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As its title indicates, Introduction to Philosophy aims at initiating students to philosophical studies. Its scope is broad enough to provide a wide survey of philosophical practices around the globe and through time, while being focused enough to highlight the significant methodological orientations and thematic that continue to shape the field today. The semester is divided into three parts. The first block launches the entire program by asking what, indeed, is philosophy all about. To draw an initial outline in guise of an answer, students are introduced to ancient Mediterranean philosophy before moving on to ponder the contemporary divide between continental and analytical philosophy. The second block then shifts the focus towards India, to introduce its philosophical tradition in a historical and traditional manner. The student is then introduced to other philosophical traditions around the globe, like the Chinese, African, and Mesoamerican cultures. While undertaking a general survey of global philosophy, students learn about the basic methodological requirements of comparative philosophy. Finally, with block three, students are refocused on the two main domains of investigation in philosophy worldwide, that is metaphysics and epistemology. They are then introduced to the eternal questions of 'what' is to be known and 'how' can it be known, drawing the first lines of an inquiry that will be pursued with more focus in future semesters. 2) Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to: CLO Outcome CPA-D Mapping CLO-1 Demonstrate critical and comprehensive understanding of dominant historical currents in Western Philosophy and of their methodology. C2-3 PO-1 PO-2 CLO-2 Demonstrate critical and comprehensive understanding of global philosophical developments and of the methods of comparative philosophy. C2-3 PO-1 PO-2 CLO-3 Demonstrate critical and comprehensive understanding of the method and topics pertaining to the complimentary domains of metaphysics and epistemology.
The word 'Philosophy' involves two Greek words -Philo meaning love and Sophia meaning knowledge. Thus literally speaking, philosophy means love of wisdom. Man is a rational animal. Desire for knowledge arises from this rational nature of man. Philosophy is an attempt to satisfy this very reasonable desire. Philosophy signifies a natural and necessary urge in human-beings to know themselves and world in which they live, move and have their being. It is impossible for man to live without a philosophy. The choice is not 'between metaphysic and no metaphysic ; it is between a good metaphysic and a bad metaphysic'.
" It is time to consider how philosophy can contribute at all levels of society… " STO. THOMAS AQUINAS PHILOSOPHY The concept of the human being is meaningful application of the scientific investigation and acquisition which characterized our knowledge and intellect. We may use it wisely of what we think which form that based on these inspiration of the millennials. Aquinas philosophy is that it is attracted of his exception to this role of the complete course as well as the pedagogical development. How well do we understand human being of the bridging attention in mentoring our perception? While there is focusing on the most relevant of the human life we ensure this study our relationship on people. It is important to bring to the awareness of the safety and sense of our well-being which relating to their institutions. This includes what we follow according to their beliefs of our cultural identity our existence to respect the view of the environment. We attained it as necessarily of the person we imply of sharing our reaction to others who in their especial competence in the practice of our philosophy. We study our intellect in order to understand human being in our lives and therefore brought our higher standards. Rather, it reflects our broader capability of the natural process which develops in the human being our thinking and reason that has been differentiated. To distinctly build our certain position begins to desire of the matter is ruled by the Aquinas that human beings perceive our possibility. There is relation between knowledge and intellect if we turn our moral reasoning the significant we arises of our sense experiences.
A syllabus for a two-week intensive course in Intro to Philosophy at Moody Bible Institute—Spokane.
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