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Cercetări arheologice, 2022
Acest studiu este dedicat unei categorii speciale de material arheologic, păstrate în colecțiile Muzeului Național de Istorie, terra sigillata de la Feldioara. Analiza a fost realizată pe un lot de 44 de piese ce au fost descoperite în cadrul campaniilor arheologice întreprinse între anii 1987-1990. În urma analizei stilistice (în cazul pieselor cu decor), coroborată cu analiza tipologică și cea a pastelor din care sunt confecționate obiectele am constatat faptul că importurile provin din două mari centre producătoare de terra sigillata: Lezoux și Rheinzabern. Astfel, centrul de la Lezoux reprezintă locul de proveniență a celei mai mari părți din sigilatele descoperite la Feldioara. Atelierele de la Rheinzabern constituie, de asemenea, una dintre sursele principale de terra sigillata de la Feldioara.
Dicţionarul multimedia al teatrului românesc, 2020
Paul BOR TNOVSKI " A �� # � � U41N'f-t'� 11 Florica lchim.: Prima Î ntrebare pe care vreau să v-o pun nu are nici o legă tură cu creaţia dumneavoastră. Vi s-a spus vreodată " tovarăşe " ? V-a spus cineva vreodată " tovarăşul Bortnovski? "
Analele Universității de Vest. Seria Științe Filologice, 2022
In two of her works, Mateiu I. Caragiale – Initiation and Aestheticism (2005) and Under the Sign of the Baroque (2009), Dana Nicoleta Popescu has synthesized the thematic similarities between Mateiu’s Gallants of the Old Court and Lampedusa’s The Cheetah, investigating the baroque motifs throughout these works. Beyond the stream of motifs on which Dana Nicoleta Popescu makes subtle commentaries, a baroque of nature can be identified, represented by the twilight moment, bright and exuberant, but marked by an awareness of transience, of dimming light and death, specific to the baroque. The presence of the twilight is associated, in Mateiu’s creative space, with a veritable chromatic explosion, meant to convey the astounding colour palette of the sun through a series of ample, richly decorated images, in which an abundance of roses and crimson nuances is joined by an abundance of blood and fire. Splendidly coloured, but with a nostalgic tint, the twilight is converted in Mateiu Caragiale and Lampedusa into an expressive metaphor of the aristocratic twilight, awakening in the imagination of the reader the iconic image of a past filled with glamour and noble majesty. Keywords: twilight; baroque of nature; splendour; melancholy; twilight of nobility.
Having a long tradition among the Romanian mass-media, the childrenřs magazines had an important role in educating and shaping the readersř character, believes and behavior. The influence of the press was due to the high confidence with which those magazines were credited. Children's magazines have followed the general trend of the press, representing a reflection of the national policies. If until August 1944, the magazines dedicated to children had mostly an educational and entertaining role, after this date they were used as a manipulation and propaganda tool. From this point of view, an interesting period is that of the early years of communism, when we can notice the coexistence of the two roles Ŕ educational and political. The aim of our study is to describe the evolution of Jurnalul copiilor (The Childrenřs Journal), to highlight its particularities, and to reveal the most important topics.
Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series, 2015
This paper aims at discussing some problems of the contemporary art through some of Arthur Danto’s theories. The concept of the end of art, the new way of making art, how to understand the contemporary art are some fundamental problems of nowadays art criticism. Comparisons among artistic techniques used by various avant-gardist movements, especially cubist, abstractionist and dadaist ones are intended to build a comprehensive image of the evolution in art creativity towards post-wars period represented by new contributions (Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys). These examples prove that the contemporary art needs a more attentive interpretation and a better understanding of the material-form connection within the art work and the process of plastic creativity.
Philologia, 2021
What should a book about theater look like? How about the one about a category of theatrical performances in the ethnological dimension? Research project of the Institute of Romanian Philology B. P. Hasdeu stimulates research into socio-cultural contexts and European connections, and Eugeniu Coseriu urges us to open up universally - each with his own field of research. In the sub-theme National Folklore Corpus, the popular (folkloric) theater is my area of expertise and the Latin phrase Theatrum mundi = The spectacle of the world. The world seen as a spectacle it is the universal concept of theatricality. The definite sign of the theater is the character. In illo tempore, man invented an incredible, saving theater, modeling fictional characters from the most abundant matter - from what he did not know, out of ignorance. For phenomena that man could not explain in the beginning, he shaped ... spirits, supernatural beings, elves. The nebula of imaginary characters fell into two broad ...
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Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical And Allied Sciences ISSN NO. 2320 - 7418 DOI 10.22270/ujpr.v7i5.767 Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, V 7-I 5, 767. July 2018, 1064-1069Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, V7-I7, 789. October 2018, 2000-2013 , 2018
Research Methodology - Methods and Techniques, 2004
Slavic and East European Review, 2023
Deposito de Investigacion Universidad de Sevilla (University of Seville), 2017
JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK)
Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Journal of general internal medicine, 2017
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 2021
Journal of Surgical Case Reports
Cellular Therapy and Transplantation, 2018
Marine environmental research, 2018
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 1970