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This course critically examines some of the historical and contemporary theoretical aspects around the subject of war, from why it takes place, who fights, why they fight, the problems with war, and what it does to different populations.
course outline , International Marketing
Asian Review of Books, 2023
Why are we surprised that, while Islam forbids wine, Muslims have been known to imbibe? Doesn't Christianity prohibit adultery? In Angels Tapping at the Wine-shop Door, Rudi Matthee explores the contradiction between the formal ban on alcohol and the essential cultural role of wine in Muslims societies over the ages. At first glance, the prohibition of wine appears straightforward. Islam's scriptures consider wine impure, drunkenness improper, and drunkards excluded from heavenly rewards. But historically practices were more complicated. As long as drinking did not disturb the social order, eg tippling
BE(Civil), LLB(Hons), MBA, CLP, M.I.E.M., P. Eng(M) Advocate and Solicitor A paper presented at a seminar on CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AND ARBITRATION organized by The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Perak Branch) on 18 October 2003 in Ipoh.
In Hatfield v. King, 184 U.S. 162 (1902) a factual dispute about standing similar to those which exist here came before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court applied the law applicable to these circumstances by stating: We have refrained from spreading upon our records a detailed statement of the charges and countercharges made in the various motions and affidavits that have been filed, and have only referred to so much as seemed necessary for the present disposition of the case. But our reticence in this respect must not be taken as expressive of a purpose to ignore them. The charges are serious ones, affecting the integrity of counsel, commended, by the fact of admission to the bar of the Circuit Court, to the confidence of the community. They involve that due administration of justice in that court and cannot be passed without notice and action. It is not enough that the doors of the temple of justice are open; it is essential that the ways of approach be kept clean. We refrain from extended comment because, as heretofore stated, the testimony is mainly by ex parte affidavits, which are often, this case being no exception, quite unsatisfactory, and it is only through the sifting process of cross-examination that the real facts can be disclosed. When the truth is ascertained, if there be wrongs as charged, the language of judicial condemnation should be clear and emphatic, and a punishment inflicted such as the wrongs deserve; and if no wrong has been done the conduct of counsel will be cleared from suspicion. It is fitting that this investigation should be had in the first place in the court where the wrong is charged to have been done and before the judge who, if the charges are correct, has been imposed upon by counsel, and it may be wise that both examination and crossexamination be had in his presence. Id., 184 U.S. at 167-68.
Cognitive Processing, 2024
As people commonly observe dog behaviors like the sudden bursts of physical movement colloquially known as "zoomies," and the canine penchant for sticking their nose out of car windows and for sniffing intently in dog parks, it is not surprising that people generally believe dogs learn and communicate by smell. While people generally discount their own olfactory sensitivity and the importance of smell overall, humans also learn and communicate by smell, in some cases even better than dogs. In this article, we discuss why this information exchange matters for learning and memory and why virtual meetings don't pass the sniff test.
Giornata di studi consacrata alla cartografia delle varietà linguistiche medievali. Per ottenere il link teams, mandare un messaggio a [email protected]
Contributions to Indian Sociology, 2012
Through an exploration of the concepts that inform one's conduct in everyday life, this article seeks to make manifest the performative code that lies at the heart of Barelwiyat. To 'be' a Barelwi, it is necessary to owe allegiance to a particular worldview in a way that one's faith is inscribed onto one's self, both within and without. An ineluctable relationship is thus forged between 'doing' and 'being', wherein both affirmation and denunciation become incumbent upon those who claim to be Barelwi. These practices, considered essential and public in nature, enable and necessitate the existence of a shared idiom, facilitating the decryption of bodily enactments and kinesthetics, and allowing them to be judged by the moral community at large. I draw upon my own experience of growing up in an avowedly Barelwi household, as well as ethnographic research carried out in Bareilly to bring forth this dimension of faith.
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 2011
Along with the threat of climate change and its related hazards, rapid urban growth is leading to unplanned urbanization, high population density and environmental degradation of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Already the severity of climate-related hazards, especially flooding, is increasing. It is predicted that among the coastal mega-cities Dhaka would be the most vulnerable to climate change. This research measures the existing level of climate disaster resilience of Dhaka City Corporation by assessing the problems and potentialities in different sectors. The Climate Disaster Resilience Index (CDRI) was calculated for 10 different zones of Dhaka City Corporation. CDRI analysis comprises five different dimensions (physical, social, economic, institutional and natural), 25 parameters and 125 variables (development issues). Findings show that besides location, the utility services, accessibility to roads, housing and land-use, health, social capital and environmental conditions are each playing a role in determining the resilience level of different zones. It is interesting to note that the planned residential areas have relatively higher levels of climate disaster resilience, while old parts of the city and densely populated low income areas have lower levels of resilience. Dhaka, being the primate city of the country, continuously faces numerous challenges and opportunities. It is expected that by utilizing CDRI results in policy formulation and development planning, these challenges could be minimized and opportunities enhanced, leading to a more resilient city in the future.
Christoph Links Verlag , 2003
Educação a Distância e Ensino Remoto: Multifacetas e realidades das práticas docentes, 2021
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 2021
System, Hypothesis, and Experiments: Pierre-Sylvain Régis, in Reading Descartes. Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning, a cura di A. Strazzoni e M. Sgarbi, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2023, pp. 155-168
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
Revista de História das Ideias, O corpo, vol. 33, Instituto de História e Teoria das Ideias, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 2012, 2012
noms dialectaux des végétaux de la Corrèze, 2022
Hispanica Lyra 1 (2005, marzo), 10-13
MLS Educational Research, 2018
Shock, 2006
Al-Istinbath: jurnal hukum Islam, 2022