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A dictionary of Gura, a Jarawan Bantu language of Central Nigeria. To be used with the introduction to Gura, posted separately.
Antipode, 2011
Revue Biblique, 2001
are the two choices we are offered when reading the sta commentary of Martin Dibelius, 3 and they are the only two opt offered in Raymond E. Brown's introduction to the New Testame Most contemporary discussions of James completely ignore or di in a sentence the possibility that Jas 1:1 should be taken at value and, so interpreted, be used as a guide for exegesis. 5 But this was not always the case. Indeed, a review of o literature reveals that many commentators have taken 1:1 to exactly what it says. Already Bede (ca. 673-735) in his comme on James assumes that the epistle was written not only to Christ scattered abroad but also to those of the circumcision who were 10 Wilhelm Pratscher, Der Herrenbruder Jakobus und die Jakobustradition (FRLANT 139; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1987). 11 Ps.-Andrew of Crete, Bíoç Kai Maprùpiov rov áyíov 'Iaicaßov rov ànoaxóXov Kai áôeAQov rov Kvpíov 4 (ed. Noret), p. 44, says James wrote xaîç <J>vXalç xoû lapaiļ^, which also seems to presuppose a literal interpretation, but I cannot see that this anywhere affects the exegesis. Cf. Isho'dad of Merv, "The Epistle of James," in The Commentaries of Isho'dad of Merv , vol. 3: Luke and John in Syriac (ed. Margaret Dunlop Gibson), p. 49 (f. 230b): James wrote not to the church in every place but to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations. Isho'dad' s extant exegesis, however, also seems unaffected by this interpretation of 1.1. 12 Operum Theologicorum Tomi II. Volumen II. contiens Annotationes in Epistolas & Apocalypsin (Amsterdam: Joannis Blaeu, 1679), p. 1073. 13 Ibid., 1089: "Divites ludamos aUoquitur, quibus Christiani erant pernuxti. THE FICTION OF JAMES AND ITS SITZ IM LEBEN 533 the admonitions regarding conflicts, disputes, and murder are understood against the background of Jewish political and so unrest. 14 As with Bede, then, parts of James are understood i light of a prosaic interpretation of Jas 1:1. That is, our l addresses itself to a mixed audience. After Grotius, and in large measure under his influence, the idea that James does not confine itself to Christian readers became quite popular, especially among English expositors.
Chinese thinkers and educators in antiquity displayed a strong interest in issues pertaining to morality, teaching and learning. This chapter explores the significant features of ancient Chinese ethics and their continuous application to educational thought and practice. The focus of this essay is on the concept of virtue (de) in Confucianism and Daoism, which are the two prominent indigenous traditions in ancient China. It is argued that virtue, from an ancient Chinese paradigm, is essentially about moral excellence and influence. In the Confucian traditions, virtue is manifested in the exaltation of goodness and ethical charisma of exemplary persons. In the Daoist traditions, virtue is encapsulated in the emptying of one's heart-mind and non-coercive action. In terms of major educational implications, Chinese ethics in the ancient past stress the utmost importance of (inter)personal cultivation of virtues and rolemodelling. School leaders, teachers, students and other educational stakeholders should develop themselves and others morally so as to collectively achieve dao (Way) which is a shared vision of human excellence.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018
The table olive industry produces a high quantity of wastewater annually. These wastewaters are very problematic because of their characteristics of high organic matter, high phenolic content, high salinity and conductivity. The quantities in which they are produced are also a serious problem. The worldwide production of table olives reached 2,550,000 tons in the last five campaigns, with the European Union contributing to 32% of total production. The problem of these wastewaters is focused on the Mediterranean area where the highest quantity of table olives is produced and to a lesser extent on the United States and South America. Countries like Spain produce around 540,000 tons of these wastewaters. At present, there is no standard treatment for these wastewaters with acceptable results and which is applied in the industry. Currently, the most common treatment is the storage of these wastewaters in large evaporation ponds where, during the dry season, the wastewater disappears due to evaporation. This is not a solution as the evaporation ponds depend completely on the climatology and have a high number of associated problems, such as bad odors, insect proliferation and the contamination of underground aquifers. Different studies have been carried out on table olive wastewater treatment, but the reality is that at the industrial level, none has been successfully applied. New and promising treatments are needed. The current review analyzes the situation of table olive wastewater treatment and the promising technologies for the future.
Antibacterial efficiency of leaf extract of Flacourtia indica, Eujenia jambulaand Citrus sinensis were examined using Methanol as solvent and tested against the following five human pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella typhi using agar well diffusion method. All the plants showed significant activity against the test pathogens except Klebsiella species. The methanolic extract of all three plants showed maximum zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi as compared to other organisms.
Given the importance of chirality in the biological response, regulators, industries and researchers require chiral compounds in their enantiomeric pure form. Therefore, the approach to separate enantiomers in preparative scale needs to be fast, easy to operate, low cost and allow obtaining the enantiomers at high level of optical purity. A variety of methodologies to separate enantiomers in preparative scale is described, but most of them are expensive or with restricted applicability. However, the use of membranes have been pointed out as a promising methodology for scale-up enantiomeric separation due to the low energy consumption, continuous operability, variety of materials and supports, simplicity, eco-friendly and the possibility to be integrated into other separation processes. Different types of membranes (solid and liquid) have been developed and may provide applicability in multi-milligram and industrial scales. In this brief overview, the different types and chemical nature of membranes are described, showing their advantages and drawbacks. Recent applications of enantiomeric separations of pharmaceuticals, amines and amino acids were reported.
Claudine Gay, a Harvard Egyetem elnökének lemondása az akadémiai kutatások integritásának kérdését hozta előtérbe. Gay, az MIT és a UPenn elnökeivel együtt, Elise Stefanik képviselő kérdéseinek kereszttüzébe került egy 2023 novemberi képviselőházi bizottsági meghallgatáson, amelyen az intézményeik antiszemitizmusra adott válaszait vizsgálták. Azonban, ha a lemondási követelések csak a bizottság előtti teljesítményére vonatkoztak volna, valószínűleg még mindig a posztján lenne, de a tudományos munkájával kapcsolatos további kérdések és a „plágiumháborúk” (plagiarism wars) elindulása végül az ő távozását eredményezte.
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Journal of General Virology, 2004
3C Tecnología_Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme, 2014
Journal of Applied Oral Science, 2010
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2006
Springer eBooks, 2022
Transportation Research Record, 2006