ (TS; chavyā̀ | upa-ā́ kṛtāya => chavyòpā́ kṛtāya (TS 5.7.20); pathyā̀ -iva => pathyèva (MVS 11.5)] 2. Abhinihita / Abhinihata Sandhi e + a => e o + a => o aḥ + a => o + a => o 2.1 If both of the 2 vowels are anudātta the accent of the combined vowel is anudātta. (anudātta, anudātta) => anudātta; [ūtáye | asmín => ūtáye 'smín (RV 1.30.6); naḥ | ava => no 'va (RV 1.7.4)] 2.2 If at least one of the 2 vowels is udātta the accent of the combined vowel is udātta. (anudātta, udātta) => udātta; (Compare with PA 8.2.5, RVPr 3.11, TPr 12.10, VPr 4.132, CA 3.66) [sūnáve | ágne => sūnávé 'gne (RV 1.1.9); manyo | ávidhat => manyó 'vidhat (RV 10.83.1); gāyatríṇaḥ | árcanti => gāyatríṇó 'rcanti (RV 1.10.1)] (udātta, udātta) => udātta; Compare with RVPr 3.11, TPr 12.10, VPr 4.132, CA 3.66) [juhūré | ávase => juhūré 'vase (RV 1.48.14); stháḥ | ávase => sthó 'vase (RV 1.17.2)] (svarita, udātta) => udātta; (Compare with RVPr 3.11, TPr 12.11, VPr 4.131, CA 3.66) [adyūtyè | ávase => adyūtyé 'vase (RV 1.112.24); ukthyàḥ | átha => ukthyó 'tha (TS] (udātta, anudātta) => svarita; see 2.3 2 Exception to rule 2.2: 2.3 If the first vowel is udātta and the second vowel anudātta the accent of the combined vowel is svarita. (Compare with PA 8.2.6; RVPr 3.3, 3.13; TPr 12.9; VPr 4.61, CA 3.55) (udātta, anudātta) => svarita; [té | avardhanta => tè 'vardhanta (RV 1.85.7); rāyáḥ | avániḥ => rāyò 'vániḥ (RV 1.4.10); sáḥ | abravī́t => sò 'bravī́t (TS; sáḥ | aracyata => sò 'rajyata (AV 15.8.1) ] 2.4 If the first vowel is svarita and the second vowel is anudātta the accent of the combined vowel is svarita. (Compare with RVPr 3.12, TPr 12.11) (svarita, anudātta) => svarita; [budhnyàḥ | ajáḥ => budhnyò 'jáḥ (RV 2.31.6); pitvàḥ | aviṣásya => pitvò 'viṣásya (RV 8.25.20); madhavyàḥ | asāni => madhavyò 'sāni (TS] 3. Kṣaipra Sandhi (i, ī) + vowel [other than (i, ī)] => y + vowel (u, ū) + vowel [other than (u, ū)] => v + vowel 3.1 If the first vowel is udātta and the second vowel anudātta the accent of the vowel after (y, v) is svarita. (Compare with PA 8.2.4; RVPr 3.3, 3.13; TPr 10.16; VPr 4.47; CA 3.58) (udātta, anudātta) => svarita; [pra-yatí | adhvaré => prayaty àdhvaré (RV 1.16.3); nú | evá => nv èvá (RV 4.51.9); abhí | arcata => abhy àrcata (AV 7.82.12)] 3.2 The accent of the second vowel remains unchanged after the first vowel has been replaced by (y, v) when the two vowels have the following accents: (anudātta, anudātta) => anudātta; [pū́ rvāṇi | okyā̀ => pū́ rvāṇy okyā̀ (RV 8.25.17); bhū́ tu | eṣām => bhū́ tv eṣām (RV 1.94.12)] (anudātta, udātta) => udātta; [jaráyantī | ā́ yuḥ => jaráyanty ā́ yuḥ (RV 1.92.10); mádhu | ágne => mádhv ágne (RV 1.14.10)] (udātta, udātta) => udātta; [dhurí | úpa => dhury úpa (RV 1.151.4); nú | índra => nv índra (RV 1.165.5)] Appendix Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī (PA) उदात्तस्वरितयोययणः स्वरितोऽनु दात्तस्य ॥ udāttasvaritayor yaṇaḥ svarito 'nudāttasya ||8.2.4|| A svarita accent replaces the anudātta which occurs (immediately) after a semivowel (yaṇaḥ) replacement of an udātta or svarita (vowel). एकादे श उदात्तेनोदात्तः ॥ 3 ekādeśa udāttenodāttaḥ ||8.2.5|| A single replacement (ekādeśaḥ) of an anudātta vowel with an udātta vowel becomes udātta. स्वरितो वाऽनु दात्ते पदादौ ॥ svarito vā 'nudātte padādau ||8.2.6|| The single replacement of an anudātta which is at the beginning of a word (padādau) and the preceding udātta vowel optionally (vā) becomes svarita. Ṛgveda Prātiśākhya (RVPr) एकाक्षिसमावेशे पूवययोः स्वरितः स्विः ॥ ekākṣarasamāveśe pūrvayoḥ svaritaḥ svaraḥ ||3.3|| When there is a combination of the first two accents (i. e., of the udātta and the anudātta) into one syllable, (the resulting) accent is svarita. उदात्तवत्येकीभाव उदात्तं संध्यमक्षिम् ॥ udāttavatyekībhāva udāttaṁ saṁdhyam akṣaram ||3.11|| In a combination (of two vowels), one of which is udātta, the syllable resulting from the combination is udātta. अनु दात्तोदये पुनः स्वरितं स्वरितोपधे ॥ anudāttodaye punaḥ svaritaṁ svaritopadhe ||3.12|| But (the result of the combination) is svarita, if (there is a combination of) a svarita with a following anudātta. इकाियोश्च प्रश्लेषे क्षै प्राभभभनभितेषु च । उदात्तपूवयरूपेषु शाकल्यस्यैवमाचिे त् ॥ ikārayoś ca praśleṣe kṣaiprābhinihiteṣu ca | udāttapūrvarūpeṣu śākalyasyaivam ācaret ||3.13|| One should, according to Śākalya, proceed in the same way (i. e., should regard the result of the combination as svarita), in the contraction of two short i vowels and in the Kṣaipra and Abhinihita sandhis, if the first element (in the different combinations) is acute. Taittirīya Prātiśākhya (TPr) अथैकमुभे॥ athaikamubhe ||10.1|| Now for the combination of two vowels into one. (Praśliṣṭa Sandhi 10.1-8) दीर्गं समानाक्षिे सवणयपिे ॥ dīrghaṁ samānākṣare savarṇapare ||10.2|| In the case of a simple vowel, followed by a similar vowel, the product is long. अथावणयपूवे॥ athāvarṇapūrve |10.3|| Now for cases in which an a-vowel stands first. 4 इवणयपि एकािम्॥ ivarṇapara ekāram ||10.4|| When an i-vowel follows, the product is e. उवणयपि ओकािम्॥ uvarṇapara okāram ||10.5|| When an u-vowel follows, the product is o. एकािै कािपि ऐकािम्॥ ekāraikārapara aikāram ||10.6|| When e or ai follows, the product is ai. ओकािौकािपि औकािम्॥ okāraukārapara aukāram ||10.7|| When o or au follows, the product is au. अिमृकािपिे ॥ aram ṛkārapare ||10.8|| When ṛ follows, the product is ar. (Accent for the Praśliṣṭa sandhi) उदात्तमुदात्तवभत॥ udāttam udāttavati ||10.10|| When an udātta enters into the combination, the result is udātta. स्वरितानुदात्तसंभनपाते स्वरितम्॥ svaritānudāttasaṁnipāte svaritam ||10.12|| When svarita and anudātta are combined, the result is svarita. (Kṣaipra sandhi) इवणोकािौ यवकािौ॥ ivarṇokārau yavakārau ||10.15|| An i-vowel and u become respectively y and v. (Accent for the Kṣaipra sandhi) उदात्तयोश्च पिो ऽनुदात्तः स्वरितम्॥ udāttayoś ca paro ’nudāttaḥ svaritam ||10.16|| And, when they are udātta, a following anudātta becomes svarita. (Accent for the Praśliṣṭa sandhi: u + u) ऊभावे च॥ ūbhāve ca ||10.17|| 5 Also when ū is the product of the combination. (Abhinihata sandhi) लुप्यते त्वकाि एकािौकािपू वयः॥ lupyate tv akāra ekāraukārapūrvaḥ ||11.1|| But a is elided when preceded by e or o. (Accent for the Abhinihata sandhi) तस्मिन्ननुदात्ते पूवय उदात्तः स्वरितम्॥ tasminn anudātte pūrva udāttaḥ svaritam ||12.9|| When the elided a is anudātta, the preceding dipthong, if udātta, becomes svarita. उदात्ते चानुदात्त उदात्तम्॥ udātte cānudātta udāttam ||12.10|| When it is udātta, the preceding dipthong, if anudātta, becomes udātta. स्वरितश्च सवयत्र स्वरितश्च सवयत्र॥ svaritaś ca sarvatra svaritaś ca sarvatra ||12.11|| As also, in every case, if svarita. Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya (VPr) (Accent for the Kṣaipra sandhi) udāttasyāntaḥsthībhāvesvaritaṁ param anudāttam ||4.47|| (Accent for the Abhnihita sandhi) tau ced udāttāv anudātte svaritau ||4.61|| (Accent for the Praśliṣṭa and Abhinihita sandhi) svaritavān svaritaḥ ||4.131|| udāttavānudāttaḥ ||4.132|| ivarṇam ubhayato hrasvam udāttapūrvam anudāttaparaṁ svaritam ||4.133|| Caturadhyāyīkā (CA) (A Prātiśākhya of Atharvaveda) [udāttaḥ pūrvaḥ | paro 'anudāttaḥ | svaritaḥ sandhiḥ] An udātta preceding; an anudātta following; their combination svarita. ekāraukārau padāntau parato 'kāraṁ so 'bhinihitaḥ ||3.55|| When an a is absorbed by a preceding final e or o the resulting svarita is abhinihita. ikārayoḥ praśliṣṭaḥ ||3.56|| The svarita arising from the fusion of two short i is praśliṣṭa. antaḥsthāpattāv udāttasyānudātte kṣaipraḥ ||3.58|| 6 The svarita arising upon the conversion into a semivowel of an udātta vowel before an anudātta is the kṣaipra. ekādeśa udāttenodāttaḥ ||3.66|| A vowel produced by combination with an udātta is itself udātta. References Ṛgveda Saṁhitā and Padapāṭha: Ṛgveda Prātiśākhya: The Rgveda Pratisakhya Vol III (1937/00/00) - English translation Taittirīya Saṁhitā and Padapāṭha: Taittirīya Prātiśākhya: The Tâittirîya-Prâtiçâkhya: With Its Commentary, the Tribhâshyaratna Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya: Indische Studien, Vierter Band, 1858, Albrecht Weber, Seiten 65-160 & 177-331 Śatapatha Accents (Bhāṣika Sūtra): Caturadhyāyikā (A Prātiśākhya of Atharvaveda): The Atharva-Veda Prâtiçâkhya Or Çâunakîyâ Caturâdhyâyikâ – William Dwight Whitney Last update by Detlef Eichler: 1 December 2019 7