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Artistic research project
Journal for the Study of Religions and Idelologies, 2020
The paper seeks to explore aspects of transhumanist art, starting from philosophical and theological perspectives on the future of humanity in the 21st century: body/soul/mind relationship, the problem of death and immortality, as well as questions about the nature of the beings that are emerging from technological developments. In the first part, we are looking at the things that unite and separate posthumanism and transhumanism in terms of their origins and current orientation. We are going to review some Eastern and Western Christian perspectives concerning the technological embrace, the challenge to revisit the definition of the human beings brought by transhumanism, and the pressure it puts on theological thinking. In the second part, we analyze some tendencies in transhumanist art practices and the emergence of new forms of artistic creations. We relate to the promises that transhumanism makes with regards to body prosthetics, cyborgism, and transspeciesism. At the same time, we identify religious thinking in the deification of the artist within the context of the new definitions of art in the digital age. Finally, as humans meditate on the future of humanity, we argue for the need to introduce art perspectives into the ongoing dialogue between philosophy, theology, and science.
Chiasmi International, 2023
In contemporary art, a growing number of artists experiment with non-humans in their actual artworks. This paper examines the issues related to such practices with reference to Jakob von Uexküll’s analyses of the configuration of meaningful worlds by non-human animals, as well as Merleau-Ponty’s and Deleuze-Guattari’s interpretations of Uexküll’s ideas. Uexküll maintained that every living being lives in a world with meaning; Merleau-Ponty understood this claim as situating the beginning of culture in the creativity of non-humans; Deleuze and Guattari emphasized the melodic and rhythmic dimension of this creativity, mainly interpreted as territorialization processes. These elements are paramount to understanding what is at stake with artworks featuring non-humans: considering projects proposals from Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Tomas Saraceno, Ana Maria Lopez Gomez and other contemporary artists, the conclusion is that an artwork featuring an encounter between two territorializing movements has the potential to transform the human range of perception.
Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics, 2022
Medical biotechnologies have developed as a result of man's desire to increase his abilities and to improve his lived experiences. The individual can target, as part of the improvement of his existence, interventions on his body or on his mind. Regardless of how biotechnologies are used, the interface through which the individual benefits from them is his corporeality. Transhumanism can thus aim the improvement of the typical abilities of the human being or the development of atypical ones. At the body level, it is about practical and non-practical purposes, such as those of performance art. Moreover, art states its amoral and non-utilitarian character, the only declared value being the artistic one. In the contrast, the medical practice was, from its beginnings, governed by ethical principles and values. Nowadays, the principle of autonomy is in a favoured position, giving the right to choose interventions that do not represent a medical necessity. But how does favouring the principle of autonomy change the limits of morality in clinical practice? The vanguardists of performance art are vectors in the development of transhumanism in experimental ways. The patient can ask the doctor for interventions on his body that defy the principle of improving typical human characteristics. Thus, if transhumanism has brought us to a posthuman era, it also places us, from the ethical point of view, in a postmoral time when the moral values are replaced by other value categories. So who decides what medical intervention is acceptable and how far transhumanism may arrive?
The article deals with the macro concept of visage: the generation of signs from gestures and interactions, its rhizomatic and multimedia narrative, its artistic representations, its origin and background for a new rise of perceived and perceptual signifiers in which human action, together with natural and machined action, become the co-authors of such articulation. The transhumanism issue concerns not only hybrid representations and perceptions but also all attempts at modalizing incarnation.
An account of the nature/art relation (and/or cognate themes) in the texts of Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Delueze/Guattari with a view to indicating the emergence of a possible 'transhuman' aesthetics.
Technology plays an ever increasing role in our lives, more so now than ever in human history. With advances in the fields of biology, neuroscience, robotics and engineering, we stand on the precipice of great and exciting change according to some, or a moral and social pitfall according to others. In this essay, I introduce the reader to the ‘transhumanist agenda’, explore the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche on the quandary of human purpose and destiny; canvass the different opinions of various authors, philosophers, scientists and artists on the topics of human augmentation and bring to light the potential effects such technology might have on society in the future. This dissertation proposes and argues the need for more public exposure to the concept of ‘Transhumanism’, how mainstream media can help to provide the means to do so, and why it is important for humanity to ask the relevant questions on its implications at this present time.
The article deals with the macro concept of visage: the generation of signs from gestures and interactions, its rhizomatic and multimedia narrative, its artistic representations, its origin and background for a new rise of perceived and perceptual signifiers in which human action, together with natural and machined action, become the co-authors of such articulation. The transhumanism issue concerns not only hybrid representations and perceptions but also all attempts at modalizing incarnation.
Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Journal, 2020
This paper is a critical expository analysis of the controversial philosophy of transhumanism. The method adopted in this philosophical paper is the expository analytic method. The analysis established that transhumanism is both a biotechnological aspiration as well as a philosophical vision of a material t ransfiguration of human condition and experience which ultimate culmination is the man-technology singularity or convergence. This paper concludes that notwithstanding contending voices and the pertinent questions raised regarding the moral standing of tra nshumanist philosophy and their radical dreams for humanity; one fact remains incontestable-the fact that their promises are relishing, enticing and impressive. With regard to whether or not humanity can attain the height envisioned by transhumanist, we c onfidently hold that the unprecedented legacies and achievements of science and technology overwhelmingly affirm the high probability of the realization of the material transfiguration of humanity.
Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment
Book review of Art and Posthumanism Essays, Encounters, Conversations.
RACIn - Revista Analisando em Ciência da Informação E-ISSN: 2317-9708, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, 2019
Social Construction and Social Critique, 2012
A. Russo, F. Guarneri (a cura di), Santuari mediterranei tra Oriente ed Occidente. Interazione e contatti culturali, Roma, 2016
IBL PAN, sygn. P.I.280, 2006
Nigerian Food Journal, 2014
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2019
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 2007
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1985
Indian Journal of Weed science, 2015
Physical Review D