Psychedelics and Modes of Subjective Experience

Psychedelics and modes of subjective experience Afraz Entessari Table of contents Introduction 3 Pschedelic Experience and science 5 Philosophy, Psychedelic Phenomenology and modes of the experience 8 Psychedelic Phenomenology & culture 13 The End 15 Images 16-19 References 20-22 2 Introduction Do we have anything to measure our perception of life around us? Or of elements which form experience of reality? Do we have anything to observe with and study subjective experience of consciousness? How can we judge our mentality, self-conscious and cognitive abilities? To observe the process of experiencing, which in itself is an experience. Mental conscious state that we are already in cannot be qualified to scrutinize itself. As human have started to consciously explore and 'record' world around him he has became aware of his mental abilities and imagination and their potentials which encouraged him to explore this inner-realm (consciously or unconsciously) as well as world around him. As result by nature they have discovered and learned ways to improve their sensory, mental and cognitive abilities, in other words to access more consciousness and become more self-conscious, as they have developed more complicated survival tools and objects. Human in less than a fraction of the age of the universe evolves as much that can understand the world around and beyond his habitat. The scientific and technological improvements have been profound but still remain unsolved problem for science that how subjective experience can be examined or studied. It is referred as ‘hard problem of consciousness’ as David Chalmers has coined it, that how physiological or neural activity can cause subjectivity and subjective experience. Science struggles in study and proof of subjectivity and consciousness because there are no tools of measurement. The best they could explain this phenomenon is neural correlation in the brain. Which is considered to some extent related to conscious experience. Though recently within last twenty years science (mainly neuroscience and physics) has started to study consciousness closely and more seriously. From neurological perspective, the way we understand and communicate with the world around us is connected to the chemical processes within our brain. Whereas we are made from same matter that our environment is made of, in different molecular order and in more complex form but in result there is considerable difference in behavior. All our responses to outside world, our thoughts, our emotions, etc. have their neurochemical activity in our brain, even what we see. However detection or tracing any of these reactions cannot explain or describe content of the event, which has been experienced. What can be observed only stays as understanding and detection of correlation [1]. Reductionist point of view that reduces understanding of everything to matter-energy relations that modern approach of natural sciences, especially after works of Descartes [2], considers all phenomena around us in terms. This view puts great boundary to expansion of sciences and humanities and our understanding of the nature. It put limits on what science is likely to consider as a subject of study. As an example science just recently considers study on consciousness. As reductionist point of view, reality is limited to what can be measured. Anything immeasurable or undetectable becomes of illusory nature - Meta. Reductionist approach of materiality not just opposes very recent understanding (physicists) of the world it destroys very nature of matter. In field study of consciousness this explanation is unable to adjust and speculate and come close to any understanding of subjective experience. 3 Seems Early human discovers some ways to heighten his mental state; other than acquiring ritualistic behavior, from certain era content of their visual recordings goes further than depiction of their routine life (images 4-7-2). Of oldest examples are cave paintings of Tessili n’Ajjer that shows unknown creatures though some with human figure. As ‘stoned ape theory’ suggests, Entheogens, in this case specifically ingestion of psilocybin mushrooms are considered earliest way to induce such states. Psilocybin in low dose heightens sensory abilities and in larger doses can induce altered state of consciousness and produce out of body experience. Consumption of these mushrooms can age long before human could have achieved comprehension or technology to build any tools (drumming) or discover any technique to induce altered state. Mushrooms could be just easily added to diet. Can this process be outlined as very first step that Homo sapiens begins the process of becoming selfconscious? From Soma of Vedic scripture to rock paintings of Tassili n’Ajjer in Algeria (image 1) or mushroom statues of Mesoamerica (image 3) to ‘Stoned Ape theory’ there are stories, records (images 5-6) and theories for ancient intake of psychedelic substances during specific rituals. Extent of the usage has stayed out of anthropological research because of modern culture's ignorance over these substances and context of the rituals related to it and the ban on psychedelic research. Contemporary culture is experiencing its second ‘psychedelic renaissance’ [3], after 70's. New research shows great potential of these substances to overcome mental disorders or their noticeable potential in enhancing creativity [4]. Those who interested in topic also know tradition of LSD use or methods of micro dosing between experts in Silicon-Valley [5]. However, 70's with its loud movements and features brought up series of intellectuals in different study fields that created great ground for rapid growth of Digital/internet/communication Age. There are prominent differences in aspects between two waves of change, the counterculture of 70's and the recent research on psychedelics. Today focus of this movement is based upon medical and psychotherapeutic research of these substances and more in depth study of psychedelic phenomenology [6]. We are observing more intellectual and psychotherapeutic approach to the issue rather features of Pop and Rave culture be in charge to lead and affect the whole topic and also distort the feature of the intellectuals of its time. It is important not forget in order to achieve the current situation society had to undergo the first wave of change. Spread and unbiased attitude in some of western societies toward psychotherapeutic and shamanic use of Entheogens as medicine which allows consumption of series of Entheogens such as Iboga, Ayahusca, Bufo Alvarius venom etc. under rights for freedom of religion, increasingly have opened space in media to have more publications over psychedelics to reach broader audience and not just enthusiasts of this field and the experiments. Nowadays in certain countries spread of ceremonies and consumption of Iboga and mostly Ayahuasca between people from all different classes of society most of the time with therapeutic approach is ever than before in past decades and namely new phenomenon in modern culture [8]. 4 Psychedelic Experience and Science It seems essential in this era for modern human to understand far more about modalities that Entheogens open our minds to. Modern culture this time can more responsibly and consciously with already acquired knowledge let nature and its currency of consciousness - process of life - lead and enhance our evolutionary process. It also seems necessary that historical use of this substances with rituals around it (setting) and their influence on human culture to be studied without past limitations and more seriously. Maybe considering the Psy.phen by sciences and philosophy more enthusiastically can open new ways to hypothesize on the topic of consciousness. As neuroscience discovers about objectivity of the mind, Entheogens can enhance our understanding of its subjectivity and nature of experience and observation. Combination of neuroscience and Psy.phen seems to be profound way to understand more about nature of mind and consciousness and maybe more about origins of our universe. The reason altered states of consciousness and the substances which induce them are fundamental to study of consciousness is that, as observing the stream of consciousness is subjective experience, only within heightened sensory and mental state we can reconsider our own routine mind state, experience and its function. The Psy.phen is an acute tool to consider experience of brain-bodymind-consciousness. Science by chemical activity and their physiology and physical correlations in brain do not explain the content of these experiences. Indeed relation between causation of subjective experience to physical correlation never has been approved. Some of ancient human discoveries about the mind are very inline with discoveries of modern science. Buddhist approach to the mind and self comes up with great manifestation which modern neuroscience is very found of. Self is one of subjects that science and Buddhism come to some close conclusions about [7]. This becomes more interesting considering the fact that the only tools used in Buddhist practice to manifest the mind are their pure observation and experience. The half of the provided evidence Whitehead claims science is dealing with. ‘… Science can find no aim in nature: science can find no creativity in nature, it finds mere rules of succession … they are inherent in its methodology. The reason for this blindness of physical science lies in fact that such a science only deals with half the evidence provided by human experience.’ [8] Modern science is still has long way to understand consciousness as there is no evidence ’how physical movements causes or coincides with phenomenology.’ [9] Scientific study of consciousness mainly remains focused on physical correlation of consciousness in the brain therefore ceases to be capable of explaining the subjective experience through consciousness. The goal here is not to undermine achievements of science but become aware of its incapability as well as its capabilities in order to know how and in which area to enhance its function and approach and interpretation. As in field of experimenting with mind, it may dissolve limitation and barriers in and between sciences. If Psy.ex and its close study be able to lead us through many breakthroughs in fields of medicine, neuroscience, philosophy of mind and understanding consciousness, it is more likely it would be able to open new modes for all sciences and our evolution. 5 Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor what we say is true. Bertrand Russell, (Mysticism and Logic) The ‘laws of nature’ are merely regularities observed and reified by us after their occurrence. A mistake of mechanism or science is the fallacy of generalizing from the particular: that an event be regular does not entail that it be constant. Peter Sjöstedt-H [10] All biological organisms should obey the laws of physics both classical and quantum. Christof Koch [11] Neuroscience and quantum physics come close to consider the suggestion that mind and therefore experience of subjectivity or birth of subjectivity could be affected and can be explored in quantum mechanics. Another commonly held view is that consciousness is unrelated to quantum mechanics because the brain is a wet, warm system where decoherence destroys quantum superpositions of neuron firing much faster than we can think, preventing our brain from acting as a quantum computer. … I argue that consciousness and quantum mechanics are nonetheless related, but in a different way: it is not so much that quantum mechanics is relevant to the brain, as the other way around. Max Tegmark [12] Neuroscience and quantum mechanics from different perspective reach to same problematic issue they both struggling to define the ‘observer effect’ and understanding the subjective experience, consciousness and its effect on reality. In last 20 year there have been increase of scientific work, result in some theories on consciousness. Some of New theories suggest mind effect and involves with matter in quantum level. There are theories which suggest consciousness, mind and human behavior can be better explain by term of quantum mechanics, ‘Quantum Cognition’ [13]. And for the first time quantum theory brings element of observer - ‘observer influence’ – into equations. ‘…The quantum observer notoriously does appear to affect the quantum state of observed system.’[14] Study of consciousness become more and more important for physical science as physicists realize it can address element of ‘observer’ in quantum mechanics. Observer and its experience of reality which indeed the very experience itself is said to be forming the reality. ‘Observer is the observed.’[15] Here quantum mechanics suggests boundaries between one and other are much vague than what we conceive it to be. ‘In contrast to classical physics, quantum mechanics is fundamentally indeterministic … the fact that quantum states of multiple objects, such as two coupled electrons, could be highly correlated even though two objects are spatially separated, thus violating our intuition about locality’ Christof Koch [16]. Henry Stapp physicist phrases the question as “if you bring mind to the mix then there is an open question how pervasive the mind is”? [17] ‘Specifically, consciousness is relevant to solving an open problem at the very heart of quantum 6 mechanics: the quantum factorization problem.’ Max Tegmark [18] problem’ is related to nature of observer.) (‘Quantum factorization Seems for objectivity to exist certain subjectivity is required. Terence McKenna mentions, “Science carried out analysis of nature went into such a depth that it discovered nature does not exist except as object of description. Mind is necessary for the world to undergo formality of existing. It is what quantum physics teaches us.”[19] Quantum mechanics suggests participation of observer in the physical universe as John Wheeler physicist phrases it as “Quantum mechanics lead to quiet different view of reality. The view that intelligent life or communicating observer – participators are the whole means by which very universe was created without them nothing.”[20] Andrei Linde mentions, “Before you make observation such a thing as real existence or anything there. Everything becomes real at the moment it is observed … these equations are what we have … we need some interpretations.”[21] With very recent understanding of our perception of reality and our surroundings that brain synthesizes a version of the world consisting commonalities that contain our supposed reality in benefit of its fitness, over truth [22], and to sustain the self. Suggests we understand world just enough that we need to survive. ‘This is in line with Nietzsche and Bergson’s view that we only perceive that which is of practical use, that which can potentially aid our development our power over the environment.’ [23] What, goes beyond our direct perception of environment, becomes subject to debate on reality. Whether it is in domain of science or philosophy or the senses. Scientific fact considers world greatly different from supposed reality, even in some cases they oppose each other. In other words, those elements or events that perception and understanding of them serve to our fitness becomes and is articulated as reality. To consider reality’s denotative quality (semantic) it means whatever that is not fantastical or fictional but possible to experience within boundary of five senses (or their extension –technology). Though reality itself takes form as an abstract concept in a way because of its subjectivity according to the case it is considered. Reality is a phrase assigned to certain dimension we all share as tangible environment or cause and effect. ‘The common ineffability of these experiences indicates their novelty: words are not created for the phenomena that are never considered.’ [24] Whitehead explains physics as study of smaller organism while biology as study of larger organisms. Smaller components of an organism behave within the organism. Molecules within the brain behave differently from same electrons in other systems or outside of the brain. [25] 7 Philosophy, Psychedelic phenomenology and modes of the experience “Panpsychism might help us to integrate consciousness into the physical world. Physicist and philosophers have often observed that physics is curiously abstract it describes the structure of reality using bunch of equations but it does not tell us about the reality that underlies it. As Stephan Hawkins puts it, what puts fire into equations? In Panpsychist view … it is consciousness that puts fire into the equations” David Chalmers [26] Psychedelic phenomenology [27] can be argued and explained in terms of works of philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead, Henri Bergson, etc. "brain filters consciousness to one's bodily requirements.“ discusses Henri Bergson [28]. Consciousness and intelligence do not seem just to be product of certain network-organism such as brain but more of what it filters. Discussion of what consciousness is or to what it can be referred as and its components are topics have made modern science to baffle about for decades and if consciousness relates to science or if it can be scientific subject at all. In experiential sense their potential to bring about great changes has been observed many times. Whitehead argues that ‘Primordial Nature of God is the realm of eternal objects. These are potentials not actuals and so only subsist in God's [29] mind until they are ingress into actual entities and their societies.’ [30] Whitehead explains the world as pre-existing infinite potentiality, 'eternal objects’ that can be accessible and become part of 'actual entities' by their mental and creative ability and activities. Information or raw consciousness can be reached in other realms and brought back to our three-dimensional world. This suggests existence of lose information or raw consciousness in the hyperspace, reachable for human mind by different means and techniques in altered mode, as oldest practitioners known to human are so called ‘Shamans’. In tribes it was role of the shaman who with his mind could travel into these dimensions (sometimes in total loss of consciousness -self-awareness) and bring information and ask for guide from spirits. It is the function that Sjostedt-H explains it in terms of Panpsychism that ‘Psy.Phen enriches us and it enriches God as his purpose is the evocation of experiential intensities through his creatures.’ [31] ‘... Because God requires us actualities to reap actual consciousness of what in him is merely potential (the eternal objects). Primordial Nature of God.’[32] Psy.phen by changing the stream of consciousness for us temporarily (but with long term fundamental effect) allows somehow direct access to flow of information in hyperspace or raw consciousness. This information can be brought and be interpreted and expressed by different means and mediums. The process brings certain potentials (from PNG) from the eternal object into actualities how these data will manifest itself is not depended on time of the experiencing observation or access (download). In Internet term, data is to be downloaded and manifestation of this data into creation is independent of agent and space-time of the download. Once data is available on our dimension any agent could transform it into matter anytime. 8 Neural correlation and effect that psychedelic compounds create on routine neural activity have been studied, as well as long term and short-term effects of these substances on mental health and creativity [33]. However the part that remains hidden from scientific studies are those which only observer can identify, so, often sublimity and novelty of psychedelic experience. ‘Psy.phen can present to us novelties, not combined actualities of the past. We are apprehending the delimited potentials of cognition.’[34]. Scientific study over Psy.phen can explain physiology of this event but not content and forms of experience. Experiences of this kind though each one can be unique they have specific structure which practitioners can talk and share details of the experience to some extent. Psy.phen has different phases, which seemingly have structures, and repeatable, there is shared commonality in different experiences. Therefore, it gives philosophy or experiential sciences a point to consider and put more focus on the experience and its components. ‘Although the effects vary amongst persons, certain features remain somewhat constant in this enthralling state of psychedelic phenomenology’ [35]. One important use of psychoactive plants for early human and throughout history was to achieve information which is not known, in other words to channel information [36]. Considering Panpsychist [37] manifestation of the world and to review modalities of psychedelic states in that term brings new perspective into the sight. Conscious entity (human) with high information integration ability therefore agent of complex consciousness, ingests concentrate brew from other conscious or maybe even intelligent species. There are molecular similarities between brain’s chemicals and active compounds of these plants. If neural activity of brain in its correlation with mind and creation of ‘subjectivity’ involves in quantum level, to adjust with stream of consciousness, intake of a substance which in its molecular structure is similar or in some cases identical to what already brain produce and use as the agents of transmission (neurotransmitters) and as elementary components of communication in neural network. There might be possibility that Entheogenic substances act as portal for human consciousness and enhances coherence with different dimensions. As such substances taken as outsider and ingested into the mind-body it unfolds hidden parts of subconscious and goes beyond brain-mind’s language system it causes abnormalities. Regular programing structures of brain-mind are departed from each other. Consequence of this ingestion would be fundamental change in stream of consciousness and sense of self, etc. In other words it affects the subjective content –the meanings. After Psy.Ex routine explanation of mind, self and consciousness does not seem at any point convincing [38]. Considering phenomenology of Panpsychism, intake of entheogen (Psy.Sub) by human is correlation of two different actual entities. Both conscious and contain mind but in different levels and modality. Not to forget the substance of stimuli comes from organisms, which involves consciousness to some extent (to what extent? It is still greatly unknown to us). Field study on influence of Entheogens use on evolution of human mind and beginning of language and art (symbolic behavior) remains vague and impossible, as finding any archeological evidence for it seems unlikely. It should be considered, even later in history which from remains more archeological evidences, in some cultures only elites, kings, spiritual leaders (image 8) and those who 9 have gone undergo certain practices (isolation, sensory deprivation, fasting, etc.) were allowed to use and access the recipe [39]. So, limited, should be the record and details of such rituals. Language, creativity and art have been inferred as evidences of human’s profound intelligence. One of qualities of intelligent specie is will and act of communicating, even to reach further than its own specie [40]. Some Psychedelic/Entheogenic substances have molecular structure as neurotransmitters in the brain and during the process of inducing the altered state they block or mimic neurotransmitter and in-tune our consciousness by de-tuning it, into different streams of an endless forms and modalities, into cosmic neural structures - realm of eternal objects – PNG. Human's mistake in search for other sorts of intelligence in universe or even earth is the attitude that tries to apply the criteria he has learned from his own specie as an intelligent one on other forms of life and being. For experienced psychonaut sense of communication with any form and mode during their experience/journey is not an intangible concept. Considering these substances as agents and chemical stimuli for communication is not a far-fetched idea. If considered, it has to be understood that any sort of expectation should not limit the way and elements and modes of communication. Question rises if such a mode/state is a one-way or has potential for mutual communication. Though most of the time it seems and feels as like as ‘download’ of certain data-energy in any form there is limited possibility (learned) for mutual communication as in tribes Shaman too asks spirits for favor of his people. In simple and tangible explanation, induced hyper-connectivity in neural network of brain and knowing how to interact with it has led them to achieve information they were looking for. If there is any alteration of neural activity in the brain during intake of psychedelic substance, its effect on and therefore heightened activity of mirror neurons [41] are inevitable. Shaman as trained psychonaut who has learned how to use this hyper-connectivity is the first one who can break mindbody-consciousness barriers and bring change, healing and new information for the society. In tribal cultures it is Shaman who would take care and could enter these realms which was considered vital to group’s survival. In their term encounters with otherworldly beings would be referred as ancestors and spirits. Later on, in more evolved and complex civilizations these perceived beings or higher beings and states would be called as god. Visionary and out of body experience certainly would have great influence on the development of human and his creations, as it does also on the hierarchical structures of the tribe. These substances function as barrier/boundary dissolving phenomenon. By influencing the epistemology of individuals in the group and their physiological and mind-body behavior. In specific dose one can have experience of ego-dissolution phrase familiar to psychonauts. This is level which perception of self and its inter-relation with whole world changes existential and cultural identities acquired or put on the person will dissolve. During ‘ego dissolving’ level of experience one can experience himself and mind-body of infant growing back to current state and relive this process and going through traumas. It is a long (maybe ever impossible) path for science to be able to analyze and measure such an experience. But to mention phenomenon which can get close to, all what happened and we have experienced during our lifetime do exist and are recorded information in our brain as memories etc. our current state is result of what have happened to us and feedback loop between mind-body and the environment. Theoretical physicists suggests by showing it in mathematical equation that past, present and future do actually exist simultaneously [42]. It simply could be that specific substances can induce a state in which our awareness can expand from its localized focus on current flow of consciousness to broader range and inaccessible 10 realm while non-psychedelic state. State in which we can also access and become aware of parallel realities. For those who are experienced psychonauts or shamans, synthesis of their experience with modern knowledge of physics, astrophysics, biology, neuro-cosmology seems very real and surprisingly not so wondrous and out of this world. Psychedelic compounds act as very great example of ‘the other’ for human mind, in term, which, generating of information and the way of perceiving this information are totally different of what is regulated for humankind, as almost there is no example of it. To translate and render these data into dimensions of our language and culture (that construct base of our understanding) takes an effort and usually ungraspable. “Psychedelic experience poses problem not only for so-called primitive people who use these plants, it poses fundamental, equally deep problem for our society. We can no better assimilate the content of psychedelic experience than can a villager of New Guinea highlands or Witoto Indian in the Amazon.”[43] The intangibility rises from the fact that we do not have enough components, which can explain and to comprehend events and entities of total different nature. Language and other mediums available for human are not necessarily capable of articulating and best encoding Psy.ex. Other factor is for the observer itself the phenomena remains incomprehensible. Psy.ex is heightened observational state of extended concurrent consciousness that is opening way for mind to manifests itself into the universe, hyperspace and eternal objects, to merge with ubiquity. Therefore, mostly this information is translated by means of visuals, sounds, art and poetry rather than language. Though it should be noticed that dimensions and realms that these compounds reveal are to some extent in harmony with structures of these universe in other word they are of same nature and can be rephrased by state of shared universal-mind. Because what is revealed are of nature of truth (Primordial Nature of God) and have essence of realness to it. To bring and explain realms of imagination and dreams or visionary to scientific methods seems a far aim. Though as my experiences and studies it seems to use methodology and perspective of neurocosmology to bring and translate such information to zone of our language (which also requires constant upgrade and retool of language) can be of best ways to describe psychedelic information. By comparing and opposing structures in nature and hyperspace-mind and considering unlikely relations with high communicatory potential of depiction and art to convey new concepts to our three-dimensional world. If we consider and study literature of visionary pioneers of psychedelic knowledge, simultaneously scrutinize our world with exploratory attitude we will realize how much the content of concepts, which these intellectuals have tried to explain, are of neurocosmological perspective. Dualisms and categorization of coding system (language) set limits to our understanding of multi-dimensional world. For an experienced psychonaut or shamans each of these substances and plants have their own ways of initiation (setting, initiation, chants, etc.) which they have to tune into, in order to have the most out of the experience. The transformation within the experience happens by alienating you to your own programed and conditioned psyche. Though most perceptions during experience are non-lingual the change and its effect happen in your fundamental beliefs and language and culture as programing system. However, this transformation surely depends on the content and capacity of the brain/mind who having the experience. Attempts to phrase and interpret the journey/experience (plainly) by our language system usually come out unsuccessful or greatly inconvenient. McKenna mentions, for first time language brings the possibility of coding the experience. As mentioned, 11 science has found some physical correlation in brain with mind and consciousness but it cannot explain it, as causation of subjective experience by physical matter is not approved. Science detects the experience but language comes with potential to code the subjective experience. Meanwhile human develop other ways which some are categorized as creative behavior to express subjective experience. Our language needs retooling in order to be able to code and define these experiences in new terms that they open ways for understanding of human experience and origins of our world or maybe just begin new era for human evolution. Maybe this evolution advances our language in order to enhance interpretation of scientific equations and relations. 12 Psychedelic Phenomenology & culture Psy.ex changes ordinary semantic relations by this it affects our semantic and syntax of thought [44]. The phenomenon itself too, has this quality in its process of working. During the experience you close your eyes in order to see. The distortion in auditory or visual perception of world surrounding us is not the emphasis but intangible and unimaginable realm and dimensions which it can take us into with closed eyes (at the beginning with minimum possible bodily movement - meditative pose.) ‘imaginal dimensions’, inner realms. Though extent of experience and its comprehension and embrace goes further than just what appears in one’s visionary and inner world. Realness of these realms meanwhile fundamental alterations are what one can perceive in terms of ‘modes of being’, as experience of one's own presence and its multi-dimensionality. From where the perception and receiving new information goes beyond auditory and visual, most of what is perceived, if remembered, is very hard ‘to English or to German it’, in other words to articulate it within boundaries of our language system. Our language (as it always had) needs retool in order to be able to give closer interpretation of Psy.Ex/Phen or at least in the same direction as it meant to. Almost similar to the problem language has with science (physics). Scientist discovers the equation but it is matter of interpretation, which makes it tangible to our world, or not. Language works by constant defining and assigning of words to objects. It is separation of interwoven phenomenon of nature in order for us to address them. Space and time never have been existed separately (that we needed to discover they are basically same) but it is structure of language that creates illusion of such a separation. This is necessary for manifestation and endurance of self. The self that, comes necessary to human survival, the self as a subjective experience. Psy.Ex can break through years of cultural appropriation and its social conditioning. It sets far or removes any boundary to definition of self. It shows us to ourselves as small part of vast infinite universe with potential to evolve and grow endlessly. Culture and language design each other. Cultural appropriation needs words and semantic structure, which serves to its rules and limits. Culture and past knowledge assumes with assistance of language create and assign definitions to elements, objects, subjects and abstraction around and within us. The experience (psy.ex) changes one's perspective on routine assumptions on relations of brain with mind, or any reflection on consciousness or detection of intelligence (consideration). Human speculates and searches between topics, he uses examples of his own specie or phenomenon that he has considered (therefore, has word for them) to find and define intelligence elsewhere. Psychedelic experience Psy.ex creates hyper connectivity and unlikely connection in brain’s neural network meanwhile it reduces neural activity in other parts. It changes definite worldview by belief systems, ideology, fixed assumptions, reflection upon world around us and us. As Terence McKenna phrased it as ‘barrier-dissolving’ phenomenon, "Psy.phen often allows one escape from the epistemology inculcated throughout one's life." This applies on how to perceive the self, our experience of an observation, and world around us as reality and perception and interpretation of it, 13 our comprehension of consciousness, mind-body and language. Psy.Ex is a barrier-dissolving experience both in its individual and social aspect. By their potential and the way they enhance our mental ability to navigate inner-realms and hyperspace these substances surrounding by their rituals and techniques open up broad alternative mode in perception of consciousness and articulation of world we live in, our universe. Art, dance, music, literature and philosophy throughout history in different levels have been involved with mind-altering substances mostly in form of Entheogens [45]. There is no any archaeological evidence that when and how exactly human rituals began and in what extent Entheogens or any other techniques of mind alteration were involved. Role of psychedelics maybe is not always clear in art and cultural production but it always had it effect from cave paintings to philosophy to modern counterculture. As some modern age authors take note of focus on effect of these substances. Their experiment is clearly traceable in their works, such as Aldous Huxley [45], Hunter S. Thompson, William Burrow, etc. Social movements of 70s based on counterculture and hippie gatherings within its pop-culture imagery bring fundamental changes into western society. It was not only base for social change but blast in creativity, which its focus was technology and communication. Dancing, singing, animism, cave painting all together with rituals always have been ways of expression, record and communication of experiences of these realms and perceived information. Second ‘renaissance’ desperately needs new means of symbolic technology. These rituals and creative behavior have shaped to great extent the evolution of modern human, with inner comprehension of his nature, within inputs of natural habitat could been evolve complex mind, so rapidly, into modern human. Somewhere around 40,000 years ago earliest evidences of symbolic artifacts could be found. Now once again masses need this transformation to help human sustain life on this planet just enough that it maybe could reach technology to survive death of the solar system. Hans Obrist Ulrich gives interesting definition of art, [47] ’art is which that expands definitions.’ Greatest works of art throughout history were those that expanded boundaries and limitations of culture those, which broke the taboos and cultural norms. Not those, which stay within boundary of what system, require. This explanation come close to what psychedelics do in different ways, they dissolve boundaries. This becomes more interesting when we realize art too changes and creates new semantic and neural pathways in the brain. Of course each work on each person differently and incomparable to the extent that substance can influence this process. To discuss art and culture in oppositional state - creativity upon system, Indeed prominent and influential art works and movements through history has come as barriers dissolving, convention breaking phenomenon, it has not stick to cultural norms and taboos. We have to consider that after rise of great civilizations depictions and their context have been reduced and directed with aim of cultural appropriation. During Christianity, all depictions are about stories from bible, in ancient Egypt or Mayan empire the context does not go further than what system allows. Though there come times when art itself in the form of depiction or literature, taking advantage of imagination, brings change to the society - such as renaissance. 14 The End In Order to go beyond cultural appropriation, ‘cultural virtual reality’, we have to overcome (hack) its programing tool, which the most effective of them is language. The way to go beyond language (in our psyche – mind/brain) would be psychedelics, which breaks the conventional way of receiving and interpreting information by going beyond language, it becomes experiencing. It is hard to describe how mind and our consciousness articulate information without language but it could be put in this way, which it is experienced, rather than to be known and informed. Descriptions of such experiences (empirical) in lingual form do not usually succeed to express the perceived data. Neither art would be ultimate solution but it has great potential to bring different fields of sciences, philosophy and technologies together by adding essence of creative experimentation. Art world too by considering its process has to be open to new modes of creation and experimentations that has not entered for millennia’s or has never touched. Current modern culture with its social obstacles and potentials needs to consider and scrutinize effects of psy.phen on nature of subjective experience and modes, perception and interpretation of the phenomena - noumena [48] with all its components (rituals, settings, etc.) to exceed to its next evolutionary step. Evolution, inner-evolution which will not result in excessive invention and production of tools but fundamental changes in human mentality and comprehension, to consider whole different view of the world and further more possibilities, to acquire and experience alternative modes of being. 15 Tessili n’Ajjer cave painting (image 1) Tessili n’Ajjer cave painting (image 2) 16 Mesoamerica – 1200 BC – 400 BC (image 3) Tessili n’Ajjer – Algeria (image 4) 17 Images of mushrooms with Buddhist and Hindu art (image 5) Pre-Colombian gold figurine (image 6) 18 Barrier Canyon style pictograph, Utah (image 7) (image 8) 19 References Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics ch. I p.3 Ibid The article ‘Psychedelic Renaissance’ features a lengthy and detailed interview with Rick Doblin, Ph.D., MAPS Founder and Executive Director. - 4. Series of researches by Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris - 5. Olivia Solon - essay - Aug 24 2016 – Wired magazine - 1. 2. 3. 6. “One sub-category of Philosophy of the Mind is ‘phenomenology’ which, in the sense used here is the study of reality from stand point of consciousness or what Immanuel Kant called ‘Phenomena’.” - Peter Sjosted-H - Noumenautics ch.I p.2 7. - In west too there are several companies which provided such services for people. 8. The brian of the Buddha – Christof Koch Lori Chandler – essay on Big think Train your mind, change your brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves – Sharon Begley 9. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics ch.I p.3 10. Modes of Thought - A. N. Whitehead, ch.III … XI 11. Quantum Mechanics in the Brain – Christof Koch and Klaus Hepp – Nature vol440 – 30 Mar 2006 12. Max Tegmark - Consciousness as State of Matter, Dated: Accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals March 17, 2015 13. Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction Jeffrey M Schwartz, Henry P Stapp, Mario Beauregard Quantum physics of the brain – George Ranja Your Brain Isn't a Computer. It's a Quantum Field. by Daphne Muller 14. Max Tegmark - Consciousness as State of Matter, Dated: Accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals March 17, 2015 15. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, ch,IV p.27 16. Quantum Mechanics in the Brain – Christof Koch and Klaus Hepp – Nature vol440 – 30 Mar 2006 17. Waking Cosmos, The Self-Excited Circuit – documentary – Adrian David Nelson, based on his book: Origins of Consciousness: How the Search to Understand the Nature of Consciousness is Leading to a New View of Reality 18. Max Tegmark - Consciousness as State of Matter, Dated: Accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals March 17, 2015 19. Waking Cosmos, The Self-Excited Circuit – documentary – Adrian David Nelson, based on his book: Origins of Consciousness: How the Search to Understand the Nature of Consciousness is Leading to a New View of Reality 20. Ibid 20 21. Ibid 22. Donald Hoffman – Do we see reality as it is? – TED talk 23. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics 24. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, ch.V p.52 25. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, ch.V p.50 26. TED talk 27. “One sub-category of Philosophy of the Mind is ‘phenomenology’ which, in the sense used here is the study of reality from stand point of consciousness or what Immanuel Kant called ‘Phenomena’.” Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics 28. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics 29. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, ch.V p.45 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, ch.IV p.44 Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, ch.V Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, ch.V D Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics ch.I p.1 See Plants of The Gods – Schultes & Hoffman, Archaic revival – Terence McKenna Panpsychism: “An implication is that consciousness, or at least a basic form of subjectivity, is an aspect of all organisms, not merely the more complex animals – i.e. that plants, fungi etc., have basic forms of consciousness. This view is known as panpsychism.” – Peter Sjöstedt-H Noumenautics 38. ‘Technically to assume that the mind is conditioned by brain due psycho-physical correlation is to commit the fallacy cum hoc ergo propter hoc (correlation does not imply causation).’ Peter Sjöstedt-H – Noumenautics, p.4 ch.I 39. “Soma is the intoxicating liquid obtained by pressing the stalks of soma plant. During the sacrifices, the priests and Vedic gods consume this liquid.” - The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: South Asia: the Indian subcontinent by Bruno Nettl, James Porter, Timothy Rice I Lucy Wytt proposes the idea that some interpretation form ancient Egypt could have been misleading about Alchemy and journey of the king through dead indeed is psychedelic state. (see image 8) - Breaking the convention conference 40. Archeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication – Edited by A. Vakoch The role of anthropology in SETI – a historical view – Steven J.Dick “The cultural evolution panel discussed what evolutionary factors were responsible for hominid intelligence: warfare, communication and language, the predatory nature of life on the savannah.” Inferring Intelligence – Paul K.Wason 41. V.S. Ramachandran – Neurons that shaped civilization, TED talk age=en 42. The Fabric of The Cosmos – Brian Greene 43. Terence McKenna - Archaic Revival p.83 44. ‘Semantic activation in LSD: evidence from picture naming’ by Neiloufar Family, David Vinson, Gabriella Vigliocco, Mendel Kaelen, Mark Bolstridge, David J. Nutt and Robin L. Carhart-Harris in Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. Published online August 11 2016 How LSD effects language – Aug 22 2016 – Neuroscience News 21 45. Peter Sjöstedt-H – Psychedelic Influence On Philosophy, Secret Drugs of Buddhism Psychedelic sacrements and origins of Vayrayana – Mike Crowely Art of the Shipibo tribe in Peruvian rain forests See Plants of The Gods – Schultes & Hoffman, 46. Author of Brave New World and The Doors of Perception 47. The ways of curating – Hans Obrist Ulrich 47. See Noumenautics - Peter Sjöstedt-H ch.I p.5 22