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This document appears to be a curriculum vitae (CV) listing academic works by Mohamed Soffar, touching on themes of post-colonial studies, political ideologies, and various aspects of political thought in the Arab world. It includes contributions to edited volumes, speeches, and articles, with a focus on political reform and cultural dialogue in contemporary Arab societies. Significant works include examinations of Egyptian political thought, democracy in the Arab world, and foreign policy issues, reflecting a broad engagement with the political landscape of the region.

C.V. Name: Mohamed Mohamed Bachir Soffar Date of Birth: 23rd January 1974 Nationality: Egyptian Telephone: 002 0111 497 4478 & 01015820841 E-mail: [email protected] & [email protected] Academic Degrees: Bsc of political science, Faculty of economics & political science, Cairo University, June 1995. M. A. in Politics of Alternative Development Strategies, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, December 1998. PhD. of political science, Otto-Suhr Institut fuer Sozial-und Politikwissenschaften, Freie Universitaet Berlin, September 2004. Bsc of philosophical studies, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, June 2013. Current Positions: Co-editor of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science Journal. Professor of political science, Department of political science, Faculty of economics & political science, Cairo University Positions held: APSA/Fulbright Congressional fellow at the Washington DC office of former U.S. Representative Jim McDermott (Dec 2006-Sep 2007) Assistant Professor for Arab and Islamic Studies, College of Science and Arts, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates (Sep 2007-Oct 2008) Director of the Center for Civilization Studies and Dialogue of Cultures (Sep 2011- Nov 2014) Courses Taught: Normative Political theory, Contemporary Arab Political thought, Introduction to Political Science, Democratic Politics and the State, Theories of Democratic Transformations, Introduction to Islamic Civilization, Gender and Race in Post-colonial Studies, Contemporary Political Ideologies, Research Methodology, Egyptian Political Thought, Methodology, Classics of Political Thought. Academic Works: The Political Elite in Algeria, in Ali Al-Sawy (ed.) The Political Elites in the Arab World, Cairo: Center for Political Research and Studies, 1995 [in Arabic]. The Parliamentary Institution in Kuwait, in Ahmed Al-Rashidy (ed.) The Legislative Institutions in the Arab World, Cairo: Center for political Research and Studies, 1996 [in Arabic]. The Political Parties in Lebanon, Cairo: Center for political Research and Studies, 1996 [in Arabic]. The Democratic Transition in Brazil, in Mustapha Kamel A-Sayyid (ed) Elections in States of the South, Cairo: Center for Developing Countries Studies, 1997 [in Arabic]. A Study of the Classical Islamic political Treatise ‘The Politics of the Sovereign in Administering Polities’, Cairo: High Council for Culture, 1997 [in Arabic]. Deconstructing Michel Foucault’s Conceptualization of Power: Revisiting the Iranian File, unpublished M.A. thesis, The Hague: Institute of Social Studies, 1998. The Political Theory of Sayyid Qutb: A Genealogy of Discourse, Berlin: Verlag Dr Koester, 2004. Political Reform in Egypt between Response and Challenge, in Ahmed Thabet and Mohamed Soffar (eds.) The Limits of Political Reform in Egypt, Cairo: Ibn Rush Association for Development Studies, 2005 [in Arabic] Cultural Particularism in Secular Arab Thought: A New Totem Feast, in Nadia Mustafa (ed) Cultural Particularism, Cairo: Center for Political Research and Studies, 2006 [in Arabic] Contemporary Trends of Orientalism: Foucault’s Genealogy and Rushdie’s Symbolism, Al-Nahda, vol. 7, No. 2, April 2006 [in Arabic] European-Islamic Thought and the Dialogue of Civilizations: An Indirect Strategy, in Nadia Mustafa (ed.) Europe and the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue of Cultures, Cairo: Program for the Dialogue of Civilizations, 2007 [in Arabic] Foreign Policy under Occupation: Does Iraq Need a Foreign Policy? in Helal, Ali eldin & Bahgat Korany, Foreign Policies of Arab States, Cairo: AUC Press, 2008 East at the Heart of the West, paper presented at the conference in the memory of Prof. Mona Abul Fadl, Cairo: Center for civilizations and cultures dialogue, March 2009 [in Arabic] The Historical Roots for the Image of the Jew in the West, a paper presented at the conference on ‘Dialogue between Religions’, Cairo: Center for Civilization Studies and Dialogue of Culture, May 2009 [in Arabic] Analyzing President Obama’s Cairo University Speech: A Study of US Public Diplomacy Towards the Arab-Muslim World, Al-Nahda, January 2010. The Concept of Dialogue: A Comparative Study between Sayyid Qutb and Fethullah Gülen, Hemispheres Studies on Cultures and Societies, No. 24, February 2010 The Intellectual Roots of Egypt’s Regional Role, Singapore: Middle East Institute, March 2010 The Administration of the Transitional Period in Post-Revolutionary Egypt: Between Theory and Practice, International Politics, March 2011 [in Arabic] Philosophy and the Revolution: A Reading of Ibn Rushd's reading of Plato's Republic, Ummaty fi Al-Alam, Yearly Book of the Civilization Center for Political Studies, 2011-2012, Cairo: Elshoruk International, 2012, PP. 533-54 [in Arabic]. The Political Implications of Philo’s Notion of Logos, Awarak Phalsaphia, vol. 40, 2014, PP. 137-64 [in Arabic]. The Concept of Dialogue: A Comparative Study between Father Georges Anawati and Father Giuseppe Scattolin, A Special Edition in the Memory of George Anawati, Dafater Phalsphia, 2014, PP. 41-84 [in Arabic]. Epistemological Shifts in Sayyid Qutb’s Early Discourse of the Early 1940’s, Hemispheres Studies on Cultures and Societies, No. 28, February 2014, PP. 5-18. Books Translated to Arabic: -Raymond W. Baker, Shereem T. Ismael and Tareq Y. Ismael (eds.) Cultural Cleansing in Iraq: Why Museums Were Looted, Libraries Burned and Academics Murdered, Pluto Press, 2010. -Karen Armstrong, The Bible: A Biography, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2007. -Andrew Heywood, Political Ideologies: An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan; 4th Revised edition, 2007. -Scott Burchill (et al.), Theories of International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, 4th revised edition, 2009. -Kees van Demeeter, Not Exactly: In Praise of Vagueness, UK: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2012. -Rainer Brunner, Islamic Ecumenism in the 20th Century, Leiden : E. J. Brill, 2004. - Jorg Baberowski (Hg), Gewaltraeume: Sozialordungen in Ausnahmezustand, Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2012. - Bart Zino (ed.), Remembering the First World War, NY: Routledge, 2015. - Safinaz El-Tarouty, Businessmen, Clientelism, and Authoritarianism in Egypt, US: Palgrave, 2015. Languages Known: Arabic, English, German, and little French. Fellowships and awards: Netherlands Fellowship Program for M.A. Studies 1997-1998. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Promotionsstipendium 2001-2004. Usama al-Baz Prize for the best political science doctoral dissertation in Cairo University 2005. American Political Science Association/Fulbright Congressional Fellowship 2006-2007 PAGE 4