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2019, Militant Documentary & May 68
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"Militant Documentary & May 1968 in the world" - published by Slovenska Kinoteka (Slovene Cinematheque) edited by Nace With texts by Mark Betz, Nace Zavrl, Nina Cvar, Michael N. Goddard, Tara Najd Ahmadi, Sophia Satchell-Baeza, Raquel Schefer, Andrej Sprah, Darko Štrajn. Image of the cover from 'Black Days (Čierne dni) dir. by L. Kudelka, M. Černák, Š. Kamenický, C. Kováč, 1968). After the Symposium in Ljubljana one year ago.
Tistega lepega dne je zgodba o burkaških prebivalcih primorske vasi sredi italijanske okupacije. Kosmačeva novela in Štigličeva filmska adaptacija odpirata vprašanja o prenosu iste zgodbe v drug medij. A primerjave med literarno in filmsko zgodbo ne delamo zaradi enostavnosti, marveč iščemo razlike med obema medijema ter ju skušamo razumeti v kontekstu časa nastanka.The film \u27Tistega lepega dne\u27 is a story about buffoonish inhabitants of a village in Primorska region set in the time of Italian occupation. Novella written by Kosmač and film adaptation made by Štiglič raise questions on the transfer of the same story through a different type of medium. We are not making the comparison between literary and film story because of its simplicity, however we are looking for the differences between both mediums and at the same time we are trying to understand them in the context of the time of the origin
Radio Student FM 89.3, 2021
Review of Slovenian translation of The Terraforming. "While reading the book, which we will focus on in today's Humanities, the author of this article has fallen into doubt in some places; the first problem that arose was that the author of the article was a member of the Editorial Board for Culture and the Humanities, and the second was that its editor tactfully included the article in the Humanities section . Why there is embarrassment in this will be clear from the following quotes from the book Terraforming Sociologist and Theorist Benjamin Bratton . Already in the preface, Bratton writes: " Culture is ecologically more wasteful than science ." And a little further on: " The Terraforming Projectit involves a distrust of the belief that what we call ‘culture’ means a unique good in itself, that culture is an area that is qualitatively different and elevated above general biosemiotics. "
Studia Historica Slovenica, 2018
Ka za lo / Con tents Jubilej / Anniversary
Jezikoslovni zapiski, 2015
V članku je predstavljena monografija mariborske dia-lektologinje Mihaele Koletnik Slovenskogoriško narečje, kije kot 12. knjiga iz zbirke Zora izšla pri Slavističnem društvu Maribor. V njej avtorica predstavlja rezultate svojega večletnega raziskovanja gla-soslovne, oblikoslovne in skladenjske ravnine panonskega slovensko-goriškega narečja ter utemeljuje njegovo delitev na dve podnarečji, na vzhodno in zahodno na podlagi kolikostnega nasprotja med stalno dolgimi ter staro- in novoakutiranimi samoglasniki.
V diplomskem delu skušam pokazati medijsko reprezentacijo sodobne ženskesuperžensko, ki se trudi biti uspešna na vedno več področjih, zlasti kot potrošnica-karieristka, gospodinja in kot lepa ženska. Dokazovanje na vedno več področjih je zelo zahtevno in pogosto vodi v stresna s stanja, ki jih mediji prav tako reprezentirajo. Mediji torej s svojo značilno govorico in diskurzivnimi praksami producirajo ženskost samo, oblikujejo žensko identiteto in ohranjajo ideologijo ženskosti. Zlasti ženski revijalni tisk ves čas reprezentira superženskost, ki ni nikoli dosežena, saj je nedoseljivost v njeni naravi-od superženske se vedno pričakuje več kot je ženska lahko. To lahko vodi v preutrujenost, stres, v skrajnem primeru lahko pride do sindroma izgorevanja. S kvalitativno diskurzivno analizo izbranih medijskih prispevkov, v revijah Eva in Lepa&Zdrava, pokažem, kako se koncepta superženskosti in stresa kažeta v ženskem revijalnem tisku. Kljub temu, da gre za dva medsebojno prepletena in povezana pojma, opozarjam na protislovnost prispevkov, ki se pojavlja v vsaki številki revij posebej. Ključne besede: superženska, stres, ženski revijalni tisk, medijska reprezentacija MEDIA STRESS PRODUCTION: A WONDER WOMAN PHENOMENON My thesis discusses the issue about how modern women are nowadays presented in the media-a Wonder Woman is supposed to be successful not only in her private life, as a housewife and a beautiful women, but also in a public sphere of life, as a career woman and a consumer. However, being successful in several different spheres can be very difficult and stressful and this often leads to stressful situations, which are also represented in the media. In other words; the media with its distinctive language and discursive practices of femininity produces not only female identity, but also helps to develop and maintain the ideology of femininity. This holds true especially for women's magazine press, where a Wonder Woman phenomenon is constantly promoted, but never reached already because of the nature of the concept; a Wonder Women is always expected to be better than a normal woman can actually be. This can lead to fatigue, stress and in extreme cases to the burnout syndrome. The qualitative discursive analysis of the selected articles in the Slovene magazines Eva and Lepa&Zdrava illustrates how the concepts of a Wonder Woman and stress are represented in the Slovenian women's magazine press. Although the concept of the Wonder Woman and the concept of the stress are mutually intertwined and linked, special attention is given to contradictory statements which are represented about these two concepts in numerous articles throughout a certain issue of the magazine.
Urbani izziv, 2014
Jezikoslovni zapiski, 2015
V članku je v obliki fonološkega opisa predstavljeno glasoslovje srednjeprleškega govora Juršincev v Slovenskih goricah (Slovenski lingvistični atlas, točka št. 378), tako da je v prvem delu predstavljen inventar fonemov in prozodemov tega govora, sledi predstavitev distribucijskih omejitev fonemov in njihovih položajnih različic ter prozodemov, v tretjem delu pa je prikazan njihov izvor. Govor v zadnjih letih odpravlja kvantitetno opozicijo na naglašenih samoglasnikih, saj je zaradi razvoja različnih kvalitet dolgih in kratkih samoglasnikov kvantitetna opozicija postala nepotrebna.
Contributions to Contemporary History, 2015
WORLD WAR I AND SLOVENIANS: 1994–2014The paper examines the Slovenian historiographic production about the topic of World War I from 1994 to 2014 and represents a continuation of a commented bibliography, which encompassed the period from 1918 to 1993. The time between 1994 and 2014 was characterised by enormous production and a shift of the contents from the »Yugoslav« themes, which had tailored the statehood remembrance after World War I; the decline of the World War I themes as the focus shifted to the historiographic examination of World War II; and the very diversified research in the last period. The central theme of the historical writings is the Soča/Isonzo Front, but not merely as a military process: the focus shifted on the level of the soldiers’ experience, gender studies, the role of the Church, fatalities among soldiers, and remembrance of World War I. All of these issues have been subjected to historical research as well.
Between 1999 and 2010 Slovenia managed to bring to an end the majority of tasks associated with the development and putting to operation the multipurpose national forest inventory entitled Forest and Forest Ecosystem Condition Survey (hereafter FFECS; Kusar ...
Academia Medicine, 2024
Nature and Culture, 2012
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2010
Philosophy, Art, Therapy - PATh, 2020
II Conferência Internacional sobre Cultura & Sociedade, Universidade Zambeze (UniZambeze), Moçambique, 2021
Global Futures: Futurecast , 2024
Money and Power in the Roman Republic, 2016
Philippine studies, 2009
Bir Zamanlar Toroslarda: Sagalassos: Meanwhile in the Mountains
Bruno Lemesle, 2023
Religions, 2024
Internasjonal Politikk, 2011
Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020
International Zoo Yearbook, 2008
EMBO reports, 2006
Food Research International, 2007
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 1984
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura, 2018
Borobudur Journal on Legal Services
European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 2005