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Melatonin: An internal signal for daily and seasonal timing
Article in Indian journal of experimental biology · May 2014
Source: PubMed
2 authors:
Amit Trivedi
Vinod Kumar
Mizoram University
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University of Delhi
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Vol. 52, May 2014, pp. 425-437
Review Article
Melatonin: An internal signal for daily and seasonal timing
Amit Kumar Trivedi & Vinod Kumar*
DST-IRHPA Center for Excellence, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India
Melatonin is secreted only during night, irrespective of the habitat of an organism and the site of its synthesis and
secretion, and hence known as “darkness hormone”. Elevated melatonin levels reflect the nighttime. In vertebrates, the main site
of melatonin production is the pineal gland. Species in which melatonin is also secreted from sources other than the pineal, as in
some birds, relative contributions of different melatonin producing tissues to the blood melatonin level can vary from species to
species. Melatonin acts through its receptors, which are members of the G protein-coupled (GPCR) superfamily. Three
melatonin receptors subtypes MT1 (mel1a), MT2 (mel1b), and MT3 (mel1c) have been identified in different brain areas and
other body organs of vertebrates. Melatonin synthesis and secretion are circadianly rhythmic. Changes and differences in
specific features of melatonin signal can vary among species, and under a variety of natural environmental conditions. Two
major physiological roles of melatonin are established in vertebrates. First, melatonin is involved in the circadian system
regulated behavioural and physiological functions. Second, it is critical for the photoperiodic system. Besides, melatonin has
been implicated in various ways both directly and indirectly to human health, including jet lag, sleep, immune system and
Keywords: Bird, Clock, Melatonin, Photoperiod, Sleep
Aron Lerner and collaborators discovered melatonin
(N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) in the vertebrate
pineal gland, which is an unpaired appendage of the
brain (called epiphysis) in most vertebrates. It is an
indoleamine molecule named after its effects on
amphibian melanophores. The presence of melatonin
has been widely reported from plants and protozoa to
humans2. One of the potential reasons for the presence
of melatonin across the living systems appears to be
its chemical nature. It is a lipophilic molecule and
therefore can diffuse into all kinds of cell types
without facing any biological barrier.
During the course of evolution, melatonin is
presumed to have mediated the adaptation to the daynight (light-dark, LD) cycle of the environment.
Melatonin is secreted only during night, irrespective of
the habitat of an organism and the site of its synthesis
and secretion, and hence known as “darkness
hormone”. Elevated melatonin levels reflect night time
andpromote sleep at night; thus aptly called “nature’s
sleeping pill”. Because of its importance in the
regulation of circadian (circa = about; dian = day) and
circannual (circa = about; annum = year) functions,
melatonin is also referred as “circadian glue”.
*Correspondent author
Telephone: 011-27667725; Ext. 212
[email protected]
As in other vertebrates, especially in mammals, the
main site of melatonin production is the pineal gland,
which in most species is situated within the recess
formed by the two cerebral hemispheres and the
cerebellum. Each pineal cell (pinealocyte) synthesizes
and secretes melatonin, as evidenced by in vitro
experiments. Cultured pineal cells exhibit significant
rhythm in the melatonin production, similar to that
exhibited by the pineal gland3,4. Several reports show
significant amount of melatonin production by retinae
of the lateral eyes, harderian gland, and gastrointestinal
tract2. In principle, circulating melatonin levels
faithfully reflect total melatonin production by an
organism. Relative contributions of different melatonin
producing tissues to the blood melatonin level can vary
from species to species. In this aspect, the roles of the
eyes and the pineal have been investigated in a few
species. In the House sparrows (Passer domesticus)
most, if not all, blood melatonin is secreted by the
pineal gland; surgical removal of pineal gland renders
sparrows with undetectable levels of melatonin5,6. In
Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and pigeon
(Columba livia), on the other hand, only a little over than
half of blood melatonin comes from the pineal gland; the
remaining, a little less than half of blood melatonin,
comes from the retinae and other undefined tissues7-9.
Melatonin acts through its receptors, which are
members of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)
superfamily10. Three melatonin receptors subtypes
have been identified in vertebrates: MT1 (mel1a),
MT2 (mel1b), and MT3 (mel1c)11. MT1 and MT2
have been identified in all vertebrates, which have
been investigated, but MT3 has been found only in
non-mammalian species11,12. These receptors have
been identified in different brain areas and other body
organs13. In mammals, a high density of melatonin
receptors has been found in the suprachiasmatic
nuclei (SCN), which is the principal site of the
biological clock in vertebrates14,15 and pars tuberalis
(PT) of the anterior pituitary, which is involved in the
photoperiodic regulation of reproduction in both birds
and mammals16-18.
In mammals, there is a peculiar orphan melatoninrelated receptor (GPR50), to which melatonin does
not bind under in vitro expression assays and remains
a puzzle from a functional perspective19. Recently, by
analysis of Mel1c synteny, GPR50 is shown to be the
mammalian orthologue of Mel1c20. Levoye et al.21
believed that GPR50 acts as a dimerization partner for
mammalian melatonin receptors, thereby modulates
melatonin signal transduction in the ligandindependent manner. A difficulty with this
proposition is rather limited overlap between
melatonin receptor and GPR50 expression, the former
being concentrated in the pars tuberalis (PT) and the
latter showing a strongest expression in the brain
where melatonin receptor expression is weak or
absent22,23. In the hypothalamus, GPR50 is expressed
in areas linked with energy homeostasis [e.g.
paraventricular nucleus (PVN)]22. Intriguingly,
GPR50 in rodents is also expressed in the ependymal
cell layer lining the third ventricle, and thus overlaps
with distribution of Dio2 and Dio3 mRNA
expression. In Siberian hamsters (Phodopus
sungorus), exposure to short photoperiods leads to a
loss of body fat as well as a reproductive switch off,
along with reduced GPR50 expression levels in the
MBH24. GPR50 knockedout mice show a lean
phenotype, with an unusual tendency to express
torpor in response to food restriction25. Taken together
the results from several findings, GPR50 appears to
be linked with the metabolic regulation, rather than
directly to the photoperiodic response, which could be
important in finding insights into its ligand search.
The literature on pineal and melatonin is vast, and
so it may not be possible to review it in a single
review, like the present one. Therefore, because of our
own bias and limitation, the present review is
restricted mainly to birds with relevant information on
mammals, for the sake of comparison, with focus on
the role of melatonin in circadian and seasonal events
in birds.
Regulation of melatonin synthesis and secretion
The regulation of melatonin synthesis and secretion
has been studied in the avian pineal gland. Several
studies have established that day-night cycle of the
environment controls the time and duration of
melatonin synthesis and secretion. Briefly, during the
day, amino acid tryptophan is taken up from the
bloodstream and hydrolyzed to 5-hydroxytryptophan
(5-HTRP) in presence of the enzyme tryptophan
hydroxylase (TRH). Then, it is converted to
5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT, serotonin) by the action
of the enzyme, aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
(AAADC). During the night, serotonin is acted upon
by the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase
(AANAT) forming N-acetylserotonin. The latter
undergoes O-methylation by the action of the enzyme
producing melatonin, the final product of the
biosynthesis. All melatonin synthesized is released
into the circulation since it is a lipophilic molecule.
But at any given time, the concentration of melatonin
within the pineal gland is several folds higher than
that of the blood suggesting that there may be some
mechanism, hitherto unidentified, involved in the
release of melatonin. Microarray studies of the pineal
gland show the presence of genes encoding hormonebinding proteins, like transthyretin4,26. Neuronally,
norepinephrine is shown to be involved in the
regulation of melatonin biosynthesis but its role
appears to be different in birds than what is known
from the biosynthesis of melatonin from the
mammalian pineal gland. In birds, norepinephrine
inhibits cAMP accumulation via alpha-2 adrenergic
receptors and, in turn, inhibits AANAT activity and
melatonin production during daytime. By contrast, in
mammals norepinephrine activates melatonin
production by the pinealocytes during night.
rhythmMelatonin is produced rhythmically:
circulating levels are low during the day and high
during the night. The rhythmicity continues both in
vivo and in vitro under constant conditions of
darkness (DD) or dim light (LLdim) with a period close
to 24 h27-29. Further, an advance or a delay of the
Zeitgeber (zeit = time; geber = giver) conditions (e.g.
LD-cycle) produces corresponding phase shifts of the
melatonin rhythm, and this phase shift is seen even
when the animal is subjected to constant conditions,
suggesting that the underlying circadian melatonin
oscillator was entrained30,31. A further confirmation
that the properties of the melatonin rhythm are
consistent with the melatonin oscillator comes from
T-experiments. Exposure to T-photocycles (LD cycle
with varying periods, e.g. 22, 24, 26 h etc.) produces
changes in the phase of melatonin rhythm27,32 as one
would predict from the oscillatory theory. This is not
surprising as the biochemical pathway involved in the
synthesis of melatonin appears to be regulated by the
circadian clock, which resides within each
pinealocyte. This clock is clearly seen operating both
at the transcriptional level (as seen in the rhythmic
expression of mRNAs of TRH, AANAT and HIOMT)
and posttranscriptional level (AANAT protein activity
parallels the presence and absence of AANAT mRNA
expression)4,33,34. At molecular level, pinealocytes
appear to be equipped with all those genes, which are
implicated in the generation of circadian rhythmicity
in other tissues including the hypothalamic clock.
However, the degree of persistence of circadian
rhythmicity could vary between species28,30,31,35,36.
Role of melatonin in the regulation of physiology
Two major physiological roles of melatonin are
established in vertebrates. First, melatonin is involved
in the circadian system. Second, melatonin is critical
for the photoperiodic system to sense the environment
and operate accordingly. Organisms use daily
melatonin rhythm to decipher the photoperiodic
message (LD cycle) of the environment.
Melatonin in the circadian systemA circadian
system is conceptualized as comprising three
components: an input pathway, a central clock with an
intrinsic capacity of generating precise oscillations,
and an output pathway. In mammals, the SCN of the
anterior hypothalamus contains central circadian
pacemaker and coordinates overt circadian
rhythms14,15. In birds the circadian system is highly
complex, as it comprises several independent clocks.
Each clock has its own input and output pathways.
Thus, birds perceive light by the retinae of the lateral
eyes, by the pineal gland, and by the photoreceptors in
the hypothalamus. Circadian oscillators are present at
all the three levels, each having independent outputs.
Unlike mammals, avian SCN is recognized in two sets
of structures, medial (mSCN) and visual SCN
(vSCN). Further, in birds these three central clocks
interact with eachother before producing the final
output. Melatonin is a known output of at least two of
them, the pineal gland and the eyes.
In the circadian clock system, melatonin performs at
least two roles, although their relative importance may
be species-specific. (1) Melatonin is a potential clock
component. The retinal and pineal clocks control their
circadian outputs via melatonin rhythm. Therefore, the
absence of melatonin rhythm leads to arrhythmicity.
(2) Melatonin acts as a coupling agent. It affects either
the frequency of one or more oscillators or the strength
of coupling among different oscillators, or both37-39.
Any change that occurs in melatonin profile will,
therefore, induce changes in the circadian system
functions. A high-amplitude melatonin will strengthen
the mutual coupling, resulting in an increase of the selfsustainment of clocks and hence decreases their
susceptibility to the photoperiodic noise. The reduced
melatonin amplitude will weaken the mutual coupling,
resulting in a decrease of the self-sustainment of clocks
and hence facilitating the adjustment of the circadian
system to changing Zeitgeber conditions.
Most studies have measured the effects of pineal
melatonin on circadian system regulated behavioural
rhythms, especially locomotion and feeding activities.
Surgical removal of the pineal (pinealectomy)
disrupts circadian rhythmicity of locomotor activity40,
body temperature41, and feeding38 in House Sparrows.
However, the same effect is not achieved by neural
disconnection of the pineal gland or by chemical
sympathectomy42, which suggests that some humoral
substance (melatonin) is involved. The pineal
(melatonin) contains the circadian information since
arrhythmic pinealectomized House Sparrow becomes
rhythmic when the pineal gland from another bird is
transplanted in its eye43. Periodically applied
exogenous melatonin by infusion or by drinking water
pinealectomized House Sparrows and Pigeons44-46,
confirming that the clock properties of the pineal are
achieved through the secretion of melatonin. The effect
of pineal removal on circadian activity rhythms in the
Indian Weaverbird (Ploceus philippinus) was studied.
When Weaver birds were exposed to a 12L:12D
Zeitgeber conditions, all of them showed good
entrainment. Half of them were pinealectomized and
the other half were sham-operated. Pineal removal led
to the gradual loss of circadian rhythmicity in Indian
Weaverbirds47, similar to that reported in House
The effect of pineal removal though is not uniform
in the avian world. In European Starlings (Sturnus
vulgaris), the role of pineal gland in the control of
circadian behavioural rhythms is only partial.
Pinealectomy impairs activity, but not feeding
rhythms48. In Chicken (Gallus domestics)49 and
Japanese Quail50, the removal of pineal has no effect
on circadian activity rhythms. Rather, removal of the
eye (enucleation) impairs circadian rhythmicity in
Quails. Since enucleation in Quail, achieved by
sectioning the optic nerve, leaves rhythm in melatonin
secretion intact9,51, the melatonin is not responsible
for enucleation-induced arrhythmicity in Quails. In
pigeons, pinealectomy and blinding together produces
arrhythmicity, but none of them alone could achieve
this. Cyclic melatonin infusions restored rhythmicity
in arrhythmic individuals52.
The other evidence of melatonin being part of the
avian circadian system comes from studies, which
have manipulated the rhythm of melatonin. A change
in the amplitude of melatonin, for example, will have
consequential effects on the properties of avian
circadian system, as one would predict from the
general principles of an oscillator theory53. The
persistence of circadian rhythms under constant
conditions, the range of entrainment (i.e. the range of
Zeitgeber periods to which rhythmicity can be
synchronized), and the time required to resynchronize following phase shifts of the Zeitgeber
should change in absence of melatonin rhythm.
Several recent studies clearly support this idea. In
House Sparrows, the elimination of rhythm in plasma
melatonin by pinealectomy which removed the
elevated nighttime melatonin levels, or by melatonin
implants which enhanced both the daytime and
nighttime levels to supraphysiological levels, resulted
in (i) loss of the circadian rhythmicity in locomotion
and feeding38,54, (ii) an increase in the range of
entrainment55,56, and (iii) a decrease in the duration
required for resynchronization following phase shifts 6,57,58.
Changes and differences in specific features of
melatonin signal can also be found to vary under a
variety of natural environmental conditions. For
rhythmicity in House Sparrows when kept under
constant conditions and free-ran, but not when they
were kept under LD and synchronized. Further, there
was always a residual rhythmicity for-a-while in
pinealectomized Sarrows40. On the other hand, lesions
of the hypothalamic pacemaker resulted in severe
impairment of rhythmicity in Sparrows although they
had their pineals intact59. Collectively, this means that
melatonin interacts with at least one oscillator other
than its source to regulate avian circadian rhythmicity.
In absence of melatonin signal, hypothalamic
oscillator functions as a damped oscillator. In
presence of light, however, hypothalamic oscillator
continues to function as a self-sustained pacemaker
even if the melatonin signal is absent.
Pineal gland and clock genes expressionTime is
generated at molecular level within a clock structure
by interlocking transcriptiontranslation negative
feedback loops, comprising positive and negative
limbs. Each limb is formed by a set of core genes
(called clock genes). In vertebrates, core clock genes
of the positive limb are bmal (brain and muscle
ARNT-like) and clock (circadian locomotor output
cycles kaput), while that of negative limb are periods
and cryptochromes. Pineal gland and melatonin have
been shown to influence the expression of these clock
genes in some but not in other species. In rat, pineal
gland is not essential for circadian expression of rper2
mRNA in SCN and peripheral tissues60 and in limbic
forebrain system61. However, in PT of the rat rcry1
expression is directly induced by melatonin62. House
Sparrow vSCN contains melatonin receptor binding
sites63. In Japanese Quail, constant exogenous
melatonin administration caused arrhythmicity or
period changes in body temperature and activity
rhythms64, and rhythmic melatonin administration
entrained feeding rhythm65, but melatonin did not
alter the expression of clock genes in mSCN66. Also,
pinealectomy failed to abolish the rhythmic
expressionof period2 gene in House Sparrows67. Also,
a differential effect of pinealectomy on rhythmic
expression of bmal1, period3 and cryptochrome1in
different brain areas was found in Chicken68. Because
in these studies, gene expression was studied within
three days of exposure to constant conditions, when
birds were still behaviourally rhythmic40, the
possibility remained that there was still residual
melatonin effect on gene expression. It needs further
informationThe duration of nocturnal melatonin
production reflects night length, and hence day
length27. On the other hand, the peak amplitude
melatonin levels also appear to reflect the seasons. In
House Sparrows, these levels are high in summer, low
in winter and intermediate in spring29. Similarly, the
amplitude of plasma melatonin rhythm is significantly
reduced during migratory seasons in migratory
Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin)69, and during summer
months in Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)70,71
and Arctic Svalbard Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus
hyperboreus)72. A study on House Sparrows also
suggested that the pineal gland could store and retain
the photoperiodic information28. Implication of all
these findings is that melatonin rhythm provides the
birds a calendar based on the photoperiodic
information of the environment. The capacity of
storing biologically meaningful information about
time by the pineal may enable birds to compare and
measure the day length, as season progresses, and to
buffer the effects of adverse environmental
conditions, when photoperiodic measurement may be
tampered temporarily. This is supported by a recent
study showing season-linked differences in the genes
expression pattern at the transcript levels that encode
enzymes of melatonin biosynthesis in Chicken
Melatonin and photoperiodic control of
reproduction in birdsBecause melatonin is a part of
avian circadian system, it is assumed to be involved in
the regulation of the photoperiodic effects at one or
the other level. However, melatonin signal appears to
be redundant in many bird species as far as
photoperiodic effects on gonadal growth and
development is concerned. The list of birds include
European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)74, Spotted Munia
(Lonchura punctulata)75, American Tree Sparrow
(Spizella arborea)76, Japanese Quail (Coturnix c.
Bunting (Emberiza
melanocephala)77 and Redheaded Bunting (Emberiza
bruniceps)78. The absence of role of melatonin in
photoperiodic induction of gonadal growth and
development in birds could be explained by a study of
Saldanha et al.79 on Ring Doves (Streptopelia
roesogrisea). They showed direct innervation of GnRH
neurons by deep brain photoreceptors (DBPs). This
might mean that DBPs, which are necessary and
sufficient for the detection of changes in day length that
regulates avian reproduction, are not linked to the
reproductive axis via the circadian system. Alternatively,
these brain photoreceptors also contain clock, a
speculation that needs to be investigated further.
The effects of pinealectomy or melatonin injections
are shown nonetheless in some birds, including
Domestic Duck (Anas platyrhynchos)80, Indian
Weaverbird (Ploceus philippinus)81, Indian Jungle
Bush Quail (Perdicula asiatica)82, Rose-ringed
Munia(Estrilda amandava) . However, Kumar et al.78
reported absence of melatonin effects in certain
phases of the gonadal growth and development cycle
The effect of melatonin as a modulator of testicular
growth and development is also shown in
Blackheaded Bunting. Buntings were implanted with
melatonin-filled or empty silastic capsules
subcutaneously and subjected to 11.75 h light per day
(11.75L:12.25D) of long (red) or neutral (white) light
wavelengths. Those exposed to long light
wavelengths and melatonin-filled capsules had grown
significantly larger testes85. These results are
consistent with the hypothesis that elimination of
melatonin rhythm probably altered the perception of
the day length. Trivedi et al.86 have also shown
themodulatory effect of melatonin on photoperiodic
induction of testicular growth in the Redheaded
Buntings, in which exogenous injections of prolactin
attenuated long day induction of the photoperiodic
However, in Japanese Quail, mediobasal
hypothalamus (MBH) controls photoperiodic time
measurement for reproductive function88. As lesioning
of MBH leads in the blocking of testicular
recrudescence in response to increasing photoperiods
and light illumination of this area resulted in testicular
recrudescence89,90. Rhythmic expression of the clock
genes in the MBH led them to hypothesize that MBH
containsa circadian pacemaker associated with the
photoperiodic time measurement17,91.
Melatonin and GnIHIn vertebrate system,
gonadotropin secretion is under the control of
hormone (GnRH)92. This gonadotropin secretion
could be inhibited by another hypothalamic
(GnIH)93. So far, these GnIH releasing neurons have
been identified only in the PVN of birds93-96.
However, GnIH fibers are distributed throughout the
hypothalamus and also inthe median eminence (ME)
suggesting GnIH to be involved in the regulation of
anterior pituitary functions93,97. Melatonin is shown to
induce GnIH expression in the Quail brain98.
Decreased levels of GnIH precursor mRNA and
peptide in pinealectomized and enucleated Quails
have been to shown to be restored by melatonin
administration in the dose-dependent manner98. Dosedependent effect of melatonin on GnIH release from
hypothalamic explants in vitro has also been reported
in Quail99. There is a diurnal variation in GnIH release
from hypothalamic explants with higher levels during
dark than during light period99. GnIH release was
increased under short photoperiods, when the duration
of night melatonin secretion was longer. In another
study on European Starlings, melatonin was found to
have a season dependent effect on testicular GnIH,
with up-regulated mRNA levels during the pre
breeding periods100.
Melatonin and photoperiodic control of reproduction
in mammals
After the discovery of melatonin, most early
research was focused on its role in the regulation of
reproduction in seasonal breeding rodents and sheep.
It is established that the photoperiodic information is
relayed via rhythmic secretion of melatonin by the
pineal gland101, and is used in the regulation of
reproductive cycle in mammals. Pinealectomized
male Hamsters did not gonadally regressunder nonstimulatory short photoperiods102, and infusion of
melatonin led gonadal regression in Siberian hamsters
on stimulatory long days103. Short day breeding
sheepand goatalso use melatonin in timing their
reproduction104, and melatonin can be used to advance
or induce cyclicity in these seasonal breeders105. The
effect of melatonin is at the central level, i.e. at the
level of hypothalamic-hypophysial axis. In anoestrous
ewes, melatonin treatment over about 10 weeks
induces a significantly high GnRH and LH
pulsatility106. Melatonin in the form of implants has
been commonly used to alter the breeding season of
short day seasonal breeders like ewes and goats107-109.
Melatonin alone110 or combined withphotoperiodalters
reproductive activity in anoestrous ewes111,112. A study
on rabbits showed that melatonin treatment improved
the quantity and quality of ejaculate traits and overall
sexual activity and decreased gestation period and
pre-weaning mortality113.
Melatonin and secondary sexual characteristics
One well-studied secondary sexual character in
which the role of melatonin has been studied is the
development of song system in Passeriformes birds,
commonly called as songbirds. The avian vocalization
can be broadly characterized in two major
categoriesthe song and call. A song is typically
complex, long, multisyllabic and mostly produced by
adult male birds, and is species-specific and can bear
the signature of an individual. Ausually short,
monosyllabic call is also produced bymale and female
as well as juvenile birds for general communications
such as in alarm, food pleading, food availability and
other social communications. However, adult male
birds generally use its song to attract a mating partner
and protect their territory. In captivity, these male
songbirds sing both undirected and directed song to
attract the females, but in some situation as in case of
predator–prey, such songs may not necessarily
address to a conspecific114. The avian vocalization is
under control of complex circuit that includes a group
of interconnected and well distinct nuclei115,
collectively calledas song control nuclei. The circuit
comprises motor nuclei, involved in auditory
feedback essential for vocal learning and
perception116. On the top of this pathway is a nucleus
hyperstriatum ventrale, parscaudale (high vocal
center, HVc) that leads to the nucleus robustus
archistriatalis (RA). RA then leads to nucleus
intercollicularis (ICo) and the XIIth cranial nerve in
the brainstem, which connects to the syrinx. RA and
ICo also communicate to the nucleus retroambigualis
(RAm) and nucleus ambiguous (NA), both help in the
integration of song production117,118. The HVc also
communicates with RA through other pathway, which
consists of a projection from HVc to Area X of the
lobus parolfactorius (LPO) and medial portion of the
dorsolateral nucleus of the anterior thalamus (DLM).
DLM leads to lateral portion of the nucleus
magnocellularis of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN)
that finally connects to RA.
Seasonal variation in the size of nuclei of the song
control system largely depends on the circulating
testosterone level119,120. Nonetheless, there is a
testosterone independent seasonal variation in the size
of song control nuclei121. Melatonin is a key player in
the steroid-independent neuroplasticity of the song
control nuclei induced by the photoperiod122. The
distribution of melatonin binding sites has been well
identified in different regions of avian brain including
the song control system63,123,124. Whitfield-Rucker and
Cassone125 showed 2-[125I]iodomelatonin (IMEL)
binding in the HVc, RA and Area X in male, but not
in female, House Sparrows. However, IMEL in
magnocellularis anterior (MAN) had melatonin
binding sites in both the sexes. There was also a
significant difference in the IMEL binding under
different photoperiods between HVc and RA125. These
IMEL binding studies clearly suggest the involvement
of melatonin in the daily and seasonal regulation of
song in songbirds. This was confirmed through
separate experiments by administering melatonin in
birds kept under different photoperiods. Exogenous
melatonin mitigates the long day induced increase in
the volume of HVc and decrease in the volume of
Area X, independent of the reproductive state, in
European Starlings122. House Sparrows maintained
inconstant light (LL) and received long duration of
melatonin cycle (14 h melatonin and 10 h no
melatonin) exhibited smaller HVc and RA, but those
on the same light treatment with a shortmelatonin
duration (8 h melatonin and 16 h no melatonin) or no
melatonin exhibited larger HVc and RA126; all these
effects were independent of the reproductive state of
The circadian clock can influence song learning as
well as the timing of song production127,128. There is
growing evidence to suggest that circadian clock
effect on bird song and learning behaviour are
mediated through the rhythmic secretion of pineal
melatonin.Wang et al.129, tested more directly this on
Zebra Finches. They showed that pinealectomy led to
the loss of circadian rhythmicity in the activity, song
and call behaviour, and exogenous melatonin restored
rhythmicity in all the three behaviours. Similarly,
song in adult Zebra Finches and crowing in Japanese
Quail was affected in adult birds when they were
socially isolated for several weeks and transferred
from a light-dark (LD) cycle to constant light (LL)
condition, which caused loss of rhythmicity in the
melatonin secretion130. A recent study on roosters
further confirms circadian clock control of crowing131,
but it is not known whether this is influenced by
rhythmic melatonin secretion.
Pineal and non-reproductive seasonal behaviour
Many species of birds migrate to other continent to
avoid hostile environment at home. Such night
migratory birds when kept in captivity and hence
disallowed migration exhibit migratory restlessness
(phenotype by showing intense night time activity) or
Zugunruhe, characterized by wing-whirring132. Such
migratory phenotype expression is reported to be
under the endogenous clock control133,134. Daily
melatonin profile of migratory Garden Warbler
showed corresponding changes inthe simulated nonmigratory and migratory conditionsin the melatonin
levels; night melatonin peak had a lower amplitude in
migratory than in the non-migratory state69. A similar
higher amplitude of melatonin secretion in nonmigratory than in the migratory was also reported in
migratory Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla)135. Resident
population of Blackcaps did not show seasonal
changes in the amplitude of melatonin secretion135.
There is an effect of the absence of pineal on
development of Zugunruhe in the migratory
Blackheaded Bunting; pinealectomized birds show
significantly delayed Zugunruhe on exposure to long
days (unpublished data). However, a relatively recent
study on migratory Garden Warbler showed that food
availability rather than melatonin played a role in the
development of nocturnal migratory restlessness136.
Melatonin and human health
Melatonin has been implicated in various ways
both indirectly and directlyin human health. It is
beyond the scope of this review to address in detailthe
role of melatonin in human health, but a few
examples are given below to highlight the importance
of melatonin in human physiology and diseases that
appeared to be influenced by the biological clock.
Jet lagJet lag describes a temporary disturbance
in the physiology of an individual due to loss of
synchrony between internal circadian clock and
external day-night condition, when the person travels
across multiple time zones in short duration of time,
e.g. flying to a country with different time zone. Most
common symptoms that a jet lagged person will show
are poor night's sleep, feeling groggy during the day
and general unease and gastrointestinal stress. In
general, travelling to the west has a lesser effect than
travelling eastwards. This is probably because we
candaily delay our body clock by ~2 h, but we can
advance only by ~1 to 1.5 h137. Melatonin has been
found to overcome jet lag effects. It is reported that
2-5 mg of melatonin prior to bedtime helps to
overcome jet lag effects and improves sleep
SleepRole of melatonin in sleep regulation has
been widely studied, and the relationship between two
appears complex. The widely accepted mechanism for
melatonin effects on sleep is through the circadian
system. Melatonin opens the sleep gate140 and helps to
lower the body temperature; peak melatonin levels
coincide with low body temperature later in the night.
An interesting case study on the role of melatonin in
sleep comes from a 14 year old boy with germ cell
tumor that involved pineal region was found to have
suppressed melatonin level sand severe insomnia. His
sleep continuity was restored when he took melatonin
at a dose of 2 mg in the evening for 2 weeks141. In
another case study of a 24 year old woman with
reduced and arrhythmic melatonin production, night
sleep consolidation was achieved after eight weeks of
treatment with 2 mg melatonin shortly before
bedtime142. However, a survey on the effects of
melatonin in sleep disturbances that included all age
groups did not find significant and clinically relevant
role of melatonin on sleep quality, efficiency and
latency143. Nonetheless, latter meta-analysis (a metaanalysis is a method that reconstruct the results based
on different published studies, and try to identify the
patterns or other relationship that may come to light in
the context of multiple studies) studies drew different
conclusions. Results from 17 different studies with
284 subjects of older age group subjected to metaanalysis revealed that melatonin had increased sleep
efficiency and reduced sleep onset time144. Similarly,
another meta-analysis study concluded that melatonin
treatment advanced endogenous melatonin and sleepwake rhythms in subjects reported with delayed sleep
demonstrated that melatonin decreased sleep onset
latency, increased total sleep time and improved
overall sleep quality in humans146. Overall, melatonin
has been found effective in treating insomnia among
elderly people147-150.
Immune systemThe role of melatonin in
influencing the activity of the immune system has
been studied during last 15 years. In rodents,
pinealectomy led
to decrease151,152, andthe
administration of melatonin led to increase153 in
weight of immune organs like thymus and spleen.
Extirpation of pineal in newborn rats causes structural
disorganization of thymus154. Pinelacetomy delayed
the development of thymus, spleen and bursa and
affected humoral immune response in Chicks155, and
non-specific immunity in Chicken156 and Ring
Doves157. In Japanese Quail, melatonin given in
drinking water caused an increase in humoral immune
responses without prior immunosuppression158.
Pinealectomy of 4-5 weeks old C57BL/6 mice
resulted in significantly reduced interleukin-2 (IL-2)
production and NK cell activity159. Melatonin plays a
role in the recovery of the immune circadian
organization in arthritic rats160. Melatonin can act
directly on immune system since immunocompetent
have been shown having nuclear receptor for
melatonin161, although non-receptor mediated actions
of melatonin are also known.
CancerIn the last two decades, the medical
implication of melatonin has been studied in relation
to treatment of tumors. Anti-cancerous properties of
melatonin have been reported. It is suggested that
melatonin may control tumor growth partially by
acting as a natural anti-angiogenic molecule162. Most
studies suggest melatonin action on tumor either by
promoting the apoptosis of cancerous cells or by
inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells. At a dose of
50 mg/kg body weight, melatonin reduced the
viability and volume of Ehrlich ascites-carcinoma
cells and increased the survival in female mice163. A
low dose of IL-2 combined with melatonin prolonged
survival time in untreatable advance hematologic
malignancies on 12 human cancer patients164.
Melatonin could also play a role of potential
therapeutic drugs in specific lymphoproliferative
diseases165. Melatonin reduces the viability of human
myeloid HL-60 cells via induction of apoptosis
through the regulation of Bax/Bcl-2 expression166.
Melatonin promoted cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in
cell lines representing different human lymphoid
malignancies including Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)negative BL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma,
follicular B non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and acute
T-cell leukemia cells167. In combination with retinoic
acid and somatostatin, melatonin enhanced anticancer activity and resulted in reduced number of
cancerous cells through apoptosis activity in the
MCF-7 breast cancer cells168.
Conclusion and perspective
Melatonin seems to have much of global effects on
physiology of vertebrates, and has medical
implications even for human health. Whereas
melatonin research in years to come has potential of
providing immense benefit to mankind, there is also
great deal of importance of such research on nonhuman species, and in particular seasonal species like
most, if not all, birds which appear to possess ahighly
complex and diverse, yet plastic, biological clock
system. The properties of avian clock system, and
also clock system in groups like reptiles, amphibians
and fish, hitherto not widely investigated, may vary
from species to species. Species-specific clock could
have tremendous ecological implications, and may be
a part of the survival strategy of birds. This may
enable, for example, species sharing the same
environment to have different temporal strategies in
order to perform optimally. Melatonin appears to be a
key component in this scheme in birds. In absence of
melatonin, all bird clocks may become incapable of
showing self-sustained circadian oscillations. We are
still far away, however, from understanding how
melatonin exactly meets the demands of a multioscillatory avian circadian system to adjust to the
temporal environment. Furthermore, the effect of
melatonin on many aspects of bird behaviour (e.g.
singing, nesting, parental care etc.) is yet to be
investigated thoroughly. This may be essential to
understand more comprehensively the effect of
melatonin on birds life processes. Finally, most data on
the effects of melatonin come from laboratory studies,
and whether laboratory observations will hold good for
the wild population remains to be investigated.
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