A Bibliometric Analysis

The research publications in the field of Medical Research are increasing year by year. In this paper the authors have studied bibliometrics analysis of the Indian Journal of Medical Research [IJMR] for the period of five years between 2000 and 2005. The authors analyzed the year-wise publication of the journal, authorship pattern, source-wise publication, etc.

Introduction The Indian Journal of Medical Research (2000 – 2005): A Bibliometric Analysis The last few decades, libraries have shown a considerable degree of momentum in the collection of building and leadership programme activities which involved considerable investments. In Library and Information Science, the Biobliometric study is one of the important thrust areas to do Research. Historically bibliometric methods have been used to trace relationships amongst academic journal citations and it is a set of methods used to study or measure texts and information. Many research fields use bibliometric methods to explore the impact of their field, the impact of a set of researchers or the impact of a particular paper. G. Manivannan Ph.D. Research Scholar K. Sanjeevi Assistant Professor Dept. of Library & Information Science, Annamalai University,Annamalainagar – 608 002, Tamil Nadu e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Alan Pritchard (1969) has coined the word `bibliometrics’. It is the application of mathematical and statistical analysis to bibliographic units. When statistical methods were applied to analyze bibliographies, a new discipline in information science emerged known as “Bibliometrics”. According to Sengupta (1985) Bibliometrics is the organization classification and quantitative evaluation of publication patterns of all macro and micro communication along with their authorships by mathematical and statistical calculus. The British standard Institution defines that the word Bibliometric is used to study of documents and patterns of publications in which mathematical and statistical methods have been applied. The research publications in the field of Medical Research are increasing year by year. In this paper the authors have studied bibliometrics analysis of the Indian Journal of Medical Research [IJMR] for the period of five years between 2000 and 2005. The authors analyzed the year-wise publication of the journal, authorship pattern, source-wise publication, etc. Keywords Bibliometrics, Medical Research, Authorship pattern Electronic access The journal is available at Laws of Bibliometrics The laws of Bibliometrics facilitate to achieve the said objective. These laws are empirically founded statistical distribution. There are three laws are used in Bibliometric study. (a) Lokta’s Law of productivity of authors contributing in a discipline or other fields. (b) Bradford’s Law of scattering of articles over different journals. Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science ISSN: 2277-2219:Vol. No. 2. 2012. pp.100-103 (c) Zipf’s Law for frequency occurrence of words in a text (word count). In this paper the authors have studied the research out in the Indian Journal of Medical Research during the period from 2000 to 2005. 100 Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science, Vol.1,No.2,Apr-June, 2012, pp-100-103 The Indian Journal of Medical Research (2000 – 2005): A Bibliometric Analysis/G.Manivannan &K.Sanjeevi   About the Journal The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) is a biomedical journal with international circulation. It publishes original communications of biomedical research that advances illuminates medical science or educates the journal readers. The Indian Journal of Medical Research is published a monthly by Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. The primary data has been collected from the Indian Journal of Medical Research [IJMR] which is available at Annamalai University Medical Library. The secondary data were collected from the journal articles, books and other sources available in the Central Library and the websites. This study covers the year between 2000 and 2005 for analysis purpose. The Review of related literature is a significant and primary component in any research investigations. It enables to understand the earlier research interests, research pattern and the magnitude of research output in the field of knowledge. More number of research works has been carried out in Bibliometrics study. Tools used The collected data were tabulated in the MS-Office Excel sheet and used the simple statistics and percentage analysis are used. The extent of collaboration in research has been measured with the help of authorship pattern of papers. The following formula stipulated by Subramanyam (1983) is used for measuring collaboration. William Gray Potter (1981) has viewed bibliometrics as the study and measurement of the publication pattern of all forms of written communication and their authors. Ravichandra Rao and Neelameghan (1992) have traced the development of the application of quantitative methods in library and information science. Lancaster (1992) has presented a bibliometric analysis of the citations to Ranganathan’s writings over the period 1956-1990 using social sciences citations index and science citation index. Dhanya (2007) has studied mapping of literature on Diabetes Research in India. Sivaprasad et al. (2007) have studied a bibliometric analysis of the Indian journal of Agronomy and citations analysis of doctoral studies in Geology respectively. Sathiyamurthy et al. (2008) have studied citation analysis of Ph.D. theses in the Department of History, Annamalai University. C = NM -------------NM + NS Where C = extent of collaboration in a discipline NM = No. of multiple authored papers in the discipline Published during the year and NS = No. of single authored papers. Results The year-wise publication of the journal is given in Table – 1. Year No. of Issues 2000 12 2001 12 2002 12 2003 12 2004 12 2005 12 Total 60 Objective:  To find out research publication among Education Institution and Research Center. Methodology: Review of Literature  To study source-wise publication of the journal. To find out years-wise publication of the journal. From the above table, it is noted that the Indian Journal of Medical Research has published monthly. Totally 60 issues are published for five years between 2000 and 2005. To analyze the authorship pattern. 101 Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science, Vol.1,No.2,Apr-June, 2012, pp-100-103 The Indian Journal of Medical Research (2000 – 2005): A Bibliometric Analysis/G.Manivannan &K.Sanjeevi The authorship pattern of the research output in the IJMR is given in Table – 2. Table-2: Authorship pattern between 2000 and 2005 Year Single author Double author Three author Four author Five author Multiple authors Total 2000 18 10 12 14 22 76 2001 08 17 18 09 21 73 2002 05 13 18 13 14 10 73 2003 02 23 14 12 14 65 2004 06 15 17 20 10 13 81 2005 05 13 31 20 18 25 112 TOTAL 16 69 116 97 77 105 480 Percentage % 3.33 14.37 24.16 20.20 16.04 21.87 100% The Source-wise publication in the journal during the study period is given in Table – 3. The source of publication in the IJMR is categorized as Book Review, Journal Article, Case Study, Reports and Website. The three authors publication is occupied first position (24.16%) followed by multiple authors (21.87%), four authors (20.20%). Further the overall author contribution is higher during the year 2004 (112 authors) followed by the year 2004 (81 authors), 2000 (76 authors). Table-3 : Source-wise publication between 2000 and 2005 YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total % Journal Article Book Review Case Study Reports Website 1386 86 8 12 - 1273 84 9 13 - 1925 99 15 8 2 1866 106 9 19 4 3382 100 20 17 23 1379 2049 2004 3542 14067 667 90 114 107 15045 93.49 4.43 0.59 0.75 0.71 1492 4235 192 29 45 78 4579 TOTAL 100% From the above table, it is clearly noted that the Journal articles are occupied first position (93.49%) followed by book review (4.43%), Reports (0.75%). Further the year-wise publication of journal articles is also increasing between 2002 and 2005. The publication output among the Educational Institution and Research Centre is given in Table – 4. The pubilcation of Educational Institution is occupied first position (578 articles) compared to Reserch Centre (178 articles). Further the publication of articles by the educational institution is increasing gradually between 2000 and 2005. Table-4: Publication among Educational Institution and Research Centre Findings  Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Educational Institution 75 52 82 82 102 185 578 (%) Research Centre (%) 12.99 8.99 14.18 14.18 17.64 32.00 100% 24 20 13 26 36 59 178 13.48 11.23 7.30 14.60 20.22 33.14 100%    102 The year-wise publication of journal is published monthly and 60 issues are taken for the study. The three authors publication is occupied first position followed by multiple authors and four authors. The journal articles are occupied first position followed by Book Review and Case Study. The Educational Institution publication is more (578 articles) compared to Research Centre (178 articles). Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science, Vol.1,No.2,Apr-June, 2012, pp-100-103 The Indian Journal of Medical Research (2000 – 2005): A Bibliometric Analysis/G.Manivannan &K.Sanjeevi 3. Lancaster, F.W. (1992). Ranganathan’s Influence examined Bibliometrically. Libri, 42(3) : 268-281. 4. Sathiyamurthy, M.G., Sanjeevi, K., Prabakaran, T. And Mohamed Esmail (2008). Citation Analysis of Ph.D. theses in the Department of History, Annamalai University, Library Progress (International), 28(2): 221-231. 5. Siva Prasad, G., Venkata Rao, K. And Ratan Jyothi, M. (2007). Citation Analysis of Doctoral Studies in Geology. Pearl, 1(4) : 11-21. 6. Subramanyam, K. (1983). Bibliometric studies of research collaboration: A review. Journal of Information Science, 6 (1983): 3-5. William Gray Potter (1981). Introduction. Library Trends, 30(1): 5. Conclusion The publication of research output in the field of Medical Research is increasing year by year. The medical practitioners are also interested to publish their research work through research articles, case study, reports, etc. in reputed journals. The Medical Research centres is also try to publish their research output through the reputed journals for the benefit of the users in their field. References : 1. Alan Pritchard (1969). Statistical Bibliography: An Interim Bibliography. North-Western Polytechnic School of Librarianship, London. 2. Dhanya, P. (2007). Mapping of Diabetes Research in India. A Bibliometric study. M.Phil. Dissertation, Annamalai University. 7. 103