International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
Touchless Region based
Palmprint Verification System
Satya Bhushan Verma, Saravanan Chandran
resolution imaging, low cost hardware, stable structural
feature, fast feature extraction, easy availability, high
verification accuracy, and high user acceptability. Most of the
palmprint recognition approaches are using natural light for
image acquisition for biometric applications.
Palm is an inner surface of hand and the palm contains three
types of lines those are called flexion creases, secondary
creases, and ridges. The flexion creases are known as principal
lines and the secondary crease are called wrinkles. These lines
are used for forming biometric features in palm print
verification. Principle lines are used in few palmprint
recognition models and ridges with minutiae are used in few
palmprint recognition systems. Researchers have been
working on high resolution images as well as low resolution
images for biometrics applications. The high resolution
images mostly used for criminal detection and forensic
purpose and low resolution images are mainly used in
automatic attendance, gate entry, and public authentication
applications. Usually high resolution image are considered as
minimum of 400dpi and the low resolution image considered
as maximum of 150dpi. It is noticed from the literature in
general the palmprint-based identification techniques have
been developed using any one of the techniques, principal line
based techniques or subspace based techniques or statistical
The principal line based approaches are developed by using
edge detection algorithms. In the subspace based approaches,
the palmprint image is measured as data with high-dimension,
which can be plotted into lower dimensional space. Using the
correlation better matching is obtained [7]. In the statistical
based approaches series of different filters are applied on
palmprint images then the image is determined with a binary
scheme. Statistical based approaches proved high verification
accuracy, which is most effective recognition method
compared to other approaches. Still, various research works
are taking place which are focusing on development of
efficient palmprint recognition techniques.
Abstract— The Biometrics systems have been used for
identification of a person with their physical structure or a
behavioural characteristic. Palmprint is popular nowadays for
identifying a person because of its ridges is big in size compared
to fingerprint. A palmprint consists of three types of lines those
are called principal lines, secondary lines, and wrinkles. These
lines contain rich and robust information of a person which are
used as a biometric. Palmprint verification systems are available
in touch and touchless systems. The touchless system is
preferable than touch based system for easy maintenance. In this
research article, an effective touchless palmprint verification
system is proposed for identification of a person. The proposed
new model is developed by using Gabor filter and Local Binary
Pattern (LBP) with their variant that is LBP-U, LBP-RI, and
LBP-RIU. The experiment is carried out by using IITD
palmprint database and CASIA palmprint database. The Gabor
filter based on Rotation Invariant Uniform Local Binary Pattern
(GFLBP-RIU) feature extraction technique has produced best
total success rate (TSR) is equal to 99.25% and 99.00% in IITD
palmprint database and CASIA database respectively. The
proposed method takes 0.88 second for palmprint matching.
Index Terms— Palmprint, Gabor Filter, Local Binary Pattern,
LBP, Biometric.
HE Biometric techniques have been commonly used for
verification of the identity of an individual with their
physical structure or behavioral characteristics.
physiological characteristics such as iris, fingerprint,
palmprint, face, ear etc. and the behavioral characteristics like
as signature, keystroke, gait etc. are unique and used in
biometric applications. The biometrics techniques are
classified into touch and touchless based techniques. The
touchless based techniques are highly preferred for it easy
maintenance. The palmprint based biometric techniques is
easy implement using touchless approach and its many
advantages over other approaches like it works in low
Satya Bhushan Verma is currently pursuing PhD in Computer Science from
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal, India.
[email protected]
Saravanan Chandran has completed Ph.D. from Department of Computer
Applications, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, in 2009. He
is currently working as Assistant Professor at the National Institute of
Technology, Durgapur, India E-mail:
[email protected]
A.H. M. Al-Melali et al. proposed a fast personal palmprint
authentication based on 3-D multi wavelet transformation [1].
In that paper they used 3-D discrete multi wavelet
transformation as the feature extractor and a probabilistic
artificial neural network as a classifier. They tested and
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
evaluate their proposed method upon 240 palmprint images.
They achieved 100% recognition rate.
Wai Kin Kong, David Zhang and Wenxin Li [24] used 2-D
Gabor filter for palmprint feature extraction. The palmprint
image was captured using a digital scanner. The coordinate
system was set based on the boundaries of fingers for
extracting the ROI. Further they applied 2-D Gabor filter for
textured feature extraction and distance matching. After the
experiment they found filter 11th filter is the best of 12 filters
in term of accuracy.
Dewi Yanti Liliana et al. proposed a biometric palm
recognition system combining palmprint and hand geometry
[5]. First, they applied preprocessing then they extracted two
features one for palmprint and another one for hand geometry.
After extracting features from hand geometry and palmprint,
they matched with the database by test feature. They tested the
model with 100 samples by using three methods, using a)
palmprint, b) hand geometry and c) combination of palmprint
and the hand geometry. They achieved higher accuracy rate
89% by the combination of palmprint and the hand geometry
compared to others.
M. I. Ahmad et al. proposed a palmprint recognition scheme
by using local feature and global features of palm [11]. They
applied DCT co-efficient and LDA co-efficient in local region
to obtain a matching score. They applied LDA co-efficient in
Global region to obtain another matching score. A fused score
is developed using matching score of global region and
matching score of local region for making decision. They
achieved Genuine Acceptance Rate (GAR) 98% and False
Acceptance Rate (FAR) 0.1%.
Kamlesh Tiwari et al. proposed a palmprint based
recognition system which is based on palmprint based
recognition system using local structure tensor and force field
transformation [9]. First, they found region of interest in palm
image then applied preprocessing. Further, they extracted
features in segmented palm image. They used IITD, CASIA,
and PolyU palmprint database for performance evaluation.
They achieved 99.89% accuracy in CASIA database, 99.97%
PolyU database and in IITK database, they found 100%. The
kernel value 5 has achieved high accuracy for all three
Nagesh Kumar et al. [15] proposed a multimodal biometric
system by the combination of face image and palmprint. They
extracted feature by using canonical form based PCA method
and used Euclidean distance as a distance parameter. The final
result was made by the fusion of score level architecture of
palm and face and resulted in getting 97% accuracy for the
Face, 96% accuracy for the palmprint, and 97% accuracy on
the fusion of face and palmprint.
Saravanan Chandran et al. presented a Touchless palmprint
verification system using shock filter, SIFT, I-RANSAC and
LPD (Local Palmprint Descriptors) [18]. Firstly they applied
shock filter in segmented palmprint image and showed that the
preprocessed image gives more SIFT points than without
shock filter. Then they extracted SIFT features and moreover
refined the SIFT feature by using I-RANSAC and LPD. This
resulted in the preprocessed image giving better matching
score than without preprocessing. They used IIT Delhi and
CASIA palmprint database.
Quan Wang has published a paper and described the Kernel
Principle Component Analysis and its application in face
recognition [17]. Kernel PCA allows nonlinear dimensionality
reduction. In this proposed paper they firstly construct the
Kernel Matrix for the data set (test image) and then compute
the Gram matrix. Then they calculated the Kernel Principal
Component by using vectors. Error rates of 8.82% and 23.08%
in the training data and testing data simultaneously in
Principal Component Analysis, and 6.86%, 11.54% error rate
in the training data and testing data simultaneously Kernel
Principal Component Analysis.
Ruifang Wang et al. [16] proposed high-resolution
palmprint recognition by using spectral minutiae. They
divided the palm into three regions called interdigital region,
thenar, and hypothenar. The interdigital region contains
significant singular points and heart line. The thenar region
contains minor creases and wrinkles and hypothenar region
contains regular ridges. They applied spectral minutiae
representation into each region, made a regional fusion of
them, and to get a score. They achieved 2.4% EER for sum
rule fusion, and 1.77% for logistic regression based fusion.
Slobodan Ribari et al. [19] proposed an approach based on
Gabor filter for color palmprint images. First, they
decomposed color image into R, G, and B components then
applied Gabor filtering and thresholding in each component.
They used generalized Hamming distance as a classifier. They
achieved recognition accuracy approximately 98.71%.
Murat Ekinci et al. proposed a palmprint recognition system
using kernel PCA of Gabor feature [14]. In this article, they
integrated the Gabor wavelet and kernel PCA methods. The
Gabor wavelet first derives necessary palm features by the
spatial frequency, spatial locality, and the orientation
selectivity. Further, they used kernel PCA method to project
the palmprint from the high dimensional palmprint space to a
considerably lower-dimensional feature space. Moreover, they
calculated Euclidean distance and they used nearest neighbour
classifier for features matching and classification. They
achieved correct recognition rate 97.22%.
Meiru Mua et al. proposed a palmprint identification by
using complex directional wavelet and LBP (local binary
pattern) [10]. First they extracted the shift and grey scale
invariant local features by combining the shiftable (CDFB)
Complex Directional Filter Bank Transform and (LBP) Local
Binary Pattern. They used Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD)
analysis classifier for palmprint identification. They used
Hong Kong PolyU palmprint database for the experiment.
They achieved highest accuracy of 99.32 % in 0.022 seconds.
A. Wincy and G. C. Chandran, proposed a palmprint
scheme by using PCF and SURF feature [3]. Firstly they
applied preprocessing in segmented palmprint images. Then
they extracted features by using Phase-Correlation Function
(PCF) and matched with the database. Further they applied
Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) extraction and matching.
They used Hong Kong PolyU palmprint database. They
achieved EER of 6.488%.
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
ωyο = Centre frequency of y direction in which the filter
produces the greatest response.
σx = Standard deviation of Gaussian function of x directions.
σy = Standard deviation of Gaussian function of y directions.
For the real part of Gabor filter above figure 1 is defined in
equation 2 [19].
Azadeh Ghandehari and Reza Safabakhsh proposed a
comparison between principal component analysis and
adaptive principal component extraction for the palmprint
recognition [2]. Firstly they applied improved PCA for
palmprint recognition and they also used Adaptive principal
component extraction. They have also shown the
mathematical model of PCA and APEX. They used Euclidean
distance and Hamming distance as classifiers. They achieved
highest recognition rate of 94.57% in PCA and 98.33% in
APEX, by using the Euclidean distance. They achieved
highest recognition rate of 95.91% in PCA and 98.67% in
APEX, by using the Hamming distance.
These various research works encouraged to develop a new
better touchless palmprint based biometrics technique which is
mentioned in detail in the following section 4.
Ψ(x, y, ω, θ) =
(4x2 +y2 )
(eiωx − e− 2 )
xι=(x-xo)cosθ +(y-yo)sinθ,
yι=-(x-xo)sin θ+(y-yo)cosθ,
(xo, yo) = The center of function.
ω = The radial frequency in the radians per unit length.
Θ = The orientation of Gabor function in radians.
k = √(2ln 2) ((2δ +1)/ (2δ -1))
Local Binary Pattern is a visual descriptor which is used in
pattern recognition and computer vision as a texture descriptor.
Initially, Local Binary Pattern introduced by the Timo Ojala et
al. [21, 22, and 23] has been used as a main texture analyzer for
analysis of images mainly for its representation of
discriminative information. These are some other zones where
LBP works effectively such as face recognition, demographic
classification, object identification etc.
The Gabor filter is a powerful tool in the fields of computer
vision and pattern recognition. The Gabor filter is a renowned
isotropic filter. It gives many advantages like variation of
rotation, translation and illumination, which is raised by
capturing the device and palm structure. Gabor filter gives
higher flexibility in the definition of function shape, because
of more general set of degree of freedom.
The flexible size for a circular neighbourhood was
proposed in [22] for controlling the insufficiency of the original
LBP operator of 3 × 3 neighbourhood size that not able to trace
the dominant texture features in to the large scale structures.
The LBP label for a centre which has pixel coordinate (x, y) of
an image is given by [22].
LBPP,R (x, y) = ∑P−1
P=0 s(g p − g c ) 2
g c = Grey value of pixel of interest (Central Pixel)
g p =Neighbourhood of central pixel.
0, z < 0
S(z) = {
Function of symbolizes thresholding.
1, z ≥ 0
P= Number of specimen points on circular neighbourhood.
R= Spatial resolution of the neighbourhood.
Bilinear exclamation is applied to the pixel values if the
specimen points are not part of the integer coordinates.
In Local Binary Pattern, if there is at most 2 bit wise
conversion that is 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, is reported in the circular
binary pattern then the LBP is called as LBP uniform pattern.
The histogram of LBP-U contains separate bin for the uniform
patterns and for all other non-uniform patterns assign only
single bin. For the assumed pattern of P bits, the output bins
produced by P(P−1)+3. The LBP patterns of natural images are
mostly uniform and hence reduce the non-uniform patterns
from the images. Uniform patterns in any texture images are
account for approx. 90% of the entire pattern with the (8, 1)
neighbourhood and close to 70% for the (16, 2) neighbourhood
Fig. 1. (A) Real parts of Gabor filters, (B) Magnitudes of Gabor Filters.
Gabor Filter Bank: Gabor filter contains Gaussian function
which is modified by the complex sinusoidal of frequency
domain as shown in equation 1.
G(x, y) = e
(x−x0 )2 (y−y0 )2
j(ωx0 x+ωy0 y)
2σ2 x
2σ2 y
x, y = Coordinate of pixel position in to image.
ωxo = Centre frequency of x direction in which the filter
produces the greatest response.
The LBP codes may be changed when the image is rotated. The
LBP-RI has been proposed in [6, 12 and 23] for this issue. The
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
LBP-RI generated by circularly rotation of basic LBP code and
considers the pattern with the minimum value.
LBP − RIP,R = mini [ROR(LBPPR i)]
Fig. 3. Sample palm images from CASIA palmprint database, (a) Hand
image (b) segmented ROI respectively.
In this research article, in the verification phase the distance
between two histograms are calculated by Chi-square distance,
Manhattan Distance, and Bhattacharyya distance.
where i= 0, 1, 2, -,-,-, P − 1.
ROR(x, i) = Circular bit-by-bit right shift operation is
performed on x (a P-bit number) for the i times. The LBP −
RIP,R descriptor produces 36-bin histograms for each image
due to the 36 diverse and 8 bit rotation invariant codes.
Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern has some
disadvantages due to crude quantization of angular space at the
45◦ LBP − RIUP,R was proposed by T. Mäenpää in the year
The Chi-square distance is defined as
D(H1 H2 ) = ∑I
(H1 (I)−H2 (I))2
H1 (I)
The Manhattan distance between two histogram H1 and H2 is
defined as
D(H1 H2 ) = ∑N
j=1|H1 − H2 |
The Bhattacharyya distance between two histogram H1 and H2
is defined as
IIT Delhi palmprint image database contains of left and right
hand color images of 230 persons in the age group between
14–56 years [8]. Six palmprint samples of both hands have
been taken from each person. All the hand images of this
database had been taken by contact less CMOS camera which
is saved in JPG format. The segmented image of both hand
images are also provided in that database which is stored in
BMP format at dimension 150X150 at gray scale. These
segmented palmprint images are used for experiment. Figure
2(A) shows some sample images from IIT Delhi Touchless
palmprint database and figure 2(B) shows segmented ROI
D(H1 H2 ) = √1 −
∑ H (I)
̅ 1H
̅ 2 N2 I 1
∙ H2 (I)
where, N=Total number of Histogram bins.
FAR (False Acceptance Rate), FRR (False Rejection
Rate), TSR (Total Success Rate) and EER (Equal Error Rate)
has been used for evaluating the proposed method for
verification. In any biometric scheme, the FAR determines the
rate of invalid persons who are incorrectly accepted, while
FRR determine the total rejection rate for the right persons.
The TSR (Total Success Rate) determine the correctness of
any biometric system while determine total error in any
biometric system.
FAR (False Acceptance Rate), FRR (False Rejection Rate),
and TSR (Total Success Rate) are used as evaluation standard,
they are defined in the following equations 8, 9, and 10.
Fig. 2. Sample palm images from IIT Delhi Touchless palmprint database
(a) Hand image (b) segmented ROI
CASIA Palmprint database contains 5,502 palm images
which is collected from 312 persons [4]. They collect both left
and right palm images from each person. All palm images are
in 8 bit gray-level and stored in JPEG format. They do not use
any pegs to restrict postures and positions of palm images.
Figure 3 (A) are some sample images from the CASIA
palmprint database and figure 3(B) shows the segmented ROI
TSR = (1 −
X100 %
X100 %
) X100 %
NFR= Number of false rejection,
NEA=Number of Enrollee Attempts,
NFA=Number of False Acceptance,
NIA=Number of Impostor Attempts,
TNA=Total Number of Attempts.
The segmented palmprint region is divided into 9 subregions namely PR1 to PR9 as shown in figure 4. By analysing
all the nine sub-regions of the palmprints it is noticed that the
three principal lines are found in eight regions PR1, PR2, PR4,
PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, and PR9 but not found in region PR3.
Regions PR4, PR5, PR7, and PR8 highly significant in
matching process and these regions are used four times in
matching process. Further notice, the regions PR1, PR2, PR6
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
PR7, and PR8 regions, and image P4 consists of regions PR4,
PR5, PR7, and PR8. Gabor filter is applied on P1, P2, P3, and
P4 images as shown in figure 5 (C). LBP histogram is applied
on G1, G2, G3, and G4 images as shown in figure 5 (D). The
figure 2(E) is the cumulative histogram LBP of
LBP1+LBP2+LBP3+LBP4. The LBP is the Palmprint feature
and PR9 are significant in matching process. So these regions
are used two times for matching. The remaining insignificant
region PR3 is used only once in the matching process.
The following figure 5 shows the flow of the Palmprint
feature extraction process of the newly proposed technique. P1
is the source segmented palmprint image. Image P2 consists of
PR4-PR9 regions, image P3 consists of PR1,PR2, PR4, PR5,
Fig. 4. (a) Original segmented image, (b) Divided in 9 sub-region PR1-PR9.
Fig. 5. Process of Palmprint feature extraction
the Rotation Invariant Uniform Local Binary Pattern when
Bhattacharyya distance parameter is used. The highest
TSR=99.25% and EER=0.75% is obtained at the Rotation
Invariant Uniform Local Binary Pattern by using
Bhattacharyya distance parameter.
The following table 1 shows the experiment results of the
proposed model in FAR, FRR, TSR, and EER by using IIT
Delhi Touchless palmprint database at different distance
parameters and at all three variant of LBP. The proposed
model has achieved highest FAR=1.5% and FRR=1.5% at
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
Table 1. Comparison of FAR, FRR, and TSR of the proposed model using IIT Delhi palmprint database
Distance parameter
Chi-square distance
Manhattan distance
Bhattacharyya distance
LBP Variants
98.25 %
98.20 %
99.00 %
98.00 %
98.25 %
98.50 %
98.20 %
98.20 %
99.25 %
Table 2. Comparison of FAR, FRR, and TSR of the proposed model using CASIA palmprint database
Distance parameter
Chi-square distance
Manhattan distance
Bhattacharyya distance
LBP Variants
biometric technique for palmprint verification system using
Gabor filter, and LBP (Local Binary pattern) is proposed,
conducted an experiment, and discussed the results in detail
in this research article. In this article LBP and its variants
that are LBP-U, LBP-RI, and LBP-RIU are used. The
proposed model is tested in the experiment by using IIT
Delhi touchless database and CASIA palmprint database.
The proposed model achieved the highest FAR=1.5%,
FRR=1.5%, TSR=99.25% and EER=0.75% at the Rotation
Invariant Uniform Local Binary Pattern using
Bhattacharyya distance parameter in the IITD palmprint
database and the highest FAR=1.5%, FRR=2.5%,
TSR=99.00% and EER=1.00% at the Rotation Invariant
Uniform Local Binary Pattern at Chi-square distance
parameter in the CASIA palmprint database. The proposed
method takes 0.88 seconds for palmprint verification which
is quite fast techniques. Thus, the experiment of the
proposed model assures that the proposed model is more
suitable for real time palmprint based biometric
The above table 2 shows the experiment results of the
proposed model in FAR, FRR, TSR, and EER of CASIA
palmprint database at different distance parameters and at
all three variant of LBP. The proposed model has achieved
highest FAR=1.5% and FRR=2.5% at the Rotation
Invariant Uniform Local Binary Pattern when
Bhattacharyya distance parameter is used. The highest
TSR=99.00% and EER=1.00% is obtained at the Rotation
Invariant Uniform Local Binary Pattern by using Chisquare distance parameter.
The experiment of the proposed model is carried out by
using MATLAB 2014a on desktop computer with Intel®
core i5-4690 3.5 GHz processor and 4 GB RAM. The
proposed method takes 0.88 second for palmprint
verification which is quite fast compared to other
techniques. The experiment results confirm that the
proposed model is more suitable for real time palmprint
verification than other models.
The touchless biometric applications are highly
preferrable compared to the touch based biometric
applications in terms of hygiene and cleaning the surface of
sensors, time, speed, cost, etc. Thus, a new touchless
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
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Satya Bhushan Verma is born in
Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India, on 2012-1986. He completed B.Tech in
Computer Science & Engineering from
U.P. Technical University Lucknow, and
completed M.Tech in Computer Science
from MM University Mullana, Ambala,
Haryana, India. Currently he is pursuing
Ph.D. at the National Institute of
Technology Durgapur, West Bengal,
India. He has filed 1 patent, published 6
papers in International peer reviewed
Journals/conference. Satya Bhushan
(International Association of Engineers) Hong Kong.
Saravanan Chandran is born in
Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India, on 0101-1973. He has completed Ph.D. from
Department of Computer Applications,
Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India, entitled
“Analysis and Modelling of Grey-Scale
Image Compression” in the year 2009. He
worked as Programming Assistant at
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli,
Tamilnadu, India, from 1996 to 2000. He
worked as Computer Programmer at
Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India from
2000 to 2007. He is working as Assistant Professor, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology,
Durgapur, West Bengal, India, from 2007 to till date. He has filed 2
patents, published 32 papers in International peer reviewed Journals, 32
papers in national / international conference, 3 e-books, and chapters in
two books. He is Senior Member of IEEE, Professional member of ACM,
Life member of CSI and ISTE, Senior member of IACSIT, Singapore,
member of IAENG, Hongkong. He is also serving as Editorial Board
Member and Reviewer for several peer reviewed international journals.
ISSN 1947-5500