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2017, Romanian Journal of Materials
5 pages
1 file
The paper presents the results of the studies performed on the influence of redispersible powders and of the cellulose ethers in mineral plasters applied as the last layer in exterior thermal insulation composite systems. Starting from traditional recipes, using polymeric additives specific for ETICS, there were developed original products in which the polymer additive (redispersible powder) concentration was modified with impact on physical and mechanical characteristics. The using of the cellulose ether led to obtaining some light compositions (smaller density) and good workability at application. The using of the redispersible powders has contributed to obtaining some mortars with low water permeability, high water vapour permeability and good support adherence, significant advantages for the products durability. There have been highlighted the chemical interactions between the redispersible powders and the Ca 2+ ions released during the cement hydration process. The redispersible powders act as a second binder in the system, thus leading to improved performance. În prezenta lucrare a fost studiată influenţa pulberilor redispersabile şi a eterilor de celuloză în tencuielile minerale aplicate ca ultim strat în sisteme de izolare termică la exterior. Pornind de la reţete tradiţionale, utilizând aditivi polimerici specifici pentru sistemele ETICS au fost concepute produse originale în care s-a modificat concentraţia de aditiv polimeric (pulbere redispersabilă) cu impact asupra caracteristicilor fizico-mecanice. Utilizarea eterului de celuloză a condus la obţinerea unor compoziţii uşoare (densitate mai mică) şi lucrabilitate bună la aplicare. Utilizarea pulberilor redispersabile a contibuit la obţinerea unor mortare cu permeabilitate la apă scăzută, permeabiltate mare la vapori şi aderenţă bună la suport, avantaje semnificative pentru durabilitatea produselor. Au fost puse în evidenţă interacţiuni chimice între pulberile redispersabile şi ionii de Ca 2+ eliberaţi la procesul de hidratare a cimentului. Pulberile redispersabile acţionează ca un al 2-lea liant în sistem conducând astfel la performanţe îmbunătăţite.
Materiales De Construccion, 2001
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la validez de diferentes métodos, no calorimétricos, utilizados en la determinación del grado de reacción de pastas de escoria activada alcalinamente. Los métodos utilizados fueron: (a) método de separación química por disolución en metanol ácido-salicilico; (b) determinación de las pérdidas de masa entre 100-600 °C en las curvas de TG, pérdidas asociadas a la cantidad de agua químicamente combinada: (c) cuantificación de la señal de-74 ppm de los espectros de ^^Si RMN MAS. Las variables consideradas en el proceso fueron: naturaleza del activador alcalino (Waterglass, Na^CO^ y NaOH), concentración del activador (4% y 3% de Nafi en masa respecto a la escoria), temperatura de curado (25 y 45 °C), superficie específica de la escoria (460 y 900 m^/kg) y tiempo de reacción (de 7 días a 18 meses). Los resultados obtenidos indican que ninguno de los tres métodos es definitivo pero sí son complementarios y permiten seguir la evolución reactiva de la escoria activada alcalinamente. El método basado en la cuantificación de la señal de-74 ppm de los espectros de ^^Si RMN MAS es el más adecuado. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the validity of non-calorimetric different methods, used in the determination of reaction degree of alkaline activated slag pastes. The methods used were: (a) chemical separation by methanol-salicylic acid; (b) determination of the weight loss mass between 100-600 °C in TG curves, associated to chemically combined water; (c) quantification of the-74 ppm signal in ^^Si MAS-NMR spectra. The parameters considered in the process were: nature of the alkaline activator (Waterglass, NaJZO^ and NaOH), activator concentration (4% and 3% Nafi in mass with respect to the slag), curing temperature (25 and 45 °C), slag specific surface (460 and 900 m^/kg) and time of reaction (from 7 days to 18 months). The results obtained indicate that none of the three methods is definitive but complementary and they provide to follow the reactive evolution of the alkaline activated slag cements. The method based on the quantification of the-74 ppm signal in the ^^Si MAS NMR is the most suitable method. 1. INTRODUCCIÓN La bibliografía existente no recoge ningún método físico-químico válido que permita determinar el grado de reacción en pastas de escorias activadas alcalinamente (AAS). Diversos autores (1, 2, 3,4) L INTRODUCTION The bibliography does not collect any physicochemical method to determine the reaction degree in pastes of alkaline activated slag (AAS). Some authors (J, 2, 3, 4) define the hydration degree as a function
Revista Romana de materiale = Romanian journal of materials = RRM
Cimentul aluminos este constituientul betoanelor refractare care, în urma proceselor de hidratarehidroliză, determină întărirea acestora, în condiţii normale, consecinţă a lierii hidraulice. O valoare ridicată a dozajului de ciment aluminos în beton este însoţită de scăderea temperaturii de utilizare şi deprecierea caracteristicilor mecano-structurale ale acestui produs. Betoanele refractare sunt fabricate pe scară largă prin utilizarea unor valori obişnuite ale dozajului de ciment aluminos (~20%). Există însă tendinţa de a reduce dozajul de ciment, la limite foarte scăzute, chiar până la eliminarea sa, în scopul îmbunătăţirii proprietăţilor calitative şi de utilizare a acestor materiale refractare. Acest lucru este posibil prin înlocuirea cimentului aluminos cu adaosuri care au aptitudinea să dezvolte alte forme liante, alături de cea hidraulică. Scopul prezentei lucrări constă în prezentarea posibilităţilor de utilizare a pulberilor aluminoase şi silicioase, ca substituenţi ai cimentului aluminos, care sunt capabile să dezvolte şi alte forme liante, diferite de cea hidraulică.
Recent advances in the field of constructions include the development of new materials and technologies, together with higher quality requirements, the need to respect shorter deadlines, reducing the costs, increasing the productivity by mechanized application of mortars, the need to obtain a constant quality of the materials. All these have imposed significant changes of traditional mortars [1]. Using polymer additives (redispersible powders, cellulose ethers) in mortars based on mineral binders, several properties are considerably improved, such as: adhesion to the substrate, open time, water retention capacity, flexibility, durability. Today one cannot conceive dry-mix mortars without addition of polymer additives. The advantages of the dry-mix mortars are: they do not require the water transport, it eliminates the problems linked to metering the products on the site, the destruction and recycling of packaging materials is more effective, they are not affected by frost, storage i...
Preliminary notes The contribution describes the use of polyurethane foam after the end of its life cycle as an aggregate both for thermal insulating mortars for various wall surfaces and for lightweight concrete. The structure and the physical and mechanical properties of thermal insulating mortar are described here. The verification of application of thermal insulating polyurethane mortar in the thickness of 50 ÷ 70 mm to a reference building, where external walls were insulated, is provided further. The second important area dealt with in this contribution is that of lightweight concrete, for which polyurethane foam of grain size of 0,125 ÷ 6 mm is used as an aggregate. The physical and mechanical properties of polyurethane concrete of various densities and an example of its prefabrication are presented. Poliuretanska pjena kao agregat za toplinske izolacijske žbuke i laki beton Prethodno priopćenje Prilog opisuje uporabu poliuretanske pjene nakon završetka njezinog životnog ciklusa kao agregata i za toplinske izolacije žbuke za različite zidne površine i za laki beton. Ovdje su opisane struktura i fizikalno-mehanička svojstva toplinske izolacijske žbuke. Nadalje se daje provjera primjene toplinske izolacijske poliuretanske žbuke u debljini 50 do 70 mm na referentnoj zgradi, kod koje su vanjski zidovi izolirani. Drugo važno područje kojim se bavi ovaj prilog je da se poliuretanska pjena veličine zrna od 0,125 do 6 mm koristi kao agregat kod lakog betona. Prikazana su fizikalna i mehanička svojstava betona od poliuretana različitih gustoća i primjer njegove prerade. Ključne riječi: agregat, fizikalna svojstva, laki beton, mehanička svojstva, poliuretanska pjena, toplinsko izolacijska žbuka
The paper presents an interdisciplinary study based on: site inspections, petrographical and mineralogical research (staining methods, transmission polarizing microscopy, XRD analyses) and water absorption tests performed on samples extracted from replaced masonry units (tiles, blocks), weathered and non-weathered Portland cement mortars and tuff tiles from fortifying walls of a monumental tuff-made construction. The main outlined weathering processes were: intensive cracking (drying shrinkage; alkaline-aggregate-reaction, carbonation and salt crystallization, frost attack) and leaching associated with secondary carbonation and sulphate (intrinsic and extrinsic) attack induced expansive phenomena. The chemical and physical incompatibility between tuff, brick and cement based mortar beside the high level of stagnant humidity along the zeolites-bearing tuff blocks surfaces appears to be the first cause of decay and deleterious effects. Lucrarea reprezintă un studiu cu caracter inter-d...
Research, Society and Development, 2021
Concrete is a material used in various applications, involving paving, sanitation, infrastructure and superstructure works, dams, bridges, and architectural elements, but for certain applications their physical and mechanical properties are affected by intense degradation agents, motivating the search for artifacts that improve these properties and increase the useful life and durability of matrix materials cement industry. The objective of this work is to clarify the influence of different mix of superplasticizer, steel fibers, water/cement factor, different types of mineral admixtures, besides the type of thermal treatment and method of cylindrical concrete molds of reactive powders, evaluating the resistance to axial compression at the ages of 7 and 14 days. 17 compositions were defined, by mass, for the manufacture of concretes, divided into two stages: the first composed of 10 compositions, and the second by 7 compositions. It was used CP-V ARI cement, sand, metakaolin, silica ...
Thermal performance of mortars/concretes containing analcime, 2021
The aim of this study is to achieve a synergy with positive properties of zeolites such as thermal performance and pozzolanic admixture. For this aim, in the study, analcime and clinoptilolite, the two different natural zeolite minerals, were used as pozzolanic replacement material for blended cements. The replacement ratios with Portland cement of zeolites were 0, 10, 30 and 50%. The clinoptilolite which is widely used in the market was used in comparison with zeolite for the determination of similar properties for analcime. Mortars/concretes containing analcime and clinoptilolite blended cements were produced. In the study, (1) physical, chemical, mechanical, mineralogical, petrographic, thermal properties and pozzolanic activities for analcime and clinoptilolite, (2) conformity tests of blended cements, and (3) strength and the thermal performance for mortars/concretes containing blended cements were determined. The test results have been compared among themselves and with each o...
Construction and Building Materials, 2011
Plaster materials made of waste gypsum or flue-gas-desulferized (FGD) gypsum with chemicals, organic and inorganic additives were studied. Glucose, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate were incorporated to retard the hydration of plaster. Saw dust (SD), coconut fibers (CCF) and tobacco waste fiber (TWF) were incorporated to improve the thermal property. Diatomaceous earth (DE), fly ash (FA) and bottom ash (BA) were incorporated to improve the mechanical and thermal properties. Citric acid, TWF, sodium bicarbonate and glucose could be used to retard the setting time of fresh FGD-plaster to approximately 25 min comparable to that of commercial plaster while the other additives did not retard the hydration. In presences of these retarding additives, needle shaped gypsum changed into lower aspect ratio particles. SD, CCF, DE, FA and BA modified gypsum crystal growth and reduced the crystal length. These changes in morphology consequently gave significant alterations of mechanical and thermal properties of the materials. The additions of organic and inorganic additives resulted in a reduction of bulk density and increases in water absorption, and similar strength compared to commercial gypsum. A good thermal insulating property was obtained from the samples with the incorporation of coconut fiber, BA and DE. In addition, these samples had a good performance in fire proof.
This study deals with the characterization of masonry mortars produced with different binders and sands. Several properties of the mortars were determined, like consistence, compressive and flexural strengths, shrinkage and fracture energy. By varying the type of binder (Portland cement, hydrated lime and hydraulic lime) and the type of sand (natural or artificial), it was possible to draw some conclusions about the influence of the composition on mortars properties. The results showed that the use of Portland cement makes the achievement of high strength classes easier. This was due to the slower hardening of lime compared with cement. The results of fracture energy tests showed much higher values for artificial sand mortars when compared with natural sand ones. This is due to the higher roughness of artificial sand particles which provided better adhesion between sand and binder.
Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta, 2018
This article provides information about the possibilities and technologies [2] available for the building industry in the Republic of Serbia, and concerns the trendswhich expansion is expected in Europe and worldwide-the of use of renewable sources of building materials. Exploitation of sand and gravel from rivers and dry mines in many EU countries is prohibited. Excavation of clay from clay deposits and blasting the rock mass are considered as a violation of the natural environment and resulting with scars on our planet Earth.Renewable sources of construction materials are considered materials which each year can be renewed and which are the most common by-product of agricultural production.Materials obtained by recycling existing materials already used in construction, as well as by-products of industrial production are also considered sustainable materials.Renewable materials are supporting the new, worldwide trend in building industry, called "Green Building" with the aim of reducing harmful CO2 emissions.This paper will discuss renewable materials obtained as a by-product of agricultural production such as grain straw (wheat, barley, rye and oats), cane and hemp shiv obtained by mechanical breakingof hemp stems.These materials are cheap because they are by-products and they are energy efficient, which is particularly important nowadays.The construction of buildings with the above mentioned materials should be well planned to ensure the durability, fire resistance and particularly the pleasant and comfortable stay for the people.The walls made of this material must be solved, and ensured to avoid occurrence of rodents and other pests that may be carriers of dangerous and contagious diseases.
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