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The purpose of writing this article is to find out how children get language in school, how the process of children's language division, and how the child's weaknesses in acquiring language. Language is a symbol used to communicate between other individuals. Children acquire the language through theories, stages and strategies. The background of this article is because the acquisition of language for every child has a specificity, which is in accordance with its development. Development is a series of changes in the functioning of organs that are progressive, regular, and interrelated. Development is the interaction of maturity of the central nervous system with organs that influence it include, development of the brain system (intelligence), speech, emotions, and social. All of these functions play an important role in human life as a whole. Language acquisition is a human process of getting the ability to capture, produce, and use words for understanding and communication. Language acquisition usually refers to the acquisition of the first language that studies children's acquisition of their mother tongue and not additional language acquisition by children or adults.Based on the data and discussion, it can be concluded that the acquisition of the language of the phonology of schoolage children is able to function eight articulation sites well to produce consonants in Indonesian. Children in school have been able to produce vocals A, I, U, E, O clearly. The morphology of children has the ability to use various forms of words such as the original word form, affixed word shapes, repeated word forms, to communicate or tell stories with their peers. As for the plural form of words a little is found in the vocabulary used by children when telling stories to friends. The syntactic field of children has been able to compile sentences with certain patterns that are commonly used by speakers in Indonesian in general, for example the sequence pattern of SP, SPO, and SPOK functions. The benefits of this article are to find out how children acquire language in schools, and for readers to add more insight into this article. And for other researchers, namely as a comparison material in examining other linguistic aspects.
Language is the primary means of communication in the lives of people in the world either in writing, orally, or that only a specific symbol. Without human language can not communicate because humans are social creatures who would not want to interact with other human beings. Language which is obtained by first referred to as the mother tongue (native language). Learning the language associated with the processes that occur at the time of a child to learn a second language, after she gained her first language. Thus, language acquisition with respect to the first language, while learning a second language with regard to language. Children's language develops from simple to complex in a pattern that can be predicated in each individual. Children's language development is a combination of social interaction, emotional development, cognitive abilities, and physical/ motoric development. Child development moves from one word or sentence holographic phrases to telegraphic phrases, but several words in complex sentence with phrases prepositions, rules, and plural forms need to be corrected again. Child development last a lifetime as well as the qualitative nature which are alsoknown to have a principle-the principle of the development of one of them is 'developmentlast a lifetime and cover all aspects' means the principle of the growth experienced by thechild goes on-and on until the end of life, it's just that sometimes progress is another sloweven very fast and covers all areas of child development in the aspects of development, justthat there are times when certain aspects more clearly visible while others remain ongoingbut hidden.
Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas XIV, 2024
Excavations at the site of Niğde-Kınık Höyük, Cappadocia, Turkey, have been conducted since 2011. Kınık Höyük is a multi-period site with deposits and features ranging in date from the Early Bronze Age to the Medieval Period. Excavations conducted on Late Iron Age features during the 2019 field season revealed an unusual set of deposits that included large numbers of caprine (primarily sheep) scapulae, and nearly all were from the right side of the body. We recognise the challenges in identifying ritual deposits in the archaeological record. Still, based on the unusual side, species, and body-part distributions, we suggest that this deposit may result from the disposal of cult offering remains. If interested, email [email protected] for a pdf.
Visible Language, 2018
With the rise of fashion consumption and a clear lack of promotional input by retailers on the issues of sustainable fashion, this research shows that there is little awareness particularly among young adults on the issues of fashion sustainability. Therefore, a clear need to inform consumers on how to utilize, care for and dispose of fashion items is necessary to make the important changes to the planet’s fashion waste issues. To this end, this research explores ways of how fashion brands can communicate a more sustainable way of consuming fashion to young consumers in the UK. Focus groups were conducted with the objective of identifying the main issues relating to fashion consumption including the lack of awareness and disposal of garments. These were followed by a collaborative workshop involving young consumers, where a fashion brand was created to educate consumers through information and garment label design solutions using innovative communication strategies. To ascertain the validity of these design solutions, usability testing was then conducted, which identified further design improvements. Although conducted with a small set of participants, this collaborative and user-centered research is well positioned to propose innovative solutions to communicate research-based design solutions on how to communicate, educate and change the perception of sustainable fashion among young consumers in the UK.
To conduct a further study of the concept of Organizational Justice, this research was conducted using the literature review method. The study includes the definition, dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of Organizational Justice. However, the main focus in this study is the antecedent and consequent. This study uses bibliometric techniques to obtain a more comprehensive visualization of Organizational Justice. This study found variations in the definition of Organizational Justice based on various research contexts. In addition, the antecedents of Organizational Justice that have been identified include Leader-Member Exchange, Organizational Trust, and Emotional Intelligence. On the other hand, in general, the consequences of Organizational Justice consist of attitudes, behavior, and performance of employees and organizations. Various contexts of Organizational Justice research will also be further identified.
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Intra-site spatial organization of a Mesolithic hunting camp: the open air site SA 42 Cresta di Siusi/Seiser Alm auf der Schneide (Dolomiti- Italy)., 2022
JAMA Network Open
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Journal of Environmental Science and Public Health, 2020