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Abiotic factor is one of component or factor in environment who has influenced to organism. Abiotic factor is divided into two categories, they are Physical resourch and physical factors for defense organism's life. The measuring of abiotic factors can use the measuring tools, like lux meter, anemometer and weather meter. The function of this practical work are knowing the component of abiotic environment, knowing the principal, work method, and the method of using measuring's tool of abiotic factors and can explain influencing abiotic component for enivironment. Keyword : abiotic factors, Physical resourch, physical factor, lux meter, anemometer and weather meter. ABSTRAK Faktor abiotik merupakan salah satu komponen atau faktor dalam lingkungan yang mempengaruhi organisme. Faktor abiotik terbagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu sumber daya fisik (physical resource) dan faktor fisik (physical factors) yang berfungsi sebagai pertahanan hidup bagi organisme. Pengukuran faktor abiotik lingkungan dengan menggunakan alat lux meter, anemometer, dan weather meter yang memiliki fungsi berbeda beda. Praktikum ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komponen abiotik lingkungan, mengetahui prinsip, cara kerja, dan cara menggunakan alat-alat pengukur faktor abiotik lingkungan serta dapat menjelaskan pengaruh komponen abiotik terhadap lingkungan. Kata kunci : faktor abiotik, sumber daya fisik, faktor fisik, luxmeter, anemometer, dan weather meter.
Aktivitas mikroba dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lingkungannya. Perubahan lingkungan dapat mengakibatkan perubahan sifat morfologi dan fisiologi mikroba.
Ketika di awal perkuliahan semester satu program pasca sarjana doktoral saya mendapat materi perkuliahan Filsafat Manajemen Pendidikan, saya berfikir saya ingin sekali mampu berfikir kritis seperti Pak Rocky Gerung, yang sering saya lihat di layar TV. Seorang dosen Filsafat sohor di Universitas Indonesia. Buah pikirannya yang kadang kontradiktif dan berani melawan arus lawan
Sansevieria trifasciata L. (Agavaceae) is a plant that can be grown in all places, both in lowland and highland. Malang with its heights ranging from the coast to 1,200 m asl is interesting to be studied because it has great potential for the diversity of Sansevieria. Altitude affects the soil and climatic conditions, so that the altitude affects the phenotype of the plant. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of abiotic factors on the relationship of Sansevieria trifasciata L. that grow at different altitude. Sansevieria samples were taken from 23 locations in Malang in lowland and highland. The observation was on the morphology, and it abiotic factors, ie altitude, temperature, humidity, soil pH, precipitation, and light intensity. The results showed that the abiotic factors have little effect on the morphology of Sansevieria trifasciata L. that grows in the highlands and lowlands.
Jurnal Silva Tropika
The puspa plant (Schima wallichii) is a tree species that is widely used as building raw material, producing firewood, making paper, furniture industry, animal feed, traditional herbal medicine and producing dyes. Puspa Plants in the Bulian Customary Forest Area Grows in environmental conditions with a flat topography, namely at a slope of 0%-5%, alluvial soil type, pH conditions ranging from 5-6 and brown soil color, clay texture, dusty clay, to dusty clay loam with a percentage of 2%-9% sand per ticket, 21%-64% dust particles and clay particles ranging from 33%-75%. The nutrient content of N ranges from 0.15% - 0.2%; nutrient K ranges from 0.01% - 0.02%; nutrient Ca ranges from 0% - 0.06%; Mg nutrients ranged from 0.01% - 0.04% and P nutrient content from 4.64 me/100g to 17.27 me/100g. While the abiotic component of climatic factors, puspa plants grow in environmental conditions with daily light intensity ranging from 112.25 lux - 2156.25 lux, temperature and humidity ranging from...
Eurasian Studies, 2024
International Journal of Home Science, 2022
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