Programm Seriality in Periodicals.pdf

Coherence & Interruption: Seriality in Periodicals, 13-15 September 2018, Ruhr-Universität Bochum International Summer School with Laurel Brake (London), Ellen Gruber Garvey (New Jersey), Matthew Philpotts (Liverpool), Madleen Podewski (Berlin), Geoffrey Belknap (National Media Museum Bradford)

COHERENCE & INTERRUPTION: SERIALITY IN PERIODICALS INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL with Laurel Brake (London), Ellen Gruber Garvey (New Jersey), Matthew Philpotts (Liverpool), Madleen Podewski (Berlin), Geoffrey Belknap (National Media Museum Bradford) and Members of the DFG Research Unit 2288 ›Journal Literature‹ 2UJDQLVHGE\0LUHOD+XVLÈ1LFRODV3RW\VFKDQG1RUD5DPWNH 13.–15.09.2018 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum w w w. r u b . d e / j o u r n a l l i t e r a t u r Programme Thursday, 13th September 2018 9.30 - 9.45 Welcome & Opening Remarks (Mirela Husić, Ni olas Pot s h a d Nora ‘a tke Seminar 1 (Chair: Mirela Husić 09.45 - 11.15 Matthew Philpotts (Liverpool) a. Matthew Philpotts: Defining the Thick Journal: Periodical Codes and Common Habitus (pre-print) . Matthe Philpotts 5 : Di e sio : Fra tal For s a d Periodi al ‹e ture. I : Victorian Periodicals Review, 48 (3), pp. 403-427 11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break Project Discussion 1 (Chair: Mirela Husić 11.45 - 13.15 Oishani Sengupta (Rochester) Ghosts of the Marketplace: Illustration, Seriality and the Victorian Novel Max Koss (Chicago, Berlin) Serial Despite itself: Pan between Deep and Differentiated Time 13.15 - 14.45 Lunch Seminar 2 (Chair: Vincent Fröhlich) 14.45 - 16.15 Geoffrey Belknap (Bradford) a. Geoffrey Belknap, "Introduction", In: From a Photograph: Authenticity, Science and the Periodical Press, 1870-1890, London 2016, pp. 1-13 b. Geoffrey Belknap (2018), "Illustrating Natural History: Images, Periodicals, and the Making of nineteenth-Century Scientific Communities". In: British Journal for the History of Science, 51 (3) (pre-print) 16.15 - 16.45 Coffee Break Project Discussion 2 (Chair: Vincent Fröhlich) 16.45 - 18.15 Liam Young (Alberta) Eating Serials: Pastoral Power, Print Media, and the Vegetarian Movement in the Nineteenth Century Simon Grennan (Chester) Expectation, Existing Knowledge and Journal Serialisatio i Marie Du al s Comic Parodies of the Annual Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions, 1870-1880 18.45 Dinner (at Q-West) Friday, 14th September 2018 Seminar 3 (Chair: Stephanie Gleißner) 09.30 - 11.00 Madleen Podewski (Berlin / Marburg) a. Fra k Kelleter: Fi e Wa s of Looki g at Popular “erialit . I : Kelleter, Fra k ed. : Media of Serial Narrative. Columbus 2017, pp. 7-34 . Ja es Mussell pp. 343-358 5 : ‘epetitio : Or, In Our Last I : Victorian Periodicals Review, 48 (3), 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break Project Discussion 3 Chair: Stephanie Gleißner) 11.30 - 13.00 David Brehm (Marburg) Between Fixation and Flo : ‹heodor Fo ta e s Cécile as a Book and as a Journal Text Caroline Mannweiler (Mainz) Exhausted Serialit ? Balza s „‹héorie de la dé ar he i L‘Europe littéraire 13.00 - 14.30 Lunch Seminar 4 (Chair: Nicolas Potysch) 14.30 - 16.00 Laurel Brake (London) a. Laurel Brake : ‹he Lo ge it of Ephe era . Li rar Editio s of Nineteenth-Century Periodicals and Ne spapers . I : Media History, 18 (1), pp. 7-20 b. Laurel Brake: Art and News: Writing the Contemporary in the Periodical Press, 1893-1906 (preprint) 16.00 - 16.30 Coffee Break Project Discussion 4 (Chair: Nicolas Potysch) 16.30 - 18.45 Sven Schöpf (Bochum) (Rhetorical) Concepts of Coherence and Discontinuity Cédric Weidmann (Zürich) A Magazi e Agai st Literature : Cohere e-Strategies for Literary Journals in a New Century Gábor Dobó (Budapest) Relations between Art, Financial Background and Periodicity of Avant-Garde and Modernist Journals in Hungary after WWI Saturday, 15th September 2018 Seminar 5 (Chair: Nora Ramtke) 9.30 - 11.00 Ellen Gruber Garvey (New Jersey) a. ‘ a Cordell 5 : ‘epri ti g, Cir ulatio , a d the Network Author in Antebellum Ne spapers. I : American Literary History, 27 (3), pp. 417-445 b. Ellen Gruber Garvey (2015): "Back Number Budd: An African American Pioneer in the Old Newspaper and Information Management Business." In: Brian P. Lusky and Wendy A. Woloson (eds.): Capitalism by Gaslight. Illuminating the Economy Nineteenth-Century America, pp. 215-232 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee Break Project Discussion 5 (Chair: Nora Ramtke) 11.30 - 13.00 Leah Budke (Ghent) Markers and Makers of Tradition: The Serially Published Moder ist Little Anthology (1912-1930) Brittany Carlson (California) Periodical Readers as the Puzzlist Reader 13.00 - 14.30 Lunch (Take-away) Seminar Preparation To ensure fruitful seminar discussions we kindly ask all participants of the Summer School to read and prepare the indicated articles in advance. Please note that some texts in this reader are pre-prints of articles and therefore must not be circulated any further.