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People often question whether corporate boards matter because their day-today impact is difficult to observe. But, when things go wrong, they can become the center of attention. Certainly this was true of the Enron, Worldcom, and Parmalat scandals. The directors of Enron and Worldcom, in particular, were held liable for the fraud that occurred: Enron directors had to pay $168 million to investor plaintiffs, of which $13 million was out of pocket (not covered by insurance); and Worldcom directors had to pay $36 million, of which $18 million was out of pocket.(Adams et al 2008). As a consequence of these scandals and ongoing concerns about corporate governance, boards have been at the center of the policy debate concerning governance reform and the focus of considerable academic research. Because of this renewed interest in boards, a review of what we have and have not learned from research on corporate boards is timely. Much of the research on boards ultimately touches on the question "what is the role of the board?" Possible answers range from boards' being simply legal necessities, something akin to the wearing of wigs in English courts, to their playing an active part in the overall management and control of the corporation (Adams et al 2008). No doubt the truth lies somewhere between these extremes; indeed, there are probably multiple truths when this question is asked of different firms, in different countries, or in different periods. Given that all corporations have boards, the question of whether boards play a role cannot be answered econometrically as there is no variation in the explanatory variable. Instead, studies look at differences across boards and ask whether these differences explain differences in the way firms function and how they perform. The board differences that one would most likely to capture are differences in behaviour. Unfortunately, outside of detailed field work, it is difficult to observe differences in behaviour and harder still to quantify them in a way useful for statistical study. Consequently, empirical work in this area has focused on structural differences across boards that are presumed to correlate with differences in behavior. For instance, a common presumption is that outside (non-management) directors will behave differently than inside (management) directors. One can then look at the conduct of boards (e.g., decision to dismiss the CEO when financial performance is poor) with different ratios of outside to inside directors to see whether conduct varies in a statistically significant manner across different ratios. When conduct is not directly observable (e.g., advice to the CEO about strategy), one can look at a firm's financial performance to see whether board structure matters (e.g., the way accounting profits vary with the ratio of outside to inside directors). One problem confronting such an empirical approach is that there is no reason to suppose board structure is exogenous; indeed, there are both theoretical arguments and empirical evidence to suggest board structure is endogenous (Hermalin and Weisbach, 1988, 1998, and 2003). This creates problems for the estimation of structure-conduct and structure-performance regressions. Corporate governance came as a result of crash of blue chip companies in Europe and United States of America in the 20 th Century and 90s has continued to work in those chimes. The board of directors have roles to play in ensuring that good corporate governance principles are upheld
Making Capital Markets Work through Corporate …, 2007
A major issue in Corporate Governance today is the degree of shareholder involvement. The theme of shareholder engagement in corporate governance is often arguable. On one hand, it is widely agreed that engagement of shareholders with boards and management fosters successful and effective governance. On the other hand, excess shareholder intervention may result in dissipation of valuable management time or loss of freedom of action of the boards. So, while the company boards have responsibility towards safeguarding the interest of shareholders and increasing transparency, management may not always prefer to be driven by investor sentiments or give in to all investor demands; hence it is difficult to quantify the precise extent or 'appropriate' levels of shareholder engagement that will allow to achieve effective governance and add to business value. This paper explores the role that different types of shareholders can play in improvement of corporate governance in firms. Dra...
Several corporate scandals are related to lack of concerning stakeholders' interest. The voice of enhancing stakeholders' engagement in corporate governance framework is increasing. The paper is aimed to determine the pragmatic and applicable one-tier and two-tier board models for integrating stakeholders as board directors in multinational corporations. It begins with discussing why multinational corporations need to concern on stakeholders' interest and analysing different theoretical approaches for linking board composition with financial performance and corporate social performance. It will then review corporate governance frameworks integrating stakeholders' engagement in various jurisdictions and economic status (i.e. emerging markets and developed markets). Finally, pragmatic multi-stakeholder board models for one-tier and two-tier board structures will be proposed through defining board composition, CEO duality and mechanism to resolve disputes arise from board members.
Adopting corporate governance practises has been a great concern to the academia, professionals and policy makers. This concern might be partially triggered by the realization of the importance of an official corporate governance regime, which provides a platform for market integrity and efficiency, as well as facilitating economic growth.
Đ ề Tài: Sử dụng phân tích SWOT để phân tích công ty cổ phần sữa Việt Nam (Vinamilk).
Con il contributo del Ministero della Cultura, Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti Culturali Con il patrocinio di Il convegno verrà trasmesso in streaming sul sito
Smart Learning Environments, 2024
Augmented Reality (AR) technology is one of the latest developments and is receiving ever-increasing attention. Many researches are conducted on an international scale in order to study the effectiveness of its use in education. The purpose of this work was to record the characteristics of AR applications, in order to determine the extent to which they can be used effectively for educational purposes and reveal valuable insights. A Systematic Bibliographic Review was carried out on 73 articles. The structure of the paper followed the PRISMA review protocol. Eight questions were formulated and examined in order to gather information about the characteristics of the applications. From 2016 to 2020 the publications studying AR applications were doubled. The majority of them targeted university students, while a very limited number included special education. Physics class and foreign language learning were the ones most often chosen as the field to develop an app. Most of the applications (68.49%) were designed using marker detection technology for the Android operating system (45.21%) and were created with Unity (47.95%) and Vuforia (42.47%) tools. The majority of researches evaluated the effectiveness of the application in a subjective way, using custom-made not valid and reliable tools making the results not comparable. The limited number of participants and the short duration of pilot testing inhibit the generalization of their results. Technical problems and limitations of the equipment used are mentioned as the most frequent obstacles. Not all key-actors were involved in the design and development process of the applications. This suggests that further research is needed to fully understand the potential of AR applications in education and to develop effective evaluation methods. Key aspects for future research studies are proposed.
ESPINOSA CALABUIG, Custodia y visita de menores en el espacio judicial europeo, Madrid-Barcelona, 2007; GALLANT, Responsabilité parentale et protection des enfants en droit international privé, Paris, 2004; SPELLENBERG, IntVerfREhe (Internationales Verfahrensrecht in Ehesachen), in J. von Staudingers Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, Neubearbeitung, Berlin, 2005. d) Sulla disciplina contenuta nel reg. CE n. 4/2009, in materia di obbligazioni alimentari: ANCEL e MUIR WATT, Aliments sans frontières. Le règlement n°4/2009 du 18 décembre 2008 relatif à la compétence, la loi applicable, la reconnaissance et l'exécution des décisions et la coopération en matière d'obligations alimentaires, in Rev. crit. dr. intern. priv., 2010, 457 ss.; CASTELLANETA e LEANDRO, Il regolamento CE n. 4/2009 relativo alle obbligazioni alimentari, in N. leggi civ., 2009, 1051 ss.; PESCE, Le obbligazioni alimentari tra diritto internazionale e diritto dell'Unione europea, Roma, 2013; POCAR e VIARENGO, Il regolamento (CE) n. 4/2009 in materia di obbligazioni alimentari, in Riv. dir. intern. priv. proc., 2009, 805 ss.; VILLATA, Obblighi alimentari e rapporti di famiglia secondo il regolamento n. 4/2009, in Riv. dir. intern., 2011, 731 ss. e) Sulla disciplina contenuta nel reg. UE n. 650/2012, in materia di successioni: BALLARINO, Il nuovo regolamento europeo sulle successioni, in Riv. dir. intern., 2013, 1116 ss.; BONOMI, Il regolamento europeo sulle successioni, in Riv. dir. intern. priv. proc., 2013, 293 ss.; DAMASCELLI, Successioni (diritto internazionale privato e processuale europeo), in questa Enciclopedia, Annali, VI, 2013, 941 ss.; DAVÌ e ZANOBETTI, Il nuovo diritto internazionale privato delle successioni nell'Unione europea, in Cuadernos de derecho transnacional, 2013, n. 2, 5 ss.; ID., Il nuovo diritto internazionale privato europeo delle successioni, Torino, 2014; Il diritto internazionale privato europeo delle successioni mortis causa a cura di FRANZINA e LEANDRO, Milano, 2013; LAGARDE, Les principes de base du nouveau règlement européen sur les successions, in Rev. crit. dr. intern. priv., 2012, 691 ss. f) Sulla disciplina contenuta nel reg. CE n. 1346/2000, sulle procedure d'insolvenza: BUREAU, La fin d'un îlot de résistance. Le Règlement du Conseil relatif aux procédures d'insolvabilité, in Rev. crit. dr. intern. priv., 2002, 613 ss.; DANIELE, Il regolamento n. 1346/2000 relativo alle procedure di insolvenza: spunti critici, in Diritto internazionale privato e diritto comunitario a cura di PICONE, Padova, 2004, 289 ss.; DE CESARI e MONTELLA, Le procedure di insolvenza nella nuova disciplina comunitaria, Milano, 2004; FLETCHER, Insolvency in Private International Law 2 , Oxford, 2005; STARACE, La disciplina comunitaria delle procedure di insolvenza: giurisdizione ed efficacia delle decisioni straniere, in Riv. dir. intern., 2002, 295 ss.; VIRGÓS SORIANO e GARCIMARTÍN AL-FÉREZ, Comentario al reglamento europeo de insolvencia, Madrid, 2003. g) Sulla disciplina contenuta in convenzioni internazionali: AUDIT, Le critère d'application des conventions judiciaires multilatérales, in Le droit international privé: esprit et méthodes. Mélanges en l'honneur de Paul Lagarde, Paris, 2005, 19 ss.; BADIALI, Il riconoscimento di divorzi e di separazioni personali nella Convenzione dell'Aja del MA-RONGIU BUONAIUTI, L'accordo istitutivo del Tribunale unificato dei brevetti e la sua incidenza sulla disciplina della giurisdizione in materia civile nell'Unione europea, in Osservatorio costituzionale dell'Associazione italiana dei costituzionalisti,, gennaio 2014, 1 ss.; ROSSOLILLO, Convenzioni concluse dagli Stati membri e diritto processuale civile internazionale dell'Unione europea: interpretazione con-1. La giustizia di transizione. Nozione, storia e rapporti con il diritto penale. -Si parte da una questione molto dibattuta nei tempi recenti, ma presente addirittura dall'Antichità: quella del trattamento da riservare a coloro i quali hanno gestito una posizione di potere violando sistematicamente fondamentali diritti umani, nel momento in cui vi è stata una transizione verso una forma di governo invece rispettosa di tali diritti.
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology
The Proceedings of the International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, 2002
Folia Parasitologica, 2001
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2008
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics
Quaternary Research, 1993
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2003
Croatica et Slavica Iadertina, 2017
International journal of design & nature and ecodynamics, 2024