2018, New English Review Press ONE DIMENSIONAL MAN? HAD MY DAD understood it, my graduate school enrollment in "Literary and Cultural Theory" would have struck hin1 as tantamount o madness, like self-commitment to an insane asylum. After the Ginsberg apprenticeship, which definitively ended any remaining prospects I had for medical school, he wouldn't have had tears left to cry. Perhaps that partly explains why I got married, had three children, and worked in advertising for nine years first, waiting until my early thirties to begin grad school. By then, my father had been considerably reduced, physically and cognitively, by a series of strokes. I no longer had to answer to him, even if I wanted to.

CHAPTERS THE SEDUCTION OF THEORY ONE DIMENSIONAL MAN? understood it, my graduate school enrollment in «Literary and Cultural Theory" would have struck hin1 as tantamount to madness, like self-comillitment to an insane asylum. After the Ginsberg apprenticeship, which definitively ended any remaining prospects I had for medical school, he wouldn't have had tears left to cry. Perhaps that partly explains why I got married, had three children, and worked in advertising for nine years first, waiting until my early thirties to begin grad school. By then, my father had been considerably reduced, physically and cognitively, by a series of strokes. I no longer had to answer to him, even if I wanted to. AD MY DAD