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Tensão 2 Resolução: Steven Róger Duarte dos Santos, 2016 1.1 -PROBLEMAS 1.1. Determine a força normal interna resultante que age na seção transversal no ponto A em cada coluna. Em (a), o segmento BC tem massa de 300 kg/m e o segmento CD tem massa de 400 kg/m. Em (b), a coluna tem uma massa de 200 kg/m.
Este material é uma versão expandida das notas que tomei das aulas do Prof.
TENSÃO 01 -A coluna está sujeita a uma força axial de 8 kN aplicada no centroide da área da seção transversal.
The ability to understand other minds is key to communication, social organization, and culture, and actively researched in disciplines such as psychology, ethology, and primatology. The German philosopher Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) developed an elaborate theory of how we understand others, then commonly referred to as empathy (Theorie der Einfühlung). Much recent work on Husserl's theory has interpreted him in opposition to Theory of Mind (ToM), but Husserl's layered account of empathy has received little attention, and so have the more recent versions of ToM, which work with orders of intentionality, and which are applied widely in social cognition research today. This article focuses on Husserl's layered approach, highlighting the main takeaways of his theory, while also providing a commentary, which reflects on his work from a contemporary perspective. This yields a rather different interpretation of him, one which reveals hitherto unnoticed connections with diverse areas of social cognition scholarship.
Madrider Mitteilungen, 2021
Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture, 2018
Journal of Islamic Ethics - Brill, 2019
paesaggio urbano
Urbanization in Iberia and Mediterranean Gaul in the first millennium BC (TRAMA, 7), 2019
Biodiversity Data Journal, 2019
Giardini storici, verità e finzione, 2021
Applied Optics, 2017
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Pan African Journal of Life Sciences, 2020
Journal of Trauma & Treatment, 2017