Papers by Katarzyna Pyżewicz
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie, Tom XVII, 2021, 2021
The article presents preliminary results of field and desk research conducted In Nowe Objezierze ... more The article presents preliminary results of field and desk research conducted In Nowe Objezierze (Moryń commune, West Pomeranian Voivodeship) in 2017–2020 which covered a fragment of the Early Neolithic circular enclosure (roundel) and its surroundings, being a potential area of settlement of groups using it.
Between History and Archaeology: Papers in honour of Jacek Lech
Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology
This paper attempts to show that manufacture of Micoquian bifacial backed tools was structured. D... more This paper attempts to show that manufacture of Micoquian bifacial backed tools was structured. Data for this study were collected using a comprehensive analysis of artefacts from the site Pietraszyn 49a, Poland, which is dated to the beginning of Marine Isotope Stage 3. Based on the whole data set, it was possible to distinguish four stages of the manufacturing process. During manufacturing, both mineral hammer and organic hammer were used. The tools were usually shaped due to distinct hierarchization of faces. The study has also shown that the shape of bifacial tools from Pietraszyn 49a is very similar to the other Micoquian examples from central Europe. The ways of shaping of some tools are finding their counterparts also in the Early Upper Palaeolithic inventories, but the similarities are rather limited to the narrow range of preparation of bifacial form.
WILEY Archaeological Prospection, 2021
Due to the presence of multiple caves and rock shelters as well as flint outcrops, Ojcow Upland ... more Due to the presence of multiple caves and rock shelters as well as flint outcrops, Ojcow Upland is a region with an exceptionally high concentration of prehistoric human settlement traces. It has attracted archaeologists for over 150 years, leading to what was considered to have been a proper prospection of the area. Nonetheless,
the analysis of airborne laser scanning has recently brought surprising results. In the very centre of the upland, on the densely forested hill ‘Złota Gora’ (Golden Hill), the remains of an exceptionally large defensive structure in the form of several rows of embankments were found. The use of magnetic methods made it possible to confirm
their anthropogenic origin and the likely type of embankment construction. In turn, the layout of embankments combined with the results of a surface survey and the analyses of the acquired artefacts and the settlement context speak in favour of linking this defensive structure with a high degree of probability with the Neolithic or
Eneolithic, most likely the Lengyel-Polgar cycle or Baden culture. The presence of such a large fortification in the immediate vicinity of flint mines could shed new light on the image of the Late Neolithic-Early/Middle Eneolithic period in this part of Europe.
Experimental and experiential research in archeology, 2021
Dear Colleagues, We are glad to invite you to contribute in the session titled "Experimental and ... more Dear Colleagues, We are glad to invite you to contribute in the session titled "Experimental and experiential research in archeology" organised within the Online II Conference "The Past Has a Future!", 22-26 March 2021. Experimental and experiential research in archeology Archaeological discoveries in the late 19th century influenced development of various research methods, including formation of the scientific basis of archaeological experiments. Over the following decades, original statements of experimental archeology underwent significant transformations. It was also the time when the idea of presenting outcomes of such experimentation to the broader public was born. Since then, issues related to experimental archeology have sparked serious interest in the literature, but usually remained limited to popularisation and interactive learning solutions. Whereas it has to be admitted that a proper scientific archaeological experiment-employing a number of methods, techniques, analyses, and theoretical approaches, and simultaneously firmly grounded in archaeological, iconographical, numismatic, and epigraphic source material-needs time to be performed, along with attention to details and scientific process to be implemented, which is impossible during shows for popular audiences. In effect, some archaeological practices commonly referred to as 'experimental' may be more precisely termed 'experiential', as they put lived experiences of the spectators rather than rigorous methodical experimentation to the forefront. The aim of this session is to present best practices and investigate the importance of experiments in modern archaeology understood as a scientific discipline, and to bring together researchers from various thematic backgrounds-from the Palaeolithic to historic periods; from field archaeologists to museum experts-to improve quality of studies making use of archaeological experimentation as well as to better trace the methodological boundary between experimental and experiential approaches.
Below you will find general information regarding your contribution. • What are the important dates I need to know?
1. Title submission deadline 15th January 2021
2. Abstract submission deadline 31st January 2021 • Abstract Structure 1. The maximum word limit for the abstract is 300 words.
Proceedings of XXVIII e congrès préhistorique de France – Amiens, 30 mai-4 juin 2016, 2019
This paper seeks to provide an overview of lithic inventories in the Swiderian culture, sometimes... more This paper seeks to provide an overview of lithic inventories in the Swiderian culture, sometimes also
called the Mazovian, developing in areas of Poland in the Late Palaeolithic. It discusses selected aspects of
typology, technology and utilization of lithic artefacts on the basis of several inventories recovered from different
areas, characterized by the occurrence of both high and poor quality raw materials (i.e. Cichmiana 2, Lubrza
10, Kraków-Bieżanów 15, Suchodółka 3 and Żuławka 13).
The applied research methodology combined a morphological analysis, debitage refitting, the experimental
method, use-wear analysis and quantitative approach. Typological, technological, raw material and functional
characteristics of the analyzed lithic artefacts have enabled us to indicate some interesting correlations between
manufacturing techniques, the morphology of lithic tools and their usage.
In general, Swiderian inventories are typified by the presence of willow leaf and tanged points, burins or
end-scrapers made on thin blades. Tanged points are characterized by flat retouching on the ventral side, which
was made using some stone tools.
Our studies have revealed that the distribution and usage of Swiderian lithic artefacts was well planned and
focused on the production of good quality blanks, from which retouched forms (such as tanged points,
end-scrapers or burins) were fashioned. Ad hoc production is fairly nonexistent in the Swiderian material
culture. The technological analysis, based on the morphological features of the core reduction products, has
shown that the Swiderian debitage was generally concentrated on the detachment of intended blades. The
technology was associated mostly with opposed platform cores, very intensive and precise preparation of cores,
reduction, renovation of cores and blade production, and the application of the soft hammer stone technique.
Such types of cores are generally considered typical of assemblages attributable to the Swiderian occupation,
yet sites with restricted access to good quality raw material also yielded cores almost unprepared for working.
Use-wear studies performed on formal tools and a sample of unretouched products of core reduction (flakes and
blades) have suggested that the implements were usually used for hunting and butchering activities, and in individual
cases also for plant and wood processing. We were particularly interested in Swiderian points, which were
employed as components of projectile weapons. A quantitative approach was applied in order to precisely determine
the function of willow leaf points – whether they were used as arrowheads, dart-tips or spear-points.
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2011
Studia i materiały do badań nad neolitem i wczesną epoką brązu na Mazowszu i Podlasiu 5, 2015
by Adrian Nemergut, Jaroslava Ruttkayová, Katarzyna Pyżewicz, Sebastian Teska, Aliaksandr Vashanau, Aleksandra Cetwińska, Yuri Demidenko, Damian Stefański, Tereza Rychtaříková, Petr Skrdla, and Witold Grużdź Adrián Nemergut, Ivan Cheben, Jaroslava Ruttkayová, Katarzyna Pyżewicz (eds.): 16th SKAM Lithic Workshop. “Fossil directeur” - A phenomenon over time and space. 21–23 of October 2019, Nitra, Slovak Republic. Abstract book. Nitra, 2019
Nitra 2019
Quaternary International, 2019
Studia i materiały do badań nad neolitem i wczesną epoką brązu na Mazowszu i Podlasiu, 2015
Studia i materiały do badań nad neolitem i wczeSną epoką brązu na mazowSzu i podlaSiu Tom V Warsz... more Studia i materiały do badań nad neolitem i wczeSną epoką brązu na mazowSzu i podlaSiu Tom V Warszawa 2015 Studia i materiały do badań nad neolitem i wczeSną epoką brązu na mazowSzu i podlaSiu Итоги исследований поселений приморской культуры 5 Прибрежное и Ушаково-3 Edwin Zalcman Results of research at Pribrezhnoye and Ushakowo-3 settlements of Primorskaya culture (abstract) maciej t. krajcarz, dariuSz manaSterSki Ceramika Pucharów Dzwonowatych z północno-wschodniej Polski 49 w świetle analiz petrograficznych Bell Beaker pottery from north-eastern Poland in the light of petrographic analyses (abstract) dariuSz manaSterSki, katarzyna kwiatkowSka Wyroby bursztynowe jako jeden z wyznaczników prestiżu "elit" 87 na przełomie neolitu i epoki brązu na rubieży Nizin Środkowoi Wschodnioeuropejskiej Amber artefacts as one of the indicators of prestige among "elites" at the end of the Neolithic and/or the beginning of the Bronze Age at the border of the Middle-and East-European Plains (abstract) katarzyna januSzek Artefakty krzemienne w depozytach obrzędowych społeczności późnego 113 neolitu i wczesnej epoki brązu na Mazowszu i Podlasiu Flint artefacts in ritual deposits of Late Neolithic and/or Early Bronze Age communities in Mazovia and Podlachia (abstract) katarzyna pyżewicz Raport. Analiza traseologiczna wybranych artefaktów krzemiennych 129 ze stanowiska Skrzeszew 49, gm. Wieliszew mariuSz kowalewSki Krzemienne wkładki żniwne odkryte na mazowieckich i podlaskich 137 stanowiskach z epoki brązu Flint inserts for sickles discovered at mazovian and podlachian sites from the Bronze Age (abstract) michał przeździecki, artur Grabarek, katarzyna pyżewicz Nóż typu "Zele" ze stanowiska nr 1 w Adamowie, woj. mazowieckie 159 Knife of "Zele" type at site no. 1 in Adamów, Mazovian Voivodeship (abstract) wSkazówki dla autorów 173 michał przeździecki, artur Grabarek, katarzyna pyżewicz NÓŻ TYpU "ZeLe" Ze STANOWISKA Nr 1 W ADAMOWIe, WOJ. MAZOWIecKIe Słowa kluczowe: krzemieniarstwo, nóż typu "Zele", późna epoka brązu, kultura łużycka, równina Łowicko-Błońska.
The article focuses on the matter of significance of flint daggers on the area settled by Early B... more The article focuses on the matter of significance of flint daggers on the area settled by Early Bronze Age societies connected with Únětice Culture Kościan Group. Analytical part is separated into two sections. The first is a case study of a stray find from Bronikowo (com. Śmigiel) and the second
VIR BIMARIS Od kujawskiego matecznika do stepów nadczarnomorskich. Studia z dziejów międzymorza bałtycko-pontyjskiego ofiarowane Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Kośko , 2019
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, 2017
The paper presents the results of osteological, typological, and microwear analyses of Neolithic ... more The paper presents the results of osteological, typological, and microwear analyses of Neolithic bone tools recovered from Kopydłowo, site 6 (Greater Poland Province, Poland). The site is known for a pit with a number of bovine horn cores, a presumable refuse from Neolithic horn working. A multi-aspect analysis revealed the kinds of raw materials used for the production of bone tools and provided insights into how the specimens were worked and used. Twenty-nine out of 36 tools were identified to taxon. All artefacts were made from mammal bones, mostly cattle, sheep/goat, red deer, and pig. Awls and perforators, used to work with a soft organic material, were the most common tool types at the site. Some scrapers and polishers for hide working, as well as spatulae, a T-shaped axe, a chisel, a pendant, and pieces of raw material were also found. The presence of two tools made from wild mammals' bones may possibly contribute to the discussion on contacts between farmers and hunter-gatherers in the Neolithic.
On the trail of Mesolithic hunters. Inter¬pretation of the function of microliths from selected s... more On the trail of Mesolithic hunters. Inter¬pretation of the function of microliths from selected sites
Not without reason, Mesolithic microliths are generally considered to be components of throwing weapons, as proved by many premises: archaeological sources, ethnographic data and results of experimental and traceological research. How¬ever, on the basis of microscopic analyses carried out on sev¬eral hundreds of microlithic geometrical forms from the west¬ern part of the Polish Lowland (sites: Jastrzębia Góra 4, gmina Władysławowo; Turowiec 3, gmina Brusy; Wojnowo 3, gmina Kargowa; Zuławka 13, gmina Wyrzysk), one can isolate an ad¬ditional group of a different type of traces resulting, among others, from contact with hides or flesh. Is it possible to defi¬nitely state on this basis that some of the microliths were used for purposes other than shooting during hunts? The present article attempts to answer this question.
It was hypothesized that some of the microtraces distin¬guished were not effects of the use of the microliths but of ar¬tefact storage in various kinds of containers made of organic materials. To verify the hypothesis, a series of experimental studies was conducted. As the tests showed, the microscopic changes on experimental specimens were analogous with those formed on the Mesolithic microliths from the territories of Wielkopolska and Pomorze.
In view of the data obtained it is suggested that to interpret the traces different types of factors affecting their shape and connected with broadly seen social context should be taken into account. The results of the research indicate that the ori¬gin of at least some of the observed surface changes ought not to be unequivocally interpreted – more than once comparable traces are formed following the storage and use of specimens for various purposes.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia, 2017
ABSTRACT This article is a study devoted to the spatial organization of a settlement of the Swide... more ABSTRACT This article is a study devoted to the spatial organization of a settlement of the Swiderian culture at Kraków-Bieżanów site 15. In the course of wide-scale rescue excavations (1999-2008), numerous lithic materials associated with this culture were discovered. They come from archaeological features such as the small kshemenitsa (KB-15/1 – feature 1) or spots of material clustering (features 2 and 3), they were collected as single finds. The spatialanalysis of the basic tool groups, i.e. Swiderian points, endscrapers and burins, showed that their distribution around archaeological objects wasnot accidental and points to diversity in functional space organization at the site. The aim of this investigation was to find the reason for the nature of this differentiation. For this purpose, a part of the available material has been studied by means of use-wear analysis. Although the state of preservation of lithics greatly reduced the possibility of carrying out functional analysis, a number of valuable observations were made. Particularly interesting were results concerning Swiderian points and endscrapers. In addition, Swiderian points, as the most intriguing category of typological tool related to the Swiderian culture, were analyzed by morphometric methods (tip cross-sectional area analysis, tip angle analysis, geometrics morphometrics) which were subjected to corroborated use-wear studies. The results obtained indicated the distictive areas (points, endscrapers and burins zones) and shed light on their functional interpretation.
ABSTRAKT Niniejszy artykuł jest studium poświęconym organizacji przestrzennej osadnictwa kultury świ-derskiej na stanowisku w Krakowie-Bieżanowie 15. W trakcie szerokopłaszczyznowych badań ratowniczych (2004-2008), pozyskano tam liczne materiały krzemienne wiązane z tą kulturą. Pochodzą one zarówno z obiektów, jak np. niewielkiej krzemienicy (KB-15/1 – obiekt 1), czy skupiska materiału (obiekt 2 i 3), jak również ze znacz-nej części przebadanej partii stanowiska, gdzie zostały podjęte jako znaleziska pojedyncze. Analiza planigraficzna podstawowych grup narzędziowych, tj. liściaków (ostrzy) świderskich, drapaczy i rylców, pokazała, że ich rozrzut wokół obiektów archeologicznych nie jest przypadkowy i wskazuje on na zróżnicowanie w zakresie funkcjonalnej organizacji przestrzeni przez ludność kultury świderskiej na stanowisku. Niniejsze badanie miało odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące właściwości tego zróżnicowania. W tym celu przebadano mikroskopowo część dostępnego ma-teriału. Chociaż stan zachowania zabytków mocno ograniczył możliwość przeprowadzenie analizy traseologicznej, to poczyniono szereg cennych obserwacji. Szczególnie interesujące wnioski dotyczyły liściaków i drapaczy. Dodatkowo, liściaki świderskie, jako miarodajna kategoria zabytków związanych z kulturą świderską, zostały przeanalizowane przez zastosowanie metod morfometrycznych (analiza przekroju poprzecznego ostrza, analiza kąta ostrza, morfometria geometryczna kształtu liściaków), a płynące z nich wnioski uzupełniły badania traseolo-giczne. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wskazanie wyróżniających się obszarów (strefy liściaków, drapaczy i ryl-ców) oraz ich interpretację funkcjonalną. Słowa kluczowe: Paleolit schyłkowy, kultura świderska, analiza geometryczno-morfometryczna kształtu, analiza tra-seologiczna, analiza przekroju poprzecznego
Papers by Katarzyna Pyżewicz
the analysis of airborne laser scanning has recently brought surprising results. In the very centre of the upland, on the densely forested hill ‘Złota Gora’ (Golden Hill), the remains of an exceptionally large defensive structure in the form of several rows of embankments were found. The use of magnetic methods made it possible to confirm
their anthropogenic origin and the likely type of embankment construction. In turn, the layout of embankments combined with the results of a surface survey and the analyses of the acquired artefacts and the settlement context speak in favour of linking this defensive structure with a high degree of probability with the Neolithic or
Eneolithic, most likely the Lengyel-Polgar cycle or Baden culture. The presence of such a large fortification in the immediate vicinity of flint mines could shed new light on the image of the Late Neolithic-Early/Middle Eneolithic period in this part of Europe.
Below you will find general information regarding your contribution. • What are the important dates I need to know?
1. Title submission deadline 15th January 2021
2. Abstract submission deadline 31st January 2021 • Abstract Structure 1. The maximum word limit for the abstract is 300 words.
called the Mazovian, developing in areas of Poland in the Late Palaeolithic. It discusses selected aspects of
typology, technology and utilization of lithic artefacts on the basis of several inventories recovered from different
areas, characterized by the occurrence of both high and poor quality raw materials (i.e. Cichmiana 2, Lubrza
10, Kraków-Bieżanów 15, Suchodółka 3 and Żuławka 13).
The applied research methodology combined a morphological analysis, debitage refitting, the experimental
method, use-wear analysis and quantitative approach. Typological, technological, raw material and functional
characteristics of the analyzed lithic artefacts have enabled us to indicate some interesting correlations between
manufacturing techniques, the morphology of lithic tools and their usage.
In general, Swiderian inventories are typified by the presence of willow leaf and tanged points, burins or
end-scrapers made on thin blades. Tanged points are characterized by flat retouching on the ventral side, which
was made using some stone tools.
Our studies have revealed that the distribution and usage of Swiderian lithic artefacts was well planned and
focused on the production of good quality blanks, from which retouched forms (such as tanged points,
end-scrapers or burins) were fashioned. Ad hoc production is fairly nonexistent in the Swiderian material
culture. The technological analysis, based on the morphological features of the core reduction products, has
shown that the Swiderian debitage was generally concentrated on the detachment of intended blades. The
technology was associated mostly with opposed platform cores, very intensive and precise preparation of cores,
reduction, renovation of cores and blade production, and the application of the soft hammer stone technique.
Such types of cores are generally considered typical of assemblages attributable to the Swiderian occupation,
yet sites with restricted access to good quality raw material also yielded cores almost unprepared for working.
Use-wear studies performed on formal tools and a sample of unretouched products of core reduction (flakes and
blades) have suggested that the implements were usually used for hunting and butchering activities, and in individual
cases also for plant and wood processing. We were particularly interested in Swiderian points, which were
employed as components of projectile weapons. A quantitative approach was applied in order to precisely determine
the function of willow leaf points – whether they were used as arrowheads, dart-tips or spear-points.
Not without reason, Mesolithic microliths are generally considered to be components of throwing weapons, as proved by many premises: archaeological sources, ethnographic data and results of experimental and traceological research. How¬ever, on the basis of microscopic analyses carried out on sev¬eral hundreds of microlithic geometrical forms from the west¬ern part of the Polish Lowland (sites: Jastrzębia Góra 4, gmina Władysławowo; Turowiec 3, gmina Brusy; Wojnowo 3, gmina Kargowa; Zuławka 13, gmina Wyrzysk), one can isolate an ad¬ditional group of a different type of traces resulting, among others, from contact with hides or flesh. Is it possible to defi¬nitely state on this basis that some of the microliths were used for purposes other than shooting during hunts? The present article attempts to answer this question.
It was hypothesized that some of the microtraces distin¬guished were not effects of the use of the microliths but of ar¬tefact storage in various kinds of containers made of organic materials. To verify the hypothesis, a series of experimental studies was conducted. As the tests showed, the microscopic changes on experimental specimens were analogous with those formed on the Mesolithic microliths from the territories of Wielkopolska and Pomorze.
In view of the data obtained it is suggested that to interpret the traces different types of factors affecting their shape and connected with broadly seen social context should be taken into account. The results of the research indicate that the ori¬gin of at least some of the observed surface changes ought not to be unequivocally interpreted – more than once comparable traces are formed following the storage and use of specimens for various purposes.
ABSTRAKT Niniejszy artykuł jest studium poświęconym organizacji przestrzennej osadnictwa kultury świ-derskiej na stanowisku w Krakowie-Bieżanowie 15. W trakcie szerokopłaszczyznowych badań ratowniczych (2004-2008), pozyskano tam liczne materiały krzemienne wiązane z tą kulturą. Pochodzą one zarówno z obiektów, jak np. niewielkiej krzemienicy (KB-15/1 – obiekt 1), czy skupiska materiału (obiekt 2 i 3), jak również ze znacz-nej części przebadanej partii stanowiska, gdzie zostały podjęte jako znaleziska pojedyncze. Analiza planigraficzna podstawowych grup narzędziowych, tj. liściaków (ostrzy) świderskich, drapaczy i rylców, pokazała, że ich rozrzut wokół obiektów archeologicznych nie jest przypadkowy i wskazuje on na zróżnicowanie w zakresie funkcjonalnej organizacji przestrzeni przez ludność kultury świderskiej na stanowisku. Niniejsze badanie miało odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące właściwości tego zróżnicowania. W tym celu przebadano mikroskopowo część dostępnego ma-teriału. Chociaż stan zachowania zabytków mocno ograniczył możliwość przeprowadzenie analizy traseologicznej, to poczyniono szereg cennych obserwacji. Szczególnie interesujące wnioski dotyczyły liściaków i drapaczy. Dodatkowo, liściaki świderskie, jako miarodajna kategoria zabytków związanych z kulturą świderską, zostały przeanalizowane przez zastosowanie metod morfometrycznych (analiza przekroju poprzecznego ostrza, analiza kąta ostrza, morfometria geometryczna kształtu liściaków), a płynące z nich wnioski uzupełniły badania traseolo-giczne. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wskazanie wyróżniających się obszarów (strefy liściaków, drapaczy i ryl-ców) oraz ich interpretację funkcjonalną. Słowa kluczowe: Paleolit schyłkowy, kultura świderska, analiza geometryczno-morfometryczna kształtu, analiza tra-seologiczna, analiza przekroju poprzecznego
the analysis of airborne laser scanning has recently brought surprising results. In the very centre of the upland, on the densely forested hill ‘Złota Gora’ (Golden Hill), the remains of an exceptionally large defensive structure in the form of several rows of embankments were found. The use of magnetic methods made it possible to confirm
their anthropogenic origin and the likely type of embankment construction. In turn, the layout of embankments combined with the results of a surface survey and the analyses of the acquired artefacts and the settlement context speak in favour of linking this defensive structure with a high degree of probability with the Neolithic or
Eneolithic, most likely the Lengyel-Polgar cycle or Baden culture. The presence of such a large fortification in the immediate vicinity of flint mines could shed new light on the image of the Late Neolithic-Early/Middle Eneolithic period in this part of Europe.
Below you will find general information regarding your contribution. • What are the important dates I need to know?
1. Title submission deadline 15th January 2021
2. Abstract submission deadline 31st January 2021 • Abstract Structure 1. The maximum word limit for the abstract is 300 words.
called the Mazovian, developing in areas of Poland in the Late Palaeolithic. It discusses selected aspects of
typology, technology and utilization of lithic artefacts on the basis of several inventories recovered from different
areas, characterized by the occurrence of both high and poor quality raw materials (i.e. Cichmiana 2, Lubrza
10, Kraków-Bieżanów 15, Suchodółka 3 and Żuławka 13).
The applied research methodology combined a morphological analysis, debitage refitting, the experimental
method, use-wear analysis and quantitative approach. Typological, technological, raw material and functional
characteristics of the analyzed lithic artefacts have enabled us to indicate some interesting correlations between
manufacturing techniques, the morphology of lithic tools and their usage.
In general, Swiderian inventories are typified by the presence of willow leaf and tanged points, burins or
end-scrapers made on thin blades. Tanged points are characterized by flat retouching on the ventral side, which
was made using some stone tools.
Our studies have revealed that the distribution and usage of Swiderian lithic artefacts was well planned and
focused on the production of good quality blanks, from which retouched forms (such as tanged points,
end-scrapers or burins) were fashioned. Ad hoc production is fairly nonexistent in the Swiderian material
culture. The technological analysis, based on the morphological features of the core reduction products, has
shown that the Swiderian debitage was generally concentrated on the detachment of intended blades. The
technology was associated mostly with opposed platform cores, very intensive and precise preparation of cores,
reduction, renovation of cores and blade production, and the application of the soft hammer stone technique.
Such types of cores are generally considered typical of assemblages attributable to the Swiderian occupation,
yet sites with restricted access to good quality raw material also yielded cores almost unprepared for working.
Use-wear studies performed on formal tools and a sample of unretouched products of core reduction (flakes and
blades) have suggested that the implements were usually used for hunting and butchering activities, and in individual
cases also for plant and wood processing. We were particularly interested in Swiderian points, which were
employed as components of projectile weapons. A quantitative approach was applied in order to precisely determine
the function of willow leaf points – whether they were used as arrowheads, dart-tips or spear-points.
Not without reason, Mesolithic microliths are generally considered to be components of throwing weapons, as proved by many premises: archaeological sources, ethnographic data and results of experimental and traceological research. How¬ever, on the basis of microscopic analyses carried out on sev¬eral hundreds of microlithic geometrical forms from the west¬ern part of the Polish Lowland (sites: Jastrzębia Góra 4, gmina Władysławowo; Turowiec 3, gmina Brusy; Wojnowo 3, gmina Kargowa; Zuławka 13, gmina Wyrzysk), one can isolate an ad¬ditional group of a different type of traces resulting, among others, from contact with hides or flesh. Is it possible to defi¬nitely state on this basis that some of the microliths were used for purposes other than shooting during hunts? The present article attempts to answer this question.
It was hypothesized that some of the microtraces distin¬guished were not effects of the use of the microliths but of ar¬tefact storage in various kinds of containers made of organic materials. To verify the hypothesis, a series of experimental studies was conducted. As the tests showed, the microscopic changes on experimental specimens were analogous with those formed on the Mesolithic microliths from the territories of Wielkopolska and Pomorze.
In view of the data obtained it is suggested that to interpret the traces different types of factors affecting their shape and connected with broadly seen social context should be taken into account. The results of the research indicate that the ori¬gin of at least some of the observed surface changes ought not to be unequivocally interpreted – more than once comparable traces are formed following the storage and use of specimens for various purposes.
ABSTRAKT Niniejszy artykuł jest studium poświęconym organizacji przestrzennej osadnictwa kultury świ-derskiej na stanowisku w Krakowie-Bieżanowie 15. W trakcie szerokopłaszczyznowych badań ratowniczych (2004-2008), pozyskano tam liczne materiały krzemienne wiązane z tą kulturą. Pochodzą one zarówno z obiektów, jak np. niewielkiej krzemienicy (KB-15/1 – obiekt 1), czy skupiska materiału (obiekt 2 i 3), jak również ze znacz-nej części przebadanej partii stanowiska, gdzie zostały podjęte jako znaleziska pojedyncze. Analiza planigraficzna podstawowych grup narzędziowych, tj. liściaków (ostrzy) świderskich, drapaczy i rylców, pokazała, że ich rozrzut wokół obiektów archeologicznych nie jest przypadkowy i wskazuje on na zróżnicowanie w zakresie funkcjonalnej organizacji przestrzeni przez ludność kultury świderskiej na stanowisku. Niniejsze badanie miało odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące właściwości tego zróżnicowania. W tym celu przebadano mikroskopowo część dostępnego ma-teriału. Chociaż stan zachowania zabytków mocno ograniczył możliwość przeprowadzenie analizy traseologicznej, to poczyniono szereg cennych obserwacji. Szczególnie interesujące wnioski dotyczyły liściaków i drapaczy. Dodatkowo, liściaki świderskie, jako miarodajna kategoria zabytków związanych z kulturą świderską, zostały przeanalizowane przez zastosowanie metod morfometrycznych (analiza przekroju poprzecznego ostrza, analiza kąta ostrza, morfometria geometryczna kształtu liściaków), a płynące z nich wnioski uzupełniły badania traseolo-giczne. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wskazanie wyróżniających się obszarów (strefy liściaków, drapaczy i ryl-ców) oraz ich interpretację funkcjonalną. Słowa kluczowe: Paleolit schyłkowy, kultura świderska, analiza geometryczno-morfometryczna kształtu, analiza tra-seologiczna, analiza przekroju poprzecznego
Extended deadline for applications is 15 July 2018.
Further details on the conference can be found on