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Amaç ve Kapsam AURUM Mühendislik Sistemleri ve Mimarlık Dergisi (A-JESA) dergisi karmaşık mühendislik sistemlerinin modellenmesi, analizi ve optimizasyonu ve ayrıca mimari tasarım, planlama, araştırma, eğitim, teknoloji, tarih ve sanat için yılda iki kez olmak üzere (Temmuz-Şubat), İngilizce ve Türkçe yayınları kabul eden, uluslararası düzeyde yayınlanan bir dergidir. Yayım için uygun olan konu çeşitliliği tasarım, konstrüksiyon, makinelerin ve daha kompleks ısıl/mekanik/elektromekanik sistemlerin çalışma ve bakımı, bilgisayar mimarisi ve yazılım teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, yeni hesaplamalı metodolojiler, güç sistemleri, dijital elektronik sistemler, sinyal işleme, iletişim sistemleri, endüstriyel sistemlerin ve hizmet sistemlerinin tasarım ve geliştirilmesi, çeşitli girdilerdeki kompleks sistemlerde risk ve belirsizlik analizini içerecek ancak bunlarla sınırlı olmayacak biçimde geniştir. Ayrıca, mimari alan araştırması alanlarında mimari tasarım çalışmaları, mimari eğitim, bilgisayar destekli tasarım, sinematik mimari, iç mimari, mimari eleştiri, inşaat yönetimi, konut çalışmaları ve sürdürülebilirlik de dahil ancak bunlarla sınırlı olmayan alanlar bulunmaktadır. Aims and Scope AURUM-Journal of Engineering Systems and Architecture (A-JESA) is a internationally refereed journal published biannually (July-February) and accepting English and Turkish publications for modeling, analysis, and optimization of complex engineering systems; and also architectural design, planning, research, education, technology, history and art. Range of topics eligible for publication is wide including but not limited to design, construction, operation and maintenance of machines and more complex thermal/ mechanical/ electromechanical systems, advances in computer architecture and software technologies, novel computational methodologies, power systems, digital electronics systems, signal processing, communication systems, design and advancement of industrial and service systems, risk and uncertainty analysis in complex systems in various domains. Additionally, in architectural field research areas is wide including but not limited to architectural design studies, architectural education, computer aided design, cinematic architecture, interior architecture, architectural criticism, construction management, housing studies and sustainability. A-JESA publishes theory and methodology papers describing novel approaches to the problems and issues related to engineering systems and architecture, innovative applications of the theory, invited reviews of literature, and short communications. The journal welcomes articles on interdisciplinary engineering and architectural research as well.
Kültür ve İletişim'in 45. sayısıyla sizlerleyiz. Böylelikle dergimiz 23. yaşına başlıyor! Geçen her yılla birlikte Türkiye akademi tarihinde azimle yol almayı sürdüren ki'nin bir parçası olmaktan daha çok gururlanıyoruz… Bu sayıyla birlikte yapmaktan büyük bir mutluluk ve gurur duyduğum, akademik olarak çok şey öğrendiğim editörlük görevim de sona ermiş oluyor. Bu vesileyle birkaç teşekkür etmek isterim. 45. sayımız hayatın hem durduğu hem devam ettiği, dünya genelinde milyonlarca insanın hayatı evine sığdırma mücadelesi verdiği, küresel kapitalizmin büyük bir hızla dönüşmeye başladığı pandemi günlerinde yayıma hazırlandı. Böylesine zorlu bir dönemde derginin her zamanki gibi özenli ve nitelikli çıkması için emek veren tüm kör hakemlere ve dergimizin zorlu yayım kriterleri nedeniyle kimi durumlarda metinlerini defalarca revize etmeleri gereken yazarlara verdikleri emek ve katkı için çok teşekkür ederim. Editör yardımcıları Sinem Akyön Çelik, Sıla Levent ve Vahdet Mesut Ayan her zaman olduğu gibi yürüttükleri bu işi büyük bir özen ve titizlikle yerine getirmekle kalmayıp, bu zorlu akademik faaliyeti keyifli bir dayanışmaya çevirdiler. En içten teşekkürlerimi onlara iletmek isterim. Son olarak farklı şehirlerde yaşasalar da ki için bir araya gelen, derginin köklü geçmişini kurmakla kalmayıp, geleceğe de emin adımlarla ilerlemesine her tür katkıyı sunan yayın kurulunun sevgili üyelerine, hocalarımıza teşekkür ederim. Bu sayıyı sevgili dostum ve meslektaşım Tuğba Taş ile birlikte çıkardık. Tuğba sayının "Görsel Kültür" temalı dosyasını hazırlardı ve dosyada yer alan yazıların editöryal süreçlerini takip etti. Kendisine hem bu harika dosya için hem de birlikte çalışmanın keyfini paylaştığı için çok teşekkür ederim. Sayının dosya konusu kapsamındaki yazılarını sizlere dosya editörü olarak Tuğba takdim edecek. 45. sayımızda yine dolu dolu bir içerikle sizlerleyiz. Bu sayıda kör hakemlik sürecini tamamlayan 11 bilimsel araştırma makalesinin yanı sıra bir kitap eleştirisi ve bir de değini yer alıyor. Bu yazıların altısı dosya konusu dışındaki yazılardan oluşuyor. Bunlardan ilki Nihan Bozok'un "Hastalığını Anlatmak, Dünyaya Doğru Açılmak, Dayanışmak ve Güçlenmek Üzerine: Kadınların Sözlerine Uğrayan Sağaltıcı Diyaloglar" başlıklı makalesi. Bozok, makalesinde modern tıp geleneğinin hasta
Acupuncture in a wider meaning like TCM is one of the not so conventional healing methods, which is currently scientifically the best-analyzed field. In European union it is officially accepted and its usage is in a different extent regulated. It is officially used in 122 world countries. (Picture. 1-2)³⁵ Basic research already today provides convincing data about the existence of acupunctural points. To some extent functions of neurotransmitters are clarified, currently approximately 40 of those that play a role in by acupuncture caused effect are identified. For years it's been known that stimulation of individual peripheral acupunctural points causes activation and deactivation of specific parts of brain³⁶. Despite that, there are still a lot of unknown questions regarding clinical effects of acupuncture. It is caused by a small amount of well-controlled, randomized, double blind experiments in this field³⁷, but Conceptual barriers are appearing. Acupuncture is hard to formulate, individual healing form, which is hard to apply on chosen groups of uniformed healing processes. Still, it is internationally known and people are in an increased amount demanding its application. Health care providers in the EU are also showing interest in this topic. Basic prerequisite for accurate usage and its effective application are rooted in regularity, education and more education on an accurate level, which for tens of years have been done by universities. Only continuing support for such education and continuing increase of the quality is the right path in accomplishing of quality education (for this purpose a good quality basis is given by the foundation
This paper will examine Irenaeus’ theology of the Imago Dei, focusing on his understanding of humanity’s creation in God’s image, how image and likeness are differentiated, sins effects upon the Imago Dei and God’s ultimate plan of recapitulation through Christ. This paper will look to Irenaeus’ major work, Against Heresies along with his Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching as source texts.
NEW! The Institute's new research initiatives includes a panel study of secondary traumatic stress and related factors and a survey of social workers and other human service professionals. This is an effort to do two things simultaneously: First to provide a resource to professionals and volunteers working with the traumatized people or others who may be in crisis or are experiencing acute stress. Second, the Panel helps generate longitudinal data to be able to understand and help these professionals. For example, we hope to test the utility of a new measure of secondary traumatic stress reactions developed by Brian Bride others. Volunteers seeking information about their own functioning will be treated as Panel Members will take the tests online. Their answers will help compute baseline and psychometric data for particular professionals (e.g., social workers, teachers, nurses) working with particular clients (e.g., acute care patients, rape survivors, inner city children). Purpose The purpose of this webpage is to provide an overview of this important concept. Also, the purpose is to encourage collaboration toward building a sound theory and research base that will lead to effective programs for preventing and treating compassion fatigue encourage collaboration toward building a sound theory and research base that will lead to effective programs for preventing and treating compassion fatigue.
Egyptian Journal of Geology, 2021
T HE EGYPTIAN Western Desert is considered as one of the most arid regions in the country. Recently, expanding developmental activities are invading the study area in El Farafra Oasis especially agriculture. The groundwater in the Western Desert represents the main source of water where the increase in groundwater extraction rates could affect the future development plans negatively. Accordingly, this article is concerned with the study of the hydrogeological characteristics of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) and the effect of groundwater exploitation on aquifer potentiality. The study includes well inventory, measuring piezometric heads, measuring salinity of groundwater samples as well as conducting and analysing of pumping/ recovery tests on selected wells. Two hydrogeological cross sections were constructed based on the data of new drilled wells. The regional groundwater flow direction in the NSAS is from southwest to northeast. However, local groundwater flow from east to west is evidenced due to extensive groundwater extraction in the west. The analyses of pumping tests were carried out to estimate the hydraulic properties such as the hydraulic conductivity (K), the transmissivity (T) and the storativity (S). The average K is about 7.1 m/d, while the average T is about 2704 m 2 /d. The storativity reached about 0.0002. The potentiality of the NSAS varies from high potential in the middle and the eastern parts, to moderate potential in the western parts. A groundwater development plan is recommended to avoid the deterioration of the NSAS in the coming decades.
Part of speech ini digunakan untuk menamai orang, benda, hewan, tempat, dan konsep abstrak.
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Pengembangan Nilai Bagi Anak Usia Dini dan Kecerdasan Agama dan Moral Anak Usia Dini, 2024
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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2015
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